Transformation Stream Story 8: The Family Acolyte

Story by draconicon on SoFurry

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And you can guess whose this is.

The Family Acolyte for Ray by Draconicon

She was told that being sacrificed to the gods was an honor. Nenetl believed that, to an extent. It was an honor to be given to the gods, and to be the one chosen for it was something that allowed for great opportunities.

To be sacrificed, however, and lose her homeland and everything else, was not. The woman stood at the edge of the great Temple that housed the gods of the kingdom, shaking her head. To leave would have been suicidal. Not just for her - though she imagined she might lose a few of the warriors behind her if she ran - but for those living back home. Her people were conquered by these great gods long ago, and to go against their will would be to invite catastrophe down upon their jungles and homes.

So it was with an unwilling heart that she stood at the opening to the great Temple, waiting with her body exposed for the gods to emerge.

It wasn't entirely unfamiliar. Back home, she had been a priestess's assistant, and they were expected to help the warriors with a number of things, so she was used to being seen without coverings. But to have those that ruled them staring at her like this -

"The gods come, the gods come! Your eyes to the stone!"

Nenetl heard the others go to their knees, but she merely crossed her arms, taking care to place them over her breasts rather than under. She refused to cross her legs, refused to push them together. If she was to be the sacrifice, she would let her body take to the gods a message. A message that they best heed.

Despite her preparations, she was shocked when they emerged. She had heard the gods were of feline shape, but she had thought it was a description of the poets, not truth. On two legs walked the jaguar gods, one female and one male. Nenetl saw instantly that their garb - scant though it was - was of gold, and enough to pay off the strange pale visitors other tribes had seen for months.

More than that, though, they radiated power. It was true strength, and it sent a tremor through her legs before she forced them still again.

The female stepped forward, though Nenetl looked away from her as the male touched his loincloth, a simple brushing, but enough for her to see the bulge that lay beneath. She frowned.

"We welcome the sacrifice of the Aztec people. It is with great responsibility that they maintain their agreement. Our power goes to them, and peace with it."

Despite her posture, Nenetl couldn't help but feel a little relief. The deal would be maintained after all. The feline turned to her, and surprisingly, Nenetl felt the same appraising glance she'd received from all the men. She blinked, a little of her readiness fading.

"You will do very well. Come with us."

As the female turned around, Nenetl felt a brief compulsion to follow, and by the time that she had taken two steps, there was no turning back. She could feel the male behind her, the god following with the same burning glance that his mortal fellows shared. She supposed it was too little to hope that a god wouldn't see her the same as the warriors did.

They walked in silence through the stone halls of the Temple, the interior lit with torches when there was a hole for the smoke to leave, with braziers when there wasn't. Nenetl felt the familiar prickles of sweat running down her arms and chest, and she wasn't sure if it was from the heat or her growing nerves.

Deeper and deeper they went, and soon they were beyond any of the guards that stood within the temple. Even out of sight of the guards, Nenetl admitted to feeling some relief. The inner guards walked with a strange grace, and their faces were kept concealed, as if they had something to be ashamed of. Or worse, something to hide.

The thoughts were forgotten as they reached the final room. It was small, with barely the room for a person to take five steps one way and six another. A large stone slab dominated the center of the room, and as they approached it, the sight of ropes around it told her where her place would be.

"Am I to die today?"

"You sound as if you'd prefer to live on."

The female's voice was entirely too mirthful for her taste. Nenetl glared.

"Anyone would."

"I cannot see why."

"Nor can I, mother."

The casual disregard burned, but Nenetl had little she could do. Taking a deep breath, she pulled herself onto the stone table. The two felines worked together, one tying her legs down - her hips at the very edge of the slab - with ropes at her ankles, while the other tied her arms above her head. The effect left her spread open on both sides, her back arched by the tug on her legs, and her body helpless. The goddess leaned over her, stroking a furred hand along Nenetl's breasts.

"You asked if you are to die."

"I assume I am."

"Oh, you most certainly are."

She was ready for that.

"Only to be reborn as a truer servant of us than most could hope to be."

She was not ready for that. Her eyes went wide as the god pushed aside his loincloth, his sheath already filling and his shaft spilling out. She opened her mouth to say something, but the goddess was quick as the cat she resembled. A wet slit was pressed to her lips, stifling her words.

"You will not speak. For now, you are a slave; when you are reborn, you will be worth hearing."

The goddess's sex was sufficient to silence her words, but even that wasn't enough to keep down her scream as the feline shaft entered her. Nenetl shouted at the top of her lungs as the god took her dry, ramming into her again and again. Her blood had been shed long ago, but without something to ease it, it burned.

It rasped inside of her, tugging, yanking at her insides. She gasped, squirming, trying to pull away from him, but her legs were tied down. Every tug she made only made the ropes burn her ankles, tugging away the skin, leaving it injured.

The goddess shifted back above her, allowing her to breathe. Nenetl gasped as she opened her mouth, but no sooner had she gotten a breath of air than it shoved down again, forcing her to taste the goddess's womanhood. It was wet and wrong, but no matter how she wrenched her head, the feline had trapped her well enough that she could get nothing but the goddess's juices in her mouth.

She was rocked back and forth, a finger's length in either direction by the eager thrusts of the god inside of her. Against her will, she felt her dryness eased, replaced by the usual moisture below, but even that didn't take away the hurting from his needling shaft. She whimpered, yelping in pain against the goddess as her face was used as nothing more than a toy.

Eventually, she felt the male stiffen, as all males did when they reached their climax. However, no other male had filled her so much as he did, and as she rolled in pain, she felt her stomach bloat, filling her to the brim with his seed and pushing it out again, as yet more filled her after.

She almost felt like she would vomit it up when the goddess pulled off of her face, and her son pulled away. Panting and gasping for breath, she looked between them.

"I thought...I thought I die."

"You will, and be reborn as one of us."

Nenetl had no chance to ask what that was before the burning hit her. She arched her back in shock, almost knocking herself out with the sharp blow to her head, and she wished she had. She looked down at herself, her body suddenly shining with sweat as it burned from within, all centered at her belly, all revolving around the massive load that the male had filled her with.

The sweat was followed by fur, to her shock. Once more, the waves of it spread from her stomach, starting over her belly button and moving outwards. Dark fur rippled over her flesh, and as she changed, the bulge flattened, as if her transformation was feeding off of it. It washed over her, immediately soaked with her sweat as it emerged, and covering her from head to toe in short order.

But it was not the final humiliation. No, more was to come, as her body shifted beneath the fur. The first casualty was her face, as it felt like a fist pressed against the inside of her head, shoving her nose and her mouth outwards. Her skin prickled beneath her fur, longer strands poking out one by one, and bristling as the discomfort followed her change.

As her face continued to change, her feet cracked, her toes bulging larger, and growing fewer from the transformation. She could just barely see, but they changed, her foot drawing back, and bending almost in two, giving her the legs of a beast of the jungle, rather than her human shape previous.

A sudden grinding in her spine left her clenching newly sharpened teeth, claws raking over her palms as she arched her back further. The divines refused to help her, and she squirmed until her new tail slid out from behind her, easing the pressure as it slithered out of her body.

Even as she took on the feline attributes, she gained other, less useful ones. She felt her chest swell, going from the small handfuls that she'd enticed men with before to great orbs of flesh, swollen to the point of hanging back towards her face. They grew until she could nearly lick her own nipples, and to her shame, she was tempted.

For the last change burned beneath her, flaring hot between her legs. Amidst the juices of the jaguar that spilled from her was her own, and it was a scent of heat. She growled, throwing herself back and forth in need, and she could see out of the corner of her eye that the god was interested, his shaft rising up again.

The goddess, however, merely smiled, putting a hand on her son's shoulder.

"I will leave you to your pleasures, my son. Ensure that she grows and becomes the bodyguard a god deserves."

"Yes, mother."

As he approached, Nenetl wasn't sure whether to smile or cry. She had lost everything, but gained something very new.

She settled for a moan as the god slid inside her once more.

The End

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