Awakening the Beast God

Story by Gruffy on SoFurry

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Awakening the Beast God


This is a commission for avatar?user=44704&character=0&clevel=2 The Cuddling Fox who grabbed one of my Wanna See...opportunities, and this is how it turned out during a live writing stream! Hope you like it ,and I look forward to your feedback!

Have a fun read!


The Turkish sun was harsh for someone with a long fur like Ben, and once again he wondered why the hell wasn't he just frying himself on a lounge chair on the beach down at the coast instead of poking around some old pile of stones. The black furred rabbit wiped his brow of sweat and wondered if everyone else was feeling exactly as uncomfortable as he was. He glanced around, thankfully shaded by the wide brim of his hat, but could see the rest of team only as dots in the distance. He'd taken it to himself to walk along the cragged landscape a little, with his GPS at paw, to see how it all measured up. Any sudden mounds in unusual places not indicated by the vegetation or the surrounding rocks might indicate that something ancient would've gotten buried by millennia beneath rubble before the soil and vegetation would finish up the job of covering up everything interesting and historical.

Well, prehistoric, possibly, who could really know? This area had been inhabited for thousands of years, even before the Greek, the Hittites, the Turks, the Byzantines, through centuries of rule under different empires, each having scraped its mark on the rocky, dry surroundings around the rabbit. The Roman pillars standing on the Mediterranean shore nearby were positively the most boring archaeological discovery yet. It'd probably been mapped and catalogued already in the 19th century.

The rabbit puffed out his cheeks and grumbled, considering a drink of water to soothe his increasing thirst. His footpaws were starting to ache too after a whole day of walking on the uneasy rocky paths, slipping on gravel and climbing about hills. Some sand must've gotten in, too, because he was quite sure that he had a blister forming on one of his pads.

Ben shook his head, which had the effect of sending sweat flying from the tips of his long ears. This might've been his dream job, really, but the harsh reality of doing some real life field work was very different from research either at the reading chambers at the university library or gently poking at pieces of broken amphoras at the archaeology lab. Professor Jules' project to find the remains of an ancient pirate stronghold on this particular area had not been very fruitful yet, but at least it was a great opportunity for the post-grad bunny wanting start on his path into real academic life.

Ben looked up the hill and then at the screen of his phone, which was running his GPS app. According to it,the top of the hill was another 95 feet above sea level, meaning that he would have a rather steep walk ahead of him. The odds of finding anything relevant around there were slim, besides perhaps spying on some land formation or two from on top of the hill. The bunny stood still and glanced down the hill to see the small dots of his co-workers busy studying a pile of rocks that might or might not have been a little stone hut at one point, hosting the treasure of the pirates - or possibly just the nets of a fisherman, or maybe it had just been a cellar for storing the wine. It was too early to really tell. Maybe he should join them and stop playing Indiana Jones, kicking around the bushes. There was a great lack of Nazi treasure hunters to begin with, too, which would have made it decisively more exciting for everyone involved.


He leaned on his walking stick and headed up the hill with slow steps, taking care not to step on any rocks that might be prone for roll-

He felt like falling...and he did...down and down and there was a thump but it did not come when he thought it would and even though it can't have taken more than a couple of seconds, in his brain it felt like it lasted a minute, the moment the hill disappeared and he only saw blue sky and then he saw a bit of sky still as well, but besides that, dark stone and -

Ben coughed dust off his muzzle and nose and gasped for air. His back hurt and he knew that his furs were covered in sand. He had to blink the stuff away from his eyes, was even falling off his ears, which he was glad to find were still moving as well.

"Aghjhhhh..." the rabbit muttered. "Help..."

His weak cry for rescue echoed into his ears off some unseen walls. He coughed again, brought his paw over to his muzzle to brush it and felt a twinge of pain on his shoulder, but at least it was moving, right? And moving his head didn't cause his legs to become paralyzed, which probably meant that he hadn't broken his spine. Besides, it felt like he was lying on a very thick pile of loose sand, and it seemed to have lessened the impact of his fall.

Ben löoked directly up towards the light coming from the hole above him, and squinted. It seemed so very bright in comparison to the relative darkness that surrounded him everywhere except for the cone of light coming from above, the blue sky.

For he was somewhere underground, that much was clear. He slowly got to his knees, fighting the grunts of pain, and looked about himself.

It was a chamber of sorts, as far as he could tell, sand covering the floor of it, and the ceiling was arched, curving into a kind of a rough cupola, obviously carved into the solid rock.

"Damn..." Ben grumbled. He moved his dusty paws over to his belt and grabbed the flashlight from its holster. Thankfully the sturdy lamp had survived the fall unharmed and cast a bright beam that showed countless sparkling particles of dust floating in the air around him.

Ben lifted the flashlight up and aimed the cone of light to the nearest wall. It seemed to be perhaps five yards away, and as he slowly turned to the right, he assessed that the room seemed to be approximately ten yards across in that direction. Turning the light up, he could follow the curve of the ceiling over all the way to where the natural light overcame the beam of the LED flashlight. The ceiling seemed to be about five, six yards above him...might have been as much as twenty feet. His head was spinning enough to make mental arithmetics feel difficult. Trying to make calculations hurt his brain more than it usually did.


Not that he'd expected to be able to climb out on his own anyway, even without compound fractures to both his ankles. He'd have to find a way to raise the attention of his colleagues down the hill. Ben huffed...and remembered the phone.

He waved the light around the sandy ground beneath him, looking for the telltale sight of the smartphone, but could not see it. Either it had fallen somewhere above ground of had become buried in the rubble of soil, rocks and sand that covered the floor of the cavern. He'd have to look for it.

"Crap...this isn't good."

The rabbit forced himself up to his feet and brushed more dust and gravel off his furs and clothes.The movement brought out whole new sparks of pain that made him grunt and huff in displeasure, but at least nothing seemed to be broken. He might've been bleeding into his stomach or something, but perhaps he would not even realize he was before it was too late and he'd just fall unconscious and that'd be it. For now, though, he could still think, move and seek escape from this hole.


He walked over slowly to one of the walls. He intended to seek evidence on whether the cave was stable or not - if him simply walking above it had caused part of the ceiling to come tumbling down, there was not knowing just how fragile it was. Perhaps he could accidentally bring the rest of it down on himself, he thought. Ben also had the vague idea that if that was the case, it could also mean that should he find the right spot, there might also be a chance of securing escape from the hole as well. If it was animal made, there had to be some sort of a tunnel that led entry to it, and even if it was too small for him to crawl through, he might try to rouse attention through it, by shouting or whatever.

The rabbit's thoughts were interrupted as soon as he reached the wall. Its dusty surface appeared grooved and was covered in dust, but a quick touch on it by his paw brought down the dust and revealed what was unmistakably markings that were made by a sentient paw.

Ben's eyes widened. He let out a quick breath of excitement and brushed more of the wall away, to reveal that the entire swatch he uncovered was inscribed with the unmistakable arrow-like markings of ancient Cuneiform writing.

"Wow..." the rabbit gasped, despite his circumstances.

He couldn't read it, that was a far more specific skill, and he had really only been a Classic scholar, versed in deciphering Ancient Greek rather than something even older and more arcane. Whoever had built this place had not been an animal burrowing itself a hovel to stay in or protect its younglings, no, this was definitely a cave shaped by a paw. The markings likely told the secret story of its inception, too, he knew, and that meant that what he had just discovered was... BIG.

Could it really be, Ben thought, that his sore ass from falling down on it was the price to pay for a truly interesting, significant archaeological discovery? He felt excited, suddenly, looking everywhere at once, for further clues -

And he saw a dark shape, and almost dropped his flashlight.

Standing on one of the shorter walls, on what was the back of the rectangular cavern, was a statue of a horse, carved in grey stone.

"Wow..." Ben muttered.

He adjusted the beam of the flashlight to be broader and slowly approached the statue, to fully, really appraise it.

It stood almost as tall as the room, immense, though obviously carved and crafted perfectly into proportion. He could not see the hooves, for they were covered in the sand and dust that formed the layer all over the floor, which he presumed must've seeped in through whatever cracks the cave had, over thousands of years of being sealed, whether by the forces of nature or by an intentional action to hide this room from visitors.

He moved the light very slowly, taking in every detail. The statue was made exquisitely, perfect in every aspect of anatomy when it came to reproducing the body of a stallion. The sex of the depicted figure came apparent at the first glance, either way, considering that the huge statue sported a truly humongous erection, three feet of stone phallus protruding from its muscled loins. The rabbit could even see the folds of an equine sheath, on the smooth stone that then shaped itself upon chiseled abdominal muscles, a narrow waist, a muscled torso and shoulders sprung upwards. The horse's hands were about its hips, palms up and the fingers curved - possible sites for burning ritual fires, Ben's more academic mind suggested, though he was mostly concerned with dry-mawedly staring at the awesome figure of the statue.

The head was bold, with a long mane that'd been depicted as having been pulled into a ponytail, slung over one shoulder. The expression was grand, powerful, the eyes managing to be piercing even without any color to them. The horse looked lively, despite being of stone, and gave the impression that it might strut off its base at any moment and race into the distance, perfect muscles beating its hooves onto the ground with that long mane flying behind its shapely form.

"God..." Ben mumbled. Staring at the horse, he even forgot about taking out his camera from its pouch on his belt and to get at least some sort of a document of his discovery going. He was simply too rapt in awe by the discovery of the statue, such a perfect specimen of manhood captured in rock and hidden for reasons unknown into this dark cavern for thousands of years for him of all furs to discover it.

His earlier mutterings were soon replaced by silent cursing. If only he knew how to read cuneiform - not to mention that deciphering the letters was only the first problem, really,he didn't even have the foggiest about what language they might have been used to convey. Ben had to concur defeat in that, someone else would have to do that part of the job for him. Ben was convinced that the creators of the statue surely had left their story in writing, offering some sort of a clue onto the purpose of the cavern and the statue, whatever it represented.

The black rabbit gave another look at the massive dong sported by the statue and decided that whatever it was, it probably had something to do with sex, that much he could deduce from the very fact that statues generally didn't have giant cocks unless someone wanted them to symbolize virility. It didn't look like a gag penis, either, the kind that would have made the Ancient Greek chuckle, since they had a preference for smaller equipment. The presence of writing even more ancient than the people who had the honor of carrying the title 'Ancient' in their very description indicated that it was probably not the case. This had to be older...some sort of an idol, a symbol, perhaps the subject of some sort of a fertility cult. There were too many to list, recorded and otherwise, showing the immense concern these ancient cultures had for the continuation of their people as well as the continued cultivation of their crops. They loved to symbolize that kind of gods and spirits with big cocks, Ben thought, and snuffled, which sent dust away from his muzzle and made him sneeze loudly.

"Ugh," the rabbit snorted.

He coughed again and decided to finally take a sip from his canteen of water. It was almost full, thankfully, and it was colder down in the cave, which meant he could survive longer on it. That kind of mathematics seemed rude to be performing in his mind while facing the statue, standing there in its noble pose, complete with the distractingly large dick that looked like some sort of a pillar, rather than a genuine...phallus.

Ben shook the silly thought from his mind. Concussion, he thought, and rubbed his muzzle. The latest thought his brain came up with was that if he was a slinky gymnast instead of a somewhat stout rabbit, he could use that cock as a kind of a balancing beam to somehow vault himself out of the hole and back above ground.

"Jesus," Ben chastised himself. He knew that he should probably keep going, searching the room for an escape route, and if none could be found, he should think about trying to get rescued. He'd be likely missed quite soon, which meant that someone would probably remember him going up the hill and he might simply have to wait before he could hear someone approaching and he'd just start shouting and they'd find him. If it'd take longer than that, he thought, he could always aim the flashlight up from the hole and use the strobe function to create a light show that'd bring in the rescue. That meant he would have to save up precious battery power he shouldn't waste on archeology. That thought prompted him to flick the light to a lower intensity setting. He could still get by under the smaller, weaker beam generated, and it'd last much longer.

"They had to get here from somewhere...even if they sealed this room deliberately...there had to be a doorway somewhere...something..."

He spoke to himself, giving justifications for his various trails of thought while he walked about the room. The imposing statue followed his every move, at least in the rabbit's mind, and Ben gave it many glances while he moved further away from it. He felt like he was being watched, even though the statue's expression remained impassive. It must've been a trick his mind was playing, born out of the shock of the fall and the fact that he was effectively trapped underground with only a small flashlight and a little canteen of water in the way of survival equipment. You just didn't think of stuff like that when you were ten minutes away from your tent and a half an hour's car trip from a hotel.

Ben was continuing his slow tour of the depressingly uniform walls when he thought he noticed something glinting on the corner of his eye. The rabbit re-aimed his flashlight and true enough, there was a hint of a flash, somewhere near the statue.

His mind connected the dots, an idea that made his heart skip a beat. If it was the screen of his phone, it meant that it had come down into the cave. He might not be able to get a signal with it, that was wishful thinking, Ben thought, but at least it had a battery...he could use it for a meager light and for making noise if it came to that, at the very least.

The rabbit hobbled across the uneven surface of the sandy floor, all the way to the statue that dominated the room. He averted his eyes from the massive horsecock and concentrated on the floor beneath it. With the flashlight in one paw, he dropped down to his knees and shone the light over the swatch of sand, hoping to discover his phone.

"Where are you...come on...come on..."

He raked his fingers through the sand, effectively combing it for any sight of the phone. That poor micro USB port was not going to like this much sand, he thought, almost hysterically, and snorted to himself. He patted about the surface, sending out little puffs of dust while he did so. His spirits were starting to wane with no immediate discovery of the phone. Maybe he'd just imagined the whole thing, maybe he just wanted to find it so bad -

The rabbit felt something firm under his paw, instead of sand, and stopped sifting. Ben popped the flashlight into his muzzle and kept it between his lips while he now used both of his paws and tried to hold his head still to keep the light aimed at where he was looking, paws scooping and brushing away sand from his discovery.

Ben discovered that he had not been entirely wrong, for what he uncovered was roughly the shape of a smartphone, at the very least.

He almost dropped the flashlight from his muzzle, too.

It was a green gem, a stone so large that its value must've been measured in hundreds of thousands, if not in millions. It felt cold, and perfectly smooth under his pads, and almost like it had no texture at all - like glass, he decided, unlike all too...tangible sand that covered everything else in the cave, including the brave explorer rabbit's fur and clothing.

Ben grabbed the flashlight and kept it aimed with one paw while the shaky fingers of the other gently picked up the stone from the all-encompassing sand. It was very heavy, it felt like it weight more than its size seemed to suggest, even for a precious stone. The rock was somewhat transparent as well, so that he could see the outlines of his fingers through it in the shine of the light.

He stared, both with professional fascination and a whole bunch of a general appreciation in the way of "this is fucking expensive and it's MINE!" kind of ideation coursing through his mind. Ben didn't consider himself to be a greedy person but being in the possession of something that valuable, even if it was to be temporary, which the rabbit knew it probably would be, anyway, it must've been a natural instinct.

Just how hastily this place had been abandoned, Ben thought, for them to leave something like this behind? Or perhaps it was exactly the opposite...that the fact that the stone had been left into the chamber meant that it had been put there purposefully, for safekeeping, perhaps, guarded by the massive statue of the stallion, the epitome of masculinity both in its feral and anthropomorphic forms as well. Had it too been part of rituals, the most expensive relic of a tribe who stored it in this hallowed place, for good luck and good omens?

His heart raced, his breathing coming faster. The insides of Ben's ears heated up first, he noted, but barely noticed it, while still contemplating the weighty stone in his paw, shining in the cone of light from his lamp. It looked beautiful for him, it was simply precious, not only because he knew that it was priceless, but for its appearance as well. Heavy, carefully cut stone, showing craftmanship that few would have guessed an ancient culture to possess. It seemed to transcend time itself, somehow, with its beauty and splendor. No wonder it had been selected and crafted to honor whatever deity the horse represented. The bigger the investment, he thought, the better luck when it came to fertility.

He glanced at the horse's massive stone phallus and hasped. His cheeks burned hot and the rabbit could feel his own cock rush into life as well, blood pumping into it so that he extended out of his sheath and pressed against the fabric of his tattered pants. By now, Ben was panting, staring at the horsecock while his fingers curled possessively around the stone.

It was odd to be so aroused in a situation like that, but Ben could not explain it. The rabbit kneeling in front of the statue groaned when he felt his cock pulse and release and oozing load of pre-cum into his underwear. That was bizarre. He did leak when he was aroused, but it usually took him a while to get him going. This had happened within moments of becoming erect. The rabbit let out out a nondescript sound. While he clutched onto the stone, the fingers holding the flashlight slowly became slack and the light fell the short distance into the sand. Now the statue became even stranger to look at, lit from a downwards angle so that it actually formed a shadow against the rear wall of the chamber.

"HHhhh..." Ben moaned.

He groped the front of his pants, feeling the curve of his erection underneath the layers of clothing. Ben grunted and whined in frustration, feeling himself pulse intently, still in lust.


He pushed past his waistband and dug in, even with his wrist wrapped by his pants. He managed to put his fingers around the hot, rock hard shaft, already slimy with his juices.

"Fuck...yes...." the rabbit grunted.

His balls ached, and his toes curled as he finally got to touch himself. The flesh was warm, and even the green stone in his other paw started to feel warmer, heated up by his body temperature that was also on the rise. He was sweating again, even underground where the temperature was lower than on the surface. Even the kettle-like panting breathing wasn't keeping it down, either, for he felt hot all over while he stroked his cock in the confines of his pants. That had to change, soon, and he yanked himself out even if that meant his balls pop somewhat painfully against the elastic.


Finally out in the open, he jerked himself hard, fingers flying over the seven inches or so of relatively thick rabbit cock.The hazy figure of the stallion opened in front of him, so vibrant and seemingly alive despite standing still and carved in rock. It was easy to imagine him alive, standing there, huge, dominant, throbbing and smearing the very air with his musk...

The fingers clutching the stone began to tremble. His knuckles turned white under his black fur, and he seemed to be jerking himself even harder, almost painfully so. Ben wasn't holding himself back, instead, he was going at it like crazy. He hadn't given himself relief since the day before, and that meant his balls would have been churning for a good cum even if it wasn't for this strange lust that was overtaking every single cell of his body.

"Aah...ohhh...euhhh..." the rabbit moaned, eyes becoming heavily lidded and sweaty while he stared...masturbated..


His eyes rolled back before the lids crunched shut, the flash of pleasure simply too powerful, it even caused his breathing to stop in that very instant when he let out a stifled gasp and he felt his body tremble, jerk and a ball of liquid fire was dropped into his stomach.


Cum spurted out of his piss slit and splashed over his arm before his wrist, with his paw's vice-like grip changed the aim and he was shooting it everywhere. Globs of white, fragrant cum hit his muzzle, his knees, the ground where it formed little islands into the golden sand, and even onto the statue itself. The cum dribbling down along the grey hide of the stone horse revealed that he was originally not grey at all, but black like ebony, the grime of the centuries washed away by the rabbit's seed.

He practically fainted and collapsed onto the feet of the immense statue, panting hard while holding his still stiff dick in his paw. Ben's breathing was still rapid and his heart thumped, his head swimming from the power of his release. His skin prickled and seeped with sweat, and his breaths seemed to send up further clouds of the dust into the air.

"Uhhh...ah..." he mumbled, his breathing simply not steadying.

He was shivering now. His head felt heavy, and Ben could not really understand what was going on. The green stone in his palm felt hot, almost as if it was about to burn his palm and his pads while he laid on his side, curled into a fetal position on the stone platform upon which the huge statue of the stallion stood.

The rabbit slowly fell into a feverish dream. He imagined the same room, lit with torches, flames licking above into the ceiling, sending a scent of smoke into the air. Burning oil, incense, spices, hot metal, coals from little burners, sending a deep, sensuous fragrance into the air. The ceiling was painted a vibrant yellow, and the walls, covered in their incantations, enchantments, wishes of good luck, of fertility, of many strong sons and many daughters who would bear their own strong sons, of good tilling, of a good flood of the rivers that brought water and sustenance for the fields, of many foals, calves and sheep, of protection from woes both the mundane and supernatural, written by the mortal paw as a desperate call for the gods above.

In this chamber, it was the stallion god Arcanis that communed with the mortals, offering his protection in matters of reproduction. The masculine figure was bowed for, presented with gifts, prayed for...idolized in the statue.

In his feverish dream, Ben saw the robed figures, women with scarves bringing little baskets of seeds and fruits that were laid in front of the horse's hooves while a shaman or a priest performed rites, blessing them in the sounds of a long lost language, its whispering echoes preserved in the arrow-like letters covering the walls in an infuriatingly incomplete record of this sonorant, strange, guttural tongue.

Fires burned in the stallion's outstretched hands, lighting the arrival of the men. In Ben's dream, they came, one by one, with lust-glazed eyes, erections in paw, jerking furiously before shooting their creamy loads into a great bronze vessel at the stallion's feet, surrounded by the food sacrifice of the women who'd come by earlier. Their musky deposits done, the priest would take the vessel, dip his fingers upon it and anoint the statue's massive dong with the mixed cum of all the men of the community, to give each of them the stallion's divine blessing.

All this Ben dreamed, shivering and shaking on the sand in front of the statue. It was like that when he was when he felt that Arcanis himself came for him.

The rabbit felt the stallion's presence, the overwhelming masculing power of a god who embodied the energies of both creation and destruction, the two sides of the same force, as it so often was, entangled so very deeply. It did not need to make sense for the rabbit in his hazy state, lying there, while he felt his nipples grow into hard nubs on his chest, under his cum-stained shirt, or how his balls felt like they were massaged by two dozen fingers at once.

He rolled onto his back...or perhaps he was rolled, Ben could not decide, writhing under the sensation of fingers caressing all over his chest. His pants...were they pulled down all the way and tossed aside? His legs seemed to be moving, as if helping unseen hands chuck them away, so that he ended up lying down naked from the waist down, butt rubbing a strange pattern onto the sand covering the stone floor.

"My...god..." Ben moaned, as he felt heat engulf his cock, still straining so hard against his belly.

The slick wetness, of a tongue that he could not see, rolling around his shaft like only the ultra long tongue of a stallion could, making him throb and pulse and ooze spurts of pre-cum, his sweet juice consumed...devoured...large lapine footpaws thumping the floor in a frenzy.

In his dream, the god stallion covered him entirely, smooth, stone hard boy of muscle flowing over that of the rabbit, soft black fur...chiseled divine muscle, with a hard, foot-long cock rubbing against the rabbit's heaving belly. It pumped out so much musk and pre-cum that the jelly-like juice messed the rabbit's furs...inhaled with each breath so that his head swam...yet it only made him more needful...of the god's touch.

He groaned and writhed, the god upon him, caressing the rabbit's body with huge, strong hands. The shirt tore over his torso and slipped away...pulled away, his arms moving limply under the tug.


Ben's lips moved with words he didn't know, ancient spells and prayers while the god was upon him. The muscles horse grabbed his hips and manipulated him easily, onto his belly, then pulling on his shoulders to force his weary limbs onto all fours...before his body was covered again, head rising up in a moan of utter rapture and worship, eyes closed, ears flat.


Huge, hard, erect cock, one foot long, pressing between the black ass cheeks, underneath the round, puffy rabbit tail, the blunt massive tip touching down upon the rabbit's hole in the furrow of his taint.The rabbit moaned, deep in lust that made him push his rump back against the massive presence of the horse god, even knowing that it might hurt.

And it did, for a flash that set him breathless, but the stallion suspended him in the air, with hands, and the cock sinking under the rabbit's tail, girth impressive even for a horse, the length as massive, unsurprisingly so, for he was a horse after all. The horse took him, his insides spreading to accommodate the huge cock in the rabbit's rear, the breathless, quiet rapture established, as the dream-cock penetrated deeper and deeper into the moaning, sweaty male's ass.

He came when the cock reached his prostate...a massive spurt of cum along with pleasure that made the rabbit tense and then fall completely limp in the stallion's arms, letting himself go completely in the mercy of the divine horse.

The cock bore in, the rabbit not in a position, nor wanting to offer any resistance. The massive cock churned inside him and left him suspended on the very limits of pain and pleasure, breathless, drooling, his cock pouring out globs of cum almost continuously under the sexual influence of the god plundering his backside with deep, burning thrusts, pounding into him while the rabbit groaned, mewled, prayed wordlessly for it to never end.

The god's blessing came without words, too His orange-sized balls unloaded in streams of cum into the rabbit's guts, almost to the effect of bloating his belly while the seed burnt his flesh and made him feel more alive than ever, while his own cock spewed seed in a constant stream, draining his body completely and leaving him collapsed onto the stones -

In another dream, he dreamed of wild stallions racing along grassy meadows, playing with each other, nipping, nickering, sweat pouring off muscled bodies, necks throwing back as the proud, untamed animals cavorted in the grass. They were majestic, and they were, indeed, almost divine.


When Ben was found, lying asleep in the ritual chamber suffering from a concussion, two broken ribs, a dislocated ankle and from dehydration, all of which the hospital could fix, eventually, they were puzzled to find the rabbit naked and covered in sand. The sand at the base of the statue had signs of being dug into, as if he'd been trying to dig his way out of the hole. A further archaeological excavation revealed some pottery fragments and remains of clay tablets inscribed with the same Cuineiform liturgies as the walls for the fertility god Arykan'ys, but no other object finds were made, not even with Ben muttering things about a splendid green gem, while lying in his hospital bed.


Thank you for reading! I hope you had an interesting time, and I look forward to your comments! Do remember that all votes, faves and watches will help others to find these stories to enjoy as well!


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