The Wolf Soul - Part Five

Story by Gruffy on SoFurry

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#5 of The Wolf Soul (TF/TG Themes)


Hello, and welcome to my ongoing commission for avatar?user=153004&character=0&clevel=2 Aaron Blackpaw , containing numerous interesting themes - I hope you will enjoy this story, and tell me what you think about it!


Brandon washed and towelled him before he carried his nude boyfriend into the bedroom, slipped away from his own undergarments and curled both of them onto the bed, on their sides. They faced one another under the covers, Andy on his stiff side because that way his better functioning left hand still allowed him to rub his fingertips against Brandon's chest. They were nose to nose, and Brandon's curly beard tickled the blonde man's chin softly.

"Tomorrow..." Brandon said.

"..ohrroov..." Andy replied.

The dark-haired man cupped his lover's chin and kissed his as softly as he knew. He wanted to remember the feel of those lips, their suppleness and the wetness of saliva shared between them. He liked how Andy smelled, freshly washed, shampooed, dried with a thick, luxurious towel so that he was ready for sleep in the bed they shared. Brandon had slept occasional nights in the guest room when Andy had told him that it was not fair for him to suffer from Andy's bad nights, spent tossing and turning and trying to force stiff joints into positions that would bring him some comfort. Now his twisted body seemed to be at rest, over the soft lambskin spread onto the bed to make sure he had something especially comfortable to lie on, and to prevent any additional discomfort or sores from lying in one position for too long.

"I'll miss you," Brandon whispered.

Andy seemed to be smiling, somewhat crookedly as it was, but his lip was definitely curled.


"Even a month is longer than anything before," Brandonsaid, "let alone - "

He couldn't finish the sentence. The official plan was that Andy would check in to the Clinic the following day, spend a week in preparations before the actual...procedure...would take place, which would be followed by a minimum of three weeks of intense rehabilitation that would let him adjust to his new circumstances. Brandon's brain had been flooded with text about multi-disciplinary workshops, therapists and doctors, and he felt exhausted even thinking about it.

Yet he wanted to think about it, because that was the only thing that kept him from thinking about the one possibility he didn't want to consider, the horror stories about the advent of this new brand of medicine and science, the terrible, awful outcomes of some of the early experiments that had gone so badly wrong.

It was the stuff of horror movies, malformed bodies, half-man, half-animal, driven insane from their physical and mental destruction under the terrifying transformation they had undergone in the hopes of escaping death...only to face a terror of almost worse kind, of being strangers in their own bodies and souls.

That was, even if they survived alive.

"But I'll come to see you every day, whenever they allow me to," Brandon hurried to assure his boyfriend with his best smile and his calm words. "I'll bore you to death with my gossip about everything."

Andy let out a noise that was likely a laugh, and Brandon smiled, too, yet the bearded man felt a hint of hysteria in how easily his lips pulled into a smile. Anything to make Andy feel more made him feel better, too.


"Oh, you think?"


Brandon chuckled.

"But who could ever get annoyed with you, you sweetie?" the dark man snickered.

"Hhhhhhhhhh...eeeehh..." Andy commented. His fingers tapped against Brandon's fuzzy chest.

Brandon clasped the hand and shifted a little down along his body, because he knew that the arm didn't comfortably reach up enough that he could bring the fingers to his lips otherwise without causing Andy some discomfort. He moved instead, and kissed the slightly curled hand softly, making little smecking noises on the knuckles and the tips of his boyfriend's soft fingers.

"I won't let you be alone," Brandon said, "we've gotten this far, I'm not about to stop here."

"T...t...hhhhhh...nnnnnk...uuuuhhh..." Andy whispered.

They kissed again, slowly, Brandon letting his lips linger over his lover's, with warmth. He wanted to fill them with his own body heat, to give Andy something to remember by while he was away from him, away from his skin.

He embraced him deeply, then, pulling him close and taking him into his arms. They laid there for a long time, exchanging the occasional kiss, slowly and warmly...and the heat definitely increased. Brandon felt Andy's erection against his belly and his own cock grew hard as well, a shared pillar of pleasure between their bodies.

"...fffffffff....uuuhkk.k.k.k...meeeh?" Andy's voice questioned.

Brandon gasped.

"You...sure?" he said.


How could he say no? Their intimacy had taken many new forms since Andy's body had given up on him, but it had not been lost entirely. His skin was as sensitive as ever, and his sexual function remained unimpaired and occasionally exercised, too. Right now he seemed very intent on it, too.

"Alright," Brandon whispered. "I'll make it great for you."


The dark man caressed his body with his large hands, keeping that skin stroked and warm. He peppered Andy's body with kisses, enjoying the little gasps of pleasure and approval that brought from his boyfriend. He teased his lover's hard cock with his fingers and then slipped it into his mouth, suckling on the straining flesh until it glistened with his saliva. Even then he spent quite some time nuzzling on his balls and stroked his spit-slickened palm over Andy's glistening glans, occasionally teasing the piss slit with his thumb. The groans and twisting motions that caused had nothing to do with any nervous palsy or a dystonia, words Brandon had come to hate intensely when they had become reality in the flesh of his boyfriend, opposed to things you used in scrabble to get more points.

He didn't see a twisted, withered body when he made love to Andy. He saw the blonde hair, the soulful eyes and the hard, leaking member between his lips, leaking sweet juice over his questing tongue. His kisses travelled over a flat belly and all over neck, nuzzling into the gentle stubble he'd left over Andy's chin during his shave.

"I love you," Brandon whispered into his Andy's ears, too many times he could count.

Pillows helped him to put Andy comfortably onto his side, perfectly aligned so that he could settle behind him, and with the help of lube, to enter his lover from behind. He pushed in slowly, knowing his lover could take him, but it had been quite some time since they'd been in the mood to do this particular thing.

He threw himself into it, though, giving Andy the kind of sex they had had before - firm, deep strokes, tight gripping on his body, heated kisses and nibbles over the blonde man's neck. Their bodies rocked together, the fuzz that covered Brandon's belly and chest offering a nice, ticklish stroke over Andy's smooth back, perfect but for a few playful freckles sprinkled along his spine.

"" Brandon groaned, pounding into his lover, hips smacking against Andy's backside with each deep thrust into him.

He grasped Andy's cock over his hip and stroked him along to the thrusts, giving him waves of pleasure from both sides of his body.

The release shook both of them up, and left Brandon panting and huffing on his back, exhausted from his efforts to bring both of them as much physical joy as was simply humanly possible.

For the better or the worse, he had made it a time to remember, and Andy's satisfied smile and the prodigious amount of cum staining the sheets, they had succeeded as well.


Hell yes, Brandon thought.


Thank you for reading! I hope you had an interesting time, and I look forward to your comments! Do remember that all feedback, watches, votes and faves will help others to find these stories to enjoy and read as well!


The Wolf Soul - Part Six

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The Wolf Soul - Part Four

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