Story Number 3 - A Boy and His Dog

Story by Tanuskidoodle on SoFurry

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#30 of Writing Prompt Group Submissions

Submission for the Writing Prompt Group's 26th prompt: the Easter Egg.

ATTENTION: If you have not already done so, please read the introduction to this story by following this link:

This is story number three for "Easter is a Furry Holiday", A collaborative work with SilverrFox and GoldBunny. In this story, The reader is treated to an Easter tale Heroism and friendship blossming into love.

A Boy and His Dog

"H-he...Hello. My name, what is it? Wilda. That's it! Wilda Woolworth. I'm a lamb with glossy pink fleece that the Easter Bunny uses to line the many baskets that she delivers on this busiest of seasons

"And I'm...I'm here! What the Krampus am I here for? Oh, Usagi-Sama, the great Easter Bunny herself, is going to be displeased if I don't fulfill my task. Now, what was it? A story, perhaps? That's right a story: an Easter tale to arouse in more ways than one. This is what she has instructed me to do. Please, if you will, allow me to curl up beside you, so that you may pet me while you listen at your leisure."

Decland Ozland was walking down the street on Easter eve for his daily ritual of feeding a stray dog he had befriended. The dog in question, an Akita, had roamed the streets since puppyhood, and the teenage ocelot has spent the last three years making sure the lone hunting dog had at least one meal a day. Clad in a red t-shirt, dark blue jeans, and a pair of black tennis shoes, the smiling feline strolls down the city sidewalks with a grocery bag in his paw as he thinks about his canine friend.

"It's a good thing Mom and Dad left for a two day Easter date this morning. I was able to cook Hachiko a nice, juicy steak. I'm sure he'll love it. Some might think that going so far out of your way for a stray dog is a waste of time, but not me. No one else will listen to me the way Hachi does. Ever since I found him in the park way back when I was fourteen, he's always let me pet him and listen to me no matter what I talked about. He deserves this steak, even if he can't understand me. I don't think Mom and Dad would be too keen on me bringing home a stray. Otherwise, I'd let him come home with me."

Meanwhile, the Akita lays in the shade of a Dogwood tree and awaits for the boy, whose daily visits the street schooled dog had come to look forward. The feral vagabond let out a long, wide mouthed yawn as he raised his blue furred head to the sky and stretched his eggshell white forepaws out on the lush, green grass. "I wonder what he will bring today?" the hound thought to himself, remembering all of the unknown but delectable foods the lad brought.

Rolling onto his back and exposing his white underbelly and muzzle to the sky, the canine relaxed as he thought about how much he come to value the boy's company. "It's always good to have him around. The time I spend fighting with other dogs over the stuff left on the streets and in garbage cans is forgotten when he brings me food. His pets are also comforting. Nothing helps me digest like him patting my head, scratching my ear, or rubbing my stomach.

"Our talks are another thing I look forward to, although I don't always understand what he talks about. He mentions some place called 'school' a lot. I also recall some talk about some activity called 'homework'. I love to hear him talk about some...What was the word? Friends, that's it. When he says that word, he seems to get really happy. The time we spend seems so much better when he smiles and laughs.

"However, I also am concerned for him. He sometimes he discusses a 'bully' that he deals with. I have also noticed that he sometimes has unexplained marks on his body. Just days ago, he had on some what he calls a jacket on a very hot day. I remember him sweating. Then he mentioned that word and exposed his forelimb to show me a big, red spot that wasn't there before. When I see him on days like that, something within me wants to protect him and attack this 'bully' that seems to have him so disconcerted."

"Hachi!" the call of the adolescent feline suddenly filled the feral's ears, breaking the animal's train of thought. Upon seeing the boy, who was running towards him, the Akita dashed toward the anthro. With every step of paw and foot, the two friends closed the distance separating them. The stray jumped up, and the ocelot spread his arms, giggling when the dog caused him to fall backward to the ground. "How is my special guy?" The light tan, brown and black spotted big cat let go of the bag to scratch the homeless hound behind both ears simultaneously. The dog bent down and lovingly assaulted the anthro's neck with licks from his flat, canine tongue. Decland laughed as he flailed his arms from the tickling display of feral affections. "Okay, boy! I'm happy to see you, too! Now, get off so I can give you a special treat!"

The Akita promptly jumped off the feline and set his rump on the grass, panting from a mix of excitement and tiredness. Decland sat up on his knees and picked up the paper grocery bag. After unrolling the bag to open it, the feline reached into the bag and pulled out a plastic container. When he popped off the lid, steam wafted out of the bowl, and an aroma caught the stray's snout. The dog immediately barked and wagged his tail out of happiness, as the adolescent set the container and steak on the ground. "Bon appetit!"

The dog practically dove into the food and ate the thick piece of meat, enjoying every bite of the specially prepared food as much as a hungry feral can. Smiling from the canine's gusto, the ocelot pet the feral's head and back. "Do you like it? I made it just for you."

From then on, the meeting carried on like normal. Decland talked about how his family spent the previous day shopping around at different flea markets and yard sales and ended the day with a visit to his grandparents. He also discussed the latest episodes of his favorite shows, news articles he had been keeping up with, and his progress on the games he was currently playing. With the steak finished, the feral lay on his side, wagging his tail, and listened to the teen talk as he let the boy rub his chest, stomach and back. The stray's ears perked up when the feline mentioned the bully.

The lad's countenance had changed from one of happiness for seeing his friend to one of confusion and sadness for his situation. "The whole ordeal confuses me. I take it when he calls me names or fires spit wads at me or makes me do his homework. I know I shouldn't put up with this, but something about being told what to do...excites me." Before continuing, the adolescent looks around him to make sure no one is in ear-shot. The park was nearly empty due to the approaching holiday; so the lad leaned in closer to his friend and, in a softer voice, says, "I've even popped a boner a few times."

In response, the Akita lifts his head to look at the teenage feline and tilt it in confusion. It takes the teen a moment to realize that he was talking to a dog. "Oh...You know when you...I mean you know when you see a girl dog and need you get hard where you pee..."

The teen, beginning to blush from a mix of embarrassment and shyness, resumes petting the hound and continues his story. "Well, the worst part is that I was wearing tight pants the other day, and he noticed the tent I was pitching while he had me up against the wall of an abandoned back alley after school. He was calling me names, looking down at me with superiority, and standing close enough that I could smell his sweaty, musky body. Heat was also beginning to build up in the small space between our bodies. When my straining member caught his eye, he put his foot between my hindpaws and brought up his knee until my privates rested on it. He called me a masochistic, little gimp and pushed up lightly on my balls. I moaned slightly from the pleasure I felt, a fact that surprised and confused me even further. He threatened to tell the entire school if I didn't meet him on Easter and do whatever he wanted me to do."

The dog was trying to comprehend what the adolescent was talking about. Of course, the feral could not understand what the young man was saying, but the change in the facial expression and energy from the boy alerted him that something was not right. Tears beginning to well up in the slender, skinny youth's eyes moved the canine to sit up onto all fours and nuzzle the emotional teen. When the feline embraced him, the Akita licked the ocelot behind his ears in a display of comforting affection.

Wiping away a single tear that managed to escape his emotionally torn face, the ocelot stands. As the Akita sits down, Decland leans down and pets the dog, who extends his head upward to recieve the padded hand of the feline. "Talking with you always makes me feel better, Dex.

"I hate to leave, but I got to get going now. I have some chores I need to finish up at home." The youth turns to walk away. Turning his head to look behind him, he said to the dog, "I'll come by and see you tomorrow," before walking back towards his home.

The next day, on a sunny Easter Sunday, the Akita sat in the same spot in the lush, green grass of the park. The dark blue hound felt a gentle, cooling breeze wash over him as he relaxed in the shade of a thick, towering tree and reflected on the previous day's meeting. "I can't shake the feeling that something's just not right about today. Yesterday, he was happy. Then, he mentioned the bully and started crying soon after...No, something definitely isn't right...I think I'll follow him around today. I can't explain what I feel for him, but I know, from the depths of my being, that I no longer want to see him in any pain."

The stray's train of thought is derailed by the sound of rustling from a nearby bush that prompts the street hound to instantly hop up on all fours. Instincts, honed from life on the streets, bid him to stay quiet and motionless as he listened for another sound. Again, rustling sounds drive the hound to act, this time dashing toward the bush in an effort to capture the course of the noise. Behind the bush, the Akita found nothing.

A strange scent hit his nose, and he began sniffing around for the animal it which it belonged. The trail led him all over the park: loop-de-looping around trees, weaving in and out of the jungle gym, and crawling under the benches and picnic tables. Soon, the stray found himself in the same rendezvous spot that his dear feline anthro was expecting to see him. The canine, tired from his searching, decided to curl up at a nearby tree. On his way to the trunk to get a spot of optimal shade from the warm sun, the sound of something in the tree caused him to look upward, only to be met with the sensation of something hitting him right on his upturned snout. After stumbling backward, the dog shook his head to recover from a light daze brought on by the impact and looked at the object: an egg, embellished with shades of red, white, and pink arranged in a style reminiscent of Monet's Impressionist masterpieces.

A cry of urgency suddenly hits the dog's ears. " Hachi, help!" Recognizing his friend's voice, the dog rushed to find his dear friend, leaving the egg behind. He scanned the area around him while he ran in the direction of the screams. The dog's snout was ready to catch the smell of the feline. " Hachi!" Another pleading cry for help is heard around a nearby corner. The hunter turns into a dark back alley, where the call of his friend seemed to originate. The stray sniffed around the corridor and found the scent of the ocelot. Wasting not a second, the canine's four legs set out to work, going headlong into the labyrinthine path of the back alleys. His ears picked up the sound of voices.

"What an Easter present I have this year: a faggy, little, fuck toy." The voice belonged to the young ocelot's tormentor. The deep, manically sadistic tone of the offender's voice urged the Akita to redouble his efforts. With every twist and turn, the talking grew louder and louder.

"Please, don't," the adolescent feline's frantically beseeching tone echoed between the buildings. "Don't record me on your phone. I'll do whatever you want. Just, please, don't tape me."

The bully responded with a sinister laugh before replying, "I'll do whatever the fuck I please. Unless you be a good little bitch and open that slutty mouth of yours, I'll beat the shit out of you then tell everyone in school that you came onto me by grabbin' mah dick. I'll also say that I fucked you up out of childhood memories of molestation. It's called the gay panic defense. No jury would convict me."

Although he could not understand the words the villain spoke, the malicious intent behind them alerted the Akita that his friend was now in bodily danger. Pushing his body to its limits, the hound thought, "Hold on, my friend I'm coming. I will not let harm come to you...I'm close...Come on, damnit! Move faster, legs!"

The dog rounded the last corner to find Decland held against the wall by one hand of a tall red wolf, who was dressed in his Sunday best. The hound dashed to the bully and bit him right in the ass. " SHIT!" the ruffian lupine exclaimed from the sudden, unexpected, sharp pain upon his skinny, flat rear. The Akita clenched tightly to the wolf, but the offender managed to shake the hound off of him. "You piece of shit!" he loudly declared in rage as he kicked the feral square in the chest and stomach, causing the heroic canine to yelp in pain as he hit a brick wall from the impact.

"Hachi!" Decland attempted to rush to his feral friend's side, but the enraged anthro managed to grab him by the arm and force him against the wall. As his face was pressed into the side of the building, he struggled against the bully to no avail.

Growling in fury, the malicious lupine grits his teeth. "You trained a fucking mongrel to attack me!? You're gonna learn today, bitch! I was just gonna make you suck my dick, but now your ass is mine!"

Concern for his friend overrode fear and the feline continued to push back against his victimizer. "Hachi! I'm sorry!"

The Akita stumbles to his feet. Feeling the pain from the impact of the kick and wall, he can barely make his body move. In desperation, he declares in his mind. "I'm not strong enough to save him. I can barely even stand now. After all that he has done for me, I can't do anything for him...I want to protect him...To hold him...To spend my life with him...I wish I could be everything he needs for me to be!"

Suddenly, the egg that the hound had left behind began to glow in a blinding white. Three magical orbs--red, white, and pink--shot into the sky and come to where the canine was barely managing to stand. The spheres circled around the dog. When they converged together in the stray's being, the Akita could feel never before experienced strength and energy.

All in an instant, the heroic canine changed forms. He stood on his hindlegs; his digits and tail grew longer and thicker. As his body took a new shape, his mind evolved in tandem and gained all the knowledge that he could use to guide himself and the ocelot through any trial. In the final second of the transformation, the newly formed anthro raised his muzzle and howled to the sky, calling the attention of the lupine bully assaulting poor Decland.

The ruffian had no words for the Akita; he only growled challengingly and charged headlong at the blue and white fur. The feline, now on the ground, watched as his friend punched the lupine in the stomach, causing the wolf to double over onto his knees in pain. Holding back his natural, hunting instincts, the dog planted his foot firmly onto the bully's back and declared, "I'm only saying this once. If you ever lay a hand on him again, I will use my maw to rip out your throat and leave you to bleed out where ever you land. Understood?" After the wolf nodded his head in silent comprehension, he released the thug to run away as he whimpered with his tail between his legs.

The trembling ocelot looked upon his friend turned hero with a smile of love and gratitude. He tried to stand, but his legs gave way due to the stress of the ordeal. Clenching his eyes in the expectation of pain, he was relieved to feel the strong arms of the Akita catch him under his back and knees."

Hachi?...Is that really you?" he asked in a hopeful voice.

Looking down at the feline in his arms, the Akita answered, "Yes, Decland. It's me. Are you ok?"

"More than I ever have been before." the tan feline nested into the chest of the nude canine.

Smiling, hachi leaned in and kissed his feline on the cheek. The ocelot returned the action by kissing the muzzle of his rescuer. The Akita thrust his tongue into Decland's mouth. From instinct, the adolescent allowed the naturally dominant breed have his way with his tongue. As if by a shared telepathy, the canine broke the kiss, and the big cat wrapped his arms around Hachiko's neck. The hound dashed to the ocelot's house.

When they arrived, the ocelot unlocked the door, and the Akita carried Decland to his room. Hachiko laid Decland on the bed, taking a place beside him. The dog resumes the passion they had started in the alley. The Akita took charge and kissed the ocelot with a mix of affection and lust. The youth pulled himself closer to the canine and moaned submissively into the kiss.

The feline pulled his muzzle away enough to speak "Hachiko, I love you. I think a part of me always has."

His heart touched by the teen's words, the dog caressed the lad's cheek. "I love you, too. Decland, I didn't know how to describe what I felt, but whatever changed me, granted me the wisdom and understanding to know that it is love that I feel for you. I want you, submissiveness and all. I swear on my life that I won't take advantage of you the way he was going to."

Although his words conveyed the true intention he carried within his heart, Hachiko had little understanding of how an anthro in emotional love mated with another. As a street dog, for him mating meant finding a readily available female dog in the area, mounting her, and plowing into her reproductive organs, knotting her just before climax. After his knot deflated, he would go about the rest of his day as a stray hound trying to survive alone in the city. "Love," as he had come to know it for his new lover, was never before a part of the equation.

Along with that, the mechanics of sex as he knew it were different. Before, it was as simple as meeting, mating, and then leaving. Both he and the female dog would have their sexual itches scratched, and they would never see each other again for the rest of their lives. In this situation, which he was still trying to comprehend, his feelings for the lad lying beside him complicated things. He knew that they were not just satisfying lustful urges, though lust did play a part. The act of making love between anthros was about bringing together emotional and physical beings within themselves both as individuals and as mates. The active lover must learn, interpret, and memorize often subtle signs from the passive partner. All this, the transformation had taught him, but now he has to keep in mind for the emotional and physical well-being of his lover.

Continuing his confession, the Akita declares to the young man, "Right now, I want to make mad, passionate love with you and prove to you that I'll only be as dominant as you wish me to be"

"Take me." The ocelot releases the canine and lays flat on the bed. "All of me, for I am yours."

In one swipe of his paw, the Akita tore the his new lover's shirt down the middle, exposing the shy feline's spotted torso and midsection. When Decland reflexively attempted to cover himself with his arms, the more dominant fur quickly repositioned himself on top of the lad and pinned his arms to the bed. At first, the grip was too tight, evidenced by the boy's momentary grimace of pain; however, the akiat quickly loosened his hold. Starting from the ocelot's stomach, Hachiko placed a trail of short, quick licks all the way up to the submissive feline's chest as the youth weakly struggled in acquiescence. A soft growl sounds from the hound's mouth and causes the teen to halt all movements. As a reward for this show of submission, the nude, toned male worked his masterful tongue on the adolescent's neck, eliciting soft, yet high-pitched moans of pleasure from the black striped muzzle of the tan feline.

"Oh, Hachi!" the lustful build up caused the lad to exclaim in pleasure as his chest arched on its own.

The Akita ran his tongue over the cheek and up to the ear of the pinned feline. "There," he whispered in a loving yet dominant tone that he made sure didn't sound demanding or domineering, "Hush now, boy. We have no need for words." Then, to push the point home, the Hachiko roughly yet lightly bit down and chewed on his lover's ear.

As the smaller male gasped and moaned in pleasure, the dog's white paw cascaded along the black striped arm and down the slim chest of the ocelot to rest on the prominent tent that had unconsciously developed in the feline's pants. The black padded hand firmly gripped the adolescent's still developing package causing the boy to let out an open-muzzled moan as he closed his eyes. Seizing the chance, the Akita moved his own muzzle downward and kissed Decland passionately with his tongue forcibly exploring every reachable inch of the feline's maw. When the youth began to push back from a feeling of suffocation, Hachiko pulled back to ease up his pressure on his delicate partner. In a show of love and recompense, he gently brought up a paw to cradle the cat's neck and gave the boy's headfur loving, careful strokes.

After a few short moments, the worked over feline felt Hachiko's tongue and muzzle pull away from him, opening his eyes, he saw that the Akita had repositioned himself. He now had by the sight of the Akita's fully erect, black, uncircumcised flesh staff and blue furred covered sack directly in front of his face. He latched his eager muzzle onto the bigger male's rod and suckled on it timidly. The sensation of the canine's commanding paw on his head drove him to take it deeper into his mouth. As the sizeable cock hit his throat he began to gag and tried to pull away, but Hachiko's strong paw forced him to stay put. When he felt the sudden, apologetic, loving massage of Akita digits on his ears he relaxed and resumed orally pleasuring the hound. He continued to gag from the dog's massive manhood in his maw, but, when the entire length of his dominant lover's man meat was in his mouth, he realized that he loved the sensation of being made to gag on another male's tool.

The blue and white dog held the ocelot's head in place as he pulled out to the tip of his now saliva laden doghood, then slowly forced every inch of it back into Decland's submissive, non-resistant throat. As he did, audible growls of masterful pleasure hit the ears of the youth under him, who moaned onto every bit of the cock in his mouth. Hachiko soon began to increase the speed and intensity of each stroke, until he heard an almost constant gagging from the feline as the sound of his balls slapping against the youth's chin echoed in the room. The tight grip of Decland's paws on his legfur alerted him to his overzealousness, so he slowed his thrusts until he felt the submissive male let go of his legs.

Spit churned from the mouth from the Akita's relentless strokes and ran down both sides of the ocelot's muzzle and began pooling on the mattress under him. He felt Hachiko stop his assault and lay on top of him without removing the doghood of which he was savoring every bit. Now feeling the full weight of the bigger male's hold press him down into the mattress, Decland instinctively resumed orally satisfying his lover. Gagging and moaning continued as he relished in the submissive bliss of his position.

The hound wrapped his arms around the feline's legs raised his upper body. The slight but sudden discomfort of his action caused the ocelot to raise his head up and hilt the Akita's penis. Hachiko slammed his feline's head into the mattress, forcing the lad's nose deeper into his thick, musky shaft. When Decland began to tremble from the overwhelming, natural aphrodisiac, the dominant male began to skullfuck the unsuspecting youth's willing muzzle and spit slickened throat. No sign of fear or pain was sensed from the pheromone intoxicated feline.

When the tip would leave his muzzle, Decland would take a quick breath, an act which only increased the intensity of his gagging when air would be knocked out of him by the Akita's stomach landing on his chest. He'd also get another quick but strong hit of sweaty canine musk into his snout with every contact. Everything about the act sent him deeper into the experience of submissive bliss. When Hachiko removed his entire body away from the ocelot, he whimpered from the absence of dog cock, sweat, and pressure.

The canine undid and pulled the ocelot's pants and briefs off the boy, exposing his black striped legs and sack along with his hard, black, white barbed, attention hungry kithood. After repositioning the boy so that his head hung over the side of the bed and getting a nice eyeful of the smaller male's arousal, the Akita looked down at the blushing feline's face. Sensing emotional need, the dog kneeled down to his skittish lover's level, cradled the youth's head in both paws, and leaned in to tenderly, lovingly, passionately kiss the skinny ocelot when their muzzles made contact.

The chaste yet emotional kiss sends a bolt of love through the feline. He gipped the sheets as tightly as he could while his toes curled from the almost unprocessable feelings that were radiating from deep within him.

Hachiko gently broke the kiss and stood up. After he spread his legs to level his throbbing doghood with Decland's face, the Akita forced himself into the wanting youth's muzzle and hilted his massive male staff, holding the lad down so that he could not move. As the pheromone like scrotal musk filled the gagging ocelot's snout, the alpha relished the contractions of the tan and black fur's throat. He leaned forward and pulled the feline's legs, raising the youth's lower body until only his upper back was still touching the mattress. The canine spit onto Decland's tight, virgin sphincter as he roughly took hold of the smaller male's stripped tail. He gave the tail a few wet licks before pressing the feline's own tail into his hole.

The feel of his tailhole giving way to the forced intrusion caused the ocelot to whine in a mix of pain and ecstasy. After his legs were let go and his lower body was gently placed on the mattress, the tail began to wildly wiggle on its own, loosening the feline's tailhole and thrashing constantly against his prostate. The boy's submissive bliss was heightened further by the sensation of the Akita's paws holding his chest down, gently yet firmly, as the dog began to skullfuck him with the same level of intensity they had wordlessly established just moments before. He closed his eyes as saliva poured out of his muzzle down his cheeks and pooled around his eyes before falling to the floor from his forehead.

The hound began to grunt from the pleasure he was receiving from the trusting, vulnerable ocelot. His dominance and love for the youth were now aligned in perfect sync. He wanted to make this last forever, but he knew that reproductive anatomy and libido have their limits. Panting, hilted inside the lad's muzzle once more as he leaned in, pulling the tail out. As the gagging feline's tail still thrashed around, he slowly pulled out of Decland's mouth.

Both male's panted from the passion and lust fueled session which they had yet to complete. The dog's saliva drenched manhood and the teen's pre dribbling kithood both ached for final release. Hachi co sat on the bed and offered a paw to his new love; Decland raised his own shaky paw to meet his lovers, grasping it when their pads met.

After helping the ocelot sit up, the Akita pulled the boy to him, wiped away the excess saliva, and hugged him closely. The canine looked into his partner's eyes and asked, " I know I said we didn't need words, but are you alright? Do you trust me? Feel safe with me?"

Delcan, moved greatly by the hounds interest in his well-being, nuzzled his new mate's cheek, looked into the hound's deep black eyes, and declared, "Hachi...Yes. You have been a caring and receptive lover. You'll take charge of me, yet you'll also pay attention to my comfort and needs, both sexual and emotional. Please, my Hachi, make me experience real passion for the first time."

The canine hugged the smaller skinnier male to his chest and trembled slightly. "My Decland, your words have brought up even more emotion in me. I would have never thought it was possible, but I feel even more love for you. I will take you to the point of pleasure you desire. However, I don't wish to hurt you. Do you have any lubricant?"

Decland climbed off of the Akita and retrieved a tube of sex jelly from the top drawer. He kneeled in front of his Hachiko and gently rubbed the lubricant onto the softened member of the canine. The dog's cock soon returned to its full hardness.

The Akita pointed to an empty corner of the young man's bedroom, and the adolescent acquiesced without protest and got into the designated space, facing the wall. From behind, Hachiko took the youth by the arm and turned him around, pinning the submissive male and planting a kiss on his unready lips. The ocelot moaned into the kiss as the heat and sweat between them assaulted his fur and nose, causing his neglected flesh bone to bob and dribble even more pre.

Without breaking the kiss, Hachiko leaned in, using his chest to keep Decland against the corner, and lifted the ocelot's legs. He trusted his hips upward and impaled the tight tailhole of the smaller fur, sliding into him ever so slowly until he was fully hilted. The ocelot's submissive, helpless, whining moan of lustful passion was muffled by the vice like hold of the canine's lips. As his body trembled, Decland wrapped his arms around his hound lover's neck and pulled close to the bigger, stronger man.

The Akita breaks the kiss and slides back slowly out of the teen. The feline's lustful screams reverberate around the room. When the very tip of his prodigious member is on the ocelot's anal ring, he forced himself hard into the feline, who was lost in the sexual high. The dog took charge and proceeded to rapidly thrust in and out of the youth's newly devirginized tailhole, driving the lusty adolescent's emotions higher and higher as he felt the now inflated knot of the canine's dick hit repeatedly on his sphincter. Hachiko could feel his approaching orgasm. In one strong push of his hips, he forces the ocelot up and off of his cock, and, in the very next instant, he impaled the descending feline's asshole all the way down to his knot.

The snugness of the teen's rectum created a death grip on his cock balloon caused the dog's first orgasm as an anthro one to remember. Simultaneously, screams of the young man's unbridled pleasure crescendoed into an inaudible pitch. Both male's seed fired in thick, rapid rounds as the Akita leaned the two of them against the wall for support. The ocelot coated their torsos in his young juices as Hachiko painted his love tunnel with his white, wild, canine jizz.

When he got his bearings, Hachiko carried the smaller fur to the bed and sat on the edge. He repositioned himself so that Decland and he were lying on their sides and nuzzling their muzzles together. In that position, they closed their eyes in the safety and comfort of each other's company.

They awoke when they heard Decland's parents open the front door. The adolescent ocelot hastily dressed and intercepted them in the entryway. When Decland tried to come up with an excuse for what he did that day, Hachiko, in feral form came rushing out of the teen's bedroom. After a discussion of responsibility, his parents agreed to him owning a pet. That night, Hachiko, in anthro form, and Decland snuggled into each other's arms. Before drifting off to sleep, they talked about many of the ordinary yet extraordinary things about which couples talk. Hachiko even told Decland about the object that hit his snout at the park.

The next day, the Akita, wearing some old clothes that Decland thought his dad wouldn't miss, walked with the ocelot to the park. When they arrived, the egg was not there. However, in its place was a lush, beautiful bush with budding red, white, and pink roses.

To read the rest of the stories in this series, please follow this link back to the introduction:

Breathing Walls Rewrite

**_Breathing Walls Rewrite_** If these walls could talk, they'd have quite the story tell. The carnage that had unfolded on that night was quite the site to behold. There was one other witness to the event, however. She, a grey monkey, listened to...

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