A Fox Behind Bars part 9

Story by Wip on SoFurry

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#9 of A Fox Behind Bars

Part 9! In which your humble author attempts to advance the plot...

I think I pulled it off better than I could have a month ago. So, there's that :-)

Got a little dark(er) again, but I assure you, I kinda think I know where we're going with all this, more or less... I think... Yep. Mostly focused on story, this installment.

Well, hope you enjoy


The wolf's fur looked like someone had cast a net of black ink over him. He sat on the steps, blocking my way out. His sadistic grin told me this wasn't a chance meeting, but I still had to try.

"Excuse me. Can I get by?"

"If you keep fucking pussy cats, we're gonna think you have a fetish," he said.

I looked behind me. Piter and the rest of his pack were at their table.

"You think they're gonna help you?" he asked with a faint lilt to his voice.

"Please, can I just go back to my cell?" I wanted more than anything to tell him to fuck off, but the memories of what he'd done to me neutered any rage I wanted to show.

He shook his head. He looked over my shoulder. I spun to see what I feared he'd seen. Piter was now walking towards us, his tall jackal, Cole, to his right. My body tensed with the primal desire to run. The wolf could see what I was planning. "Don't try it." His grin widened and I followed his eyes as they glanced to his hand. He was palming a sharpened shard of metal.

"Regal," Piter's voice was right behind me.

I stayed silent, wishing myself invisible.

"You're not still upset about last week, are you?" he asked with a laugh. "Payment's due tommorow," his mouth sounded right next to my ear and I felt his hot breath.

"I'll take care of that by tomorrow evening," I whispered.

Piter's maw was at my other ear now. "It's not about money. I think we need to explain what it means to be in the Pack. Cole and Max are going to walk you over to my cell. If you make a scene, Max here is going to give you a few new holes to stuff with cat cock."

The tattooed wolf, Max, let his shiv dangle casually in his hand. His look of bloodlust left no doubt that he'd stab me at the slightest provocation. If I was braver, I might have tried screaming, or running back to Sanders's cell. As it was, I stood there like the cowed wuss that I was, listening to Piter's footsteps fade.

Max sprung off the steps. "Let's go."

I turned around, right into the tall jackal's chest. I guess running would have been impossible. I'm still not sure if I feel any better about being so passive. Max put his arm around my shoulders and Cole backed off, leading the way. I looked over at the pack's table. Piter was back to playing cards. I didn't know what to make of that. It felt like I was getting put on hold.

Max had to push me into Piter's cell when I stopped at the threshold. I wasn't intentionally resisting, but my subconscious sure was. I stumbled to the floor and backpedaled into the corner I would have been in if I was back in Dimitri's cell. Cole kicked me in the thigh, moving me so he could string a privacy sheet to the bars. It was just a sheet, but I felt as trapped in here as if the doors had been locked shut.

"W-what now?" I asked Max. I probably knew what was coming, but the silent suspense made it all so much worse.

"Piter's not happy with you."

"No one ever is," I said mostly to myself.

The longer we waited for Piter, the more I began to foolishly hope Dimitri would come looking for. Sure he'd be angry I wasn't back, but once he saw what was going on, I wouldn't want to be Piter.

The growing hope was stamped out when the sheet parted and Piter walked in. Max got off the bunk, yielding it to the husky. Cole remained at the cell door, to continue making escape impossible.

"Regal," he pointed to the floor in front of him. "Over here."

I crawled over to him, hoping my submissiveness would make a good impression.

Piter looked at Max, "cook up some of that ramen tomorrow. If I win any more of that shit, Blake's gonna think we're stocking up for a riot."

Max nodded.

"Regal," he addressed me again. "You fuck Dimitri. I get that. He doesn't give you a choice, but you're sitting with the cats in the cafeteria, and now you're sucking off that lion motherfucker? How do you think that looks?"

What could I say to that? "I... I gave a blow job to a skunk yesterday." Brilliant, Elliot, brilliant. "I mean, I'm not the one who picks them!"

"Who does?" Piter asked, his terrifying husky fur pattern now frightened me more than Max's shiv.

"Vince," I blurted out before I could think better of it.

"After I told you to tell that one eared bastard to go fuck himself?" His arm shot out, hitting me like a brick.

He stood over me while I cringed and held the end of my nose. I felt the warm flow of blood on my paws. Piter reached down, taking hold of my shirt. He pulled me up so my back was off the floor and slapped my hands away.

"Stop!" I pleaded, earning me another open hand slap. I stared through tear blurred eyes as Piter drew his fist back. "He made me do it!" I wailed. I know, it wasn't entirely true, but I would have sold out my own parents by the fifth punch he rained on me.

The husky made his point and released my shirt, letting my head bounce of the concrete floor. Blood ran back from my nose, mixing with tears while I writher on the ground. I could see the husky's mouth moving but I wasn't hearing him. He motioned to his thugs and I was pulled to my feet, the static haze faded.

"Clean this bitch up. He's got blood on him," Piter shouted.

My head sagged and I was floating. Was I blacking out? I really wanted to, but instead I saw the stainless steel bowl of the cell's toilet coming closer. The jolt of cold water shocked be away from the gathering darkness. I suddenly realized I was in danger of drowning. I thrashed with everything I had, getting my muzzle out of the water. I began sucking in a deep breath only to get pushed under before I could finish. The water I inhaled was probably clean aside from my own blood, but the notion that it was from a toilet triggered my gag reflex.

Someone pulled me up again. I was dry heaving, trying to force anything out of my already empty stomach. Again I was shove in, mercifully for a shorter time. This time when they let me up, I jerked my head, wrenching the back of my neck free from my tormentor. My arms locked around the base of the steel fixtures and I screamed in incoherent fury at whoever was pulling on me.

"That's enough," Piter said casually. I curled tighter around the metal column. My fur was drenched and blood was still trickling from my nose. I felt and looked like road kill after a thunderstorm.

I struggled to catch my breath. "Can I go now?" I managed to squeak out. Piter knelt over me, prying my arms free with just a touch. There was no resistance left.

"After you pay your weekly protection."

I snorted a laugh, but thankfully it sounded like I was choking again. Protection. He pulled me up and the world started spinning. My mewling protests were ignored as I was bent over the wall mounted table. Max was in front of me, holding my wrists so I wouldn't struggle. I felt the cool air as my pants were yanked down.

"What the fuck?" Piter growled. He kicked the back of my knee and I crumpled off the table as Max let go of me. "That lion fag stretched him out," he announced. "Get on you knees, Regal. I'm not getting cat jizz on my cock."

The husky had no qualms about getting blood on his cock. He didn't care that my swollen nose made breathing damn near impossible when he had his dick down my throat. Piter took a firm grip on my hair, using my mouth to jack him off. Whatever insults and threats he got off on hissing at me didn't register. Pain and fear overloaded my senses. Piter yelled at me to swallow when he finished.

"Next week, I want you in here and clean. Resist that fox scum nature of yours and stop letting anyone with a cock, up your ass," Piter shook me, tearing a few hairs out. I nodded as well as I could with him holding me.

He let go of me. "Can I go now?" I rasped.

"When Max and Cole are finished with you." He turned to the tattooed wolf, "do what you want, but nothing that'll put him in the infirmary." With that, he left me in his cell, not even interested enough to watch.


I staggered out an eternity later. Somehow I made it up the stairs and down the walkway to collapse in my little corner of hell, and hug my pillow. I just wanted to cry myself to sleep and pretend none of this happened until it came up again next week, but Dimitri wasn't as absorbed in his TV as I'd wished.

I kept my eye shut tightly, but I could feel the tiger getting closer.

"Did Sanders do that to you?"

I shook my head, still keeping my eyes shut.

I heard him sigh. "Take your shirt off."

I opened my eyes and looked at Dimitri.

He put his hand out, slowly, knowing how skittish I could be. "Go wash up. We'll let the shirt dry."

I took his hand, everything thrown out of perspective by another one of his changes in demeanor. He helped me up and walked me towards our sink.

"I'm sorry," I said through the tears. It sounded like the right thing to say.

I felt the tiger shug as he supported me. That was a huge step up from last time Piter got a hold of me. That time Dimitri just called me a dumbass.

I started to kneel, expecting his orders to use the toilet bowl to wash off canine cum still stood. Instead he held me up, running the faucet for me. "Toss your shirt by the window. There's a draft that'll help it dry." He waited until I was steady before leaving. I splashed the clean water over my head, soaking my still wet hair.

Dimitri was out on the walkway. I didn't know what he was going to do, but I knew what I wanted to do. I stuck a finger in my mouth, pressing the back of my throat until I started vomiting. I didn't care if I was starving to death, I didn't want anything of Piter and his pack left on me or in me. When nothing more would come up, I gulped down handfuls of water, soothing my aching throat.

I made my way, shirtless, to my corner. Dimitri heard my approach and walked back into the cell. I couldn't read the look he had on his face. Naturally, I assumed the worse. "W-what are you going to do, sir?"

He walked by me. "I'm not sure yet." He pulled the unused blanket off the top bunk and tossed it to me. "Haven't decided," he said distantly. "Try to sleep." Without another word he turned his television back on and inserted his earbuds.

I wrapped myself in the blanket, pulling it over my head, and let exhaustion send me into a fitful, restless sleep.


I woke in a cold sweat, shaking. Whatever the dream was, I was infinitely thankful I couldn't remember it. I took a quick inventory, and, yes, everything hurt.

It was saturday and I'd still not heard from my lawyer, but that was in the back of my mind. What I was really worried about, was how Dimitri would react when he woke up. I fetched his shoes from under the bunk and waited for the klaxon to sound. What if he decided it was my fault? He'd punish me. More what-ifs were racing around my head when the prison wide buzzing announced the start of a new day.

"Good morning, sir," I said as Dimitri got up.

He grunted and yawned. "I decided what I'm going to do," seamlessly continuing his thoughts from last night.

"Is, is it gonna hurt?" I blurted out.

Dimitri laughed. "Not you." Nudged me out of his way, far more gently than I was used to.

I ran through the possibilities. The obvious conclusion was that he was going to kill Piter. Morally, I couldn't condone that, but it was very hard to see a downside. My one tormentor would be dead, and the other would be locked in solitary for months. Was I willing to gamble on getting a new cellmate like Sanders, or Hash?

I pondered that question as Dimitri tossed my shirt to me. "Thank you, sir."

He grunted again and started washing himself in the sink.

Blake said Dimitri couldn't do another long stint in solitary without it killing the last of his sanity. Damn my bleeding heart, I couldn't live with myself if I let that happen to him. He was an asshole, but I don't think it was all his fault and I was getting better at, if not guiding his moods, at least avoiding his wrath. I rubbed my eyes, starting to question my judgement. I wished I could have talked this over with Hash, but if Dimitri was as impulsive as I thought, he might move to take out Piter as soon as the cells opened.

Fuck. I got down on my hands and knees, right between the bunks and the cell's table. Waiting for Dimitri to finish up and turn around gave me just enough time to remind myself of all the things I could be about to do that would piss him off.

He turned and looked down at me.

"Sir?" I said softly.


"I don't want you to get in trouble," I said hesitantly. "I'm starting to like being your pet, and if you get in a lot of trouble, they might...," I let the tiger fill in the blank. I averted my gaze, waiting to see if I said the right thing.

Seconds ticked by at an agonizingly slow pace before Dimitri spoke. "It's not your place to worry about what I do. But," he paused, "I don't want you to worry. I'm not going to kill anyone, and that's all you need to know right now. Just focus on being a good little pet and leave everything else to me."

He patted my head and I think I surprised us both by not cringing in fear at his touch. I even had the presence of mind to wag my tail, just to really sell it.


I spent the rest of the morning keeping a close watch on Dimitri. He let me eat, and was so nice, he even gave me one of his pancakes. It was a wonderful feeling, being taken care of, even if it was only temporary. Dimitri kept watching Piter and his pack throughout breakfast, and when we were locked in the cell he mostly ignored me, standing at the cell door, listening. It really began to worry me when he turned down a blow job I begged to give him.

"After lunch, I'm coming back here. You go to the Yard as usual," Dimitri announced.

Piter hasn't been to the Yard since I'd arrived. I struggled with the implications. He was going to do something and there was no way for me to know what, and, if need be, stop him from fucking up the status quo I was trying to find.

He read the worry on my face. "It's ok, pet. I'll still be here when you get back."

Later, in the cafeteria, I couldn't find my appetite. Sanders nodded a greeting to me, but it was like the other felines were reluctant to get too near Dimitri. It was becoming a point of pride with me, that not only had I survived getting locked in with the dangerous tiger, but I was actually looking braver than a lot of the other inmates, just by sitting with the big guy. Too bad I wasn't in the frame of mind to enjoy that right now.


Dimitri looked at me.

"I just wanted you to know how much I appreciate you letting me be your pet, and taking care of me," I said, subtly hoping to remind him what the consequences could be if he did anything stupid.

He smiled softly, an expression of his I was beginning to see more of. He reached across the table. I leaned into his open palm, nuzzling the same hand that had almost broken my arm yesterday morning.

"Your loyalty is touching. But, for the last time, I'm not going to do anything that'll get me locked in the hole for that long." His fingers curled into my hair, but not in anger, this time it was for emphasis. "Would I abandoned such a good boy?" He stroked my lips with his thumb.

"No, sir," I said. With any normal fur, I could have believed those words. Dimitri was a special case, making his actions less predictable. The things he might consider not that big of deal, the prison system might call "attempted murder." or God knows what.


The walk out to the Yard was surprisingly lonely without Dimitri to shadow. I wondered if at any moment sirens could start blaring, signalling Dimitri's irrevocable vengeance. I let out a loud, cathartic sigh.

Of course Hash noticed my slightly swollen nose. "I'm alright," I assured him. "It wasn't Sanders." I'd like to think Hash was at least a little relieved he wouldn't have to follow through with his own vow of vengeance that he swore if the lion got too rough.


I shook my head. "Piter."

He started to say something before Vice and Greg walked up. "What the hell?" Vince noticed my nose too.

I looked at Hash, hoping he would prompt me on what to say. He saw my pleading.

"Piter attacked him," the coyote said, with ferocity I'd never thought my normally calm friend was capable of.

"What happened?" Vince asked.

I went through the events, recounting what I could remember of the beating. I'm not sure how much of the threats I'd repeated Vince understood, as my voice became a cracking whine by the end.

Vince looked around the Yard. "That fucking pussy. What kind of a husky's afraid of the cold. How the hell am I gonna..." the wolf trailed off.

Hash's anger was still burning bright. "Talk to the damn Alphas," he nearly shouted. "The cut they get out of your operations has to mean something. Go tell them Piter's turning on fellow Pack members. And he's costing them money," he tugged at the buttons on his coat, thinking fast. "Tell the he's driving business towards the felines. If that doesn't get them pissed, nothing will."

Vince stood motionless for a moment, unaccustomed to his cellmate being so forceful. He nodded. "Yeah. Yeah, that's right. We're the ones following the Pack. That asshole is completely outta line!" I could see the wheels turning in that small brain of his. "C'mon, Ellie, you're gonna tell them what you just told me." He grabbed for me, but I was just quick enough to dodge him. The idea of telling more furs what was done to me was too much.

Hash stepped between me and Vince and spoke fast, "you don't need him. Who's the one running one of the Pack's most profitable franchises? Your word alone should get the Alphas off their asses. Hell, they might even make you an Alpha after seeing you deal with this shit so efficiently."

Vince puffed out his chest with a slow nod, taking Hash's words as truth. He strutted off to the tables where the Alphas sat. Greg stood mutely, eyes flicking between us and Vince, unsure what he should be doing now that it looked like he wasn't going to get to shank someone. He opted to follow after Vince, which was fine by me, the only one I wanted around me was Hash.

Hash didn't turn around before saying, "I'm sorry, Regal. I thought if you didn't say anything the first time, Vince would be able to protect you before it happened again, and you wouldn't be in the middle of these idiot's fight."

"I don't think Piter will hurt me again," it wrung my heart to hear Hash upset. I wanted to tell him something that would cheer him up.

He turned. "The Alphas are slow, if they're even going to act on this. But maybe we can figure something out."

"It might not matter. I, uh, Dimitri found out. I think he's going to do something."

"Oh," Hash said slowly. "Is he going to kill Piter?"

"I don't know. He said he wasn't going to do anything that'll get him in trouble but," I made a ya'know gesture.

Hash nodded. "I guess that's to be expected..."

"Do you think I should tell Vince?"

Hash snapped the buttons on his coat, then began unsnapping them. "I wouldn't trust my judgement on this."

"Don't blame yourself," I needed my rock back, so I hugged him close and pressed my muzzle into his neck. "Please, Hash, don't blame yourself for any of this. I just really need your advice right now."

He wrapped his arms around me, heedless of anyone watching. I heard him take a shuddering breath, and when he pulled away, his eyes were moist. "Ok. The boat sailed on keeping Vince and Piter from getting territorial. I think it's time for your cellie to meet us. Get everyone on the same page and we'll only have to deal with one set of problems."

Hash used more ifs and hypotheticals than I would have liked, but my coyote mentor was back. He said we'd need to see how much damage Dimitri did first, but if Vince got the Alphas backing, he could be convinced to put Dimitri on the payroll and at least get the tiger to protect me from any retaliation from Piter. It had a slim chance of working, but it was the best either of us could come up with.

Vince sauntered back to us almost an hour later. By his haughty aura I could guess he had news, good news for himself at least. Hash couldn't wait for it either, speaking up a second time that day and urging the one eared wolf to spill.

"Not exactly what we hoped for. They don't want me have him killed," he and Greg both looked disappointed over that. "But they want him to come to the tables tomorrow and work this out." Vince looked at me, "Fucking you without paying is over for Piter. That part's nonnegotiable, Ellie." He gave me sly smile like that was supposed to make my day. It was better than nothing, so I suppose it did.

"We'll meet you outside your wing's door," Hash assured me, before remembering his own lowly status. "Right, Vince? So you can show Piter who runs this Yard. It's your call," he added obsequiously.

Vince narrowed his eyes. "Thanks, Hash," he said sarcastically. "So glad to have your blessing." I watched Hash shrink under the withering look. "But, he's got a good point, we'll meet you when you come out," Vince said. "I need you to give Piter this," he tossed me a tightly folded piece of paper that I almost missed. "It's that bitch's notice to appear before the judge," he laughed at his dull wit.

I opened my mouth to try and explain how I didn't think I could deliver the note. Hell, I was freezing up just trying to say the words out loud. Vince caught on.

"No worries. Even a moron like Piter would go against the Alphas if he wants to keep living."

I looked helplessly to Hash, who gave me a reassuring nod. I felt the panic attack subsiding.

Vince continued, "just to make sure he reads it before he has a chance to get his hands on you," he held his hand out to Greg, who passed him something. "Here," Vince said, handing it to me.

I looked down. He'd given me a razor blade, the back coated with a melted plastic grip. Did he seriously believe I could use this, or want it? I looked at Hash again. This time the coyote shook his head discouragingly, and as soon as Vince wasn't looking, he let me hand him the weapon.

The klaxon sounded for us to start heading back to our cells. Vince reminded us we'd all be meeting outside the doors to my wing, and to be ready for a fight to the death if things went south. He wasn't half as motivational as Hash.


I squeezed that little folded paper so tight I worried it might become part of my paw, but that paper was my salvation if it was anything like Vince had described. I was tempted to read the note, but thought maybe the way it was folded was part of the message. Probably being paranoid because of all those cheap exploitation films about the mob that I used to watch, with their secret codes and signals. My experience with the Pack's organized crime gave me the impression the movies lied to me, and they were so disorganized, it was a wonder any crimes get committed.

I wasn't sure how I was going to get the note to Piter. My first plan was to get far enough away that I out run any furs back to Dimitri's cell, and throw it at him. In fact, that remained my only plan as I entered Cellblock-H. There was always a guard or two to ensure us inmates were in our cells before the doors slammed so they could do a count.

I walked straight to Piter's cell. My heart threatened to burst from my chest, and the thudding in my ears was deafening. Didn't matter, I told myself. I wasn't planning on a need to hear anything Piter would have to say. I kept my eyes flitting between the slacking guard, picking his nose while leaning on the blank wall, and Piter's cell door, my portal to hell's inner circle. I forced a deep breath and looked in.

Piter, Max and a couple other wolves were relaxing, eating some sort of ramen based casserole they'd cooked on a hotplate. I guess Dimitri didn't kill the bastard. Piter had just taken a bite when his eyes met mine. Time slowed to a crawl. I could make out the individual noodles hanging sloppily out the corners of his mouth. I spat out my message in one breath, "the Alphas want you to read this; they want to see you tomorrow, out on the Yard; I think you're in trouble," and tossed the cube of paper in his general direction.

Off I ran, on the verge of cackling hysterically at my improvised part about him being in trouble. The guard worked up the energy to shout a halfhearted "no running" at me. It slowed me down, but I was already at the stairs, well out of harm's way. This had the beginnings of a great evening written all over it. In fact, I was planning on using the pen I'd recently gotten my hands on, as soon as I gave Dimitri an update on my affairs and finished servicing him.

I got to the top of the steps to see Dimitri coming out of a cell right near the stairs. He was rubbing his knuckles. He motioned to me. My first thoughts were, he fucking killed someone, but from the glance in the cell as I hurried to him, I could see a possum, very much alive and holding his shoulder. He didn't look happy, but who in here does?

"Hi, sir," I said nervously.

"You're looking better. The fresh air did you good." I couldn't place the tone he was using. Was he happy? Surprised? I had no idea. We went in his cell, instead of hopping on his bunk and going into a television induced trance, he stayed near the door, making my tiny corner seem even smaller.

He ordered me to stay standing. I found myself suddenly second guessing my ability to read Dimitri's moods. "Sir, can I tell you what happened while I was on the Yard? Or did you want me to wait?"

He turned me toward the door as it started to slide shut. I started stammering out half truths about what Vince was going to do. Telling the tiger how the wolf noticed my swollen nose and the dried blood on my shirt, and that he forced me to tell him what happened. Dimitri didn't seem happy that I was drawing attention to myself by involving the Pack Alphas in a dispute over such a trivial thing as my getting raped. Fuck him, I thought. If it didn't make him angry enough to hurt me, I considered it fair game.

"You fuck anyone?" Dimitri asked casually as the guard glanced at us and walked away, making two marks on his pad.

"No, sir."


I heard the crackle of the guard's radio signalling for the doors to open.

"We're gonna hang out on the walkway this evening," he said.

I made a meaningless mental promise to do everything I could to make sure he went to the Yard every day. I think the lack of his daily exercise was screwing with his mind, making him even less predictable. When I brought up giving him a blow job, he told me to save it. He had a special treat for me later.

True to his word, we spent the evening out on the walkway. I was disappointed I wouldn't get to use my pen, but at least it was a change of scenery. Piter and his pack came up the stairs once, but seeing Dimitri standing with me at the far end made them think twice about whatever it was they had to say to me. I'd probably have to deal with it tomorrow when Piter's out on the Yard.

Dimitri showed off an unexpected talent. As we stood at the railing watching the wall mounted TV below us, I said I wished they had speakers set up. Dimitri said it was a rerun, and began reciting the lines of the crappy sitcom, word for word, barely even looking at the screen. Surrounded by the dull repetitiveness of my daily dose of fear and boredom, this little party trick of his impressed the hell out of me.

Our companionable time spent out there almost made me forget my unease. I sighed when we heard the PA system give us the ten minute warning for the nightly lockdown. I braced myself for Dimitri's treat. What could it be? Whatever it was, I knew I wouldn't like it. We stood at the door, like we did during the last count, until the main lights shut off.

I wasn't afraid of the dark, but the way the tigers teeth gleamed in the dim light, as he ordered me to the far end on the cell, got me shivering. He switched on his TV, the cell looked like it was lit by a flickering blue fireplace. The tiger stooped, pulling a shapeless mass from under his bunk.

My eyes adjusted to the low light as I got closer. Dimitri pulled of a blanket and unveiled a motionless red fox, tightly tied in shreds of braided fabric.

"Oh my God. What did you do, Dimitri?"

A Fox Behind Bars part 10

10. Dimitri nudged the lump on the floor. "Did you kill him?" I asked. "He's not dead, yet." My mind spun, trying to make sense of what was going on. There was another fox in the cell. I gasped, realizing he'd been here for some time, hours...

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A fox Behind Bars part 8

8. I hit the door like a bat out of hell, bursting into the cafeteria. I came to a skidding stop, avoiding a collision with the back of a guard by inches. That was a bullet dodged, I thought. I walked as fast as I could without drawing too much...

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A Fox Behind Bars part 7

7. I tried not let on what happened in the Yard as me and Dimitri walked back to our cell. I thought I did a good job of it. Not that Dimitri would care, but I just didn't want him to ask me any questions. The bars were shut while the guards...

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