Open Content Stream Story: The Pillar of (sexual) Power

Story by draconicon on SoFurry

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Commissioned by faceless lord on Sunday and finally uploaded now, sorry for the wait.

Also, if the pillar arrangement confuses anyone, it's those strange body displacement pillars that I've seen art of on FA.

The Pillar of (Sexual) Power for FacelessLord by Draconicon

Jo'Rakha groaned as the great pillar began to glow beneath him. Well, beneath some of him; it was a little bit hard to tell where everything was around him at this point.

The Khajiit shook his head as much as his lack of neck allowed him, looking around his surroundings. There wasn't much to see. Stone walls with many books made up most of them, and the rest were the same cobblestone floors and walls that he saw everywhere else in his travels. There was little significant around him to help him figure out where he was.

Of course, the thing his body parts were arranged on was unique, but considering he'd never seen it before, that didn't help him at all.

Jo'Rakha glanced down. Despite the blue glow that nearly destroyed his night vision, he could vaguely make out parts of his body below him. His feet stuck out of the pillar at one point, and so did his rump, embarrassingly enough. His tail was tied to the pillar to keep it from moving, and his toes were splayed by some strange series of rings.

Of course, that wasn't all. He looked up, seeing his sheath and balls sticking out of the top of the pillar. The feeling was all wrong, too; he had no sense of being twisted around, and yet, the pieces of his body sticking out of the pillar were in all sorts of wrong places. It was like he had been re-arranged by it in his sleep.

The most disconcerting thing of all was what hung above the pillar itself. A white gem dangled from a rope just above his sheath. Though he didn't recognize what it was, the shape was familiar enough. He'd sold enough soul gems to the mage's guild to know what one looked like, even if he'd never seen a pure white one before. Admittedly, it wasn't as bad as if it had been black, but he still worried.

Shaking his head, Jo'Rakha had just started to plan a way to get free when he heard approaching footsteps. He cocked his head to the side, an ear twitching to try and learn more of who was approaching. However, it wasn't until the door opened and the newcomer walked around the pillar that he knew what he was dealing with.

The first thing he saw were a bare pair of golden feet. As the figure continued to step around the pillar, the Khajiit saw the familiar skinny form and wizard robes of one of the Altmer, the gold elves that considered themselves masters of magic. It wasn't until he could see the mage's face, however, that he knew he was royally fucked.

Such sternness and severity only came from one group, though he didn't know why one of the Thalmor would want to catch someone like him. Admittedly he was a consistent merchant for the Mage's Guild, but he thought that the two groups had an understanding. He didn't think that would anger them.

"Excuse me, but -"

"Silence, beast."

The curt reply cut off his question, and he didn't dare bring it up again. Not so much from the tone of voice - hell, he had dealt with the Companions, a growl wasn't going to scare him - but more from the crackle of electricity that sprung up around the man's fingers when he spoke. It was enough of a show of power to tell the Khajiit that he didn't want to bother the gold-skinned magic-user.

Instead, he waited until the mage closed his book. As it joined its siblings on the shelves, the mage looked down at him, and Jo'Rakha realized that his head was barely on stomach height for the elf.

"You are a poor excuse for a subject for this experiment, but you'll have to do."

"Excuse me, great Thalmor, but I must confess a lack of understanding."

"You don't need to understand. Not that you could; your species lacks the mind for it."

"Nonetheless, great lord, I beg you grant me the honor of knowing what I am here for."

His words were polished and practiced from long trips with very angry bodyguards, and he hoped that they would work now as they always did. After all, he knew very few that could stand up to being flattered and not weaken at least a bit.

Thankfully, it did. The elf chuckled.

"You might be a beast, but at least you have better manners than that Argonian all those months back. Kicking and screaming all the time; you might have thought he believed himself our equal instead of a slave."

"Our scaly friends are far from civilized, oh lord of magic. They have little in the sense of how to best serve."

"While your kind does, is that it?"

"This Khajiit knows when he is helpless, and when he is in the presence of someone better than himself. Better to bend his neck and submit than to fight against fate."

"A pity that more of the beasts don't think like you do."

The mage walked over to him, bending down until their faces were on the same level. Jo'Rakha doubted it would last for long, but he appreciated the gesture.

"As a reward, I'll let you know just what awaits you."

"This one is unworthy of the great honor, oh golden lord. He thanks you from the bottom of his heart."

"Hmm. Keep it up, and you might be allowed free of your pillar sooner than the others." The elf chuckled. "At any rate, the Thalmor have found a way to harvest magic from other living beings without killing them. It seems that there is a way of milking it out of them, like cream from a cow. There are others of your kind throughout this tower, and you're merely the latest we've caught."

And I am sure you are about to tell me for what.

"The gem above you is equal to a grand soul gem. When it is filled, we will have a gem capable of powering a mighty weapon. With the many gems we are filling here, soon we'll be able to produce a mass-enchanted weapon, something beyond anything Tamriel has seen, or ever will see."

"This one sees, great lord. How will you milk this one for magic?"

"That is the pillar's job. But don't worry. It won't hurt, at first. It'll just get that way as it goes on."

The Altmer chuckled as he stepped back, and Jo'Rakha permitted himself a roll of his eyes when the elf was out of sight. Better to keep cautious, he thought. The only way that he was going to keep any freedom was to stay on their good side. Piss off this one, and his life would get a lot worse, very quickly.

Still, he was quite curious about the pillar. It was a very strange arrangement of his body, and he had never seen anything like it in the past. What did it do? And how did it work to milk a person of magic?

A few soft clicks later, he had his answer. The pillar suddenly started humming, and the light around his sheath suddenly surged in a series of shocks along it. Jo'Rakha gasped and shouted, almost laughing from the tingling feeling that covered his sheath and forced his cock out. The feeling only got worse as the electric shocks started to force his cock to a hard erection, zapping along its length until he was harder than he'd ever been in his life.

"Wh-what doing?!"

"As I said, beast. Milking you."

The other lights around the pillar had different effects. The blue stuff around his head, for example, suddenly seemed to flow like liquid, covering the area around his neck before slowly reaching up. It stroked across his face like the mythical tendrils of Hermaeous Mora, lashing against his cheeks and his mouth. Eventually, one slipped between his lips and split, forcing his mouth wide open and forming a strange, jelly-like barrier between his teeth and his lips, keeping his mouth from doing anything but hanging open.

More than that, the blue goo moved to the top of his head, pressing against his temples before spreading further in. He could only watch as the blue stuff crossed the corners of his eyes, and then spread over them, like a blindfold used by the thieves guild. In little time at all, it covered his eyes completely, letting him see nothing but blue.

It was almost a relief not to see anything else. Almost, because it meant he could feel things all the better. The sharp zaps along his cock made it twitch more, and his balls churned from the strange bombardment of energy that hit everything.

Other things moved, as well. He felt something wet rubbing up along his taint, rubbing under his tail and then pressing between his ass cheeks. Jo'Rakha grunted from the pressure below, unable to say anything against it due to the strange gag in his mouth, but it didn't feel right.

As it pressed against him, he tried to squeeze it away, but his hole wasn't strong enough to keep it out. Without warning, the slick, strange substance shoved its way into him, leaving his eyes wide behind the gag. It thrust in and out, gradually rubbing against something inside of him as it began to grow. It swelled wide, forcing him further and further open, and pressing against a little nub inside of him that made his cock groan with pleasure.

It was almost feeling good as something slapped against his feet. The Khajiit yelped, feeling as though a cane had just slapped against his sole, before it happened again, and again. Each smack was light by itself, but it came fast and hard, smacking across his unprotected feet. He jumped and groaned, toes trying to curl down to protect his soles, but it was impossible with the strange bindings along them.

From the impacts, the gagging, the fillings, and the shockings, the Khajiit thought that he was being punished enough. Yet he wasn't, apparently, in the judgment of the Altmer. No sooner had he started getting used to the treatment than his mouth was filled, the salty taste of a cock running along his tongue.

"Ah, yes, one more thing you should know, beast. While you are milked, you're freely available to anyone that wants you. I don't imagine everyone will, but in this lonesome place, a mouth is a mouth. I look forward to showing you your place again and again."

Fucking...elves... Literally, in this case. The elf was face-fucking him hard, and he could feel the full balls smacking against his chin, even if he couldn't see it. Jo'Rakha groaned at the abuse, whimpering as his throat rapidly filled with the elf's cock.

With one particularly hard shock, the Khajiit was forced to cum, his cock throbbing hard above his head. The strangeness of the location didn't lessen how good it felt, but he felt a strange draining sensation along with it.

He wasn't allowed to focus on it long before the shocks started anew. He screamed as his oversensitive cock was suddenly attacked by the zapping force again, squirming but to no avail. There was no escape; he was to be milked and used, and maybe - maybe - he would be allowed to leave at the end of it.

The End

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