Aqua Vitae

Story by Iscin on SoFurry

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After arriving to the cetaceans' floating city of Niveau, a touring marsupial soon finds himself in a bar looking for something more interesting than saltwater. What he ends up finding will leave him with much more than just a salty taste.


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by Iscin

This is a work of erotic fiction.

All characters portrayed within are 18 years of age or over.

All rights reserved © 2015.

Narsassus © Narsassus.

Chrysanthos © Iscin.


Lost Pearl

Narsassus looks at the short glass drink he is nursing in his paw on the table. The cool brown liquid is slowly warming to his body's temperature, and in doing so he is ruining the taste. Not that he is a big fan of alcohol. Truth is he is more of a social drinker; unfortunately no one has walked up yet to be social with him. He thought Niveau would be a fun place to visit for his vacation. At least there are enough good things to hear about how forthright and emotive the denizens can be, even compared to other citizens of the Arcadian Republic. However he has been sat, along now, for what feels like an entire hour to him. Alone and unwanted in a dark recess of the back of the bar.

Squinting down at the glass the marsupial can make out his reflection all the clearer in the murky brown liquid. Long and dark brown furred snout, blue eyes, blond hair. The fact staring back at him is handsome even if he does think so himself. He looks good and feels good. So why is it so difficult to catch a fish around these waters? However his answer finally comes even as his mind enters a train of thought that numbs his awareness in regards to the other patrons of the drinking lounge around him. Restricting himself to drinking socially leaves Nars with something of a naivety about his own drinking limits and the effect that alcohol has even in small amounts.

Suddenly the reflected features become impossible to make out. This is because the surface of the liquid in the glass is in turmoil. A storm in a glass. Waves ripple and bounce off of the sides of the glass and into each other. And all of this is because someone very large, and grotesquely bulky has just sat down at the same table as the marsupial. In doing so the far larger patron knocked said table and thus the image is distorted. Nars is aware of all this, yet his reaction of looking up is slow and diffident. Finally though as he lays his eyes upon the person that has taken the seat next to him he is more than a little cowed by the other man's appearance.

The man is a killer whale of significant stature and even more significant musculature. He has the appearance of a bodybuilder, someone who has spent the time and hard effort in improving and sculpting their physical form. Broad shoulders and his stature of over nine feet only adds to the effectiveness of this perceived efforts. The comparatively petite kangaroo audibly gulps and brings the glass up to take a drink, whilst his eyes remained fixed upon the massive guy sitting next to him. First he will get his courage up with alcohol, next he will actually say something, that seems like a sound plan at this moment. Of course the orca came over here after spotting the cute little kangaroo sitting all by himself. There is a reputation for this particular establishment and what people come here for is not the refreshments.

'Do you mind if I sit here?' The big guy says in a voice that sends shivers running down the marsupial's long tail.

'N-No.' Nars replies, silently cursing not having drank more before someone like this approached him. There is nowhere near enough alcohol in his blood at the moment. Buzzing but not in a confident way.

'Is this your first time in Niveau?' The orca asks

'That obvious?' Nars replies with another question.

'Yeah, it is actually. You look lost which is not a normal thing when someone is sat down having a drink. Well, lost and maybe a little lonely looking too.' He pauses whilst he takes the bottle on the table and pours himself a drink in one of the spare glasses. 'My name is Chrysanthos by the way.'

'Narsassus.' The marsupial makes eye contact finally, looking up at the larger than life man. 'Cheers, I guess.'


After Hours

Leaning stacks of glasses are arranged in a disorganised fashion across the table. In addition to the short glasses there are almost just as many empty bottles. Some of them used to contain strong spirits, some of them were full of red wine. All of them are empty now. If not for the cloth there would be quite an array of strains on the wooden surface underneath right now. Not that Narsassus and Chrysanthos were the only ones drinking. They've had people join them, some of them who know the big orca, others who have just been having a good time tonight like the rest. There was one spinner dolphin, very talkative, he eventually got so drunk he could not stay sat down properly and had to be carried off; presumably back home and to any disappointed family therein. However both Narsassus and Chrysanthos have remained, both of them extremely drunk, and both of them just now realising that everyone else is leaving.

'I shink... I sshhhink... I don't know whhaaat ah shink.' Nars slurs.

The kangaroo is fighting to keep from slipping out of his seat too now.; definitely needs to learn how to hold his liquor. He tries looking over at the orca but his body seems to interpret the impulses differently. Without meaning to he suddenly slumps forward over the table. The stacks of glasses quickly tumble over and off the edge, smashing loudly against the floor underneath. Some part of him recognises the event to cringe, but the rest of him just feels kind of numb and happy. Chrysanthos, still fighting the effects of inebriation, looks around both sheepish and apologetic for the mini calamity. Perhaps this is as good a time as any to call it a night. So he pokes the little guy, but all he gets as a response is a very poorly coordinated swipe of a hand, even as the marsupial seems to fighting off sleep with his eyelids hanging heavy.

'Oh come on. You're a complete mess.' Chrysanthos tells his new acquaintance, but the words don't seem to register. So with a heavy hearted sigh the orca takes it upon himself to remove the pissed kangaroo from the premises.

Narsassus is aware of a strong arm as it hooks underneath his chest. It feels smooth against his fur, though it possesses a very firm quality to it which becomes harder as he is hoisted up. Even if not for the strong physique of the orca the contrast in sizes makes it a piece of cake for Chrysanthos. The sight to others is a little bemusing as the kangaroo is carried off underneath the big guy's arm. If not for being completely wasted on the booze Nars might actually feel embarrassed by bring carted off this way. However he is too busy trying to hold the contents of his stomach whilst his environment changes around him further disorientating the poor marsupial.

'You really are a lightweight.' Chrysanthos tells the little guy whilst trying not to stumble himself as he makes his way to the apartment section.

'I-Ish not like dat...' His charge tries to respond, but quickly holds his tongue with another impulse to throw up irking him.

As luck would have it the orca's apartment is in proximity to the little commercial district here. Specifically it is part of a building complex that is known for cheap yet substantive housing for those tending to the aqua-farms that serve as a good independent food force next to fish trawling. Although he has long since moved on from menial labour such as that, Chrysanthos never has found a good enough reason to move somewhere more expensive. However before they can enter the apartment building Chrysanthos notices that his new friend is looking increasingly unwell. Without saying a word he sets the little guy down just in front of a small alcove, not exactly an alleyway but someplace out of the way from the main street here. The kangaroo is thankful as the timing is almost perfect. Bile is the herald of a rather violent upheaval of his stomach. All the whilst Chrysanthos is almost standing guard, occasionally glowering at other pedestrians also making their way back home for the night.

'Are you alright?' The big guy asks after the last of it seems to be gone. In response Nars unzips his fly and starts emptying another organ in his body. 'That's alright, I can stand here all night long.'

'S-Sorry.' Nars says, though this is quickly followed by a long sigh as his bladder finishes emptying, ironically making it sound as though the apology is a disingenuous one.

It is difficult to focus, pool his thoughts into one cohesive stream. If only the marsupial had known how strong those drinks were he would not be in such a compromise state, both mentally and physically with his gut lurching in the pit of his torso. But his amygdala is starting to feel a little more on track, at least enough to realise what the big guy is probably doing right now. There has been no line of inquiry as to a hotel room or someone the kangaroo can recuperate with overnight. So logically the orca is taking Nars to his own flat or apartment. Unless there is some hospice nearby. Although the mannerisms are all wrong for something like that. No, he is sure of where this is going. The only question is how does the kangaroo want to play with this?

'S-Shtill, I'm sorry. Ugh.' Nars manages to say after wiping his muzzle. But now he feigns to the right, shoulder connecting with the wall. A soft impact.

Once more those strong and self-confident hands enclose around the small marsupial's body just as he was beginning to slide down the wall, scrubbing his jacket. Just as planned he rolls his head around and it falls against the killer whale attentively standing right behind him. Nars is tempted to accidentally brush a hand somewhere very private on the orca's personage; however he resists such playful though petty action, for now. Chrysanthos grumbles in the kind of way that only a sober man can about a drunk friend which in and of itself is odd considering he barely knows the kangaroo. Whether it is the charm or the utter defencelessness of the small man he is holding in his arms the orca genuinely feels concerned and defensive about Nars.

'You can apologise later. I need to get you off the streets now before anyone complains.' Chrysanthos sternly tells the half-asleep kangaroo before once more hoisting him up and continues carrying him to someplace indoors.


As they both reach the door to his apartment Chrysanthos sets his charge down on the floor for but a brief moment. It is a little dusty down on the floor but Nars does not seem to mind as the orca searches for his keys. In fact the kangaroo appreciates the opportunity this provides him as with bloodshot eyes he begins homing in on his target. Chrysanthos has manages to dig his keys out and select the right one at the very moment that he feels something brushing between his legs. Now he can feel the unmistakable sensation of someone grabbing his crotch. The feeling causes the killer whale to jump back from the door, the ground thudding underneath his feet before his fluke tail slams down to balance himself from falling backwards. With accusing eyes he stars down at the still very inebriated and now giggling kangaroo slumped against the door.

'What?' Nars giggles, his hand still extended as he flexes all fingers before letting it drop limp beside him.

'You're drunk!' Chrysanthos grunts and quickly unlocks the door before hurriedly rustling the marsupial inside before anyone else walks in on the pair.

Total clutter is normal for the orca's apartment on any day of the week. Objects packaged in open cardboard boxes, stacks of bound papers that look like they could be monotonous dissertations on some esoteric subject or another. Not that Nars is really paying much attention to his surroundings as he is lifted up and into the big guy's arms against. He is squirming almost like a restless child in its parent's arms, his ears flopping down against his face. Chrysanthos grumbles at the armful of trouble as he navigates the mess before finally stumbling through into the living room where there is only more stuff. But at least the sofa couch is free enough to put the small guy down. Nars is trying to play up his inebriated state again even whilst being lowered down on the couch. His arms and legs flailing around as if disjointed.

'I'll err... go get you some coffee.' Chrysanthos says, still trying to forget about the grope a moment ago. The roo is cue, but hardly in a state for anything consensual.

'Okay. Whatever you fink mistah fish.' Nars replies and rolls from one side to the other, trying to feel comfortable on the worn sofa.

He waits until the cetacean has disappeared from view, presumably to the kitchen, before sitting up. Nars silently curses to himself. His head is still throbbing and his co-ordination is not all that it should be. Definitely still feeling the effects of his drinking but not enough to pass on this once in a lifetime opportunity. The body language is there, he is sure of it. Hell the guy has brought him to his own home has he not? Of course maybe it is the booze talking and he is reading too much into things. But goddamn is he hot. There is only one way that the half-drunk kangaroo can think of to force the issue. And besides, if the orca truly is not interested, he is big enough to handle a little guy like Nars right?

No time to think Nars' hands are already reaching for his belt. He undoes it, whips it off, stands up, falls down onto the carpet. Still not sober. Despite of his uncoordinated state the kangaroo continues to undress, although remains on his side on the floor until he is removed his pants, jacket and shirt. Stripped down to his undies and socks he starts crawling up back onto the couch. The rush to get undressed has left him with a spinning top for a skull. Pull yourself together, use your charm, woo him! There is barely enough time to stroke his blond hair back behind his pointy ears as he hears the big guy's footsteps growing louder as he returns from the kitchen.

'I don't have any milk but I ho-' Chrysanthos' voice trails off as he first sees the clothes scattered on t the floor and now the nearly entirely nude marsupial lounging on his couch.

'Coffee?' Nars hiccups in reply, arching his back and bending down on hands and knees on the couch as his rudder tail shaking from side to side.


Under Pressure

Up until this point the orca had been conflicted about the rapidly worsening luridness of his new acquaintance. Cetaceans have a certain reputation for being sexually open, however that has the negative connotation of seeing them as for lack of a better term rapey by polite society's standards. However with the kangaroo now in his skin tight underwear prostrating himself on the couch the internal conflict which had been there just dissolves away. He sets the coffee down and goes straight for the marsupial's thick tail, gripping it in one hand and pulling upwards, lifting Nars' rear end slightly off of the couch. Cute, Chrysanthos thinks as the boy dangles, his body swinging from side to side. He is trying to say something, probably lewd and rude, but the inebriation is making him slur every other word in a sentence; not that verbal communication matters with this kind of body language.

With the kangaroo's tail in one hand, the orca reaches for the male panties with the other. They are satin soft, and in a tone of bright pink which is more than a little outlandish. Clearly the closeted young man came here looking for fun, but only once he had found the right partner. Chrysanthos is careful to slide them off, unhooking a some lacing around the front before shifting both hands to slip them off of the kangaroo's tail. Nars writhes, almost squeaking with agitation as his turgid cock dangles in the air, perfectly exposed from this angle so that the big whale can see just about everything he pleases to. And he does take the time to check out everything from that tight rear entrance buried between two furry cheeks, to the jangling roo balls; he is packing for a guy so relatively small.

'Don't kick your legs so much. Or I'm gonna have to spank you.' Chrysanthos warns as he gently lowers Nars back down so as his rear is propped up on the armrest at this end of the couch.

'I'm ssshhyyyy.' Nars protests, his tail now sort of bouncing in a tight arc, free from the orca's firm grasp.

'Yeah, right.' Chrysanthos grunts as he gets down on his knees by the end of the couch.

Nars is blushing as he rests, body half-limp but for one turgid part of himself, whilst the orca's big hands run up along the back of his thick thighs before cupping around either butt cheek. The smaller male chuffs and wriggles hime some more as he feels the orca's breath blast up from his blowhole and buffet against the underside of the marsupial's lift tail. Back here the soft, short, and light brown fur tickles slightly between his fingers as Chrysanthos squeezes. As he expects the marsupial tenses, his buttocks clenching against one another where the whale's thumbs are touching one another. He is wearing a stupid smile as he starts to pry them back apart, forcing the kangaroo to show him the real prize back here. And just like that it reveals itself, winking bak at the cetacean casting a shadow over it.

Chrysanthos opens wide and his ho breath beats down on the nub of flesh. This sends a thrilling feeling up along Nars' spine. Far more than merely the butt cheeks now start to tense up, shivering with anticipation as the whale's tongue looms closer and closer. Nars can feel an unmistakably wet sensation back there as the orca's tongue greets his shrivelling anus. Sticky saliva is smeared in a circling motion around his ring before Chrysanthos starts making broad vertical strokes with his oral appendage. Nars writhes and makes odd squealing noises as he feels the whale's saliva wetting the short fur around his buttocks. He hooks both of his hands around the arm rest in front of him and tries to steady himself, not wishing to thrash around to the point where the orca feels the need to hold him down. Then again, such a development would not be a bad thing at all now, would it?

After only a few broad licks with his tongue Chrysanthos decides it is time to take a more direct tasting. His strong fingers grip even tighter as he forces the kangaroo to spread out for him. With a a parting that tis more canyon than sidewalk crack now he pushes his face in further, his melon thrumming as he makes a strange baying sound. Nars jumps a little, his tail swinging, as he feels the large man's similarly impressively sized tongue pressed square against his sphincter. It keeps pressing and pressing, until it finally pushes the curled up tip of it inside. This causes the marsupial to make an embarrassing sound, something caught between an expressive moan and a needy whine.

The prehensile flesh edges its way inside of the marsupial, setting alight nerve endings as it travels. This agitates Nars more than before, as he starts to pant. It becomes a chore of nearly insurmountable proportions to keep himself from wriggling off the edge of the leather couch. Just as well that the killer whale is maintaining a firm hold, one hand letting of of a cheek to hook his arm around one of the kangaroo's strong thighs. Positioning is far from ideal for Chrysanthos, however the cetacean makes do with the inclination as his tongue wriggles in an exploratory fashion teasing out every corner and fold of the internal walls of the smaller male's rectum as it possibly can.

'AAAH!' Nars exclaims as his claws start to tear into the armrest.

Suddenly the ring of Nars' backdoor entrance constricts around the whale's tongue. He blinks and tries to pull back but only succeeds to receding his lips allowing his teeth to bite gently into the kangaroo's rump. However he now realises what is happening as he hears the patter of fluids being ejected at force onto the worn surface of his furniture. Chrysanthos grumbles as he changes the position of the arm that was hooked around the kangaroo's leg and reaches underneath the smaller male. Yep, there it is he thinks to himself as he fingers register a moistness to the texture of the couch. Nars is starting to relax now, his sphincter gently letting go of the orca's tongue whilst the rest of his body seems to fall limp, moulding into the couch. Even his tail comes flopping down over the orca's smooth head, the tip reaching his dorsal fin where it taps a couple times against the smooth skin.

Chrysanthos right himself, getting back up on his feet whilst gently setting the kangaroo's tail down to one side. Arms akimbo he looks down at the resting marsupial and is evidently not merely disappointed, but genuinely annoyed. Alcohol or no alcohol, Nars is the one who made all of the moves. Those overtures demand so much more than a little rimming and oral stimulation before blowing his own load. Chrysanthos drops his pants and something very long, and grotesquely girthed swings free. It does not take long for the sea mammal to develop the kind of stupendous erection that can figuratively put coastal lighthouses to shame. He strokes the throbbing tower of meat with both hands, forcing the foreskin to peel back down even as pre-ejaculate starts bubbling from the tip. It only takes a moment for Chrysanthos to lather his instrument in its very own juices before letting go of it and looming down with both sticky hands to grab Nars up.

'W-Wait what are you doing?' Nars asks with surprising lucidity, his mind snapping awake just as he was beginning to get comfortable.

'You owe me something much more than that tease.' Chrysanthos says as he effortlessly lifts the kangaroo off of the couch.

The marsupial's arms, legs and tail flop are limp as he is picked up off the couch. A part of him knows what is happening, or rather what is about to happen to him. However after his climax it is as though Nars finally realises how tired he really is, with all of that pent up sexual excitement spent he has given up fighting his inebriation and fatigue. But that is not to say he is not about to be woken up against as the orca begins lining him up before lowering the kangaroo down. With either hand gripping the underside of Nars' thighs, Chrysanthos flawlessly spreads his target out even as he makes first landing with the tip of that long and thick spire parting the tourist's virgin horizon.

'Do you feel that?' The orca asks as he pauses lowering the smaller man.

'Y-Yes.' Nars gasps, his body shivering in response to the touch of the orca's black and white shaft as it throbs between his buttocks with the tip pressed against his anus.

'This is what happens when you tease a whale.' Chrysanthos says and now lets go with both hands.

Nars plummets downwards, his own bodyweight serving as the potential force put into action to stretch open his backdoor. Just as anticipated the experience quickly refreshes the kangaroo as he yells out in a surprise caught between pain and pleasure. It only happens for but a moment, yet it feels so much longer as Nars experiences the inches penetrating his body, with both arms and legs flailing to find purchase. The orca even performs a muted hip thrust as Nars finally finds his broad foot paws clamp down against the whale's wide legs. He is moaning aloud as his arms swing back and he arches his bag, trying to rise back up off of the pulsing tower of cock jammed deep up his ass. Yet for all of his quickly returning energy, Nars is for the moment stuck and at the mercy of the feelings shocking him from within, making his knees and stomach weak with new sensation.

'First time I've ever tried that.' Chrysanthos says, more amused than anything else by the marsupial clawing to get back off the whale dick half buried into his innards. 'Let me get more comfortable though.'

The orca sits back down in the very spot that the kangaroo was just a moment ago. Once comfortable he places his strong hands underneath Nars' arms. He steadies the smaller mammal whilst also ensuring that he will not be working his way back off the organ he is currently stuck on. It feels wonderful to feel the other man clenching down upon his organ like this, and Chrysanthos is content to wait and allow the smaller guy to adjust. It takes a almost a solid minute but eventually Nars' breathing steadies, his body marginally calming and he cranes his head to look behind him at the chromatic giant.

'T-That was... mmph... a dirty thing to do.' Nars complains whilst gritting his teeth.

'Oh we haven't gotten to the good part yet.' Chrysanthos promises.

With both of his hands now positioned underneath the kangaroo's arms, the orca begins to gently lift the little guy up. This causes the marsupial to resume his writhing and moans as he feels the large organ inside of him start to pull back out. However just before the head of the leviathan can fall back out Chrysanthos stops and reverses the direction of his arms movement. Of course the furrier male tries to resist, but ultimately he is powerless to do so as he is forced back down taking inch after orifice stretching inch once again. But unlike the first time he is destined to take just a little bit more than before. The orca is very careful now though as he gingerly forces the kangaroo down until he can feel a little more of himself than before slip up inside of the other male. For now the aquatic mammal is ignoring the moaning and wailing pleading for a reprieve. Instead he is being careful to gauge just how much the marsupial can actually physical handle. Not the entire thing for sure, but maybe two thirds is a good compromise in this situation.

'Yeah just like that. Fuck! That's a snug fit.' Chrysanthos comments as he finishes pushing the kangaroo down, in the process filling him even more than before.

Nars is devolving to the kinds of animalistic sounds that do not bely the intelligence struggling to comprehend the impulses it is receiving from the experience of having something like a python snake throbbing against his prostate and then some. Drooling from both his mouth and his once again turgid cock the marsupial feels as though he would be in shock right now if not for the alcohol still numbing some of his senses. Fortunately for the orca he does not need the kangaroo to be with it, as with both hands he once more lifts him up before pushing Nars back down. The motion is slow, but incessantly repeated and with every ass stretching Nars can feel his sphincter become a little looser even as his buttocks try to clench around the offending phallus.

The furry mammal's perception of time stretches to match the taxing way with which his rectum is being stretched. His eyes are rolling their sockets pupils contracting and dilating every time he looks up and then away from the ceiling light. Nars' jaw is unable to decide if it wants to clench in gritted determination to power through this or hang slack like a vapid drug abuser. It is surprising then that despite the both orgasmic yet painful experience his arms have recovered some of their direction and he is now trying to whack himself off, always on the cusp of another ejaculation. Yet in spite of his own selfish desires the kangaroo is unable to climax, for every time that he feels his prostate being subjected to heated pressure there is something so utterly overwhelming about it that it is as though his body forgets how to relieve itself of that very excited pressure.

Of course as the minutes build on top of one another, the energy with which the killer whale applies to his own satisfaction increases. His skin glistens with more of the kangaroo's sweat than his own, but the orca's body is already starting to feel the demands of its burning loins. The gradual up and down motion that Chrysanthos was employing has now become more frenetic. Somewhat appropriately if someone were to look upon the pair now it might appear as though Nars is bouncing up and down, his ears moving in synchronicity with his rump swallowing up the engorged whale cock being driven up inside of him. Sensations are start to mingle as the orca's breathing becomes too much for his blowhole and he leaves his jaw hanging open, his heavy panting beating down on the back of Nars' furry head.

'Rrrgh. Okay. Nngh. Get off!' Chrysanthos grunts as with a jerky motion he lifts the kangaroo into the air as his achingly hard dick plops out and slaps against his gut.

In immediate response to finally being pulled off of the big guy's big tool the marsupial loses all control. Strings of what remains of his essence's stores shoots out across area immediately in front of the couch. However this is hardly even noticed by the orca, who is struggling to maintain his own marginal self-control. Moving as fast yet as carefully as he can manage the whale sets the little guy down on the ground between his legs. Nars is dazed and confused, until he now recognises the point of the very thing that was penetrating him just a second ago. Beholding the sight of it, hard and proud, for the first time is like a cold realisation snapping him into the moment. The monstrous thing must be almost two feet in length, and apparently the lion's share of it managed to fit inside his own warm body.

'Here. Drink!' Chrysanthos commands whilst shoving the kangaroo's slack jawed expression up against the operational end of the meat cannon before him.

At first there is a perceptible delay. This calm before the storm allows Nars precious seconds to comprehend what he is being forced to do. Yet the hand holding the back of his hand prevents him for having a choice to turn away. What follows next is something which is a uniquely memorable experience to just about any member of a species outside of the cetacean family. From porpoises to killer whales, cetaceans have a remarkable ability to produce a pressurised ejaculation unlike any other mammalian species. Apparently it has something to do with their evolutionary adaptation incorporation the ability to consistently inseminate females in a marine environment. All that Nars will take away from this experience is the knowledge to never offer any dolphin a blowjob.

There is white, a whole lot of white. It goes everywhere, gets everywhere. The kangaroo feels more like he is facing a firehose than anything that is made of mortal flesh. He chokes, splutters and closes his eyes of course. Even whilst still swallowing down some of the virile liquid. As an act of desperation Nars brings both of his hands up and gets a handle of the orca's violently ejaculating phallus. Swinging it up a good blast reaches the whale's face and splashes across his chest. Momentarily stunned by this the orca lets go of the marsupial and Nars falls onto his back whilst the larger male wrestles control of his own penis. Mercifully the ridiculous out pouring comes to an end, though by now Nars feels as though every hair on his body is soaked with the sticky stuff.

'Fuck!' Chrysanthos shouts as with both hands he starts scraping his own semen off of his chest.

'Now... I can just...' Nars mumbles as he closes is eyes and drifts off to the land of nod.



Nars wakes up to the feeling of something large and warm against his back. The mushy collection of goop that was once his brain is still trying to recall what happened last night. As his body starts coming back to life Nars reaches up with both hands and rubs his eyes. As he does so the kangaroo disturbs that large thing behind him which starts to stir. More than a little alarmed Nars nearly leaps out from underneath the covers. Teetering on the edge of the mattress he twists his torso to see what, or who, has been sleeping behind him. As he sees the monotoned orca asleep on his side everything starts to flood back to his surface memory. The drinking, the disjointed journey to the whale's apartment and then... Suddenly he can feel that soreness in his ass. However he managed to sleep with this pain he will never know.

'Fuck...' Nars hisses to himself, hand reaching back to rub his pained rump in sympathy.

'Huh? Again?' Comes the deep voice of the cetacean, apparently awake again.

'Err, no. Not really.' Nars says as he wrights himself sitting in an upright position on the orca's bed. 'So about last night. How drunk was I?'

'Too drunk.' Chrysanthos says and starts to climb out of his bed. The kangaroo watches as the covers slip off, thus allowing him to see with his own eyes that the whale is completely naked.

Chrysanthos is obviously comfortable with this as he stretches out in front of the marsupial who is busy clutching the sheets to himself. The orca is a man who is even more impressive naked than clothed; something that even in a drunken state Nars was unable to appreciate due to the positioning between them last night. Chrysanthos' muscles are like rippling mountains of strength bound up underneath smooth black or white skin covering every spec of his body. It actually looks a little unreal, especially the thing swinging between his legs which is larger soft tan most men when hard. As he finishes stretching the orca looks back down at the curled up kangaroo and laughs at the bright blush shining through from underneath his furry muzzle.

'You're a different person sober aren't you?' He says rhetorically before shaking his head and starts walking to the door. 'If you're still here when I come back I'll make breakfast for both of us.'

Nars watches the broad and naked backside of the aquatic mammals disappear and waits until he can hear the sound of a shower in another room. This leaves him with a choice to make. Looking around the spartan bedroom he spies the clothes he was wearing at the Lost Pearl. Although originally just left crumpled up on the floor last night, the orca has apparently taken the time before turning in to gather them up and lay them out on a chair. He climbs out of the whale's bed and walks over to examine them, doing his best to ignore the pain aching across his lower back. Apart from a couple stains and the perspiration from before they are in good enough condition to wear. He will not be the prettiest smelling kangaroo, but he will not come across as a homeless tramp if he were to put these one and rejoin the streets of Niveau right now.

For now though he leaves his clothes where they are and wanders through beyond the bedroom. He finds himself in a small corridor, connecting to the four or so rooms that make up the killer whale's apartment. Noise easily picked up by his long ears direct him to a room three doors down. The door is ajar and allowing water vapour to billow out and risk spreading damp to the ceiling. Deliberate? Acting more like a cat or a fox than his own species Nars takes a peek inside. His hand on the door pushes it further open as his muzzle hovers only half a the way up along the door made for people far taller than himself. Behind steamed glass doors he can make out the black and white blur of his new friend. He steps inside and already feels his further growing damp from the vapour hanging heavy in the air. Nars taps on the glass door before opening his mouth and asking a not so innocuous question.

'Can I join?' Nars asks, his libido stiffer than any drink.

Bound Bird

BOUND BIRD by Iscin This is a work of erotic fiction. All characters portrayed within are 18 years of age or over. Sova © Sova\_13 Horatio Fletcher © Iscin All rights reserved © 2015. * * * ## **CHAPTER ONE** ### **_Contact_** ### At the...

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HAUNTED by Iscin This is a work of erotic fiction. All characters portrayed within are 18 years of age or over. All rights reserved © 2015. * * * ## **CHAPTER ONE** ### **_Trusty Frying Pan_** ### The first thing that greets Darius as he...

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One Cat Away

ONE CAT AWAY by Iscin This is a work of erotic fiction. All characters portrayed within are 18 years of age or over. All rights reserved © 2015. * * * ## **CHAPTER ONE** ### **_Enter Stage Right_** ### _A real cultural experience, _Qiang had...

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