I saw the moon for the last time

Story by LucasMota on SoFurry

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Here's the Breno story I talked about. This is sort of a prologue to my other story, "Jumped in the Bathroom", so if you haven't read it yet please do it before reading this. And if you're into some more cute, heartwarming stuff, please check out my "Brian and Me" stories (part 3 will come after this one).

Like I said, this story will be ever darker and will have a very disturbing ending (if you read my other story you'll know what I'm talking about), so if you're sensitive about the subject of kidnapping, gang-rape and violence please leave. And like my other story, this wasn't inspired in real life occurrences. So, here's the story for you.

It was a Sunday morning. I was having the talk with my boyfriend, a cute skunk by the name of Carlos. I was telling that I was in love with someone else, a dalmatian. He looked really sad, but understanding. I gave him a last hug in front of my house gates before he walked down the streets. It was the last time I saw him. He didn't cried. He didn't like to cry in front of me. But I'm sure he let everything go as soon as he arrived home. Poor skunk. I felt really sorry for him, but I was in love with that dalmatian even before I met him.

His name was Rodrigo. He was about 6'2, skinny, awesome in bed, nice to chat to. He was in denial with his homosexuality when I met him. I'm glad I helped him out with that. I moved on to Carlos thinking that Rodrigo didn't wanted me, and would never want me. But then, after a couple of months, he came to my place, saying that he finally accepted who he was, that he wanted to be mine. I kissed him, then I dragged him inside. He fucked me on the couch. I had to choose between him or Carlos. I made the wrong choice apparently, he left me for a white lion a month after. Bastard. Well, I guess I deserved it.

I was 20 years old. The name is Breno. I've been openly gay since I started dating Carlos. My mother accepted it. My father wasn't very happy about it, but he respected me anyways. It's been almost 4 years since me and Rodrigo broke up. I never dated someone else after him, I was too afraid to get my heart broken again. But I didn't wanted to die single, so I was looking at dating websites on the Internet to find my soul mate. Everybody warned me about dating someone online. My parents, my friends, even my teachers. I didn't listened to any of them. I thought to myself "nothing bad will happen to me." I signed into a LGBT dating site. I took a shirtless selfie and uploaded to my profile. Now I just have to wait. I had some propositions, but none of them were attractive enough. Until he showed up. A white tiger, by the name of Diego. "Hey cutey, wanna chat ;)" He said to me. Hell yes I do! We talked for a couple of hours until he asked me out on a date.

"Say, wanna go out with me? ;)"

"yea, where u wanna go"

"McDonalds. I'll pay ;)"

"kay. tomorrow 5 p.m?

"sounds gud. see ya ;p"

Then he sent a picture of his dick. Naughty boy.

First date on a fast food. Yeah, I know, not exactly some gourmet shit, but who gives a fuck? As long as we're having a good time. And we were! We had our burgers while getting to know each other. He wasn't exactly a gentleman when eating. I didn't cared, I wasn't either. After a while, he said to me.

"Say umm... wanna go somewhere private?" My heart started beating faster. He was hotter than both Carlos and Rodrigo. Hell, I would fuck him right there on top of the table if it wouldn't get us into trouble. He didn't looked like the bottom type though.

"Sure!" - I said without hesitating.

"Come on." - He said while getting up.

As I got into his car, I noticed the sundown in the horizon. It was beautiful. It was the last time I saw the Sun. He drove to his place while we listened to some music. Queen, A Night at the Opera. Great musical taste if you ask me. He parked the car into the garage. We walked into the living room. His place was huge! The first thing I noticed is the 40' flat screen LED TV. He took me by the arm before I could say anything. "Come here." - He said blinking while pointing me to his room.

"Take off your clothes." Damn, he didn't wanna waste any time. While he laid down on the bed looking at me with seductive eyes, I took off my shirt. It was a Division Bells T, from that Pink Floyd album. I turned around before I took my pants off. I took them off, Spreading my legs and leaning forward a bi while holding my tail, so he could see my butthole. He stood up and walked to me. I waited. There was a mirror in front of me. I watched his reflection as he placed his arms around my neck, as if he was ready to choke me. I thought he was just being playful, so I just looked up and smiled. He smiled back. "Good night, kitty." I didn't got that. Then he started choking. He started choking me for real. I started panicking. I tried to get rid of him, but he was a lot stronger than me. I couldn't do anything. All I remember was looking at his face in the mirror. Soulless. Emotionless. Merciless. My eyes were wide open. I tried to scream but it was useless. That's the worst feeling in the world if you ask me, being in trouble and not being able to scream. I was terrified. After a couple of seconds, I blacked out.

I woke up inside a car. The first thing I noticed when I opened my eyes was the grizzly bear on the passenger seat. I looked down and I saw both my hands and and legs tied up. I also realized there was a sock inside my mouth. It was all a trap. I was getting kidnapped. "It's over." I thought to my self. I knew I was going to die. On the driving seat there was a lion. I was between a huge ardennes horse and the bastard who probably orchestrated all of this, still with his arm around my neck. He noticed I was awake.

"Hey look guys, the kitty woke up. How are you feeling bud? Oh oops, sorry, I forgot you can't speak." I couldn't indeed. All I could do was beg for mercy with my eyes. "Sooo, I know this must be confusing to you, so I'll just be direct with you. We are... hmm, what does society call us again... oh yeah, homophobes. Heh, funny name. Like I am afraid of some weak faggot. You're the ones who should be afraid of us. So yeah, we realized that the world is turning more and more into a hugbox, so we thought to ourselves: 'You know what? We have to do something about these fags!' And, here we are! We gonna get you to an isolated place, put you in your place, and by that I mean raping you, and than we gonna beat you up a little bit."

"And then we gonna kill you." - The grizzly said, turning to me. My whole body froze. My eyes went even wider and my ears twitched even more to the back. I try to scream, but I couldn't because of the gag in my mouth. I started crying.

"Oh yeah, there's that too. You'll probably gonna suffer a lot too." He started wiping the tears off my face. "But hey, that's the price you pay for being a faggot. You choose this life, you had fun with your fuck buddies, and now it's time for you to pay. You a virgin?" I nodded negatively. "Hah, what a suprise... say uh Tiago (that was the name of the horse), how many fags we got that were virgin?"

"Only one. From all the ten we fucked."

"And how many survived?"

"Only the virgin one."

"We gave him a reward for not being a slut." - The lion opened his mouth for the first time.

"Yeah, but we still craved a big 'FAG' on his chest." - The horse said. "Your handwriting sucked by the way."

He shrugged his shoulders. "I always hated school..."

Ten victims. I was going to be the eleventh. I prayed for some policeman stop them and see me at the back a the car, tied and gagged. None showed up. It was my destiny to die that night.

The tiger talked to me again. "So umm, you got something to say in your defense? And don't give me that shit that you're not gay, 'cause you practically jumped on my cock when you first saw me." He took off the gag and the sock from my mouth.

"Please don't- *gag*" He shoved the sock back into my mouth before I could say anything else.

"Yeah, yeah, you're too boring... Oh, by the way, do you have an iPhone?" I did. I nodded positively. He took it from my pocket and tossed it on the road, so that we can't be tracked. Now I was completely sure that my fate was sealed.

We arrived on a cabin in the middle of the forest. I think it was 1:12 a.m. I was still tied. The horse took me with his arm, slamming my head on the car roof on purpose. "Oops, sorry about that."

They took me inside the cabin. The horse tossed me into the ground like I was a potato sack. The tiger turned to me again. He was clearly the leader.

"I don't think I need to remind you that you'll have to do everything we tell you, right?" He said, cutting the ropes from my arms and legs and taking the sock off my mouth. "I mean, you WILL die, but if you act like a disrespectful prick we gonna make you suffer a lot more. Will you behave?" I nodded. "Now, I have something I want to ask you to do. In fact, there's two things. First of all, you gonna have to call us masters, every time you open your mouth, starting now." I didn't cared anymore.

"Okay, master..."

"Good kitty." He patted me in the head. "And second, you gonna have to record a video for us." They wanted to show their accomplishment the world. They wanted to post my demise on some obscure website on the deep web so that the homophobes from all over the world can watch my suffering and say "thank God, another faggot died!" He got his cellphone camera ready and clicked play.

"Heey everybody from all over the world, my name is "Noneofyourbusiness" and here in front of the camera lens lies a faggot! Interesting species, aren't they? For some reason they got a little confused and thought that their asshole was a vagina. And it's that kind of behavior that led this individual here in his situation." He said, stroking my head. "C'mom, baby, look at the camera."

"Yes, master..." I looked up.

"Awww, ain't he adorable? It's okay cutebuns, you don't need to call me a master when I'm recording this alright? So, why don't you tell the world you're name?"

"...My name is Breno." - I said quietly.

"A little louder, please."

"My name is Breno."

"There we go. Now, can you remind us why we're here?"

"Because I'm gay."

"Nah nah nah, you're here because you're a faggot."

"...Because I'm a faggot."

"There we go, fag! Now, can you tell the world what we're gonna do to you?"

"They're gonna rape me, beat me up and kill me."

"That's right. I'll film the rape latter, so you rape fetishists out there can relax. So, can you send a message to all the fags out there? Maybe discourage them to follow your path?"

"...Please don't do the same things that I did."

"And what would that be?"

"...Sex with other guys."


"Or you'll end up like me."

"That's right! If you decide to have some fun with a same-sex partner, we WILL find you, and we WILL kill you. Now, can you show them your asshole?" I bent over, showing my rear to the camera. "You guys see this? This will be wide open in a few minutes. Hey big guy, can you show your cock to the camera?" The ardennes penis, already hard, showed up in the camera. "This thing over here will be entirely inside this other thing over here." He said poking his penis then my butthole. "So yeah, that's the end of this video, make sure to check the rape later, bye!" He clicked the stop button.

"Alright, let's begin this! You got the leash big guy?"

"Right here." The horse passed the leash. The tiger put it on me.

"Alright kitty, roar to us."




"C'mom you queer, roar like a fucking man!"


"There you go! C'mom Saulo (the lion), do what you tell me you wanted to do with him." The lion grinned. He mounted me and pulled the leash, choking me a bit.

"C'mom horsey, move!" He kicked me in the leg. I started walking. He wasn't wearing pants anymore. I could feel his balls and his hard dick and the cold pre running on my back. It was so humiliating. I wanted them to kill me already. The tiger stopped him.

"Alright cowboy, that's enough. Let's get to the real fun already. I'll go first if you guys don't mind."

"Go for it." - The bear said

He picked up a condom from his pants, which were on an old couch, and put it on his dick. He then placed it on my butthole. I could feel the head applying pressure already. He then said to me:

"This will hurt REALLY bad." He gave me one big stab. The pain. I never felt so much pain in my life. I screamed from the top of my lungs. They didn't cared. Nobody else would listen anyways. "Yeaaah, scream for us bitch, we love when you fags scream." I noticed how they liked my screaming, so I tried to contain myself. I started crying. The thrusts were hard and quick, like you would expect from a rapist.

After a while, I saw three cocks on my face, one of them slapping my nose. "Now, be a good bitch and suck us." - The lion said. "And I better not see a disgusted face."

The horse clenched his fist in front of my face. "And we better not feel any fucking teeth!" So I started sucking them. I started with the lion, which was in front of me, then I started alternating between the three cocks. My face was emotionless. I didn't cared about the pain anymore.

Eventually the tiger came, so it was the horse's turn to fuck me. I started do get aroused for some reason. His penis was even bigger. I winced. As promised, the tiger started filming again. "Alright, we're back! How are you feeling bud?" The camera was on my face. I didn't answered, just looked up to him with my ears backwards and my mouth sucking the lion. "Enjoying yourself?" I nodded negatively, with the lion's penis still on my mouth. The tiger noticed my erection. "Heh, sure you don't..." - He said while tickling my penis.

"Is he hard?" - The lion asked.

"As a fucking harpoon." The lion took his penis off my mouth for a second and gave me a big punch in the face. I wept. My nose was bleeding now.

"That's what you get for enjoying this." - The lion said, pointing his finger at me while grabbing my neck with the other hand. Then he stuffed his penis back in my mouth

Finally, after God knows how many minutes, the bear, last one to fuck me, came. At least that part was over. I was one step closer to death. I was both relieved and terrified. "Alright, now the beatings. Turn around." - The tiger said. I obeyed. He gave me a rear choke, the same one that got me into this situation. "Alright guys, have fun!"

They started punching my stomach like I was some punching bag. The pain was so intense. The punches the horse was throwing were the worse. It felt like a big log beating me in the belly constantly. They punched me. Hit my stomach with their knees. Kicked me in the balls. The tiger gave me a choke so I could pass out for a couple of seconds. Then he tossed me to the horse. He grabbed me and lifted me up from the ground, giving me a bear hug. It was the most painful feeling I had the whole night, even worse than the fucking. You have NO IDEA how painful a bear hug is. It's like an anaconda squeezing you to death. The pain in my torso was unbearable. I couldn't move. I couldn't breathe. I couldn't scream. He shook my body from side to side to make it even more painful. He laughed as he witnessed my suffering. "What's the matter, faggot? Can't breathe?" My mouth was opened, begging for air. My eyes wide opened, with a painful expression. He tossed me into the ground, still squeezing me, letting go all of his weight on top of my body. "290 pounds on top of you, fag. I hope this is being REALLY painful to you." It was. I almost fainted. It was the longest minute of my life. When he got off of me, I started grasping for air. But they weren't done with me.

"Get up! GET UP!" - The tiger yelled. I trying to get up, only to be interrupted by a kick in the stomach from the horse. I fell on the floor again, crying. The bear pulled me up from the floor and gave me a punch in the face. I fell on the floor for a second time. They pull me back on my feet again. Next, they just tossed me to each other while punching and kicking me, generally in the stomach. The horse held me again, giving me a second bear hug. Another incredibly painful minute. When he was done, he gave me a powerbomb. I screamed in pain while I breathed in panic. They proceeded to kick me and stomp me on the floor. I had enough.

"STOP!!! PLEASE, STOP!!! I CAN'T TAKE THIS ANY MORE! JUST FUCKING KILL ME ALREADY!! JUST FUCKING KILL ME.." I cried like I never cried in my life. I felt the tiger kneel on my head.

"Awwww, already? We're having so much fun!"


"...Alright." He stood up. "Beg. On your knees." I knelt.

"Please, master, I'm begging you, just... end this, please!"

"Hmmm... okay, that was convincing enough. C'mom guys, let's prepare his burial."

They took me to the back of the cabin. The tiger handed me a shovel. They wanted me to dig my own grave. "Start digging. And you better not try to hit us with that thing!"

I dug. About 5 feet of dirt. I saw the horse and the lion bringing the coffin. It was wooden, I could barely fit inside. I think they crafted themselves, designed specially for me. I handed the shovel to the tiger. I looked at him, waiting. I thought they were going to kill me before burying me. "What are you waiting for?" - The horse asked, impatient.

"...For you guys to kill me."

They looked at each other and smiled. "We gonna bury you alive." - The tiger said. The way he said it was disgusting, he said it like he was going to bury and animal. I didn't cared at first. I suffered so much that night, what are 60 more minutes of suffering? I laid down on the coffin. I looked up to the sky and saw the Moon between the trees. It was beautiful. Full Moon. It was gong to be the last time I saw it. The tiger came with his cellphone again. "Well, that's the end of his journey, guys. Hope you guys enjoyed it, he sure didn't. We gonna bury him alive now, he's gonna have the last and worst hour of his life. How you feeling, kitty? Any last words?" I didn't answered. I didn't even looked at his face. "Well, I guess not. We gonna end our transmission now and start the burial, see you guys in the next victim and remember, if you wanna have anal sex, do it with a woman!" He pressed stop. He placed the cover on the side of the coffin, ready to close it. "Goodnight, kitty." He closed to coffin.

Darkness. I was completely naked inside the coffin. I started breathing faster. I tried to calm down. For a while, there was silence. Then I heard the nails getting pinned. One by one. I started breathing even faster. I was scared. Then I heard the dirt falling on top of the coffin. That was it. Panic. I started screaming. Screaming. Crying. Banging and scratching the coffin. Shaking. I swear to God I must have ended with 1/4 of the oxygen in the first seconds. From that moment on, all I could hear was my breathing and my heart pounding. No escape. Nowhere to go. The oxygen running out.

I started rethinking my life. Did I really deserved this? Was this karma punishing me for being a faggot? Maybe they were right. Maybe I did brought this to myself. Wait, no. NO! What the hell am I saying? THEY are the villains here! THEY are wrong! THEY will be punished, by men or karma. Not me! I don't deserve this! Nobody does except for them! I heard that if you do something bad to another person, you'll suffer the same way that person did. I hope this is right! I hope someone bury them alive!

Thirty minutes passed. Halfway through. It was starting to get really hard to breathe. I tried to bang the coffin again to set myself free. No success. I accepted my destiny. I kept thinking about my friends and family. They will never see me again. They won't even know if I'm dead or alive, or where my corpse is. I thought about the afterlife. Is there life after death? If so, am I really going to Hell? Were those Christians right? I doubt it. I wasn't perfect, but I was generally a respectful guy.

The few minutes before the oxygen ran out where agonizing. Believe, you don't wanna feel what I did. The panting was really intense. I was sweating like a pig. I started panicking again. I pressed the coffin trying to escape. No use. I started gasping for air. I started banging and scratching the coffin. My hands in my throat. I felt like my eyes were going to jump from my head. I started to go deaf. I couldn't heard my self panting anymore. For the first time in that night, I was really calm. I was ready to go. I blacked out.


Author final words:

Oh boy. Call me crazy, but I have a fetish on the thought of being buried alive. Yeah, I'm a weird person.

So, I think we all learned a lesson here, right? Be. Fucking. Careful. This kind of shit can happen with anyone of you guys. If you wanna find a date online, that's fine, but make sure to go on the first couple of dates in public spaces and only go to his/her place (or yours) when you're absolutely sure you can trust him/her. And this could happen anywhere in the world, not only with gays, with anyone, for any reason. Don't play around with your life boys.

I'll get to part 3 of Brian and Me right away. Remember guys, it will be feelsy.

Brian and Me part 2

It was winter. Boston's winter can be harsh sometimes, especially when you only have fur on your head. It didn't mattered, 'cause I had a big, cuddly tiger to keep me warm. We were the usual cute gay couple. On the classroom, he had his arm over my...

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Jumped in the Bathroom

My story takes place in the city of Santos, Brazil. Beautiful coastal city, lair of the Santos Football Club, know for the discovering one of the biggest, if not the biggest football star in the world, Pelé. My name is Carlos, I'm a skunk born and...

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Brian and Me

Boston, Massachusetts. It was my first day at the Boston University. I couldn't be any more nervous. I was going into an unknown territory, I didn't knew anyone, my friends from High School were all going to different colleges, and on top of that, I...

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