Family Tradition IX: Boy Scouts

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#9 of Family Tradition



"Still sore from last time?", the Krogan growled. "Or already asking for the next session?"

"We agreed not to talk about it."

"It's just between us. Wouldn't mind another go." The clan chief winked.

The Turian sniper rolled his eyes. "That's not why I'm calling you."

"Duh. Of course not", Wrex deadpanned. "Spill it."

"We have received a message from some Turian boys on Digeris. They got left behind when we evacuated the colony. They're safe for now but we fear that the Reapers might advance towards their position very soon."

"You're asking me to play babysitter."

"No, I'm asking you to save the lives of children", the sharpshooter answered. "As a Krogan you should understand how important this mission is."

"I do", Wrex said quietly and nodded. "Grunt will get them."

"Thank you, Wrex. I know you have enough problems of your own."

"You know the monument on the Citadel, it's our job to deal with all of the galaxy's problems."

"I'm really glad your in charge of your people, Wrex."

"I'm not. It's exhausting", the former mercenary complained jokingly.

"You still love it."

"There are some decent benefits", Wrex smirked. "I'll call you once Grunt has rescued them. No one is killing children while I'm around."

The last sentence was spoken in such a menacing tone that Garrus almost felt his blood freezing. Once again he was really glad to be a friend of Urdnot Wrex. And not an enemy. He had to shake his head to regain some warmth. The Krogan leader could be as terrifying as he was caring. With Wrex and Grunt on the job those children were in really good hands.

This mission was simple. Almost no enemy forces. Grunt had blasted a few Cannibals across the battlefield with his trusty Claymore. He ripped the Marauder that was leading them into pieces with his bare hands and crushed its screeching head beneath his feet. The viciousness of a Krogan about to save some children was not a force you wanted to mess with - unless you really wished to be turned into bloody, unrecognizable mush.

After a while he reached the bunker where the kids had found some shelter. Before he pushed the button at the communications panel next to the door he had to talk to himself: "Grunt, these are children, and they've probably been trough a lot, so try not to scare them. Control your temper. Keep your anger in check. At least try not to look threatening. Don't shout or growl, talk like a somewhat 'normal'...", he looked down at his body and sighed. "Blood-covered... person. Yeah..."

He heard a muffled noise coming through the loudspeaker. The monitor was broken. "Who are you?", the voice of a Turian boy said.

"I'm Urdnot Grunt, I'm a Krogan. You have probably been told that we Krogan are evil, but I'm here to help you. I have been asked to get you somewhere safe. I'm not going to hurt you, I promise."

Grunt heard excited discussions. After a while he got an answer: "OK, we're letting you in."

The Krogan entered, only to find himself standing in front of another locked door after he had passed trough a long hallway. "Kids, are you in there?" Grunt knocked at the door with measured force. He could have easily torn it off its hinges and into pieces. That would be fun but also a really bad first impression. "I'm here to help you."

"We have a gun!", a voice shouted. It seemed to be the same as before. "If you hurt me or my friends I will shoot you." The way his voice broke betrayed the fear behind this threat.

Grunt smiled. These kids were tough. They couldn't hurt him at all, even with a gun, even if they tried. But he admired their spirit. At least they wanted to face death with dignity and go down fighting. They already had more honour than most Krogan warlords. "That's great, I'm a really big target, you can't miss me", Grunt said chuckling.

His humourous remark seemed to have broken the ice. A door opened, five Turian boys emerged, one of them actually pointing a gun at the Krogan.

"It's him!", one boy shouted.

"Can't be, the real one's even bigger!", the boy carrying the gun countered.

"You worked with Commander Shepard! I have you as an action-figure!", another boy shouted excitedly and indeed produced a surprisingly detailed toy that resembled Grunt very closely.

"I'm an action-figure?", Grunt was perplexed.

"Yes! Because you're the biggest, baddest, bestest Krogan ever."

"No, that's Wrex", Grunt answered. He enjoyed this unabashed hero-worship but he just had to give credit to his own hero, his father.

"Aw... I want a Wrex... but they're extremely rare and expensive", another kid chimed in.

"You can get Kaidan and Jacob everywhere but no Wrex! I have four Kaidans!"

"I want a Kasumi! She's a tech ninja!"

Grunt had to chuckle. He had read of Earth's ninjas on the extranet. Kasumi was clearly far removed from being one but the Krogan decided not to correct the boy so that he could keep his fantasy.

"She's cool but Wrex is the bestest!"

Grunt was a tough, battle-hardened warrior but these enthusiastic kids just made him smile, his usual sarcasm melted away. He had an idea: "How about I'll arrange a meeting with the real Wrex?"

The kids just seemed to explode with joyous laughter. Grunt knew that Wrex was gonna torture and kill him for this but that was worth it.

"So, guys, you already know me. Why don't you introduce yourself so I can get to know you?", Grunt suggested.

"I'm Dorll", the boy with the gun said, obviously the group's leader. His face was of a dark, brownish red colour - a rare trait among Turians.

A light-coloured, almost white boy, the one with the Grunt figure, answered: "I'm Albus"

A really dark grey one was called Nokkent, a beige one was named Silff and a shy light grey one introduced himself as Vehrus. All of them were still without the elaborate tattoos most older Turians sported that marked their colony of origin.

They had been playing hide-and-seek at their school so they were forgotten during the chaos. But these boys were already regular scouts so they soon reached this bunker and had since then been living here. Food and water were plentiful but they knew that they eventually needed help. Somehow they had figured out how to operate the bunker's computer and sent a message that reached Palaven Command. Grunt was impressed.

"Boys, you're really tough."

Hearing such praise from one of their favourite heroes cheered them up immensely.

"OK, I gotta piss. You better go now too because we won't stop once we're in the shuttle."

Vehrus, the shy grey kid, showed him the way to the bathroom and accompanied him inside. There were no urinals, only a gully. Grunt didn't mind and just pulled his cock and his balls, which needed some air, out of his armour. Then he started to relieve his bladder and sighed peacefully.

"Woah!", marveled Vehrus. "Yours is huge!"

"Uhm... yeah", the Krogan mumbled. "But I'm a grown-up, so it's kinda expected."

"Guys, you have to see this! Mister Grunt's dinky is huge!", Vehrus had pushed the door open and shouted excitedly. The other Turian boys came running, all of them staring openly at Grunt's penis.



"That's the biggest dinky I've ever seen."

"Bigger than my daddy."

"Mine too. Mister Grunt's way huge."

Grunt had already stopped emptying his bladder several moments ago. Yet he didn't pack his cock back in again. He just held it in his hands.

"Why's it look so different than mine?"

"Because we're of different species. I'm a Krogan and you're a Turian. Yours is blue, mine is pink and grey." Having fucked Garrus and Grizz Grunt knew from own experience what Turians looked like "down below". And they all seemed to be coloured in some shade of blue. So he understood the confusion.

"But you have these little things on it. Don't they hurt?", Vehrus said and grabbed Grunt's cock. He began toying with the small barbs.

Grunt gulped and stared. He didn't like this at all because he didn't trust himself, didn't know what he might do.

Dorll, the brown one, also touched his barbs. Nokkent and Albus had discovered his balls. He felt their small hands rubbing his huge testicles.

"You have four balls?", the dark grey one asked.

"Yeah, it's a Krogan thing. We call them quad", Grunt explained matter-of-factly, trying to wrap his head around what was happening here.

"They're so big!", Nokkent shouted.

Then Silff joined his friends, his hands also playing with Grunt's barbed dick. The Krogan fought a losing battle as he tried to keep his cock from getting hard. He didn't dare lay a hand on the children or even shouting for fear of scaring them. Soon he felt the first pulses surging through his member. The kids felt it too.

"Mister Grunt, your cock is moving."

"Yeah... sometimes it does that."

It started to fill with blood, slowly hardening.

"Kids, you have to stop. This isn't decent", Grunt's feeble attempt met deaf ears. The five boys kept rubbing his quad and his manmeat. Soon it started growing. Getting longer, harder and fatter, constantly throbbing as it increased its already astonishing mass.

"Woah...", the five children just stared. Finally Grunt's cock had reached its full size. The young Turians were awestruck. And the Krogan could see that all of them were pitching tents in their pants.

"Boys, this isn't right", Grunt said, still trying to cope with the situation. "I'm not supposed to let you touch my cock."

"What's a cock?", Dorll asked.

"My penis."

"It's so big and awesome", marveled Albus.

Grunt felt primal urges starting to cloud his reasoning. He had to make a decision. Could he really do this? With children? Well... In the end they had started this, forced him into it. He might as well go along with it and show them a bit of his family tradition.

"Boys, listen: You can never tell about what happens today to anyone. You gotta promise. Gimme your hands and swear." Five small hands covered his own much larger one. They all swore.

"OK... uhm... if we gonna do this it should at least be somewhere comfortable", Grunt suggested.

"We have a big bedroom!", Nokkent answered.

"Good, lead the way." Grunt followed the kids and his hard dick that kept slapping his armour-covered body. The boys kept laughing at the show. The bedroom floor was covered in mattresses, blankets and pillows. It actually looked quite nice even if all of it was clearly military-standard material. Grunt started stripping and told the boys to do so as well. Soon a naked Krogan was standing opposite of five young equally naked Turians - one red-brown, one almost white, one light grey, one dark grey and and one beige. All of them sporting hard boycocks of differing blue hues.

"So, boys, not gonna beat around the bush. Do you know what sex is?"

All of them shook their mandibled, frilled heads.

"That's ok." Grunt said. "Normally you're not supposed to know this stuff until your older. But I'm gonna show you anyway. Again: You can't tell anyone about this. It's our secret and it has to stay that way."

Dorll, Nokkent, Vehrus, Albus and Silff nodded in agreement.

"Normally sex is between a man and a woman. A male sticks his penis into a female's vagina until stuff shoots out. That's how you make babies."

Turian eyes were always observant anyway but now they really seemed to grow bigger.

"It's the truth. I swear. And it's fun, real fun", Grunt grinned. "But sex is also something two females and two males can do. And today you will learn how males can have sex. Do you want that?"

Five Turian heads nodded.

"OK. You already instinctively got the basics, stroking a cock up and down", which Grunt gladly demonstrated. "Get your hands on your dicks and try it as well."

They did as they were told. And Grunt had to admit that it was quite a hot sight to behold. "How's it feel?"

"A bit weird", Dorll said. "But it's a good weird."

"It'll get even better if you keep it up. Feel good, Vehrus?"

"Yes, Mister Grunt. Really good."

"Nice, just keep stroking." Grunt rubbed his own long fat cock as well, loving the feeling of five pairs of eyes staring at him. Grunt watched the Turian children get their first sexual experience. And judging from the expression on their young faces every single one really liked what the Krogan had showed them.

"This is called masturbation. Or jacking off. But there's more." Grunt looked at Silff and signaled the beige Turian to come towards him. The boy complied. "Just stand there, I'll do the rest." Grunt opened his mouth, took the almost purplish dick inside and started sucking on it. A loud moan escaped the youngling's mandibled maw.

"What's he doing?", Nokkent asked loudly.

"He's... *hgn* licking my... *hrg* dinky. It's... *ung* awesome!", Silff groaned.

Grunt stopped for a while. "Try it yourself, suck each other. Get together in pairs and lie next to each other so that your mouth is in front of the other boy's cock. But mind your teeth, you don't want them on your prick."

The kids were skeptical at first but decided to try it anyway. Dorll and Vehrus formed a pair as did Nokkent and Albus. Brown and light grey, white and dark grey - both twosomes also formed interesting colour contrasts. Then they carefully began licking their counterpart, slowly getting to know the texture of the other's blue dinky. Grunt went back to sucking Silff again. He continued for a while until he heard a timid voice.

"Mister Grunt... could we... could we do what the others are doing?"

Grunt was pleasantly surprised. "Yep. But be careful with your teeth. And just lick it, it's too big for you to take into your mouth."


Grunt and Silff got into a 69 position. The Krogan sucked on the Turian's purple cock while the Turian began licking the Krogan's grey and pink meat. The barbs and ridges held a special fascination for him because they made the other male's penis look so... well... alien. Grunt loved it. What the young boy lacked in size or experience he made up with eagerness. His small tongue felt just amazing.

The sounds of five little boys and a big adult sucking and licking and slurping filled the room. After a while Grunt felt Silff growing more and more tense. He wanted to speed up things so he started rubbing a finger across the boy's rosebud. The cream-coloured Turian's whole body was overcome by his first orgasm. He couldn't shoot cum yet but that didn't diminish the force of his climax.

The other boys had stopped and were watching the two.

"What happened?"

"Mister Grunt, did you hurt him?"

"No, I would never hurt anyone of you", Grunt replied. "I promised. That was his first orgasm. How did it feel, Silff?"


"Yep. Best feeling ever. And you can feel it every day, even several times a day." The Krogan warrior grinned. "But the best part is: Once your old enough your 'dinky' will shoot out slimy stuff that's called 'cum'."

"Can you make cum?", Albus asked.


"Can we see it?"

"Maybe if all of you work together licking my dick and my balls."

"OK", said Dorll, once again acting as the team's leader.

"Then get on your knees in front of me." Grunt stood up and soon he felt five tongues, five mouths and 10 hands doing wonders to his engorged manmeat. They licked and lapped, slurped and suckled nibbled and rubbed. Their mandibles kept tickling him. It was a pure overflow of sensations.

"Yeah boys, you're doing really good. Keep sucking Mister Grunt." Damn. It was only a question of time. Grunt kept fighting valiantly but it was to no avail. He heard himself roaring and grabbed his cock. The adult Krogan pointed it at each of the young Turian faces, covering everyone of them in his hot seed. Grunt huffed and panted. "Kids, you're looking good!"

The boys were completely flabbergastered.

"That was cum. In a few years you'll shoot too. Probably not as much since I'm a lot bigger. But I'm sure it'll definitely be a lot", Grunt said with pride in his voice. "So, since only one of you has had an orgasm, I have a proposition. You guys wanna hear it?"

Five Turian heads nodded.

"OK. There's another way. A male can stick his cock in here", Grunt said and turned around. He pulled his buttcheeks apart and presented his hole to the kids. He was still a virgin went it came to this. But he would love to have these boys as his firsts.

"Ew... isn't that totally gross?"

"No", Grunt shook his head. "But you have to make sure that it's clean. That's why we're gonna take a nice little shower. And in the shower I'll teach you what buttfucking is all about."

"So, Silff, you're out. One of the others gets to fuck me", Grunt announced. "Who's it gonna be?"

"Vehrus will do it", Dorll stated.

"What... I...", the light-grey coloured boy stammered.

"You're always so quiet. Have a little fun!"


The others accepted their leader's choice.

"What do I do?", Vehrus asked.

"You start with licking my hole, getting me nice and ready."


"You heard me, boy", Grunt said. "Trust me, it's better than it sounds."


Grunt was on his arms and knees. Vehrus got behind him and actually started licking the Krogan's tailhole. He found the musky taste to be quite good so he kept lapping. Until he heard the rumble of a deep voice.

"Stick it in!"

At first Vehrus wanted to protest. Then he decided to act by Dorll's words, decided to have a little fun. So he aligned his penis with Grunt's rosebud and started pushing in."

"*ugh* Tight!", the boy shouted.

"Pull it out and push it back in again", Grunt advised. Vehrus did as he was told. "Harder, boy! Show me your strength and fuck me!"

Slowly but surely the young Turian picked up the rhythm. He didn't really know what he was doing but it was great fun. And he didn't want to disappoint Mister Grunt who kept encouraging him. The four other boys were almost hypnotized by what Vehrus and Grunt were doing.

"Guys, why don't you try it yourself?", the Krogan suggested between moans. "Dorll can do Albus and I think Nokkent should get to fuck Silff. Prepare by licking them."

"OK, Mister Grunt", Albus said and gulped. The brown Turian got to work on his friend's whitish butt, while the anthracite boy started lapping at his buddy's cream-coloured backside. After a while both of the tops gingerly entered the designated subs. Grunt watched them and a certain feeling of pride filled his broad, muscular chest.

After quite some time the Krogan warrior heard Vehrus's breathing getting heavy. The young Turian convulsed and collapsed on the adult's wide back as he was hit by his first orgasm.

"Good stuff, eh?", Grunt asked, chuckling.

"Yes", Vehrus wheezed, still trying to regain his breath.

It felt absolutely amazing to give these kids their first climaxes. Physically, since they nicely stimulated his tight hole, but mentally as well, seeing them take their first steps on a journey of discovery, safely guided by the caring Krogan's strong hands.

"Let's see, who's next?", Grunt pondered. "Dorll, you're on. Just stick it in and gimme all you got. Albus, c'mere, I'll suck you." The boys followed his command. "So, Dorll, you're the big guy around here, the champion. Gonna show me what a big guy you are?"

"Yes", the reddish-brown coloured Turian said as he began assaulting his hero's backside. Meanwhile Grunt swallowed all of Albus's cock to its root in one single go.

Shortly after feeling and hearing Dorll reach his final peak, Grunt stood up and pushed himself over the edge. Once again he completely covered each of the Turian boys in his slimy, sticky, creamy Krogan cum. Like before the children silently watched the male's "dinky" exploding, mesmerized at the fireworks going off before their eyes.

After Albus had fucked him, Nokkent had pounded him and Silff gave him his second orgasm, Grunt came for a third time, again spilling his boiling-hot seed onto each eager boy.

Having dry-cum twice Silff was spent and just watched as each of his friends went for a second round. The maroon-coloured leader was first. The anthracite-hued boy followed. Then the white kid came - in more ways than one. Vehrus, the shy child of light grey skin-tone who had started all of this action several hours ago by gawking at Grunt's huge cock, also finished it. The Krogan's fourth orgasm took quite a toll on him.

Grunt was tired. He and the boys packed up everything they didn't want to leave behind. "Kids, you have to stay close to me. There might be enemies out there. Do as I say and we can make it to the shuttle", Grunt said. "Dorll, better get that gun ready. We might need it." The children were scared but having their hero lead them gave the group a feeling of hope.

The way back to the shuttle was quiet, almost too quiet. Until two Cannibals attacked them. While the children hid under some rocks Grunt charged the first one, relentlessly punched it with his fists and then tore it to shreds with the last remains of his dwindling energy. The Krogan saw the second Cannibal point its gun-arm at him, he prepared for the impact of bullets, deeply disappointed at himself that he couldn't save the boys.

Then a sudden blast left a gashing hole in the creature's head. Dorll just nodded as Grunt smiled. He loved these kids.

Wrex entered the shuttle that had returned from Digeris, surprised that no one exited it. He opened the door because he had to check out this situation himself. If this job had gone sideways he'd already know. What he saw made him smile.

Grunt sat there between the Turian boys. A brown and a white kid on his left side, a light and a dark grey child on his right. All of them cradled in his big strong arms, holding them safe. A beige-coloured boy sat on his lap, huddled against the Krogan's powerful chest. All six of them were sleeping deeply. It was a beautiful picture of peace.

Wrex took a snapshot with his omni-tool then quietly left the shuttle and closed its door again. He typed in a message, attached the file and sent it.

Tonight's top story in the Battle Space: An unusual alliance bears fruit. There are still many people who are critical of the Turians and the Krogan working together. But this picture we are about to share should put a little hope into all of our hearts.

Urdnot Grunt is one of the best Krogan soldiers to ever live. Genetically engineered by warlord Okeer he became a crew member of the Normandy, serving alongside Turian military advisor Garrus Vakarian and Quarian admiral Tali'Zorah vas Normandy - among others. As a member of Commander Shepard's crew he helped destroy the Collector base situated behind the legendary Omega-4 relay.

He completed his Rite of Passage, a Krogan ritual marking the change from childhood to adult life. He and his Krantt, battle companions that consisted of Salarian scientist Mordin Solus as well as Commander Shepard, together brought down a Thresher Maw while fighting on foot - a feat which no Krogan since Urdnot Wrex has managed to accomplish for a thousand years.

He later became leader of Aralakh company, a successful Krogan special operations division. After a call by the Turian hierarchy he was assigned to a mission where he now single-handedly managed to save five Turian children from Reaper forces on planet Digeris.

The Krogan are known for their strength, feared for their viciousness. They often have to face ancient prejudices that depict them as cruel, mindless brutes. Here we see five children sleeping in the arms of one of this people's toughest warriors after he rescued them.

Let this picture remind us what we are fighting for: A future for our children. This was Diana Allers with the Battle Space, reporting live from the SSV Normandy.

Family Tradition VIII: Insomnia

It was the middle of the night and Grunt couldn't sleep. His raging hard-on kept him awake. He could have just jerked off but then he had a better idea. He put some clothes on and walked to the habitat where they had been keeping a certain towering...

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Family Tradition VII: C-Sex Procedures

Wrex hated it. Even as the leader of the whole Krogan people, who regularly met with the Council, they still made him go through all those C-Sec customs like a lowly merc. He didn't really like those politicians but he didn't want to blow their brains...

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Family Tradition VI: Omegan Orgy

"Now, now, if it isn't my old friend Aleena." "I left that name behind a long time ago", the holograph of an Asari said. "And if you know what's good for you, you'll let it stay in the past, Wrex." "I always loved it when you talked dirty." ...

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