A Fox Behind Bars part 7

Story by Wip on SoFurry

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#7 of A Fox Behind Bars

Part 7! I think I might have figured out where this story is going now. Of course, we'll have to see if I'm a good enough writer to get us there, but it'll sure be a fun trip!

Srsly, y'all, thanks for reading and I hope you're enjoying


I tried not let on what happened in the Yard as me and Dimitri walked back to our cell. I thought I did a good job of it. Not that Dimitri would care, but I just didn't want him to ask me any questions.

The bars were shut while the guards took an afternoon headcount. It was while I was trapped within arms reach of Dimitri, that he decided now was the time for me to make up my mind on the ultimatum he gave me last week.

"I wanted to wait 'til you figure out if you're lawyer can get you out of here, but it looks like he's not gonna show, and you're still in my cell. So," he folded his arms and sat on the edge of small table that stuck out of the wall. "Do you want me to get you into a different cell or...?"

I was still high on Hash's infectious optimism, otherwise I don't think I would have risked more than a few words. "Or you let me stay here, but I have to be your pet? I'd still have to sleep on the floor, still suck you off when you snap your fingers, still expect to be used as a urinal if I ever piss you off?"

I didn't know how he would take my little bout of assertiveness, he might kill me, but fuck it. I was feeling good about myself for the first time in months. This was a feeling that demanded to be expressed.

Dimitri looked like he was trying to decide how to react. My heart hammered with the injection of adrenalin, but I still stood there, surprising even myself. And when I saw that almost imperceptible curl pull at the side of his lip, I knew a fit of rage was unlikely.

"Basically," was his reply.

I think I impressed him. I mean, he responded with words! I wasn't beaten to a pulp, or pissed on. This was serious progress. I had to press on, against all common sense, I just had to. "I can live with that, but," it took all my will to keep my voice from cracking, "I want a pillow."

Dimitri stroked his chin, shifting his gaze from me to the unused pillow on the top bunk, and back to me. Back and forth. The last time I was this anxious was during my sentencing.


This was what elation felt like. "I- I want a blanket, too."

Dimitri cocked his head, bewildered anger tensing his facial muscles. Fuck, too far. "Nevermind! A pillow's fine! A pillow is great, sir," I said backpedaling. The cell doors opened, diffusing any tension. Dimitri shrugged, thankfully letting that drop for now.

Dimitri stood and stretched. He was a creature of habit, as much as a mentally unbalanced tiger can be, so I knew if I wanted to ask him anything, I'd have to do it now, before he turns on his television. Ideally, I would have put this off, but this was a time sensitive matter. I swallowed hard, summoning the remainder of my courage. "Sir?"

Dimitri raised an eyebrow, as if to say this better be good.

"Um, I know you've been really generous today, letting me stay with you and all, but I kinda have a tiny little request to make." He didn't tell me to shut up, so I went on. "I wanted to use the phone, down in the common area, my friend told me how it works, and I'll be really quick so you wouldn't miss anything on TV, and-"

"What does this have to do with me," he rumbled.

My rambling was annoying him, time to cut to the chase. "Could you walk me down there and wait with me? I promise I'll be real quick. Five minutes. Maybe less." I gave my best puppydog eyes. "Please, sir?" I dropped to my knees, done with my show of pride. Dimitri had to come with me, there was no way I'd walk by Piter alone.

"Who do you need to call?" He answered that himself, before I could. "Your lawyer. Right." He walked to the doorway, looking down at the common. "I should make you go yourself. It's your own damn fault, making an enemy after I told you to keep out of trouble."

I bit my tongue to stop from sarcastically apologizing for not expecting a gang rape. That was totally my fault, jackass.

"But I suppose if I don't take my little pet for a walk, he'll just sit there crying all night, trying to make me feel bad."

I was not above doing that.

Dimitri sighed and turned towards me. My tail was already wagging in anticipation. "Let's go," he said without enthusiasm.

I had enough enthusiasm for both of us. In a bold act of improvisation, I bent forward and showered his foot with kisses before jumping to my feet, grinning.

"Yeah, yeah. Just move your ass. There's a show on if a few, and I'm not going to miss it."

I practically skipped after him as he took off down the walkway. Things got more somber as we reached the stairs. Piter was was down there, with his pack, playing cards at the designated canine table. Dimitri walked down the stairs like it was no big deal, I had to fight my urge to run back to the cell and curl into a ball in the corner at every step. I kept my eyes glued to Dimitri's back, only looking around to spot the guard, not that he would be of any help. I swore under my breath. It was that shaggy haired llama that was on duty. It was turning into to some sort of a sick, fucked up reunion.

The phones were mounted at the far end of the room. There would have been no way to escape Piter's notice as we walked past his table. I knew exactly when I was spotted by the change in noise. The loud guffaws and profane language became hushed whispers fading away until Piter decided to speak up.

"Regal. Come play cards with us," he said with false sincerity.

I looked for any cues from Dimitri, but he just kept walking. Unfortunately we'd have to walk right past them.

"Come on , I'll even let you bet with blow jobs." This earned some laughter from his friends. "Dimitri, how'd you like to bet your little fox? I'll wager Jake."

I looked up and saw the red fox. He was rubbing one of the wolf's shoulders, apparently unphased Piter was willing to gamble him away like a pack of ramen noodles bought from the commissary. I felt sorry for my fellow fox, but what could I do? I could barely keep myself alive. I was in no position to help.

My heart jumped into my throat when I saw Dimitri slow to a stop. He couldn't seriously be considering it, could he? The wolves nearest the tiger stood up, taking a few steps back but looking ready for a fight.

"What's the bet?"

Piter was caught of guard. "Uh, we win, we get Regal anytime we're not locked down. If you win, you can have the same arrangement with Jake."

"What game?" Dimitri asked. I couldn't believe this was happening.

"Five card draw."

Dimitri leaned on the table, looking down at the cards, snacks and pile of I.O.U. slips. He barked a sharp laugh. "Like I'd gamble with you fuckin' card cheats." He pushed off the table, walking to the phones before Piter could recover. I sprinted after him.

Piter mumbled an incoherent insult at our backs.

At the phones I had to ask, "you, you weren't really gonna bet me, were you? Sir?"

Dimitri rested casually against the wall, delighting in my insecurities. "Go make your call."

Jerk, I thought as I turned to the phones.

They were like payphones, without the slot for money. I remembered using similar phones when I was a pup, before mobiles became so ubiquitous. It made me kind of nostalgic to think how most of the payphones in the city had been removed. Now was not the time for a trip down memory lane I reminded myself and leaned in to read the plastic plaque mounted above the phones. It said that all calls would be monitored. Why not violate my civil liberties? Every other part of of me has been already.

The receiver's heft felt oddly comforting in my hand while I punched digits to navigate an automated menu so convoluted, only a government bureaucrat could have come up with it. Finally I had my information entered and was ready to call. I glanced over my shoulder. Dimitri was starting to look bored. I punched in the memorized numbers as fast as my fingers would work, "C'mon, c'mon, c'mon," I urged the other end of the line to pick up.

"Hello?" I frantically started speaking over a receptionist trying to tell me who I just called. "I need to speak to Douglas Sharpe. My lawyer. It's urgent."

I waited for the receptionist to clack whatever keys she need to. I looked back at Dimitri again. Fuck. Now he was starting to look annoyed. The receptionist's voice startled me.

"I'm sorry, Mr. Regal, it seems Mr. Sharpe is currently out of the office. Would you lik-"

"Can I leave a message?" Hurry up, I wanted to scream.

"One moment. I'll transfer you to his voice mail," said the receptionist.

I turned again. Dimitri was looking at me. I covered the receiver with my palm. "One minute, I swear I'm going as fast as I can." Dimitri looked less than convinced.

Shape's voice mail message kicked in. I tapped the wall waiting for my lawyer's recording to finish telling who the fuck I was trying to leave the message for. I looked behind me. Dimitri was starting to walk. "Wait!" He ignored me.

The beep. "It's Regal. For God's sake get me outta here!" I slammed the handset, praying I was able to get my point across, and sprinted after Dimitri. I caught up just as he was nearest Piter's pack.

The huskie started laughing at me. I can't really blame him. If the roles were reversed, I'd probably not think much of him. Then again, if roles were reversed, I'm sure I wouldn't have raped him.

"See, I was quick, right sir?" I asked at Dimitris arm.

Dimitri shrugged, "yeah. You were a good boy," he reached out a ruffled my hair. As degrading as this all was, I still wagged my tail.


Dimitri made it back to the cell in time for thursday's primetime lineup to start. I sat in my corner looking through the prison's orientation booklet that'd been slipped in with my other papers. It was the start of another long evening. I flipped through to the part about the commissary. It was kind of depressing, reading and rereading the menu of goods I could not afford, but even if Dimitri hadn't taken all my money, I'd like to think I'd have the principles to not feed the beast that is the prison-industrial complex. I mean, six dollars for a bottle of soda? Whose pocket does that markup line?

None of my principles could stop me from dreaming about it. Flip flops for the shower, a seven dollar snack sized bag of chips, a portable FM radio, now that would be living. But if I had any money, my first purchase would be a gift for Hash. I sighed wistfully at the thought of my coyote comrade. I'd have never been able to afford one of those personal TV sets like Dimitri had, and I wouldn't want to give him something that Vince would just take. He said he liked spicy food. I scanned down the list. They had chips labeled Volcanic Ultra Hots. That would be perfect.

I looked at the prices again. Seven dollars. Suddenly I felt much worse about not having any money. Worse than I felt when imagining all the overpriced crap I couldn't buy for myself. I closed the booklet and leaned my head against the cool stone wall. I was technically working now, I thought. Surely Vince would have to give me a cut, right?

Of course not. But I could ask about it. And maybe I'd get tips. I wasn't sure how, but I resolved at that moment to find some way to buy my friend a bag of chips.

I put the booklet down and tried reading through the incomprehensible legal papers again. That did nothing to alleviate my boredom and I was soon back to looking at the glossy pictures of the orientation booklet. All this sitting around was driving me crazy. I was an artist, my mind need stimulation. I flipped to the table of contents and looked for the page on the library. If I had to be trapped in here with nothing to do, at least I could read a book.

With that goal in mind, I waited patiently for the inevitable, and when Dimitri finally did get up and unhook his ear buds to take a piss, I made my move.


The tiger ignored me.

"Sir?" I said a little louder.

"Are you thirsty," he said threateningly while still pissing.

"No sir. I was wondering if I could go to the library tomorrow."

Dimitri shrugged, "I don't care. The guards won't let you in, though."

"What? Why?"

"Probationary period for new inmates. Six months for anyone not minimum security." He zipped up and started washing his hands. "You're in here for killing someone, which I still can't believe, so I can say you're not considered a minimum security risk yet."

"I," damn it, "it was an accident. I-"

"Come here."

I whimpered, but stood on numb legs and wasted no time in walking over to him. I flinched as he reached for me, and relaxed just as fast when I figured out he was just drying his hands on me. "Maybe, you could swing by the library and rent a book for me, sir?" I asked hopefully.

"I don''t think so." He grabbed my muzzle, twisting to get the last of the moisture off his palm.

My ears drooped in disappointment. This wasn't over, but it was for now. Why risk ending the best day I've spent in prison with a savage beating? So I sat against the wall and bars, resting my head where I could watch the walkway. I used to zone out when under stress like this. That hadn't happened for the last few days. I couldn't decide if that was good news or bad news. Maybe it showed I was adjusting.

Later, when the PA system announced lights out in ten minutes, I was hit in the head with something soft. It was the pillow I'd negotiated. My heart sored. "Thank you sir!" I squeaked, but he'd already rolled over in his bunk with his back to me. He grunted something. I liked to imagine it was a you're welcome.


I was in my bed, in the huge house me and my friends shared, warm and happy. I was going to stay in bed all morning and then grab my backpack full of spray paints and swing by a fastfood place for a cheap burger and enough soda to bathe in. But what is that buzzing? No one I know ever uses an alarm clock.

I squeezed my eyes shut, but the noise was so loud. My eyes flickered. It wasn't my room. It was the dead gray of my cell. No, damn it! I squeezed my pillow tight, if I held firm, this would all just be a nightmare. I'd open my eyes later and be where I was supposed to be. A half-sleep washed over me.


That voice. Realization hit me. My eyes snapped open, and my body was moving before I was fully awake. I scrambled toward the source of the voice, my eyes blurred with sleep. My head connected with the side of Dimitri's bunk. "Fuck,"I yelped, rubbing my head with one hand, still diving for the tiger's shoes that he insisted on tossing further back against the wall every night, just to make me work harder.

I stretched, getting a finger hooked into both the old canvas shoes. I must have been half way under the bunk when I started crawling backwards, dragging Dimitri's shoes, when something pinned me. I pushed up, or tried to at least. "Sir?" He was still sitting on his bunk, effortlessly holding me down with one foot.

"You over slept," Dimitri said. I could hear the sleep still in his voice.

"I'm sorry. It won't happen again," I promised with no way of seeing that through.

I heard him yawn. Then the pressure started increasing. I could make out the shape of his foot as it pressed into the middle of my back. It became too much. "Fuck! Please, Dimitri, sir!" I barked out.

The pressure eased. "Get out here, pet"

I was out and on my knees as soon as he took his foot off me. I held his shoes up like a shield.

"If this happens again, I'm taking back the pillow."

My eyes widened. The thought that he might take away the one victory I'd scored since getting locked in with this lunatic scared me more than when he threatened to make me drink his piss. Maybe that's what it was. He didn't want me getting too proud. It was an epiphany, this tiger that could snap me in half without breaking a sweat, was alarmed at not having complete and utter control over me. Was that what triggered his wrath this time? Pain every time I stuck up for myself?

To test my theory, I'd give him what he wanted. If a show of total submission would ensure the safety of my body and my pillow, that's a sacrifice I was willing to make. I took a deep breath and swallowed my pride. "I-I'm so sorry, sir. I'm weak. I never wanted to disappoint you," I crawled toward him, sinking lower. "Tell me what I can do to make this right." I pressed tip of my mouth to the top of his foot.

"I'd say that's a good start," Dimitri said. He flexed his toes.

I bit back a deep sigh. Fine, I thought angrily. I opened my mouth and ran my tongue over his foot, from toes to ankle. How's that feel, you son of a bitch? Another lick. Insecure jerk! I stabbed my tongue between his toes. The smell was worse than the taste, but considering what I've put in my mouth since coming here, that wasn't saying much.

I could forgive Dimitri for confusing my angry licks of veiled defiance, for fervent licks of fear and adoration. I'm pretty sure it's a rare occurrence when a fur is roughly licking a foot just so he can mentally spit out another curse for every stroke of the tongue.

I jumped at the touch of Dimitri running his hand over my head. "It's ok. You can stop."

I'm not sure how long I'd been going at the lick-then-insult rhythm, but I didn't want to stop yet. I was finding it oddly therapeutic. I lapped at his damp feet one last time, internally shouting that if his dick was as pathetic as his fragile ego, he'd have a vagina.

I relaxed my face, hiding any signs of the scowl I'd had, and leaned back on my heels. "Thank you, sir."

He reached forward, petting me like I was some kind of feral. "You're still a good boy. We all make mistakes."

If he knew what I was thinking, I shudder to think what would have become of me. I just wagged my fluffy fox tail. Not for him, but for me, finding out that no matter what I was forced to do, I could still hang on to my rebellious spirit.

Starting the day like that was a mixed blessing. As I put his shoes on and sucked him off, I began to fully wake up and come to my senses. My silent rage faded and I remembered I was still a prisoner. And my lawyer was M.I.A.


Waiting for the guard to come around and take the morning headcount was an odd experience. Dimitri had me kneel next to his bunk while he scratched behind my ears. Yeah, it felt good, but I think my dignity had suffered enough for one lifetime. I'm not a pet, despite all evidence to the contrary.

I was running through those events while shoveling in mouthfuls of rubbery scrambled eggs to get the taste of feet and cum out of my mouth when a fur poked me in the back. I spun to see who.

A skunk stood there, furtive eyes shooting glances at the felines I'd grown used to eating around. If the skunk wasn't so big, I'd say he had victim written all over him.

"You Elli?" he asked in a low voice, avoiding my eyes.

"Elliot," I corrected him. Then looked at Dimitri. The tiger raised an eyebrow. I shrugged, not know anymore than he did.

"Yeah," the skunk rubbed the back of his neck, "but, uh, you are working for Vince, right?"

If I'd had any egg in my mouth, this is where I would have spit them in surprise. I looked at Dimitri. Now both his eyebrows were up. Goddamnit, I really hoped I could keep my two hells separate. "Y-yeah. Sort of. I-" I sputtered, spinning between Dimitri and the John fast enough to get whiplash. I put my hands up to Dimitri to forestall any questions, saying to him, "only when you say it's alright. I was forced! It was this or-" Dimitri shut me up with one harsh look. My ears flattened and I looked down at the table, expecting the worst.

His deep voice rumbled in my ears, "do what you need to. But we are going to talk about this when you get back."

I felt like a puppy who'd been swatted with a newspaper. I hated that I let myself feel guilty. I mean, he wasn't the one who was forced to become a living sextoy to survive in here. But still, his paternal phrasing got to me. I turned back to the skunk, his shoulders were hunched in embarrassment. I could have scared him off by saying boo, but then I thought what Vince might do to me if I blew off my first job. Figuratively, not literally.

"What exactly did Vince set up?" I asked. If it wasn't for his black fur, I think the skunk would have been blushing like tomato.

He coughed, somehow hunching over lower, thinking he could hide in plain sight. "You know... He said you'd," he motioned at me with both hands.

Jeez, I thought, what the fuck did this guy do to end up in here, jaywalk? Here we were, surrounded by killers, and he couldn't tell me he paid me to do. I felt bad for him. "Do you have some place we can do this?" I asked, hoping that would have been arranged by Vince.

"Yeah," he perked up, knowing he wouldn't have to stutter through this conversation in front of the entire cafeteria. "Follow me," took off.

I looked to Dimitri for his dismissal. I wish I hadn't. His surprise had worn off. "Go," he growled.

I followed the skunk through the cafeteria to a side door that led behind the counter. He knocked a few times until it opened. I followed him through the kitchen. The place was a lot bigger than I'd imagined, staffed with inmates and not a guard in sight. I figured my skunk must work in the kitchen because no one paid him any mind. Eventually we came to storage room, packed with unopened boxes of disposable aprons, cleaning supplies and other crap.

I stood to the side as the skunk arranged a few boxes to sit on. He looked at me expectantly. Figures, I'd have to make the first move. Maybe I should have been more concerned at crossing that line from bitch to prostitute, but I was still too worried about what Dimitri was going to do to me when I was finished.

I got on my knees and opened the skunks pants. He was breathing hard and fast, more nervous than I was. I began kissing his cock, licking it to life like I'd learned how to do. Once he was hard I put my mouth over it only to hear him gasp and get pushed away.

"I didn't pay for head," he said quickly.


"I didn't have enough for that. I just paid Vince for a hand job."

"Wait," I tried to wrap my head around this. "Not enough? How much did you spend? No, don't tell me. Better I don't know." I had enough on my mind with the angry tiger waiting for me, I didn't need to worry about performance anxiety brought on by whatever crazy price Vince talked this sap into paying. "All you want is a hand job?"

He avoided looking at me as I rested my hands on his knees, staring at him. "Well, like I said, I couldn't afford what your pim- uh, Vince was asking for anything more. So..."

"Maybe I could give you an upgrade, off the books obviously. How much do you have on you?" I knew I was playing a dangerous game, trying to make a little extra behind Vince's back, but until I could talk to him and figure out how this worked, this could be the only way I'd ever see the fruits of my labor.

The skunk looked hopeful, and fished around in his pockets. He pulled out a candy bar. Fuck, I thought, I forgot no one would have loose cash in here. Everything worked through money transfers or the barter system. I had the commissary menu darn near memorized by now and knew the candy bar went for a buck fifty. I could hide that in the bottom of my box of papers. "Deal." I snatched the candy and started sucking.

The skunk was moaning in no time. He started pulling my hair, making it harder for me to bob my head, but as pent up as the skunk was I had him throbbing from just the feel of my mouth and the hot suction.

He started shooting. I swallowed everything, not letting up until he began to soften. He was still moaning quietly while I wiped my lips with my sleeve. "Do not mention this to Vince," I warned him.

"Of course not," he sounded like he was just as afraid of what the wolf might do as I was.

I left him recovering, and dashed out of there. My mind raced with all the horrible things Dimitri could do to me. No matter what I did, I just seemed to be digging myself a deeper grave.

A fox Behind Bars part 8

8. I hit the door like a bat out of hell, bursting into the cafeteria. I came to a skidding stop, avoiding a collision with the back of a guard by inches. That was a bullet dodged, I thought. I walked as fast as I could without drawing too much...

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A Fox Behind Bars part 6

6. Thursday morning I felt like a pup on Christmas. That same electricity in the air, the not knowing if you'll get what you asked for, or if you'll get a lump of coal. I leaned on the bars, not sure what I should be waiting for. I doubted they...

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A Fox Behind Bars part 5

5. I was sitting in my corner, as usual, watching Dimitri brush his teeth when the sound of footsteps caught the tiger's attention. I was starting to pick up on the subtleties he was already cued into. The steps had a sharper clap to them. That...

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