
Story by Iscin on SoFurry

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This was a commission for Darius Koopa.


by Iscin

This is a work of erotic fiction.

All characters portrayed within are 18 years of age or over.

All rights reserved © 2015.


Trusty Frying Pan

The first thing that greets Darius as he enters Kiloude City is the rain. Torrential amounts of bad weather begins to be blown by a steady gust of wind head on into his face and chest. The tall and green skinned dragon grabs either side of his jacket and pulls it around tightly. If only he had been told about the weather beforehand Darius may have had the foresight to get something more protecting than jeans and a summer jacket. Thanks to his horns the hat remains firmly affixed to his head, though part of him wishes it would have blown off too by the way water is dripping off from the cap and into his eye. The damn thing must be soaked through after only two minutes of this.

Just as well his destination is only a few more metres away. Darius begins a brisk jog, accompanied by the sound of his feet slamming down into the sidewalk concrete under the pressure of his immense muscle dense weight. He should be careful with the slippery surface, but bare claws have some pretty good traction when they need it. He can already see the building just a couple more blocks away. It will still be open, as the rain should pass by momentarily. As he now starts nearing the door Darius slows down and adjusts himself a little, dissolved and soaking wet though he is.

Uri's Onsen is the best in Kiloude City, though admittedly it is the only one at that. Tourism is not as good in the city as it once was, and the locals get wet enough without going to a bath house, in fact there is a genuine amount of resentment as if the business were some joke. Not that it stops the namesake's proprietor from welcoming every new customer with the same cheshire grin. Appropriate too consider the owner is in fact an anthropomorphic feline with orange spots on cream white fur. And it is that same old cheshire smile that welcomes Darius as he huddles in through the front doors, hat still dripping over his snout as involuntarily shudders and loosens up his jacket.

"Welcome to Kiloude City's grandest, and oldest, onsen establishment!" The cat's voice has the hint of a purr running underneath every word and sentence.

"Ah yeah, thanks." Darius replies, feeling a little beset upon whilst still trying to shed some of the wetter clothes such as his jacket. "Does anyone mind if I let my pokemon out to relax?"

"Hmm. Do you mean in the onsen? Well..." The cat trails off and looks as though he is thinking about the logistics of it, eyeing the poke balls lined around the dragon's belt.

"No no, I mean generally. I notice there is a park next to the bathhouse. Though some of them might want to stay inside until the rain stops."

"If that's the case I don't see why not. So long as they are domesticated of course." Uri replies, a smile returning to his face.

Darius smirks and starts going through his pokeballs. From Dusknoir to Cofagrigus they come out of their pokeballs one after another. All of them are in anthropomorphic form, with two legs and two arms, for the most part or some facsimile. Uri watches cautiously as most of them take one look around the onsen before choosing to go somewhere else. A couple of the water types decide to stay but they do not seem to be interested in staying with their trainer and find their own place in the bathhouse. The cat does not seem to like the idea of even domesticated pokemon like that hanging out his establishment without some kind of oversight but Darius reassures the cat that all of his pokemon know how to behave themselves.

With his pokemon on their way for their R&R the dragon walks past the noisy feline. Uri wants to sell him something, but all that Darius really wants now is to get naked and comfortable. Good signage means that he can find his way to the larges bath set into the back of the building. The cat does not follow, resigning to the fact he will have to wait until he can charge and peddle wares to the new patron later. As he steps out onto the veranda besides the spring water onsen the dragon can feel the presence of his old companion.

"Where were you just then?" Darius asks the purple wisps coalescing into an anthropomorphic figure, roughly two feet shorter than the imposing dragon.

"Avoiding the rain and the locals." Desmond replies as the haunter's purple body takes on a substantive form, clothes also materialising out of the gaseous haze that is his body.

Darius sighs at the ghost-type and throws his jacket over one bits of the wood fencing built around the steamy hot waters. Next he starts to lift his T-shirt up and over his head, being careful not to catch the thin fabric on either of his draconic horns. Without a top on the dragon's muscular physique is even more obvious. There is a clear six pack built on top of a muscle gut foundation. But his pecs are even more defined, pushing out and capped off with black nipples. A faint trail of orangish hair, that matches his beard, trails off down into his jeans. There is a moment now where Darius throws the shirt away and flexes his huge green arms, deliberately posing his biceps and triceps, rolling his shoulders so as to give the smaller male behind him a little show.

An unimpressed grunt comes from behind the dragon before Desmond's arms come around and under the dragon's own. Darius giggles a little at the feeling of soft fur brushing against his sides; a trademark of the haunter's physical form. Dexterous hands reach down for the green and yellow dragon's belt, unbuckling it before whipping it away. Desmond makes a comment about his would be "trainer" always needing help to get dressed and alternatively underdressed. Darius notes that kind of attitude only ever came from truly "feral" pokemon, but this kind of affection could only ever come from his Desmond.

"It's like I'm always taking care of you." The haunter says as the dragon's pants start dropping down, revealing the bulging jockstrap he likes to wear for comforts sake.

"Yeah... taking care of me." Darius murmurs as his hands drop back down against his sides, lost in remembrance of a different time.



Darius looked at Kel, his duskull, in an almost apologetic fashion. This was not how it was supposed to happen. Only a a few weeks ago he was talking with the Professor about how he was going to set out on his dream. And now a mere handful of weeks later they had come to put the proverbial spanner in the works. Young and unsure of anything in life the young pokemon trainer was baring his teeth and trying to stand his ground. His body language was more like an animal than that of his pokemon as he tried to face down his opponents. However Team Flare were the ones with real assuredness here, they had the trainer and his meagre collection of pokemon where they wanted them. It was a binary choice really, either he surrendered what he had or they got serious.

"Look kid, why give us the trouble?" The ugly one said.

"Yeah just give us what we want and we promise to not hurt ya." The even uglier one had chimed in.

Despite the threats all that Darius was focused on was Kel. The poor little guy was in a bad state. Not from an honest pokemon battle of course, but from the little surprise their assailants had been packing. Darius could not be sure, but it was looking as though Duskull's titular skull might have been cracked from the force of the explosives. He was still moving, but barely. The longer he stared the angrier he got. His fingers were curling back, becoming fists on either side. Everything else had become background noise. What happened next was as predictable as it was completely asinine. Emotions overrode all else and Darius was about to make the worst possible mistake.

"What the hell!" The first Team Flare member exclaims half in disbelief as the dragon started charging straight for him.

It was in some way brave, an observer would give Darius that if nothing else. But the reptile was young, immature and most definitely not as skilled in the ways of violence as members of a criminal syndicate like the goons from Team Flare. Even as he swung his right arm, claws outstretched so as to be extra vicious, Darius had already lost. The target of all his frustration deftly dodged the first swing before then quickly scooting to the left and hooking one arm under Darius'. The third party present did not have to do anything to help her colleague as he used Darius' moment to throw the young drake's body forward and down.

He saw the ground coming up hard and attempted to outstretch his other hand. However right on time that was also bring held as defender became the aggressor, expertly sending Darius face first into the ground. Once contact was made the Team Flare thug let go, allowing Darius to slide over along the ground. Grass and dirt were torn from their peaceful spot as the dragon's head become the lead engine in a spectacular train crash. With the shear force with which he launched his body forward the dragon managed to get himself a good five metres of distance from the point of impact before he finally came to a not so graceful resting stop. As he did so he could already hear the derisive laughter coming from the two behind him, even as they moved in to liberate the pokeballs which had gone flying off his person from the impact.

Everything ached. Even breathing was difficult now. Darius tries to look up, his vision blurry from the force of impact. He feels groggy, head ringing and his face raw from the impact. There must have been cuts, something broken, bleeding, but he was in shock and unable to process more than one thing at a time. Move. He had to move. It might kill him, but he could not let them win. Not now, not ever. With unsure legs but a sure spirit the inexperienced pokemon trainer got back up on his feet. One last go. They had to be stopped, not only for his own selfish dreams, but for those of others. This had to end, and it would end on his terms.

But before the foolhardy dragon could do anything to further his sorry state someone else interrupted. What proceeded to happen went by so fast, and with his body still at least partially in shock, that Darius had to struggle processing it all. A white knight, a haunter to be exact, has appeared out of nowhere and was now doing what almost looks like martial arts. No special attacks here, just swings, deflections and grappling. Although young, not any older in appearance that Darius himself, the anthropomorphic haunter was significantly more capable of defending himself. He was using his ability to slip and phase through solid matter to one up the male Team Flare goon at every turn. It was almost like a cat toying with its prey.

"Screw this!" The female said as she grabbed last pokeball near her and started to run. Her compatriot was soon to follow as he nursed a bruised face.

Team Flare fled, but they still managed to steal many of his pokemon. As Darius started to walk over to where some of the remaining pokeballs were laying scattered he met the gaze of the haunter. Both stopped, staring across at one another. He tried to find the right words to say to his saviour. Something that started with a thank you might be good. However before he could think of the right thing to say the haunter disappeared in a puff of purple smoke. And so concluded the first time that Darius saw the pokemon which he would one day learn called himself Desmond. A serendipitous meeting that would slowly blossom into a partnership of sorts over the proceeding years. But for then and there the dragon knelt down and started to collect the remaining pokeballs. He was sure he would never see those two again.


True Feelings

Just the right temperature. Darius thinks to himself as dips one foot in, claws first. The green and yellow coloured dragon is almost entirely naked, but for the fundoshi undergarment tied around his waist and clinging to his package and between his buttocks. Surrounding and encompassing all is the ever present vapour from the hot sprint waters constantly rising up. It almost feels as though he is inside of the world's most well lit marsh with enough fog to barely see more than a handful of feet in front of him. Timing himself just right, Darius removes the tower as he climbs down and lowers his body into the water. The onsen's soothingly hot water comes to level between his abdominal muscles and the edge of his pectorals on his yellow scaly torso. Already the dragon can feel the warmth slipping into him as he spreads his arm out eagle on the edge of the onsen's wooden flooring behind him.

"You're not hogging it are you?" Desmond says in that eerie tone of a haunter's voice.

Darius turns his head a little but does not strain his neck to look. He knows that the ghost-type will dance around for as long as he sees fit, teasing the trainer. So what he now gets are glimpses from the periphery of his vision. A purple body both tall and strong, although bulked up to the point of excess. Desmond possesses a swimmer's build bordering on bodybuilder, with enough muscle to flex and visibly bulge for display, whilst still possessing a certain grace and quickness, with or without the gaseous form he slips into on occasion. Unlike the dragon, the haunter pokemon is not wearing any kind of clothing at this point. This is something that once Darius realises compels the dragon to contort his torso and try to get a better view of now. A knowing grin is on Desmond's purple face, unable to mask obvious enjoyment from the way he has captured the dragon's attention.

"Ah, ah..." Desmond quips with the lower half of his body quickly sinking down beneath the floor behind Darius. "Can't let you have a free show."

"Why do you do that?" Darius says in a playful whine. Simply imagining the haunter stark naked is starting to strain his fundoshi beneath the steaming water.

"Do what?" Desmond says in a mockingly innocent tone that scales up an octave or two. However that smug grin is giving it away as the dragon continues to squirm against the edge of the onsen.

"N-Nevermind." Darius sighs, a long exhale that becomes lost in the dry heat.

Silence hangs in the air now as Darius tries to shut his eye, along with the rest of his senses, to the world both outside of the onsen, and immediately contained therein. It has been such a long time since he has taken a proper respite from his journey, from his quest, that the dragon has to remind himself not to let anyone distract him from taking the time for himself; least of all one particular haunter. Inevitably though not even five minutes pass before he can feel something not at all ethereal rubbing up one of his muscular thighs under the spring water. The dragon's holds his breath for a moment as the rest of his mind decides what he wants to do. Consensus is to ignore the roaming pseudo-ethereal hands of the haunter and to try to relax as was the plan. But this is not your run of the mill pokemon and Desmond intends to remind his trainer pal.

There are distinctly two hands now. Both of which are gregarious in their intent to get familiar with the scaly contours of the dragon's innermost thighs. Once more Darius' breathing has an anomaly, though this time he intakes a sharp breath as the haunter's firm hands travel along several inches, gripping into either wall of the green scaly canyon lying therein. Those hands are so close to his most sensitive parts, bunched up as they are in the fundoshi that the trainer is unable to ignore the invasion of his personal space. The dragon's sole red eye snaps open and glares down at the purple figure submerged under the mostly clear water. Both of Desmond's arms are outstretched almost in a swimmer's pose belly-side up as he looks back up at the burly reptile.

"What the hell are you doing?" Darius growls.

Desmond's mouth moves but whatever he says is muffled by the body of spring water. However he seems to understand that his actions are not having their desired effect and draws his hands away before emerging back from underneath the water. However doing so he makes sure to emerge with his back facing the other man. Maintaining his solid form, the haunter's lithe and toned naked body is dripping wet, as rivulets of spring water travel down his back and along the crack of his firm rear end. With no shame whatsoever Desmond flexes his buttocks whilst keeping his arms akimbo, his head turned just enough so he can make sure that the dragon's eye is seeing everything. Darius growls again, though this time in more of a forlorn groaning tone as he softly shakes his head from side to side.

The pokemon starts to laugh, though not rambunctiously so, and floats right on up besides his long time companion. With his left arm the haunter reaches around and hooks it around Darius' broad neck. The purple man's warm body leans in as he hugs cheek to cheek with the dragon as the laughter turns down into an amused giggling. If he did not know any better the dragon might believe that the ghost-type pokemon is inebriated. Of course haunters are known for some small measure of fooling around, but over the last few years Desmond has increasingly found a particular interest in teasing the pokemon trainer's more salacious proclivities. It does not help Darius' case that the haunter youthful and handsome looks are enough to even make a straight male's head turn.

"So are you done yet?" Darius asks with a sigh, his body relaxing once more as it sinks a couple inches further into the water.

"I guess. Though you could play with me more." Desmond says, his arm still around the dragon's shoulders and admiring the difference in size with one of Darius' own arms.

"Well I don't know about you, but I came here to relax. It has been too long since I've had something like this." Darius' voice almost turns into a purr as it trails off at the end, his legs shutting slightly mildly agitating the water.

"You mean like when we went north of Lumiose City and you forget to pack extra layers for the cold?" Desmond reminds his friend with a wry grin.

"Oh no don't yo-" Darius tries to head off what he knows is coming but is soon interrupted.

"Frozen pokeballs. Haha. I thought your tail was going to fall off at one point." Desmond snorts and slaps his knee with his free hand, splashing the water in the process.

"You're a funny guy Desmond. You really are." Darius says with a groan.

The laughter starts to die down just as the water calms. Now there is a stillness to not only the spring, but to the purple pokemon beside Darius. Glancing over with his good eye the dragon purses his lips as he tries to think of something to say. Something is off about the haunter, or to be more specific, odd in a very non-Desmond way. For what must be around a couple of months now the wild pokemon has been acting out more than usual around the reptile. Although the pranks or the teasing were previously endearing, they have grown increasingly awkward and annoying. Now that they are both here, alone, and with the pokemon's arm around his neck, Darius thinks this is as good a time as any to ask him.

"So what's on your mind?" Darius says, his eye fixed on the haunter's face.

"W-What?" Desmond alternates between a smile and a frown, his face seemingly unsure of which expression to set on. "What makes you think something is wrong?"

"I never said anything was wrong. But you are obviously bothered by something." Darius is quick to reply as he feels the arm already slipping away from him. He reaches with his own right arm to grip the pokemon before he can completely pull away. "I'm serious though. You've been different for awhile now."

Desmond looks away from the dragon and off to the edge of the onsen. His glowing red eyes start squinting at nothing as his brow furrows. Opening his mouth it looks like he is about to say something before quickly closing it again. Now he turns to look away from the reptile, though his arm is still being held, and remaining solid at that. There must be words to say, but which ones and in what order? Desmond takes a deep breath, his hands clenching into fists and the arm Darius is holding becomes noticeably tense. Just as the dragon is about to say something the haunter swings his head back around and blurts out those words that have been haunting him for too long.

"I love you." Desmond's voice wavers. "I love you Darius." He says again, softer.

This revelation instantly turns the tables on the green and yellow dragon. His imagination has never once extended so far as to picture this. Although now that he starts to digest what his longtime companion has said Darius finds his gut feeling being more than simply amicable. The years have only sown history between the two, but a co-dependence both emotionally and otherwise that now becomes so very obvious for him. Yet so much remains uncertain, though is that not what love truly is? Uncertainty?

"Before you say anything I know that you are umm... special." Desmond says, his eyes darting to the waters below Darius' waist. "But it doesn't matter to me. I love you, all of you. And I know I tease you a lot, but this is not a joke. I am serious about this..." This and more spills from the pokemon's mouth as he rambles from one concern, one aspect of their dynamic to the next. For being so lost for words before he has found a wealth of them now.

"S-Stop. Don't... let me think." Darius interrupts, his mind still chaotic. His grip of the other man's arm relaxing.

"What?" Desmond takes his hand back and reunites it with it's partner. "I'm sorry. I didn't know... It's just that I... Fuck!"

Before the haunter can think of switching to his non-corporeal form and slipping away in embarrassment or worse, Darius moves quickly causing the water to splash over the edge as he gets both of his arms around the confused purple man. Locked inside of the dragon's muscular grip Desmond is subjected to the first kissing embrace he has ever known from anyone, male, female, or in this case male-herm. The words are no longer necessary as he feels the reptile's hands grip his back, inadvertently collecting clumps of the pokemon's long and now wet purple hair. Their tongues dance against and around one another as Desmond feels his body relax, being moulded into the right position to press against the other man's torso. Of course now is the perfect time for him to pop a boner that jabs between Darius' legs, pushing up against the dragon's wet and heavy fundoshi. And for this brief bubble in time, both men know what it means to express themselves honestly; body, mind and soul.

"So what do you want to do now?" Darius asks once the kiss has ended, still holding the smaller man in his arms.

"I have an idea, or several." Desmond says with a grin from edge to edge.


Darius's heart is racing. He has not felt this excited, this alive, since his very first battles. Life has been so formulaic, so predictable just recently, until now. His fundoshi is riding up his ass crack as the front bulges out uncomfortably. The strain reminds him that he is getting ahead of himself. But as he reaches down to remove the offending clothing, he finds Desmond's purple hands reach it first. Though not in the way he expects, as they phase into their non-corporeal form and slip inside from the front facing. A deliciously wicked looking haunter grins back at the dragon as his fingers solidify inside and wrap themselves around the reptile's engorging cock. Darius exhale a long groan as his dick surges forward from its resting position, rapidly swelling in both length and girth. The pressure is unbearable and inevitably the cord of cloth that is riding up the dragon's crack finally snaps away.

A great leviathan has been unleashed beneath the gentle waters. But thankfully it is well in hand, or rather within two hands. Eager to prove his affection in the most physical of ways, as well as to finally indulge in a now not so secret desire of his own, Desmond squeezes his fingers and thumbs around the throbbing tower of flesh within his grasp. His lips meet the tip of the spear as pre-ejaculates begins diluting with the spring water. He catches it in his mouth as the lips purse, forming a tight ethereal seal around Darius' black pecker. There is so much of if it to feast himself on, but serendipitously for the pair of them Desmond has no need for air. Another groan, this time louder than the one before and threatening to become an expressive roar is made by the dragon as he registers the feeling of every last inch of himself in its totality be slurped up inside of the pokemon's willing mouth and make its way into his throat.

"Fuck! Why haven't you ever done that trick before?" Darius asks of the man below. A hand now resting against Desmond's head, pushing his tangled hair back down below the surface.

Desmond is the one indulging here as he starts to perform protracted and slow yet rhythmic movements for the deep-throat. Using one of his hands to pull against one of the Darius' legs, the other goes for the area right between them, feeling up the fruit which is dangling below. It is almost a kind of torture for the reptile. Never in all this time being companions to one another did he know, suspect or in any way imagine that the haunter was so experienced and nuanced in matters such as these. Even as the dragon's claws start to help guide the haunter to move back and forth, Desmond's free hand is changing from sizing up the fruit, to performing a little impromptu spelunking of the snatch between the taint and the base of Darius' heavy and turgid dick.

"By all the gods!" Darius exclaims, biting his lips as he tries to suppress making too much noise.

The strong and nimble fingers of the pokemon's left hand have found a plethora of erogenous zones. First is thumb and forefinger begin to tease the nub of the reptile's clittoris. However the other fingers also dip down and against the vulva lips, spreading Darius' vagina out as the male-herm struggles with the twin sensations of both aspects of his genitals being excited. Ironically the few moments of his body physically relaxing in the onsen's waters have in some respect limbered him up, allowing for a greater sensitivity and dramatic response now. All of this is indicated by Darius' body tensing up, showing the veins and definition of his dense musculature.

Incapable of resisting the temptation, Darius' hand starts to take a more active role in guiding Desmond. This quickly takes on the form of him forcibly making the haunter pick up his face. Unafraid of keeping the pokemon cut off from oxygen, the trainer forces Desmond to swallow his dragonhood again and again, faster and faster. Genuine waves in the water start to build up, amplifying to the point where the water is splashing over the edges of the onsen and onto the wooden floor beyond. In all of this the haunter is complicit. Until finally the dragon rapidly approaches the limits of his stamina. His lips curl up as he snarls, a sharp tug on Desmond forcing his chin to meet his own hand and the snatch underneath. A roar bellows from Darius, no attempt to curtail his own loud enjoyment of this as his balls hug against his body and his seed spills forth.

Desmond's glowing red eyes are wide as he feels the force of the eruption traveling into his mouth and now down his throat. Hot, viscous spunk explodes into the last stretch of his throat and pools in his stomach. Letting go of the dragon's thigh he places his hand on his abdomen, fingers digging into the grooves of his six pack as he feels the warming sensation from the reptile's fresh produce. There is so much that even without the need to breathe Desmond's eyes are genuinely watering, not that Darius could notice with the pokemon being surrounded by water. Unwilling to compromise both his lust and his love Desmond swallows it all, enduring the force of Darius' copious and forceful ejaculations that are beginning to seem like they refuse to end.

Cessation finally comes, marked by Darius' almost entirely going limp. The big dragon groans one last time, in that contended way that men sometimes do after having gone so long without getting laid. His one eye looks down at the purple man below as Desmond finishes swallowing and now begins backing up. His lips drag all the way down until the head pops out. With it there are beads of semen which hang in the water a bit like droplets of white oil. Desmond's eyes look up from where he is until they meet with his new lover. That look in his eyes tells Darius all that he needs to know; this is not over yet.


Forging Champions

Ten minutes after blowing his load and Darius is already on his back. Having removed the fundoshi whilst they were still both in the onsen, Desmond now gets to really appreciate the dragon's fully naked body. Darius is a mountain of muscle and scales, topped off by his red beard and red hair framed between two ivory horns. However it is what lies below the yellow muscle gut which still has the pokemon's undivided attention. Using his ability to enter a non-corporeal state the anthropomorphic haunter has found a perfect position between Darius' legs, even whilst being on an unideal elevation using one of the benches placed along the wood decking. The lower part of his body is phased inside and under the seat and floor, but Desmond's very solid head, arms and chest are position exactly where he wants to be.

"Just be... careful." Darius says nervously. The big man is almost comically shy, but that is only making this all the hotter for Desmond.

"Of course. I'll be careful taking in every detail." Desmond replies chirpily.

Fingers were nice, but there is nothing quite like someone's mouth down there. Such as it is now with Desmond opening wide, a breath of hot and heavy air buffeting against Darius' sensitive flesh just before first contact is made with the haunter's long forked tongue. The red tasting muscle slithers and slides not unlike a snake's tongue, its prehensile length flexing and rubbing one side and then the other of the dragon's heated folds of vulva flesh. His already hard erection twitches and redoubles its stiffness, beads of pre-ejaculate rolling off of the head, almost like a wet flagpole raised above Desmond's head. Unable to resist the tempting target Desmond reaches up and over his own hand to now get a firm grip around the big guy's big dick. However his focus is still on the male-herm's wetting cunt as Desmond starts to push the front of his face against it, lips pressing against other lips. His tongue explores with piecemeal progress, delving an inch or two more before taking a moment to agitate and excite both of his lover's erogenous organs; tongue licking the one, hands squeezing the other.

"P-Please! I can't take it anymore!" Darius shouts, his hands gripping either side of the bench as he resists humping up into the air and against the haunter's hands.

"Hmph." Desmond grunts as he pulls away from what is now a thoroughly aroused pussy and his hands loosen their grip on the dragon's engorged shaft.

Switching from carpet muncher to graceful love maker, Desmond ascends from his sunken position between Darius' thighs. The haunter rests one hand against his hip whilst the other brushes his flowing purple hair, shaking to make sure it is all set behind his shoulders. His chiseled though not thickset naked body is an example of trained perfection, a pokemon who is both hardened by the wilderness and civilised enough to look after his appearance. Even without being on the edge of a second orgasm the dragon would very well be aroused right now, but this right here is positively torturous for him. A begging grumble and a burning eye fixed on him is all that Desmond needs to know just how much Darius wants what is standing straight and proud from between the haunter's legs right now. The haunter's pork sword is not quite so long as his companion's, but the thick purple vase has a girth that will tax any man, woman or hermaphrodite, no matter the hole or species.

Wasting no time as the dragon throbs and moans beneath him, Desmond lowers himself becoming horizontal with Darius. His hands run up along the reptile's hairy chest, groping his meaty pecs before hooking up and around his shoulders, pulling in to hug tight. As he does so the haunter's member spears itself with precision, rubbing up between Darius' thighs and now tentatively wedging itself against his dick sheath. Desmond's body slides against his lover's their chiseled torso's rubbing off of one another with nothing but the dragon's throbbing erection between them. However it is the feeling of the haunter's phallus as it penetrates his body that does the most to cause Darius to cry out with joy. Their bodies finally start growing accustomed to one another in the most intimate of ways. It is in this manner, with his big friend underneath him, that Desmond finally shows the dragon what the other male means to him.

Whilst Desmond throws himself into his passions, and his lover's body someone else is witnessing this consummating act. Feline eyes peer from behind a crack in the door, as Uri himself watches the couple explore each other's bodies. There are many different types who come to his onsen, booking time to spend alone or with a chosen intimate few. Maybe it is the water or the atmosphere, but somehow they inevitably end up in a state that can only be described as being in heat. Of corse the feline is not about to disturb his newest patrons, preferring to enjoy the show from a discreet location. This is the hidden part of their payment, one which the orange cat will never put on their receipt.

Ten minutes of sustained lovemaking is causing the bench of groan and threatened to buckle underneath their combined weight. Although the warning signs are there, neither Darius not Desmond are concerned about it, or really anything else in the physical world right now. Fortunately for the peeping tomcat Desmond in particular has become enraptured with his lover, all attention focused on the man beneath him. With every thrust he can feel every contour, every surface as it clenches down and inwards around his thick purple cock. To his own surprise the haunter has started to moan not in sympathy, but in kind with Darius. Not only the corporeal, but the ethereal aspects of his being feel more alive than they have ever known before. Being this close and this intimate with someone else is an experience which is as fresh as anything that Desmond have ever known. Emotionally overwhelming he is beginning to cry without meaning nor fully understanding why. At the moment that Darius notices this he asks him to stop for a second.

"What's wrong?" The dragon asks, a hand cupping his lover's tear stained cheek.

"N-Nothing I... I've just never knew it could be like this." Desmond replies, his malehood still throbbing inside of Darius' snatch.

"You poor thing." Darius coos, though his voice belies a growl as he is still feeling that wide almost knot like base of the haunter's dick. "Well then maybe you should just... let go."

His suggestion makes no sense to the pokemon atop of him. However the dragon's other hand is about to enlighten the haunter as it reaches around and strokes down along Desmond's back. As the robust fingers come to the purple man's bubbly buttocks they delve in deep, spreading Desmond's ass cheeks out even as one finger soon finds his backdoor entrance. Before he can react in any meaningful way the dragon jams one finger, still wet from the spring waters, into his rectum. It wriggles and bends as it explores a good few inches inside, before finding its mark. Alarmed shock turns into a different sort of surprise on Desmond's face as he feels his prostate being poked at by the dragon's roaming finger. The response is immediate, his pendulously loins lifting to hug against his body as they start to churn out their rarely spent produce.

"Oooh fuck yes! Just like that, fill me up!" Darius' growling encourages the haunter and the purple man's arms wrap tight around his burly lover's chest as he hugs in close.

Desmond's boy, whether consciously or unconsciously, does just as the dragon asks of him. Load after load floods into the dragon's cunt, and he can feel it as it splashes against internal walls and collects in a heavy, hot pool of pokemon sperm. His finger still twitching inside of the haunter elicits uneven though eager ejaculations, each one trying to produce more than the last until after a solid minute of orgasming the purple man's body starts to fall limp. Sounds of grunting, snarling and barely contained roars are replaced instead by the contended sighs, rolling rumbling and silent nuzzling of one against the other. With his finger pulling back out from the other man's ass, Darius now hugs his lover as the thick breeding tool inside of him starts to soften, threatening to release a mess of semen when it finally falls out.

"That was... amazing." Desmond sighs, his head rubbing against the dragon.

"You're amazing." Darius replies, a hand stroking Desmond's long purple hair.


A Different Way

It has been almost six months since their fateful first time. Much has happened since then for both Darius and Desmond. Not least of which has been Darius' return to the circuit and claiming the pokemon battle championship. A title with which he has been wearing with pride ever since. However that was the minor of challenges for him as the two quickly decided upon trying to settle down together. Even for a champion there were matters of finances and family, things which proved to be a headache for many months before they finally settled here Shalour City. Their apartment has a spectacular view out towards the sea, which is what Darius is looking out over now. As he gets lost in the spectacular sight he fails to notice someone make their ghostly way inside, all the way until strong purple arms start to slide their way around his body.

"Ah, you're back." Darius exclaims in half surprise, half joy as Desmond nuzzles into his neck.

"Can't keep myself away. You know that." The haunted says as his hands reach all the way around and stroke over the distended shape of the dragon's belly.

"Good. I have no desire to find out how keeping track of kids who can float through walls is going to be on my own." Darius says and turns his head as the pokemon plants a kiss on his cheek.

Both of the lovers are wearing gold bands signifying their commitment to one another. Although for Darius he always wonders how his husband manages to keep from losing his with all of that sneaking around through solid objects. For now however he is content to turn around and receive a proper kiss before Desmond kneels down and pays some close attention to the dragon's pregnant belly. He was surprised back when he found out Darius was pregnant, not only because of becoming a father, but also discovering that some dragons don't simply lay eggs. Holding the side of his head to the laden womb he both listens and feels for the subtle sounds and motions of his own offspring. The future is going to hold many more hardships in ways which either one of them can barely even begin to imagine; but they will face their future together.

"Hey, honey, look down there." Darius says, coaxing the haunter to get up and look out on the street below.

On a sunny day in Shalour City, a young person with everything to prove is clearly walking head held high in the direction of Korrina's gym. Darius looks back to his soulmate and the haunter smiles warmly and nods empathetically understanding. Perhaps now is the right time for him to relinquish the title of pokemon champion. After all, there is so much more in his life now and he will never have enough time for everything.

One Cat Away

ONE CAT AWAY by Iscin This is a work of erotic fiction. All characters portrayed within are 18 years of age or over. All rights reserved © 2015. * * * ## **CHAPTER ONE** ### **_Enter Stage Right_** ### _A real cultural experience, _Qiang had...

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Dragon Offering

Dragon Offering | [http://iscin.sofurry.com](http://iscin.sofurry.com) | | DRAGON OFFERING by Iscin This is a work of erotic fiction. All characters portrayed within are 18 years of age or over. All rights reserved © 2015. * * * ##...

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| [http://iscin.sofurry.com](http://iscin.sofurry.com) | | PATRIARCH by Iscin This is a work of erotic fiction. All characters portrayed within are 18 years of age or over. All rights reserved © 2015. All characters belong to the...

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