M-Preg Stream Story 4: Breeding More Raiders

Story by draconicon on SoFurry

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A new commissioner comes to the ranks with this story, detailing a theft of a latex dragon from a lab, and an incredibly insidious use that he is to be put to.

If you like these little short stories, consider coming in during my weekly streams and getting one for yourself. They're only $10, and customized for your needs.

Breeding More Raiders for Leviathan by Draconicon

Though he was a lab made creation, Levi was not a robot in his feelings for his creators. The latex dragon fought to protect them as the mercenary dragons of Ostfar broke through the security systems for the scientists' research, and he even managed to capture a few with his training before the main body of soldiers reached the center of the complex.

Even then, the white latex dragon was quick. He darted from side to side, taking blows that would have felled the weaker species. His latex body could take a lot of punishment, more than even the average dragon.

But compared to the firearms that they brought along, even his body could only do so much. Levi collapsed under a hail of bullets, his body torn apart, and needing time to reform. He was left helpless on the floor of the lab as the mercenaries pushed through, taking what they wanted and cutting down those that stood in their way. He closed his eyes, groaning silently at his failure to save them, as he slowly faded into unconsciousness.


"Hey! Wake up!"

A booted foot kicked into his head. Due to the fact he was made of latex, he felt the pressure, but not the pain. Even that was enough to wake him up, though, and Levi groaned as he lifted his head.

Standing above him was one of the mercenaries that had attacked the lab. He was a red dragon, probably about seven feet tall. Armored, too, with boots that were steel toed, from how it felt to be kicked with them. Levi looked past him, seeing a group of at least two dozen more dragons around, each one equipped with the same armor and a lot more weaponry than the guy looming over him. Levi rolled onto his back, projecting a nonchalance that he really didn't feel.

"What do you want, murderers?"

"We got what we want. You."


"We ain't the biggest band out here, but with the help of someone like you, we'll grow fast enough."

"Grow? I don't -"

Levi shook his head. Why was he trying to understand? He looked away, only to have that boot push down on his head again, flattening him out. Painlessly, but still, it felt ridiculous.

"Will you get that thing off of me?!"

"Not until you listen."

"Fine, fine. Get it off of me, murderer, and I'll listen."

Chuckling, the red dragon pulled his boot away. As Levi's face reformed, the soldier explained his situation.

"We're just looking to make our way here. We ain't any sort of brainiacs. We're not from any college, and some of us got...issues...that the military would have a problem with. So, we made ourselves a little fighting band, and we get along by killing people for pay.

"But we can't compete with the big guys, who have hundreds and hundreds of fighters, you know? I mean, we're losing guys every time, so we need to make more. If we can get all those guys back, and get a lot more guys too, we can be as strong as the big companies.

"That's where you come in."

"You know I can't clone myself, right?"

"Don't matter. It wasn't what we were looking for, anyway."

The red dragon suddenly pulled down his zipper, and a big red cock, longer than Levi's back spines and thicker than his fist, dropped into view. The latex dragon couldn't believe what he was looking at, but he didn't have time to consider it before he was flipped on his back, pinned down by other heavy, booted feet as the rest of the company surrounded him.

"What are you doing?!"

"The eggheads in that lab of yours were working on a lot of stuff, rubber-boi. One of those was using you as an 'ink-u-bater.'" Another dragon, a blue one, laughed as he pulled out a syringe. "Guess what I have here?"

Levi could only stare at the glowing green syringe. He remembered Doctor Helven working on that. It was supposed to make dragons able to grow synthetic limbs once their DNA was added to the latex that he was made of. The project was supposed to allow the lab to make cheap but lasting prosthetics for those that served and lost limbs. Now...what would happen if it was injected in him?

He'd find out pretty quick, he supposed. The needle jabbed into his stomach, one of the few things that did sting as it slid into his latex body. The green slid in, lighting up his white 'scales' with the goo, running in lines down his body, but leaving a large green circle around his stomach and - embarrassingly enough - under his tail as well.

The dragons around him laughed, and started pulling down their pants, exposing their cocks. Levi couldn't smell per se, not like fully living creatures, but he registered the scents coming from them. Sweaty musk that showed just how much their 'company' cared about daily washing. He groaned, shaking his head, trying to squirm his flattened arms and legs out from under the heavy boots, but nothing worked.

"Alright, boys. Let's see if all that fighting was worth it."

The red dragon was first, pulling Levi's hips up. Due to his unnatural nature, the dragon's body stretched, pulled around and molded so that his head stayed on the ground, as did his feet, but his body was up as if he was some sort of living table. He flinched at the first finger to slide inside of his hole, but more because of the strange pleasure that came with it rather than any pain. The dragons laughed.

"See? The slut likes it."

"I am not a slut."

"Heh, you will be."

One finger became two, then three, then four in short order as his body rapidly relaxed to what they wanted it to be. The dragons pushed at him, forcing his hole to mold to their desires, until one of them pushed an entire fist up his ass. Levi howled, throwing his body from side to side, but even his latex nature couldn't break him free. The soldiers grinned as they stroked their cocks, getting ready for the main event.

As the fist slid out, his hole tightened up again, but not enough to stop the first cock from sliding in. Red and thick, just like it's owner, it forced his hole open again as it pounded in and out, in and out, with big scaly balls slapping against his ass with each and every thrust, leaving little flattened spots that filled in again just in time to be flattened once more.

Levi groaned as he thrust his body from side to side, trying to escape the larger, normal dragons as they used him. He could already feel his body changing on the inside, the interior of his latex form starting to swell outwards as though it was being filled with air. It wasn't, but his stomach bulged outwards, swelling like he was being pumped up with a bike pump to the rhythm of the red dragon's thrusts.

Growling, he tried to bite at one of the booted feet around him, but all he managed to accomplish was getting a boot shoved into his mouth. His face distended around it, and he groaned as the thrusts got harder, faster down his ass. The red dragon poked his stomach as he thrust harder.

"Look at that...He's even got a read-out..."

Not that the latex dragon could see it, but he could feel something on his stomach glowing with heat. He groaned, his body reacting without his consent as his hole stretched wider as the red dragon slammed in, and then tightened as it pulled out.

"Oooh, look at that, boys. He's starting to like it."

Much as Levi hated to admit it, there was something he was beginning to like. He could feel his body producing his shaft, something that normally never happened without the inducements of various injections, and his own fluids started running over his swelling belly. It left his cheeks burning red as well as his hole was filled and emptied, filled and emptied over and over again.

Finally, the red dragon came, and he came hard. Levi felt it filling him up, but rather than just the warmth that he'd felt in other injections, it brought along something...else. His belly swelled further, and as the boot in his mouth was pulled away, he was finally allowed to look up and see what was going on.

To his shock, his belly had grown outwards by more than a foot, the formerly flat board of his stomach now bulging with various bumps. From what he could feel, those bumps...those bumps were eggs, made of his own mass. The red dragon grinned as he pulled out, Levi collapsing as his...partner...laughed.

"Heh, told you guys that this bitch would pay off. Look at that; he's already swelling with the first clutch."

"Yeah, but what about the rest of us?"

"What do I care? Fuck him as much as you want; maybe we'll get even more eggs for the first clutch if you use him enough."

Levi groaned, trying to pull away, but they only flipped him onto all fours before he was grabbed again. Big hands held his hips as he was spread open by another cock, and as he was pulled back and forth, his belly bounced, jiggling with the new contents inside.

"Oh god...I can feel those eggs inside him. It's like fucking one of those ridged fleshlights."

"Really? Fuck. I can't wait to have my turn with him."

"Get in line."

"Hey, what about his mouth?"

The latex dragon perked up again at that. He turned his head, but no sooner had he opened his mouth than someone grabbed it and shoved their cock inside. Levi's eyes went wide at having his face turned into someone's personal sex toy, and tried to bite down.

But instead of injuring the other dragon, he seemed to pleasure him. As the blue dragon fucking his face moaned, the latex dragon realized that his teeth were gone. His mouth was reduced to a gummy, ridged hole, and his user seemed quite willing to fuck it hard, enjoying the opening for all it was worth.

And as the other dragons around him started taking off their pants, exposing their cocks, he started to realize how much trouble he was in. He would have to take them all, and by the time they were done, he'd be laying more eggs than he wanted to count.


His body burned for more. His hole, alternating between loose and tight, encouraged the dragon behind him, while the mercenary in front of him only excited him more. Every taste, every feeling of pre dripping into him, brought his new 'need' to a fevered pitch. There must have been something more in the injection than he realized.

He had to tough it out...he could take it...he hoped.

The End

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