Fucking Machine/Milking Stream Story 1: Ender of Pain Chapter 3

Story by draconicon on SoFurry

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FA: Lupesoule has managed to come up with another story for the Ender of Pain series, something that you can see more of in the folder to the left. Chapter one is entry #114, while chapter two is entry #115. I think you'll enjoy these ones.

Ender of Pain: Chapter 3

for Idesin

by Draconicon

Despite the ache in his arms, Ender was content to keep his eyes closed until someone bumped him into something sharp. The puma hissed, feeling something scraping along his side, and slowly opened his eyes.

"What the...fuck..."

It took him a second to realize he wasn't walking and that two big guys were pulling him along. The wolves held him by the arms, and the feline could feel that his legs were bound together by something most unplant-like. Any bit of squirming he did barely seemed to budge it, let alone get his legs free.

His movement did, however, get the attention of the loincloth-wearing wolves holding him.

"Heh, look. The witch is awake."

"Hsst. Don't let it speak. It might put a spell on us."

"Wha...What are -"

One of them grabbed his jaw, forcing him to look up. The blunt points of the wolf's claws left his jaw aching, but definitely woke him up.

"No talking. The chief wants you, and he's going to get you, witch."

What is all this about...wait...

Ender took a closer look at the wolf. He'd already seen that this warrior wasn't part of his tribe, if that hadn't been clear enough from the way he was being treated. But now that he was closer, he could see the almost crazy spiral swirls to the body paint, something that he was vaguely familiar with.

The Coyo tribe? he thought in surprise. He'd seen a few of them while on the hunt with the other scouts. They stayed near the edges of his tribe's territory most of the time, only occasionally slipping in to pick off a few animals during the leaner times. Normally they weren't a threat, but the chieftain had said that they were on some of the richest vault lands in the area. Maybe the tribals had found something.

In any case, the puma shut his mouth. The last thing he needed was to get the wolves angrier. He might have earned his new name, "Ender of Pain", for all his work back with the tribe's wounded, but he wasn't a miracle worker. He wasn't even a doctor; he was just a nurse that had a pretty good idea of what he was doing.

As the wolves went back to dragging him along, Ender glanced at his surroundings. They weren't outside, but they weren't in a cave, either. The ground was too smooth for that, and despite the rocky walls, every now and then he could see a hint of metal beneath layers of moss and lichen. It wasn't something tribal made, then. It had to have been molded by something more advanced.

Pity I couldn't get more than five questions before Ways was sent off again, he thought, shaking his head. The buffalo from the Isles had so much for him to learn, and he needed that information. It was clear that he hadn't been sent into the past. Where, then? The future? Another dimension? If the former, how far, and if the latter, what kind?

Each passing room felt more familiar than before, in function if not in actual appearance. He recognized an infirmary, and a cafeteria, both of them overgrown and damaged, but still eminently the same in shape. He even saw a row of bedchambers before he was pulled through one last doorway and had his nose jammed into a damp, musky loincloth.

Snorting to get the smell out of his system, Ender looked up to find himself face to...well, crotch with a spindly sort of coyote. He wore a number of accessories that Ender remembered the shaman at home wearing as well, the familiar feathers and sacred symbols adorning the coyote's chest and belt. Most of them were marked in some way, however, worn far more than the ones back home.

"Um, hello?"

"Ender of Pain. We are ever, ever so honored by your presence. Wouldn't you say that we're honored, boys?"

"Yes, yes."

"Honored, very very honored."

"See? My boys are happy to see you too. Come on. Stand him up. Gotta get him ready, ready. Ready for the chamber of the gods, ready for judgment."

"What are you talking about?"

The coyote giggled, pulling him up by the arms. Ender was surprised at how strong the older-looking canine was, able to pull him along like that. Fighting the urge to escape, the puma reached up and squeezed the bruise-marks from the wolves fingers. They weren't too bad, just a bit sore. The bump on his head, though, ached as he touched his fingers to it. The memory of being out hunting and then losing consciousness came rushing back, and he looked the coyote in the eye again.

"You kidnapped me!"

"Borrowed you, borrowed only. I like that word. We're not thieves, just borrowers."

He rolled his eyes as the two wolves chuckled.

"Whatever you did. Why? Why am I here?"

"You are a healer. You know things nobody else knows. Touched by the gods, you are."

"No, I just -"


The coyote stomped around as he shouted, and even the wolves went still, taking a few steps back. Ender did the same, but more out of worry than fear. The shaman seemed insane, more than most people did.

Eventually, he calmed down, and Ender took a step forward.

"Sir, I'm not touched by anything. I'm just a nurse. I learned how to do this in school."

"You speak nonsense. But it doesn't matter. Soon we will know all that you know."

"I don't mind teaching people. But you didn't have to kidnap -"

"Too slow, too slow. Teaching. Bah. That's worthless. We will learn it from you directly. Once we have your essence, we will have you."


"Your essence, your seed, all that is you. Boys! Put him in the pod."

The coyote gestured to his side just as the wolves grabbed Ender again. Until now, the puma had thought the rock sticking out of the ground had been just that, a rock. As the shaman touched it, however, it opened up. Inside was a bright blue light, illuminating a number of high tech tubes and bits of circuitry and injectors. It was beyond the stuff in his time, to say the least, and it was almost frightening to look at.

The wolves shoved him into it, forcing his arms and legs down until the pod snapped shut around them, sealing him down on his back with his legs spread. As his loincloth had been taken away before he'd even woke up, there was nothing else for them to remove.

"Leave us."

Whatever else was going on with the shaman, Ender couldn't help but notice his massive control over his aids. The wolves pulled back almost immediately, darting out of the room. Their footsteps echoed as they left, and the shaman moved closer. The coyote's loincloth was tenting, a fact that Ender couldn't miss.

"You're not going to get anything from this. This is impossible."

"It is not. It's completely possible. I do it all the time."

"Then you have to know it doesn't work. It's like -"

"-drawing blood from a stone?"

He froze, staring at the coyote. It was a phrase that he'd heard back home, but never here. Ender narrowed his eyes.

"E=MC squared."

"The theory of relativity."

The puma was flooded. The coyote chuckled, stroking the machine.

"The gods give much to those that know how to ask. And now, I will have from you the knowledge of healing from your seed."

The coyote started pressing buttons, his fingers moving in what looked like a completely automatic fashion. Nothing seemed to cause him hesitation, as though he'd done this a hundred times. The pod whirred beneath him, and Ender groaned as it started working. A solid 'collar' gleamed as it formed around his neck, and a tube from the front half of the tube moved down, slowly wrapping around his sheath. From the first suck, it yanked his cock out, holding it inside the tight, confined space.

He grunted as something more solid, however, pushed at him from behind. He couldn't look back, but it felt no different from the various shafts that he'd taken after his initiation, from warriors or scouts that had caught him by surprise or won a bet against him. This one, however, was slick in a way that no living one naturally was, and it pushed under his tail in seconds, ramming inside of him violently.

As he cried out, something salty pressed past his lips. He gasped, eyes opening once more to see the coyote forcing his cock down his throat.

"Hehehe, you'll feed me your essence, but first, I'll feed you mine. Hope you like the taste, heh, heh."

The puma groaned as his mouth was forcefully filled with a thick shaft, ramming down his throat again and again as heavy balls slapped against his chin. The shaman's loincloth covered his face, smearing it with a slime that he didn't want to think about, and leaving his nose saturated with the aroused musk of the tribal.

Yet, it wasn't...all bad. Despite the hard thrusts under his tail, the cock tube was sucking him very pleasantly. It wasn't the same as having it sucked, but it was pulling at his cock very well. The steady suction, combined with the soft pulsing and vibration of the tube in general, was doing a lot to keep him hard, and he was already leaking pre.

After about five minutes, the coyote pulled back, giving his cock a few strokes. Ender was ready for it, but couldn't turn his head, only close his eyes. The shaman's seed painted his face, oozing over his cheeks and leaving him surrounded by the musky, strong odor of horny dog.

"Heh...heh...you look good like that. Very nice. Now it's time to let the pod judge you."

"What - ptooi! What do you mean, judge me?"

"You must satisfy the gods. Give all you can, or you'll be left to be drained completely dry."

"You mean -"

"I hope you have plenty, or the gods will take the rest in the next life."

Despite Ender's protests, the coyote pulled back. As soon as the shaman was out of the way, the pod collapsed on him, sealing him inside of a completely dark space, the blue light shut off and leaving him blind. No sooner had the light gone away than a new shaft, much less fragrant than the coyote's, pushed past his lips and slid down his throat.

How the hell am I going to get out of - mmmph - this one? Ender thought, even as his body gave up his first load, shooting somewhere down the tube around his cock. It never let up, though, and he cried out around the dildo in his mouth as it started milking him for another, his oversensitive cock screaming for relief.

Please, please, please let those fertility leaves still be working...

The End

Fucking Machine/Milking Stream Story 2: The Correction Cube

The Correction Cube for Sanmer by Draconicon Harrison pulled against the other guards as they dragged him into the COC room, shaking his head repeatedly as they pulled him towards one of the clear cubes in the back of the room. "Come on,...

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The Education of Crisp: The Teacher

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Pregnancy Stream Story 6: Brave New World, 2.0

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