Dana and Tory: A Story of Transformation (as told by Nachahnem the rabbit)

Story by SilverrFox on SoFurry

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#22 of Writing Prompt Group Submissions

ATTENTION: If you have not already done so, please read the prologue to this story by following this link:https://www.sofurry.com/view/831922

This is story 1 in a series of four stories that were written as a collaborative effort by GoldBunny, Tanuskidoodle, and SilverrFox. Follow the link above or the link at the end of this story to read the other stories .

This story was co-written by GoldBunny and SilverrFox.

"Guten tag, to you. My name is Nachahnem. I am a female rabbit, but that in no vay implies that I am in any vay equal to the Greatest of all Rabbits, der Easter Bunny. Nein. I am but a humble und ordinary bunny of exceptional cuteness. Mein fur ist black und vhite und oh so fluffy und petable. Mein tail ist soft as down. I viggle my vhiskers in the most adorable fashion, und vill curl up in your lap now and begin my task.

"I have been directed by the Easter Bunny to narrate this story for you vhile She ist busy making the final preparations for this year's celebration of this wunderbar holiday. It ist not an easy task to bring so much happiness and vonder to so many on vun day, but She does it every year for each and every vun of you.

"In addition to the usual hidden eggs, chocolates, other assorted candies und presents given to all regardless of their behavior during the year, Her Fertileness delivers special eggs to a chosen few whom She decides are vorthy of the unique magic that Easter brings.

"My story concerns two people, a man und a voman, who have no connection to each other beyond the desire to be someone or something else. This ist a story of transformation, vhich is in keeping vith the spirit of Easter vhen the vorld itself transforms from the desolation of vinter to the abundance of summer und fall. The flower in this story is a King Proteus, vhich grows on an African shrub and ist symbolic of change and transformation. It ist qvite appropriate as you shall soon learn.

"So vithout further ado, and vithout my German accent, I present to you: Dana and Tory's Tale.

Dana Porter brushed the sleep out her eyes with the hand that wasn't busy trying to silence her alarm clock. Months of alternating shifts with less than six hours of sleep in between were starting to wear on her. Her impetus to get up, though, was strong. Being a cop was a joy to her because of all the good she could do for society. It made her feel useful and alive.

She enjoyed it so much, she spent most of her free time representing the police department in a program designed to mentor disadvantaged inner city youth. Keeping kids out of gangs and in school was a pleasure for her. Many of the kids in the program were difficult to work with, but she had always found it easy to relate to children, more so than with other adults.

Socializing with other adults, be they human or furry was difficult for her, with the result that at age twenty-six, she was still very much unattached and a virgin. Work and her volunteer efforts were the excuses she used to explain why she was single and lonely. Long shifts at the local precinct and utilizing what few free hours remained to help kids, didn't leave her the much time to interact with others off duty. The truth was that her dissatisfaction with her own physical appearance became a crippling psychological burden that prevented her from interacting normally with others. She felt compelled to hide and cover herself when she was around others especially in casual social situations. Such behavior did not promote success in attracting a potential friend or lover. It was different somehow when she was wearing her police uniform. In it she felt covered and normal, but when in civilian clothes, she just couldn't bear to be seen.

She contemplated these depressing thoughts as she used the bathroom. Looking in the mirror at her tangled and frizzy hair and the slightly asymmetrical and plain face that stared back at her, she thought, "And there's the real reason you are so lonely. You have never been a looker, kid."

*Dana had been extremely self conscious of her appearance ever since she hit puberty. It seemed to her that she developed slower that all the other girls or not at all. She was still flat chested. That thought only made her feel worse since she was definitely done growing in any way except possibly wider. The litany of complaints she had against her appearance did not stop with her breasts. Her nose was too big, her complexion too blotchy, her thighs were too large, and she maintained a catalogue of other issues that kept her body image as low as it could get. *

*She desperately wished to have a different body; one that was sexy, curvy in all the right places, symmetrical, and proportioned just right. She knew her obsession with this was not normal or rational, but that didn't make it go away. Professional help was what she needed, but seeing a shrink had always frightened her, so she did her own research about her condition the internet. The problem plaguing her was called body dysmorphia. *

Knowing the name didn't solve the problem either. Dana still hated her own form and wanted another. Being a good looking human might possibly satisfy her, but furry girls, cats in particular, were the cutest in her mind and filled her with the greatest envy. Who would not want to have a long sexy tail, large pointed ears on the top of their head, a tapered snout and luxurious fur covering all of their body? Dana did.

"With a body like that, I would not be so shy around men. Maybe I could even talk to them about things besides just business. Sure, I am everybody's good buddy at work, but I want to be someone's lover not everybody's buddy." It dawned on Dana that she was speaking aloud. "Maybe if I wasn't so hideous, I wouldn't be talking to myself like I am right now. God, I'm pathetic. No wonder I am still a virgin."

Disgusted by her image and own self loathing, she left her enemy the mirror to find her good friend the coffee maker. Dependable as always, it had a pot ready for her. She sat at her apartment's small kitchen table, sipping the bitter, black brew, slowly waking up. As the caffeine hit her stomach an entered her blood stream, she gradually became more and more aware of her surroundings and cognizant that there was something different about her dining area.

Among the clutter of junk mail, bills, napkins, the salt and pepper shakers and paperback romance novels that littered the table top was something new. It was an egg that was so large and extravagantly colored, that she chastised herself for becoming so tired and worn down that she had become so unobservant of her surroundings. For a cop, that was an inexcusable and potentially dangerous lapse.

"How had it got here?" she wondered. Had someone snuck inside her apartment while she slept? Duly awake and aware now, she examined the state of her apartment with the practiced eye of a trained police officer. A quick glance confirmed all the locks and deadbolts on her door were undisturbed and in place. The windows were all equally well secured. She had been present at enough burglary sites to know the tell tales of a break in. Such signs were all absent from her home.

*What explanation was left? It was a specious quote, but hadn't the fictional detective, Sherlock Holmes, said "...when you have eliminated the impossible, whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth". Guided by this logic, her eyes finally settled on the calendar. It was Sunday, Easter Sunday. Alone and working an erratic schedule, she was prone to forget the holidays, especially when she was scheduled to work one like today. *

Was Easter the answer? It had been years since she had received anything from the Easter Bunny; so long in fact, she had nearly forgotten the joy that treats from the magical lapine could bring. Everyone knew that adults did not get deliveries from the famed rabbit, but how else could this have appeared on her kitchen table? A genuine smile formed on her crooked face as she considered this unusual gift, and a warm sense of love settled on her as she reached for the exquisitely crafted egg and retrieved it from its small nest of green, plastic Easter grass upon which it had been carefully placed.

The egg was surprisingly heavy even considering that it was more in line with what an ostrich would lay than a chicken. Painted on its shell were cats in various evolutionary forms from feral to anthro cavorting about among strangely shaped flowers that were vaguely similar to a sunflower except with spiky, pink petals surrounding a central white cone. She did not recognize the flower, but it was still beautiful, and something about the alien tableau was strangely calming and appropriate to her, though Dana could not say why.

*The egg was not real. It felt like some kind of porcelain, and it had a seam at its equator. Twisting the top half opened it easily to reveal that the upper part was empty while the bottom of the egg was full of potting soil. A small seed rested on a square of pink parchment paper. It was a curious gift, the purpose of which left her baffled. Didn't the Easter Bunny usually leave chocolate? Not knowing what else to do, she pushed her thumb into the soil to create a dimple, put the seed in the hole, added some water and covered it up. *

"I don't understand the gift, Easter Bunny, but thank you. I hope whatever this plant is can grow in this dingy apartment."

*Her shift was set to start in less than an hour, and Dana hated being late. Hastily, she gulped the rest of her coffee and stood up. Despite being fully awake and enjoying the jolt of caffeine, she felt just a little woozy and dizzy as she rose to her feet. *

It was nothing a good shower shouldn't cure, she hoped. Being sick with no one to take care of you sucked. Dana stripped off the loose t-shirt and panties she always slept in as she walked back to the bathroom. Naked, she stopped. An uncharacteristically refreshed feeling as if she were full of springy energy swept over her. It was refreshing after the momentary dizziness that she had felt in the kitchen, but it left her wondering what was going on. One pot of coffee had never made her wake up this fast before. Her pause left her standing in front of the full length hallway mirror that she usually avoided.

Her normally repulsive reflection seemed less unattractive than usual. Was it some trick of the light or a bizarre mental state brought on by too much caffeine and to little sleep? She couldn't remember the last time that she had not been instantly critical of her appearance. Something had changed either physically, which seemed impossible to her, or within her own mental state. Either way, there was no doubt that her habitual feelings of self loathing were startlingly lessened. This inspection of herself in the mirror was not producing the usual hateful feelings of self loathing. Despite always maintaining a healthy lifestyle and working out regularly, her hips and butt had always seemed too big for her height, yet now the proportions seemed close to just right. Even her breasts looked fuller and rounder. Was this real or just her imagination?

She tried to concentrate on her facial features, but they appeared to blur and move. Focusing became impossible as nausea overwhelmed her. Barely reaching the toilet, her stomach lurched, and she threw up the coffee. Her stomach settled again and stayed settled as long as she kept her eyes closed, so she did not open them. A queer crawling sensation crept all over her skin like a million hairy caterpillars on the march. That sensation was followed by hot and cold sweats.

Hoping that hot water would ease the sickly sensations that were consuming her, she groped for the tub. With her eyes still tightly clenched shut to forestall the return of the nausea, Dana slid her body over the rim of the bathtub and drew the shower curtain closed. She had showered often enough when half asleep that she was able to automatically get the water flowing from the showerhead at the optimum temperature. It was a familiar task. What was different was lying curled up on the floor of the tub instead of standing. Still, it felt better than hanging over the toilet.

*Worried that she might be seriously ill, she wondered what was happening to her. Did she have some virus? Was her coffee poisoned? Was she having some kind of stroke or heart attack? Whatever it was, it felt as if all the muscles in her body were being stretched at once after an intense muscle building workout at the gym. It was not necessarily a painful feeling as much as it was disorienting and beyond her control. *

Despite the constant stream pouring down on her, it did not immediately feel as though the water was in contact with her skin. She distinctly remembered removing her clothes, but now it felt that she was covered again, and the water was slowly seeping through the fabric. Had she been so disoriented that she had only imagined taking off her clothes? As the stretching and skin crawling sensations diminished to a point that they were barely noticeable, she risked opening her eyes.

*What she beheld was so unexpected, that her brain worked against Sherlock Holmes' brilliant deduction and sought out explanations that were impossible and made less sense than the reality. She didn't even own a fur coat, but her first thought was that she had crawled in the shower with one on. After discarding that thought as ridiculous, she wondered if in her feverish delusion she had grabbed a fuzzy blanket to keep herself warm. The problem with that theory was that she did not have any blankets that were black and white with leopard spot patterns. As a final attempt to forestall the inevitable conclusion, she reasoned she must be unconscious and hallucinating. The problem with that theory was that she suddenly felt well again. The disorientation and nausea had passed to be replaced by a renewed vigor, a sense of increased strength and stamina, and a curious feeling that everything about her was correct and as it should be; not as it had been, but as it was meant to be. *

Surrendering to the truth, she admitted that her skin was covered in a pelt of white fur with black stripes and spots. It was wet, but luxurious nonetheless. Her tail swishing slowly between her legs surprised her at first, then became a delight as she realized it was hers and she could control it. Having now accepted that she had transformed by some unknown and miraculous process, she turned the shower off. The water that had soaked into her fur made her feel heavy. She used three bath towels trying to dry herself and finally resorted to the hair dryer to drive the last of the moisture out before she was satisfied she was dry enough. Unless this transformation was temporary, she was going to need to have one of those body drying air systems installed that all furries used.

The small bathroom mirror was still steamed up from the shower. She rubbed it with a towel so she could confirm that she really did have the snout that she could see when she crossed her eyes. She had never been able to see the end of her own nose that way despite how big she thought it was. The face that looked back at her was distinctly feline with large blue eyes and sexy long eyelashes. Dana had obsessed with covering her face in makeup all of her life, but now realized she could throw all of that away. The markings on her face were more beautiful than anything she could hope to create. Stripes accented the lines of her snout and neck perfectly and emphasized the blue of her eyes like natural eyeliner. Wavy, silver white hair curled around her ears and cascaded down to her shoulders.

While drying herself she could tell her body was more lithe and better proportioned than her old one, but she dearly wanted to see it in profile in the hall mirror. She bounded into the hall like a kitten with too much pent up energy. She had always been strong from working out to try to put her awkward body into shape, but now she felt a new found grace that she had never experienced before. The joy and freedom it gave her made her dance and pirouette down the hall until she stood in front of the previously hated mirror in a pose that nearly took her own breath away. She was lithe and sexy from the rounded tips of the ears on top of her head, to the end of her thick and sensuously long tail that curled around her leg stroking it as a lover would. Everything was perfect. Her butt was round and taut, her waist was narrow, and her stomach flat, and her breasts...well they weren't huge, but they were firm and perfect. This was just the way she had always wanted her body to look.

Was this all a result of the Easter Bunny's gift? Dana returned to the kitchen. The egg halves were still sitting incongruously in the middle of her cluttered dining table, but the lower half was no longer just a vessel for soil. It was completely filled by a small shrub whose roots extended beyond the rim of the porcelain egg to cover the table. One large, six-inch diameter pink flower had bloomed in the middle of this sudden explosion of greenery.

The magic of the bloom on her table mirrored the magic of her own bodily transformation. Both were connected and were a gift. She accepted the truth and was grateful. For the first time in over a decade, her own body did not disgust her. She decided to get dressed for work and show off her new body to her colleagues. Even though her uniforms, which had been carefully sized for her old body, fit loosely in all the wrong places, she got it on and had to admit that she still looked sexy despite the ill fit. There was no opening for her tail, she cut one with her scissors. Laughing, at the absurdity of her badly fitting clothes, she left her apartment in a good mood. Finally, she did not feel ashamed of her appearance or feel any need to hide herself from others. Let everyone stare at her new body. It was what she wanted.

*Tory Doppler awoke to the painful sensation of a shaft of sunlight poking in his eyes and with the sandpaper dry mouth that comes from going to bed drunk. How late had he slept? If the sun was in his face, then it must be past noon. The window of his tiny studio apartment faced southwest. *

*He tried to stand, but his lanky and alcohol abused body refused to cooperate. He ended up tumbling to the floor in a tangle of blankets. Though the blankets hindered his ability to coordinate his movements, they lessened the impact of his body against the tile floor. They also helped keep most of his nearly naked body protected from the cold that seeped up from the ground under his tiny, basement apartment. *

"Having fur would help," he thought to himself automatically. Tory was a rare individual who suffered from a phenomenon called species dysphoria. Unlike Dana who suffered from a form of body dysmorphia wherein she had an excessive belief that her own appearance was defective and needed to be fixed, Tory was overwhelmed with feelings that he was in the wrong body, and that he should be another species. In particular, he wanted to be a furry. These feelings had been with him as a low level anxiety since he was a young boy. Lately, they had intensified to a nearly debilitating handicap, especially after he had returned from his work in Africa.

There was nothing unusual about his appearance. He was about six feet tall, wore a mop of curly black hair on his head and his dark skinned body was on the skinny side of lean. Fresh out of nursing school, he signed on to join the fight against the most recent Ebola in Africa nearly a year ago. Back in America for just a few months, he was fortunate to have landed a job at a children's hospital. Burdened with student debt and no savings, he needed a paycheck or he would be homeless. He was already overdue on the rent, and the landlord was nagging him every day for it. If he didn't get the cash for the rent, he was out on the street. Fortunately, today was payday. He just had to get to the hospital and get his check when he showed up for work.

Unlike many people, he was happy to go to work. Being busy kept his mind from destroying itself with a negative obsession with his dysphoria. The children's hospital was as rewarding a place to work as Africa had been but was far less stressful. Strangely, that was a problem for Tory. Stress and constant work kept his mind occupied and too busy to dwell on his nagging problem. His dysphoria prevented him from experiencing true happiness, and now that he had free time again, alcohol seemed to be the only thing that suppressed the feelings of being constantly in the wrong body. Drinking helped him to sleep through the night, but it was going to spill over into the day eventually and interfere with his work. A total collapse was inevitable, but he could see no way out. This body his mind lived in was repulsive and alien. Everything about it felt wrong. How much longer could he endure it?

When he looked in the mirror, he wondered that person was that stared back at him. His smooth, furless skin never felt right. Why did he have ears on the sides of his head and not on top? Where was his tail? He often for a tail he knew was there like an amputee that tried to itch a phantom limb.

He struggled to explain these feelings to others and to doctors with to no avail. Drugs had been tried with little success, so he gave up and retreated into himself. His self treatment wasn't any more effective, but it did provide some sense of self control. When he was alone and his mind wrestled to understand its body's true form, he would pull out sheets of butcher paper and begin to sketch. With pencil in hand and paper to scratch, he found a kind of peace, and lost himself in the act of creating. Often he would have no memory of the drawing process, and his art seemed as if it had been created by another person, perhaps by the body his mind and personality longed to have.

The result of his unconscious efforts was that most of his walls were covered with paper sketches ranging from thumbnail portraits to life size full body renderings. All were furries. All were mammals. Most were cats. Within the confusing and randomly ordered gallery there was a theme to the sketches. The most elaborately detailed drawings were all male lions in various poses, and they were the only ones that were life sized. Staring at those as if they were mirrors gave him moments of peace that were too few and far between.

Tory rolled onto his back and lay there in a state of despair that even his drawings could not dispel. The feelings that accompanied his dysphoria were returning, and he had no will to even go to work today. He wondered if he had the energy to make it to the kitchen to get a drink? Unfortunately, he was not thinking of water or milk. There was a bottle of whiskey somewhere in the kitchen. As he mused these depressing thoughts, his eyes focused on a spot under the dining table of outrageous color in his otherwise drab and sparsely furnished studio apartment. An object the size of a grapefruit but less round was sitting in a green nest. His bloodshot eyes could not make out any further details from his position on the floor by his bed.

All other thoughts left his tortured skull as his full attention became fixated on this strange object. Unconsciously, he was drawn towards it and began dragging his blanket entrapped body across the floor. When he reached the object of his quest, he made the same discovery Dana had, and with similar results. He was too hung-over to question how the egg had come to rest on the floor of his apartment and who had thought to provide a glass of water nearby to water the seed he found inside.

*He didn't question the why of the gift or anything about its purpose. In his current mental state, it seemed but a strange distraction. The effort to crawl to the egg had somehow exhausted him. He felt unnaturally tired considering he had slept all night long. He closed his eyes thinking that he would only rest a few , but immediately entered a dream-like state where he was on a grassy plain. It was the African savannah, recognizable from his travels. He was running, but not like a man. He was on all fours. There were lions running alongside him, and he knew that he was a lion. The rush of warm dry air over his fur was exhilarating. *

*The others of his kind transformed into anthro lions, and began running on their hind paws. When he looked down, he was doing the same. His body was still covered with tawny golden fur. His long mane-like hair trailed behind him in the warm afternoon sun. Soon, he was alone, the others having disappeared as dream people often did. Tory stopped by a calm stretch in the river and stood on a rock. Looking down at the water, he saw his reflection and it was himself, as he should be. It was a face and body he had never seen before, yet found achingly familiar. There was no cognitive disconnect as he felt when his human visage stared back at him. *

The transition from dream to wakefulness was seamless. He was standing facing the wall of his apartment examining one of his rare colored life sized drawings. At first he thought he was still dreaming, because the eyes on the drawing seemed to move with his. "_Isn't that the odd kind of thing that happens in a dream?" _ It didn't occur to him that it might be his own reflection until the paw of the lion in front of him moved as he reached out to touch it. When the two paws met the barrier medium was glass, not paper.

Like Dana, he was joyous and grateful for this gift and he acknowledged the source correctly as the Easter Bunny. Unlike Dana, Tory was so relieved to be free from the crushing alienness of his birth body that he sank to the floor and cried. These were not tears of sorrow or regret. They were the tears of the greatest joy that Tory had ever felt. So many years of pain and torment were instantly banished to the past as if they had happened to another person. He clung to the mirror for what seemed like hours just gazing at himself and touching his body. Those words, "his body", had not even been thought by him for so long it was like a brand new concept. Saying "This is my body" was like learning to skate or ride a bicycle for the first time. He had to say it aloud over and over. With each repetition, it became more natural, until like mastering a bicycle, he felt he would never stumble and forget how to say those words and rightfully feel that they were true.

*It was the insistent ringing of his phone that finally broke the euphoric spell of the Easter Bunny's gift. The hospital was calling. His supervisor wanted to know why was not there for his shift. *

_ "Are you ok? Are you feeling well?" _

"I have never felt better!" he shouted with genuine enthusiasm. "This is the greatest day of my life."

_ "What? Did you win the lottery or something?" _

"Yes. I won the lottery, the lottery of life!"

_ "What the hell does that mean? Are you coming into work or quitting?" _

"Sorry. I didn't win any money. I still need the job. I just...I mean...I feel like a new man. I can't explain over the phone very well. I'll be in as soon as I can."

_ "Ok, Tory. Everyone here was worried about you. I am still a bit. See you soon." _

Tory quickly showered and put on his hospital scrubs. Unlike Dana, his body was still overall the same size and build as before the change so his uniform fit him fine except for the tail. He had no skills with scissors, needle or thread, so he wrapped his tail around his body and tightened the drawstring over it. It was lumpy and would have to do for now. His top covered it so he wasted no more time on it and walked to work.

*Dana was angry, frustrated and disappointed, not to mention that she felt like a fool. Of course no one at the precinct station would recognize her or believe who she was. She had a new body that was nothing like her old one. Only her voice, memory and personality remained the same. That bit of familiarity was enough to stop her fellow officers from arresting her for impersonating an officer and for stealing a cop's clothes and gun. It gave them a reason to agree that it was possible she was who she said she was and maybe was telling the truth. *

Several of her colleagues even went to her apartment and found everything was as she had said it would be. They agreed that a formal investigation and ruling was required to establish who she really was and if she really was Dana Porter. They took blood samples from her and asked her questions to which only she should know the answers. In the end, they wanted to believe her and welcome the new "Dana", but higher authorities had to be consulted in a case this unusual. She was placed on an administrative paid leave, her badge and her gun confiscated, and she was sent on her way until all of this could be properly sorted out.

It pained her most to hand over that shiny badge and her well oiled and polished pistol. Those were the items that made her officially a cop. The compliments on her new body and the well wishes from most of her comrades made up for the wrenching displacement of at least temporarily not being a cop, but she was still despondent.

The only remedy she knew for such feelings was her volunteer work with the neighborhood kids. Her boss could take away her badge and ban her from work, but he couldn't stop her from volunteering. Because it was Easter Sunday, the local youth center was closed, so she headed to the children's hospital instead. She regularly visited several kids there whom she had met at the youth center. They were good kids with bad luck diseases, some of which would likely prove fatal. It was both tragic and uplifting to visit them and experience their unbridled childish optimism in the face of such daunting odds for survival.

Her visits today had been particularly refreshing to Dana. The kids seemed to recognize her instantly despite her transformation and were credulous listeners who accepted her gift from the Easter Bunny without reservation or doubt and delighted in showing Dana what the Easter Bunny had brought them.

It was on her way out from visiting with the last of her kids that she heard raised voices coming from the nurse's station around the corner. Her police training took over and she turned away from the elevator to investigate.

A wiry lion, dressed in the typical nurse's green scrubs, was gesticulating wildly and shouting at a doctor wearing the a white lab coat. The doctor was a blonde haired, female human nearly a foot shorter than the lion, but she wasn't giving an inch in the face of his tirade. In fact, she looked as though she was about to physically escort the lion out by herself. Having a practiced eye for detail, Dana noted the doctor's name as Jamie McBraddock, MD. Three other nurses, a short, male fox (Tarron), a skinny, boyish looking blonde, female human (Flora) and a female otter (Tess) with elaborate tribal markings painted on her fur were cowering behind the counter with expressions indicating various levels of anxiety. The situation looked volatile and bordering on violence, so Dana stepped into the field of view of both the doctor and the lion.

"What seems to be the problem?" Dana used her calm, yet authoritative cop voice. That tone and the uniform were usually enough to make people back down a notch just out of respect for or fear of authority. It didn't have the desired effect on these two.

The doctor turned abruptly to the nurses. "Who called the cops? I didn't say to call the cops." The nurses just shrugged their shoulders and looked at each other with quizzical expressions. "This is an internal hospital affair, and I can handle it."

The lion, who wore no name tag, rounded on Dana as if she were the new enemy. "I have a right to be here. I work here. You can't arrest me. There are Union rules that protect me. They can't make me leave just because they don't recognize me."

Jamie was not willing to concede. "This is my floor, full of my patients, and you are a potential threat to them, so I'll damn well toss you out of here if I want." As the doctor moved towards the lion, Dana stepped between them, strangely enough to protect the lion. The oblivious cat did not seem to realize the diminutive doctor was fixing to drag him away by the scruff of his neck. The five foot tall doctor looked capable of doing it, especially if her nurses jumped in to help.

"No one is tossing anyone anywhere now that I am here. I want you to both calm down and explain to me what is going on here." When the doctor and the lion tried shouting their story at the same time, Dana was forced to hold up her paws to silence them. "One at time. Doctor, you go first, since this is your territory."

Tory began to complain, but Dana silenced him. "Wait your turn, Mustafa. You'll have your say. Don't worry."

"My name is not, Must..."

"I said wait your turn. You going to do that, or do I have to cuff you?" The lion shut his mouth and sulked.

Dana let the doctor go first to calm her down, since she seemed the closest to the edge of violence. The lion was still an unknown, though, and potentially a greater risk, so she kept her attention focused on him as the doctor talked. He was fidgety and agitated, but did not have the look of someone on drugs; there was no dilation of the pupils, his speech was not impaired or sluggish, his physical coordination seemed fine, and he didn't have any tremors. It wasn't positive proof he was clean and sober, but Dana had seen plenty of people who were high on drugs, and this guy didn't have that look. In fact, he seemed like he was just naturally high on life and very excited. It reminded her of how she had felt this morning after her transformation.

*The doctor spoke to Dana as if she were one her nurses to bully and boss around. The snow leopard had dealt with plenty of people like her also, and listened without emotion; only the light twitching of her new ears betrayed her irritation. "This cat showed up here about twenty minutes ago proclaiming he was one of my nurses, Tory Doppler." *

At the mention of his name, the lion stopped fidgeting for a moment. Dana's practiced eye for observation caught the reaction. As she continued her condescending lecture, the doctor held up a photo ID badge with the name Tory Doppler on it and a picture of a dark skinned male with unkempt, curly black hair.

"As you can plainly see, this guy looks absolutely nothing like Tory. How he got his ID is a mystery. He probably found it, or stole it." A sudden realization struck the doctor, and her stern composure was momentarily broken. "Do you think that this lion mugged Tory and took his stuff? You need to go check on him and find out where he is. He was late this morning and when I called him to confirm that he was coming in. We haven't seen or heard from him since. You should arrest this guy and question him." Apparently done with her explanation and looking to Dana for action, the doctor was silent.

"We'll consider that in a moment. It is Mustafa's turn now to explain his side of the story."

The lion snarled at her use of that name. "My name is not Mustafa, its Tory."

Dana pointed to the ID. "Are you saying the man in that picture is you?"

Tory shook his head, and his mane waved enticingly. Dana was caught off guard by how handsome he suddenly seemed. Chastising herself silently, she made sure to keep her stern cop face going. This was no time get googly-eyed over a suspect.

"That is not who I am. That never was. This is who I am and always have been." Tory slapped his chest with his paws as he spoke. "I am Tory Doppler, and she has my ID. I want it back."

"See," exclaimed the doctor. "He admits he isn't Tory. What did you do with Tory, you creep?"

The situation rapidly escalated as the doctor lunged at Tory in anger, and the lion tried to grab the ID she held in her outstretched hand. Dana was in the middle, but was not helpless. She body checked the doctor, pushing her up against the counter while simultaneously grabbing the lanky lion's outstretched arm. Off balance from trying to reach around the cop, Tory was easily yanked forward and off his feet to be planted face first on the floor with the snow leopard on top of him. In a motion born of years of practice, a pair of handcuffs was off her utility belt and securing the lion's wrists behind his back.

The doctor's face was turning red with rage, obviously not used to being pushed around. Dana would cuff her, too if she had to. "Stay where you are Doctor McBraddock unless you want to be restrained like this lion here." That threat deflated her ire and held the angry blonde frozen in place.

"Mustafa and I are going to the station. Please hand over the ID." The doctor complied. To his credit, the lion was compliant also and did not resist as Dana helped him to his hind paws, and began walking him to the elevator.

"I really do need to work you know." Tory's voice was tinged with sadness and some desperation. "I still have student loans and need every pay check just to make the rent and pay utilities for my apartment. I can't wait for this to get sorted out. Man, I thought all my problems were solved by that egg this morning, and now they seem to just be beginning."

*Dana wasn't really listening to him, as she realized that she was not on duty and had no authority to arrest this guy or take him anywhere. The situation had triggered her police training, and she had acted to diffuse the situation. Now she had a guy in cuffs and couldn't take him to the station without getting into real trouble herself. If she let him go, would he just come back inside and cause trouble again? She wasn't sure what to do. To make matters worse, the lion was looking her over as though he were both admiring her body and trying to puzzle out something about her appearance. She was immediately self conscious of her ill-fitting uniform. As a result, she hit the wrong button in the elevator resulting in a trip to the basement level. *

She didn't realize her mistake until after they left the elevator and the doors closed behind them. To try to cover her mistake, she led Toby down the hall following exit signs that she hoped led to the back parking lot where she had parked her motorcycle. She had decided that she would take this guy to whatever he called home and see what she could learn about him and decide if he was safe enough to leave alone. Maybe if she gave him the This time I am giving you just a warning speech, it would take care of the situation.

"Are those clothes hand me downs? Can't the police department afford to buy uniforms that fit?" Tory's observation made her stop in the middle of the hall. "Where is your badge and gun? I bet you aren't a real cop. Show me your ID. I think you should let me go, or I am going to scream for help."

The lion was right, and Dana knew it. She wasn't a cop at the moment. Until she got things sorted out over her transformation, she was off duty and had no authority to arrest anyone. She couldn't take this guy back into the station. Still, she didn't like the idea of not being a cop and felt she had to protest.

"I am a cop. At least I was until today, but I will be one again soon when they realize I am still the same person I was before the change."

"What are you going on about, are you a cop or not?"

"Yes, I am, or was, but then the egg grew a flower and...never mind. You don't really need to hear about my pathetic life. What the hell am I going to do about you, though? I can't just leave you here, and I can't take you in to the station."

*"Yes I do want to hear about your pathetic life." She gave him a sharp look that made him try to recover from his own words. "I meant I want to know what you mean about an egg. I found an egg this morning that grew a strange flower and made me, well, me." Dana found the lion's way of talking confusing but tantalizingly pertinent to her situation. *

Before she could pursue the similarity of his experience to hers, a door slammed somewhere down the hall and around a corner in front of them. Footsteps were coming their way. Dana swore. "Damn! You're right. I'm temporarily not a cop, but, I'm not letting you out of my sight just yet. Come with me and let's talk about eggs."

They turned in unison as if thinking as one and spied a door across and just down the hallway. Moving together into the darkened room, they held their breath. They were both silent and not breathing as the footsteps approached and passed on by without slowing. They exhaled as one and looked into each other's eyes. The absurdity of the situation made them both laugh briefly.

*Their laughter was a small shared experience that broke the tension between them and made them slightly more relaxed together. Tory turned his back to her and held his cuffed wrists up towards her. *

"Since you aren't a cop, would you mind letting me out of these cuffs. I promise to be a good boy and tell you everything you want to know and not to create a scene again. I also won't scream for help."

Dana hesitated. Tory did seem harmless enough, and she had her suspicions now that he was telling some form of the truth and wasn't here to cause mischief.

"Ok, but try anything funny, and you are back in the cuffs."


The cuffs were off his wrists and on her belt in just a few seconds. While rubbing his wrists, Tory had a wistful look on his face as though he almost missed their confining presence. He seemed to be lost in a momentary daydream.

"Would you like them back on?"

"Huh? Well...maybe later." Dana wondered what he meant by that, but before she could ask, he looked around puzzled. "That's weird."

"What is?"

"The lights are off, but I can see everything in this room really well."

The room they happened into was an exercise room. Several treadmills, stationary bicycles and elliptical cross trainers were set facing a blank concrete wall. Two weight benches with associated barbells and dumbbells occupied the rest of the space. The lights were off, heavy construction paper covered the only window high up on the wall and the only illumination was from the small LED lights in the power switches of the aerobic machines. Both furs were surprised at how well they could see in the dark room.

Dana looked around seeing the room in a similar fashion through her new cat eyes. "Wow. This is great. This will be a huge help in my line of work."

*Tory looked at her anew and wondered to himself if she had been transformed like him. "She mentioned an egg and a change and now was acting as if being a cat is all new to her. Could it be that...no way. That would be too much of a coincidence, but what if she was transformed like me? We would be like soul mates." *

"Well? I freed you. Now fulfill your promise and tell me what I want to know."

"What do you want to know?"

"Let's start with who you really are and why you say you are the guy on this ID card, who is human, while you are a lion."

Tory realized he had been unclear earlier when trying to explain himself. That happened when he got overly excited. The adrenaline high he had been riding all day since he transformed into his correct body was gone now. The result was that he was more coherent and able to tell his story to Dana in a reasonably lucid and linear fashion.

Dana listened, fascinated as Tory described his lifelong battle with species dysphoria, his drawings, his travels to Africa, his alcohol abuse, finding the egg, his waking dream, and the discovery of his new body afterward.

"That's incredible." Dana laughed. "Almost exactly the same thing happened to me."

*As she related her problems with body dysmorphia and the story of her transformation gift from the Easter Bunny, Tory began to examine her body in great detail. She was insanely beautiful. Every graceful curve of her fur clad body from her neck, to her breasts, to her hips, to her legs was tantalizingly erotic. His dysphoria had made his own body so alien and repulsive to him that he could never bring himself to use it for something as intimate as sex. Now that he had a body that fit his psyche, all those years of repressed sexual desire caught up with him. *

*The leopard noticed he was looking at her, first in a questioning way, and then in a hungry and predatory sort of way. She wasn't used to males finding her physically appealing and being attracted to her. To be safe, she moved around the piece of equipment they had been standing behind to shield them from the door, to put it and distance between her and the lion. *

Tory finished his visual tour of her body and spoke again. "I recognize you now, though not visually, of course You are the cop who comes in regularly to visit some of the kids" She glanced at him skeptically, so he explained. "I have only been working here at the hospital a couple of months, but the other nurses talk about you, and I saw you once in your old form. No offense intended, but you really do look a lot better as a cat than you did as a human."

"I'm not offended by that. I hated my old body. It was horrible. This one is a huge improvement." She did prefer her new body more, but it seemed to attract a lot of attention that her old body hadn't. She had noticed on her way to the station and to the hospital that males gave her more than just a passing glance, and they certainly didn't look away repelled or uninterested as they used to. At first it was exciting and new to receive so much attention, but the charm was wearing off. She was tired from an eventful day and was becoming a little sick of being looked at as an object for sexual gratification. Tory was no different. The way he was looking at her, it was as if he wanted something, and that something was her.

"I'll say it is. You are the sexiest looking kitty I have ever seen. What do you think of my new body. I'm a cat, too."

That was pretty obvious, Dana thought to herself. She had already appraised him the way she examined every detail when her police instincts were active. He was nice looking, perhaps even handsome in a rangy, lanky kind of way. "Now, I do remember seeing you here at least once on my visits. You weren't bad looking as I recall. I bet women found you attractive."

"That's what I was told, but it wasn't my body, so I never paid attention. Now I am paying attention, and you didn't answer my question." He moved towards her and his movements took on the appearance of a cat stalking its prey. "Do you think I am handsome now?"

*As he tried to move around the treadmill, she moved in the opposite direction to keep the machine between them. "You promised to be a good boy. Now you stay away from me you. You hear me." *

"I'm just being playful."

"Stay away. What are you playing at?"

"I'd like to play at you, to tell the truth."

"Well that's not going to happen, I'll be damned if my first time is going to be with a complete stranger, in a room where anyone can walk in and..and..." She clapped both paws over her snout. "Oh_, my God. Did I just say that out loud?"_

"What? Did you just say 'first time'? I don't believe that. You were kind of plain looking, but not that bad."

Dana was ashamed of her confession and confused that he hadn't thought of her old body as repulsive. Tory took advantage of her sudden inattention to pounce with cat like speed to grab hold of her arm. In truth, he wasn't trying to molest her or anything. He was just interested in being close to her. In his new form it seemed like a perfectly natural thing to do. He was hoping she found him as enticing as he found her. Lacking experience in dealing with others, acting in a romantic context was foreign to him and left him behaving a little too abruptly.

Surprised by the rapidity of his movement, she reverted to her well-practiced, defensive police skills. The cuffs were off her belt and anchoring him to the treadmill before he could react. Instinctively, he let go of her arm as he tried hopelessly to free himself. She headed for the door.

"Hey, you can't just leave me here cuffed to this thing," he yelled after her angrily.

She had not meant to cuff him but he gave her no choice. She stopped at the door and considered her options. Realizing that she never should have interfered in the first place, the best thing to do was to let him go to sort out his life as best he could. She had no authority to keep him locked up. If her precinct captain found out about this, she would get in serious trouble. Rummaging around in her uniform, it took her a minute to find the key to the cuffs that she had placed in the wrong pocket after freeing Tory the first time. As she went through the door, she tossed it in his general direction and kept going without another word.

*She hustled down the hall and discovered an exit that did lead to the parking lot. As she sat astride her motorcycle, she contemplated her emotions towards Tory. He made her feel things she had never felt before. Mostly, she felt uncomfortable and embarrassed. What she wanted now was to be as far away from him as she could before he got the cuffs off. She turned the engine over and began driving across the parking lot slowly. Having men attracted to her because of her looks was something she had never considered, and she was not sure how she felt about that aspect of her new form. Being overlooked for her looks was unpleasant; getting attention because of them could also be unpleasant. That was a startling realization. *

"Damn it," she said aloud in frustration both because she felt she handled the situation with Tory badly and because it was going to cost her to replace those cuffs. "It's a small price to be away from him, but is that what I really want? He's got to be in as bad a position as I am, but at least I have people working to help me. Will anyone help Tory?" She stopped the bike to try to sort out her conflicted emotions and the engine stalled.

"Stupid. Stupid." That is what Tory was calling himself as he watched her lovely behind and tail vanish through the door. What the hell had just happened? He had handled that really smooth. He had acted like a horny teenager. What a fool he had been. Having the right body for the first time in his life was euphoric and disorienting. He had way too many questions in his head right now, and half an erection as thoughts of what he had wanted to do to her on the equipment in the room came back to him. Just where those had come from he had no idea. It had started when she first cuffed him. Why that turned him on he didn't know, but it felt good to be shackled and roughed up by her. Fantasies of being cuffed to the exercise bench while she straddled him brought his half erection to full attention.

She had not been provocative at all, she was more like an unsure stumbling, embarrassed virgin. But could that be, was she really a virgin like him? That's probably why his provocative advances had driven her away. He saw that now. He wished she would come back so he could apologize. He needed a friend, and the most likely person in the whole world to relate to him and sympathize with him was now gone, driven away by his incompetent sexual advances. All the earlier joy he had felt since his transformation drained away leaving him depressed and without a plan. What would he do? Where would he go?

The key to the cuffs was in his paw. He had caught it out of the air with his new lightning reflexes; another advantage of being a cat. Unsure of what to do or where to go, he left the key unused and sat down on the treadmill with his head between his knees and sulked. His right arm was hanging at an awkward angle from where it was locked to the treadmill arm rest, but he didn't care.

About to start the engine and go home to figure out how to fill the days until her employment as a cop was resolved, she looked at a nearby basement window at ground level. Her spatial memory was excellent. That was the window to the exercise room. It had been covered with some kind of paper that let no light through, so she couldn't see inside. Nevertheless, she was certain it was the right window. It was on the right side of the building and the correct distance from the exit.

The pavement abutted against the building, so she pulled her bike against the wall and pushed at the window with her boot. It swung open with a rusty metal squeak spilling light into the darkened room. Dana could see that Tory was still cuffed to the treadmill and sitting down with his head between his knees.

"Did I throw the key out of reach?"

*He looked up and smiled a strangely sad smile. His furry cheeks were wet from crying. Opening his left paw, she saw that he held the key. *

"Why don't you free yourself then?"

Tory shrugged. "I don't know. Where will I go, and what will I do?"

It seemed they were both thinking the same thoughts. Maybe she had been too hasty in running away. It wasn't like he could overpower her anyway. She knew how to take care of herself.

"I have been having the same thoughts myself," she confessed. "Maybe we can help each other. Do you want to come with me?"

"Yes, of course. Do you really mean it? I mean, I was kind of an idiot a few minutes ago."

"Yeah, even after that. I can subdue you if you try it again. I'm thinking you are smarter than that."

Now, Tory's smile was cheerful. He used the key to free himself and easily slithered out the window on his belly and rose kneeling at her side gazing up at her on her motorcycle. "I swear that if you forgive me and help me, I won't try anything like that again."

She wasn't so sure now she would hold him to that promise, but gave no hint of her growing interest in him as she held out her paw. "My cuffs and key." The items were returned to her utility belt. "Hop on, Tory."

"Is it ok for me to hold on to you?"

The sweet innocence of his question made her laugh. "You'd better. I like to drive fast."

"Can we swing by my place first? I am going to be evicted anyway and need to grab my stuff and find a shelter I suppose. I can't pay my rent without a paycheck and the hospital won't give me my check since they don't believe who I am."

Dana tore out of the parking lot following Tory's directions to his apartment. Tory held on tight to her each time the acceleration threatened to leave him behind. It felt good to have a man holding on to her like that, needing her and wanting her.

*At a stoplight, Dana noticed how poorly her helmet fit. "I guess I'm going to have to buy a new helmet. This one hurts my ears." Tory laughed just as a car with several male furries pulled up. A jackal, a wild dog and another lion like Tory were in the vehicle. It was obvious they were focused on Dana. They made cat-calls at Dana, which earned them a startlingly loud roar from Tory. That stunned them enough that they lagged behind at the light as Dana sped away. They soon caught up, made some obscene gestures and comments and sped off. *

If Dana had her badge and gun, she would have pulled them over and given them a lecture. When they arrived at Tory's apartment, she rounded on Tory as they got off the bike.

"What was that?"

"What was what?"

"At the light, the roar."

"Don't know. It just came out when they started up. I didn't like what they were doing." He appeared embarrassed.

"Were you jealous?" He did not answer her. "Well were you?"

"Not sure how I should answer, I said I would behave myself, and then I go all primal lion. I'm sorry."

Dana looked at him and shook her head in pleased bemusement. "Don't worry about it. I'm not going to abandon you just yet. Actually, it was kind of cool, and if it was in defense of me, I think I like it."

*A big smile spread across his face. "That's encouraging," he thought to himself and gestured her to follow him down some stairs to his basement studio. It was a tiny and grimy place. Tory only had enough belongings to fill a duffel bag he was able to strap to his back. All the meager furnishings came with the apartment. It was clear that he was not kidding about needing a paycheck to get by. *

*Dana was impressed, though, by his skill as an artist, and she insisted that they recover all of the drawings and roll them up to take with them. Tory didn't feel that he needed them anymore, but Dana would not let him leave them behind. Both of them felt the plant in the egg should come, also. It would be an ungrateful act to abandon such a lovely and magical gift. *

Once he was all packed, Dana was unsure what else to do with him. She felt sorry for him and wasn't ready to part company with her new friend, so she took him to her apartment. Tory was grateful for temporary reprieve from being homeless.

When they arrived at her place, Tory followed her into the apartment. It was much cleaner and nicer than his was, though still nothing grand.

"Make yourself at home, I'm going to be just a minute, I need to change."

"Ok." He put his duffel bag in a corner by the door and wished he could make himself at home. He had brief but pleasant reverie as he thought about how pleasant it would be to have this be his home and her his mate, but he wasn't going to go there. Hadn't he promised to be good? He wasn't going to be a presumptuous ass now and act like he was moving in. The duffel bag would stay by the exit, easy to grab, for whenever she told him to leave.

*Dana's clothes were all sized for her old self, and she really did want to wear something that showed off her new body. She rummaged around and finally put on her gym clothes. The stretchy fabric clung to her new body like her own skin, a much nicer fit. It was provocative as hell, especially with Tory around, so she began looking for some shorts, and was bent over with her tail towards the door, when she heard a sound behind her. It was Tory. *

"Hey, I thought I told you to wait."

"You said a minute. That was more like ten. I just came to check on you."

"I bet you did, pervert." Tory was looking at her again with that hungry expression, but made no move towards her. He seemed out of place standing there in his hospital scrubs, and she thought he should change his clothes, which made her think of him undressing and other things that drew her attention towards the bed. They were both silent as they caught each other looking at the bed at the same time.

Dana panicked a little. "Out! Now! I will be out as soon as I am dressed."

Tory backed in the hall, and she slammed the door behind him. A few minutes later she came out wearing a pair of shorts and an oversized t-shirt covering her exercise bra and pants. Tory was sitting on her couch in her living room.

"This will have to do until I can go shopping." She gestured toward the table behind the couch. "There is the egg and plant that have answered all my prayers. I think."

"What do you mean, think?"

"Yesterday I would have said I would give anything to look like this, but now I'm realizing that you can get unwanted attention; that may not be better."

Tory considered that. "You're a head turner alright. There's no way to avoid attracting attention from heterosexual males. You are astoundingly beautiful." Dana blushed, but was not offended. His statement was heartfelt and had been stated as if it were a simple fact to be acknowledged and not a cheap come-on line. "As a male, I don't worry about that. I want attention, but more than that, I don't ever want to go back to the way I was. This is my true form. I feel right and whole for the first time in my life." He paused and was silent for a moment. "Though, I guess I do have some regrets like you. I can't prove who I am. As a result, I am homeless."

He turned his attention to the two eggs on the table with their identical flowers. He was not sure he wanted to continue the conversation along its current path. He noticed that the roots of both plants had intertwined as if seeking comfort and solace from each other. "When had that happened?"

"The flower on my plant is the same as yours. Any idea what it is?"

"No, not really. Does it matter?"

"There's magic in them. I am sure of that, but I guess it is irrelevant as long as it worked. Still, I'm at least curious to know its name." He pulled out his cell phone, took a picture and searched the image on line. "King Protea, eh? Curious."

Not wanting to address the most important question at hand, they were devolving into random conversation. An uncomfortable silence followed. Both of them realized a decision needed to be made about what Tory should do next and where he should go, and if he should go.

Dana found herself becoming more attracted to and fond of Tory with each passing minute that she spent with the lion, but she still wasn't ready to make a decision about his fate. "Tell me about your drawings. Are you an artist, too?"

Tory had never thought of himself as an artist. "I wouldn't call myself that. It's more of an obsession than a skill. It is what I do...did, rather. It helped with my anxiety. My human body was wrong for me, and my personality never felt comfortable in it. Drawing helped me focus and feel at ease. It was therapy for me. I suppose I don't need it anymore."

"Don't give it up, please. You have a wonderful talent." A crazy thought suddenly occurred to Dana, and she acted on it. "Would you draw me - make a sketch of me in my new form? I would like to know how you really see me."

*Tory's art had always been deeply personal. Drawing for someone else was a new concept for him. His emotions on the matter were ambiguous, but he wanted to impress her despite his unease. "Ok." *

*"Would you like me to pose in a certain way?" *

"However you like. Just get comfortable, because this may take a while. I've drawn on purpose before, only when I had to to stop from going mad."

Tory retrieved his art supplies from his bag while Dana reclined seductively on the couch. To Tory it, seemed that there was no pose that would not be seductive for her now, but he didn't say that aloud.

It did not take him long to finish the drawing. He was surprised by how easily it came to him. He handed her the drawing when it was done. She looked it over and purred unconsciously, then looked at him slyly.

"You are a naughty boy drawing me with no clothes on."

"I'm sorry. That's how I see you, I guess."

"Don't be sorry. It is excellent. I like it. May I keep it?"

"Sure. You have been very kind to me. I'll draw you more if you like. Anything to repay you. I desperately need your help to prove I'm who I say I am. You're a cop. I hope you can help me."

"I guess we could start by going down to the station and doing some of the same things I have done to prove my identity. Although, it has just occurred to me that it is still a holiday with bare bones staff. They aren't going to make time for you today. It will have to wait till tomorrow."

Dana could see that Tory did not look happy at this new information. His tail. which had been swishing back and forth when he had been drawing, was now hanging limp between his legs. Tory wanted this sorted out sooner than later, but he admitted to himself that she was right. There was nothing to be done today.

This was the moment of truth, and they both knew it. Tory rose to go as Dana made her decision. They both tried to speak at once.

"I think I should go now..."

"Why don't you spend the night here with..."

They both fell silent as they processed what the other just said. Tory spoke first. "Are you sure you want me to stay, especially after drawing you like that? I promised to be good, and I am not sure I am honoring that promise."

Biting her lip and blushing, Dana replied, "Uh huh. I do want you to stay with me. I would not mind if you made more drawings like that of me." As she spoke, Dana realized that she was falling in love with Tory, or at least was becoming sexually attracted to him. Perhaps the two emotions were inseparable like the roots of their egg hatched flowers. She removed her baggy shirt and shorts. "Although you seem to know how I look anyway, maybe this will help you draw me easier." Dana struck an even sexier pose on the couch and waited for Tory to draw.

Stunned by her generous offer to let him stay and her flirtatious behavior towards him, it was his turn to blush. Recovering quickly, he rapidly produced a sketch that made her squeal with delight when she saw it. He produced several more of her in various poses; each one slightly more provocative than the previous. When he produced a drawing with her and him together, she gasped in surprise.

Tory was in cuffs again, on his knees in front of her, with his snout close to her crotch. She was dressed in her police uniform complete with her motorcycle boots, but the uniform he drew fit her new figure very well indeed. One paw was on her hip and the other on his head between his ears. There was nothing overtly sexual in the scene, but he had managed to convey an expectant tension with the image that made the presumption of sex inevitable.

Dana felt a hot, flushed feeling over her whole body with the most intense concentration of warmth in her loins. This drawing made it obvious that Tory wanted her, and she knew now that she wanted him, too.

Tory was looking at her expectantly, bracing himself for rejection. "Thank you for these drawings," she said to ease his fear and because she meant it. "Let me do something more for you in return. I am going to my room again. This time, stay put. Ok?"

Tory nodded. Dana disappeared down the hall and soon returned wearing her motorcycle boots, her police utility belt, her riding sunglasses and her police cap. She left the baggy clothes behind and opted for just her exercise bra and pants.

Her lion lover's eyes grew wide in surprise, then narrowed nearly shut in pleasure, realizing what she was offering. He knelt in front of her has he had posed himself in the picture and held his wrists together in front of himself. It was obvious to Dana what he wanted; his drawing was lie an IKEA instruction manual. Anyone could read it and figure it out. He purred deeply as she cuffed him with his hands behind his back, and his scrub pants bulged out noticeably as his erection grew.

*Grabbing his mane with her paw as he had depicted her in his sketch, she brought his snout up against her crotch. The spandex blocked his tongue from touching her directly, but her scent and heat were palpable. Tory ground his snout against her urgently, eliciting a gasp of pleasure from Dana who gripped his mane with both paws to encourage him to rub harder. His handcuffed paws rose between her legs to press against her buttocks. *

Dana had masturbated many times to release her unfulfilled sexual frustrations, so nothing that he was doing physically was new to her per se, but to have another person doing it for her was an exquisite delight that brought her in a rush to an intense orgasm. The spasms in her body were so overwhelming, she had to yank his head back and tilt it upward so she could recover. Her spandex exercise pants were completely soaked from his saliva and her own juices.

When her body stopped shaking and her heaving breaths subsided to gentle panting, an uncontrollable purring rose from deep within her diaphragm. It occurred to her that she was still gripping his mane in her fists while he was uncomfortably cuffed and on his knees. The fact that he was so obviously enjoying it encouraged her to bend over and kiss him passionately. Tory returned her kiss with his own and explored her mouth with his tongue. She could smell and taste her own sex on his snout. The thought of his tongue being not in her mouth but elsewhere inside of her made her purr even louder. His musky smell was competing with hers, and she reveled in the heady mixture of competing scents.

She spoke as sternly as she could as the long denied lust she felt intruded into her voice. "You have been a very bad kitty today, Tory. I am afraid that I am going to have to arrest you and interrogate you."

Tory spoke around his tongue that greedily explored her mouth. "Yeth, ma'am. I promith to come along peathfully and offer no rethithtance."

His acquiescence to her authority made Dana want him more. "Come with me then to the station." She led him to the bedroom, and stood him in front of the foot of her bed. It was a four poster style bed with metal posts and rails across the head board and foot board. It had never occurred to her before now how useful this style of bed might be for an evening of light bondage. She praised her lucky choice.

The hospital scrubs Tory still wore were straining in the front, forming a prominent tent. Lion's were one of the largest of the big cats, and it looked like he was going to live up to being a very "big" cat indeed.

She stood behind him so he could not see what she was doing. It was a psychological trick she used automatically to keep a suspect submissive, off balance and easily controllable.

"I have to make sure that you aren't concealing any weapons," she purred into his ear from behind as she drew his shirt up over his head, while rubbing her paws over his flat stomach and chest. The cuffs prevented her from taking the shirt past his wrists, but she didn't care. She was delighted to use her paws to explore his lean, furry body. His fur was a beautiful gold with red highlights in his mane. By his purring and quick shallow breathing, she could tell he was enjoying being explored this way while bound and helpless. The tangle of his shirt about his wrists only added to his enjoyment.

His pants and boxers were the next to go. She deliberately left them tangled about his ankles. Dana was not disappointed by what she found now that Tory was naked. He was indeed a very "big" cat. She reached around him from behind pressing her breasts against his back and her pussy against his ass. His slender tail swished up between her thighs to entwine with her thicker, fuller tail. Her black spots and stripes on white fur contrasted nicely with his golden pelt.

Each of her paws grasped a portion of his lengthy staff. Dana felt the small fleshy barbs that grew along its length. She had heard of this peculiarity of cat anatomy before but had never seen it. She certainly had never touched one. She shivered thinking how exquisite it was going to feel inside of her.

"It seems that you were hiding a dangerous weapon after all. It's a good thing I searched you so thoroughly." Tory said nothing. Gasps of bliss were all that escaped his lips as she squeezed and stroked the length of his cock. "I think that I may have to discharge this weapon to render it harmless."

The lion groaned as she increased the pace of her strokes until his climax hit. Semen shot out from his cock and onto and through the metal bars of the bed in rope after rope until it hung from the cross pieces of the footboard in long sticky tendrils and left the end of her bedcover a sticky mess.

"Just as I thought. A large caliber weapon with an illegally large ammo clip. You are naughty criminal aren't you, Tory?"

His breath was coming in gasps and his body was lightly shaking from the aftermath of having her paw him off so forcefully with his wrists and ankles bound. The helpless feeling of being used that way was like nothing he had ever experienced before. In fact, he had never even masturbated before. His lack of connection to his own body had prevented him from ever doing such normal exploration. The result was a profoundly new experience that left him weak and gloriously satisfied. He was only able to stand because she was holding on to him so tightly.

Dana, however, was not done with her new sex toy. She quickly unlocked one wrist from the handcuffs, and secured the end to one bed post at the foot of the bed, tossed his shirt aside and secured the other wrist to the other foot post so his arms were spread wide, and he had to kneel on the floor.

*"These pants are wet and in the way. I think they have to go. With feline fluidity, she leapt onto the bed and faced him. Slowly, as he watched helplessly, she removed her bra, letting her full round breasts drop down to slap against her chest with her erect, pink nipples standing out proudly. Her spandex shorts were a little more difficult to remove over her boots, but she managed it. *

Despite having just jizzed enough to fill a coffee mug, his erection returned full force as Tory watched Dana's striptease. Naked except for boots, belt and hat, she squatted down at the edge of the bed with her paws on the low cross rail. Their snouts were nearly touching. Tory strained to reach her lips, but she stayed just out of his reach and licked him playfully.

"It is time for the interrogation, Tory. If you answer all of my questions truthfully, I may be able to offer you a deal and help you do some easy time. If you don't, well there is always the state prison and plenty of hardened criminals who would love to have you as their bitch."

Tory tried to lick and kiss her, but she drew away teasingly whenever he did. The cuffs that held him in place limited his movements too much to catch her. He moaned. "I promise to tell you the truth. I'll talk. I'll tell you whatever you want to know, Officer."

"You have a sweet and silvery tongue. Let's put it good use. I think you can answer my questions and pleasure me at the same time. This time without any obstruction between your tongue and my pussy."

She sat down on the bed and threw her shapely legs over the bed rail while spreading them wide. The rosy pink folds of her sex were open and begging for his kiss. Accepting the invitation, he licked with his long, raspy tongue from the base of her opening to the sensitive nub at the top. Her body spasmed involuntarily when he touched her clit.

"Stay right there," she ordered. He complied and let his tongue circle around and over her bump. "Oh, God, that's good. Now tell me, do you think I am beautiful?"

"Yeth, Offither," he slurred having his tongue otherwise occupied.

Dana began to pant. "Do you find me sexually irresistible?"

"Yeth, Offither. I can't take my eyeth or my mouth off you." His sly tongue left her clit and began to explore the inner reaches of her sex. Dana groaned at the loss of contact with her sensitive nub, but began purring again when he pressed the tip of his snout against it and rubbed while his tongue worked its magic. She grabbed his mane again and rotated her pelvis up and down against his snout.

"Do you want to fuck me, Tory?"

"Yeth, Offither."

"Oh, fuck!" she yelled as her second orgasm swept over her. She kept the pressure of his snout hard against her pussy and clit as she furiously ground herself against his face. Never before had she cum twice in one night and never as forcefully s this.

Spent, she fell back on the bed an groaned, her breasts rising and falling with the heaving of her chest. Tory watched her supple body slowly writhing in ecstasy. He wanted to rise, climb on top of her and thrust his manhood deep into her cleft, but he was too securely shackled. Being chained just made him more aroused and desirous of her. Cum oozed freely from the end of his long, pink barbed, cock.

Dana could feel the bed shake and the metal creak as he pulled at the cuffs that chained him to the bed. Their desires were coincident. She wanted him inside of her as badly as he wanted to part her gates. Sliding over the foot rail of the bed, she stood in front of him.

"I have a few more questions for you, Tory. You have earned the privilege of getting off the floor. With the key, she unfastened one cuff and bade him lie on his back on the bed. When he was in position, she reattached the cuff to the bed post, then tied his ankles to the headboard posts with cord. The result left him spread eagled on the bed with his head at the foot, his feet at its head and his mighty cock lying against his belly.

*Reaching in a drawer by the nightstand, Dana removed a vibrator that she had often used to satisfy herself during her years of self imposed loneliness. She applied a generous amount of lube, and then, gritting her teeth and grunting at the pleasurable pain, inserted it in her tailhole in a well practiced motion that made it slowly disappear until the bulbous end was all that remained visible. *

She flicked the switch, and then bent over Tory's cock licking up and down its length and sucking at the tip as the vibrator pleasured her ass. She observed his reaction to her oral caresses so that she could repeat motions that made him jump in ecstasy and struggle against his bonds. When she took as much of his cock in her mouth as she could, she slowly drew back letting the barbs catch momentarily against her teeth before snapping back against his shaft. Clear pre-cum oozed generously into her mouth, and she swallowed it with a satisfied purr. On a whim, she teasingly licked his nipples and found him to be extraordinarily sensitive there, and tortured him for a while making him yelp as she licked and chewed on them.

*Once he was breathing heavily and pulling on the cuffs hard enough to warp the end posts, she returned to his cock again and sucked and licked on it until she thought he was close to cumming again. With the vibrator still firmly planted up her ass, she sat astride her lion lover and guided his shaft up inside her pussy until she could feel the tip pushing against her cervix. The sensation of being filled in both of her holes was as powerful or perhaps more so than when Tory rubbed his snout against her sex. Each barb stabbed into the walls of her vagina creating dozens of pressure points that made her howl involuntarily as her third and most forceful orgasm overtook her. *

Tory's whole body went rigid as she rode up and down the length of his shaft. He strained at his bonds, completely unable to control the pace of his own stimulation. Her howls were accompanied by the squeezing of her convulsing vaginal muscles, and that was enough to push him over the edge to his second orgasm. Roaring, his voice joined hers and they screamed together until led by some instinct, she bent over him turning her neck so that it was within reach of his jaws. He bit down. She screamed louder than he thought achievable, and the intensity of her orgasm went beyond any sensation she thought possible.

Dana collapsed on top of Tory when he released her neck and idly licked at his snout in a torpid daze as his chest rose and fell beneath her in a steady rhythm. Dana reached back to turn off the vibrator, and used her rectal muscles to push it out onto the bed. Sighing, she laid quietly for a few minutes and then laughed.

"What's so funny, love?"

"I forgot to ask you the rest of my questions, love."

"Ask away. I don't think I am going anywhere soon. I seem to be a bit tied up at the moment."

Dana smiled and kissed him. "I'll free you now, but you have to promise to stay and do this again."

Breathing deeply, Tory sighed contentedly. "I would like that a lot. I want to stay with you as long as you will have me. Not only does my body feel right to me, but your body feels right with mine."

Dana purred in response to his sweet and sincere words and silently offered thanks to the Easter Bunny for not only giving her a body of which she was not ashamed, but also a lover with whom to share her body. Tory shared a similar moment of soundless tribute to the Queen of Easter for saving him from a lifetime of misery in the wrong body and the hope for a lifetime of happiness with the right mate.

[End of Story]

To read the rest of the stories in this series, please follow this link back to the introduction:


Easter is a Furry Holiday

**Prologue** **Easter, as practiced and depicted in popular culture today is like many of our most loved holidays, a bizarre mix of the religious and the secular. On the religious side, we have a blending of the Christian Jesus myth and ancient pagan...

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The Rikifur Chronicles: Chapter 13 - The Aarosht

**The excessive drinking and sporadic fighting typical of a Juht feast lasted long into the night. Raeph's last memory of the Princess was seeing her carried away over Jak's shoulder. Remembering himself as a young colt and the morning after his first...

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The Rikifur Chronicles: Chapter 12 - Storfay

Though the gracious Horse captain had claimed they were not his prisoners, Airy and Jak were kept in the middle of his troop of riders all the way to the Horse people's camp. A mobile city of large and small tents illuminated by bonfires was visible...

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