Transformation Stream Story 10: Inspecting the Inspector

Story by draconicon on SoFurry

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The last of the transformation stream. So much...change...

Inspecting the Inspector for Sunkit by Draconicon

David was surprisingly confident about finding a new place for the Park to settle in. When his master had told him to go and pick out a place for their next performance and transformation, he'd expected to be accompanied by one of the more senior transformed individuals, or perhaps even by the dragon himself. Instead, he'd been sent out on his own, and the otter felt surprisingly empowered by it.

Of course, he had to learn how he was supposed to manage these things. It wasn't enough to just find a location, he found out. He also needed to go to the city offices, make sure that he got the paperwork for the location, ensure that the fees were paid, and get the city to put out the advertising for the park.

That had all turned out to be relatively easy, considering that his master had given him plenty of money, and the magic to remain in disguise as long as he needed. The hard part had come when he found out he needed to have an inspector come out and check the land and make sure it was suitable.

David hadn't thought it would be so bad. Maybe he'd even have fun with this, and get to socialize a little.

The otter had been vastly disappointed. Rather than someone fun or lighthearted, he'd ended up stuck with an asshole of the highest order. He should have known how it would go when he was assigned to someone named Ferdinand, who had eight more names after that and insisted on getting called at least three whenever he was addressed. The pompous jerk had been looking down his nose at him since they met, and in the three days they'd been working, it had only gotten worse.

By now, he was nearly at his wits end at dealing with the guy and not tearing him a new one. He knew his master needed this land, and he knew that meant the inspector needed to be kept happy. It didn't make it any easier when the snooty little man kept making fun of him and making every little detail a whole mini-catastrophe.

Sitting in the jeep looking over the proposed location, David was fighting the urge to kick Ferdinand over the edge and just watch him fall into one of the many natural ponds down there. It would be almost worth losing the location, just to take the guy down a peg.

"Well, well, what do we have here?"

Gritting his teeth at the smug tone, David got out of the jeep, glancing over the inspector's shoulder at his clipboard.


"It appears that, according to regulation -" And then he went into a series of letters and numbers that he couldn't even follow. "- I cannot allow any sort of building or structure on this land."

"...What?" are not doing this to me. I did not put up with your dickish behavior for three days for you to tell me I can't do this.

"Yes, yes, it is completely against the law. I cannot allow you or your park to be present here."

David swore that the little mustached man was grinning at him, but that thick bush made it impossible to see his chin, let alone his lips. Clenching his fists, the disguised otter reined his temper in before it could get away.


"You don't need to know why."

"But I -"

"I just said, you don't need to know. It's not like a little wash-out like you could ever understand the complexity of these laws, anyway."

Ferdinand threw his head back with a sniff, and David barely resisted the urge to punch him. He stepped forward, trying one more time.

"Please, if you can just explain, I'm sure we can get a deal or something. Why -"

"Are you trying to bribe a public official? Scandalous, I wouldn't hear of it. But I would write you up for it."

"But I didn't -"

"I'm already writing this down."

As Ferdinand started writing, something in the otter snapped. He'd been under so much stress, had tried so hard to be the nice guy while dealing with this jerk. Now, when the whole thing was over, not only was the inspector going to not go through with the deal, but he was going to file charges? Not in a million years.

David's body was already changing as he shoved the inspector over the edge. Ferdinand screamed as he started rolling down the hill, the otter's disguise fading in a display of light as he followed the jerk down.

When Ferdinand came to a halt by splashing into one of the ponds, David had already transformed. The otter had shed his human skin, and most of his clothes. The only things remaining were his shoes, socks, and a loincloth instead of a pair of underwear. He squatted down by the edge of the water, waiting.

As soon as Ferdinand broke the water, David grabbed him by the arms and pulled him out. Without much care, he threw the human down on the grass. Before the inspector could get up, the otter stepped on him, pinning him down.

The look of anger on the human's face rapidly faded away, replaced by fear and confusion. David chuckled.

"You know, you look so good down there like that."

"What...what are you?"

"Oh, me? I'm just one of the many party animals that love the Park of Mirari."

"You're a freak!"

"Hey! I'm not a freak!" He shoved down, his shoe pushing the air out of the man's lungs. "I'm exactly what I want to be!"

Of course, with that pressure, Ferdinand couldn't exactly respond. Pulling his foot back, David reached down and undid the laces of his shoe while the inspector started to get his breath back. By the time that Ferdinand was looking up at him again, the otter had his shoe and sock off. He put his foot back down, this time with the heel on Ferdinand's chest, and the rest just above the human's mouth.

"You owe me an apology. I'll take it by having you kiss and lick my foot."

"You must be joking! It's sweaty, and, and like an animal's!"

"And you're going to do what I said, or I'm going to throw you back in the pond and leave you there."

"You're bluffing."

The otter's toes curled around the inspector's collar, pulling him off of the ground. David leaned forward, glaring.

"Do I look like I'm bluffing?"


"Then get started."

He let go, and as soon as he did, he felt the first meager licks from the human's tongue. It wasn't much, but he didn't expect it to be to start with. However...

The otter smiled as a little golden light slipped from his toes into the human's mouth. The inspector had his eyes closed, so he didn't see it, but the master's magic would do wonders in ensuring his cooperation.

It didn't take long before the human was licking his sole with more enthusiasm. David could feel the firmness behind that tongue getting stronger, and when he pulled his foot back a little bit, Ferdinand reached up and grabbed his ankle. It was almost pathetic, if it wasn't so hot at the same time.

The otter pushed his loincloth to the side, fondling himself as he started getting harder and harder. As the human licked at the webbing between his toes, he moaned, squeezing his shaft hard.

"Mmmm, that's it, human. Keep licking, keep it going."

"Keep...keep what...going?"

" doesn't matter, just keep licking."

But it did matter. The magic wasn't just encouraging Ferdinand to lick and enjoy that, after all. As David watched, the human started to change. After all, a member of the Park of Mirari couldn't remain human long.

The changes were quick, spreading from the top of the inspector downwards. He wished it spread a bit slower, but he was in a hurry, and his master's magic was a pre-prepared spell, a safeguard rather than a punishment, so it spread quickly. The human seemed to almost dissolve before his eyes, before being replaced by something that was quite a bit more appealing to the eyes, and would definitely be more interesting to have in the park than this sad excuse of authority.

It had been so long since he'd seen someone transformed that David really enjoyed watching the process. Seeing the fur sprout from the inspector's face was pretty amazing, and when that muzzle started to push out, David was hard pressed to keep his stroking at a slow pace. He just wanted to cum from the sight of the human fading away, and the new character taking his place.

Dragging his foot along Ferdinand's face, he almost felt like he was pushing the human features away and guiding in the fox ones. Dragging a toe down over the ear as it grew out, pressing his sole down against the muzzle to narrow it, even moving to stand on the human's changing chest and feeling the muscles of a soldier grow in made it feel like he was all part of the process.

He only let the human stop licking his feet once, and that was when the tail was growing in. David flipped Ferdinand on his back, pulling down the human's pants as that short, bushy tail popped out. It lengthened rapidly, filling out until it was a proper tail, brown-orange for most of it with a white tip. When it was fully formed, he flipped the inspector over and got him back to licking his foot.

In little more than a minute, the human had disappeared, leaving behind him a character out of a video game. The dragon's power was rather immense to conjure something so modern instead of something more general.

David pressed his foot down against the new fox's muzzle, grinding his sweaty sole against him, and leaving the droplets in the fox's fur to mark him as a piece of property.

"What is your name?"

"Fox McCloud, head of the Star Fox team."

"And what am I?"

"You're David, one of the managers of the Park of Mirari."


"You're my master, and I am your slave and bodyguard."

Heh, maybe I should have done this from the start, instead of trying to play nice. This definitely works a lot better, that's for sure.

"Okay, Fox. In a little bit, I'm going to put you in disguise, and you're going to go back to the City Hall and file the paperwork, saying that we can have the Park of Mirari here, understand?"

"Yeah, of course I do."

"But first." David leaned down, his cock next to the fox's muzzle. "You have another foot to clean, and you have this to suck."

The End

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