Open Content Stream Story: Mewtwo Blues

Story by draconicon on SoFurry

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A story commissioned by FA: animorph59 of an idea of Mewtwo taking a different sort of revenge.

Before anyone comes after this, I am stating that this is an extremely non-canon Mewtwo, and anything seen here is not a reflection as anything but fantasy on the part of the commissioner. Nothing here should be taken as a reflection of Mewtwo's personality or plans or anything else.

Mewtwo Blues for Sunkit by Draconicon

Nathan whimpered as the pokeball finished closing around him. The interior seemed to press at him from all sides, despite his curled up body having a few 'inches' in all directions to move. The human didn't bother trying; the soft 'beep' from outside the ball had already told him that he'd been captured, though how that had happened he had no idea. Pokeballs weren't supposed to work on people.

Fearing for himself, he looked around the interior. Though he had little knowledge of how the pokeballs worked, he had fiddled with a few of them in his days working around a pokemon center. Maybe he could figure out how it worked.

He'd barely glanced around his spherical prison before he gave up. The interior was much different from the pokeball that he had seen before. Unlike the reflective surfaces that were common among the other balls, this one was filled with small, rubber-like tips, each one with a little hole at the tip like a hose. Nathan could feel them pushing up against his legs and his back, and no matter how he shifted himself, he always felt them pushing at some part of him or another.

Who made this? There's nothing here like a regular pokeball...

He jumped at the sudden hiss that filled the pokeball, and jammed his head against the ceiling. Groaning in pain, Nathan rubbed the top of his head as he looked around him.

The various hoses were filling the pokeball with a thick gas, pink in color and extremely thick. In just a few seconds, he had lost sight of anything further away than his hands. A few seconds later, he couldn't see anything, not even the nose on his face. All that existed was a giant wall of pink.

Nathan held his breath, but the gas was inescapable. Even as he held his breath, it felt like it was being shoved into his pores, or even down his nose from the sheer pressure of it around him. More and more seemed to be pumped into his little prison, his ears aching from the pressure on them as well. He tried to hold out, hoping that the pressure would pop the ball open.

However, his body was weaker than his prison, and he had to breathe it.

The first breath was like tasting candy, in a way. It was soft and sweet, yet with a hint of saltiness underneath it. Nathan gasped in surprise at the 'flavor' of the gas, and sucked in even more, filling his lungs without even thinking about it.

After that, it became easy to breathe in and out, and the pressure slowly began to go down as he took in the gas. A part of him worried what sort of consequences this would have for him, but he didn't have a choice. Either he breathed in the pink stuff, or he would suffocate or get crushed by the pressure.

As the gas gradually cleared, Nathan was finally able to see his body again. When he saw that his clothes had disappeared in the mist, he worried for the state of his body. After all, if it had been able to melt away his clothes, then who knew what it was going to do to his lungs. What if he had just swallowed acid? Was he going to start burning up from the inside, dying here?

Thankfully, that didn't seem to be happening, though as he looked at his bare skin, he could see that his flesh was turning pink. Not just a skin pink, but a true, deep pink. It was darker around his stomach, but the rest was almost girly in its appearance.

That wasn't the only change, however. As he kept breathing in the gas - something he had no choice in doing - his body continued to shift and change. Nathan's stomach swelled, as if all the gas was going there and bloating him out. It started like a stomachache, particularly as his belly grew rounder and rounder, to the point where his belly button disappeared and molded with the smooth flesh around it. However, it shifted in a few seconds to something like a full belly.

Even as he rubbed his stomach, Nathan could hardly believe that it had grown so much. It was swollen and rounded by at least a half dozen inches, perhaps even more than that. The darker pink along his stomach seemed to follow a curve to just above his belly button, where his body retained a bit of its normal size.

Of course, he couldn't just stay like that. Nathan winced as he hunched over, his ribs feeling very strange as he breathed in the latest lungful of gas. He heard and felt a series of grinding movements in his chest before -


Two quick shoves pushed his chest outwards, not like breasts, but like plates grown in from under his skin. Nathan shouted as he grabbed hold of the harder pieces of skin, holding his hands against them. It was like his collarbone and most of his pecs had suddenly hardened and shoved forward, and it wasn't the most pleasant feeling. His entire upper body felt out of whack, now that he had a swollen belly and a harder set of skin around his shoulders.

Still massaging the plates that had grown in, he barely noticed that his nose was pushing forward. Not far, but enough to notice. It was also growing downwards, and it had a strange melting sensation as it seemed to merge with his upper lip. His nostrils narrowed and lengthened, becoming slits along the front of his face, while his mouth shrunk until it was only a small hole just above his chin.

His pink hands slowly pulled back from his chest plates, but only because he felt something else growing on the top of his head. He reached up - trying to ignore his hair falling out at the slightest touch along his scalp - and found two small lumps towards the back of his head. The more he touched them, the more they seemed to grow, pushing out further and further until they were pointing at least a few inches off of the top of his bald head. He rubbed them, whimpering at the feeling of near horns there. The only thing that kept them from being horns were their smoothness, but it still felt wrong.

But that wasn't the only thing growing from his head. Even as he felt at his semi-horns, something pushed out of the back of his head. He gasped, his eyes wide as it felt like he was getting hit with a massive migraine, and he fumbled for the thing that was sticking out of his head.

After a few seconds of wild flailing, he managed to grab it. A tube a bit thicker than his fingers was slowly pushing out of the back of his head, and it was leaking. Nathan had no idea what it was. Some sort of brain connection? Was he oozing brain fluid? Was he going to feel his thoughts literally disappear down this fleshy drain?

He pinched it shut, but that only made the headache worse. All he could do was hold it, and even that just barely seemed to help. It curved back towards his spine, and as it pressed against his skin, he felt like his skin was melting, fusing together with the tube. He had no idea what was going on, but as it connected, the headache faded, and that was enough for him. No more pain was always good.

While he was recovering from the headache, he almost missed the next transformation. He only saw them because he brought his hands back down, and saw his fingers shifting, melding together.

"No...come on, why the hell are you doing this? What are you making me?"

Whatever it was didn't have five fingers, that was for sure. He watched his middle finger melt into his pointer finger, and his pinkie and ring finger do the same. They pressed against each other, that same melting feeling as he'd had with that tube and other parts of his body covering them as they pulled together, the mass from the two fingers forming a single, much larger finger.

As his palms shrunk down to barely a third of their former size, all their displaced mass seemed to go to the tips of his fingers and thumbs. They swelled up huge, like they were tipped with balls of flesh, and when he tried squeezing his hands, it felt all wrong to feel those big, bulbous tips brushing against each other.

Squeezing his hands into fists a few times wasn't much of a distraction, particularly when he felt the same tingling, melting sensation down in his toes. He leaned forward as much as he could, unable to look away as his toes started melting into each other. Rather than leaving three different digits, there were only two, two toes that were nearly as thick as three of his fingers had been before. The gap between them swelled, even dipping into the rest of his foot to make more of a divide, the toes getting longer at the same time.

As the toe line grew longer, his feet suddenly cracked, the heel shifting upwards along his leg. He groaned as he was pushed into a tighter ball, his chin nudging his chest and his longer feet riding up the side of the pokeball interior. The little bump along his ankle swelled, forming a much larger ball as his heel moved nearly eight inches up from where it had been, his foot much longer than it once was.

And then...then the tail grew in.

He groaned as he tried to curl into a tighter ball, his rump squeezing together to form more of a solid shape than two gloves, as a tail started to swell out from his back. It pushed down and around, the strange limb slinking between the different hoses that adorned the ball's interior. It found enough space to keep him from screaming at the crampedness, somehow, but it was still something new, something alien.

As rolled up as he was, he couldn't see what had happened to the rest of his human features, but he felt so smooth that he doubted he had anymore at this point. The gas was gone, and he was some sort of pink, hairless...thing.

Who did this? Who could do this?

Suddenly, he felt - or maybe he heard, he wasn't sure - a whistling around the outside of the ball. It didn't last long before he heard a click, and the ball opened. It was like there was a catapult under his butt, because he was launched right out of the ball and into the open, growing as he went.

Of course, he was far from used to this, so he landed right on his face.


Ow...Wait. Why can't I talk?

Because your vocal cords aren't made for speaking, former human.

Nathan whipped his head around to the source of the 'voice', and saw something that looked almost like him. It was a lighter color, more a gray and a purple rather than a pink set like him, but the body was exactly alike. He slowly pulled himself upright as the creature stared at him. did this to me? Why?

If humans wish to capture pokemon, and pokemon wish to remain free, we have little choice but to fight back.

By turning US into pokemon?!

No. By turning those that would use us into slaves.

Nathan took a step back, even as he felt a...well, almost like a finger sifting through his mind. It was only there for a second, but the creature before him blinked. are not a trainer.

No, I'm a mechanic...and now I'm...this.

That is...unfortunate.

No kidding. I-

I think this will help.

What do you - AHH!

Mewtwo shook his head as his first catch collapsed, holding its head. It was a pity that he had misjudged the human as much as he did; the transformation procedure wasn't reversible, and he couldn't change the human back with his own powers. However, with a few tweaks...

The pink version of himself slowly looked up, smiling.

Sorry for crying, Master. I just...I didn't get it yet.

That is alright. Come here.

He gestured to the floor by his feet. It wasn't much, and he didn't like tweaking the minds of people that didn't deserve it. However, it was the only way he could give a little happiness back to the former human. He just hoped he could give more later.

The End

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