The Dark Room

Story by Gruffy on SoFurry

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Jake is running late with the Mother's Day gift for his dear mama, and it doesn't help that the customer service seems to be flagging.


Hello, folks!

This is a commission for the graceful avatar?user=174069&character=0&clevel=2 Hammerfist who occasionally throws ideas and money my way, and I provide him with fun stuff! And being the generous soul I am, the story is shared here for everyone to enjoy! Do tell me how you liked it, and leave comments, and remember that all votes, faves and watches will help others to find these stories to enjoy as well!


Jake stepped out of the car and huffed to himself when he slammed the door shut and slinked over across the curb to the canopied door. He could think of perhaps 271 and a half better ways to spending his morning rather than fetching a terrifying Mother's Day gift from the photography shop in town. "Dirk's Dark Room" it was called and it'd been around for ages, as long as he could remember. Jake's antipathy towards the place had likely been born out of Old Mr. Dirk himself, the tobacco-smelling cougar with a beer belly who seemed like the last fur ever you'd want to let near your kids with a camera in his paws.

The somewhat more grizzled and even more hoarse-voiced cat had greeted him the other day as well when Jake had popped in to bring his parents' wedding photo in to be enlarged and put into a decorative frame to be then given as a gift for his mother - a gift so horrible that Jake felt embarrassing for even having come up with the premise, but the young lion had decided that it was exactly the kind of tacky piece of horrible kitsch that his mother would simply lap it up like a platter of buttered cream.

There was a pling-plong bell over the glass-paned door that admitted him into the dusty shop, not very large, with all the merchandise old-fashionedly placed on shelves behind the long service counter. It had a glass display case as its base and showed digitals cameras that looked at least moderately modern, though somehow Jake liked to remember that when he'd come in to have a photo of him taken wearing an embarrassing little suit and a bow tie, that Old Dirk had used a magnesium flash when he was taking the said snap.

The lion was careful not to let his tail brush against the linoleum tiles of the floor, which he suspected had not been cleaned since the very first Bush administration had been in power. The smell of cigarettes was still strong, even though he was quite sure that there were laws to stop something like that from happening.

Jake didn't hurry up at walking over to the counter, half expectant of the nicotine-colored cougar to appear from behind the dusty cardboard cutout of a cheekily smiling otter with a camera that stood in one corner, instead of the curtained entryway to the back. He remembered it to be cluttered with photography equipment and some dubious props he used for his photo setups. He wasn't all that curious to see what it might have looked like this time around.

He stood by the counter, after good 30 seconds, and wondered whether he'd have to call for series, or something. Maybe the old cougar was in the back dissolving bodies in acid - that was, having a cup of coffee or a smoke while he waited something to happen, like having a customer around. There was no bell there on the counter, this was not a fucking hotel, Jake thought wryly to himself.

He was just about to tap impatient fingerpads against the countertop when the curtain was pulled. Much to his surprise, the first thing to emerge was not Dirk's expansive belly, but instead, the fur entering the shop floor side of the business was a young, strapping tiger, dressed casually in a T-shirt and wearing some jeans, and looking almost as disreputable as Jake thought he did himself, except that he was about a head taller.

"Hello, how can I help you?" the tiger asked.

Jake blinked. He had totally not expected to meet an attractive tiger in the shop instead of the cougar whose body odor could be described as something between a hobo and an empty bottle of cough syrup. The tiger smelled like...he smelled...the lion couldn't decide.

"Uh...hey..." Jake mused, his tail flipping up and down behind him, "I had a photograph here I brought to be enlarged...uh...I brought it to Dirk the other day."

"Hmm..." the tiger appeared thoughtful, "I think he was working on something like that yesterday...I'll have to check from the back. Just a moment."


Jake was pretty sure that the shop's archive couldn't be all that expansive, hence he didn't expect to have to wait very long once the tiger disappeared into the back of the store once again. But after several minutes, and having heard a lot of muffled rustling and shifting, he started to wonder just what was going on, and then the tiger returned.

"I'm afraid I couldn't find it in the work room," he said, "what did you say your name was again?"

Jake gave his name, and the tiger rubbed his chin thoughtfully.

"Hmmm...maybe he's put it somewhere else," he said, "He sometimes misplaces things."

Alzheimer's, Jake thought, but nodded curtly.

"I'd just like to have it and go home," Jake said, "I already paid it and everything."

"He was doing an enlargement of a wedding photo, that much I remember," the tiger said, "but I'm not sure where he put it exactly."

"Can you check again?" Jake asked. "It's not exactly tiny, either, it's meant to about this big..."

He gestured, and the tiger nodded again.

"Yeah, I remember it, I remember the frame, too, and he put a Post-It note on it with your name written down onto it, but I just can't seem to remember..."

"So, will you check again?" the lion was starting to feel impatient.

"Just a moment."

The tiger went to the back for another session of rustling and screeching and rattling, but soon returned, empty-pawed.

"I looked under the table and inside the cabinets," the tiger said, "but I really didn't see it there."

"Well where is it then?" Jake asked. "I'm supposed to be home soon, that picture is kinda expected, you know."

"Mother's day gift, huh?" the tiger suggested.

"Yep," Jake snorted. "I'd really like to have it, too."

"I could call Dirk, but he went out to see his mother, so he might not like me interrupting..."

Jake couldn't even imagine what kind of a woman could give birth to a creature such as Dirk, though the idea was an entertaining one and involved a woman smoking a cigarette through a hole in the throat cut there after she'd had to have her larynx surgically removed because of too much smoking-involved damage.

He brushed the thought aside.

"How about one more look?"

And he felt really super desperate, too, and found himself speaking.

"Maybe I can help, too. I'll promise not to break or misplace anything."

The tiger looked at him for a moment, as if to decide whether he could let the lion enter the back den of the store, but seemed to decide that Jake looked harmless enough.

"Well alright," he said, "just don't...mess anything up?"

"You can trust me," Jake snuffled.

" least we can split, then, huh," the tiger said.

Jake entered to the back on the tiger's heels and it did look much like he recalled - there was a photography 'studio' with professional lighting equipment and the tripod set ready for capturing their subjects, an extremely cheesy plaster-coated Roman pillar for those awkward posing photos, as well as kind of an old-fashioned park bench that was supposed to make the atmosphere of a romantic couple sitting together. There was a riding horse that looked like it could've belonged to the set of a horror movie with a cursed baby, and a bouquet of flowers so plastic that Jake wondered whether anyone would have ever wanted to be immortalized on digital film holding something as fake as that. The other side contained what looked like a workshop area, for fixing cameras, and for framing photographs and paintings, and even contained a few power tools on a painted steel shelf.

"Okay, how about you...uh...Jake, right...?" the tiger seemed questioning.


"Will," the tiger said.

Jake nodded.

"How about you start out by checking that side, it's where he keeps the materials, and I'll look over here, where we keep the finished stuff?" he pointed out one messy shelving unit and then another one, slightly more orderly.

"Whatever you say," Jake replied.

"I'm afraid Dirk isn't the most orderly...shopkeeper," the tiger seemed to be struggling to find proper words to describe the cougar.

"I bet," Jake said.

He shuffled over to the messy shelf and decided that this was not going to do any good for his allergies. He sneezed as soon as he moved one pile of corkboard to the side to see if it was possible for one huge ass photo to become obscured by them. No such luck. He found all sorts of nails, hanging hooks, the lot, everything except that something that bore even a vague resemblance to the missing golden memory snapshot of his parents.

I don't think it's here, dude.

That's what he was about to tell the tiger, and he'd already turned his head and his vocal cords were probably starting to vibrate in preparation as well if it wasn't for the sight of the tiger crouching, bent over, really, looking for something on the lowermost shelf. He was on his knees, back curved like only a feline's, could, really, even if half of it was just a dirty fantasy by everyone who wasn't a cat, head tilted down, tail casually flicking from one side to side...and a gorgeous tiger ass on display and hugged by the jeans that the posture pulled ever so tight over those buns.

Jake blushed and felt his cock surge into life. He might've been an ass man, but usually in the sense of wondering if he could get his own filled in a variety of ways, and while he didn't mind ogling at a nice rump, it wasn't his main focus, really. Still, even he wasn't blind to random straight tiger could he, when it was on display like that -

The tiger turned about and shook his head.

"Phew!" he snorted.

Jake was almost startled by his quick movement, and hurried to speak up his mind before he'd dare to think even more lurid things.

"I - I don't think it's here either," the lion muttered.

"Bizarre," the tiger replied, "I saw him work on it. I saw it half a dozen times on that table over there!"

He waved over to the table and looked as puzzled and as annoyed as the lion on the other side of the room. Jake wasn't sure whether he should even feel amused by the fact that something as simple as acquiring a stupid Mother's Day present for his mother could turn out to be a pain in the ass like this.

"You don't think he might have taken it home or something?" Jake asked. Probably to add into some sort of a strange collage of stolen photos, where all of them had their eyes and maws carved out in some bizarre rite.

"I haven't known him to do that," the tiger replied, and Jake was no longer sure whether he meant taking work home, or creating strange photo walls.

"Shit." Jake was beyond being polite. Now he was starting to feel genuinely pissed off at the cougar, and a bit at the help as well. The tiger wasn't exactly rising up to shining customer service either.

"Well it could be in the darkroom..." the tiger said, suddenly.


"It's not really used anymore, but he sometimes keeps stuff in there," the tiger pointed out a door that had a lopsided sign that read "NO ENTRY WHEN RED LIGHT IS ON!" taped onto it. "Could've put it there for all I know."

Jake huffed.

"Well can you take a look?"

"Sure," the tiger replied mildly. "It's a bit of a clutter, really, so maybe you could help me out there as well?"

Jake decided that he would not trust any member of the photo shop staff with sole responsibility for the framed snap anymore.

"Alright," he said. "Let's take a look."

The tiger went over to the door with the warning signs and hit a light switch next to it, which caused the red lamp above the door to come up. The door opened without a hitch by pulling on the handle, revealing a small alcove of sorts, with another door on the other end. It was probably meant to ensure that no light could accidentally get into the sensitive chemical pools and film within, Jake thought, but the tiger didn't seem to think that was an issue now for he simply pushed the inner door open as well and stepped in, followed by the lion.

It was something of a shock to the senses to enter, really, everything bathed in red light from a single bulb in the ceiling. Jake blinked and felt somewhat disoriented by the strange illumination, let alone the musty smell of the room, a mixture of chemicals, dust, some kind of a plastic, maybe. The outer door thumped shut behind him, pulled on by a mechanical arm.

Jake turned to the tiger, who was standing nearby.

"Doesn't this place have normal lights, too?" he asked.

The tiger's eyes had a strange glimmer to them in the red light, and it made his striped face look vaguely demonic.

"Yeah, sure it does, but thought this was more appropriate, the tiger said.

"Eh?" Jake scowled.

"I mean..." the tiger mused in a light voice, "kinda sets the mood, don't you think?"

Jake made a face.

"I'm not quite sure I get you, dude," he spoke up. "Can't we just look for the photo and - "

"But where's the fun in that?" the tiger rumbled.

He reached out with a paw and grabbed the lion's arm. Jake's furs began to bristle. He didn't like physical contact all that much to begin with, especially from suddenly grabby strangers he'd met only minutes before and who'd just led him into a windowless room where nobody could hear your screams.

"Get your fucking paw off me," Jake hissed and yanked his arm away. He was almost surprised that the tiger did let him go, fingers slipping away without too much of an attempt to remain.

"Relax, dude!" the tiger smirked, even if the lion in front of him seemed very upset by his approach. "Not like I was gonna hurt you or anything...just thought it's what you wanted..."

"Wanted to be grabbed by strangers?" Jake snorted. "Don't think so."

The tiger winked, a peculiar sight in the red light that involved one eye gleaming and then not gleaming and then it was shining again under the strange light.

"You checked out my butt...I think that was pretty obvious...heh..."

Jake cursed himself. His ass bandit actions were always bound to come biting him in the tail. Now it became apparent that the tiger had seen him checking him out when he was bending over.

"Hmmmph," he snorted.

"And since the store is dead, anyway..." the tiger slurred.

Jake couldn't believe it. Was the tiger now coming onto him after only a few minutes' acquaintance, and interaction mostly consisting of snappy remarks about a stupid wedding photo?

"What the hell are you talking about?" Jake huffed.

"Well I'm saying, buddy, that if you hadn't shown up I'd probably be hiding in here jacking off a quick one to have at least something to do to kill the time, but since you seem interested..."

"Excuse me," Jake said, "I don't really..."

The tiger chuckled, almost ruefully now.

"If you don't wanna hook up, it's okay, and I'm sorry if I came on too hard, but I'm really horny and bored and since the chances of scoring some laid in this town is close to zero, I thought I'd try my luck," his ears started to droop a little.

Jake was still disbelieving of the exact circumstances of it all, but he could certainly fee for the tiger, whose attempt at hitting on him seemed to have backfired now. He had to admit, the tiger sure had balls, working on somewhat feeble assumption to begin with, and then leading the lion on into the secluded back room in the hopes of...scoring some.

"Should I assume that the photo is not here?" he asked.

The tiger snuffled.

"Well it could be here, sure, I mean, I couldn't find it anywhere else," he said, "but I wasn't really taking you here to look for"

"So maybe we could at least try to find it, or I'll have to go and buy some stupid flowers and slippers for my mother instead and deal with your boss about the photo later?" Jake proposed.

The tiger shrugged.

"Well I guess so..." he sounded dejected.

Jake had to admit, the tiger was cute. And acting this disappointed, too, which felt wrong in a way.

"Or whatever," he breathed into the air.

The tiger's ears perked, and his eyes definitely assumed a more curious glimmer.


The lion bit his lip before he spoke again.

"Or whatever else you had in mind, I guess," he said.

"Really?" the tiger whispered now.

Jake snorted.

"Believe me, I know everything about not scoring," he said.

"So..." the tiger flicked his ears confidently as he stepped closer to the lion, "a quick one isn't out of the question after all...?"

Jake could feel his own cock start to harden again, back to full mast after the brief deflation caused by being fucking pissed off about the stupid wedding photo. In the closed confines of the darkroom, the tiger's scent was starting to come off more strongly as well, even through the stench of the photo developing chemicals that lingered in the space. The lion grew aroused, and he had a suspicion that the tiger was getting there as well, now that his dashed hopes had been renewed.

"Guess it'd beat beating off, huh?" Jake muttered.

"Definitely," the tiger smiled.

He moved again, now, though this time, putting his paws over to the lion's hips and moving about him so that he stood behind him, muzzle pressing against the suddenly shivering golden cat's neck while he nuzzled there.

"You're sexy, too...Jake, wasn't it?"

"Is it that hard to remember?" the lion rumbled, enjoying the feel of having his hips brushed by paws, the muzzle caressing near his ear by now.

"Hmmm...not really..." warm breath whispered in the lion's ear, followed by the touch of a tongue.

Jake gasped. It was turning very sexy very quickly, and he felt surprised by the intensity of the pleasure from being held from behind. His impromptu partner was pressing onto him, too, and he could feel a cozy bulge thrust against his rump. The feeling was thrilling, and made him press back a little, to get a better feel of the manscape behind him.

"You like?" the tiger whispered.

"Hmmmphhh...I love cock..." Jake almost blushed at the slutty remark that escaped from his muzzle, but he wasn't really in the mood for regrets, now that he actually had a throbbing specimen of the male sexual organ pressing onto his butt.

The tiger chuckled sensually and brushed a paw over Jake's hip, to cup the mound of the lion's own boner through his pants and giving it a squeeze. Jake let out a pleased rumble, though it left him in the conundrum of whether to press forward onto the paw or back to feel the presence of the cock against his hindquarters.

"Well I've got one just for ya..." said the tiger, "want me to put it in ya?"

Jake snorted, almost wryly.

"What kind of a fucking question is that?"

The tiger snickered and ground himself more intently onto the lion's butt, paws rubbing up and down over the belly of the lion he held close to his toned body.

"Been since last night I got off...really need to blow a load..." the tiger drawled naughtily into the lion's neck he kept sniffing and nuzzling. He obviously seemed to enjoy the feel of the thick mane, and how it smelled like, fur and a hint of sweat.

"Go for it..." rumbled the lion.

The tiger let out a soft laugh and moved his paws over the lion's belly and down to his hips so that he could maneuver them...tiptoeing in a circle and then he led Jake forward, over towards a cluttered table standing by a wall.

"Bend over, hun," said the tiger, "guess you know the drill..."

Jake did. He planted his paws onto the edge of the table, shoulders slung back and his ass pushed up, pretty much aligned himself to be drilled. The tiger remained behind him and began to grope the lion's rump through his jeans, making little rumbles and purrs while he did so, playing with the golden cat's butt.

"Hmm...pretty nice..." the tiger complimented Jake's posterior, both with his words and a rough pinch on one of the cheeks that caused the lion's tail to bounce up," springy, too..."

"Hah..." Jake mumbled.

The tiger reached for the lion's belt and unbuckled it for him, eager fingers tugging under the waistband to pull the jeans down to his knees. He grinned at the sight of the revealed rump and gave it a hearty slap, much to the lion's moaning approval.

" much better than jacking off..." commented the tiger. "Guess you're pretty pent up too, buddy?"


The loose boxers Jake'd been wearing joined the jeans around his knees, exposing the entirety of lionbutt for the tiger's observations. He grasped the double buns and spread them urgently, massaging into the round muscles.

"Gonna be fun to pound this...heh...hope you don't mind if I'm just gonna put it in...don't think we can spend too much time on this I'm afraid..."

"I getting home too..." Jake snorted, though the idea of getting back to his folks, bearing gifts or not, was far from his mind at that particular moment.

"Heheh," the tiger patted the lion's butt before he suddenly moved away from behind the lion, which prompted him to look over his shoulder at what was going on.

"What now?" he gasped.

"Eager, ain't ya?" the tiger chuckled.

He wandered over to the other side of the darkroom, to a table where some strange contraption stood, and pulled open a drawer at its underside. He rummaged through the drawer for a couple moments before he grabbed something and took it out. The striped cat was soon behind the lion again, whom realized just exactly what the tiger had brought along from the mystery drawer.

"Please tell me that's real lube," he said, "I don't want my ass to be stuffed with something that's gonna smart."

"Relax," the tiger chuckled, "it's the real deal, sure! This is my regular spot alright, hence, I've got a little stash here..."

Jake imagined the tiger excusing himself from Dirk the photographer on whatever errand he could come up with, when for real he'd just pop into the darkroom for a quick fap with even the lube stocked there for those very special private times. He'd rather expected it from Dirk the man himself...possibly with an added stash of some tittie magazines for inspiration.

"Better than spit and polish, huh?" the tiger purr-snickered while he too made the effort of unzipping his pants and tugging out a cock from the newly open fly. Jake smelled the musk and pre-cum, and saw a nicely sized, pointed length, bristling with barbs and nestled in a fun bush of pubic hair.

"Y-yeah..." Jake could feel his tailhole clench at the sight, and his paws clutched the table more intently as he imagined what kind of a sensation such a member would be giving to him momentarily.

The tiger splurted lube onto his paw and grabbed Jake's tail with another.

"I know this ain't most romantic, but I think I'm just gonna put some of this in there and hop on, if you don't mind."

"Have had worse," the lion mused as he got the promised fingers under his tail, obviously seeking the heat of his hole.

"Beheheh," the tiger chortled.

His breathing sounded urgent, and Jake's too fell into a lower timber, a natural reaction to being poked and prodded. His cock was out of his pants as well and was probably oozing pre-cum all over Dirk's photo developing table. The fingers toying with his butthole were most likely causing a similarly messy state for his ass crack, too. Jake tried to keep his tail from swiping at the tiger's arm, but it was difficult to keep completely still with something prodding and poking at him. At least the fingers were courteously lubing and not just jamming themselves inside him. Jake might've been a dedicated bottom, but even he needed at least some preparation before taking anything bigger than a delicate finger.

The tiger's finger was neither dainty nor delicate, and burrowed into Jake's pucker with clear intentions. It was very wet, however, and the tiger knew when to take a moment's break before getting deeper into the lion's rump. His spare paw kept toying with Jake's tail and the ass cheeks his knuckles were spreading while he tried stretching out the gallant muscled gates of pleasure.

"Hmmm...think it might go in...could be a bit ruff though..." the tiger breathed, obviously very much aroused by now.

"Go for it, " Jake commanded. He thought he might regret it later on, especially if the tiger would be very enthusiastic about it, but he was ready to bite his teeth and take it up the ass if that was what it would take.

The lube bottle made another noise when the tiger applied some to his paw and then onto his dick, and then he moved into place, hips falling onto Jake's hips as he began to hump into the lion's crack.

"Ben a while for ya?" the tiger hissed into his ear, jamming his cock between the lion's cheeks.

"A b-bit," came the hushed reply.

"I'll give you something to remember by..." the tiger sounded cocky, his barbed tip still going back and forth in search of the lion's backdoor, spreading a mixture of precum and lube onto the furs in the lion's taint.

The barbs finally found catch on the fleshy rim of the lion's pucker, and another enthusiastic thrust lodged it partially into the lion's clenching hole. The tiger grabbed onto his hips more firmly and pressed his muzzle into Jake's mane, hot breaths huffing through the whispy, soft hair.


A further thrust, and the shop assistant was in his customer's rear, the lion growling a little at the sensation of being spread open by so many smarting barbs. They stroked the lion's innards while they slipped through Jake's hole and made their way deeper, the tiger's hips tense and tail snapping the air behind him. He could even feel claws against the skin there, which only added to the myriad of feelings Jake was experiencing mostly from the waist down. The initial brush of barbs against his prostate renewed the erection that had flagged momentarily from the discomfort of initial penetration, and soon the lion's shaft was proudly upright again and ready to slap against his body when the tiger's actual pumping action began.

He was quite quiet, not really up to dirty talk while he took the lion's tight rear with quick, deep thrusts that pounded the tiger's balls against the lion's own hanging pair. The table gave the occasional creak, especially once a particularly hard thrust forced his thighs against it and now both cats were practically falling onto the table with their full weight.

"Hmjmmmmmmphhgg..." the tiger sounded aproving, the movements of his hips fluid and quick, sliding through the wet, slippery, slurping grip of his surprise fuck's tailhole.

"S-shit..." Jake moaned. He'd only barely stretched out to take it as of yet, quite the feat with the minimal foreplay they had enjoyed, and the tiger could still give him the occasional twinge when he bottomed out inside the lion's fuzzy rump.

The lion reared his head up, which only had the effect that the tiger pushed his head down over to his neck and began to nibble the lion even while his hips never missed a beat, bumping onto Jake's butt at a good pace. The lion's purrs and moans went wild, both from the endless humping of his ass and the tiger's playful teeth nipping and tugging on his neck furs and skin. It felt hot, wet and dangerous, just like the barbed cock burrowing itself balls deep into the pink, once tight hole under the lion's obediently raised tail. It was a true needy fuck, too, one pent up tiger taking out his sexual frustrations in the first possible partner come his way...and the lion was a happy recipient of such attention. Staying cooped up with his parents was boring enough...this was definitely a good way to make the entire visit at home a bit more bearable, at least in retrospective. Didn't they say that the good memories could cover up the dull ones?


The tiger had slipped out in his enthusiasm, and his cock raked down all the way to poke at the moaning lion's balls before he regained control. The hissing cat gripped himself and guided himself back onto the lion's hole, which he then spread open anew with a well-aimed retaliatory thrust.

"Aaahyyesshh..." he slurred wetly against the lion's neck, making the strands of the mane wet with saliva.

Jake wasn't sure how long they'ed been going at it, but his ass had this great, warm glow stating to come from the pounded walls, his prostate and his hole tingling after continuous stimulation. His cock drooped downwards a little but bounced up and down and oozed pre-cum while the tiger kept pumping into his rear with all his youthful enthusiasm for sinking his dick onto a nice, obliging hole. No wonder he was frustrated, too, Jake managed to think, working in the shop must've been dreadfully dull even when he could slip to the back to jack off to pass the time somehow.

Masturbation was the furthest thing on either cat's mind at the moment, however. Both were getting what their lustful bodies needed, whether it was one side of a good fuck or another, and the noisy, ball-slapping humping was enough of a proof that. Jake was even trying to push back to meet the hard thrusts upon his rear, but the tiger's weight plastered on his back made it somewhat difficult. It was hardly a problem, the tiger was giving him enough to keep him well occupied -


It struck him quickly, the dull pushing had been there before but the sudden convulsion-like clenching of his rectum came in a surprise rush of even greater pleasure, followed by the jerking motions and the strands of cum that started to gush out of Jake's flopping penis.The lion bit his jaws together in his best attempt to keep from making a roar, all the while the huffing, sweaty striped cat still kept pounding into his trick's extra tight, squeezing hole.


The tiger bit down onto the lion's shoulder when his orgasm boiled over and he was reduced into somewhat jerky motions, hips still driving in an attempt to breed the lion's ass into submission with the cum that shot up Jake's rump in thick, rapid fire tendrils of hot man-cream. Jake was already somewhat slumped, his own climax waning, but he still took in the great, receptive pleasure of taking the tiger's hefty load that drained into him from the panting tiger's loins.

"Hmmph...sure hope your stash includes some Kleenex, too..." Jake mused once the tiger's activity had mostly been reduced into panting against the lion's neck, like after a good, thigh-pounding run, which wasn't an entirely wrong idea, either.

"Yeah, actually...want me to...fetch some?" the tiger breathed.

"My car seats would appreciate it," Jake mused. He seriously needed a shower after this thing so as not to raise any strange questions at home.


The tiger plopped out and left a messy hole that barely had the time to clench shut before the stripey one's copious cum managed to dribble out of the lion's stuffed back passage.

Jake leaned onto the table still and looked down at the ghostly mess of his cum on the tabletop.

On the way up, his eyes caught the sight of the upside down, youthful faces of his parents in their wedding attire, staring beamingly down from a photograph that'd been lodged against the wall, upside down, and which, it seemed, he'd almost splattered with cum when he'd been fucked hard enough to get it all out of him paws-free.

Jake would never love a Mother's Day gift more than that very same photograph.


Thanks for reading! Ta ta!

First Name Terms (HH)

\* Hello, and welcome to the Hockey Hunk! It is nice to see all you here (to see you nice!) and I'm pleased to have this story out once more. Spring is in the air, though it's autumn in Kirk City...interesting conundrum there! Hopefully this chapter...

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Awakening the Beast God

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