A second chance? (continuation of wolves revenge)

Story by umd223 on SoFurry

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Era woke up to a soft type of preasure on his muzzel, that was covered in tear's. He opend his eye's, and saw a light grey paw. pulling away from his muzzel. He didnt move, but looked into the direction of the light grey, with white travelling from the underside of her neck, down to her tail base. She was female, but Era didnt mind. He looked around, but he found out he wasnt under the tree anymore; he was at the entrance of a cave. He had broken a hind leg from running,3 cracked rib's, from running into a human, that was a good fighter, and a head ache.

Are you alright?, you look like you'v been running for day's. He try'd to open his mouth to speak, but was to weak. Well.., anyways, there's a storm coming, and it would be wise to take shelter, she said with a smile; she was going to help him, wheather he liked it or not. The only thing he could do was sway his head, side to side, his head then fell straight to the snow, to weak to move even a bit; a few seconds later, he passed out. You dont have a choice, the unkown female wolf said, sounding a little angery; but not enough for Era to notice it, even though he didnt care, and was in a deep sleep. Knowing that he was to weak to walk, and wouldnt even if he could, she nudged him, getting him onto her back, just realizing that a few rib's were broken, since they didnt touch her back, Era's mind was still in the real world though, and had an idea to wat she had in mind. He was light, suprisingly, she thought. The only thing that was being said in His mind, was hope, that his brother's & sister's would come back to this world, and be by his side once more.

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He woke up, and found him self in a cave. It was warmer then out side, asif there was a fire in it, but a contained one. The female wolf noticed that he was awake, and padded over to him. My names Suntheh, wats your name? ;Era, short for Era'kanath. He said looking down; almost like he was depressed. How long have a been out?, and how did i get here?

Youv been out for nearly three day's. And i carried you here, on my back. You were suprisingly light, she said, laughing a bit. Era just noticed that he was on something, and some thing comfortable.

It was dark, and the moon light entered the cave, reflecting between moon stones, and crystalls that spiked into the cave, ruby's, amythists, and many others, from the cliff side. Lighting up the whole cave. Making the cave look a bit romantic, just like there were a few hundred candles, making a romantic atmospere. It was just like fire works lighting up a city.

Suntheh walked over to an object that was made by humans,they called it a pillow; wich was wat Era was on. It was large too; big enough for two wolves, strangly. The only scent that was on it, was her's, as expected to of been a humans scent, Era thought it smelled good anyway. Era tried to get up, but only to experience pain on his rib's, it was like 4 gun shots, one being shot each second, in the same place. He was pushed down back onto the pillow lightly by one of Suntheh's paw's. Stop!, your going to undo the healing i did to you if you keep this up. Era looked back down, and let out a faint whimper. She laid down on it, trying to comfort him, And within secons he was back asleep, with Suntheh cuddling him. Suntheh thought he was cute doing this. So, she stayed their for the rest of the night keeping him warm. Strangly, they looked more like humans then wolf at the position they were at. Era, not curled up, laid flat, and Suntheh cuddling him, instead of being curld up, like wolfs ussualy do. Aslo, their tails entwined, keeping the comfort high, as Era experienced the pain, from his broken ribs, that were Nearly fused together, but the pain was still asif they had just been broken.


Era woke up the next night. Finding Suntheh cuddling him, keeping him warm, and comfortable. He was warmer then he had ever been. Wich made him slightly aroused, some how. Suntheh was asleep, but a state where she could feel anything that touches her body. Era was awake though, and stunned. After he had just realized wat she was doing. Her tail was brushing his crotch, wich felt good, wich did surprise him. It also made him twice as aroused. He didnt know wheather she was Asleep or awake, but she was driving him Crazy!, along with her tail! ;Not to menchon the heat that was being transfered to him.

She could of made him think that she was asleep, but her cover was ruined by faint giggles, that soon turned into laughs. After he found out that she was awake, she hugged him, And tight. So how did you sleep? she said, smiling,

Good, it was the best feeling iv ever felt. Iv never felt comfort before, or even some one hugging me.

Oh its not the best, and you find out why, she said in her mind, with a smirk.

Her tail then continued brushing his crotch, making him moan then.

His member pulsed quikly, within seconds It was out of its sheath, and fully erect. He laughed abit, just realizing wat , and why she was doing it. Then, he turned around, now facing her slit that was leaking from wat she had in mind. She smiled then, not declining the offer of the best day in her life. She closed her eye's, ready for wat ever he was going to do. She was jsut about to ask him some thing, until...

One long stroke at her slit from his tongue immediantly made her eye's shoot open. And within seconds, his tongue whent straight in, causing tidel waves of nothing but pure pleasure up her spine. The taste was like golden syrip. Sweet, and wild, and he liked it. She was about to ask but her words were overtaken by intense pleasure, wich made her jaws clench, unable to open, to speak. With his member right into front her face, leaking pre-cum, she couldnt resist, since wat he was doing for her. She took his whole length into her mouth, sending greature waves of pleasure then wat was going up her spine. Turning the situation into an sixty-nine position.

The pleasure made Era speed up, probing her slit faster ,bringing her close to an orgasm; Causing Suntheh to speed up then, causing a catalyst. After a few minuts, Era couldnt hold it any longer. String after string of cum shot into her mouth, causing Era to make his tongue do nothing but spasm inside of her. Causing her to have the most intence orgasm she's ever had. They licked and swallowed each other's juices, asif it was the last water on earth. Causing their orgasms to prolong, draining every last bit of energy they had.

When their orgasms subsided, Era used the last of his strength to turn around, to face Suntheh's muzzel. Sharing the afterglow with her.

That... was... amazing.., Era said inbetween breaths. Just returning the favour, she said with a short laugh. They both nearly immediently whent to sleep, side by side, sharing each other's warmth, happy and content being at each others side, being in comfort that theve never before been in.

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Era woke up from a cold breeze that ran through the cave, caused by a snow storm that was currently in place. He turned his head, and saw Suntheh their, sleeping peacfully. He just stared at her belly, going up and down from the breathes. Minuts have past and she could of stayed like that for longer, but her smiling expression with faint giggles gave it all away.

How long have you been looking at me like that Era? She asked after recovering from her laughter. The only thing that came out of his mouth was: not long enough. Then they both burst out laughing. Hunger was dwelling, and they wanted food, badly; although Suntheh wasnt as hungery as Era, since she was filled with Era's seed. They knew that going out in the blizzard was deadly. So instead they just laid side by side, talking of their past, and other stuffs. But when Era brang up why he was in this current territory, and why his pack was killed; a long pause took ahold of them. Suntheh didnt want to make him sad, but she wanted more infomation. But she didnt ask any more, she wanted him to be happy, not sad like when she found him, under a tree, curled up, muzzel covered in tear's. To break the mood, she placed her tail at his crotch, brushing his sheath, making him aroused. He smiled, and planted a kiss on her nose, another way of telling her that she can go ahead. She was hungery, and wanted him.


I tryed to write as much as i could in between classes, without being caught. There was a close call in PEA, but it was alright with the teacher, suprisingly. xD

Again, if you have any idea's please email them to me. Because iv just ran out ofem, lol. Any ways, hope you reader's like this chapter.(oh, and this chap isnt finished. :P

([email protected])

A purpose, or a drift

The sound of rain started to get louder, as the pack laid on the cold hard rock floor, next to their mates, sides touching, sharing each others warmth; all but one wolf did this. The one was called Era, short for Era'kanath. He never had a mate, and...

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