The Lunt Street Ripper’s Sentence (7)

Story by Gruffy on SoFurry

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#7 of The Ripper Wolf (BDSM, Mind Control)

Continuing Victorian commission for avatar?user=48788&character=0&clevel=2 Sanmer , featuring quite a lot of kinks! Do tell me what you think!



Pip reveled in the sight of the wolf in the stocks in front of him. The Ripper, his latest brother, remained shackles onto the wooden cross, bound to it with leather and steel, locked, bound and with his head enclosed in a muzzle that left only a little slit for breathing. Huffing guffaws of air flowed in and out of his lungs, the big chest heaving, resting against the wooden cross he was spread upon. The unhappy rumbles told him that he was certainly not enjoying the treatment yet, which included an enema, a bath, and the insertion of an ivory plug into his arsehole.

"It's time for you to begin to find out the pleasures of a man," Pip told the wolf with a private smile.

"Naw," the Ripper replied, thick arms arching against the painted wood of the bondage cross.

Pip let his eyes finally seek the primary subject of his attention, a sight that made his own cock throb hard in its trussed up, bound state. The wolf's sheath jutted from his groin, among the messy furs there. Droplets of water still remained in the fuzzy curls from the previous bathing, but even the soap could not entirely scrub away the natural musk that was emanated from a big, manly sheath and balls. The wolf's testicles hung loose after being subjected to warm water.

The wolf trainer grasped the loose, warm nuts and squeezed them. The immediate response was a rattling of his chain, the one attached to his tail and that he could move to a degree and to generate a noise he considered to be worrying to his capturers, reminders of his strength and his power.

"Got lovely big bollocks," the wolf breathed out. His captive only snorted, letting more spittle to dribble from his leather muzzle, "nice and hefty...wicked..."

He rolled the fleshy nuts in his palm. They moved easily, and he didn't resist the urge to tug on them a little.

"Geroff!" said The Ripper.

"Oh, they're just so nice to play with...come and watch, Robert, you might learn a word," the wolf sounded almost cheeky when he spoke to the lion.

Robert had been standing nearby, mildly looking at the proceedings. Upon Pip's words he hazarded a step and came closer, a few feet away, to watch the slow motion of the wolf's fingers over the Ripper's balls.

"They're nice and warm and big, Robert," Pip spoke, "wouldn't you like to feel them too, Robert?"

"The Master wants us to enjoy each other's bodies," the lion said, "I would."

Pip let his paw fall over his knee and smiled.

"Go on, take a feel, brother," he rumbled.

The lion nodded and reached with his own fingers, slipped them under the wolf's dangling nuts and then cupped them into his grip, tenderly as if he was touching his own, and like all men, knew them to be surprisingly delicate.

"Feel a good, hefty, big pair," Pip grumbled.

"Geroff those bollocks!" the Ripper commanded.

"Don't mind our brother," Pip's tail swung about as he watched the leonine male handle his nuts. "We've all resisted a little in the beginning."

"I'll show you little!"

Pip chuckled.

"Nothing little there, brother," he patted the wolf's sheath, "you'll be a thrill to play with when the Master wants us to put on a show...all our hard pricks in display..."

His own throbbed so hard. He couldn't resist, he had to stroke himself, if only a little, a few times over his musky flesh, got him pulsing, leaking, and rumbling a little, his tail giving a happy wag.

"...and he'll fondle each in his hand and compliment you, brother, telling how handsome we are, with our big pricks and our balls and our tight arses..."

"He can stuff it!" the wolf complained.

"Oh he loves stuffing things..." Pip replied. He let go of his prick and sniffed on the paw hard, to get a good whiff of his own aroma into his nose. He found it agreeable, and put the paw against the leather holes on the Ripper's mask. "Smell this..."

He got a wet, snotty snort all over his paw, a great show of disapproval. Robert's ears bounced in mild alarm, but Pip simply smiled.

"Did not like it, brother?" the wolf asked. "Good healthy wolf like yourself...and I ain't half bad myself..."


"Oh tsk..." Pip laughed, and the sound he made rang off the tiled walls, "that's not friendly...we've got company, too, don't' we, Robert?"

"Yes, brother," the lion said.

Pip brushed his fingerpads over the bound wolf's chest, to cop a good feel of those tense muscles where he could reach them through the angles in the cross that let him access to the wolf's body. The muscles trembled deliciously against his fingertips, the wolf struggling against not only Pip's touch but the leather bondage as well.

"Robert, spare me a paw and grab my prick, will you?"

"Should I?" the lion questioned.

"It's what our Master has told us to do to one another, no?" the wolf spoke softly, coaxing the lion.

"Well..." the lion's lips pursed a little while he concentrated, the larger wolf's words tickling into the parts of his mind that had been seduced by the persistent commands put there by the horse, to enjoy the temptation of male flesh, to seek it, and to provide it, too, as long as no seed was spilled without permission. The suggestion to do that was not as powerful as the implanted urge to serve his Master, especially now that the stallion was not present to oversee such action taken between his thralls for his personal amusement and pleasure. Henceforth it took him some time before he complied with the wolf's request, to wrap his softly furred fingers around his wolf brother's sticky cock. Pip let out a pleased rumble and a bark, and wagged his tail.

"Oh that's good, thank you, brother," the wolf said.

The lion now had balls in one paw and Pip's cock in another, which made the wolf soon feel somewhat envious. He stopped fondling the Ripper's chest and decided to concentrate his touch on his sheath instead. The fold of skin seemed very loose and was confirmed to be so as well, when he placed his fingers upon the tube of flesh and tested how it moved. The Ripper growled and tensed when he felt a fingertip poke inside, to touch the delicate surfaces of skin there.

"Oh very nice, brother..." Pip growled.

The wolf's cock throbbed and oozed pre-cum over the lion's still fingers. While Robert was holding his lupine brother thrall's prick, he wasn't putting the warm meat into any good use so far, his paw unmoving. Pip pulled his finger out of the wolf's sheath, sniffed it, and licked a hint of a salty, musky flavor onto his tongue.

"Oh, a tasty prick, brother..." the wolf swallowed a musky mawful of saliva, "very good...would love to put my muzzle on it...give you a nice little bath...but I ain't supposed know why? Because the Master wants us to do all this in order...and now we gotta do it his way, like this...rub those balls, brother, and rub me a bit, too."

"Of course," Robert replied. He began to massage both the wolf cock and the wolf balls in his paws, doing so with careful, measured motions. Pip let out a pleased rumble and looked at the lion's untouched, tempting prick. It'd be fun to play with that, too...he'd likely catch a moment to do just that later on, but now he was concentrated on the treat of breaking in their newest brother.

"I'm sure you'll find this nice, brother..:"

Pip licked a finger and returned the new, slick digit into the wolf's sheath. He dwelled deeper, pressing onto what he knew to be the tip of the wolf's dormant cock. His own twitched at the feel of it, and he enjoyed the sensation of the spongy tissue under his pad. His other paw took a backwards grip of the sheath, wrist pressed against the warm, fuzzy belly, and he held onto it gently, boldly, and with intent.

"Bet you ain't gonna be able to resist this, brother..."

He stroked up and down, applied a squeeze, and twisted his spit-covered fingertip around the wolf's fleshy tip. The Ripper rumbled and made the leather in his arm and wrist bindings to squeak against the wooden frame of the cross The double assault on his cock did not please him. He wanted to be get out of the frame and he wanted to be anywhere else but here, in this dungeon where every noise was amplified manifold by the tiled walls. The closing of the doors had created a completely enclosed space, and the breathing, and the scents of the two males standing right next to him annoyed almost as much as the uninvited touching.

Pip was entirely into it, too. He liked nothing more than handling a nice cock, even one that was still soft. He was well versed in how wolf cock worked, too, since he happened to own one between his own legs. He knew how much one could pull on the sheath, for example, when one wanted to cover the tip for taking a leak, and he had a good understanding of the places where one had to touch to get even the most reluctant man going. Usually that'd been the cause of someone who and enjoyed strong drink in qualities that their minds were slipping away from it, while their bodies still knew what to do once give some useful encourage.

"Good, thick sheath and a big prick, I bet...I'm sure you fuck like a bull...hard and rough with those big bollocks slapping...hips jerking around when you breed and fuck..." Pip declared while he teased the wolf's sleepy shaft. "Gonna be fun to see if the Master lets you mount one of us like a cow...would you like that, eh? Nice tight arse with the tail up...winking pink eye looking at ya...don't you just want to kiss it before you stick yet prick in...and it's so warm and good, brother..."

The Ripper's saliva excited the breathing slit with force. It appeared that he'd attempted to spit on his leather-clad trainer, but failed miserably because the globs hit the leather muzzle and then simply dribble out, with a bit of extra propulsion from the wolf's frustrated huffs.

"And men ain't go coming telling you they want to make a honest woman out of them and have a little 'un on the way after you had a go at 'er after a bottle of gin...not like my poor ol' brother who was only seventeen when that happened to him, my poor brother..." Pip related, "my blood brother, that is...not sure if any of my new brothers have any cub maws to feed...doubt it..."

He laughed, a jolly bark to it, and tickled the wolf's cock.

"Oh you'll be so magnificent fucking away...wonder who Master might make you mount for his viewing...he enjoys watching us fuck...doesn't let us cum but he likes us going at it like a rent boy prowling the street for coin...'oh please sir, don't be too rough on me sir..'

Robert chuckled at the wolf's terrible attempt at impersonating a street urchin's parlance, and got a tug on his cock as a reward from his cheeky, deeply rumbling lupine brother thrall.

"Yeah, that's ever see those?" the wolf spoke to his counterpart on the cross. "Those scrawny things on the trade, not like the rent boys in their parlors, all pampered up and perfumed...ugh...makes my knob shrivel up even thinking...more like fucking a cunt and I don't much like cunts..."

Pip winked to the lion wanking his cock, and then turned to look at the wolf in front of him. He wanted the Ripper to feel his breaths mixing with his own, to smell him close, when he leaned towards the bound male.

"Robert here, brother, he's got a sweet a pair of ripe plums and his arsehole sucks you right in...and it feels like he's jerking at ya with a really good one, he does, a true little arsehole of wonders..." the wolf related the ribald tale with a pleased rumble to his voice, "Maybe Master will let you give it a'll forget any cunts you might have waiting for you..."

"Don't think he has anyone else waiting but the hangman's noose if he's seen, brother," Robert said without mirth.

"You reckon?" Pip mused, remarkably casually for someone getting his cock jerked by a lion, and who was himself applying similar manual attention to a stubborn wolf sheath in his own paws.

"It's what the Master said, wasn't it?" Robert replied. "Remember those newspapers he showed? Ripper facing the noose at the gaols after spilling the blood of numerous innocents..."

The Ripper, angry over the treatment he was receiving, could still remember each of them by the flavor of their blood and the scent of their torn fur and muscles.

It was a good memory. It made him feel good, calm.

it was his undoing, too. Thinking about blood made his own blood quicken and flow more rapidly, his heart leaping in his chest. HE breathed harshly, and the tension in his body transferred to other parts as well, including his tail that swung in its bounds. The muscle on his asshole clenched around the bone plug in his rump and caused it to churn inside his rear.

The wolf growled, deeply. Pip was rumbling, too, enjoying the feel of the lion's tender paws.

"Will have a good life here, brother...everyone's got a new life here..." Pip crooned to the dark wolf he stroked slowly, fingertip circling around encouragingly firm flesh.

His lust for blood was his undoing. Even briefly thinking about his past deeds had sent enough excitement through the wolf's body that his cock was indeed finally growing hard despite his hatred of the intrusive paws upon his body. His shaft plumped and began to fill out the sheath the wolf's fingers had already stretched. The up and down motion of the ring he formed with his fingers encouraged it to slide back even further so. The skin was taut and warm, and the pink flesh starting to come out smelled of musk.

"Ah...a treasure..." Pip commented, "Look, brother..."

Robert looked, though his eyes lacked the passion of his brother's glance, eyes trained at the meat emerging from hiding. Pip continued to stroke it. This time he concentrated on the tip, with its slightly open hole at the middle and the blunt, forming tip.

"What a goddamn nice fuckstick you've got..." the wolf murred appreciatively.

He clasped fingers around the shaft and tugged at it in earnest. Dry pads pressed onto veined flesh and made the wolf tense and grumble.

He was beyond resistance at that point. The body could no longer be tempered by simple mental faculties, not now that the actual reflex had been initiated. The cock filled with blood with the thumps of his heart, grew in length and swell in girth. The tip reached towards the ceiling and the whole cock curved out nicely, the sheath slipping back quite naturally, with or without Pip's eager help.

"Oh look at this charmer..." Pip spoke with pleasure. "Come on, touch it, Robert...let go of my cock and touch his..."

"Yes, Brother," the lion said.

He left the trainer's jutting member and reached over to share the Ripper's cock with his brother. Pip's paws occupied the base of the shaft and the tense, blood-gorged tip. Robert's fingers curled loosely around the thick length of the dick.

"He's big," the lion said, "not like Master but he's big."

"He's bigger than me," Pip chuckled, "bigger in all heard that, brother Ripper? You've got a knob to be envious wonder you like making maidens scream..."

He could hear the screams in his mind alright, but none for the bawdy reasons that Pip was suggesting. Just a brief, hollow scream before he'd smother them and...

Pip enjoyed the strong stalk in his paw. It felt good and powerful. He had to lean over and give the tip a lick.

"Hmm fucking hell...tastes so try too, Robert... lick it."

He let go of the dick, grudgingly so, to give some room for the lion. Robert tipped his muzzle down more slowly and took only a brief swipe with his raspy feline tongue. The big cock was left bouncing in the air, with a healthily sized knot forming at the base. It was not yet fully swollen, but you could certainly see it starting to bulge out of the otherwise uniformly thick flesh of the meaty shaft. Pip's fingers returned to it almost immediately, milking up and down the Ripper's stalk.

"Just a big know, brother, Master likes watching us do one another or ourselves...just likes seeing a big cock like this being stroked...leaking and oozing juice but not spilling seed...he ain't liking that...unless he wants us to be drained dry...then he makes sure that we have to spill so much we'd rather faint than shoot any more spunk out of our shriveled balls...."

Pip's own cock pulsed, its own unattained need much obvious by how his shaft dug into the shiny ring secured around its base. He too was not an exception to the Master's rules.

"Might make us all take turns, brother...each trying to jerk you off to spilling...the Master enjoying you whimper when we all polish your slimy, huge knob..." Pip detailed. He was really working himself into a frenzy with his dirty ideas. He could imagine it, all, too, the musk in the air, the most likely bound wolf's ragged growls when his overtly sensitive stalk would be stroked to a spilling over and over again.

If he liked, that was. Mostly the horse seemed to be interested in keeping their balls well-loaded with the white nectar. The Master enjoyed having his own balls drained as often as he could, but when it came to his thralls, they'd often tip-toe tenderly around with pent-up balls and perpetually hard cocks from all the unintentional or indeed quite deliberate teasing they were subjected to. The metal rings to keep them stiff, the leather, sometimes wearing plugs in their arses to make sure that they'd be getting as much teasing as possible. Lounging around naked in the house even during their tasks, and wearing more clothing only when it was absolutely necessary due to the nature of the chore, and the protection of cloth was needed.

In front of their Master, they were almost always naked or simply harnessed, hard, with their arses oiled and bare. The Master might get the urge to stick it on any of them on a whim, or simply slip a finger or two into a nice tight rump because he fancied playing with the hole of a male under his command.

Pip glanced at the lion's swinging tail. How much it'd please him to sink under that tail just now, if he was being allowed to...mount him just there on the floor, with the Ripper listening to their perverted groans even if he couldn't watch. Maybe the hood could be removed for the duration...

But it wasn't the time nor his place to make such decisions on his whims.

"But most likely he'll just let it all build up in ya..." Pip copped the wolf's balls into his paw and squeezed, "make these all full and aching...maybe he'll put rings around them to make them extra tight...oh that hurts so Robert's right now..."

He glanced at the cat's long-deprived balls and smirked almost as evilly as their ultimate Master would, before he grabbed the wolf's nuts and gave them a proper, growl-inducing yank.

"I'm sure he'll want to see how much these can produce...maybe he'll let you spew's always a treat for us, when our Master shows his kindness and lets us go all the way..." Pip detailed, "he lets me go often, you know...he just likes seeing seed gushing out of a big, hard wolf cock..."

He grasped the Ripper's shaft and squeezed on it hard, to make the glans bugle and the knot throb, now almost completely formed at the base, ready to be locked into a needy bitch. Pip let go of the captive's balls and went on to wrap his hands about the knot. He could just about put them together around it, if he squeezed it a little. The wolf in front of him growled non-stop.

"So fucking thick and great...blimey..." Pip let out a ragged bark of lust, "makes me just want to - "


Thank you for reading! Hope you had a good time, and I look forward to your comments!

The Lunt Street Ripper’s Sentence (8)

** ** **The Lunt Street Ripper's Sentence (8)** ** ** \* This is an ongoing commission for [![avatar?user=48788&character=0&clevel=2](

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The Wolf Soul - Part Seven

\* Continued commission for [![avatar?user=153004&character=0&clevel=2]( Aaron Blackpaw]( "Aaron Blackpaw") - do enjoy! **\*** The access...

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The Wolf Soul - Part Six

**The Wolf Soul - Part Six** \* Hehhey, folks, you know the drill, a commission ongoing for [![avatar?user=153004&character=0&clevel=2]( Aaron...

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