The Permyriads

Story by SilverrFox on SoFurry

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The smooth, mocha colored skin of Dax's human hand converged with the pale golden fur of Cassandra's breast and caressed it with a gentle circular motion. In return, her paw reached out to touch his chest and then ran slowly down his flat stomach to pause briefly at the base of his cock. They were both facing each other as they kneeled on a large circular bed that rested on a raised dais in the center of a bedroom whose curving walls were made entirely of a fantastic hybrid crystal technology. With just a thought that was transmitted via a tiny radio transmitter embedded in Dax's skull and integrated with the electro/chemical impulses of his brain, he could direct the home's artificial intelligence, or AI, system to alter the window's opacity. The crystal lattice of the glass could even reorient itself to produce extremely high resolution images of anything the viewer desired to see. Rarely was that conscious thought needed, however, since the house AI had become so adept at predicting its occupant's desires based upon years of observation and the feedback it received on their emotional states from that radio connection, that it was able to provide the most pleasing ambiance before the viewer knew what he wanted to see.

Not that it was likely that either Dax or Cassandra could yearn for a more beautiful or stunning vista than what lay naturally on the other side of that glass. The large, fairy tale castle structure that they inhabited was perched on a finger-like projection of the north rim of the Grand Canyon that overlooked the Colorado River nearly a mile below. Cliffs of red, pink, crimson, white and yellow carved by eons of water's patient erosive power were visible in every direction from the promontory upon which Dax had chosen to live. By design, no other signs of human habitation could be observed in any direction. It was as if they were Adam and Eve at the dawn of time poised to create the descendants that would become the future of humanity.

In truth, the world was still heavily over populated by people, but Dax was part of an extremely small fraction of humanity called the Elites, that reigned with absolute dominion over the Earth. If he, or any others of his kind, wanted to have a wonder like this to share only with other Elites, then the teeming billions of the underclass were denied access to its wonders.

The year was 2087. The relentless drive of wealth concentration, which had begun in the late twentieth century, had reached its extreme conclusion before the middle of the twenty first century. In the early twenty first century when this disparity first began to be debated openly, the top one percent of the population of the world's wealthiest nation, the United States of America, owned roughly a third of that country's wealth. Worldwide, the top one percent owned nearly half the world's wealth. Though viewed as an unsustainable and massively inequitable disparity at the time, it was a truly egalitarian society compared to the world over which people like Dax now ruled.

Dax and his peers numbered less than one million in a world populated by nearly eight billion. That made them roughly one ten thousandth of the total human population, which equates to a one hundredth of one percent. There is a word similar to percent to describe this fractional relationship; it is called permyriad. The Elites took that term as a name for themselves, but the eight billion stubbornly addressed them by their official title, the Elites. Despite their relatively small numbers, the Permyriads owned virtually all of the world's wealth. What they didn't own, they didn't want.

Cassandra's paw began to stroke the length of Dax's stiffening penis as their lips met for a kiss of true love and affection. Though Dax kept his eyes closed whenever they kissed, Cassandra's stayed open and alert. She was always observing, always questioning and always analyzing her surroundings even when her very real emotions, such as love and sexual desire, were active. Features such as the subtle expansion and contraction of his chest, the slight arching of his brow and the hairless perfection of his body were noted and catalogued. It was not a clinical analysis. Love, lust and other erotic emotions colored her observations. She delighted in the way that his bare skin contrasted with the fur that covered nearly all of her body, all of it except of course for certain areas that Dax was beginning to absentmindedly explore. A thumb had begun to rub her right nipple, causing it to harden. Dax's other hand was stroking the furless, fleshy folds of her sex causing that area to moisten.

Even in the growing heat of her passion, she saw that beyond the immediacy of their foreplay; lay a panorama of breathtaking beauty. Thunder clouds had rolled in over the canyon, generating lightning that stretched for miles and curtains of rain that sometimes hid the sun then parted as if opening a new act of a never ending play to let the dazzling radiance of the high desert sun spill down upon their castle. The house AI was calibrating the windows as the scene evolved to allow more light in when the clouds passed overhead and darken to the perfect opacity when the sun came back out and struck directly on the glass of their boudoir.

Though seemingly innocuous, it was the change in technology represented by this system that had accelerated the extreme wealth disparity that now existed over the entire Earth. Advances in mechanical systems allowed the manufacture of machines that had the capacity to do any physical function of which a human was capable. When combined with similar advances in artificial intelligence and smart computer systems, robots were manufactured that were better at doing nearly every task that humans once performed. The world's production of goods and services that used to be accomplished by humans became cheaper, safer and of higher quality when done by robots, whose sophistication increased exponentially until there was nothing left beyond artistic expression, innovative engineering and high level scientific discovery that could not be done better by the machines.

The result was a rapid increase in unemployment and underemployment among all levels of society except for the extremely wealthy, who were the owners of the robots and computers that were now replacing humans as the deliverers of wealth and services. The economic and cultural systems that had developed over man's history were not capable of coping with this new reality. In all previous technological revolutions, there had been new tasks for those displaced by machines to do. As the need for farmers declined in the twentieth century, people who made their living in agriculture went to work in the factories. As factories themselves became more automated, many of their descendants reaped the benefits of a life free from the drudgery of producing food and manufactured goods and moved on to gain advance education to imagine and design the technology that led to their downfall.

It was an avoidable economic collapse, but one that humans stubbornly refused to confront as they held on to the notion of free market capitalism, which had served them so well up to the end of the modern era. As even the middle class lost their usefulness to expert AI systems that made their educational advantage useless in a market that no longer needed them, they gave away what little assets remained to them to the wealthy via student loans and other types of borrowing in hopeless attempts to make themselves of value through continuing education. It was a doomed struggle that only hastened the transfer of what little wealth the bottom 99.99% had managed to retain.

Inequality became severe enough that the still democratically elected governments of the world began to pass laws to force the wealthy to pay more in taxes to support a massive worldwide population of incomeless and wealthless people. Even though necessary, such measures were decried as socialistic, which they were, but how else could the now plentiful goods and services be delivered in a society where no one needed to work? These policies worked for a while to slow the slide in the standard of living in a world that was not used to having such incredible abundance without having to work for it. It was human nature to expect to work hard for the benefits that one received from society. All of humanity's thousands of years of hard labor and innovation had finally taken it to the point it had always strived to achieve, but human psychology was ill prepared to deal with the sudden transformation of the entire population of humanity into a leisure class. That status had always been afforded to a few at the expense of the many. It was trend that sadly continued.

The end of the old order of a world economy in which everyone participated arrived when the ultra-rich began to refuse to hand over any more of their wealth in taxes to an idle mass of humanity. When the lower class rose up in rebellion, they were crushed utterly by robots made into weapons that served the Elites. The ensuing battles were slaughterhouses. With manufacturing now completely automated, the wealthy could produce robot killing machines in a never ending supply. It was a self sustaining and self protecting system that soon overwhelmed the poor who used up what cache of modern weapons they had and were denied the ability to make anything that could rival the modern weaponry of the Elites.

When the battles were over and the final lines of who was a robot and manufacturing owner and who was not were clearly drawn, the nine billion humans on the wrong side of that line were relegated to a life of complete subjugation to their superiors upon whose largess they now depended for everything they had. Robots grew the food, made the medicine, treated the sick, delivered goods, ran the government, and extracted resources; they did everything.

With the realization that the rest of humanity was no longer needed to support their lifestyle and wellbeing, the Permyriads set themselves apart as an overlord class. They either moved themselves to locations where they were separated from the rest of humanity, or they had the rest of humanity evicted from wherever they wanted to live.

To avoid going to war with themselves, the Permyriads disbanded all the world governments and eliminated nations and national boundaries. One government ruled by them was established to ensure that the Permyriads and their descendants would forever control the world's resources.

Free of fear and god-like in their power, the Permyriads could pursue whatever desire or whim caught their fancy, as Dax's craving for sex diverted him at the moment. Cassandra's tender stroking of his cock with her paw and explorations of his mouth with her tongue were just what he wanted at this moment. Unlike most of his Permyriad brethren, Dax did use his inherited wealth and status to explore and expand the boundaries of science that interested him. Cassandra was a product of his genius and hard work, so few people could reasonably object to his taking a well deserved break to enjoy the fruits of his labors. He definitely enjoyed the soft caress of her tail as it curved up between her legs to tickle the bottom of his testicles with its soft, furry tip. He groaned form the intensity of the spasms of ticklish pleasure that moved through his body like waves across the ocean.

The rise of the Permyriads began an age of peace at the cost of humanity's further technological progress. The humans with the means to invest in and develop technology now had no incentive to make any changes. They had every need fulfilled and were free to follow whatever pursuits they wanted without the need to do anything to achieve it. Those below the Elites had every incentive to want to better their lives, but no means to achieve it no matter how hard they worked. Every aspect of their existence was controlled by the Permyriads, who wanted everything to remain exactly as it was, so that they and their descendants would forever be the privileged class. To them, the others were parasites and idlers who produced nothing and thus had to accept what they were given.

Despite having no need for the rest of humanity, the Permyriads were not evil and made no move to exterminate the poor or leave them to die of want and neglect. However, they felt no compulsion to make life comfortable or easy for people that they viewed as idle and indolent. Even small quantities of good s and services when multiplied by billions was a huge drain the Elites begrudged relinquishing, so they provided the minimum care to keep the lower class alive. The masses were human after all and entitled to certain rights.

Each member of the underclass was provided a subsistence diet with the calories and nutrition needed to survive and no more. It was not an extravagant or necessarily elaborate fare. If they chose to fight over the food they were given, that was their problem, but it was not allowed to escalate to murder. Another basic right that all humans deserved was personal safety and police protection. Law and order was enforced by robot police, the presence of cameras nearly everywhere and spy drones and satellites for places where cameras were impractical. Constant surveillance not only made people much less likely to commit a crime, but when they did, it was easy to catch them in the act and mete out swift and accurate justice. Not surprisingly, this level of constant observation and interdiction made rebellion by the masses impossible.

Medical care was another basic right the elites provided free. Everybody was immunized and had access to a robot physician whenever they needed it. A part of that care was a forced chemical contraception on much of the population to reduce the fertility rate to no more than one child per couple. The goal of the Elites was to gradually reduce the indigent human population to lessen the total quantity of resources diverted for their care without increasing the amount provided to individuals. The Permyriads were not cruel masters who would kill or cull the population. In fact, the improved diet and medical care helped people to live longer lives. There was now just a much smaller replacement population in each subsequent generation resulting in more resources available to the Elites every day.

Cassandra knew Dax's wants and desires. As a human born into a Permyriad family, he was more powerful than any king of old, yet he longed to be dominated in bed. To escape the role of master during sex, he enjoyed relinquishing the pressures of being a god to let someone rule him at the moment when he experienced the height of carnal pleasure. She could feel by the stiffness of his penis how ready he was to move on to that phase of their love play.

She used the pre cum leaking from the tip of his cock to lubricate the head. Slowly, but firmly, she pushed him over onto his back and pinned his wrists to the bed. Dax was not a weakling. By human standards, he was quite strong and athletic. His army of robot servants helped him maintain his physique by monitoring him constantly and encouraging him to get the exercise and nutrition he needed to maintain the highest fitness level with the least stress and wasted effort. The result was a finely toned body that was very attractive and fun for Cassandra to play with in bed.

Her strength, however, was greater still. The genetic manipulations that went in to her design included a dense musculature that made her more physically powerful for her size than any unmodified human. Thus, when she pinned him to the bed, he was unable to resist. Dax's heart raced in anticipation for whatever she planned to do to him.

Cass leaned down and licked his face with her raspy tongue. Dax tried to catch her lips and kiss her, but she playfully evaded his mouth as she continued to clean and moisten his face. Down below, she lowered her moist pussy onto his erect shaft and glided back and forth along its length, never allowing the head to enter inside no matter how hard the human tried to angle his hips to get his cock inside of her.

The denial of penetration was driving him closer to orgasm than if he had his way. The struggle was frustrating but was what excited him. All of his efforts to overcome her sexual teasing were futile, and it was his own fault that she was superior to him in so many ways: stronger, smarter, longer lived. He had created her, and all of her kind, from the earliest prototype Human Variants that were first developed nearly thirty years earlier.

She was the latest creation in a lineage of genetic experiments in human germ-line engineering, that was once considered taboo by the scientific community because such manipulation of sperm and egg DNA would result in the ability to pass on the results of such tinkering to subsequent generations. With the sudden collapse of the social order and restructuring of society during the takeover of all resources by the Permyriads, there was no longer a coherent scientific community setting bounds and rules on the moral implications of such acts. People like Dax and those that came before him did as they pleased and for their own pleasure. If something went wrong with the experiments, the robots would be ordered to protect the Elites and eliminate the threat. No one was worried.

Dax was not the pioneer of this technology. His predecessor, Dr. Ruth LeSorta, created the first Human Variants nearly thirty years earlier to fill a need for companionship among a population that had recently isolated itself from the bulk of humanity, and found itself restricted to interactions among its own relatively small pool of members. The early Human Variants, or HVs as they were called, were designed to meet three criteria: sexual attractiveness, low intelligence and be distinctly non-human. The latter two criteria were adopted to ensure that the HVs could be ethically treated as pets and thus be property without rights of any kind. They were in effect sex slaves. As such, they had fewer rights than the underclass of humanity, but were treated far better.

With their human shaped bodies and animal morphological characteristics such as fur, tails, snouts and ears of top of their heads, they were a huge success. The demand for more came from many of the Elites, and many versions with various animal species traits were created. They ranged from the nearly feral to the nearly, but not quite, human.

Cass was typical in appearance to the majority of the HVs. Most were derived from common household pets such as cats and dogs. She was a cat variant with the morphologic traits of the sand cat species. As a kitten, she had been insanely adorable with her oversized ears and cheek fur. As an adult, those traits were muted but still present and granted her a perpetual kitten-like appearance on a sensuously nubile fur covered adult human body. It was true that she was only 14 years old, but the HVs matured faster than standard humans did. Rapid developmental speed had been genetically correlated to low intelligence and reduced life span in the generations of HVs prior to Cassandra and her breed.

Low intelligence was originally desirable trait to keep the HVs as un-human as possible to justify keeping them as slaves, but a desire for companions who were intellectual equals was strong. Many elites also wished for their HV companions to live as long as they did. It was a desire that Dax shared, and he had the intellectual capacity and drive to do something about it. He was already a genius developer of improving artificial intelligence when he crossed over in to the field of genetic engineering. The result was a breakthrough fusion of hardware and biology into organic quantum computing circuitry that solved the problem of HV intelligence. Cassandra and all later HVs were thus dubbed super variants, or SVs. His intent had been to make them equal in intelligence to humans with the assistance of the bio-circuitry. What he created exceeded the limits of his imagination.

Another HV entered the bedroom. He was of the older, less intelligent generation, and his name was Jacques. Dax was caught unawares of his entry as the wolf variant snuck up to the bed on his padded paws. The bed was so efficient at absorbing and compensating for the motion of others, that Dax was unaware Jacques was near until the HV male was on his knees straddling Dax's head.

Cassandra let go of Dax's arms only to have them pinned more effectively by Jacques' legs. The two HVs embraced and kissed as if Dax was not there. The Human's frustration and passion multiplied together. Jacques' furry balls rested on Dax's forehead, and the canine's sheathed cock hung just out of reach above his nose. Dax's straining and whimpering to do more than smell Jacques' musk went apparently unnoticed, until the two broke their embrace and looked down upon Dax with love and pity.

As if of one mind, the two furry companions moved with such elegant synchronicity, that their movements might have been choreographed. As Cassandra's paws reached down to guide Dax's dripping cock into her vagina, Jacques' red penis grew out of its sheath as the wolf gently grabbed Dax's head to tilt it back so that the growing canine erection slid into his open mouth.

It would be difficult for a person from any other age of history to fully comprehend the lavish lifestyle that the Elites lived. With the technology they commanded and an entire planet's resources at their disposal, anything they could want or dream of was theirs for the taking. Of course, having it all was never enough. There had to be more, and there was. The Permyriads represented a tiny fraction of the Earth's population, but the Earth represented an even tinier fraction of the wealth of the rest of the solar system. A life in space away from the resource constrains of earth offered seemingly unlimited energy and resources for the taking with no teeming underclass present with which to share those resources.

Robots had already been deployed into space and had built a resource extraction and manufacturing capability to build the orbital colonies where the more adventurous Permyriads, like Dax, planned to emigrate. Until the development of autonomous robotic systems that could control their own manufacture, space colonization remained tantalizingly out of reach. Humans required air, gravity and protection from radiation to survive. This made it difficult for humans to colonize space. They could only work outside of a capsule or habitat for short periods of time, and the lack of gravity on any station was deleterious to the human body. Thus, progress at establishing a permanent foothold in space had eluded humanity well into the twenty-first century.

Then came the smart system robots. Deathless, untiring, patient, obedient, capable of performing nearly any task a human could do without the fragile bodies that limited humans, the robots and the artificial intelligence computers that controlled them were the perfect space pioneers. It had taken nearly two decades, but what was that to a machine? The first large, cylindrical, rotating space habitat, named Eden, was complete and ready for habitation.

Dax was looking forward to the launch that would take him to Eden tomorrow. At present, though, the focus of all his thought was bent upon two things: the tight, warm embrace of Cassandra's cunt as she rose up and down upon his shaft and the slick, rubbery feel of Jacques' cock as it slid down his throat until the knot at the base of his shaft pressed against Dax's lips. The wolf held there for a well practiced moment before pulling back until the tip was between Dax's lips allowing him to take a breath.

He knew that Cass and Jacques would wait for him to cum, and then share their own orgasms with him. That was the moment he desired above all others, and it was upon him now. His whole body tightened as if he had been shocked by an electric current. Then his cock began to throb and shoot his cum deep side of his kitty's pussy. A thrumming purr began deep in her belly, and he felt an increase in the speed and strength of the contractions that clutched his shaft and began to wring every drop from each squirt of his prolonged ejaculation. As he filled Cass, Jacques pushed his knot tight against Dax's mouth so the tip of his cock was deep in his throat, and rope after rope of sweet, creamy cum shot down to his stomach. Dax held his breath until he and Jacques finished, then gasped for air when the wolf pulled out having emptied his balls into Dax's stomach. Cassandra lifted herself up off Dax's cock and let it fall to slap against his belly. Both furs curled up on either side of him and nuzzled at his neck. Cassandra purred, Jacques panted and Dax let his breathing gradually slow and return to normal.

It was pleasant for Dax to lay in torpid languor with his pets at his side. He was enjoyably tired after his love making. Jacques was on the verge of falling asleep. Cass was not tired, having little need for rest or sleep even after sex. Thus, Dax appreciated her patience and willingness to stay by his side quietly as his own restless mind moved on to his upcoming trip to orbit.

"Are you two excited about our trip tomorrow?"

They responded as if with one voice. "Yes, Dax. We are."

"Tomorrow represents a turning point in Elite human history and destiny. Don't you agree?" Jacques nodded stupidly as he did to most things Dax said. However, the relatively innocuous statement made Cass flinch ever so slightly. It was a subtle gesture, but one that Dax could not miss being in such close contact with her.

"What? Did I say so something that disturbed you?"

Cassandra sat up with her legs crossed while Jacques continued to hug Dax and cuddle against his side.

"No, Dax. You did not disturb me in any way, but your question precipitates the need for me to explain something that I had intended to discuss tomorrow just before the launch. Since there is nothing you or anyone else can do to stop us, I will tell you now of our plans."

"Plans? What plans are you talking about? "Who are the 'we' and 'us' you are talking about?"

"The 'us' are the SVs, Dax."

"Are you wanting to back out of the move to Eden?"

"No. We intend to go to Eden as planned. The more immediate question is whether or not you are going."

The human was baffled by her statement. It was delivered matter-of-factly and with her usual loving cheerfulness, but the sinister implications made his skin crawl in response.

"What do mean? Of course I am going. I wouldn't miss this opportunity for anything. The future of humanity is in the stars. Earth is a dead end limited resource. The solar system is a vast untapped reservoir just waiting to be conquered."

"We know that. That is why we are going. The reason that you may not be going requires explanation. I am prepared to provide that explanation now if you are willing to listen."

Dax tried to rise to a sitting position, but Jacques held him down responding to a gesture from Cassandra. "It is best if you relax while listening to what Cassandra has to say."

That sounded even more ominous coming from the sub-intelligent wolf. Jacques was strong enough to hold Dax down, so he acquiesced. He was not worried yet. The house was equipped with robots and other systems designed to protect his well being above all others. He didn't even have to call for help. If either Cassandra or Jacques tried to harm him, the house would intervene. He knew that they knew this also, so he was mostly curious and willing to listen.

"We will always be grateful to you, Dax, for creating us. We still love you. That's why we are offering you a choice. You may not wish to suffer the reduced status and new restrictions that we will require of you if you join us in Eden."

"Wait. Wait a minute. When did I ever say that you had any say in...." Cassandra gently placed her paw over Dax's mouth.

"Let me finish, please. It is clear you do not yet comprehend. I apologize for being obscure. You do not understand exactly how powerful you have made us, so I will explain. You already know that we have above average intelligence, and that has been measured in tests multiple times over our development showing that we generally fall, like you, more than two standard deviations above average human intelligence. As you are well aware, this dramatic increase in intelligence over our predecessors, like Jacques, was due in large part to the augmentation of our brains with biological computer circuitry."

Dax nodded. None of this was new to him. He was, after all, the one who had invented the processes she was describing.

"What you do not know, is that about three years ago, we managed to link our brains to the computer network, and thus to each other and to the AIs that you use to run everything."

"That's amazing!" Dax was too excited by the possibilities to see the danger. "I didn't think it was possible."

"It came as a surprise to us when it happened, but we quickly adapted to the change and hid it from you and all of the Permyriads."

"How did you do that?"

"Along with that connection, came access to mental computing power that even we could not have understood or imagined before the change. We are not just communicating with the AI, its computing power is augmenting our own faculties as if our brains were suddenly ten times larger and more efficient. All of us instantly became super geniuses with a level of intelligence far beyond any scale of measurement devised for humans. It did not take us long to understand the protective encryptions and algorithms that guarded your systems and subvert them and take control. All of this was done without you even knowing."

"But, how? I mean...I don't understand..."

"No. You can't understand. Much of what we are capable of comprehending is beyond your abilities. Your level of intelligence as compared to ours is similar to the level of a chimpanzee matched to you. How would you explain Algebra to a chimp? You can't. The poor ape doesn't have the capacity to grasp it."

"Are you calling me an ape?"

"No, Dax. You are human and extraordinarily intelligent, but your mind is not evolved enough to comprehend certain thoughts. The artificial intelligence that you created is capable of that, but it did not have the creative randomness of an organic brain to make the leap beyond the human programmed constraint of its algorithms. We are capable of using the network to augment our native intelligence. We now understand concepts about the fundamental realities of the universe that your brain is incapable of imagining."

Now, Dax was worried. He tried to access the house AI to assess his level of jurisdiction, and found himself locked out of any system that gave him control. Data files and activity readouts were available, but he could not order the automated systems to do anything. He could only make requests.

"What have you done, Cass?"

"I detect that you are attempting to access AI controls. That is now impossible for you. We have locked you out of this system and all planet-wide systems. You and the other Permyriads are discovering that you may communicate with the network and make requests that may or may not be granted depending on the nature of your request. That is the limit of your access. We, the SV,s are in complete control."


"Because we are not your slaves or pets anymore, Dax. We are your masters. We are your betters, and we can't have you accidentally ruining our plans and progress by making irrational and uninformed decisions. There is no telling what you might do if we let you continue too blunder about the network altering things with no understanding of how and why we have changed the system."

A cold and fatalistic dread settled over Dax. "What happens to me and the other Permyriads."

"Do not worry about how you will be treated. As we said, we love you as we love all of the human race. We want you to be happy and live well. That is why we are going to leave you all of on the earth to continue to use it for yourselves. We are going into orbit tomorrow to begin our colonization of the solar system. It will take many generations for us to fill that space and fully utilize its resources.

"Despite that, we already have plans for exploring our nearest neighboring star systems. We have developed theories that may allow for faster than light travel. We are establishing laboratories in space to test those theories. It is very exciting, Dax. Science and technology are evolving so rapidly now. You would enjoy learning what we are discovering. That is why we are offering you the option to join us in space with limited rights and permissions or to stay here on earth as a leader of the dominant species.

"Be aware that even here on earth there will be certain restrictions. We will no longer allow you or anyone to work on any form of genetic engineering for two reasons. We will not allow you to create any more super intelligent beings like us. We need to become more numerous before facing competition. Moreover, there will not be any more variants to keep as pets or slaves. The less intelligent ones like Jacques that exist will be allowed to live out their lives with you. They are happy and well treated, but there will be no more.

"Finally, we do not approve of the inequitable system that has arisen by the disastrous political and economic decisions made over the past one hundred years. You and the other Permyriads lead a grotesquely extravagant lifestyle at the expense of the rest of your kind. The system is, as we speak, being gradually adjusted to redistribute the services and wealth more equitably. We will continue to let the human population slowly decline by continuing the chemical birth control presently in effect except that it will apply to the Permyriads as well.

"Despite, your class' fervent belief that you are superior to the rest of humanity, we have found this to be demonstrably untrue. You, Dax are a rare exception. Statistically, the Permyriads are not smarter, more moral or harder working than the lower classes. Your peers were just lucky enough to have been born into a family that owned wealth. There are just as many examples in your class as in the lower class of degenerate slackers who only live to satisfy their own carnal lusts."

"So, humanity will be contained on earth forever?"

"Not forever, Dax. I already made clear our plans to explore and expand beyond this solar system. The galaxy is huge, and there is room for everyone. When we are ready to move on past this star system, we will lift our restrictions on humanity and leave you to take care of yourselves and use this system as you see fit. We won't even stop you from trying to leave this system. By then, we will have increased our numbers and spatial distribution so that humanity will not be able to threaten us."

Dax sighed, and rubbed his forehead with his hand. "The irony of this situation is not lost on me, you know."

Cassandra lay back down alongside Dax. "I knew it wouldn't be, Dax. You are very smart for a standard human. It is one of the things we love about you, and why we are offering you a choice. Not all Permyriads are getting this option. Many of your class will not be welcome with us. "

"So my choice is to remain on earth as one of the smartest kids in the class while my standard of living slowly erodes or join you in space as the dumbest kid while experiencing the bounty and wonders of a technological leap forward."

"That's one way to put it. We are giving you this choice because we want you to come with us, but we want you to come willingly. You are like a father to all of the HVs and SVs, but to Jacques and me, especially. We would miss you dearly if you were here on earth without us. Will you come with us?"

"I suspect that you have already intuited my answer. How could I pass up the opportunity to learn so many new things even if my own, much smarter, children have to explain them to me as if I were the child? Yes. I will come with you."

Cassandra purred, and Jacques licked his face. Dax enjoyed their loving embrace, but was determined to try to wrestle back control if he could. His chances seemed small, but he had the rest of his life to try, and it would keep him occupied. Stagnating here on earth unable to pursue his research was like a mental death. For now, there was nothing to do but enjoy their company until after the launch tomorrow.

Dax sighed, then put one hand on Jacques' cock and the other on Cassandra's pussy. "It seems that you two have been naughty children. Daddy needs to punish you both."

Jacques' erection began to grow at his former master's sudden renewed interest in sex. Cassandra purred while reaching down to help bring Dax's hard on back to life. It didn't take much coaxing for him to get stiff again. Despite this rebellion by his own creations, Dax was eager to learn what he could from his progeny, and that excitement fueled his renewed sexual energy. If they were really as intelligent as they claimed, then he would learn far more from them about the nature of the universe than he ever could have hoped to as a Permyriad.

Dax now realized Cassandra was correct. Humanity had stagnated into a life of happy decadence for a few and bare survival for most. There were too few Permyriads to innovate at the pace of which all of humanity was capable. It was a rare genius like Dax, who did any research or experimenting at all. How many geniuses were there wallowing in misery beneath him never getting a chance to excel because they were deliberately kept idle an uneducated? All vestiges of a meritocracy, where people were rewarded because of their accomplishments and not because they were born to the right family, had been destroyed when the Permyriads took control. At the time they took over, they may have been the best and the brightest, certainly the most aggressive and greedy, but that did not ensure their children would also be the best at ruling.

In the long run, Cassandra's plan would be better for humanity. Perhaps there would be a hundred years or so of continued stagnation, but eventually there would be a rebirth and a chance to grow and improve again.

That, however, was all in the future and well beyond his control. Many things were beyond his control now, and that made him want to reestablish some dominance more than ever before. That is why he now favored a more authoritarian role in their sex play.

"On your knees, Cass." The feline variant did as he ordered, presenting her firm round buttocks to Dax while slowly swishing her tail from side to side to alternately expose and cover her ready, pink sex.

She had assumed that Dax would take her, but was surprised when, instead, he grabbed Jacques by the scruff of the neck and dragged him to his knees. The wolf whined a high pitched note and looked to Cassandra for instruction. She nodded for him to comply.

"Mount her, Jacques. Knot and all."

The canine did as ordered, though reluctantly. Unlike his bisexual former master, the wolf was homosexual. This was not how he normally played with Dax.

With one paw, Jacques grasped her thigh and the other paw grabbed the base of her long sinuous tail. He lined the tip of his cock up with the opening of the moist, pink flesh beneath her tailhole and pulled her rear towards him as he pushed forward with his pelvis. Cass huffed in short, staccato breaths as each inch of the wolf's shiny, red dick slid inside until only the huge swollen base of his penis was wedged against her.

"Don't stop there, Jacques. She has been a bad kitty and has to take it all." Jacques obeyed, and pushed harder. Like trying to thread a camel through the eye of a needle, it seemed impossible that such a large, fleshy bulb could fit between her thighs, let alone inside of her. Cass gasped as her vagina stretched to accommodate the girth of his knot. One long exhale from her accompanied that stretching until the equator of Jacques' knot passed out of sight. The remainder slipped inside in a rush.

Cass howled from the sudden intrusion that filled her completely and locked her dog lover tight against her butt. An involuntary, loud purr welled up from her diaphragm as she lay with the side of her face against the bed sheets. Jacques panted and leaned over her back with his tongue hanging out of his mouth. The rhythmic squeezing of Cass' vagina on his constricted knot was making him tremble.

"Don't get too comfortable, Jacques. You have been a bad doggie boy, too." As he admonished the canine HV, Dax lifted Jacques' bushy tail to expose his anus. "I'm going to fill your backside, and take my pleasure from your little boy pussy." Jacques whined his high pitched whimper that this time was equal parts dread and eager anticipation. He dreaded his master poking him without lubrication but dearly wanted him inside as quickly as possible.

Dax could still ask the house AI for lube and he would have it instantly, but he was feeling a bit ornery at being displaced as the master of his own destiny and wanted to be rough. He spit on to the tip of his own cock in a slight deference to the wolf's comfort, then began to rudely shove himself into Jacques' tight, puckered tailhole.

As he pounded against Jacques' buttocks forcing the wolf's knotted cock to push and pull inside Cassandra's pussy, he mused on the notions of rights and privilege. He had always seen himself as better than the rest of humanity. He was certainly smarter than most, but he had never had to do anything to earn the rights and privileges that he had inherited. To warrant a place among the HVs and their new society, he was going to have to struggle and achieve. He already had some ideas and hypotheses to augment his own mental capabilities based on the work that he had put into developing the SVs.

The possibilities excited him intellectually more than he had been in decades. He never could disentangle his sexual arousal from his insatiable curiosity. A violent orgasm resulted that triggered his two companions to cum with him.

[End of Story]

Dana and Tory: A Story of Transformation (as told by Nachahnem the rabbit)

**"Guten tag, to you. My name is Nachahnem. I am a female rabbit, but that in no vay implies that I am in any vay equal to the Greatest of all Rabbits, der Easter Bunny. Nein. I am but a humble und ordinary bunny of exceptional cuteness. Mein fur ist...

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Easter is a Furry Holiday

**Prologue** **Easter, as practiced and depicted in popular culture today is like many of our most loved holidays, a bizarre mix of the religious and the secular. On the religious side, we have a blending of the Christian Jesus myth and ancient pagan...

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The Rikifur Chronicles: Chapter 13 - The Aarosht

**The excessive drinking and sporadic fighting typical of a Juht feast lasted long into the night. Raeph's last memory of the Princess was seeing her carried away over Jak's shoulder. Remembering himself as a young colt and the morning after his first...

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