A new path...

Story by umd223 on SoFurry

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The cold wind flowed in-between my numb paws, as I walked the path of hatred, and loneliness.

That was the only thing I Did feel.

The cold wind, loneliness; and hatred.

But for wat reason I wandered. Are their other feelings?

Good feeling's perhaps?

Or is it just dark, as my paws are.

So dark that I can't even see my self...

For the very first time, a bright light appeared in front of me, not in my reach, but yet so close.

The path began to crumble, as I blindly ran forth, into the space of light.

I couldn't see anything but white, as I ran forth, tripping over hard things where I was running...

I slowed down, very slowly, not wanting to trip again, but as one said, you can't have every thing you want.

I tripped without enough time to regain my balance, and my face hit something hard.

I opened my eye's, not even knowing they were their! Too find that something brown was there.

Iv seen tree's, but only dead ones. This one was glowing with colour!

Not only that, but so was everything else! The air was warm, just the perfect breeze too...

I looked behind, to see Indescribable things!

It was too much too take into my small mind, as thing's that I didn't want to fade. Did so.......

I was back. In the darkness, but a voice came out of no where, keeping my hopes, somewhat high. The voice...

Oh the sweetest voice to ever be heard!

It was a girl's voice by the sounds of it too... I closed my eyes again, in the darkness, to concentrate

On wat had been said. All of the sudden unspeakable amounts of knowledge flowed into my growing mind.

At first I was wandering a path of nothing, now all of this!

Then I felt as if I could wake up...

I opened my eye's, to see the most cutest, Wolf in front of me. Her eyes were a shiny blue, as her fur was

A light brown, with a mix of dark gold. Her tail was long, and bushy at that. I took my eyes off her,

Noticing just how long iv been staring at her beautiful body...I apologized as nicely as I could, before

Looking at my own body, for the first time and as much as I could... I couldn't even remember my Name!

The only thing I HAVE seen on that path that I once walked was my paws, and even then the darkness couldn't allow

Me to see them fully...

She walked up to me, lifted a paw, and lifted my muzzle to her height, as I looked deeply into her shiny blue eyes.

She whispered wat seem to of have been my name...


Everything went blurry then, but not to the point as to pass out at. It stayed blurry for a while, as memories flowed through my mind

Reminding me. That she was my mate...

I whispered a name back, as the only name I Could, whisper back... Ani...

I watched as the blurry object came closer, and met at my side. I felt something on my back, it was her muzzle and neck, flooding

My body with comfort and love...I did the same. I turned my muzzle, so it was nearly resting on her back...

Iv missed this... I thought...

I felt wetness on my back, as tears dropped, and slid down my fur, or mended with it. Iv missed you so much... she curled her neck further; hugging me tighter... tears of my own began to form, as I felt my own heart crying out... I know... iv missed you too... I also hugged her tighter, and closed my eyes to savior the moment, fearing it would be a dream, just as Ani feared too...

As time flew by, our paws gave in, and we basically collapsed, together... she turned with wat energy she had to face me, muzzle to muzzle...

Our paws touched, and our tails entwined, as our muzzles touched one another... As another blinding light formed between us... I lost sight of her, but her touch was still at my muzzle, paws, and tail...

Please... please promise you will look for me. Era? She said in a sad, yet reassuring voice...

Yes, I promise... tears flowed down my muzzle, then to no where...

Everything went dark; as yet more knowledge flowed through my mind...


I opened my eye's, to not see darkness, but close to it... Grey walls, of seemed to be an Alleyway, in the human world...

The smell of dense smoke and the fog over my eye's... I didn't know wat to do, but to lay their. I turned my muzzle to see an opening, but cars were speeding across to the other side and more... I wandered wat I should do... I looked the other way to see a boiler room, as heat flowed from inside, into the darkness...

I got up, with wat strength I had, and walked over to the door that was partly opened. No one seemed to be in there, so I went in...

A pillow was right in front of the boiler. Someone must be here; I wandered frantically as iv already stepped inside, but wanting to go back.

Who goes there?? A deep voice asked.

I-i didn't come to meet any harm; I only need a place to stay.

No, this is my home; go find your own... A dragon stepped out of the shadows beside me, looking sleepy and bored.

I felt no fear... at all. Even though he was three times as tall as I was, my heart didn't even change pace.

The dragon went wide eyed at first, studying me. Oh, wait, no problem, you can stay, I thought you were another human, sorry... The dragon said nervously, yet with excitement.

Say, wat is a wolf, like you doing here, you're meant to be hundreds of miles from here to the north... He said, looking amused.

I was in another realm, and woke up here... I replied but with hesitance. The dragon simply nodded, surprised, as he padded over to the large pillow in front of the boiler. His tail curled up, and wrapped around something on a platform close to the ceiling, and came down with yet another pillow, smaller then the other, but just the right size I thought.

T-thanks... ummm... Wat should I call you, or rather do you have a name? I asked, laughing lightly to take any offense from the question.

The names Kerak. And Wat would your name be? He asked confusingly.

Era... I said in an also confused state, trying to remember everything from the past...

I walked over to the pillow, and layed on it, gathering the warmth from the silk and fire in front of me.

I explained everything to Kerak... my past, my mate, my Promise...

Then He explained His past, loneliness, secrecy, and his very own promise, to someone else, perhaps some More then a friend...

After we had enough talking, and our eyes gave in, we fell asleep, for the first time in someone else's company...


I woke up to a clutter out side the door. Kerak went wide eyed and whispered loudly. Era! Hide! He hissed as he then went into the shadows.

I looked around frantically, as my heart beated faster then it has in ages. There was large box beside the boiler, making the perfect hiding place. I padded over to their fast, and hid behind it, sliding half way on the cold concrete. There was an opening to the box, and gave me an idea, as a human in orange stepped in, stealthily.

He walked, slowly, like a predator searching for its prey... my tail hit the side of the cardboard and made a slight sound, enough for the human to hear...

My heart beated faster as the human walked closer and closer...

A small hole was mounted into the side of the box, as I peaked out from it. The human was standing right in front of the hole...

I closed my eye's, hoping he wouldn't look. Then a loud thump was heard. I opened my eyes to see the human laying in front of the box, passed out... I gave a sigh of relief, and walked out. The dragon walked out of the shadows, and held the human down with a claw, as he came back to reality.

I stood there, just watching the dragon interrogate the human, trying to get the information of why he was here.

‘You have a Bounty on your head, Dragon!'

‘Wat about the wolf?'

‘I don't know, iv never seen a wolf within a thousand miles of this city...'

Kerak grabbed the human in his claws, and carried him out side as I followed. There was a truck with many cages in the open.

The most beautiful howl was sounded off from a cage...

Another wolf?!

Wat was that about none in a thousand miles from this city???

I picked it up on the way in; this one HAS a bounty on it...

I walked up to the cage, as the wolf lay on the cold metal surface of the cage, wishing to get out...

Judging by the howl, it was a Female wolf, and a very pretty one at that.

‘Kerak! Can you please let her out?

Sure... why Not? The dragon replied sarcastically...

He clawed at the lock, as it fell. The cage door swung open, and the wolf jumped down harshly onto the concrete...

She looked at me, and went wide eyed, studying me.

E-Era??? Is that You???

This time... I went wide eyed...

Yes... iv lost all my memories... and Who might you be?

Tears formed on her eyes, which dripped down her muzzle, and hit the earth. I felt as if my heart just dropped, as if it was hanged from a tall tree...

I closed my eyes and tried to remember, as she knew wat I was doing. She then jumped over to me and layed her muzzle over my back, in a hugging manner.

It felt as if I was in that place again, and that I was with her

Memories of all sorts flowed through my mind, and she was in them...


She smiled happily, as the tears stopped flowing. She hugged me tighter, so I wouldn't go...

I did the same, not wanting this moment to end.........

After a few minutes, we drifted apart, and smiled at the same time, thinking of desires in the future


‘Alright love birds; let's go before more humans arrive...' Kerak said in a jealous tone.

Since they've all read found out where we are, we better move away to some where else... he added, as his neck lowered abit in disappointment.

We all went back into the boiler room, as Kerak explained when we were leaving and such.

Night filled the city, as we got to know each other more, then it was time...

We got out of the room, and ran down the alleyway. Because it was so dark, the humans were either asleep, or roaming the city.

Kerak would have given us two a lift but it was just too much weight for him, not to mention our fur made it slippery on his scales to hold on.

We got out of the city before the humans became more and more aware their were ‘unwanted guests'... thanks to Kerak of course.

We got to the out lining forest, and found a cave to rest in, and it was a big one!

There were basically 4 caves in the one, each split into rooms, that leaves, made doorways, as small tunnels filled with molten rock illuminated them, then reflecting off crystals.

Era! Come in here!

I walk in to find a love heart carved into the rock, with amethyst outlining it

She smiled, and blushed, as her tail swayed form side to side

I went wide eyed, at the purple light that lit it. As I was studying it in amazement, she snuck up behind me, and pounced on me, pinning me down.

She asked in the most beautiful voice, yet excited: So do you like it?

I licked her cheek in reply, as she blushed, and hugged me.

Then there was a slight sting at my tail base.

I ignored it, and hugged her back. We stayed in this moment again, but it felt better then before... Much better...

The stinging turned into an aching feeling, then cold.

A scent filled the air, that none of us could ignore this time.

Her hug got lighter, but more comfort flowed around us.

Taara? Do you know Wat this feeling is? I asked confusingly, but honestly.

She nodded, and stood in front of me, smiling.

‘Can you please lie down, and close your eyes? Era?'

‘...Sure...' I did as she said, blushing at the thoughts, of wat she would do... My member was half way out of its sheath.

I felt not cold, or aching, but warmth, and wetness, as my member came out faster. I opened my eyes, and looked in-between my hind legs to see her licking my member happily, with her eyes closed too.

I shuddered in pure pleasure, as all I could do was that.

She licked at first, then started sucking, increasing the pleasure to its limits. She enjoyed it as much as I did, by the looks of her tail waging furiously...

This continued for minutes which felt like hours of bliss...

I felt pressure building up in my member, as I whimpered lightly...

She knew I was going to cum soon, so she stopped. I whimpered in protest, but she had other plans.

She got up, and walked over me, and layed on me slowly, as my member penetrated her entrance...

It didn't hurt as much from the pre and saliva which already coated my member.

She yelped, as her barrier broke... we layed like this for a few seconds, as she got use to my members size.

The first thing I was to say was ‘Are you alright?' But she layed her paw on my muzzle.

I thrusted lightly, as she went from a painful expression to total bliss.

I went faster till I was on the edge of cumming, then I stopped. My knot expanded, and were just out side her tight glistening folds...

We both panted from the pleasure. And she continued for us both...

She thrusted downwards harshly, past my knot, which set me...

String after string of warm wolf cum shot directly into her womb...

I howled in pure pleasure, just as she did, just as she climaxed after me...

Tied together, we fell asleep soon after, not wanting to let each other go...

Only then did I realize... She Was ani...


This took awhile but its done... =3

If it needs an actual series to it, i will get to work. X3

A new life, a new owner...

‘'Help! Some body Help!'' the female fox yelled, In-between choking. The smoke filled her lungs, as the heat burned her eye's... She layed there helplessly, hoping some one would come to help... the smoke had lead her tired, and the only made it...

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A second chance? (continuation of wolves revenge)

Era woke up to a soft type of preasure on his muzzel, that was covered in tear's. He opend his eye's, and saw a light grey paw. pulling away from his muzzel. He didnt move, but looked into the direction of the light grey, with white travelling from the...

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A purpose, or a drift

The sound of rain started to get louder, as the pack laid on the cold hard rock floor, next to their mates, sides touching, sharing each others warmth; all but one wolf did this. The one was called Era, short for Era'kanath. He never had a mate, and...

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