The Lunt Street Ripper’s Sentence (8)

Story by Gruffy on SoFurry

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#8 of The Ripper Wolf (BDSM, Mind Control)

The Lunt Street Ripper's Sentence (8)


This is an ongoing commission for avatar?user=48788&character=0&clevel=2 Sanmer , and the fun continues!

Have a good read, and tell me what you think! Remember that all votes, faves and watches will help others to find these stories to enjoy as well!



"My friends!"

Pip the wolf and Robert the lion looked curiously across the room over to the paired wooden doors, which had just about swung open to reveal the Master of the house. The stallion was dressed in obscenely snug pants hugging his rear and his bulge, and a white shirt that hung loose and open at the neck, to show his toned chest. Upon his left hand he held a leather loop connected onto a gilded chain, and this chain was connected into a fine, padded leather collar snapped around the neck of James, the exotic Indian tiger with beautiful buttocks and a perky, perpetually hard cock poking out of the leather harness entrapping his groin. This peaky member pointed the way even now as he trailed his Master, collared and leashed for the stallion's pleasure so that he could usher the almost nude tiger along with him about the house.

"Master," Pip said, bowing as he immediately let go of the bound wolf's balls and cock and stepped over to the side.

"Milord," Robert mirrored, though his bow, like always, was just a tad deeper than the wolf's.

The Ripper's body tensed, as he heard the voice of the horse giving such an exuberant greeting to the occupants of the training chamber. The wolf hated how it made his muscles tremble in a strange manner, and a bizarre itch appeared, somewhere behind his eyes, like someone was breathing along his neck. He did not like that feeling. He felt like he was being watched from inside him, not the usual conviction he often felt that someone was trailing his every step and his movement through the labyrinth of the city, using the roofs and the sewers to lose the track of scent when he could.

Now there was no hiding. He was bound, gagged, sprinkled with perfume and oil and with his arse and his cock manipulated the horse's mindless minions. That fucking sodomite was probably in high heaven seeing the wolf strapped onto the cross, arse facing towards the door so that the first thing he'd seen when entering would be the wolf's X-bound body, tail up and snapped onto a chain and with his arse muscles bulging from the tension standing in this position was forcing upon him.

"Oh, look, James, the training has begun!" the horse told to the tiger in his leash.

"Yes, Milord," the young feline replied.

The horse tousled the tiger's head furs, an almost childish gesture, definitely patronizing, while admiring the sight in front of him. The wolf looked splendid like that, unmoving and covered in leather. He would be sure to have some measurements done so that proper attire could soon be produced for him to wear, so that the Ripper could amuse his Master and his brothers with his appearance. Before that, his simple nudity was thrilling enough and kept the horse both smiling and pleasantly erect. His earlier tryst with his butler had done little to sate his deep primal urges that demanded him to breed something hot and tight many times a day.

Not the wolf yet, he thought, studying the sight of the base of the ivory plug sticking out of the bound wolf's rear. That made the stallion snap his tail happily.

"I see you have entered the first dilator, Pip," the horse mused.

"Yes," the wolf replied eagerly, "It was no trouble for our new brother. All the usual preparations were applied before that."

"Successfully, I presume?" the horse inquired," through usual methods?"

"There were no problems," Robert said.

"His arse is perfectly clean," Pip grinned "I checked myself."

"Oh I am sure, my dear Pip," the horse chuckled. "I wouldn't think it'd be otherwise."

"Thank you, Master," the wolf replied. His own erection had not waned one bit and still stood proudly from his groin, his knot hard and constrained by the rings on either side of it, clutching onto his shaft. The horse admired the sight, pleased that his thralls were indeed kept in perpetual state of arousal and inability to get their release with his permission. That, he thought, was perhaps the ultimate power he could wield over them, this life force, commanded to remain packed up in their bodies for as long as the horse saw fit. He enjoyed watching the physical and mental signs of it grow in them, even through the haze of the animal magnetism that kept them content for most part.

"And you, Robert?" the horse smiled to the lion, "are you pleased with your new brother?"

"Yes, sir," the lion's reply was instant but lacked the same conviction as the wolf's. The horse was not surprised, he never was. He knew well that the wolf's perverted inclinations were more than well suited for his role. He needed no suggestion to lust for the male flesh, unlike his brothers whose natural urges were manipulated by the stallion's hand and his will.

There really was no substitute for natural enthusiasm, the horse thought. It might've been refreshing, in a way, but it was not everything he desired.

The breaking in, after all, was a great part of the fun, the knowledge of his thralls being bent onto his will...and indeed, bent over, whenever the horse decided so. Watching the Ripper on his stocks only made his conviction grown, along with the hardness of his erection.

"And I see you've started on other things, too..."

He took a step to the side so that he could properly admire the sight of the wolf's erection, rock hard and protruding from his sheath. It seemed to be perfectly stiff, not a hint of looseness in the shiny, bare skin that covered the veined flesh. It was a cock to admire, easily as large as the other wolf in the room, definitely dwarfing that of the two felines in their leather harnesses and collars and ringed cock cages. It might've not been as huge as the horse was himself, but he did not pick his thralls based on the size of their manly stalks. As long as they pleased him, he was happy.

"Indeed we did," Pip said, "it took some encouragement, but he did...rise to occasion!!"

The wolf laughed dirtily and copped a quick feel of his own erection, fully enjoying the situation and his Master's pleasure at the state of things.

The horse, with his bound tiger still in tow, stood in front of the wolf. They faced each other now, one horse, one wolf, though the wolf's eyes were covered under layers of musky leather. Rattling air came from the holes in his leather muzzle that bulged and fell slightly with his hardest breaths. It was not a savory scent, the flow of air the horse sniffed flowing from the holes. The wolf obviously was not used to treating himself with ash, soda and powder. That'd be rectified later, he thought, with a smirk.

"Hello, Ripper," the stallion said.

He could see the bound muscles bulge, hearing the voice address him now. Whether it was simply distaste, or a natural reaction of his body to the fact that his Master was present and hence his body was more suspect for the suggestion, the stallion didn't know. He was keen to find out, however, staring at the bound man sprawled in front of him, tall, muscled, shaggy-furred, and oh so helpless.

"I see your new brothers have treated you kind," the horse spoke. "That is good. I trust them to take the best care of you."

The wolf did not answer. The horse clopped the floor with his hoof.

"You attacking Robert was not unexpected," the horse said, "it is well known to me that those not particularly deep in the trance created by the animal magnetism can be known to act in somewhat volatile manner on occasion..."

Still no visible or audible reaction from the wolf. The horse carried on.

"Your brother is very precious to me, and no brother raises his paw against his fellow brother in my home," the horse said, "and you know that too, know that my words in your mind tell you that any attempt to do so will lead to your demise...don't you?"

The wolf knew. He'd felt his throat close up at his attempt to bite the lion, he had been unable to breathe and life had been draining of him until he'd suddenly been released from the clutch of an invisible strangler grasping at his throat. Even thinking about it caused an unpleasant itch in the back of his throat, one that made him cough wetly into the leather hood and its muzzle.

"You do know," the horse said, "I cannot order it upon you...for no body can be ordered to die by a simple word...oh believe me, the ancient masters of the Art from the Orient have tried for thousands of years, without success...but to incapacitate? To make sure you cannot lift your paw in harm? Oh, that I can do, and you have already known..."

The horse grasped the wolf's cock and gave it a squeeze. The Ripper tensed, and let out a growl, deep and throaty. The slightly smiling horse massaged the member in his grip, for the first time truly feeling its shape, warmth, it's sheer weight and heat, the masculine potency exhibited by this beastly man. He oozed energy like the musk coming off his cock, strong and hard, easily picked up from the carbolic-scented room air.

"No more violence, Ripper," the horse said, "those days are over. Let your blood boil for other things...let this..."

His fingers caressed under the crown of the wolf's cock, causing it to throb automatically.

"...let this become your new purpose..." the horse crooned, "it is much more pleasant, no? Your flesh can sate you needn't spill blood to find that peace that you crave for, Ripper...for I know your body is always on fire and the desire grows endlessly until you simply have to..."

The horse let go of the cock and left it to jut in the air, untouched.

"...I'm sure you'll find this to be much preferable to that, Ripper..." the stallion spoke softly, smoothly, "we'll show you a new way..."

The wolf's cock throbbed. A drip of pre-cum glistened on the tip, a tantalizing pearl on the top of this mighty red, veined rod.

"'ll...suffer...for it..." the wolf rasped.

The stallion clicked his tongue.

"Still so resentful," he said. "How unfortunate. I did know that you will be quite the challenge, but I would have hoped for some progress already. But we will take it slowly. Everyone takes their own time. There is no hurry. I have some very eager helpers with me."

"Oh yes, milord," Pip grinned knowingly, "we'll help him in every way we can alright."

"And Robert, too," the horse glanced at the lion.

"Yes, sir," the lion bowed.

"And James, even!" the horse nickered.

"Yes, sir," the tiger replied in a somewhat pitched moan.

"I think James should stay here and help you for a while," the horse declared, "I presume you were about to start milking your new brother?"

"Yes," Pip said, "four hours of continued, endless stroking of his hard prick without letting him spill."

"That should be enough," the horse replied, "for starters, at least. I think I'll have him join me for a while during dinner tonight, so he should be ready before that."

"We'll make sure his tonkers are tender and full by that time," Pip grinned toothily, "not a drop will spill."

"Wonderful," the horse stated happily, "James, your talented paws ought to be helpful here, I think. We all know how eager your fingers are upon a nice, hard prick..."

"Y-yes, sir," the tiger with a stiff erection replied.

"Come on right here," the horse beckoned.

The tiger stepped next to his Master even without a tug on his chain. He stood there, naked and comely, and awaited orders.

"Take a hold of your brother's cock, James," the horse ordered, putting his own fingers over the wolf's stalk as well.

"Yes, sir..."

The stallion stepped behind the tiger so that his body was pressed onto the lithe male's, the bulge of his horsecock against the tiger's bare rump. Their fingers were entwined over the hard length of the Ripper's shaft, pulsing beneath their fingertips.

"There..." the Master whispered into his thrall's ear, "let him feel the gentles of strokes...up and down, like you were caressing your own tender flesh, very soft and sensitive to touch..."

They moved in unison, up and down, stroking over the damp skin.

"So very sweet..." the horse bit on the tiger's ear, causing the young man to gasp. From the corner of his eye, he spied Pip staring eagerly, cock pointing out from his groin. Robert's interest was more mild, almost...polite.

"Don't you like it so, James?"

"Y-yes, milord..." the tiger replied quietly.

The horse almost wished that the tiger meant it like he said, but he could live with the fact. It was a particular kind of a thrill, holding an manipulating the warm cock in his fingers and the little boy in his arms.

"Oh yes..." the horse continued his sublime rumble, "it's wonderful, isn't it, milking your brother's thick, hard pole...just imagine how good it'll feel in your maw and your arse when he'll be ready to do it..."

The stallion thrust his firm stalk against the tiger's rump and smiled lewdly to himself at the feel of the striped boy trembling in his arms.

"...such a sweet, tight arse you've got, too, glad it won't go to waste at the Raj's civil service now..." the horse chuckled roughly to himself.

"Really think you're doing...a favour?" growled the Ripper.

The horse nickered. He drew his fingers down along the wolf's shaft and squeezed it tightly about the base, causing the flesh to strain.

"Hmm...think he needs a little bit of," the horse said, "come on, sweet James, let's give Pip and Robert some space to work."

He tugged the tiger away by the leash, but didn't leave him far from his side.

"Pip, bind his sac and shaft with the cord and attach a pound of weight to remind him of how full his balls will be after his milking," the horse commanded.

The wolf trainer's eyes seemed to gleam upon this order.

"Oh, yes sir."

"Come here, Robert, you can amuse me while Pip works," the horse said.

He gestured for the lion, whom approached his Master. The stallion smiled and wrapped his fingers about the lion's barbed cock.

"Such a sweet man, you...stand there, Robert, and come stand here, James...come here, stand face to face so that I can take both of you in my hand."

The collared and leashed tiger moved to face the lion, so that they were indeed muzzle to muzzle. The horse adjusted his grip so that he could catch both cocktips into his grip and stroke those slick shafts together in his hand. Both felines let out surprised rumbles of pleasure, their tails lashing about behind them.

"Don't you like that?" the horse rumbled.

"Y-yes, sir," the tiger whispered.

"Indeed, master," Robert said.

"Kiss each other, boys."

The two cats shared a questioning look with one another before the taller one, Robert, leaned forward, one paw cupping James' shorter muzzle so that they could press their lips together. The stallion slid his hand back and forth slowly to caress both feline's cocks while he watched them kiss chastely, nothing like a bawdy spit-soaked snog he could've ordered it to be. The boys knew to keep it teasing, for now, and the horse liked that.

"Very good," he said.

Pip wasn't paying much attention to the stallion's little games. He'd gone to one of the shelves to bring out a leather cord about a quarter inch thick and a yard long, made of soft leather. He grinned to himself when he set to the task of wounding several loops about the Ripper's balls, his knot and his shaft, making little ties on each loop so that once he pulled on the ends at the bottom, under the wolf's balls, the entire net of loops tightened up. The wolf let out a grunt at the feeling of his cock being forced into such a state. The cord made his shaft strain, and all the layers wound about his ball sac made the nuts stand out tight from the skin that'd been pulled taut. Pip, pleased with his work, gave the balls a few gentle pats from his paws and smirked.

"Hmmmm...this is good,'ll learn to like this alright..."

He sauntered past the two cats kissing each other tenderly with their Master observing them keenly, to fetch the weight from the shelf. It was a simple one, more at home sitting atop the scale in a grocer's store rather than in this dungeon. It even held the Queen's stamp upon it. She must be proud, the wolf thought. The loop of metal on the top was perfect for pulling the leather cord through it so that once he let go of the weight to let it swing freely, it tugged down hard on the wolf's balls.

"BUGGER!" the wolf growled out.

Pip watched hungrily how the brass weight swung back and forth, each motion causing an intense pull on the bound wolf's nuts. He felt both aroused and slightly glad for his own balls being not subjected to such a treatment at the moment. He was of course familiar of the feeling, and had enjoyed it somewhat, but this time....this time he was the one doing it, with his Master's approval.

"It is done," he declared.

The horse gave him a courteous nod.

"Oh, very good, it looks like fine work as always," he mused, "I am very pleased."

"Thank you, Master," the wolf said.

"You look very needy," the horse commented.

"I am, Milord," the wolf made no gesture to hide his own strong erection, knotted and all, kept hard with the stimulation of the events in the training dungeon.

"This pleases you?" the horse gestured at the two cats, at the bound wolf, at himself.

"Yes, Master," Pip replied.

"And you only got fucked until you spilled one night ago..." the horse clicked his tongue, "I've made a lustful bugger out of you, haven't I?"

"Yes, sir," Pip smirked.

"Pleased to be having a new wolf in the house, Pip?"

The wolf's tail lashed rapidly behind him.

"Yes, Milord," the trainer replied, "He is very...interesting."

"Such a keen boy you are, Pip," the horse shook his head softly, "it pleases me."

"Yes, sir."

"Maybe I'll have Robert and you play with me for a while..." the horse smirked, "after all, we'll only need James' soft Bengali paws upon your brother for some time now."

"If you...prefer so," the wolf rumbled.

The horse dropped the double cocks from his hand and lifted the musky fingers up to his nose to take a good sniff of feline musk before he issued further commands.

"Get the cocaine, Robert, and apply it on your brother for a good milking. We better make sure he won't spill unnecessarily."

"Yes, Milord."

The lion fetched a glass bottle, from which a yellowish powder was dropped onto his fingers. He smeared the fine powder over the Ripper's dark, straining cock and massaged the substance upon its skin. The wolf let out snarls and snorts, before he simply continued huffing into his gagging muzzle.

"There you are, James, all yours for four hours," the horse told the tiger," take it in your paw, and begin."

"Yes, sir..."

The tiger stepped over and took the wolf's cock in his paw. He began to stroke, slowly, gently treating the manly meat in his grip. The horse smiled and attached the tiger's leash onto one of the hooks hanging off a chain from the ceiling. It look fine like that, swinging from the ceiling until the gilded chain attached to the tiger's thick leather collar.

The wolf kept on rumbling. He could feel the grip and the pressure, but the usual intense sensations of having pads on his flesh seemed to be missing. There was just the soft whisper of fingers sliding over his cock, and the clipping of hooves when the horse departed the room, with his wolf and lion thralls in tow.


Thank you for reading!

The Lunt Street Ripper’s Sentence (9)

**\*** Continued mind control fun for [![avatar?user=48788&character=0&clevel=2]( Sanmer]( "Sanmer") - do tell me what you think! \* In the dungeon...

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Online Hookup Gets Messy

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The Wolf Soul - Part Eight

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