A new begin

Story by Janus Oberoth on SoFurry

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#4 of Their Story

Well after a long time I decided to continue and revive the story with a short chapter.

Lucy finds out that her stay in Jack's home will last much more than she thought.

On the next day Lucy walks in the patio, she moves his nose on the green grass while the sun warmth warms her up.

She is prowling for the forecourt until she sees that Jack looks at her from the shade of a tree. He smiles on her smoothly and raises his eyebrows a couple of times, Lucy looks at him with surprise and she feels a little uncomfortable before smiling weakly.

The two dogs see that Jack's owner enters in the passenger seat of the limousine, Lucy gets surprised when he moves the hand to call her. Lucy gets surprised seeing this, she looks at Jack anxiously fearing the worst.

Lucy refuses to go with the owner of Jack, she refuses to leave from there to live in the street again.

"Go with him." Jack says looking at Lucy while he crosses his forelegs to lean his head on them.

Lucy looks at him a moment before getting close to the automobile, she with a jump climbs on the passenger seat.

Jack's owner gives her some friendly pats in the head before the limousine departs. The gate is open and the limousine crosses it, the female dog looks out the window with a lot of worry.

She sees as buildings pass by while the automobile moves going over the streets of London.

Lucy does not know where Jack's owner is taking her, the female gets surprised when the limousine stops in front of a veterinary clinic.

The driver of the limousine opens the door and Jack's owner gets out of the automobile, he with a smile looks at Lucy before indicating to her that she must follow him. Lucy with more confidence gets out of the limousine.

The man walks to the front door of the clinic and Lucy follows him. Both get in the clinic and they head toward the reception room, Lucy sees that there are a lot of man and their dogs expecting their turn for attention.

Jack's owner talks with some people and an employee leads them to him and Lucy to one of the rooms for examine the dogs. A doctor takes Lucy and places her on the table of examination, the doctor and Jack's owner greet each other.

"Robert, she is Jack's new girlfriend." Jack's owner says looking at the veterinary.

"Oh that dog has a good eye for the girls." The doctor says while he places his hand on the head of Lucy and he caresses her. She moves her content tail and smiles a little.

"I want a complete exam for her, like the habitual for Jack and give her the necessary vaccines." Jack's owner says while he places his hand on the head of Lucy.

"We will make it, and will give her a good bath." The doctor says while he looks at Jack's owner. He nods while he sees that he takes a board notes and places a piece of paper on it.

"With which name will we register her?" The doctor says while he takes a pencil.

"A good question, she did not take a collar when Jack brought her with him." Jack's owner says while it begins to think about the names.

At that moment a telephone sounds and the doctor responds the call. He talks to with her someone in the other side of the line.

"Yes, Lucy will take over of it." The doctor says while he talks with the other person. Lucy barks with enthusiasm and moves her tail while she looks at Jack's master and next the doctor that finishes her call and hangs up the phone.

"Well already we have the name." The doctor says while he caresses the head of the female dog slowly. She moves her content tail.

"Then that will be her name." Jack's master says looking at the doctor. He nods and begins to write on the paper of the board notes.

"I have a couple of meetings, I will come back for her at the end of the day." Jack's owner says looking at the doctor. He nods and he says good-bye to the owner of Jack, he caresses Lucy's head before getting out of the room.

Lucy relaxes and tries not to cry with emotion seeing that a new home will receive her soon.

In the passing of the day, doctors examine Lucy completely, she with bother endures some administration of vaccines and the extraction blood for the analyses.

For the ending of the afternoon Lucy is waiting in a cages of the veterinary, she by a window she notices that the sun begins to go down and the night covers London. The female gets worried when she notices that people begin to leave after finishing their job.

But the limousine suddenly stops in front of the clinic, Lucy stands up and barks with emotion when she sees that Jack's master gets out of the automobile and he comes closer to the clinic.

Lucy waits for several minutes until somebody enters in the room and opens the cage to take her to the reception. She moves her tail seeing that Jack's owner awaits for her.

He smiles and he caresses the head of the female dog. Lucy gets surprised when the doctor puts a blue collar on her neck, she sees a new plaque with her name and the direction of her new home. The doctor also ties a strap around Lucy's new collar.

"She is completely healthy, now her vaccines against diseases and parasites is up to date." The doctor says looking at Jack's master.

He nods and looks at Lucy, she moves her content tail. Jack's owner takes the strap and starts to walk toward the entrance of the clinic and Lucy follows him. Both get out of the clinic and get in the limousine.

Lucy feels excited while she cannot wait to get to the mansion and touch the ground to feel herself completely at home. After twenty minutes the limousine crosses the mansion gate and stops front the front door.

The door opens and Lucy with a jump steps down, she takes a deep breathing and closes her eyes when her paw touch the lawn. Lucy cleans some tears and she gets surprised when she opens her eyes and sees that Jack smiles at him smoothly.

"You smell like apple." Jack says perceiving the pleasant aroma that stems from the fur of Lucy.

She blushes and she gets a bit uncomfortable noticing that Jack breathes in with more force.

The moment of inconvenience gets interrupted when they see that the steward calls them to eat, the two dogs look at each other and walk toward the mansion. Jack and Lucy get to the kitchen and Lucy gets surprised seeing a new food bowl next to the one of Jack.

It is a pink bowl, and with her name registered in it. Lucy feels content and she begins to eat food with pleasure, after of the dinner both dogs enjoy the heat of the fire of the chimney for a couple of hours before going to sleep in the bed of Jack.

Lucy no longer feels uncomfortable sleeping next to Jack. They now will live together permanently.

Richard, Mary, Richard Jr., Lucy, Jack, Edgar, Rex, Baxter are my Characters.

Written by Janus Oberoth

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