The Lunt Street Ripper’s Sentence (6)

Story by Gruffy on SoFurry

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#6 of The Ripper Wolf (BDSM, Mind Control)


Hello, and welcome to this continuing commission for avatar?user=48788&character=0&clevel=2 Sanmer ! I hope you have an interesting time, and I look forward to your comments! Remember that all votes, faves and watches will help others to find these stories as well - not to mention, if you belong to a group that might enjoy this story, don't forget to add it there!



The damp corridor echoed with their heavy pawsteps, moving along at a good pace.

A wolf, was taller than the rest, with each of his burly arms held by a fur clad in leather. Robert walked on his left side, a large lion with a thick mane and a wild tail he only barely kept in check. The wolf on the other side, Pip, moved with a purposeful stride that made his muscles stand out with each step, his entire body trained into perfection of movement and shape as per his Master's explicit wishes to see the wolf develop into the muscle-bound creature he was.

A perfect specimen of manhood under his command, to do his bidding, and his wish.

"...´the Master won't be pleased about this at all, brother," Robert the lion told to the captive wolf in the middle of them, "not at all, I fear."

"It may take quite some time for him to come up with a punishment suitable for you," Pip said, "but I know it will happen. We have all experienced it, brother."

"," the wolf walking slowly with them spoke in his gravely voice, unused fur such a long time that it still sounded like he had to struggle for each meaningful word produced by his throat.

"Oh you'll learn," Robert said, "we all did in the end."

They turned at the corridor and passed through an open gate, heavy steel bars, separating this part of the passageway from another.

"How...can's...him...not you..." the Ripper rasped on.

The steps on the booted paws of his wardens sounded especially hollow on the walls of the brightly lit corridor.

"We have our orders," Pip said shortly, "our own will only extends to decisions that are not governed by our Master's orders and will."

" will?" the wolf asked. He wondered if the two men were detaining him under their own accord, or simply because they had no choice but to obey the orders put into their minds, like the...the strange words and commands that whispered under the turmoil of his own dangerously convoluted mind.

"You will understand," Robert said, "we all do in the end. It is how it works."

The large wolf snorted dismissively at the lion's repeated sentiment. Surely the lion was completely under the spell of that strange horse, acting according to all of that stallion's whims. The cowardly lion needed to be put into his place - preferably by wrapping his paws and his jaws around that fucking throat and squeezing until he'd gasp his last, pained breath...and then...blood...blood from that limp neck...tasted while still fresh.

Tasting like the life he had taken, how he had taken command in his own way, by tearing into the lion's flesh and -

The Ripper's tail tensed at the pleasurable thought. One day, he decided, one day the horse would be caught weak, and then he would act...he wouldn't care for these furs, doing his bidding. They were took weak to resist it, they didn't deserve to live through the cleansing he could put upon this ungodly place and to its very strange Master.

The wolf and the lion were unaware of the Ripper's thoughts. They dragged him over to a large door and finally stopped. Pip picked several brass keys from his hips and opened the locks and latches of the double wooden doors, heavily reinforced with studs, bolts and steel bars, already lit within when they entered. The whiff of carbolic soap coming out of the room was strong.

"This is where your training begins," Pip announced, and his voice bounced off the room ahead of them. "You will spend today here with us. We will show you the ways of the house."

"In our care," Robert said. "It will be a fine thing to do as our brother now."

"I don't care for your care," the Ripper opined.

The room was unlike the others the wolf had seen in the expansive house as of yet. All surfaces were covered in white and black ceramic tiles, enameled and shiny under the harsh light of the electric bulbs in their copper wired protectors. Shiny copper piping crisscrossed parts of the walls, some of them leading to a sizeable stone washbasin with double taps above it. Chains and curious metal implements hung from the vaulted ceiling that reached ten feet above them. The tiled floor slanted slightly onto metal grilles at the center of the room, above which, from the ceiling, a painted wooden cross in the shape of an X, suspended with dark metal chains and anchored to hoops on the floor as well so that it hung free but well secured. It was black, and foreboding.

"Step inside," Pip ordered.

The wolf did not see a reason to attempt further resistance...yet at least. The room felt marginally warmer than the hallway outside it. The tiled floor offered no more comfort after the concrete and flagstones on the wolf's bare footpaws.

Numerous wooden shelves complemented the walls. Many items were stocked upon them, in weird shapes, sizes and materials, leather, metal, natural rubber, gutta-percha, glass - shiny, dull, objects with unknown purposes and functions. It looked like an alchemist's laboratory, a torture chamber, a might only hazard a guess upon what one might do with all of them, and why the wolf had been brought into the room by his muscled, leather-clad guardians.

"I'll get the cuffs," Pip said. "You wait here."

The Ripper watched only dully how his fellow wolf walked over to a battered wooden table from which he procured heavy cuffs, composed of thick leather and steel and that had obviously been laid there to wait ready for his arrival.

"You will not move now," Robert told the Ripper in a warning tone when Pip approached with his new hoard.

The cuffs sprawled from his paws onto the floor with a clatter of metal on the tiles.

"Just stay still," Pip ordered.

The Ripper stood, stoic and unmoving. His tail remained tense and its tip lashed out, but he did not resist the two men when they wound heavy leather around his ankles, his shins, wrists, arms and hips, even over his neck in the form of a heavy collar, buckled and tight over his throat and uncomfortable for the wolf who hated any intrusions on his body. The dark leather had a strong stench to it, of the natural hide, metal and the polish that had been applied to it, oily and thick.

It made the wolf snort and yawn, to try to clear the stink from his nosepad. It helped only little.

"We will attach you to the cross," Pip said, "raise your paws."

The wolf did not comply. Pip simply nodded to Robert, whom stepped forward, and each of them took one heavy arm and raised them above the wolf's head. The wolf did move along when he was being pulled onwards. The black claws on his footpaws screeched on the tiles.

"Pain...will do me...nothing," the Ripper said, as he was led over to the dangerous-looking cross at the center of the room.

He expected torture, an additional tool for the horse to use to try and bend him over to his will. He knew pain. It would not break him. If the horse intended to turn him into a mindless creature such as these despicable men...he'd rather gnaw his own wrists and leave this world than allow his flesh be manipulated into a marionette.

"We intend no pain," Pip said roughly. "The purpose of all this is quite different, as is the method."

The heavy metal hoops in the wolf's bindings found counterparts along the cross, and his cuffs were secured with sturdy padlocks operated by a single key belonging to Robert, who placed it onto a hook on the wall once the wolf was spread over the cross. He faced onto the back of the room with his back towards the door. The Ripper's arms and legs laid flat against the polished, dark wood, bindings of leather about his elbows and thighs making sure there was very little freedom for movement. His great head hung still and resolute, staring at the white wall in front of him, free of shelves or other furniture. He could turn his head to either direction, but the thick wooden cross obscured most of the view. He could see that that the wolf had gone somewhere...for he could see the lion from one corner of an eye.

Pip stepped in front of him, holding something leathery in his paws. Seeing it made the wolf tense, his weight upon the bindings.

"Oh don't think so," the Ripper said, eyeing the object in the wolf's grip.

"You have no choice, brother," the wolf replied, "it's part of this."

Robert's paws closed around the wolf's neck from behind him, and the strong lion made sure that the wolf could not jerk his head away when Pip placed the leather hood onto him. It was shaped roughly like the head of a wolf, with a muzzle that had a slit on the front for breathing quite comfortably, but the thick leather dulled his senses by covering not only his eyes but his ears as well. The air the wolf could draw into his lungs through the hole smelled of leather, oil and musk, unwashed fur, really. He thought he could smell the hint of a wolf, too, another one, possibly the one who had just put this contraption on him.

"Hhhhhh..." the Ripper growled as buckles were pulled on to tighten the leather upon him, to make it truly settle into a skin-tight sheath over his muzzle. It pressed his ears down uncomfortably.

"The tail next," Robert noted.

The wolf's appendage tensed the moment he heard the words, faintly through the thick leather that padded his ears. Fingers grabbed onto the base of his tail and pulled it up, and there was a rattle of a chain when two leather cuffs were applied, tightened with a small buckle on each, and then hooked onto a chain loop hanging from the ceiling, which suspended the wolf's tail up in the air. He could move it still, causing the supporting chain to sway heavily alongside its motion. Being deprived of even that freedom of motion made the wolf ever the more angered by his situation, of being bound like this. It felt unnatural, he felt trapped, and he wanted it to end.

He would not plead.

In his currently blinded state, he did not see what his wardens did next. The wolf and the lion approached a wooden cabinet out of which they pulled out matching rubber aprons, put them upon one another and helped with the ties, before they drew dark brown natural rubber gloves upon their paws. Their attire squeaked with each movement they made, their knees rubbing against the material, their fingers further adding to the symphony of noises they generated with their motions, setting up supplies for their assigned tasks.

"Everything is ready," Robert told the wolf.

"I can see that," Pip replied, eyeing the arranged props of the day's work displayed upon the wooden tabletop, resting on the white linen cloth that protected it. "Let us begin."

The lion picked up the first item required, a rubber bladder that could hold easily hold a few quarts, with a coiling rubber hose attached to the bottom.

Pip opened a screwed cap on the top and poured something into it from a bottle he had opened previously while Robert prepared the bladder. Together, the two moved the contraption over to the washbasin and filled it first with cold water, then adding hot water from the boiler circuit so that the liquid inside was warm and comfortable to the touch which he sampled from the outside with his palm. Now filled and heavy, it took both of them to easily carry the sloshing bladder over to their captive and to hang it onto a steel hook dangling from a chain about a foot's distance from the top of the X formed by the cross.

"Bring the special oil," Pip ordered.

"I shall, brother," Robert sounded enthusiastic.

The Ripper's tail swayed like a snake, held down so that he did not have freedom for its entire expressive power, but what Pip saw was enough. The wolf was not happy to hear these cryptic instructions pertaining to his treatment in this dungeon. Pip was tempted to grab it and give it a pull, but he had been told not to use any unnecessary force on his brother, not unless someone's physical safety was threatened by him, and hence he had to forfeit. The wolf felt greatly intrigued by his grey kinsman, and it was more than evident by the stiffening of his own steel ring-suspended rod. The wolf was exactly the type of a male he'd been interested in his past life as well, although the opportunity to even view one up close in this manner, let alone touch or play with, had not come his way. Now, in the stallion's service, the thrills were numerous and...available.

For now, he simply patted the wolf's back.

"There will be some discomfort, brother, but nothing excessively painful so," Pip said. "This is simply the preparation for what is to come."

"Get your paws off me," the Ripper grumbled.

"I am afraid it is a necessity," Pip replied. "But remember, we all do this every day, as our Master wishes us to do."

"I don't do what he flippin' wishes," the Ripper grunted.

"You shall," Pip said, his paw now moving along the curve of the wolf's muscular back to come to a rest upon his jutting rear.

"Stop. Touching. Me."

"Here," Robert spoke, an open jar of the stallion's fine oil in his paws.

"Thank you."

Pip pushed his right index finger upon the jar and smeared it in the thick concoction. It had a faint smell to it, a fragrant herb or two, but nothing that would overwhelm the senses or cover up the natural body odor of a male. He looked at the finger now covered in the creamy oil and decided it was enough.

"Just a little something for preparation," he said. "It smoothens things out very nicely."


He grasped the wolf's left rump cheek and pulled it aside to expose him even further than before. The increasing tension in his body caused the piece of ass in his paw to become even firmer than before, and that thrilled Pip, erect and fully hard, dripping under his shiny apron. The grab even caused the somewhat pink flesh of the Ripper's hairy asshole to clench and move, visibly so, undulating flesh acting to purse upon its own folds.

Pip almost licked his lips at the sight.

The wolf on the cross growled loudly.

"Get off me!" the Ripper hissed.

Saliva dribbled out of the holes on the leather muzzle from his huffing grunts.


The wolf struck with his own considerable weight against the heavy wooden cross, but the leather and the steel combined were all too sturdy to let him have any give, let alone any realistic chance of breaking free of the bondage he'd been subjected to, physical or mental.

"Resistance only makes this unpleasant, I assure you," Pip spoke when he brought his oiled finger onto the cleft of the Ripper's rear and pressed it against the pink flesh he could see so tantalizingly at the very apex. "This will make it much easier to get it all in..."

"Filthy bugger!" the wolf being handled roughly thus complained.

Pip stroked his slippery fingertip against the wolf's asshole. He pressed slowly, little by little, spreading the oil onto the Ripper's pucker with careful movements. Robert stood by and observed with a somewhat bland expression upon his face, even if he was looking carefully at everything that happened.

The hole was tight and hot, Pip could feel it even through the thick rubber covering his finger. The sensation excited the wolf sticking himself inside his new fellow thrall. The hole was certainly not cooperating, not like that of his other brothers, or his own wrinkled tailhole, well-stretched often enough on their Master's thick tool, and other implements of penetration.


Pip had not gotten very far, but he deemed it enough. He pulled his gloved finger out of the hole that immediately clenched shut up, glistening now with the oil along its pink skin.

"Hold up the tube."

The lion held out a smooth copper tube, attached upon a rubber hose dangling from the rubber bladder now suspended above them. Pip scooped further oil from the pot and spread the sticky substance over the tube to cover it in a good film.

"I think it's ready."

"I think so too, brother," Robert replied.

"Whatever you think, it ain't happening," the Ripper grumbled.

"It will," Pip spoke, finality in his voice as he stepped over with the tube held in his paw.


The Ripper certainly did not enjoy the feeling of blunt, cold metal sticking into his arsehole, not even with the help of the cream that'd been generously spread. It only entered a few inches, and did not really spread him open, being blunt and narrow in its girth. Pip pressed a finger against the hole that was now clenching around the tube and felt a thrill from feeling the tension from the big wolf's small muscled ring.

"Opening the valve," he commented.

There was a brass screw on the base of the tube, where it joined with the rubber tubing. A simple twist on it with his fingers caused the water from the bladder to be released from the tube and allowed by its own weight to be forced inside the wolf's bowels. He let out a hacking noise at the sudden sensation of fluids rushing into his rectum. Warm or not, it was intense, and not at all pleasant.

"Fuckers!" the wolf spewed obscenity as he felt more and more water flow into his rear. "Cunts!"

"Easy now..." Robert patted the wolf's tense back, "while this is unpleasant, it makes everything else much more pleasant, brother."

"Geroff me!" the Ripper complained.

His wardens did none of such. Pip even reached for the bladder to squeeze on it with his own sizeable paw, to hasten the rush of water into his fellow wolf's bowels.

"You're doing very well, brother," he said.


A little of the water already trickled down from his hole and along his legs, and dribbled onto the floor.

"I think he's almost full for now," Robert observed.

"Must be," Pip said, "get the hose."

"Yes, brother."

"Bgfhhhh..." the Ripper complained, his jaws snapping together in the prisoner of the muzzle.

They approached the task with expressionless, dutiful deliberation. The tube was removed from the wolf's rear and soon along with the watery contents of his backside were indeed expelled before washed away by water from the copper-nozzled hose operated by the rubber-wearing lion, water running copiously into the grilles at the center of the floor. The wolf snorted and hacked throughout, the leather and the wood creaking, the metal clinking, but providing little chance for give. The operation was repeated two more times, until the bladder was empty, and so was the wolf, whom was then washed away with warm water from a bucket instead of the ice cold flow from the lion's hose.

Afterwards, the wolf remained shacked onto the cross, still dripping some water and standing there, leaning onto the wooden surface. His breathing was audibly loud and rattling, his body tense, muscles ripping each in turn as he tested the solid shackles upon his body. Robert and Pip moved about the room, re-arranging their tools, putting the cleansing equipment away to its assigned place, procuring further items, and of course, mopping up the floor back to its shiny, pristine condition.

"Done with my arse now you fuckers?" the wolf spoke, finally.

The Ripper did not feel humiliated, for the experience of shame was alien to him, knowing no modesty nor pride, but he did get bored easily. inside the leather prison of the shackles and the mask, time slowed. He could only feel the slight movement of his own body, his breathing, the rhythmic relaxation and tension of his muscles, each in turn, complaining about the posture he'd been forced to.

"Not yet, brother," Pip said. He smirked to the lion, who returned the expression with a mild look of curiosity.

"Stupid sods," the foamy-mouthed wolf growled, rattling the chain that held his tail, the only wait to create a satisfying amount of noise.

Pip opened an elongated, finely crafted, lacquered wooden box, carved with symbols he could not read, and upholstered with velvet on the inside of the lid and with leather on the interior of the box itself. It had been fitted with spaces for a series of items, a total number of eight of them in a neat row. They were a shade of white and made of ivory, chiseled into shape and made perfectly smooth over their elongated, unmarked surfaces. They flared somewhat towards the bottom, and each had a half inch of a groove about an inch from the bottom. Pip knew that it was a rare set his Master had acquired from Japan one of his numerous trips to the Orient. He had not accompanied him on that particular trip, for it had been before Pip had joined the stallion's peculiar household.

"Have the belt ready," Pip said.

"I shall."

Pip tenderly picked up the first of the ivory plugs from the box. It was not particularly large, four inches long and about as thick as two of his fingers pressed together. He had removed his gloves by now and manipulated it with his bare paws, spread a yellowish cream from another sweetly scented jar and covered it in a good, thick sheen of the grease. He finished by scooping another portion onto his fingers and then brought both his sticky fingers and the plug to his captive.

"It is a training that requires persistence, a long period of time, and of course, frequent training sessions," the wolf lectured, bringing his fingers into the wolf's freshly washed ass crack.


Arousing activities or not, Pip knew there was much time for play, and decided for a business-like approach for now. His own throbbing cock might've been a distraction, but the feel of the wolf's warm, clean hole on his fingertip was good enough even without toying with his member. He didn't even have the paw to spare for it, even though he knew he might have easily asked Robert to provide him a little bit of relief. It was not banned by the Master, as long as he did not spill himself without the Master's explicit permission. Such as state did not exist at the moment, and he had to content himself with releases under the stallion's supervision. The result was that the wolf was often very frustrated with the swelling of his loins, and even last night's eruption had done little to change that semi-permanent state of arousal that kept his cock hard and poking out of his sheath and through the cock ring surrounding his shaft.

"You have a fine hole, brother," Pip mused, smiling broadly now as he fingered more of the slippery cream into the wolf's anus.

"Get off me!" the Ripper replied.

His hole clenched around the top knuckle of Pip's finger, which only thrilled him further. He wanted to push it in deeper, and did...getting an even stronger grasp from the wolf's stretched, teased opening.

"I wouldn't even if I wished, brother, or could," Pip said, "this is rather jolly..."

"I'll bite your cock off before I kill you," the wolf answered.

Pip chuckled.

"I've been told by Our Master that you may threatens us as much as you like, but if you mishandle us physically, you shall be punished by his Will, like all of us have been told no to harm our brothers," the wolf replied, still leisurely poking his padded finger into the wolf's exposed butt. "and I believe him."

The Ripper tore on the chain with his tail, but only managed to cause his asshole to clench even more tightly around Pip's exploring finger.

"Stop...that..." the wolf hissed.

"This will be a long day for you, you should relax and let your body enjoy this experience," Pip said, "it has been a new one for many of your brothers, but they have all come to enjoy it."

The wolf snarled, spittle dribbling from the breathing slits and onto the tiled floor below.

"And you? Been buggering about even before you started doing his bidding?" the Ripper suggested.

Pip glanced at the lion who stood next to him, waiting and unmoving, a contraption of leather and metal in his paws and looking at the two large wolves interacting. His expression has returned to a kind of a mild blank state, possibly present but not contemplating anything of note. Perhaps he simply had no orders to fulfill, the trainer wolf thought, and smirked at the sight of the Robert's lion cock, hard and poking out of his sheath. Its barbed length looked swollen and needy, and the wolf knew it had been quite some time since their Master had enjoyed draining the lion trainer's balls. It might've been the time he'd made Robert give a show of fucking Stuart, the Master's man servant who kept his clothes in good order. He hadn't been allowed to spill into the otter's tight little arse, however, on, he'd been made to stroke himself and let it all splatter over the brown-furred servant's face, from which the Master had ordered Robert to lick everything up and share it with Stuart in a very messy, spunky kiss.

Pip licked his lips at the very memory. It'd been too long since he had enjoyed a good mawful of musky male cum. Perhaps the Master might even let him suck off one from the wolf he was currently playing with, preparing him for the day's training of his body for their Master's and his brother's purposes.

"I think you're ready," he commented finally, regretting the fact he had to pull his finger out of the wolf's rear. "This'll just pop right in, I'm won't even know it's there..."

"I'll stick it down your throat!" the Ripper commented.

Pip snickered.

"Cussing like a sailor," he said, patting the wolf's ass, "which is a fine thing, because I always fancied myself some sailor..."

He pressed the tip of the ivory plug against the wolf's tailhole and let it stay there for only a moment before he tilted his wrist and applied pressure. The previously washed and anointed hole put up very little resistance before the tip spread the ring open, and an inch disappeared...resulting in a growl from the wolf.

"Filthy fucking cunt!"

"It'll only feel bad if you resist it," Pip replied.

He pushed again, and another inch slipped in, then another. The Ripper's body tensed.

"Give me the harness."

Pip looped leather around the base of the plug and secured it with a buckle. The simple straps were easy to extend and wrap about the wolf's broad hips and then, with the lion's help, to form into a harness by attacking all the leather straps with buckles that created a secure fit to keep the ivory toy from being expelled from the wolf's rear. It might have lacked the aesthetic finesse of the decorative bondage harnesses both Pip and Robert were wearing, but it served a clear purpose, of keeping the plug within the Ripper's arsehole. The lashing of his tail told his opinion about it even better than the growl coming out of his throat.

"That looks good on you, brother," Pip said.


"You'll wear it today, and maybe tomorrow, and then you'll get the next one, and then the next one," Pip said, "this lets you to get used to it and to stretch out properly. It makes it all the more enjoyable for it to be done gently..."

"I don't care for!" the wolf foamed from his cross.

"You're doing well," Pip said, after copping a feel of the wolf's thick hip, "you're very resolute...I've seen legs tremble on men who've gotten something even smaller than that in their arse..."

"I won't show you any of the filthy jolly you want from me," the Ripper said.

"Perhaps not," Pip replied, "but perhaps you will learn to enjoy it, too."


"Then it is time to begin," Pip said in his gravely voice, as he stepped over in front of the wolf.


Thank you for reading! Hope you had an interesting time, and looking forward to your comments and feedback! Remember that all votes, faves and watches will help others to find these stories to read as well!



The Lunt Street Ripper’s Sentence (7)

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