Case Study 1202

Story by theonehowl on SoFurry

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Case Study 1202

This report is filed by Brian Delsoe. I'm reporting the current progress on Case 1202. This experiment is involving the use of males, the usual standard, sexual interactions and scientific studies. This report is being written at the request of the head staff of the Grumann's institution. The subject that takes place in this experiment is a Tony Gerraro. His species type is Equine. Fur color is a light tan with faded dark blotches around his body. Tony was chosen for his specific view points on homosexuality. I started monitoring his actions after a fellow lab assistant ran into Tony Gerraro with unfortunate timing. The subject had exercised his opinion with retaliation in the most physical sense. This seemed like a perfect time to test the "BM" of GIBM(Behavioral Modification).

I have on file a set of Q and A from the studies. In this Q and A, we see that the subject is exhibiting a lot more of a submissive behavior than he had in the earlier tests. I will post a sample of the subject's original thinking, or as I like to say, the old personality.

/Tony Gerraro is strapped and blind folded in this session. He had to be gagged to begin with for plenty of obvious reasons. Noise pollution is a wasteful cause of effort. I've written strictly true to what I had recorded that day, this can be supported with the listening of the original tape if need be.

/The subject has had a quite thorough examination already after our regular efforts to change his behavior and thought process./

Doctor: "I see that you've had your share with the examiner, eh, Mr. Gerraro?"

*muffled speech*

Doctor: "Oh! That's right..." /At this point I remove the gag from his lips. He didn't seem very grateful at first./ "Now is that better?"

Tony: "W..w-...wha- are youuu... doing to me?" /The subject was at that point quite groggy./

Doctor: "Well, Tony, we heard you had a run-in with one of our associates... said they took quite a beating from you."

Tony: "W.wha? I didn't.. I wouldn't do that..."

Doctor: "Oh, we know that you're a little more kinder towards the subject with which you had a problem, but we're going to make sure you never have that problem again."

***********That one is pretty short. At the moment, I am doing FREE commissions on FA. I'm currently in the middle of one and my other two projects are coming along well. Howl's story is turning into a full blown novel. I get crazy and write segments and I get carried away and the next thing I know I have written over twenty pages easily. Vote and Comment please!*********

Tony: "But..-why?"

Doctor: "Because you're sick, Mr. Gerraro. You need to be fixed so you won't have violent tendencies anymore over such perfectly natural, and wonderful, things. We're fixing you, Tony. Now, I'd like to skip to the part where I am asking the questions, if you don't mind."

Tony: "But-..." /Subject tries to interrupt once again, but I rub some of our Grumann brand salve over his nose. This silenced him and then his nose began sniffing. I waited and let the salve do its job. After a moment, Tony was breathing in the heady scent and began to wobble in his restraints. His ears soon began to droop and his tongue hung out before it started to lap upwards against the top of his muzzle. This really added to the effect and so I began administering my questions./

Doctor: "Tony, are you enjoying your treatment while staying with us here at the GIBM?"

Tony: "Yes, it feels good to stay." /At his point his voice was very groggy and droned mechanically.

Doctor: "When you say it feels good, do you think you can elaborate?"

Tony: "I..I'm not sure.. wha-"

Doctor: "How about... Tony, you will elaborate in detail of your stay here and answer my questions. Be a good cunt boy and obey." /This seemed to make the subject more open to response.

Tony: "At first, when they took me in, I didn't like it. They were holding me down and attaching things to me. I really didn't like the way they touched me, but now I think that stuff is fine. I don't think there's a problem with a male touching another male like that anymore. It feels kinda good now."

Doctor: "How many times have you been subject to our programming a day until now, Tony?"

Tony: "They play the recordings and, at first, I kind of got mad... then I started listening and when I did that, I lost track of time quicker. It was fun when I lost track of time, cause then it would feel good... and then it would feel really good and I would wake up with this thing attached to my balls and my shaft would be hard and it would be buzzing and making me feel all good inside."

Doctor: "Your words are a little bit of a mess. Why is your vocabulary so bad? You sound closely related to an imbecile."

Tony: "Oh, that's just my brain sliding away. It goes away when I feel really good."

Doctor: "Where does it go?"

Tony: "It goes into my pants, where my dick is... I get really hard and I know that's because all my smartness is sliding away and filling up my cock. It feels so good... having a brainless head and brain-filled erection." /At this point, I move to see that the subject does indeed have an erection. It was easy to see since his hospital pajamas were quite loose. I wanted to keep professional so I assumed my seat and continued.

Doctor: *cough* "Tony, why is your brain sliding down to your sex?"

Tony: "Because that's how I work. That's what my body does when I get really tired, sleepy, dazy, and confusy..."

Doctor: "Are you speaking about the way I used your trigger phrase that makes you feel submissive?" /A nod from the subject./

Tony: "Yeah-yeah! All the time when I feel like this, I get really good-feeling. It makes my brain slide down and fill up my slut toy." /It seems the programming has given Mr. Gerraro some nicknames for his private parts./

Doctor: "Well, it seems you are coming along very well. Do you feel very obedient right now?"

Tony: "Oh yes! I could do anything you tell me to do."

/My own programming won't allow me to leave this part out. I obey. I confess I began to take advantage of Tony's programming./

Doctor: "Good. You will obey like a good slut boy and come over here and sit on my lap." /Mr. Gerraro was able to do so since his bonds were not real. It's a positive trade mark of our institution when our subjects walk around thinking and acting as if they were bound, but the bonds are all in their minds. I do enjoy watching them stroll past struggling against nothing but thin air. I obey. I admit I have had my eye on Mr. Gerraro for a while./

/After he does as I command, I had to readjust my own lap. I obey. I admit that I had been gaining much arousal from the beginning of this interview. After I saw his engorged sex, I couldn't help but to mimic and follow suit./

Doctor: "Now, Tony, does it feel good when I touch you like this?"

Tony: "Yes, sir. It felt good to come over here. It feels all good and nice and stuff."

Doctor: "You probably enjoy your new profession as our personal dick boy, huh?"

Tony: "Yes, sir. I obey. I will be a good cum slut, dick boy, cum hole for any of the doctors at GIBM. That is what I love to do... just giving my ass and cock and mouth up to hot sexy doctors.."

Doctor: "Are you going to think about females ever again?"

Tony: "Yuck!"/I obey. I was.. I was very much grinding myself into the subject's rear. I desperately wanted him. I couldn't help myself./

Doctor: "Why not, Tony?...ooohmm."

Tony: "Uhh, because I love dick lots more!"

Doctor: "How about you show this doctor how much you love dick, Tony."

Tony: "Mrr, yes, sir. I obey." /The rest of the tape is recording many different noises. My own programming won't allow me to leave out the details. I obey. Tony continued to open my fly and pull out my own erection. The subject had his way with it orally at first. Then he continued by sitting back down on my lap, taking me inside him and rode me well. It seems this horse will do more of the riding from now on from what I can tell by his programming.

/Once we were finished, I pressed the stop button and had Tony cleaned up. I obey. I took Tony to my personal shower for a little more fun. I had him back in his binds and returned to his quarters a little later than I planned. Overall my review says that he's well trained, and will only need a few more days before he will not need the binds./

Note: I still think binds would be a good idea for unnecessary reasons.

My other sample is something less scientific, but it shows much more of a change in Tony Gerraro. I will begin filing that report in good time later.

Most professionally,

Brian Delsoe.

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