My Draggy Cub Gets Attention

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#7 of RolePlay

This is chapter two of my rp with killjoyrule.

I, my friend, and my draggy cub visit some friends, get spotted by a stranger, and have an interesting night at home.

My Draggy Cub Gets Attention

A few weeks pass and I raise the cub with Arnie's help. Hypia, as we began calling our femy draggy hatchling, is now about the size of a young toddler. Day by day, we nurture his mind and curiosity.

I wiggle free of crib giggling. I wondered when papa and auntie would get me a real bed! I had seen stuff on the t.v. that showed little ones jumping on them it looked fun! Running out into the living room I yelp out. "Papa! I'm hungwy! Pwetty pwease! I wanna eat!" I jump up and down at your legs.

I wake up with a long yawn as I stretch my paws to the sky. I pick up my draggy cub and carry him to the kitchen. We've just moved into Arnie's house the week before. Well, it's more like a cave with furnishings. We thought it would be better for your boy if he grew up in a traditional setting for his species. We arrive in the kitchen and I get a pink bottle for the feral. I look to you and ask, "What flavor of milk do you want, Hypia?"

"Chawkwate!" I speak running around the room like made and jumping on stuff.

"Ok, ok, just settle down." I mix together the chocolate syrup in the bottle of milk. I bend down and hand you the bottle. "Here it is. Do you need to be changed?"

"Yeshies, Papa! My diapy wetty!" I giggle, suckling on my milk and a loud purr arising. I had grown to find the feel of the diapies to be a little arousing, usually getting an erection when it was wet.

I pick you up and walk to your new nursery. I quickly change your diaper, being sure to be careful around the draggy pecker when I powder and wipe you. I kiss your belly rapidly.

I giggle as I'm picked up continuing on drinking my milk eagerly, soon feeling the paws near my penis. I purr lightly at the before being kissed rapidly forcing me to squirm like mad.

I pick up the scale cub again and walk to a closet that is filled with pretty little girl's clothes. "What should we put on you today?"

I eep out in delight at all my pwetty clothing! "Pweasy! Pwetty dwessy!" I point hyperly at an azure blue and white dress that hatched my scales leaving room for my diapy to show underneath.

I take the dress of the rack and put you on the floor. I slip it over your head and look at you. "Whose Papa's little princess?"

I smile as I'm dressed, my whole rear end waggling in excitement. Feeling it go over my head I grin and reply. "Me, Papa, me!" I dance around as Auntie taught me, humming.

I giggle and smile at your enthusiasm. "Do you want to go wake up Auntie?

"Yeshies! I wanna see Auntie!" I squeal in excitement wobbling a bit in my run due to the thick diaper and flying onto Auntie's bed. I jump up and down on it screaming out. "Auntie! Auntie ! Wook at me! I'm pwetty!"

Arnie wakes up when he feels you hop on his bed. He reaches out his claw and pets your headscales. "Yes you are, my little Hypy." He hugs you tightly to his body, which is adorned by a pretty pink night gown.

"I wuv you, Auntie and Papa." I purr loudly as I hug myself as close as I can. I had proven to be just a kind and highly affectionate little one a joy to be around.

I sit in bed with Arnie as we both hug you. I turn on the t.v., and a picture of the crystalized remains of your old self is presented on the screen on a local news channel,

I lick aunties chest happily little purrs constantly leaving me as I got comfy ignoring the tv in favor of aunties warm lap.

He lovingly attends to you as I watch the news footage. A scientist is talking about ally the mystery in the object and how the scientific community won't rest until answers are found.

I smile as I'm pet before drinking more from the bottle happy to have plenty of milk at hand. I had developed quite the appetite.

I click off the t.v. "Hey, what should we do today?"

"Pway with the other dwaggy cubs!" I yip out. wanting to go to Auntie's friend's house!

Arnie smiles. "I`ll call them up for a play date. Do you want to make the call with Auntie??"

"Yeshies, Auntie! Wanna pway with them!" I jump up, hyperly purring.

Arnie lifts you up and carries you with him to the phone in the hallway. He dials his friend`s number, and the phone rings as you both wait. He puts it on speaker when a voice answers on the other end.

I wiggle squirming in Auntie's grip as he dials the number, trying my hardest to lick Auntie's nose, highly distracted.

A conversation between Arnie and the other dragon on the phone as I lay out our clothes for the day ahead. He brings you back into the bed room, nuzzling your belly as he walks in.

I giggle as I hug Auntie, listening to them talk before purring out loudly. I wiggle as I'm nuzzled before looking at Papa and reaching my paws out.

"There's my baby girl." I grab you and give you a big kiss on the muzzle as the grey dragon puts on the pink blouse and kahki skirt I picked out for him.

I eep out happily as Papa picks me up and smooches me, leaving me in a happy purring bliss. After a bit, I ask, "Papa, why do I wook difwent?"

I mentally freeze when I hear my cub's question. I knew that it would happen someday, but I had hoped it would happen when you were older. "W-what do you mean, Hypia?"

"The dwaggy cubs said I was diffwent." I reply tilting my head.

"Well," I begin, "you were adopted by me and Auntie after I found your egg outside." I sweat a bit as I hope for the half-truthful answer to satisfy your curiosity.

"Ohh..." I say a little sad before hugging Papa. "Wuv you still, Papa." I say with a squeeze.

Sensing the sadness in my cubs voice, I embrace the little one and say, "Hypia, whats wrong? Tell Papa." Arnie, after he is finished dressing, hugs you from behind, creating a circle of love and warmth around the troubled hatchling.

I whimper quietly as I'm held by both of my loved ones. Listening to Papa's voice, it takes a bit before I reply. "Papa, what happened to my other famiwy?"

I take a deep breath before responding. "I don`t know, Hypia. I found your egg. It was raining, and you were alone. So, I took your egg in and cared for it. Later that night, you hatched." The grey scale, nuzzles his face into yours as I speak to you.

"I'm gwad you found me, Papa. Wuv you so much! You too, Auntie!" I hug both of your faces and lick, happy to be with them both, adopted or not.

We both huggle the tot in our arms. Arnie pulls you from me, so I can get dressed. "Let's go get your bottle." The drag scale says to you. "We should also find Drak-kun."

"Dwak! Where Dwakky?" I reply, happily looking around in excitement for my little friend.

While you look for your plushie, I get dressed as Arnie gets a bottle ready for you.

I happily suckle cutely curled up in Aunties, arms my eyes closing, completely deep purrs leaving me.

I kneel on the floor, looking under the bed for Drak. I find him and hand him to you. I give Arnie a kiss on the side of his muzzle. "Are my girls ready?"

I quickly grab Dwak and snuggle him tightly before replying to Papa. "Yesh! Wet's go! I wanna pway!"

I pet you on your head. Arnie holds you as we exit the house and walk through the town. Everyone in the tiny beach city waves to us as we pass by. As we pass the local toy store, I notice a scientist studying a red, crystalline fragment that reminds me of your body.

I purr a loud, rumbling purr as I'm pet, staying in Aunties arms like Papa told me to. Papa always seemed worried someone would do something to me when we were outside the home.

As we walk, I put myself on high alert, looking for anyone around who may try to look too closely at you. The news report has me a little shaken. In an effort to distract you, Arnie tickles your belly with a gentle paw.

I watch Papa, quietly worried he was disappointed, before soon feeling a paw tickling me, which forces giggles and squirming. It isn't long before it makes me wet my diapy, but I stay quiet about it.

Arnies snout catches the scent of the freshly wet diaper. "Looks like we need to change you when we get to my friends cave." He kisses your belly as we enter the nearby woods. As we walk, I point out all the animals to you. "Butterfly...Bird...Geko,"

"Yeshies, Auntie! Diapy wet!" I nuzzle eagerly into him purring before looking wide eyed at the pwetty animals as we walk. "I wuv butterfwies!" I reply reaching out for one. I had a little obsession with them.

Arnie`s eyes light up. "Halloween is soon. Maybe we can take Hypia and dress her up as a little princess with butterfly wings. Would you like that?"

My eyes grow huge at the suggestion, and I wiggle, squirming in the grip like mad. "Yeshies! Pwease! Pwease! Pweaseeeee! Papa!"

I laugh at your enthusiasm. "Ok. Papa can`t wait to see how his little princess will look. And I guess Auntie will be a fairy queen?"

"Yes! We`ll look so pretty, Hyppia. What should Papa be?"

I giggle, hugging Auntie, before listening to what Papa had to say. I think on it for a second before replying "Papa be a pwince?"

I giggle, kneeling in front of the grey, teenage scale. I reach out my paw and bow my head. "Princess Hypia, may I have the honor to give you a piggy back ride?"

I giggle, looking down at my Papa and smiling. I nuzzle and lick the paw. "Yeshies, Papa!"

I take you from Arnie`s arms and place you on the back of my neck, holding your footpaws gently. I walk with you through the forest, and Arnie walks beside us.

I eep out as I'm picked up, flapping my wings before resting on Papa's back. I lick along the back of Papa, purring before snuggling close to him.

Soon, we arrive at the other side of the woods. We walk up to a cave, and Arnie calls in. Two red dragons come out of the cave, followed by their pink and red cubs.

I giggle as we go in the cave looking around before noticing my friends and chirping out eagerly, squirming like mad.

I take you to the diaper changing station and change your soiled diaper, replacing it with a pink camouflage pattern. After kissing your belly, I put you on the ground to play with the other cubs.

I squirm unhappily as I'm being changed chirping out protests. I wanted to pway! Giggleing from the kiss I race off to the other cubs and nuzzle them in greeting.

Arnie and I sit down and talk with dragon couple. I look over at you, happy that you have friends.

We all start rolling around play fighting and such, little playful growls going back and forth. I am too distracted to hear Papa's conversation.

We talk about what was on the news report. I begin talking with them about ways to keep you safe and guarded. Its obvious that Im more than a little concerned.

I giggle loudly, tackling another hatchie, licking him like crazy before feeling the rest pile on top of me hyperly leaving me under a pile of hatchies.

Everyone assures me that they will help. I`m put a little at ease by their kind words.

I soon squirm free of them covered in hatchy saliva from all the licks before running from them as they chase.

We all giggle, watching the cubs playing.

It takes a while, but, soon, me and every hatchie are laying on the ground with our tongues splayed out and breathing heavily.

I scoop you up in my arms. Arnie and his friend's get the other cubs, and we take everyone to the huge bed and lay them together.

I lay in Papa's grasp, panting quietly and weakly wrapping my tail around his arm. Soon, I feel him put me down next to another hatchie which I immediately hug and curl my paws around snuggling adorably before falling asleep.

The adults sneak out to the master bed room. I watch Arnie and his friends have a three wayy make out session. They invite me to join, but I`m too shy.

Meanwhile I have...strange dreams. Most of them involve Auntie and Papa though. Most of them had both of them naked, and I would feel such a strong attraction to them...I wanted to have sex with them, even if I didn't know that was what I wanted.

Arnie gets into the make out session with the other dragons. I get a little jealous that I`m not able to get myself to participate.

I wake up a bit later with a wet diapy and wobble to my feet my balance a little off with the weight of the used diaper as I look around the others, still sleeping.

My ears pick up the sound of you waking up. I slip out of the master bedroom to fetch you. I`m used to you having your diaper wet after every nap. I quickly change your diaper for a plain pink one. When I open your diaper, my eyes widen at the site of your cubby cock staring back at me.

I giggle greeting you with excited eyes to see you and lick and nuzzle, my cock wide out in the open from the excitement the dream had caused me. It was quite arousing.

I gulp still a little uncomfortable with the sexual side of dragon development. I reach out slowly and run my digit over the tiny draggy dong.

I purr giggling as Papa rubs my cock, moaning out. "Papa that fweels good!" I giggle out as I squirm and moan.

I lean in and kiss you on the muzzle. "I know it does, Princess, but now is not the time for that kind of play. We`ll play after we get home."

I giggle kissing back, a lil disappointed, but I felt I would be fine. "Ok Papa, it fwine!" I nuzzle happily.

"Such a big, smart girl. Let`s go to the other cubs. I hear theme waking up."

"Thanks Papa! I wuv you." I nuzzle smiling as you pick me up.

I carry you, nuzzling you with every step. I put you down with the cubs in their bedroom and walk to the other room, where the make out session has turned into a loud, nude heavy petting session.

I purr laying down my, wrath cock poking into my diapy and a little needy from Papa's touch. Little did I notice the other hatchies where looking at me.

A red cub sniffs around your tail, nuzzling it lovingly. Meanwhile, a pink cub, sensing your musk sticks it`s tailhole in your face.

I eep out as the cub behind me nuzzles my diaper before feeling the tailhole at my face. Instinctively I lick at it though, lapping.

The pink draggy murrs from the attentiveness of your thin tongue against his hole. In one, quick action, the red cub tears a whole in your diaper, exposing your tailhole. He laos at your virgin entrance.

I moan into the tailhole as mine is licked my thin tongue soon delving into the entrance my draggy cock leaking pre into the diapers absorbent padding.

The pink cup uses its tail to pull your muzzle in deeper as the red cub`s tongue invades your tight anus with the utmost enthusiasm. Both cubs mur,

I gasp out into the tailhole squirming a bit in delight as the slick tongue invades me murring before doing much the same to the pink cub going deep and deeper.

The cubs' grey dicks emerge from their slits. The pink one turns around and chirps as he runs his over your muzzle. Then, the red one kisses your hole and, pulling away, replaces his muzzle with his pre-dripping schlong. He rubs it against your tailhole as he murs lustfully.

I moan out as I feel the final kiss before being mounted by the cub, his cock rubbing along my tight tailhole and making me moan out loudly. Soon, the other cub offers me his shaft which I gladly lick along and suckle.

The pink cub, with tongue hanging free from his muzzle, slowly thrusts his rod in and out of your eager mouth. The red cub, unable to contain his instincts, forces his cubhood into your hungry whole, and he murs audibly as he matches his twin's speed.

I give a very slutty moan as I receive the shaft in my mouth suckling hungrily at it for all the pre I can get, but, soon, I feel the shaft force its way into my tight hole making me scrunch my face in pain, but it dies away quickly, leaving me murring on the cock.

Both hachlings murr as they continue to fuck the spit roasted boy between them.

I moan louder and louder onto the shaft as I coat it in my saliva, loud slurping and suckleing noises leaving me. My diaper front bulges outward with my shaft poking into it, making a spot wet with pre. Each thrust into me makes my tailhole tighten around the cubby shaft, milking it of pre.

The tightening yet increasingly slick love tunnel of the draggy cub is soon too much for the red scale, and he puts his claws on your shoulders as he readies himself for an impending orgasm. The pink cub grips your head horns and begins wildly skull fucking you.

I squirm like crazy under the bigger males, choking on the cubby, surprisingly big shaft as I'm fucked. The feeling of the dragon's cock hitting my prostate becomes too much as I let out a long moan cumming a sticky mess into my diaper.

The moan sends the pink hatchling over the edge, driving him to force open you muzzle wide as he lets loose a long, strong stream of salty dragon juice down your throat. Meanwhile, the red cub pushes in as hard as he can, the instinctual lust driving him to bite down on your neck when he cums in perfect time with his twin and fills you full of fresh jizz.

I suckle down the thick cum, feeling it fill my belly, and the cum flood into my tailhole some of it leaking past the shaft and down. The warmth fills me, leaving me in bliss as my eyes roll back. I faintly hear the door open.

Everyone walks in just as the three cubs fall over into a snuggle pile. I look, wide eyed, at the dragon cubs still inside of your mouth and hole. Arnie and his friends, still naked laugh at my reaction to an ordinary site for dragons. They crawl into bed and huggle the cubs as I continue to look upon the scalie pile.

I moan as I feel Arnie and the others cuddle up to me as I was still quite stuffed. It did feel good though, and I simply purr onto the shaft.

I climb into the big bed and pet you lovingly. The cubs' rods soften and retreat into their slits.

I purr as I felt the cocks leave me my tailhole, draining cum onto the bed below me. I nuzzle into your paw before closing my eyes.

"Hush, little Princess, dont say a word. Papas gonna buy you a mocking bird." I sing a lullaby for my draggy cub.

I start sucking on a claw happily as you sing to me, a smile on my maw before falling asleep in my very sticky diaper.

The other cubs fall asleep. The other adults and I creep out of the bedroom and pull the door to. We giggle about the site we walked in upon.

I wake up later and wobble to my feet but eep out in surprise and pain as my stretched tailhole hurts as I walk. I limped my way to the door and whine out, "Papa, my diapy wet!"

I hear the sounds of my cub and waist not even a second. When I arrive, I scoop you up in my arms and walks with you to the changing station in the living room. I take off your diaper and discard it in the trash. After thoroughly wiping and powdering you, I strap on a kitty cat print diaper on you.

I giggle happily when I'm scooped up glad to see Papa and hug him. After I'm changed into the pwetty diapy, I smile. "Papa my back huwts." I say after a bit scooting uncomfortably.

I lean in and stand you up. "Show, Papa where it hurts"

I point to my behind and whimper standing hurting. It was a common problem for virgin tailholes to hurt after being devergionized

"It's ok, Hypia" I gently pick you up and kiss your backside. "The pain will go away after a bit."

"Ok, Papa. Wuv you so much!" I giggle before purring contently to the kiss and rubbing arching my back again.

I lay you down on your tummy. Lifting your skirt, I gently and lovingly rub your back with my padded paw. "Does this feel better?"

I purr a light purr my eyes rolling back a bit in bliss. Stretching my legs out I reply. "So good...." my tail sways happily.

I giggle a bit at the reaction of my draggy cub. In an effort to open up and accept the sexual side of dragon development, I ask, "Did you have fun?"

"Yesshies! It was so fwun!" I smile widely and let out a deep rumbly purr. "Want pway wike that again sometime!"

I laugh nervously as I think about my increasing want to play with my little girl in that fashion. Arnie has been handling you whenever your combined musks had their peckers erect. I always let them play, but watching the dragons, and walking in on the cubs got me extremely aroused. I knead my paw in your back and ask, "Would you like for Papa to play with you like that?"

I smile happily as I stare up at you an innocent happiness in my eyes. I enjoyed each rub before hearing your suggestion and yipping out immediately, "Yeshies!"

I blush slightly. "What would you want to do with Papa?"

"Dunno. Sumtin fwun!" I giggle, nuzzling happily.

I giggle with my cub. "Well, if you're a good girl, Papa and Auntie will play with you before bed tonight."

"Ok, Papa! Be so good for you!" I smile snuggling closely.

"Let's go back to everyone." I pick up my femmy son and carry you to the living room where the other dragon kids are wide awake and ready to play. I give you a kiss on the side of your muzzle before putting you down.

"Okies!" I yip out giggling as I'm grabbed all the while giving you enthusiastic kissies all over. I let out a purr when I'm kissed before hobbling off to play besides the pain between my legs.

After an hour, we leave the other dragons. Arnie and I say goodbye to the elder scales and their cubs before walking back through the woods.

I wave hyperly back to the cubs a bit sad to go. "Miss them..." I say looking back. I was always sad to leave after having so much fun

I huggle you as I walk with Arnie. "I know, Princess, but they have family plans."

Arnie chimes in, "When we get home, Papa will make lunch and we can paint our claws!"

My eyes grow wide at the mention of painting claws. "Weally?! Can't wait!" I squirm in Papa's grip licking happily at the suggestion. That, and I was quite hungry to.

I giggle joyously from the licks. "What should we have for lunch today?

"Ice cweam!" I say immediately. I had grown quite the liking to it but refused to learn it was a desert food and not a main course.

The dragon beside us pets your head. "You have to eat something with it, young lady."

"But why?" I ask looking with large eyes back at him.

"Because you've been having alot of it lately." He kisses your cheek and adds, "And you are sweet enough without it."

I snuggle you and say, "Auntie is right. Also, there is alot of food for you to try besides ice cream."

I giggle from the statement. "Thanksies Auntie!" I lick and kiss like mad before snuggling Papa close. "Okies!"

As we walk, a nearby scientist sees us and approaches us. "Hello, towns people. Have you seen anything strange recently?"

I reflexively straighten out your hat as Arnie talks to the approaching man. "No, sir, we have not."

"Nuu!" I wiggle impatiently wanting to get home. "Huwwy up!" I yip out squirming like mad in Papa's arms.

I whisper to you, "In a minute, Hypia. Right now, Papa needs you to hold still."

The scientist, who we can now see is a white lemur with sapphire eyes, stops just a couple of feet away. His white lab coat flows gently in the breeze as I notice his on you. "Oh, what an interesting little cub you have there."

"Ok, Papa, I'll be good.." I curl up to Papa closely until he looks at me and it makes me nervous so I squirm into Papa's coat and hold still for him.

Arnie, clad in a blonde wig, white sundress and red heels, stands between us and the scientist. I hold tightly to you and turn away. In contrast, the grey dragon keeps his cool. "She is my cousin from the city. I'm watching her while my aunt is on vacation. We'd like to stay and chat, but we have a busy day ahead. Good day, sir."

I hug Papa tightly a little scared because Papa seemed worried. I didn't like seeing papa unhappy it left me sad. In my fear, I wet myself pretty well, leaving me all soggy.

We turn and quickly walk away. As we do the lemur fixes his black rimmed glasses on his head and keeps his eye on us. We walk back to the house; Arnie and I constantly check behind us. We walked through the door, relived to be home.

"Papa, ok?" I ask, a worried look on my face nuzzling under your neck and whimpering. I wanted Papa to be happy! Not sad...I start licking like crazy.

I cuddle you close to me and manage to smile. "Papa is ok, Princess." I kiss you. "Are you ready to put on make-up with Auntie?"

"Ohh, yeshies! Wanna be pwetty wike Auntie! Auntie such a pwetty wady!" I purr loudly kissing Papa's cheek.

Arnie sweeps you away from my arms. "Well then, let's be pretty together while Papa makes lunch. First, we need to chage your diapy."

"Ok, Auntie! My diapy weally, weally wet." I giggle swinging my behind finding it funny that my diapy was so warm. Sometimes it seemed I liked wearing a wet diapy.

"I think someone likes being in a snuggly, wet, warm diapy." He kisses you as he walks to the nursery.

"Yeshies, it so comfy! Pwushy two!" I smile licking and kissing auntie in return quite glad to be the adorable hatchling I was.

"Then you can wear it for a little longer. We don't want you to get a rash, though." He licks you before sitting you on the floor and getting the make-up kit out of the closet.

I yip out happily sitting down in my diapy feeling it squish against my scales. "Thankies, Auntie! I wuv my diapies and wanna wear them fowever!" I grin wider and wider. It was obvious I wasn't gonna be unhappy when I get told I will wear them forever.

Arnie sits down with the make-up kit and asks, "What claw polish do you want, Hypy."

I look at all the pretty colors before pointing to a pretty purple one jumping up and down. "Pweaaaase!"

He takes out the purple polish, which has glittery, blue sparkles mixed in. He takes your claw in his and paints each nail. Meanwhile, I am busy in the kitchen making ramen for me and Arnie. As I cook, I remember the curious doctor, and chills of worry run over my body.

I end up being quite hard to put the nail polish on, my squirming causing some problems. but it ends up working out well, my whole body wagging.

"Look how, pwetty!" exclaims the grey dragon. "Now what color lipstick?"

"Yay! Pinky, pinky!" I yip out squirming and turning in circles out of pure joy. I was quite happy.

"Now, pout out your lips, like this." Arnie pouts out his lips.

I do so rather quickly, defiantly eager and ready. I loved the idea of looking pwetty.

He gently takes your muzzle in his paws and applies the lipstick, which stands out beautifully on your blue muzzle. "Who's my pretty little girl?"

I squirm I bit giggling between strokes as it tickles before, "Me! Me! I wanna be the pwetty girl!"

"You need one more thing." The dragon stands up and goes to the closet, bringing back a small box. "This was Auntie`s when she was a cub." He opens the box and pulls out a glossy, shoulder-length, cub-sized, jet black wig.

I look at it before tilting my head and chirping out. "Okies! Thanksies, Auntie! Wuv you!" I lick Auntie, purring.

After returning the lick, he takes off your sunhat, fixes the wig to your head, and replaces the hat upon your head. Then he stands and takes you by the claw and walks you to the full-body mirror. "How does that look?"

I wiggle as I am wigged before following, dancing on the way, my claws intertwining with Auntie's. "It wooks gweat!"

He giggles at your reaction. "Let's go show Papa."

"Okies! Auntie why is Papa so wowwied wooking?" I ask climbing up into Aunties paws.

As the grey scale picks you up, he thinks to himself, "He's getting perceptive. I forgot how much faster he is growing." He walks with you to the bedroom. "He is just worried about the strange man we saw in the woods."

"He scawed me, Auntie. Wooked at me oddly." I lick along Aunties body, hugging for comfort and finding the other scaly a tremendous source of it.

Arnie huggles and kisses you before laying you on the bed. "Papa and Auntie don't like the man either. We saw how he looked at you, and Papa was trying to keep you away from him."

I snuggle up tightly curling close to Auntie's warm body and giving happy purrs. It felt so good to be with my family. "I wuv you both. Best auntie and papa ever!"

He holds you close, as he reaches into the nightstand and pulls out a diaper, powder, and wipes. We had learned to keep diaper changing supplies in every room of the house. "We love you too, Hypia." He undoes your soggy diaper.

I giggle, purring and keeping a giant smile on, as my diapy was being pulled off. "I want to be with you two foweve!" I kiss Auntie.

Before replacing the diaper, he leans in and returns the kiss, slipping his thin tongue in your muzzle.

I moan into the kiss a bit my baby tongue playing with yours. I get a little poky on my small cock as it exits the slit.

Arnie pets you before pulling his muzzle away. "We want to be with you forever two, Hypy." The elder scale runs his claw under your muzzle. Taking notice of your arousal, he says, "I think a certain little girl is excited."

I giggle after the kiss, hugging my dear Auntie. I loved him so much..."I can't stop thinking about how the other hatchies pwayed with me...I wuved it so much I want to do it more and more..."

He pats your scaly, little head. "That's normal, but I think we should wait on Papa before we play again." He wipes and powders you before strapping on a pink diaper to your bare draggy butt.

I purr nuzzling into the paw and smiling. "Ok, Auntie. I can't wait to be pwayed with again." I smile at the pretty diapy rubbing a paw along it before hugging Auntie.

As he hugs you, he fixes the wig and sun hat on your head. The smell of the food from the kitchen hits his snout. "That smells good."

But you were talking to deaf ears. It really was amazing how quick I always managed to fall asleep, now doing so in your arms, my paw being sucked.

I poke my head into the room. After noticing the sleeping cub, I climb into bed with the two dragons. Arnie and I snuggle you close as you sleep. We kiss each other, then you.

I snuggle closely to the two males unconsciously kissing back my dreams solely of me being between Papa and Auntie as they fuck me silly, my diapy still on wet with my cum and pee.

I whisper to the dragon. "Do you think he remembers anything from before he hatched?"

"No," he replies, "but it won't be long before he starts asking the tough questions."

But soon my dreams shift a bit. They defiantly switched to a more innocent nature of me playing with Papa and Auntie, all of us having a blast. I felt such a strong connection to them both. I would be crushed if we were ever separated and maybe die from it.

"Before too long, according to the book, he'll begin remembering. I hope he won't be traumatized." My voice takes a worried tone.

Arnie chimes in, "That's why he needs the both of us to be here for him."

After quite a while, I start to wake my little eyes opening with a massive yawn. "Papa?" I say quietly looking around.

I look at you. "Hello, Princess. Did you have a nice nappy?"

"Yeshies, Papa! I had dweams of us pwaying around!" I giggle at how funny you look in my half asleep vision.

I lick the draggy. "Are you ready to eat?"

I giggle from the lick, nuzzleing my head into it. "Yesh, Papa, weally hungwy!"

Soft snores are heard from Arnie. I giggle and say, "Then, wake up Auntie."

I giggle jumping up and down on Auntie's stomach yipping out. "Waky waky!"

"GGAH!" He exclaims as he pops up. He grabs you and licks you, saying in a playfully scary voice, "Who dares wake the sleeping dragon?"

I eep out as I'm grabbed and licked squirming to escape Auntie's grasp. "Me! Me! " I squeal out

The grey dragon playfully rawrs and nips at your belly.

I eep out, squirming like mad and giggling as I try to escape.

He kisses you on the head. "I really am hungry let's eat." Arnie picks you up and carries you to the kitchen, with me following close behind.

I huggle tightly to Auntie, purring and smiling my stomach rumbling a bit. I nuzzle under Auntie's neck, licking the sensitive scales there.

The older dragon giggles from the sensation. "You know just how to tease Auntie, don't you?"

I set the table for us to eat. I have a bowl of beef stew waiting for me and Arnie. For you, I have a bowl of apple sauce.

I giggle back blushing before seeing the apple sauce my eyes going wide. "Pweasy! I weally want!"

Auntie sits you in a high chair and pushes to the table's edge. I sit beside you and scoop up some apple sauce in a spoon. "Here comes the airplane!"

I wiggle into the seat looking at the spoon before eating off it purring and giggling between licks.

After you gobble all the bowl's contents, I smile, pat your head and say, "Good girl. Who wants ice cream?"

I purr from the feeling of the food in me before chirping out in excitement. "Me!" I nearly squirm from my seat in excitement

"What flavor does my lil draggy want?" I get up and go to the freezer.

"Chockwate!" I yip out reaching towards you eagerly

I get the bowl and set it in front of you. "Now can you be a big girl and feed yourself?"

I smile before picking up the spoon. It was a little awkward to hold in my feral paws, but I manage to do so eating little bits at a time.

"Yay! Such a big girl!" Arnie and I cheer in unison before we go to quickly eating our stew.

I blush smiling a bit continuing my food until it was gone. My tail wags happily.

I look at your messy face. "I think someone needs a bath. What do you think, Auntie?"

"I agree Papa." The grey teen nods his head.

"Okies, Papa! Wet's go," I wiggle free of the seat and fly shakily into papas grasp curling into a tiny purring mess.

"She is really getting the hang of flying," observes the grey scale as I cuddle the purring lil dragqueen in my arms.

"Wuv Papa...." I purr out licking your chest smiling widely and wrapping around you.

We arrive in the bathroom of Arnie's house. It's a huge, indoor hot spring complete with its own naturally heated, running waterfall. He begins stripping as I huggle you. "And Papa wuvs oo too."

I giggle wriggling in Papa's grasp quite eager to play in the water and have fun. I always did love water.

I take off your clothes and diaper after gently sitting you on the ground as Arnie gets into the spring. "Go play with Auntie. Papa will be right behind you."

I yip out happily as I'm undressed taking the opportunity to rush into the water and swim. I swim for a bit before heading to Auntie and nuzzling.

I slowly get into the water, for I'm still not used to the natural heat. After nuzzling you, the teenaged scale dives under the water and slips behind me. With my guard down, he tickles my sides and stomach from behind, causing me to laugh and flail around.

I nuzzle back before giggling loudly and trying to help Auntie tickle you.

"Stop it you two!" I manage to belt out between my fit of laughter. My plump belly jiggles and splashes around the heated water.

I purr stopping soon to rest against Papa and snuggle up close. "Sowwy, Papa."

I sit down and pull my cub into my arms and chest. I kiss you on the forehead and suddenly begin tickling your sides with both hands. Arnie giggles as he hugs my neck from behind.

I squirm like mad to escape my Papa and yelping out giggling. I plead for Papa to stop between squirming.

I scoop you up in my arms and spin both you and Arnie around in the water.

I go ballistic in my attempts to escape my wings flailing and legs kicking now.

I stop and let you go. "Did Papa play too rough?"

I shake like crazy before replying with a playful growl nibbling on you lightly.

I giggle as I lightly paw at you, making sure my paw dodges away from your mouth. Suddenly, the grey dragon noms on my ear, a very erogenous zone for me. I tremble and plead, "A-A-Arnie, I do-do-don't think I'm ready yet."

I giggle attacking the paw trying to pin it. I ignore the conversation between you two being quite entertained in my chase.

Arnie pulls his muzzle away from my mouth. "Hypia, I think Papa's excited." He points to my red, pre-dribbling doggy dong, poking rock-hard out of my sheath.

I eep giggling at the sight of Papa's penis, looking at it. I had played with Auntie quite a bit so I knew how to make Papa happy. I started with little licks on Papa's shaft, tasting it and purring.

"That's right, Hypia. Do it just like Auntie showed you." The grey anthro goes back to nomming on my ear.

Meanwhile, I can only moan from sensational pleasures on my ear and cock as I tremble from the bliss of familial sex.

I murr sucking heavily on Papa's penis, licking up the pre as it came, my own shaft resting against Papa.

I moan, almost purring. Arnie gets out of the hot spring, gets on his knees, and lowers his firm, scalie rump down to us in the water. Feeling my orgasm approaching, I pull you away from my throbbing member. "Hypia, do you want to help me prep Auntie for big girl play?"

I whimper as I'm pulled away pouting before perking up a bit when I hear what you say. "Ok, Papa!"

"Now, watch Papa." I give the teen scale's tiny ass a long lick with my wide dog's tongue, eliciting a moan from the dragon.

"Ohh, can i twy! Pwety pweasy!!!!!!" I yip out shaking my rear.

I lift you up to Arnie's tight boy cunt. Holding you under your arms, I place two careful digits on your scale nipples.

I giggle loudly as you finger my nipples before pushing my maw my little tongue licking at Arnie's tight hole before slipping in with some force, wiggling around.

Arnie lets out a femmy, high-pitched squeal of pleasure at your enthusiastic tongue. My snout catches the musk coming from both of you, prompting me to let go of my inhibitions and lightly pinch your tender nips.

I moan out loudly pre leaking from my tiny shaft as I nuzzle into Auntie's tail hole my tongue digging in deeper and deeper, trying to make Auntie as happy as I can.

As Arnie pushes himself backward onto your muzzle, I move my pecker under you and gently it along your tiny crevice. My canine cock glides effortlessly and repeatedly over your tailhole, which has been slicked by you nonstop stream of pre.

I murr out, squirming in delight and expunged, into the tail hole pushing my but back into your shaft. I lick as deep as I possibly can, even sticking the front of my muzzle past Auntie's tight ring.

"Stop! Anymore and I'll cum!" Arnie's call prompts me to pull you away. He pants heavily, trying to catch his breath.

"I think that means it's Hypia's turn to be licked." I stand you beside the panting dragon on the edge of the bath. "Bend over, Princess."

I whimper wanting to lick Auntie more and get Auntie's milk from her penis it tasted so good... But Papa asks me to bend over, so I do so, tail raised high to show my little tailhole for Papa.

I lean in and teasingly lick your puckered anal flesh with my doggy tongue.

I squeal out in delight squirming and moaning. My shaft leaks pre as I'm licked my tongue hanging out.

Arnie repositions himself in front of you. His electric blue, dragon dick throbs as it leaks its own pre, which pools into a puddle with yours. While I continue my work on your cubhole, he declares, "Good girls like you deserve a treat," and leans his cock against your muzzle.

"Thanks, Auntie!" I murr, squirming more from Papa before greedily lapping the pre from Auntie's shaft and sucking on the tip. I swallow as much of the pretty dragon dick as I can enjoying the taste of the sweet pre and dick so much I couldn't stop purring.

"Such a good girl," the grey dragon purrs in unison with you as he pets your headscales lovingly. When I feel you're ready, I gently prod your sphincter with my finger, slipping in when I touch your hole.

I moan as I suckle Auntie's sweet juices up, enjoying the petting and nuzzling into it before I get out. As you stick a finger in me, my shaft giving a little twitch, I quickly return to the loving purr moving my maw on Auntie to get him as happy as I can.

Upon seeing your enthusiasm, I praise you. "That's Papa's good little girl." I continue to slowly run my finger in and out of your tailhole as Arnie thrusts gently into your maw.

The shaft thrusting into my maw made me so very happy each purr making my throat vibrate around it. My tight tail hole clamps around the finger making pleasant friction until my body gives in. I let loose one loud feminine moan as I cum, going limp between the two family members I loved so much.

Feeling the vibrations around his schlong, the dragon is pushed over the edge by your moan around it. As he releases his own, thick, warm jizz into your mouth, he lets out his own feminine scream of ecstasy. Happy to see both of you joyfully spent, I gently slide my finger out of your anus.

I suckle happily on the shaft letting each thick warm strand of dragon cum go down my throat. It leaves a warm feeling in my belly and cum drips from my maw. I lay down in my estate repeating the same phrase. "Wuv you both..."

"WE WUV YOU TOO, PRINCESS!" we both declare in unison. I am about to get out of the hot spring when Arnie stops me. "Hold on, Papa. You haven't climaxed yet." He smiles. "This is family time which means that you have to join us in post-sex bliss." He licks his lips.

I lay up against the hot spring, moaning with my little shaft still leaking a bit of cum leftover my eyes drooping from each bit of pleasure.

"Well," I say, "Hypia is about to fall asleep, so..."

"After we put her to bed, we'll finish this." He licks my ear, causing me to moan.

"Dun wowwy about me..." I say my head going lower and lower until I fall asleep right there.

We smile. While I get out of the spring, Arnie picks you up and dries you off. We take you to the nursery and dress you in a marigold patterned diaper. I lay you in your crib, and we both kiss you on the forehead before cutting on the baby monitor and going to the bedroom.

I stay asleep all night peacefully to awaken with a really soaked diapy. It sagged between my feet but felt so warm...Last night had left me with erotic dreams which made me horny. I start humping into my diapy the friction and warmth making pre come from me and driving me mad with pleasure.

Arnie and I peek our heads into the room, nude and ready to pounce on the horny, lil hatchling for a morning of sexy fun.

I moan continuing my eager humping oblivious to my surroundings, my diaper seriously tented.

Arnie swipes you from the crib and puts you on the floor as I kneel with my red doggy cock fully knotted from a night of teasing with no release.

I giggle as I'm picked up and laid down squirming before noticing your cock and getting all kinds of excited. I rush over and start suckling happily as I would from my bottle.

I moan from the intense pleasure of my cub's energetic sucking. In a very rare moment of dominance, Arnie shoves his cock in my maw and brutally skull fucks my over teased, climax denied body.

I squirm like mad humping the ground trying to make myself cum but just couldn't get close enough. Each second makes me suck harder and harder my desperation to cum driving me wild.

Seeing and feeling your frustration, I slip my paw into your wet diaper. My digits rub against your cubby cock, and my spare paw wraps around your head. I moan around Arnie's cock, causing him to assault my throat harder and faster.

I continue my frantic grinding and sucking until with your paws help I let out a loud moan onto your shaft and cum filling my diapie with such a nice sticky mess, making it all that much more comfortable for me.

Arnie fires rope after rope down my throat as your warm, draggy jizz on my paw triggers my climax. My cock unloads my entire sack worth of canine cum into your muzzle.

I moan as I drink enjoying my treat so very much nuzzling into your crotch and sitting on my squishy behind.

I pass out and fall backwards onto the floor and fall into a deep, orgasm induced sleep. Arnie picks you up and nuzzles into you. "Papa needs to sleep for a while. Let's go spend some pretty time together. I got a beautiful outfit in mind for you." He walks out of the room with you, closing the door so I can sleep.

Story Number 3 - A Boy and His Dog

**A Boy and His Dog** "H-he...Hello. My name, what is it? Wilda. That's it! Wilda Woolworth. I'm a lamb with glossy pink fleece that the Easter Bunny uses to line the many baskets that she delivers on this busiest of seasons "And...

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Breathing Walls Rewrite

**_Breathing Walls Rewrite_** If these walls could talk, they'd have quite the story tell. The carnage that had unfolded on that night was quite the site to behold. There was one other witness to the event, however. She, a grey monkey, listened to...

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