The Garden Wall

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#2 of Puppy Tails

The truck of a construction company, the logo reading R & R Construction, stops in front of a suburban house. A big rhino and an equally big boar, both dressed in workpants and sleeveless white shirts exit it. They walk to the door.

"Anyone there?", the rhino shouts as knocks on the door.

"We're here for the wall in the garden!", the boar adds.

Guil, the black wolf cub, meeps as he goes to open the door.

"Uhm... hi. Are your parents there?", the rhino asks.

Guil shakes his head. "Nope. They went out shopping."

"Hm... ok... uhm...", the rhino stammers, not sure what to do.

"Do you know where your parents want that wall built?" The boar tries to break the ice, wanting to get his job done as soon as possible.

"In the backyard." The puppy smiles and points to the back.

"OK. Can you lead us there and show us where exactly?", the boar says as he rubs one of his impressive tusks. The rhino meanwhile nervously rubs his horn, both would rather deal with adults for fear of getting things wrong.

"Sure!", the small wolf smiles as he takes their hands and leads them to the backyard. The construction workers follow the boy, both a bit irritated at the wolfpup's slow invasion of their personal space. Guil heads them to the back and points to the spot. "They want it right there."

"OK, thanks", the boar says.

Both workers go to the front of the house to their truck and start unloading bricks, bringing them into the backyard with wheelbarrows. Their white "wifebeater" shirts start showing wet spots as they grow sweaty from the heavy manual work.

Guil goes back inside the house again and returns a few moments later with two glasses of lemonade.

"Thanks! Would've preferred a beer but this'll do fine for now." The boar gulps down the lemonade and burps loudly. "How's your name, kid? I'm Russ. And this is...", he points at his partner and waits for the rhino to finish the sentence.

"Rhon. Thanks for the drink."

"I'm Guil! Nice to meet you, both!", the cub says with a warm smile on his face.

"Hi, Guil!", both of them say at the same time.

"Damn, it's frigging hot today." Russ strips off his shirt, revealing a a strong barrel-chest and a pudgy muscle-gut, like the rest of his body they are covered in bristly brown fur.

"Dude, you can't do that with a kid around! It's not decent", the rhino protests.

"So what? We're all men. Like he's never seen a shirtless guy before", the boar sarcastically replies. "And I don't care if it's decent or not. I may be a pig but I ain't gonna sweat like one."

And indeed it doesn't bother Guil the slightest bit as he watches Russ strip out of his shirt, giggling to himself.

"See? The tyke doesn't care." Russ keeps on working.

Rhon shyly looks left and right then takes of his shirt as well. He has the same stocky-pudgy build as the boar but he has a grey leathery hide and lots of black hair covering his upper body.

The boar chuckles. "So much for being decent."

Guil giggles again and peels his own shirt of since he agreed with Russ. It was really too hot.

"See, Rhon, the boy agrees with us. It's much too hot to wear anything besides shorts.

"Don't you want to play?", the rhino asks the pup. "It'll be boring watching us. Ain't gonna do anything fancy that would be worth looking at."

The small wolf looks up at Rhon with his trademark smile and tilts his head. "What did you want to play?"

"Huh? I... no... I meant that you would like to play. We ain't got time to play. Gotta finish this wall", the rhino replies a bit irritated.

Guil snorts from that remark and folds his arms. "You have all day to do that. You guys been at this for three hours and it looks fine as it is. Ever heard of a break, you workaholics?"

"Kid, I like your style. Gotta take a wicked piss anyway", Russ says, walks to a tree, takes out his big plump fuzzy sheath and starts peeing.

"You could have gone to the toilet inside the house", Rhon says.

"Why? Much faster this way. And I bet you're almost pissing your pants too", the boar snarks.

"OK, you're right." The rhino moves up next to Russ and takes his own big leathery sheath out. "But I still don't like standing here with my cock out while the kid's watching us."

"Let'im look. Bet he's never seen a real man's dick anyway", the boar snorts.

The boy tilts his head as he doesn't know what they were doing. He moves over to them, sees them pissing and spots their sheaths and balls. They're both still going at it from drinking the lemonade earlier.

"Hey, kid. Take a good look. Maybe yours will get this big too", the hog chuckles.

"Dude, you can't do this. Guil, just go play somewhere else, ok?"

"Hornhead, stop being such a pansy. We're men, he's a man. Little guy has to know what he'll grow into."

The cub once again tilts his head as he looks down, pulling his pants down to reveal his rather large boner. "You mean like this big?"

"Holy shit, kid. You're hung", Russ says, clearly impressed.

Rhon just stares in shock. "W...w...why are you hard, Guil?"

"I don't know why I am hard. I'm... just like this."

Russ was getting a bit uncomfortable, he was fine with a bit of teasing but this was going too far. "Kid, you better put that thing back into your pants. Might poke someone's eye out." The boar forces himself to laugh while the rhino just stares speechless.

"I-I used it before... I-I know what to do with it...", Guil said shyly with a heavy blush on his face.

"You used it before? Did someone show you?", the pig asks, as he didn't think that the boy would've found out on his own.

"Er, um... I learned on my own...", the puppy blushes as he was about to reveal a promise he made to someone, then he says: "I-I watched my parents do it when I was supposed to be in bed." Even though this was somewhat true, it seemed like a convincing lie, keeping his promise to Brigg.

"OK. You're a bit young to know this but... yeah... well. Still gotta put that thing away. OK, kid?", Russ says.

Guil doesn't listen and instead growls, reaches out and grabs both of their dicks.

"Holy fuck!", Russ shouts. Rhon just gasps in surprise. Both boar and rhino slowly start to harden in the puppy's grasp. The wolfcub giggles from their reactions and starts to rub at their cocks now. Two big fat cocks start slipping out of their respective sheaths, they keep growing and eventually reach their full impressive size and hardness.

The pig and the pachyderm are unable to say anything, completely dumbfounded by the boy's actions. Guil stares at both of their cocks, now fully hard. He wouldn't normally do this, knowing a bit more about the 'game' he was playing, but he leans over and starts to lick at both of their cocks.

"Kid, you can't do this *hng*", the boar protests but the boy's tongue really does feel good on his cock.

"Guil, you have to stop. This isn't right. *hmph* We'll end up in jail for this", the rhino says as he keeps squirming from the puppy's licks.

The wolf looks up at both of them as he continues to lick at their cocks. It's pretty obvious that he has done this before.

"Rhon... we could just... let him play..." The hog had become too horny to stop now, even if he knew that this was wrong, he looked his partner in the eyes.

"No, Russ. This isn't right."

"Look at him. You wanna spoil his fun?"

"I hate how you always keep getting me into trouble", the rhino replies.

"This isn't trouble. No one will find out about this", Russ whispered.

Rhon exhales loudly. "Let's hope you're right. I'm not going to prison."

Through their discussion they both kept panting and squirming from the cub licking at their big dicks. The wolfpup was actually listening to what they were saying as he continues to lick all over and takes their cocks into his mouth one at a time, switching back at forth.

"OK, kid. Keep going. You're really good at this. Still don't quite believe you're doing this for the first time though", the pig says.

"Guil, we can keep playing, but you can't tell anyone about this. OK?", Rhon asks.

Both cocks have now started spewing out precum. Guil nods and continues licking and sucking them.

"Might as well get comfy." Russ takes down his pants and steps out of them, two big low-hanging balls now swinging back and forth between his legs. Rhon decides to go with the flow and loses his pants too, his balls still have a nice size but next to the boars enormous bollocks they pale a little in comparison.

"Kid, lick my big nuts", the pig demanded. Guil blushes as he nods and starts to lick at the boar's nuts.

"Ey, Russ, don't 'hog' all the fun", the rhino says and grins.

"You know that I hate it when you use stupid puns", the boar growls.

"Yeah, because you 'boar' so easily."

"Better than being 'horny' all the time."

"As if our 'tuskmaster' was never horny."

"OK, I like the tuskmaster", Russ says and smiles. "That sounds cool."

"Guil, keep licking tuskmaster's balls." Even if Rhon would have loved to get some action himself he found the sight of the boy lapping at his friend's huge nuts incredibly hot, so he started jerking his cock.

The small wolf blushes. While sucking the hog's balls he also reaches back to rub at Rhon's butt. Rhon is startled at feeling the wolfpup's fingers on his butt. "Guil, what are you doing?", he asks in a soft voice.

"I.... have taking a liking to.... This", the pup blushes as he keeps on rubbing at the pachyderm's butt.

"Oh... uh... I... uh..." Unable to form coherent words Rhon just nods at Guil, giving him a silent OK. Russ can't help but burst into laughter on seeing this. Guil blushes from the laughter and then rubs at Russ's butt as well.

The hog stops laughing. "Kid... please don't."

The cub doesn't hear him as he keeps on licking at the boars nuts and rubs his butt as well as the rhino's backside. Russ doesn't want the kid to stop sucking on his fat lowhangers but he also doesn't want the pup's paws near his ass, ultimately his balls decide to let the boy keep on doing what he does.

Rhon meanwhile finds himself actually enjoying Guil rubbing his ass. The wolfpup's tail wags as he continues licking on the boar's balls and rubbing both construction workers' big butts.

"I... actually kinda like this..." Rhon almost whispered. Russ looked at him in surprise, but then nods in agreement. Guil blushes as he stops sucking the pig's balls and starts to rub both of their butts. They could see his cub cock growing erect from this.

"The kid's been doing us so long now, we should play fair and give him some fun too", the boar says and is kinda surprised on hearing this words come out of his own mouth.

"Yeah, you're right", Rhon agrees.

The boy blushes and looks up at the both of them. "What are you two planning for me?"

"A plan... no, we ain't got one", Russ says. "Never thought about doing stuff with another guy, 'specially not with a little kid..."

"Same here", Rhon agrees.

"Well, first time for everything."

"'Cept that it's not your first time. Might as well tell us what'cha wanna do", Russ answers.

"Er... um... well... yeah, you're right.... This is... um... my second time."

"Knew it. Kid, now that we're part of your little secret, you could just spill the beans and tell us who taught you this." Russ winks.

Guil blushes and looks away and mutters the name. "Brigg."

Both furs ears rise as they recognize the name.

"Really huge grizzly guy? He was in school with us. You remember him, Rhon?"

"Course, he's a nice guy", the rhino answers.

"Yeah, nice enough to show this little guy the ropes", the boar chuckles. "What exactly did he show you, kid?"

"Um... He showed me... what sex was.... and his big bear butt."

Russ already had an idea where this was going but he decided to ask anyway. "OK. What did the two of you do?"

"Um... He had me stick my wee-wee in him."

"Oh..." The boar gulped. "Would've thought it'd be the other way round."

Rhon just stared and listened.

"He did.... One time.... but I don't think I like it being in me... it doesn't feel right."

"You sure? How do you know if it feels right after having only tried once?", Russ replies and smiles.

"Because I don't want to feel it hurting and it doesn't feel good either."

"I'd be really gentle", the boar says and grins a toothy grin which also shows of his big white tusks. The cub's ears lower as he looks down, feeling slightly uncomfortable.

"How about we make a deal: You'll get Rhon's ass and I'll get yours. How's that sound, kid?", the hog asks.

"What?", the rhino shouts.

"Hornhead, just shaddup. I saw that you liked getting your ass rubbed."

Rhon lowers his ears since the boar was stating the truth.

"See, can't fool the tuskmaster." Russ laughs dirtily. "So, kid, we got a deal?"

"Um.... uh..." Guil was very nervous about this and didn't reply anything yet.

"This is taking way too long." Russ grabs the wolf and pushes his face into Rhon's ass. The boar gets onto his knees. "Only done this with girls before." He spreads Guil's cheeks and starts lapping at his rosebud.

The small wolf yelps loudly as he found himself suddenly pressed against the rhino's ass while his own was tended to. He wiggles against the rhino's ass in distress.

"Guil, it's ok. Just start doing it and everything will be fine." Rhon still felt a bit uncomfortable but he had learned that it was in his own best interest not to talk back to the boar so he played along.

Meanwhile Russ was really getting into licking the kid's tight hole. Guil blushes and whimpers. Stopping his wiggling he starts to lick at the rhino's ass. Rhon moans as he felt Guil's tongue on his ass.

Russ pauses for a bit. "Knew it, hornhead." He gets back to penetrating the kid's hole with his long tongue.

The wolfcub yelps a bit but the sound is muffled as he continues licking while his little cock throbs once again.

Rhon moans. "Guil, you're really good at this."

The boar is pushing his tongue as deep inside of Guil's hole as he can and eats the wolfpup for all he's worth. The boy blushes as his little cock is out and about and he clenches a bit on the boar's tongue.

Russ feels the kid tighten around his tongue and pulls it out, he starts teasing the kid's butt with his tusks. They have caps on top so they're not pointy but he likes the feeling of them scratching along the boy's cheeks anyway.

Meanwhile the rhino is lost in bliss as Guil rims his hole. The puppy whimpers from feeling the tusks rubbing his backside as he keeps on licking at the rhino's butt. Russ continues teasing the puppy with his tusks for a while then stops.

"I think you're ready for the real deal." He grabs his big fat pork sausage and rubs it against Guil's hole, covering it with precum. "Yes, you're gonna love this. And I think that old hornhead will also like what you have to offer." He grins.

Rhon's ears fold back and his eyes grow wide as he prepares himself. Guil blinks and winces, preparing himself as he stops rimming the rhino.

Russ starts pushing his thick meaty cock in, finding it surprisingly easy. "Seems like that big grizzly made my job a bit easier. Good", he chuckles. "Keep licking him, kid. Or get fucking."

Guil whimpers as he wasn't really paying attention to the construction worker's words only to what was happening. "O-ow..."

"Stick your puppycock into old hornhead and you'll feel better", the boar suggested, not slowing down the movement of his own dick.

The pup yelps as he tries to move himself and his puppy cock towards Rhon's ass. Russ grabs the boy's shoulders and pulls him up, then rams himself into him. The cub yelps out very loudly from this sudden intrusion as his little cock slams into the rhino's butt as well.

"Yeah! Show him what you got!" The boar starts to fuck hard, his huge lowhangers slapping the kid's balls, the sheer force of the hog's pounding driving the puppycock deeper into the rhino's tight hole.

Guil yelps a bit more in pain and clenches harder on Russ's cock slamming into him. "O-Ow... Th-This hurts..."

"Nah, you love having this boar's fat meat deep inside of you. Admit it, boy", Russ growls.

Rhon slowly admits to himself that he likes the wolfpup's surprisingly big cock pounding his butt. "Guil, fuck me!", he shouts.

The cub whines and then the boar can see tears rolling down his cheeks, his cock thrusting in and out of Rhon's ass from the force of the boar's cock slamming into him.

Russ drops his tough guy persona for a short while on seeing the boy's tears and ruffles his head. "Look, kid. I know that we can do this. Old hornhead over there wants you to fuck him and if we both work together, we can really show him a good time. OK?"

Guil pants and whines as that 'spark' inside him wasn't coming out at all. He didn't say anything as he was just holding onto the rhino's backside as if he wanted Rhon to protect him, his cock throbbing inside the older fur's ass.

"Russ... do you really wanna do this?", the rhino asks, sounding concerned.

"I... I know that we can do this, Guil", the boar answers with genuine warmth in his voice and starts to snuggle the boy. "You're strong, kid."

"OK... Guil, how about you fuck me really hard? That's what you want, dontcha? I'm sure that'll make you feel better", Rhon says with a soft voice.

The wolfpup's panting got a little deeper as he was suddenly snuggled by the both of them, his hole clenching a bit and his cock was still throbbing but he still didn't say anything.

"Guil, I can feel your cock throbbing like crazy. Dontcha wanna fuck this rhino's butt?"

"Yeah. And I'll help you, ok?", Russ says. "I know, I can be a bit scary, but I'll be really gentle. Promise."

They keep on snuggling him. Guil sighs to himself and then nods. "Okay...", he mutters.

"Show me what you got", Rhon says as he prepares to be fucked by the pup.

Russ slowly but really gently starts moving his boarcock. Guil's ears were lowered as he nods, moving along with Russ as he thrusts himself into Rhon.

"Yeah, kid. That's the spirit. Knew you could do this", the boar says with a friendly tone, ever so slightly picking up his pace.

The pachyderm would've never have thought it but he actually loved getting fucked in his ass. "C'mon, guys. That all you got?"

"Oh, Hornhead, we have a lot more. Don't we, kid?", the boar growls playfully.

The pup didn't really say anything and continues on with his pounding as he was being thrust in the back door.

"C'mon kid, speak up. You gotta tell him how you love pounding his tight rhino butt. Show him his place", the boar demands, starting to go a little bit harder and faster.

All they heard from was a yelp as his ears were completely lowered. It looked like something was fighting inside him.

"C'mon kid. I know you got a wild beast inside you. Time to let it out", the boar growls to encourage the puppy.

"Yeah, show me how a real beast fucks this rhino's tight butt with his big, mighty cock", Rhon says, starting to push his ass back onto the wolfcub's dick.

Guil's ears were still lowered but he looks at the both of them and mutters to himself "They talk a lot." as he goes back to thrusting with full force, no longer caring about the cock in his backside.

Russ just chuckles at seeing the puppy finally getting into it and starts pounding the pup harder. Rhon moans and starts pushing himself onto the cubbycock as it is thrust into him.

The small wolf doesn't say anything else as he holds on to Rhon and continues to slam his cock deep into him.

"Harder, Guil! Harder!", the big rhino moans, his tongue lolling out of his mouth and his eyes closed as he enjoys getting fucked by the pup.

Russ is now slamming his pork sausage as hard and deep and fast as he can into the pup, his big balls once again slapping two nice-sized wolf nuggets, bristly fur rubbing against soft fuzz.

The cub once again clenches on Russ's cock and then goes much harder into Rhon's ass, his cock throbbing in him as he was getting close to cumming. Russ was pounding with all of his strength now, knowing that he wouldn't last much longer. Rhon felt his cock and balls tighten as Guil rutted him like an animal. The pup whines as he all of a sudden slams his cock and knot deep into the rhino.

Feeling the wolf's knot slam into his ass Rhon starts cumming, shooting his seed all over the tree, his ass clenches down hard. Guil let's out a deep howl as he too starts cumming filling the pachyderm's ass up with his puppy cum. Russ feels the boy's ass tighten around his meaty cock and he also starts cumming, his big boar balls sending load after load after load into the cub's tunnel. The child couldn't help but whimper from all this as he finished cumming.

"Fuck! Damn!", the pig grunts. "Never shot this much cum before. Should be proud kid, making this prize boar shooting record loads." Russ huffs. "Fuck, I'm drained."

Guil's facial expression had suddenly turned into a glare. A glare of revenge.

"I have to relax for a while." Russ pulled his cum-covered cock out of Guil's ass and sits down in the soft grass. "Yeah. That's better. How'd you guys like it?", the boar asks with an arrogant smile on his face.

Rhon finally had enough. He had always played second fiddle to Russ and often enough that had ended with the boar getting both of them into trouble. It was time for a little payback. The rhino pushes himself off the wolfpup's cock, the knot having softened enough, he moves over towards the boar, grabs his big tusks with each paw and stares into his eyes.

"The boy is gonna fuck you. You had him in tears, so you owe him an apology." He starts tugging at the hog's tusks. "I know that you're very proud of these two. Shame if something happened to'em."

Russ gulped. The soft tone the rhino had used to voice his threat made it even more intimidating. The boar had never seen this side of his usually calm best friend and he would prefer to keep it that way. "OK", he whispered. "You're right. I... deserve this."

"On your knees, ass up."

With Rhon still holding his tusks Russ wouldn't dare to disagree and did as he was told. The rhino starts slapping the pig's face with his fat cock. "Guil, your turn."

The small wolf had his head down as he was thinking about something and he didn't move nor say anything as of yet.

"Guil, c'mon! Wake up!", Rhon shouted.

The pup doesn't look at them as he comes over and positions himself behind Russ.

"Here's your chance, take his ass!" Rhon says and starts using Russ's tusks as handlebars as he starts fucking the hog's mouth. "Now I know what these things are for!", he chuckles. "And you really believed I'd tear them off. Shoulda seen your face! Priceless!"

The boar manages to pry himself free for a moment. "I'll gore you with your own horn if you try anything funny with my tusks", he growls as deep as he can.

"Calm down, little piggy, I think I'd rather gore your maw with my other 'horn'," The rhino grins a toothy grin and gets back to fucking the Russ's mouth. "More fun."

Russ tried getting used to sucking on the rhino's cock which due to its length and thickness as well as his inexperience wasn't an easy task. He gagged and choked several times, thankfully Rhon gave him some literal breathing room if that happened.

Still no words were said and Guil looked like he had some sort of dark atmosphere around him as he shows no hesitation and plunges his cock straight into Russ's ass. Russ remembered complimenting the wolfcub on being surprisingly well hung but just seeing it was something completely different from having it forced inside of him without any preparation. It hurt. It wasn't anything the big boar couldn't handle but it was still far from feeling pleasant. He had to really concentrate on not getting his teeth anywhere near the fat rhinocock in his mouth. Rhon might have been joking but he still didn't loosen the grip on the hog's tusks so Russ tried hard to not give him any reason for doing more than just hold them.

The two could hear a faint grumble and growl from the pup as he starts to slam his cock in and out of Russ's ass, not taking it easy on him at all. Where'd he get this sudden strength from?

"Damn, Guil", was all Rhon could say as the boy started pounding the boar's ass hard.

Russ felt full, stuffed. It still hurt but he was ever so slowly getting used to it, even if the wolfcub fucked him with almost unbelievable force. He could then feel the pup's claws growing a bit as they dug into his hips while the wolfcub continues to pound furiously away at his ass.

The pup kept hitting his prostate which sent waves of pleasure through his system that slowly dulled the pain and the pup's claws scratching a his bristly-furred thighs. Russ started moaning around Rhon's meaty rhinocock while the pachyderm kept pounding his eager maw.

The boy's ears perk here and there as he continues his assault on Russ's ass, gripping his hips tighter and his knot forms but he was not close to cumming yet. Russ slowly admitted to himself that he loved being spitroasted by the rhino and the wolfpup, one cock sliding in and out of his throat, another slamming in and out of his ass, both dicks reaching and exploring deepest depths of his body, making the boar feel sensations he had never thought possible. His own pork sausage had hardened once again and was now constantly drooling streams of precum all over the soft green grass.

The pounding never let up as Guil continues his onslaught at the pig's ass, his knot slamming deep into him, he keeps tugging it back out and repeating the process over and over again, he too was dripping pre inside the boar.

Feeling Guil's knot enter him was again a new sensation, spreading him even further but Russ enjoyed that as well. He knew he wouldn't last much longer now, his body being so completely overpowered, and from the rhino's heavy breathing, groaning and grunting he could hear that Rhon wasn't far behind.

A slight growl could be heard as the wolfcub gives one last powerful thrust before slamming his cock and knot deep into the hog's ass and releases torrent upon torrent of his puppy batter straight into his anus.

The feeling of being knotted and his insides being flooded by Guil made Russ himself start shooting, his boarcum spreading all over the green grass. Rhon also joined in and released his hot seed into the boar's mouth, making him gag from the sheer amount. Thankfully he soon pulled out and started painting the hog's face with powerful loads of rhinocum.

Guil finishes cumming a few moments later and pulls his cock and knot right out of the boar. Having the knot ripped out hurts but Russ can handle it. "Damn, guys, you drenched me in your cum! It's everywhere!", he complains jokingly.

"You still got your tusks", the rhino replies with a wink.

"If you ever touch them again I...", the boar growls through gritted teeth.

Rhon cuts him short. "Can't be the tuskmaster without'em. Never intended to harm those beauties but I had to keep you under control."

"I'll let it slip. Once", Russ snorts. "Gonna need a shower. All of us. We can't continue working like this."

Guil looks down at the mess they had made and says softly: "The tub can fit three of us."

"Nice", Russ says and they both follow the boy inside, shortly afterwards the three of them relax in the huge tub.

"This was just what I needed", Rhon says and smiles.

The small wolf blushes softly as he was sitting in between the two.

"Now you're blushing? After giving both of us the rides of our lifetime? Kid, yer cute." Russ smiles and ruffles the puppy's head and Rhon soon joins him, two sets of big, rough paws, calloused from heavy work caressing the wolf.

Guil yips quietly from this and he begins to close his eyes... It was starting to feel good for some reason. The boar's and the rhino's big paws continue exploring the puppy's body, softly petting and massaging him. They could feel him wiggling around against them, something stirring up at his crotch.

"Hornhead, I think the kid likes this", Russ says, smiling.

"Guess he likes being taken good care of by two big guys", Rhon chuckles.

"Especially if you have rumps that are big enough to be used as a pillow to sleep on at nappy time." Guil blushes as he looks down at the water in embarrassment after he said that

Russ is taken aback at Guil's blunt statement. Before the boar can say anything Rhon replies: "Tuskmaster, keep calm. Let's take it as a compliment."

Russ takes his low-hanging ballsack into his hand and lifts the hefty package. "These two wouldn't mind your head either. They liked it last time." He winks at the boy.

The cub's ears had lowered and he was completely flustered and embarrassed but they could see his endowed cub cock rising out of the water.

"Getting hard again? No need to be ashamed", Russ says and points to his own slowly rising meat. "All three of us can't keep their cocks down. Welcome to the club, kid."

"Yeah. Always 'horny'", Rhon chuckles, the rhino's dick also once again filling with blood and firming.

"S-So, uh, what do about this?", the cub asks timidly.

Russ looks at Rhon, they both nod. The rhino and the boar each grab one of Guil's paws and place them on their cocks while Russ starts jerking the wolf's puppydick. "This a plan you'd agree to?", the pig asks.

The small wolf yips as they both grabbed his paws and he soon found them on their cocks. He blushes as he nods. "S-Sure."

Both adults dicks start growing in the cub's little paws. Russ strokes Guil's wolfcock with surprising gentleness. The puppy blushes and he starts to rub both of their members at the same time.

"Yeah, feels good to have two big cocks in your paws, doesn't it?", Russ asks playfully. "Still can't believe that yours is already this big. Gonna be a real stud." He whistles in admiration,

"S-Stop that... Y-You're making me blush..."

"Nothing to blush about. You gotta big cock, it'll grow even bigger an' you should be proud of it." Russ keeps stroking. "Think you'll beat me?" The pig grins.

"Well... It's a possibility that I have beaten you..."

Russ puts his hand over Guil's paw and rubs it up and down his big fat boarmeat. "Kid, look at this. Feel this. Let's meet in a few years and compare again. Until then you ain't got nothing on this hog."

Rhon just sits there silently, enjoying having his rhinocock stroked by the boy. Guil rolls his eyes at Russ's bragging and continues to rub the two workers' cocks at the same time.

Russ bursts into laughter from seeing the pup's reaction. "Kid, you're killing me. *ungh* I think I'm getting close. Hornhead?"

"Yeah, if the boy keeps up we'll see some fireworks soon", Rhon replies, breathing heavily.

"What about you, Guil? Would be fun if we all did it at the same time." The boar smiles.

The wolfcub blushes as he looks at his own cock. He wasn't slightly close and he didn't pay attention to it as he continued to focus on pawing the both of them.

"*hrg* Not much longer now. Keep going, kid", Russ grunted as he picked up the pace of his own hand jerking the wolfpuppy's boycock.

"Yeah, stroke my rhinomeat!", Rhon groaned.

Guil whimpers as he continues on pawing them, his own cock slowly getting close as well. The look on his face seems like he was thinking about something.

Both construction workers were reduced to primal grunts as they fought hard to keep themselves from going over the edge. Russ's big calloused paw just flew up and down the wolf's puppycock who in return whimpers as his member throbs and he soon gets close to cumming.

The pig and the pachyderm start shooting more or less simultaneously, both roaring loudly. Loads and loads of rhinocum and hogseed fly everywhere. The boar feels the wolfcock in his paw also reaching its climax. The wolfpuppy whines and holds back a howl as he too starts to release his seed everywhere like his two companions.

After they have calmed down from their orgasm the rhino and the boar start soaping up and cleaning themselves, they help to wash Guil as well.

"Gotta get back to work", Russ said as he stepped out of the tub and started drying off. "As much fun as this was, yer parent's ain't payin' us to fuck their kid."

"Aw, man... can't we just make up some excuse and call it a day?", Rhon suggests.

"Did you really just say that?", the boar answers with a really serious tone. "You know that R & R Construction never leaves a job unfinished." Russ might have been a crude and rough guy but he prided himself on his reliability. "And you messed with my tusks, so you owe me, hornhead."

"We could just let it slide this once", the rhino looks down to the floor and almost whispers, knowing that his arguing would be futile anyway.

"And ruin our reputation? Leave the jobs to our shitty competitors?" The boar shook his head violently. "Ain't gonna happen. Not today. Not ever."

The rhino just sighed. Russ was right.

The pair put their shoes and workpants back on but left their muscle-guts and barrel chests uncovered since it was still hot, then continued building the garden wall.

Guil couldn't help but giggle at their argument and sucks on his thumb a little bit. He gets dressed and follows them back out the backyard so that they could continue their work on the wall.

"Thanks kid. You're a good guy. And I'm really sorry for being so rough when I fucked you", Russ said in a soft tone.

"Still can't believe we did this..." Rhon shakes his head.

"Eh, it's fine." He continues to suck on his thumb as he watches them work on the wall.

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