A great weekend

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Little John has a great weekend with Alana. They have a lot of fun together


Little John was in his bedroom, he was observing the landscape by his window. He sees that clouds move the sky. It is Saturday and Little John expects that Monday arrives again so he can go to work and fuck to Alana too.

From their first time, every day Little John and Alana had an intimate moment, he always wanted to fuck and she did not stop him.

Little John's thoughts are interrupted when somebody knocks at the door, he turns over and sees that his father opens the door and he smiles at him. Lowell comes closer and he sits on the bed of Little John.

"I need to talk with you a moment, boy." His father says while he looks at him. Little John nods and he sits beside his father.

"Your mom and I want to go to visit your aunt Donelle." Lowell says looking at Little John. He looks at him and nods reminding the sister of his mother. His aunt is the younger sibling of her mother and lives in the next town.

"I supposed that you will refuse to come." His father says looking at Little John. He nods and Lowell laughs smoothly.

"I knew that this would happen... so I talked with Mr. Bailey in order that you can stay with them the weekend while we are not here." Lowell says looking at Little John. He gets surprised and nods with enthusiasm, his father smiles at him smoothly.

"None of them seemed to be in disagreement with my request, also I requested to him that they absolve you from your works these days in order that you help me to when finishing some things that I want to leave finished before the journey." Lowell says looking at Little John.

He accepts with disappointment knowing that he would have to wait.

The next days Little John feels restless, his need to masturbate grows and he does it several times a day. And at nights the growling of pleasure of his parents do not help him neither, he masturbates three times that night.

Finally arrives the Friday and in the morning, Little John says good-bye to his mother and climbs on the cart with his father. His father takes the reins and he drives the cart that goes down by the road, Little John tries to keep calm to avoid having an erection.

Lowell stops the cart in front of the entrance of the farm. Little John steps down of jump of the cart and almost loses balance. His father laughs smoothly and comes down from the cart to say good-bye to Little John.

"Well boy, behave yourself and do not give them problems." Lowell says smiling and stirring Little John's hair. He smiles and nods, his father smiles at him before getting again on the cart. His father gives the orders and the carriage turns over and with a smile he says good-bye to Little John.

He sees that the carriage goes away by the way, Little John rapidly puts his attention in the house, and he walks toward the house and knocks the front door. His heart beats rapidly while he waits, after some minutes Little John hears that somebody in the inside of the house gets close to the door.

Little John's eyes open completely when the door opens and Alana receives it without wearing a single clothing. She leans forward and kisses him on the mouth, Little John pushes his tongue in the mouth of the woman.

He kisses her while he places his hands on the white tits of the doe rabbit, he squeezes them with pleasure feeling his softness.

Both share a kiss that lasts for some moments, Alana breaks off the kiss and says absolutely nothing the moment that she drags him in her house. The woman undresses Little John rapidly, when her clothes are on the floor Alana leans on the sofa opening her legs completely.

Little John does not waste time and he positions himself between his legs. He rapidly penetrates her, both growl of pleasure, Little John begins to pump his penis rapidly in Alana, he had wanted this several days.

Alana had also wanted it, the insipid sex with her husband of two nights ago had not made more than increasing her desire for the boy. Little John moans while he pumps his penis, he holds the hips of Dana while his ass moves back and forth.

"Oh damm, it is better of what I remembered, fuck me John." Alana says while he moans and squeezes her tits with force. She feels as the penis of the boy gets in and gets out of her vagina rapidly, she feels content.

The jets of the precum of Little John mixes with the juices of Alana, Little John leans forward and takes the right nipple in his mouth. He sucks it with pleasure and hunger, his other hand stimulates the other tit.

Little John stops and growls ferociously when he shots his semen in Alana, she moans of pleasure when the semen spurts hits her vaginal walls. Alana's vaginal walls squeezes Little John's penis.

He does not move while he enjoys the pleasure of his climax, he opens his eyes and looks at Alana.

She is breathing agitatedly while her eyes are closed, Little John takes out his penis slowly and sees that his seed oozes of the pink opening.

Alana opens her eyes and smiles at Little John.

"Let's go to take a bath." She says standing up. She gets on the first floor while Little John awaits her, he feels strange being naked in middle of living room of a house that is not his.

Some minutes later Alana comes down from the top floor with some towels, she catches Little John's hand and starts to walk toward the kitchen. They get out of the kitchen and Alana guides him to the forest, Little John follows her while he puts his attention in the ass of the woman.

By the time they arrive to the pond, Little John's penis is erect again. Alana laughs smoothly and she caresses the boy's penis slowly.

"I like your predisposal." Alana says kissing smoothly to Little John in his mouth. She smiles on him and she turns over entering in water. Little John sees her a moment and he follows her, he trembles when his feet enter in the cold water.

He takes a breath when the cold water surrounds his body completely, he feels loss of respiration.

Alana smiles at him and gets close to him, she embraces him with force and looks at him.

"I thinks that you need some heat." The woman says smiling at him smoothly. Little John feels that Alana's breasts press his chest, his penis begins to grow up again under water and touches the woman's crotch.

He shakes feeling the cold water around his cock, Alana gets surprised when Little John pushes his hips and penetrates into her. A smile appears in the face of Alana and she kisses Little John.

"It seems you do not like the cold." She says smiling smoothly and catching Little John's head to press his face in her breasts. He embraces his lover and begins to suck the nipples until Alana moves away.

"Before something more, let's take a good bath." She says smiling while he looks at Little John. He nods and he gets close to Alana, she seats him on a rock at the edge of the pond.

Alana takes a bar of soap, she gets some foam to wash Little John's hair, he smiles and permits that she washes his hair. Alana pours water on the head of Little John, he closes his eyes and waits until water finish dripping to open his eyes.

Little John feels as the hands of the woman move on his chest and arms, Alana's hands get down to his crotch, she smiles at him and Little John opens his legs. She looks at balls and the penis with hunger, her hands begins to soap Little John's crotch.

He moans when Alana's hand moves up and down on his penis without difficulty, she stops and covers Little John's balls with lather. Little John's eyes are closed while he enjoys the caresses of Alana.

The woman stops and takes Little John's hips, she turns him over and begins to wash the boy's shoulders. Little John feels as the woman's hands moves on his back completely, Little John's eyes gets open when Alana's tongue touches his anus.

His tongue moves up and down slowly, Little John's erection hardens more each time. Alana stops before Little John comes to his climax.

"It seems all clean, but I should make sure." Alana says caressing Little John's right gluteus. He gasps when the soaped finger of Alana enters in his body, she slowly moves her forefinger in circles.

Little John's body becomes taut when the yolk touches his prostate, Alana has fun while he listens Little John's moans, he tries to control himself not to release his semen. The woman fortunately stops and she takes out her finger.

"You are clean, and now it is my turn." Alana says looking at Little John, he nods and gets in water.

The woman comes out of the water and she sits on the same place of Little John. He takes soap and manages to make foam, he places his hands on the shoulders of Alana, and she feels as the hands of the boy are moving on her shoulders.

Little John makes more foam and places his hands on the tits of Alana, she moans and closes her eyes feeling as the boy squeezes and covers her breasts with froth, Little John caresses his nipples and pulls out them.

He takes his time to soap his lover's breasts, he opens his eyes after several minutes.

"You know, that one is not the only part of my body." She says smiling smoothly. Little John nods and moves his hands on the arms of Alana before taking down his hands on the stomach of Alana.

He for first time realizes that her stomach had grown in some size, he was somewhat notorious, but not too much. Alana opens her legs when Little John's hands get to the region between her thighs.

Alana moans when Little John touches her clitoris, he twists it and stimulates slowly before stopping. Little John picks up more foam and applies it through the vulva of Alana, she trembles lightly feeling as the finger of the boy up and down in her pink slit.

She moans when Little John's slippery finger enters in her vagina, he begins to push in and take out her finger at the same time that he moves it in circles. Alana closes her eyes while the finger caresses the internal walls in her vagina.

The woman protests when Little John takes out his finger, she opens her eyes and sees that Little John looks at her attentively. Alana nods and she turns over, Little John picks up more foam and washes the woman's back, the hands get to her ass.

Little John passes the soap on the buttocks of Alana and covers them with froth, she shakes when Little John introduces his snout between the buttocks of Alana. He licks Alana's posterior hole with slowness achieving that she moans with pleasure.

Little John's licks stops, he begins to caresses the crack ass of the woman with its forefinger, she moans when he pushes his finger in her anus. Little John moves his finger in and out, soap facilitates his job.

He stops after some moments and passes the soap on his erect penis before positioning himself behind Alana. She feels that the boy spreads her buttocks, Little John points his penis and pushes, he moans when Alana's anal walls surround his penis.

Alana moans when Little John begins to pump his cock, she feels as the groin of Little John hits her gluteuses. She introduces one of her hands between her thighs, the woman begins to masturbate.

Little John with effort takes Alana's tits from behind, he squeezes and kneads them with pleasure while his crotch hits the woman's ass at every moment. Little John expedites his pushes at the same time that the fingers of Alana moves in and out of her vagina.

Little John suddenly stops and releases his seed in the ass of Alana, he feels the anal spasms of the woman that comes to a new orgasm. Alana pants and the juices of her orgasm get her hand wet.

Little John and Alana do not move while they remain united. After some minutes both enter in water again, they swim a moment and they have fun before being again face to face.

"For our luck my husband is away on a trip and will not return until you leave; so I am all yours." Alana says before kissing Little John again.

Two days later, Little John is sitting on the table of the kitchen of Alana, he feels as the precum oozes of the opening of his penis. His look is placed on the ass of Alana while she turns over and the boy looks at the woman's tits.

Alana laughs soft smoothly seeing Little John's expression, these two days of sex had been fantastic. She sees that the naked boy looks at him hungrily, Alana takes dinner dishes and she serves them at the table.

"I know that you have another type of hunger, but first we should eat to have forces." Alana says laughing smoothly. Little John nods and begins to eat slowly, he opens his eyes when a foot touches his penis.

He feels as the sole of the foot of Alana moves on his penis, Little John looks at the woman, she that smiles at him smoothly. They continue eating, the precum gets the foot wet while the woman has fun with the penis of the boy.

Little John is completely happy, Alana had been his completely, when he wanted to fuck her, she did not resist. She did not leave him alone either, both had not needed their clothing those days.

Both finish their food, Little John helps the woman to clear the table and to do the dishes. They finish the cleanliness after some minutes.

"Do you want to dance?" Alana asks looking at Little John. He gets surprised by the question.

"I do not know how to do it." Little John says looking at the woman. She laughs smoothly and takes Little John to the living room, she makes some space and takes Little John's hands.

"Place your hand here and here." Alana says placing the right hand of Little John on her waist, she puts her left hand on the shoulder of Little John. The woman uses her other hand to take the available hand of Little John

She begins to guide the boy.

Little John and Alana move in the living room while they dance, the boy promptly takes rhythm and he is who guides Alana. She laughs smoothly and she has fun just like Little John, he smiles content and embraces to the woman.

They move slowly until they stop and they look at each other. Little John takes the hand of Alana, she laughs while Little John leads her to the bedroom, both jump on the bed.

Little John finishes on Alana, the boy feels the woman's breasts pressing against his chest. Alana caresses the head of Little John, the woman smiles at him and she kisses him. Little John closes his eyes and joins his tongue with the tongue of Alana.

His mixed saliva drips on the pillow. Little John smiles and he begins to lick the ears of Alana, she laughs smoothly. The woman feels as the tongue of the boy moves to her face, Little John kisses her on the cheek before taking down his body.

He has in front of his face the woman's tits, Alana moans when fingers of Little John's begins to twist his nipples smoothly. Little John feels as the nipples harden rapidly.

The woman opens her mouth and moans when the boy's mouth closes on her left nipple, Little John breast-feeds the big tit smoothly, her other hand begins to knead Alana's right breast.

Little John takes out the nipple of his mouth, he plays with the wet nipple in his saliva. Little John begins to give licks to Alana's right nipple before sucking it. Alana moans and sees as the boy sucks her tits.

She smiles smoothly thinking that the boy loves her tits, he in reality is a male. Little John finishes of stimulating the breasts, he takes down his body kissing Alan's stomach smoothly while she opens her legs.

Little John opens more the legs of the woman, he caresses his swollen clitoris, Alama's body shakes by the delicate touch. Two Little John's fingers sink in the vagina of the woman, he moves his fingers, and the warm juice gets his fingers wet.

Alana moans and pants with pleasure, she squeezes her breasts. Little John leans back and brings closer his mouth to the female's slit, Little John's hot respiration makes that the woman trembles. She shrieks when the tongue touches her vulva.

The boy's tongue savors the vagina's juice, he licks his mouth and uses her fingers to spread the lips.

Little John introduces his tongue and he closes his mouth around the vulva.

"Eat me... eat me." Alana says contorting of pleasure while she catches Little John's head and she keeps it in place. The boy sucks while he moves his tongue inside the vagina, his mouth and his chin get wet with the juices of the woman.

Little John introduces his hand between the gluteuses of Alana, his finger gets in the crack and track Alana's posterior hole. She opens her eyes with surprise when her lover's forefinger penetrates into her rectum.

The finger moves in circles inside her anus.

Alana's respiration becomes fast while she stimulates her tits with force and her body arches at the moment that a strong groan of pleasure escapes of her mouth. Little John does not get surprised for the amount of juices that fill his mouth.

He drinks with enthusiasm and pleasure while Alana writhes with pleasure until she gets inert for the orgasm, Little John takes out his finger. Alana pants rapidly while she sees helpless as the boy catches his penis and he places himself on her.

Little John blurts a growl out when he puts his penis into the vagina of Alana again, he begins to fuck her with vigor and speed. The woman's vagina is completely all wet with juices and they do easier Little John's work.

Alana pants and moans, she closes her legs around the boy, the ass of Little John moves up and down. The soft and hot vagina squeezes the boy's penis, the precum scatters in the inside of the woman.

The bed creaks due the strong pushes, Little John begins to suck the breast to increase Alana's pleasure. They moan and growl of passion until Little John stops and closes his eyes while he growls of pleasure, his cum is shoot out of his penis.

The semen spurts hit the vaginal walls of Alana, his body shakes off with a new orgasm. Little John moves and rest backwards.

Both lovers do not say a word in the following minutes while they recover, Little John feels the right hand of Alana on his chest, he sees as the woman is leant on her left side while she smiles on him smoothly.

"Now it is my turn." She says smiling and beginning to caress her lover's chest, Alana smiles and she sits on Little John. His hands caress the chest slowly, she leans forward and kisses Little John on his mouth smoothly.

She begins to take down her body, Alana kisses and sucks Little John's nipples. He gasps when his nipple is nibbled and suck smoothly by Alana, she makes it smoothly before continuing taking down her body.

The tongue moves on the stomach of Little John, he feels the first lick on the head of his penis. The precum is licked by the tongue of Alana, she enjoys it completely, the lips kisses the boy's rest of the shaft and they get to his balls.

Little John closes his eyes when his balls enter in the mouth of Alana, she sucks his lover's sack smoothly. His tongue moves in the meantime she sucks with calm.

The woman stops and takes out the two balls, she with a hand caresses Little John's wet testicles, with her hands she turns over Little John to have him face down. He feels that she positions herself on him, Alana kisses Little John's neck smoothly at the same time that she massages the boy's shoulders.

"You are my little man, you make me shake with pleasure as nobody made it before." Alana says whispering in the right ear of Little John. He cannot avoid feeling ashamed and pride in some way.

He feels that Alana's hands go down his back, she caresses his column and surroundings while the woman moves more getting down. Little John becomes restless feeling that Alana's hands rest in his gluteuses.

Alana smiles smoothly and begins to knead and caress Little John's buttocks, she laughs when seeing that Little John's tail moves with emotion. The woman catches Little John's tail and plays with it for a moment.

"I know what you want and I will give it to you." Alana says the moment that she catches Little John's hips and she raises up the ass of the boy. He permits that she directs him, the boy leans his hands and knees in bed, and Alana opens Little John's legs largely before putting her attention in the most important thing.

She again caresses the buttocks of the boy before beginning to kiss them slowly, Little John becomes tense a little when is tail is bitten playfully. Alana opens her mouth and introduces the tail in her mouth to suck it for some moments.

Alana takes out the tail of the boy and she smiles before spreading the buttocks of the boy with her hands. Little John jumps when Alana introduces her snout between his buttocks and the woman begins to lick his crack.

Little John moans and pants, the woman's tongue moves up and down getting wet the place with saliva. Alana feels that Little John shakes when her tongue touches the boy's hole, Little John's respiration is fast while he feels as his cock is completely erect below his body and the precum is dripping.

The tip plays with his hole, that pleasure is unique and just like his father, Little John also enjoys that technique. The woman eats his ass with great pleasure, Little John jumps and opens his eyes when Alana pushes her tongue that penetrates in him.

He feels that the tongue goes over each part of his entrails get wet with warm and slippery saliva. Alana feels the cracks inside the anus of the boy, the saliva drips from the balls of Little John and gets the bed wet.

"You have a delicious taste, I could eat your ass all night if you ask me for it." Alana says when he takes out her tongue and with her forefinger caress the boy's anus. Little John is panting rapidly, he moans when Alana pushes his finger that invades the boy's body.

Little John pants and jumps when the fingertip touches his prostate, Alana smiles seeing the reaction of his young stud. Alana smiles content to see the effect of this, she had tried to make this with her husband, but he said that it is something of perverts and freaks that are not true men.

Little John's mouth opens completely, he growls with surprise to feel that Alana's mouth closes around his penis. He sees below his body, Alana is sucking her penis, with pleasure while she continues moving her finger in Little John.

She gets surprised when the ass of Little John begins to move up and down to fuck her mouth, Alana feels pleased while he continues moving her finger and sucking. It is not something surprising for him, this last some minutes, Little John growls and pushes his hips when he growls and shoots a new load in the mouth of his female.

Alana sucks smoothly perceiving the delicious taste of the semen of Little John, she swallows it with pleasure. His tongue hits the penis tip repeatedly to collect the last drops from semen.

Little John pants rapidly while he is hugging the pillow, he feels that Alana licks her penis and he moves. Her hands takes the hips of Little John and she raises them, his gluteuses are again spread before Little John felt that marvelous feeling in middle of his crack.

He holds with more force the pillow while the woman's hand caresses and stimulates his balls, Little John pushes his ass back when the tongue enters in his body again, and the tongue touches the walls of his anus.

Alana plays with both testicles for some time before moving her hand, she stops when the hand perceives Little John's hard penis. He is panting rapidly when the tongue gets out of his body.

The woman turns him over and leans backwards in bed, she smiles on him and he positions himself on her crotch. Alana catches Little John's penis and aims it to her vulva, Little John moans when she sits.

His penis is wrapped up by the vaginal soft walls of the woman, he feels the remains of his own semen. Alana places her hands on the chest of Little John and she begins to move, her ass bounces slowly.

She laughs smoothly while he sees that the boy pants and moans. Little John raises his arms and with his hands catch the female's wobbly tits, he squeezes and kneads them with pleasure. His fingers perceive the hard nipples.

Little John's penis appears and reappears every time that she raises and takes down her ass. Alana catches Little John's hands puts them on her stomach, she moves them slowly on her stomach.

Little John understands that she wants him to make this. So Little John begins to move his hands in the stomach of Alana while she guides him. For a moment Little John can swear that he saw the twinkle of a tear in the right eye of Alana.

She closes her eyes and throws her head back while he moans, she takes every one of the Little John's hands and squeezes them before again looking at him. Alana leans forward and kisses him on its mouth smoothly.

"Do you want to change the position?" Alana asks softly in the meantime her face is to some centimeters of the face of Little John. Little John nods in silence, Alana moves and the penis soaked in juices appears from her inside.

Little John gets up and she places the woman on the position that he wants. Alana laughs while she leans her elbows and knees to present her ass to Little John that he wishes to fuck her in the doggystyle position.

"What do you like of this position?" Alana asks laughing thinking that he loves this position.

Alana laughs seeing that he blushes while he tries to respond. The woman knows that the odds are that he feels possessive on her, he refuses to say it not to make her angry.

"Go ahead." Alana says looking at Little John. He smiles and moves his head affirmatively with enthusiasm.

Alana gets surprised a little and she laughs when Little John begins to bite his tail, she moves her ass to make it difficult the things to Little John. When he sees this, Little John decides to move on to the following step, Alana blurts out a great groan of pleasure when the boy's tongue touches his anus.

Little John licks the brown hole of the woman, he makes it slowly and with his hands he squeezes the woman's white buttocks. In this occasion Alana embraces the pillow, she permits that the boy eat her anus.

Little John's finger slides in the vagina of Alana, she feels that the boy's finger moves in her vagina.

Little John gets surprised when she takes her hand and pushes her forward, Little John opens his eyes complete when his hand enters in the vagina of Alana.

She blurts a groan of pleasure out, she moves Little John's arm forward and back.

"Move it with care." Alana says at the moment of releasing Little John's arm. He begins to move his hand, he feels marveled feeling Alana's wet vaginal walls squeezing his hand.

He moves his hand of back and forward in Alana at the same time that the boy continues eating her anus.

Alana moans and pants with pleasure, she feels as her vagina is full with the hand of the boy, Alana's moans become faster and strong while she moves ass to increase her pleasure.

Little John stops and with care he takes out his hand, when his hand is out, Little John looks with amazement the shining vulva. He looks at the stretched vagina of Alana, Little John stands up and uses the juices in his hand to lubricate his penis.

Alana moans smoothly Little John's penis begins to enter in her anus. He moans with pleasure, Little John pushes until his groin touches the woman's buttocks, Alana feels as the penis throb in its rectum.

Little John catches Alana's buttocks and begins to pump his penis inside the woman, she moans and pants while she continues embracing the pillow. The boy's balls hit her body while the spurts of precum cover the walls of her rectum.

The sound of slapping meat fills the room with each push of Little John, he moans and squeezes Alana's buttocks. The woman moans and her spongy tail moves rapidly, she feels as the penis of the boy enters and gets out of her anus rapidly.

Alana moans with pain when he feels a spank in her left gluteus, she smiles because the boy demonstrates the hard and strong character of his species. Little John pumps up with more force and his pleasure intensifies.

Alana's moans become stronger while they mixes with the moans of the boy.

He suddenly stops and growls with force when his semen is shoot out of his penis, Little John pushes with force. Alana closes her eyes and her juices drips of her vulva when she reaches an orgasm, the anal sex was marvelous with Little John because her penis was not so big and he was easy to take it besides he knows how prepare her.

Little John does not move for some minutes until he takes out his penis, he falls exhausted on the bed. His body bounces while he breathes agitatedly. Both lovers cover themselves with the bedspread and they fall asleep some minutes later.

Little John wakes up in middle of the night and he opens his eyes slowly when he feels motion of the bed, he feels the heat of the body of Alana next to him. Little John feels the heat of the back of Alana on his chest, he gives a squeeze to the woman's left tit while he embraces her from behind.

His erect penis is pressed against the ass of Alana, he begins to rub his penis in the buttocks of the woman. Little John enjoys their firmness and softness, he introduces his penis between the cheeks of the rear end of the female.

His pleasure grows slowly and Little John stops when he is close to release his semen. He pants and begins to take down his body to disappear under the bed sheets, Little John tracks with his nose in the dark and he finally feels that his snout is in the crack of the woman.

Alana opens her eyes and gasps feeling a lick on her hole, she feels as the hand of Little John raises her left gluteus while the boy continues eating her ass.

The woman moans softly and permits that Little John continues, she feels the affectionate licked of Little John in her hole in the meantime her gaze is put in the window. Alana closes her eyes and pants when Little John's tongue enters in ass.

Little John moves his tongue inside the woman with slowness, he perceives the aroma of the white fur of the woman in his nose. Alana smiles internally seeing over her shoulder, she sees that Little John's feet stick out of the bed sheets in the low end of the bed.

The oral sex of Little John stops after some minutes, he moves up and gets out from under the bed sheets, he spits saliva in his hand and to scatter to it through his penis before approaching the woman's back.

Alana feels as the tip of member of Little John touches her buttocks and gropes looking for her hole.

Little John stops when he finds his objective, Alana closes her eyes and perceives as the hard cock enters in her rectum again. Little John moans and enjoys the heat of the entrails of the woman, he holds Alana's hips and begins to pump.

Little John's moans fill Alana's left ear, she moans smoothly enjoying the anal sex, she with calm moves her hand to her crotch and she begins to masturbate. Her hand rubs her vulva and clitoris.

Little John feels as his groin hits the woman's buttocks, he realizes that she is awake, so he expedites his pushes without the need to dissimulate. Alana moans and she puts her fingers into her vagina, they get wet with her juices.

No one of them says one word while both enjoy their amatory session, Little John's pushes gain strength and velocity. Alana closes her eyes and moans with force the moment that she feels an orgasm that gets wet the bed sheets.

Little John feels the anal spasms around his penis, he gives one final push and ejaculate one more time inside the woman. Both breathe agitatedly and Alana gets surprised when he kisses her from back on the neck, Little John had seen it several times in his home with his father and his mother.

Little John's penis loses size and it slips out of the ass of the woman, she turns over slowly to see him.

Alana smiles at him and kisses in the mouth softly.

"I would like that you were older, with a few years more we could get married." She says caressing Little John's chin.

"I would like that!" Little John says with enthusiasm. Alana smiles by the declaration the boy.

Alana places her hands on the ass of Little John to draw him toward her. His bodies stick and Little John reclines his head to the breasts of Alana, he makes himself comfortable and closes his eyes.

When the lights of the new day touch Little John's face, he wakes up and yawns.

He feels something in his mouth, Little John gets surprised when he realizes that Alana's nipple is between his lips. The boy moves back a little and the nipple covered of saliva gets out of his mouth.

Little John sees up and sees that Alana is smiling to him.

"You breast-feeded my tit for almost one hour." Alana says smiling. The woman had gotten an early start with a pleasant feeling, she had seen as Little John sucked his tit while he is half asleep, so she decided to leave him sleep to enjoy the sight and the pleasurable feeling.

Both remain in bed a couple of hours while they play before looking for their clothes and getting dressed. Little John finds them at the same place where they had fallen days before, they take a breakfast before that both hear that somebody knocks at the door.

Alana heads toward the door and opens it, she calls Little John and he runs to the door. When he gets there he sees that his parents await for him. Alana laughs seeing that Little John jumps with enthusiasm and embraces her parents.

"Your dad decided to take a different road to be able to pick you up before returning home." Leanna says looking at Little John. He nods content.

"Well, say good-bye boy." Lowell says looking at his son with a smile. Little John says good-bye with sadness. Alana smiles at him smoothly while she shakes Little John's hand, Leanna and Lowell thank Alana's help.

"It is nothing, John is a good boy and he did not give any problems." She says looking at Little John. Both chuckle with certain complicity.

Lowell helps Little John and Leanna to get on the cart.

He also climbs and the cart begins to go away and get out of the farm, the family gets to their home around fifteen minutes later.

All the characters are mine except Little John Little John © Disney Written by Janus Oberoth

The day after the great night

Leanna serves the breakfast that Little John enjoys a lot. When Little John finishes eating his breakfast, he changes his clothes and he begins to help his parents in some home chores. Little John helps his father to cut some pieces of wood. Through...

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First glances and first time

On the next day Little John wakes up feeling that somebody sakes his shoulder. He yawns and blinks to filter the image in front of his face. Little John sees that his father is sitting on his bed and he smiles at him. "It is time for you to get up to...

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They meet

Little John was in the kitchen of his home drinking a glass of milk with a piece of bread, it had passed more of two weeks since he had lost his virginity with his mother and under the guideline of his father. He observed as his mother ordered the...

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