M-Preg Stream Story 2: The Falcon's Breeding Boi

Story by draconicon on SoFurry

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Commissioned by FA: DrakeHavok is this little story that brings Nimana back into the public eye. Enjoy this story of this eager druid performing her magics on the crowds around her.

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The Falcon's Breeding Boi for DrakeHavok by Draconicon

Havok didn't know what had happened to his otherwise normal day. One moment, he was walking down the sidewalk outside the park, nothing out of the normal, just heading home from work. The next, he was pulled into a giant orgy of dragons, foxes, horses, wolves, and assorted felines, each of them begging for cock, pussy, or both. The white dragon didn't know what happened to his clothes, nor what happened to everyone to make them that way; he just knew that they were all burning with the need for sex.

Stripped down to nothing, the white dragon managed to get two orgasms before he started thinking clearly again. Groaning as he pulled his cock out of a moaning vixen, Havok stumbled back a few steps, rubbing his head as he stepped outside of the ball of sex in the middle of the park.

Without something rubbing, sucking, or fucking his cock, he finally had a chance to wonder how this had happened rather than going with the flow. He wrenched his gaze from the pile of naked anthros in a huge pile, each one humping someone else, and glanced around him.

All around the park, he saw scattered clothes, but he also saw new flowers. Small ones, but numerous, popping up all over the place. They were pink and red, and formed a flower that was almost exactly the same shape as a woman's genitalia. At least, the average shape of it; it didn't look much like those that veered towards the animal side of their ancestry.

Aside from their strange shape, however, they also let out a very powerful smell. Even now, Havok was having a hard time keeping his head as he kept smelling a strange, flowery musk. It lent his cock new life, despite the two orgasms in under thirty minutes, and he wanted little more than to leap back into the orgy in front of him.

Something, however, told him that would be a very bad idea. The thought of being stuck there, however pleasurable, was kind of scary. Particularly when he thought of how people would eventually be found like this, and have to explain what they were doing to the police and everyone else that had come around.

Having decided to leave, Havok started to look for his clothes. He'd found his shirt and his shoes when someone else popped out of the pile of fucks. A falcon, he realized, and unlike everyone else, her eyes were perfectly clear as she looked at him, laying on her belly with half of her body still under the fucking pile.

"Oh? What's the matter? I thought everyone would want to stay here?"

"Stay - I don't know what you're talking about."

"Breeding, of course."

The falcon crawled her way out from under the pile. By the time she was standing up, Havok had seen stains over her that he never wanted to see again, both in numbers and in locations. She brushed off her arms and chuckled.

"There's a lot of breeding that needs doing here. The city's birth rates are dropping, and there's not much in the way of dragons and foxes around here. I need to fix that."

"Fix -"

"And what about you? Why aren't you doing your duty?"


The dragon backed off a few steps as the falcon suddenly darted forward, grabbing him by the shoulders before he could retreat further.

"My my, but you are a rare species, aren't you?"

Havok pulled away, but not before she rubbed down his back. Normal dragons would have had wings there, but he didn't. By the time he was looking her in the eyes again, she was grinning as much as a bird could grin.

"The rare wingless dragon. We need a great deal more of you."

"What are you, some kind of crazy environmentalist?"

"Oh, some people could call me that. I'm Nimana, by the way. And you're going to be laying some eggs later."

"Uh, no. No. No. Even if it were possible, no."

"Oh. Did I say you had a choice?"

"Of course I do!"

Havok threw his arms over his head as he shouted at the falcon, who barely even seemed to pay attention as she stepped to the side, even as he followed behind her.

"There's no way that I could ever lay eggs, and there's no way that I'd want to. I don't even know why I'm having this conversation. But you're crazy, and you - are you even listening to me?"

"Not really. I just wanted you to follow me over here."


The falcon held up a trio of flowers, and he realized she'd been picking them ever since he had started following her around. Havok took a step back, but not soon enough, as the falcon blew on the flowers. A flood of pink pollen flew through the air and hit him in the face, covering his tongue and nose in the strange colored cloud.

Almost immediately his eyes glazed over, and the dragon slumped to his knees. His body wavered from side to side, and only the immediate intervention of the falcon kept him from falling on his side. He looked up, his eyes halfway closed, as she smiled down at him.

"Like I said...you don't have a choice."

Nimana smiled at the glassy-eyed dragon, shaking her head a few times as she slowly stood up. She could still feel the seed of a couple of other dragons running out of her pussy and ass - the latter of which annoyed her, as it contributed nothing to the species - but she already knew she was seeded. She'd have a few eggs growing in her within the month, and that would do well for the green dragon species.

For this one, though...

She laid her flowers back down on the ground, and waved her hand towards them. The petals disintegrated, falling into dust into the earth. A soft pulling motion from her feathered hands brought out a dozen different tendrils, each as thick as two of the white dragon's fingers, and she directed them to hold him up, suspending him from his wrists and ankles, and gently supporting his back.

That left six of them for other purposes, and she directed them to it. One wrapped around the dragon's cock, while two others slid inside of his ass, stretching it out wide. She saw him wince, but the drugged out dragon would likely barely notice the stretching. Hell, Nimana had seen pairs of fists disappear into a virgin under the dose of this stuff, and they hadn't so much as blinked, so she imagined the dragon was fine.

As the three tendrils started slowly stimulating him, the falcon directed the other three to spin together, forming a cup of sorts that she placed over the dragon's cock head. It immediately tightened, making her prey gasp in pleasure, and she smiled and patted the side of his shaft.

"That's it. Just enjoy yourself. You'll sire a fine number of eggs for your species by the time I'm done with you."

Eggs galore, if she had her way. The number of fertility plants she had could keep this young man laying eggs for years, if she was careful, and she planned on doing it for as long as she could get away with it. The wingless dragon species was down to critical levels, less than two thousand worldwide, and if she could start delivering high number of eggs to hospitals and willing families, then the species might yet be saved.

The stimulation was having a nice effect on the dragon as well. Though drugged up, he showed quite a few signs of pleasure that made the falcon quite happy to see. He bounced up and down on the different tendrils in his ass, and thrust forward against the one around his cock. Soft moans escaped his mouth, and the falcon smiled as she reached down between her legs, fingering herself with feathery fingers.

It didn't take long for the dragon's first load to be coaxed from his shaft, and the seed went down the three tendrils that were wrapped around the head of his cock. Nimana watched the progress, using her free hand to guide and enhance the seed once it went into the roots of the plant. Long practice told her when it was ready, and she waved her hands towards the tendrils inside of the white dragon's hole.

The first bit of seed slipped back out, but all the subsequent gooey strings went deeper, sliding into the white dragon's hole. The druid's magic continued to alter it, bringing it to a higher state of fertility, and making it interact with the dragon's body in new and unusual ways. She smirked as she saw the signs of it, seeing the white dragon's belly begin to swell with the small bumps that were forming inside of him.

"That's it," she said as she walked over, rubbing her hand along his belly. "Grow for your babies. Grow and start a new generation."

She smiled as the bumps under her hands got bigger and bigger, swelling with the speed of her magic. The moans of the orgy behind her told her that a number of the others had been hit with the same speed-enhancing qualities to their pregnancy, and she hoped that everyone would be a responsible parent. She hoped, anyway; otherwise, nature would do the things it always did, and those fittest to survive would make it to the end.

The eggs were getting bigger and bigger in the dragon, to the point where he was beginning to look like a mother of triplets. Nimana sighed, shaking her head and pulling the tendrils out.

"Alright...push now..."

She gently rubbed his stomach as the dragon started to push out. His rim stretched wide around the first egg before it fell to the ground, caught on some hastily woven grass that formed a nest. Nimana smiled at him as his cock continued to twitch, continued to bounce as egg after egg popped out of his ass, falling into the next below. She licked her beak as he remained stretched open, making each egg coming out slip out easier than the one before.

Eventually, he was letting out more than one egg at a time, sliding out in twos and threes before the hole could close up enough to stop them. They clicked together gently, but didn't break due to the dragon heritage that they came from.

"Good boy...very good boy."

The dragon mindlessly moaned, and Nimana smiled. She looked forward to seeing more eggs come from this one, and she planned on making plenty of clutches with this guy. Once she had him back to her forest, she doubted that he'd ever want to come back so long as she kept his mind flying high and his body producing eggs. Soon, he'd probably start begging for it, and she'd be happy to oblige.

But she still had time to deal with his body one more time, and she brought the tendrils back, the suction resuming, the ass stretching beginning anew.

"That's it...one more time..."

And again...and again...and again, my little egg maker...

The End

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