The Wolf Soul - Part Nine

Story by Gruffy on SoFurry

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#9 of The Wolf Soul (TF/TG Themes)

The Wolf Soul - Part Nine


This is an ongoing commission for avatar?user=153004&character=0&clevel=2 Aaron Blackpaw chronicling some interesting transformation hijinks and stuff - do tell me what you think!


Brandon had managed a few hours of sleep on and off - maybe three or four altogether. In the morning he felt nervous, and jumpy, simply tossing about the bed, trying to entertain himself with his pad while waiting for the clock to turn towards eight am, the earliest time he'd been told to contact the Clinic again for an update on Andy. He was bleary-eyed, ungroomed, clad only in a T and boxers, and hadn't even showered. He'd have to get himself properly soaked before going to the hospital.

Tomorrow, he reminded himself. They'd said that he could go on the second day at the earliest. The first hours were crucial, the lion physician had told him seriously, it was very important to keep the patient as calm as possible, and working with the trained staff to get through the very first moments of his new life.

Fuck that, Brandon thought. What he wanted to do was to put his arms around Andy, no matter how much fur there might be now, and feel him close again. Surely he'd benefit most from a friendly face, and not only that, his lover's face.

It scared him shitless, too.

It was time. Brandon popped in his headset and dialled the clinic, using the private number that had been given to him by Doctor Ambergris himself for contacting him in regards to any details about Andy's treatment and progress.

It rang for a long time, long enough that a recorded voice began to speak.

"You have been unable to reach Doctor Cornelius Ambergris. If you have an urgent matter regarding your own health or that of a patient you are kin to, select ONE to direct this call to the on-call center. If you wish to leave a personal message to Doctor Cornelius Ambergris, please select - "

_ _

There was suddenly a click.


_ _

"Oh," Brandon voiced his surprise,"I thought this was going to the answering robot. This is Brandon Collier. I wanted to ask about my partner, Andy Laurie."

The lion let out a somewhat strange, muffled noise that sounded odd over the phone. Brandon frowned.


"Yes, Mister Collier," the lion's resonant voice responded steadily, "good morning to you."

"Good morning," Brandon replied mechanically. "Do you have news about Andy?"

"Indeed...Mister Laurie has woken up from sedation and is currently working with our occupational therapists to adjust for the new...situation."

_ _

"So here's awake?" Brandon said. "Can I talk to him?"

"We...prefer not to have any external contact during the first 48 hours, due to the somewhat volatile psychological status of the patients. As you must understand, this is not only psychologically very straining for the patient, but there is also the fact that the cellular regeneration in the central nervous system has caused high levels of neurotransmitters to spike...basically, Mister Collier, that means that your partner is subject to extreme mood swings, and we have found that spending these first hours peacefully is very helpful in stabilizing their condition."

_ _

" he's alright, though?" Brandon asked. He knew that there'd been a slim chance of it anyway, from what the doctors had told him before, but at least this sounded like something.

"Mister Laurie is stable. The transmorphogenic regeneration has bene successful. The new genetic code seems to be working perfectly. All initial tests are very encouraging, and we will of course react to any situations that might arise."

_ _

"Okay...uh...can you...can you tell him that I called?"

"Of course. We are more than happy to. And you may call again in the afternoon, say, around six, to inquire on his progress. I hope that is fine with you."

_ _

"Uh...sure," Brandon rubbed his forehead. "Okay, that's alright."

"Everything is proceeding according to the plan here, Mister Collie," the lion said.

"Alright," Brandon said. "Okay. Good day to you, Doctor."

"Good day, Mister Collier."

_ _

Brandon closed the phone, yawned, crunched his eyes shut, and let out a deep sigh.




Doctor Cornelius Ambergris let out a deep grunt. The throbbing pain in his head seemed to have grown even worse during the phone call with Brandon Collier. He suspected it would not be long before a ventricle collapsed and the end would be near.

The phone rang again.

Ambergris hit the mute button. He didn't want to be interrupted. It was probably someone from the hysterical management floor again asking for another way they could slither out of this shit they had created. The lion did not have the energy left to expend it on talking with Dianne Silberman or Myles Clachan.

Perhaps he should start learning Korean already. Were there online courses for over-worked geneticists wanting to find new employment opportunities abroad?

The phone rang again. His fingerpad already hovered over the mute button before the number flashing on the caller ID display caught his attention. This one he wanted to get through. He didn't have a choice either.


"Rimbaud here", came the sonorous voice over the line.


"Patient Laurie wants to talk to 'whoever is in charge', and I think that means you, Ambergris."

The lion sighed.

"I suppose it is me," he said. "What is the situation?"

"You better come and see. I'm not sure what to call this, really."

_ _

"I'll be on my way," Ambergris said.

"Thank you."

_ _

The lion opened the desk drawer containing some heavy duty proton pump inhibitors, and dosed up before leaving his office.


A very upset-looking Peter Cho had taken over the nurse's station at the intensive care unit, staring through the glass wall into the main room where Doctor Whitman Rimbaud was trying to counsel their latest human-animal hybrid in the art of...being a fanger, as was the colloquial term for the people who had undergone the transformation process. When Doctor Ambergris arrived, the bear stood by the hospital bed. Next to it, a black and white, naked wolfess crouched on the floor, lapping up water from a plastic kidney dish.

The weary lion's eyes met those of the bear on the other side of the wall. They exchanged nods before the lion stepped over to the door, input his access code, and stepped into the room.


The wolf finished up with her drinking, wiped her muzzle, and then sat down on the floor, looking up at the pair of fangers. She sat with her legs folded and seemingly unabashed of her complete nudity. Her eyes were curious and sharp.

"I tried to give water from a cup but...she couldn't handle the mug, so I just...improvised," Doctor Rimbaud said.

"I did the same," Ambergris spoke quietly. "Back when I started."

The wolf smacked her lips loudly. A pink tongue slipped between the long front teeth.

"Hhhhoooo...hhhoooo..." the wolfess formulated with her new, long muzzle. "...hhhooo..."

"I'm afraid I don't understand," Ambergris said, "but Doctor Rimbaud told me that you wanted to see me."

The wolf flexed her paws. They were larger than human hands, but their sheer size, in relation to the length of her arms, made them appear more delicate than the similar examples presented by doctors Ambergris and Rimbaud. The gesture looked aggressive, though curious, as well, with the wolf's eyes staring at the motion of the newly flexing paws.

"Yessshh," the wolfess said, ""


The wolfess let out a frustrated snort and flexed her fingers rapidly.

"T...t...tic, tic!" she growled.

The lion couldn't believer his ears. The patient was asking about that of all things?

"Are you experiencing further movement disorder?"

"C-c-can see!" the wolf yelped.

"There is an overabundance of dopamine in your basal area due to the newly regenerated brain tissue and it causes symptoms such as these you are experiencing right now which includes flight of thought and involuntary movements" Ambergris described lamely. "It is not a manifestation of the BLT Syndrome."

The wolf smacked her lips.


"That is the motor cortex getting used to the new voice apparatus," Doctor Rimbaud said. "It is completely normal at this point in your process."

"SSssshit!" the wolf complained, tail flapping around.

"It will become easier in a matter of days, and weeks, especially with therapy," Doctor Rimbaud said.

"W...whhh...why...t...this?" the wolf waved her paw over herself in a rather damning indication of what she was asking.

Ambergris sighed.

"I'm sure you are terribly confused, Andrew, but - "

The wolf snarled.

"I...I knovvv.....I ssshould...nnnot...bbeee...." the wolf enunciated, "b-b-but I fffeeel..."

"I assure you that we will be looking carefully into this and - "

The wolf barked out. The lion fell silent.


"We still do now know what took place during the process but we are investigating it with all our available resources," Doctor Ambergris said, "I assure you, we are doing our utmost to...find out what happened."

The wolf's eyes bounced between the lion, the bear, and the bowl of water on the floor. The wolf seemed indecisive on what to sneer at next.

"The patient seems to be experiencing some kinds of a severe dissonance due to the...condition," Doctor Rimbaud said, "I've not yet managed to get to the bottom of it, really."

"I'm not surprised," Ambergris said. "And she won't settle on the bed?"

"Not that, nor wear clothes," the bear replied.

"Heeeeereeee!" the wolf barked.

The two doctors balked.

Doctor Ambergris faced the wolf.

"Yes, Andrew?"

" here...when...couldn'" the wolf slurred," w-...when...ssssshick.."

"My apologizes," the lion rumbled, "we are...rather shaken up, ourselves, as you must understand."


"Mister Laurie - "


Doctor Rimbaud cleared his throat.

"Excuse me," he said.

"Mmmnot...supposed" the wolf's ears drooped.

"Andrew, we can help you," Doctor Ambergris said, "we will help you through the initial stage of the transformation and then...then we will start sorting out this very strange situation we are finding ourselves in."

The wolf studied her body with her large eyes again. She seemed to be concentrated at the sight of the mound on her groin.

" be...t...theee..."

The lion looked uncomfortable, being forced to stare at the wolf's genitals for such a prolonged period of time, as if invited by her own questing gaze.


"B...but...but...f...-feel...all t...this...too..."

"it is perfectly normal to experience...bodymorphic dissonance at this time," Doctor Rimbaud said, "this is a massive shock, physically and psychologically."

"" said the wolf, her paws twisting around.

"You should calm down, the excitement is causing the symptoms to worsen," Doctor Rimbaud said, "If you would like, we could give you a minor tranquilizer -"

"Nnnnnnoooo..." the wolf growled. "W...w-want...t-t-to...w...w.w.w.w..walk...nnno...dd...drugs..."

"She either drinks water or walks around the room, colliding at things," Doctor Rimbaud said, "gross motor control and balance are still very much developing. She's been falling around quite a few times."

"Mmmmused to tttthat," the wolf said.

"Mister Laurie, we hope that you understand that we are doing everything we can to - "


"I'm sure we can provide you with a meal," Doctor Rimbaud said.


"I'm sure you have many questions."

"W-why...d-don't...I...know..." the wolf worded.

"What is it?" Ambergris asked.

"Whhhy...why...don't I know..."

"I'm sorry, I don't understand."

The wolf swatted the floor with her tail.

"I...I'm not a...w...woman...b-but...I...I am...I...I know I am...I am...I...I am..." the wolf's tongue poked on the sides of her muzzle.

"We are doing our utmost to explain this as soon as possible," Ambergris said.

The wolf shook her head with displeasure.

Then she urinated over Doctor Rimbaud's shoes.

Doctor Ambergris looked horrified at the scent.


Thank you for reading!

The Wolf Soul - Part Ten

\* Hehhey, and welcome to this ongoing commission for [![avatar?user=153004&character=0&clevel=2]( Aaron Blackpaw]( "Aaron Blackpaw") - with...

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The Lunt Street Ripper’s Sentence (8)

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Online Hookup Gets Messy

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