Open Content Stream Story: The First (Cum) Vampire

Story by draconicon on SoFurry

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Nataraj, oh Nataraj, how do you get me to be so silly?

Oh right, because you are.

The First (Cum) Vampire for Nataraj By Draconicon

Of all the things Nataraj had planned for his night, none of them had been getting tied up on his hands and knees in the middle of a dungeon. The lizard yanked at his chains, but the steel around his wrists, ankles, and tail kept him from going anywhere. The only thing he accomplished with each pull was to bruise his scales.

"I can't believe this. One little short-cut, and WHAM! Dungeon. The least they could have done was leave me some clothes."

That had been the first thing to go, then his weapon and the few coins he'd earned out in the fields that night. The only things they hadn't taken were a few stashed away pieces of silver, and that was only because they were stuffed in places best left unmentioned. The lizard squirmed a bit just at the thought of them, and glared at his crotch as it started showing signs of life.

"Now don't you start. This is a serious situation here."


"We're in the middle of a dungeon, for heaven's sake."


"Okay fine, dungeons are kind of sexy, but that doesn't mean you gotta get hard now."


"You know what? Fine. Get hard. See if I care."

"I must admit, this is perhaps the most interesting case of dungeon madness I've seen."

The lizard whirled around, as much as his chains would let him. He meant to look intimidating, but due to the repeated metal whacks to his shins and thighs, only managed to collapse with a groan.

A black pair of feet dominated his vision as he opened his eyes again, and as he looked up, he saw that they belonged to a large, black scaled dragon. The robed figure loomed over him, and was bent over almost to the point of touching his snout to his own toes, and was chuckling.

"Problems with the chains?"

"It was supposed to work."

"Try jumping as you spin next time."

"I'll take that under advisement. Who are you?"

"Yes, I suppose introductions are in order." The dragon pulled on Nataraj's shoulders, lifting him to his feet. "I'm the master of this particular tower and dungeon, Lord Draconicon. I assume that you're the lizard that was jumping through my alchemy garden?"

"Jumping? The nerve. I never jump, nor do I hop, skip, or leap."

"Ah. Running?"

"Exactly! Wait...Damn."

Nataraj tried to summon a glare, but the way the dragon smiled back, it was a bit hard. There wasn't anything haughty there, like he was used to with the different lords. It was just a small grin that showed just enough mirth to be welcoming, and just enough ideas to make him worry.

"So, how long am I going to be here for? A couple of days, a week, a month? I'd like some numbers."

"Oh, forever, I imagine."


"You smashed several Hell Hyacinths and a prized White Sparkle of mine. Considering how much that would cost to replace, you'd need to serve four life sentences in a row to make up for that."

"But...but that wasn't my fault!"

"Doesn't really matter. You need to pay off your crimes. Personally, I would prefer a different means of payment, but I've yet to find a prisoner to accept that deal."


"Oh, just something that I've been working on, but I doubt you'd be interested. Enjoy your time in prison."

The dragon turned, and Nataraj hesitated. The dragon lord had a reputation for strange magics and stranger tastes. But if it got him out of the dungeon...


Okay. From dungeon to lab. I'm not sure this is better, but it might be sexier.

Then again, his dick thought almost everything was sexy. It was what tended to get him into so much trouble, like flirting with the guards or offering a little fun in exchange for getting off from a charge of theft. He doubted such flirting would work with the lord, but it was something to keep in mind.

Nataraj looked around from his tied down position in the middle of the alchemy lab, wondering just what the lord had planned. A number of different potions were in the process of brewing on other tables, and he knew just enough about them to be worried at the toxic looking gleam as the fluid drifted through various tubes.

His captor, on the other hand, stood at the foot of his table, still wearing his mage robe but also a pair of rings on his hands. They seemed to project some sort of protective field, covering his hands with a blue glow. The fact that the lord needed that rather than handling things with his bare hands worried the lizard, but he had already accepted the deal. Not to mention that he doubted Lord Draconicon would let him go now that he was tied down to the table.

" does this work?"

"Pretty simply, really. I apply this potion to you, and we see what it does?"

"And everyone else said no to drinking a potion...why?"

"Well, partly because I barely have a clue what it will do. I hope it initiates a certain transformation, but it could poison someone for all I know."


"But also because it's not exactly something you drink."

"What? Where else would a potion go?"

"Why do you think you're naked?"

The dragon raised his hand, and Nataraj felt something press around the base of his tail. His body lifted up from the table as he squirmed against it, putting his hips at a level a good foot and a half higher than the rest of his body.

"That's better. I can reach your hole much easier now."

"You have got to be kidding me."

"Not really. It gets absorbed much quicker through this hole than the other. I'd brace yourself, though. This could feel very strange."

Nataraj grunted as the end of a potion vial pushed past his rim. It went in easily enough, despite being dry, and he shook his head.

"You know, a little lube wouldn't have hurt."

"Says the lizard who took an orc dry just a few days ago."

"Well, he was charming."

"And I'm not?"

"Buy me a drink that's not going up my ass, and I'll think about it."

"I'll pass, thanks."

Besides, as the potion flowed into his hole, it wasn't exactly easy to focus on anything besides the warm liquid. It seemed to slosh around a lot more than it should, and Nataraj groaned as he felt several of the pieces of silver inside him start floating around, rubbing against his inner walls.

Before long, though, he felt it heat up, his insides starting to burn. The sloshing went down, but he felt a quaking through his hips, his scales feeling stretched and swollen around his hips and ass.

"Mmmph...what the...fuck?"

"Hmm, not quite the transformation I was hoping for. Still, more results."

The dragon was noting down his reaction, even as Nataraj shuddered. His body was continuing to change, the heat spreading from the insides of his ass out through his hips, and then down through the rest of his body. The stretching feeling of his scales was easy to track, considering they were still lifted above his head. His hips were expanding, and his ass was growing, both of them jiggling and rippling as fat deposits seemed to grow beneath his scales at a quick rate.

It didn't stop there, either. It ran down through his legs. As his thighs expanded, quickly starting to rub together at the tops of them, it felt like his blood was burning, but also slowing. Stranger still, he swore he smelled cum in the air, like the whole place had just been saturated with all the drippings of an orgy.

He wasn't the only one to notice, either. The dragon lord tilted his head back, sniffing the air.

"Hmmm, now that's unexpected."


"Pheromones. And a lot of them."

The dragon's cock was getting hard from it, too, Nataraj noticed. He smirked, licking his lips as his belly rumbled.

"Why don't you let me take care of that for you?"

"Do you make that offer to all your jailors?"

"Just the sexy ones...and only when I'm hungry."

And he was massively hungry, he realized. His belly grumbled the more he transformed, and strangely, so did his balls. They churned, swelling even as they felt emptier. Nataraj groaned, pulling at his chains again. This time, rather than stopping him in his tracks, they creaked at their bindings.

That got the dragon's attention. Though the mage quickly secured them again with his magic, he also reached down and pressed his hand to the lizard's fattening upper body and upper arms.

"Flex for me."

"Mmmm, admiring my body, big guy?"

"Just indulge me."


Clenching and flexing his muscles, Nataraj's body suddenly swelled beneath the layer of 'fat' that had covered his entire body, leaving him looking chunky, but also strangely feminine. It was...different. But he was still so hungry. The dragon rubbed along his body.

"Hmm, much stronger, even if paunchier...and hungry, by the sound of you."

"For cum. Gimme."


The dragon's claw suddenly pricked his arm. The lizard jerked, but then stared. Rather than blood coming out, it was the silvery white of another male's cum. It oozed out slowly, but stopped in seconds as the wound healed itself.

"Well now...that's interesting." The dragon smiled. "That's very interesting..."

The End

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