A Fox Behind Bars part 6

Story by Wip on SoFurry

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#6 of A Fox Behind Bars

Part 6!

Hmm. I think I'm making progress. It's hard to tell :-)

I definitely see areas I need to work on. Some stuff needs more detail, some stuff could be cut, things like that... but just knowing that I know that, makes me feel like I'm learning more about the craft. Well, I should get writing. Practice makes perfect and all that

Thank you for reading and I hope you enjoy!

Any comments/criticisms/advice/etc, feel free to give 'em.


Thursday morning I felt like a pup on Christmas. That same electricity in the air, the not knowing if you'll get what you asked for, or if you'll get a lump of coal. I leaned on the bars, not sure what I should be waiting for. I doubted they would just page me when my lawyer arrived, so I just looked for any sign of deviation from the routine. It was driving me crazy. Thankfully, I did have other thoughts to distract myself with.

I listened to Dimitri's grunts as he continued with the sets of push-ups he'd been doing on and off since we got back from breakfast. That tiger had been keeping me on edge with his change in behavior. I wouldn't say he was being nice to me, but he was being noticeably less sadistic. Frankly, I was nervous about that. I could imagine several explanations. Pessimistically speaking, he might have heard he wasn't the only one that said he could get me into a different cell, so maybe he'd just want me to ask to stay because I've gotten so good at giving blow jobs on demand. But why would he even give me a choice to begin with?

My favorite theory was that he was massively bipolar, and this was the start of his more goodnatured manic phase. That would be nice while it lasts, but I could imagine one morning a guard doing a headcount asks, where's Regal? I would be the bloody paste, oozing through the bars. What happened, they'd ask, and Dimitri would mutter in that gravelly voice, I have anger issues. Yeah, with my luck, that's how it'd all end.

Maybe I was overthinking it. I tend to do that. I mean, maybe he really just appreciates that I go out of my way not make him mad. I fucking sleep on the floor, and haven't complained once! He might just know a good thing when he sees it.... And I might grow wings and fly out of here.

"Regal," Dimitri was out of breath from exertion.

I turned and prepared to go down on him if he asked.

"Did your lawyer say what time he'd show up?"

"No sir." I thought about that many times. All I remembered was that he said he would come out to see me thursday.

Dimitri rolled his eyes, and got up. His fur was damp with sweat and his muscles would ripple as he flexed a kink out of his arm. There was no denying he was a pleasure to look at, but like his feral ancestors, it would have been safer if I were on the other side of the bars when I did it. I looked at my shoes, I didn't want him to think I was getting off on him. I heard scraping and looked up enough to see him kick my box of papers out from under his bunk and slid it to me.

"Thank you sir," I said and bent to pick up the legal documents.

"Not yet."

I looked up to see him pulling his pants down. I expected as much. I walked over to him with as much enthusiasm as I would have going to the dentist. He put a finger under my chin and made me look him in the eye. "Who's a good boy?" he cooed.

God, I hated how humiliating this all was. "I am sir!" I think I kept the sarcasm out of my voice.

Dimitri smiled and pushed me to my knees. I looked up to make sure he wasn't looking right at me, and flashed a petulant snarl to his package. Couldn't he have let me suck him off before his workout? I took a quick sniff and wrinkled my nose. I wonder if he knew how sensitive a fox's senses were. I licked the head. He probably did, and this was just another powertrip. I wrapped my hands around the shaft and twisted gently, coaxing it to full stiffness. At least this powertrip was less painful than when he used to hit me just because he could.

I opened wide to stretch my jaw. Dimitri had one hand bracing himself on the upper bunk. I ran my tongue along the length of his shaft, getting it slippery enough to go down my throat with as little pain as possible. He took hold of my ear before I could fully coat his sweaty cock in spit. That would have to do, I guessed. I managed to deep-throat him on my second try. My nose pressed into his courser pubic fur, making me take a full breath of his powerful musk. Those fucking pheromones, I felt lightheaded and a little turned on.

Dimitri took his hand off my head and held on to the shelf, opposite the bunk. He bucked his hips, nearly knocking be back. I grabbed hold of his legs, feeling the rock hard muscles, the soft fur, the contours where his ass met his thighs. My dick twitched at the tactile sensations. Before I could analyze what that said about me, Dimitri pushed against me again. I held tight, letting enertia bounce me against him. The tempo of his movement sped up, but I could still catch gasps of air through my mouth each time he pulled back.

The tiger's big paws let go of the bunk and shelf, slamming into the sides of my head. I yelled, more from the shock than anything, but he held me tight. My head was in a vice as he pumped without stopping and roared in climax. I started choking on his seed, my spasming throat just getting him off all the more. Right before I would started to panic, he push me off his cock, his last spurt hitting across the bridge of my muzzle. I fell back, catching myself on my elbows.

"Fuck!" he panted. "That was great."

I struggled to get my breath, swallowing back cum that didn't want to stay down. Needless to say, our definition of "great" varied considerably. I ran a finger down the top of my maw, finding it covered in hot, sticky Dimitri. I looked over at the tiger as he reclined on his bunk. He was looking back at me. I repressed a sigh and stuck my finger in my mouth, sucking the salty glob off my fur. I would have just wiped it on my pants, but why risk insulting him?


The weather had been warming up. Some of the more naturally insulated furs stopped taking coats out. Not me. I still thought it was cold as hell out on the Yard. My time spent there consisted mostly of Vince and Greg making fun of me, and standing around, complaining. Vince was always on the look out for new "employees," as he called them, so to break up the monotony I'd get to watch him leer at the new arrivals, occasionally.

Today was different, though. And different was rarely good. I shuffled up next to Hash. He was watching Vince from a safe distance as he shoved his fat companion.

"What's that about?" I asked.

Hash kept watching. "Greg took a bet that didn't go well. The payout is is gonna really cost them."

"Sucks," I said.

The coyote looked over at me with a slight smile. "He had me up half the night, doing and redoing the math. I think he was hoping the laws of mathematics weren't so concrete." He shrugged. "Be careful. Vince can get pretty mean when he's in a bad mood." He shook his head and changed the subject. "Did you see your lawyer yet?"


"It's still early. And you know how the system is."

I did. "What if he doesn't show up? What if he just leaves me here?" Saying what had been gnawing at the back of my head suddenly made me feel even more nervous.

Hash talked me out of panicking. He told me how the payphones in the common areas work so I could call my lawyer if he didn't make it today. You'd have to call collect, and the message would say the call was from an inmate, but at least I wouldn't have to worry about paying for it. Hash made me promise not to freak out until after I'd gotten to speak to my lawyer. Public defenders were always over worked, and he's probably just going to be running late. Either by a few hours or a few days.

He had the right attitude. I just didn't think I was strong enough to share his outlook.

We watched the two wolves arguing animatedly. Eventually Vince seemed to calm down a bit. He looked over at me and Hash. We both swore under our breath as the wolf approached.

"Shit happens," Vince declared with his arms spread wide, and a hint of hysterics in his louder than necessary voice. "Nothing we can do about it." His manic grin morphed to a snarl as he zeroed in on me. "Regal, no more freebies. If you want to keep hanging out with us, you need to work for me. Otherwise, take your chances with the Alphas. They've got lots of fun ways for you to earn your keep."

"Please, Vince, can you just wait a few more days? Even tomorrow would be good. My lawyer's supposed to see me, and I'm having a really stressful day."

Vince howled with sarcastic laughter. "You're having a stressful day? I'm fucking in debt up to my ear to goddamn rabbit, I just figure out my pack," he glanced at Greg and Hash, "is about as useful as a third nipple," he walked up to me, jamming a finger into my still bruised stomach, "and I'm going up before the parole board next week, with zero fucking chance!" He took a deep breath and for a second I thought he was going to hit me. "The world doesn't revolve around some asshole fox having a bad day. We're all having a pretty fucked up time in here. But I really need an answer from you, Elli," he put a hand on my shoulder, giving it a strange imitation of a friendly squeeze.

I winced at being called "Elli." It's Elliot, or preferably Regal, but he was waiting for my answer, so now was not the time to get into semantics. "I..."

"I need an answer, or you need to get the fuck out of my sight."

He took his hand off my shoulder, like he was getting ready to banish me. I couldn't let him do that. Hash said Vince was easy to work for, compared to others in the Pack. He said he wouldn't let me get beat up. And I don't think I could take not getting to talk with Hash. Vince's scowl told me his patience was at and end. "Ok! Ok, just wait, I have two questions."

Vince narrowed his eyes.

"Please," I prayed he'd hear me out. "You said if I work for you, you'd keep the rest of the Pack off me. Can I still stay in the cell I'm in now. For awhile at least? I don't know many furs here. I really don't want to move yet." I could hardly believe I said that. A week ago I was willing to take any other cellmate over Dimitri, but now I was struck by this paralyzing fear that things actually could get worse than what I had going for me now. I'm such a pussy.

Vince ran his fingers through his hair, trying to think, a task he wasn't good at from what I hear. "What cellblock are you in?"

"Cellblock H," Hash answered before I could. I could hear in his voice the same pleading tone I used. It warmed my heart to think he wanted to be around me as well.

Vince was quiet for a time. "Yeah..." he said slowly. "That could work." He thrust his hand out. I jumped back before I saw he was looking for a handshake to seal the deal. I looked at Hash, seeing his cautious smile made me sure I was making the right choice.

"Good call," Vince said, shaking my arm like a used car dealer. "Now, come with me."

Vince put his arm around me, and guided us in a slow walk through the midst of the Pack's territory. He said I needed to be seen with him, that it would let the others know who owned my ass. I didn't appreciate his phrasing, no matter how accurate it might be. He droned on about how he'd arrange "dates," and what I'd have to do. Nothing I wasn't doing for Dimitri already, I guess.

I wasn't paying a lot of attention to him, I kept trying to spot Piter in the crowd. I wanted him to know I was off limits now. But as Vince greeted some friends and gave some nods to the Alphas, it became apparent that Piter and his gang weren't out here.

I was so distracted I almost didn't notice when we left the crowd and came to the garden shed built against the featureless wall of one of the wings. Vince leaned against it, looking for something in the distance. Greg and Hash were right behind us. No one said anything, and Hash was getting fidgety, snapping and unsnapping his coat buttons.

"What are we doing here," I asked.

Vince smiled as he saw what he'd been looking for, and flash a thumbs up to someone. "I always sample my product."

I should have expected this.

A guard was walking toward us. I watched him, another wolf, with gray fur and a quick, nervous stride. Vince greeted him with a smile and a high five. I knew then that the guard wasn't here to stop this. I turned away from the scene in disappointment. Hash gave me a reassuring smile. I hoped he wouldn't have to watch. I didn't want him to see me in what ever position Vince would put me. No pun intended.

My attention was jerked back to Vince and the guard. I heard Blake's name mentioned. My ears pricked up and swiveled in their direction. They were talking in low, almost angry whispers. I couldn't make out much, but I got enough to get my imagination going. I knew Blake was corrupt, I mean, he admitted he wanted to see me get killed, but was he helping the Pack run drugs and prostitution rings? How fucked up could this place get?

Vince motioned to me. "Give me about fifteen minutes," he said to the guard.

"Yeah, just hurry up. And don't steal anything," said the guard. He unlocked the door to the shed and walked off, never even looking at me.

Vince grabbed my arm, pulling me into the dark shed. "Watch the door," he called to Greg and Hash. The door slammed shut and we were alone in the dark.

The sound of Vince's hand feeling the wall drowned out the sounds of my breathing. A click, and a single bulb lit up the small room. I thought glumly that this shed was roomier than my cell. It was empty, save for a few sacks of grass seed and fertilizer, and a couple plastic rakes propped against the wall.

"Turn around, Elli," Vince breathed. I did. Vince ran his tongue over his lips. "Take your shirt off."

"C'mon!" I protested. "It's freezing!"

Vince just laughed. "Do want Greg to help you?"

"No," I whined. I took off my jacket and looked for a hook. Then I remembered it was prison property, and dropped it on the concrete floor. I exhaled looking for my breath in the dim light. If I end up with a cold, I'll be pissed.

"What the fuck is that?" he asked me as I had my shirt over my head. I tossed my shirt as he looked at the bruising on my stomach. "Who did this?"

I considered my answer carefully. Hash told me that involving Vince with Dimitri would not end well for me. "I fell," I said, going with what seemed to be the go-to explanation for any injuries in prison.

"Who'd you fall against?"

I stayed silent.

"Fine. Don't tell me. But this shit stops now." He rub his hand through my chest fur. "I take care of my furs. If someone's giving you trouble, I want you tell me. Got it?"

I nodded while he continued to feel me up. There wasn't much sexual about it. I felt like he was inspecting livestock, which I guess he was, in a way.

"Take off your pants."

It's cold, I wanted to say, but I also wanted to get this over with as soon as possible. I stripped and watched Vince brush past me. He sat down on a stack of grass seed sacks. There I was, naked, freezing and about to get fucked. This isn't where I imagined my life to be at this point. I shivered.

"Move your hands."

I blushed and turned my head away, then gave him a full view.

"Not bad," he said. "Now get hard."


"Show how big you can get," Vince said with a smirk.

"Vince, please. It's really cold. Can't I-" I hated myself for asking this, "can't I just give you a blow job? You've seen me, assume I'm average. Please let's just get this over with."

Vince lost his smirk. "Maybe you want me call Hash in here? I bet if I told him to get you hard, he'd get the job done. Hell, I'll even make him watch me fuck you. You'd both love that, right?"

"No!" I panicked. "I'll do it, just leave him out of this." He leered at me, expectantly. Bastard!

I took a deep breath. I hadn't jerked off since I got here. There's nothing like the ever present threat of pain and death to kill your sex drive. My eyes closed and I tried to think of happier times. Old girlfriends, porn I used to watch when I was free, even what Hash might look like naked. It was a testament to my imagination that I started to get aroused. I kept my eyes closed, if I looked at Vince, I'm sure I'd have lost my erection. I pumped my fist, pretending I was alone. Soon I was getting into it.

"Ok. Stop."

I groaned in frustration.

"Here," he pointed between his legs. "Suck my dick." He unfastened his pants, letting his own hard cock out. My shoulders slumped. Just this this over with, I kept telling myself.

He was smaller than Dimitri. My jaws weren't stretch until they hurt when I took him in. This might not be too bad, I thought. The extra room let me do more with tongue that actually got Vince to moan. A small victory, but I took what I could get.

Vince's hand grabbed my hair, it threw me off when I realized he was pulling me off him. "Wiatwaitwait, wait" he huffed.

I looked up at him, my mouth full of spit and precum.

"Turn around. I want to finish in you." He pushed me back. I shivered again, not from the cold this time. Thoughts of what happened in Piter's cell came flooding back, and I froze, unable to move on my own aside from the shaking.

Vince glared at me, with a strange look on his face. His hand brushed my face. "Are you crying?" I didn't know if I was until my vision started to blur. "Jeez. Settle down. It's not gonna hurt that bad." I didn't put up any resistance when he turned me over, positioning me like a lump of clay, my head pressed to the ground and my ass in the air. "Just relax and I'll show you how fun this can be."

I could feel my nails dig into my palms, my face flat against the gritty floor, and the cold. Everything else was a distant numbness.

"You have to unclench, ok?"

I tried, and was rewarded with the unnerving sensation of Vince's finger, wiggling around like a worm, inside me. I whimpered at the memories. I would have started sobbing if not for the sudden jolt of pleasure, so strong it arched my spine. What was that?

Vince laughed. "I think I found your G-spot." He stroked that neglected bundle of nerves again. I was getting hard, it was like getting jerked off from the inside.

"Fuck," I moaned dreamily into the floor. I still felt the burning as he stretched me, but now its edge was dulled with intermittent bursts of pleasure.

"You like?" Vince asked.

I was afraid to say yes, because he might stop just to be mean, but I'm sure he could tell from my moaning. I reached for my dick, wanting to finish before Vince got the opportunity to take the opportunity away from me. But he knew what I was doing.

"Hands off, Elli." He kneeled behind me and leaned forward and pulled my arm away. I let out a guttural growl of vexation. I was leaking like a sieve, I wanted release. He grunted in my ear, "Wait. I'll tell you when." In my lustful haze I noticed he'd stopped fingering me. I felt his slick prick push in me, I rocked back, trying to make him hit that magic pleasure spot again. When he did I moaned loud enough to wonder if the whole Yard could hear me.

His thrusts were slow at first, while he tried to get my inexperienced movements into some kind of a rhythm. Once he picked up the pace it didn't take long for both of us to reach the breaking point. He lean on me, almost knocking me flat. His hand came around and started tugging my swollen member. I couldn't wait, and told him so.

Vince drove into me again and said, "now." I didn't need any more encouragement, splashing the cold floor with load while Vince emptied into me.

Vince wasn't one for postcoital affection. He patted my back, told me I did good, pull up his pants and opened the door. He looked back over his shoulder, "We still have the shed for a few more minutes. You can rest for a bit, but get dressed in case a guard comes by."

I was still laying in my jizz, breathing heavy as he let the door close. My intense afterglow quickly faded to a fog of self hatred and disgust. What did I just do, I asked myself. I got up and wrapped myself in my coat, looking for warmth that didn't want to be found.


When the knocking started, I was still naked under the crappy prison jacket. The door cracked open.

"Hello?" Hash called softly.

I sat up straight on my seat of grass seed bags. I know it was stupid, but I didn't want the coyote to see me so weak. I wiped my eyes and cleared my throat.

Hash slowly eased inside. I pulled my coat tighter and closed my legs, protecting what shreds of modesty I still had. He walked to me like someone approaching a feral deer that might bolt at any moment. I hated the look of guilt he had. None of this was his fault. I talked, just to show I was ok.

"I think my interview went well," I said with a forced a smile.

Knowing I wasn't catatonic or dead, Hash allowed a forced a laugh. He picked up my pants and shirt. "I had to check on you. You, uh, were kind of quiet. I thought you might," he trailed off.

I couldn't tell him I'd been just sitting here trying to get Vince's juice to drain from me, and wallowing in my own pity. "I'm good. Just enjoying the change of surroundings."

Hash smiled. "Yeah, I could use something new to look at, too." He handed me my clothes and turned around to give me some privacy.

"But, you really are ok? I mean, all things considered," he asked as I dressed.

"It didn't hurt as much as I thought it would."

"Vince is a bastard, but he's not as bad as a lot of furs in here," Hash shrugged.

"I'm starting to see that."

"I knew you'd be ok," Hash said in relief.

I finished pulling on my shirt. "You can turn around now."

He did, smiling a real smile at my resilience. He embraced me, tightly once I responded in kind. "You and me, Regal, we're gonna get through this hellhole. I'll watch your back, you watch mine. And when we're both out, we'll buy some bullhorns, drive back here, and tell everyone to go fuck themselves."

His optimism was contagious. I believed him.

A Fox Behind Bars part 7

7. I tried not let on what happened in the Yard as me and Dimitri walked back to our cell. I thought I did a good job of it. Not that Dimitri would care, but I just didn't want him to ask me any questions. The bars were shut while the guards...

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A Fox Behind Bars part 5

5. I was sitting in my corner, as usual, watching Dimitri brush his teeth when the sound of footsteps caught the tiger's attention. I was starting to pick up on the subtleties he was already cued into. The steps had a sharper clap to them. That...

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A Fox Behind Bars part 4

4. Sunday morning. I'm still alive. I can't say I'm ecstatic over that, but I'm also not desperate enough to look for an alternative. Taking stock of my body was depressing. I think something in my shoulder was strained, or maybe torn, but at...

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