Musk Stream Story 1: Retraining a Slave

Story by draconicon on SoFurry

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Yep, even more streaming stories. Starting in Mirari again.

Re-Training a Slave for Sunkit by Draconicon

Rannoi shook his head at the pouting otter. The dragon was used to seeing his slave get a little petulant in the past, but he'd never been fond of it. Seeing it again when he was already dealing with a number of different issues in the Park wasn't exactly making his mood better.

"What is the matter this time, David?"

"What do you think? We haven't done anything in weeks."

The dragon raised an eyebrow, looking over the dining room table made of a dozen different anthros. Each one was on all fours, though some were face up and others were face down. He rested his legs on a few of them, his toes stroking along a wolf's shaft as he cocked his head at the otter.

"And why does that matter?"

"I'm bored!"

"You have quite a few other choices, you know. Bailey, Adam -"

"But they're not you!"

Complimentary as that was, the dragon didn't like being interrupted. His eyes narrowed, and the otter shrunk back a few inches. As David went back to nursing on one of the other upturned cocks that helped decorate their 'table', the dragon pulled his legs back and stood up. Walking around the table, he gradually made his way behind the otter and put his hands on his slave's shoulders.

"I believe you've forgotten your place, David."

"I'm starting to wonder if I ever knew what it was in the first place."

"On that, I think we can agree."

With a wrench of his arms, he yanked the otter away from the table and threw him across the room. The walls almost instantly turned from stone to mattress-like foam, bouncing the otter off of them as he hit it. Rannoi snapped his fingers, golden light carrying him across the room in less than an instant.

As the otter tried to lift his head, the dragon stepped on him, holding his face down with his foot.

"You may be a useful addition to the park, David, but perhaps I have allowed you a little too much autonomy. After seeing someone that enjoyed transformation so much, I assumed that your loyalty was assured."

"It is! I swear!"

"It may be, but your tone leaves much to be desired."

The otter shivered beneath him, and despite his affection for the little guy, Rannoi admitted that he liked that feeling. The power over another was truly an intoxicating thing.

Nevertheless, he slowly removed his foot from the slave. David seemed to relax.

"Thank you, master..."

"Don't thank me yet, David."

The dragon's foot shoved the otter onto his back. Rather than let him up, the dragon pushed down with his tail, using it like a metal restraint to keep him pinned down to the floor. Any struggle was met with a further restriction, and David took a long time to get the message. By the time that he stopped squirming around, his face was blue.

"You may be loyal, but you are not learning your place very well. I think it's time that I did something about that."

He lifted his foot above the otter's face, and this time he pressed it down directly onto the mustelid's nose. Curling his toes, he squeezed enough to make sure that there was no avoiding it, no pulling away.

"You may remember this, slave. Do you recall when you were transformed? Do you remember how quickly you lost your mind to my scent? How quickly you forgot that you were a human, how fast you left your life behind?

"Allow me to remind you of that brainless state. Breathe in, slave."

He felt the air passing between his toes, the feeling almost ticklish, before he saw the results. The tension went out of the otter's limbs and legs from the first breath. A feeling of heat across his sole was followed by another slow, steady breath, taking in the scent of sweat and musk from between his toes.

"That's it. Let it out. Again, slave. Breathe in again."

Tickle, heat. Tickle, heat. It repeated itself again and again as the otter breathed in and out on his command.

"Lose your mind to your master's scent. Forget everything else. Your body. Your needs. Anything that makes you think of something other than me, forget it."

He saw the familiar reaction to his scent spreading through the otter's body. Everything that was causing tension in the otter seemed to fade away. The muscles relaxed, the body drooped. Even the position of the head seemed to shift, only his toes holding the otter's muzzle pointing upwards.

As expected, there was one place where the slave's tension wasn't fading away. Rannoi looked down towards David's groin, chuckling as the otter's cock rose up, throbbing stiffly from its own need. He shook his head a few times.

"Let's see just how far you've fallen."

The dragon lifted his foot up, holding it off to the side. A wet footprint marred the otter's fur, making it look like a bruise or a pressure mark along his face. His eyes were glazed over, but his lips were turned up in a silly grin.

However, it hadn't taken completely, the dragon noticed. The otter started to blink as the foot was pulled away, beginning to open his mouth.

"Let's wait a little longer, shall we?"

The dragon smirked as he replaced his foot on his slave's face. Gesturing towards one of the anthros making up part of the table, he called him over and sat on his back.

"Now smell, and forget. Let your mind go blank of everything, but me."

It was all too easy to blank the minds of his subordinates like this. It left him feeling a little spoiled, a little bit cocky, but he didn't see anything wrong with that. It just meant he had more time for doing things that were really important.

The soft breathing between his toes continued, and the dragon soon stopped paying much attention to the otter beneath him. Instead, he teased the wolf that he was sitting on, running his hands along the canine's belly and sides, feeling the furry male shiver underneath him. It was exciting, and left him with a bit of a stiff 'need' of his own.

After almost a half hour, he pulled his foot back again, looking down at David. This time, the glazed over eyes seemed much more ingrained, and from what he could see in the looseness in the male's muscles, he was as relaxed as he could possibly be and still be alive.

"That, my slave, is your real self. A doll, a toy for your master to play with. I hope that you remember this when you wake up, or I'll have to repeat the lesson." Rannoi chuckled. "Though I think I will enjoy it just as much then as I do now.


The otter moved clumsily at the dragon's order, almost falling over again as he worked on getting himself to his feet. When he was upright, though, he was quickly in a proper posture, back straight and feet spread slightly apart.

"I believe you need to go and learn how to take orders again. Slave, you will go down into the park, and by the end of the night, I want you to have the loads of at least fifteen transformed individuals dripping from your hole. Perhaps after that, I will allow you to have something of mine."


Such a delicious little tone when they talk like that, Rannoi thought with a smirk as the otter left the room. I'll have to see if I can make that a default feature in more of them.

It was nearly sunrise when the door opened again. Rannoi opened one eye, wondering what had disturbed his own pleasures, and then opened the other as he saw the zonked-out face of his otter.

"My my, back already?"

He pulled his feet away from the wolf and mongoose that were tending to them, getting to his feet and walking over to his slave. A quick lift of David's tail and a finger beneath it confirmed that the young male had been fucked numerous times over the last few hours. It might have been less than fifteen males, but only if he had been fucking elephants or horses. There was too much cum to be less than fifteen average males.

"Well, you certainly did well in gathering all that. It means you can take what I have for you much easier."

He guided the otter towards the far end of the room, taking him past the naked furniture and pressing him to a railing that oversaw all of the park. Settling the otter's hands against the railing, the dragon took it a step further and positioned the otter's left foot on the railing as well, just to spread those lovely rump cheeks further apart.

It was quite the sight. The formerly tight hole was utterly ravaged, to the point where he might have been able to stick four fingers in without a struggle. He was almost tempted to try it, but he had made another promise.

Spreading his robes open, the dragon fondled his foot long shaft, teasing it to life before rubbing the head against the otter's hole. The flood of cum oozing out made him all the harder.

"Hang on tight, slave. We don't want you to fall, do we?"


"I'm glad we're on the same page."

Rannoi thrust hard, his cock buried in less than a second. Though his slave was looser than the first time he had taken him, the dragon still marveled at how good it felt to be up to the hilt in the little slut. The loads David had taken were the perfect lube for his shaft, making each thrust loud, wet, and sloppy.

As he stood in the puddles of cum the otter leaked down his legs, the dragon moaned. This was where the otter belonged; under him, to be used, either practically or for his pleasure. Either one was right, and anything else was wrong.

"What are you, slave?"


"For how long?"



The dragon growled as he rammed himself in one more time, filling the little slut up to the brim with his last load of the night. Pulling out, he let some of it spray up the otter's back, while the rest joined the deluge raining down on his balcony.

Turning away, Rannoi walked back to his other playthings.

"Stay there until you wake up, then you may join me."


Hmmm. Was that sarcastic? I may need to teach him this again sometime, he said, chuckling to himself. Then again, I guess we both want that.

The End

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