Brian and Me part 2

Story by LucasMota on SoFurry

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#4 of Brian and Me

Second part of the "Brian and Me" story. As promised, there will be a threesome. Can you guess who will be the third individual? By the way, if you didn't read the first part, make sure to check it on my profile. And if you're into rape, please check my "Jumped in the Bathroom" story. Cover art by giraffe.

Oh yeah, I discovered the auto-correction feature in my computer (facepalm), so there won't be no typos in this story.

It was winter. Boston's winter can be harsh sometimes, especially when you only have fur on your head. It didn't mattered, 'cause I had a big, cuddly tiger to keep me warm.

We were the usual cute gay couple. On the classroom, he had his arm over my shoulder all the time, we would always walk hand in hand and kiss in public, sometimes I would place my head on his shoulder and he would give me a cute smooch on my head. We were happy. We were so happy. We still are by the way, the the first couple of months are always the best ones in a relationship. We never had any problems on the streets. We had a few judgemental looks here and there, most of them coming from the older folks, but we didn't heard a single "faggots" being shouted, we never had any guys bumping on our shoulders and we were never refused any service in restaurants or shops. Do you think anyone would mess with a 7 feet tall tiger?

Well, that was the cute part of our relationship. The hot part was INCREDIBLE! You guys have no idea how great he is on the bed. And on the showers. And on the floor. And on the wall, pinning me against that Pink Floyd poster with the cover of the albums painted in those girls backs. I was so horny I used to completely ignore the ladies's ass cracks. He would never pin me against the South Dakota flag though. It was very respectful of him. And the best part about our sex life is that Brian was flexible. He would fuck me. I would fuck him. He would suck me. I would suck him. We always tried some new position each time we fucked, and we would switch during the intercourse. One of the nights we tried 7 different positions in one fuck. He loved it. And so did I. We tried everything we could imagine between two guys (well, almost everything. We will never do BDSM. Sorry.), I even tried rimming him once. I didn't liked it that much. But there was something that we never did before. Threesome. Or even an orgy.

It's not that we wouldn't do it, it's just that we never discussed it before, and considering that we respect each other a lot we would never cheat on each other. I know I would never have a problem with a threesome, I would with him fucking another guy without me, but a threesome is fine. Hell, I dreamed of having a threesome with any of the guys in the dorm. Chris. Gary. Will. Jordan. Especially Jordan. I was even willing to try it with Janet. I mean, I never did it with a girl, maybe I'm bi and I don't know. And she was really cute to be honest.

We talked about it on a couple of days before Christmas. I felt a weird weight on top of me. Then I felt something beating my face. I opened my eyes. There was Brian on top of me with his hard cock on my face. I giggled.

"Dobryy den'." I love when he speaks in russian with me. It's so fucking hot. My arms were pinned under him.

"Well, well, well, what do we have here." After I said that I immediately started sucking his cock.

"Well, I just woke up and I looked at my dick and surprise boner! I didn't wanted to waste it on a masturbation, and we're already out of condoms (we never do barebacks), sooo here we are! Hope you don't mind."

"Doo yoo thoonk oom gooin nah moin?" I was choking on his dick.

"Come one babe, don't your mom told you not to talk with your mouth full?"

I was licking the base of his penis now. "Can we agree not to talk about our moms while having sex?" - I joked.

"Hehe, sorry." So I sucked. I licked. I sucked. And he moaned. Oh God how he moaned. I sucked him until he gave me my morning milk. All over my face. I licked my lips, tasting his salty cum.

"Now you gonna have to help me out with your mess." He smiled while rolling his eyes playfully, then he licked his own semen off my face. He stood up, still pinning me down to our bed and he gave me the hottest grin he could ever give me. His head was slightly tilted up, his yellow eyes half opened, looking down to me, and with a smile on the right side of his mouth. My dick was hard. "Soooo... retribution?"

He closed his eyes for a bit. His smile went wider. He turned around, facing my dick. My hands were finally free. Now, instead of his dick, I had his butthole right in front of my eyes. "If you fart on my face I will fucking kill you." He laughed. He grabbed my dick and started sucking it. I moaned. I'm gonna be honest, I'm pretty good at sucking, but he is just amazing! He's practically a porn actor. Meanwhile, I was having a nice view of the black stripes of his white and orange ass. His tail was twitching in pleasure. I decided to do something. "So, do you mind if I finger you while you suck me?

He paused the sucking for a second. "Go for it." I sucked my right index and middle fingers and started to finger him. I noticed his tail lifting. He liked it. With my other hand I grabbed his dick. I decided to suck him again. I felt his wet fingers getting pressed onto my asshole. That's what I meant when I say that flexible partners are the best. Complete sex balance. I grabbed his tail with my free hand and started stroking my face with it. He said to me: "Say umm, let's make a bet, the first one to cum have to pay for the pizza." I gave him a thumbs up. My mouth was still busy.

I won the bet, by the way. I cheated though. I found my way to his prostate. *BOOP*. Cum. "Hey, you cheated!"

"Oh, I'm sorry, I wasn't supposed to use your prostate?" - I said, sarcastically. I took off my fingers from his ass and decided to suck them. I don't what the hell I was thinking. For some reason I liked the taste better that time. I rested my arms on the bed. Big mistake. He pinned them down again. He was about to make me pay for cheating.

"Say umm... can you move your arms?" - He said with an evil grin on his face.

"Umm... no." Wait, why the hell did he ask th... oh wait.


Right on my fucking nose. Motherfucker. "WHAT THE FUCK BRIAN?" He laughed hysterically. I think the must have woken up the whole floor. It was 7:20 a.m. "YOU FUCKING ASSHOLE HAHAHA!!" I started laughing too. My fucking hands were pinned, so I couldn't do anything except stay there, smelling his fart. If there was one thing I hated about him was the smell of his farts. And the bastard knew that. I lost times on how many times he pinned me down on the bed and went "Hey, I got a present for you."

After the smell worn off, I, still laughing, gave him a big punch in his arm. I punched really hard 'cause I knew it doesn't hurt him. He didn't punched me back though, he knew that his punches would REALLY hurt me.

After his little prank, we just sit there on the bed, smiling at each other. We don't say "I love you" that often, we don't need to, we already know that. We don't need to remind each other every single week. We see couples that do this shit every time, both straight and gay. Say that they love each other each 15 minutes and then broke up after 1 month for some bullshit reason. He loves to say "I love you" in russian to me.

"Ya lyublyu tebya."

"Yeah lubloo tchebah to you too." - I struggled with my half-assed russian. He was teaching me how to speak it. Pronunciation wasn't really my problem, the cyrillic was. B has the sound of V. P has the sound of R. 3 has the sound of Z. Damn it Russia, couldn't you guys just use roman alphabet?

At the afternoon, we went for a pizza. I was too much of a bleeding heart, so I insisted to pay half of it. Then we stopped at a sex shop to re-stock our stash of condoms and lube. I also bought some buttplugs to test them out some day.

Arriving our room, we saw Chris coming out of the door. He stopped us before we could get inside.

"Heyyyy, my favorite gay couple, how you guys doing?"

"Great!" - Brian answered.

"Yeah, we went out to eat some pizza. And to buy some... stuff we needed." The plastic bag was black so it could hide it's content.

"Rrright... umm, I need to talk to you guys. You know, in private." The panther looked nervous. Normally he would joke about the "obviously-not-from-a-sex-shop" suspicious looking black plastic bag.

"Sure, come on in." - I said. We walked into our room. I offered him some snacks. He refused. He sat down on our bed and we grabbed our chairs from the desks to sit closer to him.

"So, what's going on?" - Brian asked.

"Well... umm... shit, I don't even know how to say it!"

"It's okay bud, just take your time." Brian have an amazing gift of making people comfortable around him. Comfortable enough to make even the worst criminals in the world to spill out their secrets. He would be a great psychiatrist. Chris took a deep breath.

"Okay. Umm... it's about my sexuality. There's a guy I think I like." We didn't asked who it was. We didn't wanted to scare him away. But we knew who it was, he and Gary were getting too close recently. "It's just... I think I still like girls, I mean I LOVE girls. I had a girlfriend before coming to College and I loved every single minute of it, I still miss her by the way. It's just... *sigh* I don't know, it's just confusing! I don't know which side I am anymore!"

Brian smiled. "It's called bisexuality Chris. You're not confused, trust me. You can like both guys and girls, there's nothing wrong with that."

"Plus, you have the advantage of not being limited to one gender. You have a whole plethora of hot guys and hot girls at your disposal." - I said, trying to cheer him up.

"Well, I'm okay with being bisexual, but I have to make sure before jumping into any conclusions. And that's why I came to you guys."

Brian understood right away. I was still hopeless. "Whhhhat do you mean?"

He paused for a moment. "I understand if you guys say no, but... is it okay if I experiment with one of you? Or both, I don't really care."

My heart started beating a little faster. I raised my eyebrows for a split second while releasing a quick sigh. I looked at Brian. He was looking at me with only his left eyebrow raised. I asked him first. "Is it okay with you?"

"If it's okay with you it's okay with me." He replied. I hoped it wasn't a dream. I was gonna get laid with the two hottest guys in the floor. At the same time! This would only be perfect if Jordan was there too.

Me and Brian stood up without saying a word. We put the chairs back in their positions while Chris stood up as well. "So umm... w-what should I do?" He was really nervous. And he was blushing a LOT too. And I, also blushing a little, started to seduce him.

"You just gonna relax and let it go." - I said while stroking his fur under the white tank top. I smiled at him, while Brian joined me on the stroking. Chris was still nervous. Brian finally took off his tank top.

"Relax bud." - My man said. "Your body is too tense, you need to let go." I pressed my face against his huge black chest while still stoking him, just like I did to Brian in our first time.

"S-Sorry guys, it's just, it's my first time with, you know..."

"Yeah, we know how you're feeling, stud." - I said, feeling extremely horny. I felt his body relax for the first time. He was ready. He placed his arm around me and started stroking my flesh. Brian started giving Chris some eskimo kisses. Then he gave him a real kiss. For some reason I didn't felt jealous. I felt happy for Chris. For both of him, actually. They looked so happy. And if the two guys I love the most are happy, I'm happy.

Brian went behind me. When I realized, I was getting sandwiched by them while they kissed over my head. Did i just died and went to heaven? I decided to stop just looking at the kiss and make a move. I interrupted them and started kissing Chris. Brian started sucking my right ear. All of the dicks were hard at that point. I turned my head to Brian to kiss him, while Chris sucked my left ear. He was really good, but not as good as Brian. Sorry Chris, nobody will ever be better than Brian on sucking stuff. And then we partake on a triple-kiss. For those who never had a triple-kiss, just imagine three tongues doing a mosh-pit. Chris moved backwards a little bit. He broke the kiss.

"So umm, can I fuck your boyfriend?" - He asked Brian. We grinned to each other.

"You can do anything you want with us." - I said. I started feeling a lot more confident about myself and my sexuality after I met Brian.

"You have complete control over us Chris, consider yourself lucky" - Brian said. He would be a great male prostitute. In fact he would be a lot of great things.

"Woof! Okay, Lucas, I want you to suck Brian while I fuck you."

"Yes, sir!"

"Excuse me, 'Yes, master!'" I looked at him raising my eyebrows while smiling.

He giggled. "Just kidding."

So, yeah. There was me. Getting fucked by the third hottest guy in the world (Jordan will be eternally the second) while sucking the number one hottest guy in the world. I couldn't ask for a better way to start my night.

Brian tossed Chris one of the condoms we bought at the sex shop, which he quickly wrapped his penis with. At that point, I was already sucking Brian. I felt Chris' black penis penetrating me slowly. He didn't wanted to hurt one of his best friends. His dick was almost as big as Brian's, I think it was an inch shorter. His penis was not as thick either, which I thought it was great. Don't get me wrong, Brian's penis is amazing, but I always preferred thinner dicks over the thick ones.

His thrusts were delicious. Slow, deep, careful thrusts. I didn't even need to ask him to hold me tight, he did that right away. The feeling was amazing. I was feeling more confident about myself, but my submissive personality in sex will never leave me.

Brian started stroking our heads, while I stroked his legs and fondled his balls and Chris stroked his abs. "Can I give a taste?" I looked at him and pulled his dick out my mouth.

"Here." - I offered him Brian's junk. He started sucking. According to Brian he's a great cocksucker. He started licking. I joined him. Eventually we started kissing while I jerked Brian off. I felt him jizzing a little bit. Two squirts of semen that fell on my hair which Chris licked it off. Then came our surprise.

"Fuck me." We both stoped.

"What?" - Brian asked confused, but excited.

"I want you to fuck me, Brian." - Chris said while standing up.

Brian smiled. "Alright." While he grabbed another condom from the bag, I stood up and asked Chris for a kiss. He then gave me a rear choke (again, being careful not to hurt me) and proceeded to fuck me. I was almost coming. I learned from our many nights to contain my ejaculation, but still, it was a goddamn massive black panther choking me. Chris felt the third dick on his buttcheeks. He stopped for a second. "Ready?" - My love said.

"Yeah." And that was it. A train of three dudes. Brian in the rear, Chris on the middle and me as the conductor. Chris let go of my neck and gave me another big, warm, tight hug. That was it. I couldn't hold it any longer. I came. All over Brian's "Clockwork Orange" T-shirt, on the floor. Chris was still pounding my ass, and Brian still pounding Chris. Brian was also holding Chris really tight, by the torso. He loved it. He's one of mine.

Chris came first, inside the condom. A few seconds later, Brian took his penis off shortly before jizzing. He jerked off and blew his load on Chris' asshole. He have and impeccable aim. They threw their condoms on the trash and we just hugged each other for a while.

"Woof! So, how was it?" - Brian asked him.

"Well, now I can say for sure that I'm into guys." We giggled.

"I'm glad you liked it." - I said

"Thanks little guy, and thank you too big guy."

"No, WE thank you." - Brian said. Chris smiled while looking at the ground, blushing. "So, feeling better?"

"A lot better!"

"Great! Now, if you wanna have some fun with us again, just say it." - I said. "Oh, and I also would like to mention that I can switch to top if you want to *wink*."

He gave a playful giggle. "I'll keep that in mind."

While he was dressing up, Brian noticed my DNA all over his shirt. He took it from the floor while raising my eyebrows to me. I just shrugged my shoulders with my face reading "...couldn't help it." He giggled.

We said goodbye to Chris when he was done dressing up and then he left to his room. We "found out" who the mysterious guy was a week later. Yep, it was Gary. Big shocker. He came out AND confessed his love for him. Now we have two gay couples in the floor. I remember the night they called us for a four way orgy. Best night of my life.

We laid down on the bed, him spooning as usual. I turned to him and said:

"So umm... second round?" He smiled.

"Ya chertovski lyublyu tebya, ty znayesh', chto?"

"I had no idea what the fuck you just said, but I agree." He giggled. We fucked for a second time that night.

I learned something great that day, that Brian was okay with threesomes! I just wish we could convince Janet that one day...

THE END ~ Part 3 coming soon.

Author's final words:

Yaaaaay! The big black panther is also gaaaaay! I hope you guys were happy with my choice, if not, well I'm sorry but I just can't please everybody *shrug shoulders*! What do you think of my choice? Was it obvious? Was a surprise? Who do you thought it was going to be? Who did you wished to be? Leave a comment saying what you think.

A few words on my upcoming stories: my next one will be that Breno rape story. It's gonna be even more dark and twisted than the skunk story. If I had any doubt before, then in this one I would DEFINITELY put it on extreme. Shortly after I will make part 3 of this story, which will be really feelsy. Don't worry, they won't break up and none of them will die, but something bad will happen and it's going to make Brian REALLY sad. Yep, two depressing stories coming next. Brace yourselves, boys. Thank you for reading and see you guys soon!

Brian and Me part 3

I loved sleeping on top of Brian. Feeling that soft neck tuft on my face, my arms on his chests. He loves it too. Whenever I sleep on top of him I get to see him sleeping with a huge smile on his face. Sometimes I would feel something moving on my...

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Jumped in the Bathroom

My story takes place in the city of Santos, Brazil. Beautiful coastal city, lair of the Santos Football Club, know for the discovering one of the biggest, if not the biggest football star in the world, Pelé. My name is Carlos, I'm a skunk born and...

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Brian and Me

Boston, Massachusetts. It was my first day at the Boston University. I couldn't be any more nervous. I was going into an unknown territory, I didn't knew anyone, my friends from High School were all going to different colleges, and on top of that, I...

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