What's In There?

Story by theonehowl on SoFurry

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Warning: Must be 18 or older. Smut. Sweet delicious, boner inducing smut! Enjoy. Allen was pulling up to the driveway. The wheels of the car crunched the lane of leaves from the fall's actions. The raptor eased on the brake as he eyed his new house. He inherited some property the death of an unknown relative. They weren't even the same species. A lizard woman named Marie Dalewaven claimed they were distant relatives. The lawyer was quick and short so there wasn't room for many questions and he even seemed a little uneasy. The whole thing was weird, but he had the address so why shouldn't he go see the structure that could put money in his pocket or a roof over his head? It was over half an hour drive from the nearest town and probably fifteen minutes of driving from any would-be neighbor. It seemed Marie liked her privacy. The house looked pretty normal from the outside and wasn't even that big. He couldn't get any information out of the lawyer about Marie Dalewaven. Then Allen planned to just find the answers inside. The house still had some sorting to go through. 'I wouldn't be surprised if it was some rich, lonely woman; trying to just off her house on to somebody so it would be taken care of. A house would be good payment for some heavy cleaning, I guess,' Allen thought to himself. Getting out of the car, he smoothed his white button down shirt. "Let's see what's inside..." he muttered to himself. A soft gust rustled the numerous trees around the house and sprinkled more leaves down onto the grass. The scenery with the barren house in front sent a slight cold chill through Allen. It was creepy outside. The raptor moved for the door a little quicker than he cared to admit to himself. His fingers danced through the ring of the keys. Not a single one on the chain belonged to him. The whole damned thing was for this house and whatever inside. Marie must likes privacy. It took longer than Allen was comfortable with to find the right key and get the door open. Stepping inside hesitantly, Allen was hit with a strange fragrance. It had been so long since the passing of this woman and yet this house held a scent that seemed to match perfectly with the whole setting. The room was practically a big cushioned lounge. It was dark except for the small light that came through windows that filtered it with a lighter shade of an off color of cherry. The whole room was a similar shade. It was a strange color for such an ordinary house, but it wasn't overwhelming. It was frilly and elegant enough to not overwhelm, but ease the senses into a comfortable and pleasant place. That's what the smell was like. It wasn't overpowering in a bad way. It was subtle and pleasant to breath in. The whole room had a sort of life force of a sweetness and love. All the large and small pillows had pinks and reds that matched the main flow of the house. It was just a dramatic difference from the outside. With the privacy and secrecy kept in mind, it made Allen what went on here and if he was picked so randomly. The raptor reached against the wall and flipped a richly decorated light switch. All of the sudden, the windows were covered by a much thicker material that completely blocked out the sunlight, and at the same time, a light in the middle of ceiling came to life. It was one of those lights that drenched the room in bubbly lights and spun them around, like something for parties. There were other smaller lights, not very bright at all. They were almost completely pink and highlighted all the reds and cherry colors around the room. Again, all these things should have been strange and some what too much for a simple house Allen was used to, but he stared around as if he could go sit down in a chair and relax like it was home. The thought occurred to him and didn't sound like a bad idea. The raptor moved across the shag carpet, stopped. Looking down, he noticed the carpet was really nice and decided to take off his shoes. After he removed the shoes, he placed them by the door and headed for the center couch. The center couch was a rounded circle of cushion, red, and pillows. It sat right underneath the spinning pocadoting light. Those little bubble twirled around Allen. His eyes would be caught on their path everyone once in a while. The way they moved, their angle and direction kept moving his sight. He would usually be looking around at this strange and oddly decorated room, but the couch was so comfy that he didn't feel like getting down to business yet. His body sank into the many pillows against his back and the ridge in the center craned his shoulders and neck to look in an upward direction. The whole room may have been a really weird color, but he still liked how it felt. It felt so good on his eyes. The couch was nice and comfy. It was making him so lazy. Then those little bubbles of light twirled nonstop around him. Allen's eyes were caught again and now the bubbles carried his sight up to the bottom of the machine. Underneath the spinning ceiling light, was a dinner-plate size spiral. It was pink and white and the machine's light lit it to easily see the spiral's color. It was well-created. All those curvy lines spun his eyes down to the center. It was easy to stare. The raptor didn't look away or blink. His thoughts were focused on how pleasant this all turned out. His feet and hands lay slack and unmoving. That slight pain he had when he stubbed his toe before getting in the car was gone. There was absence of pain. Allen didn't even notice. There was absence of the unpleasant feeling of how this strange room should be giving him the creeps, as well as that lingering smell. That smell is so wonderful. It was getting easier to breath in as Allen relaxed into the cushion. Things felt so good and smooth. Those curves in the spiral... they were so beautiful as they pulled down deep. They moved so steadily, but surely. They curved so elegantly and so seductively pink. Allen wanted curves like that. He suddenly shook his head. 'What kind of thought is that?' he asked himself. His mind clear and aware, he noticed the pain in his toe was gone. This was strange. Allen shook his head again and got up. All his limbs felt weaker and unsteady. It was a much scarier feeling now that he wasn't so comfortable. 'Just need to get this over with...' The raptor was already thinking about getting out, but looked around. The whole place looked harmless; it was just really strange. Taking a deep breath, he assured himself he could continue. That scent filled his senses and for some reason it didn't help the unsteady, relaxing feeling in his limbs. It would be so easy to lay down and look back up...- "No!" he said out loud. And then he noticed he was making outburst for no real reason at all. 'This is ridiculous...' he thought. He stepped over to a door nearby. He didn't actually know his way around very well, but he figured a look around could cure that. Opening and stepping in, he found darkness. There were no windows. Flicking a switch next to the door revealed a hallway. The shaggy carpet continued through here and the light fixture was just as strange and bizarre as the Main room, as he called it. This time the light turned little spinning disk around. The effect made swirls of reddish-pink spin across the walls. This seemed as temping to stare at as the spiral from the first room. "This is so weird," Allen said. The raptor stepped in and closed the door behind him. He kept his eyes downcast, knowing very well that those little spirals are not so innocent. 'I'm going to have to change all these light fixtures first out of anything,' he made a mental note of it. It wasn't like they were bad. Quite frankly, he liked how they put a relaxing and compelling feeling to the hallway. It didn't stop him from picking one of the doors on the left. There were three of them and Allen decided to pick the first one. The swirling color that was displayed from the light fixture made him hesitate a moment to just stare at them. Again... that thought of such beautiful curves.. lovely curves. He wished he had curves like that. This time it didn't stop him. He let it roll over in his head. Those curves continued rolling over his eyes and rolled over in his mind. The idea of such lovely and beautiful curves kept rolling... curving over his mind. It felt so good. He suddenly became jealous and wished he had curves like a woman. "Ah!" He shook his head furiously this time. "What the hell?" He was astonished by the thoughts that just kept bubbling up in his head. It seemed every time his mind wandered, there were these new and bizarre thoughts. The thoughts were so strong, it was scary. 'Don't need to let my mind wander too much, then...' Allen opened the door and continued to turn on the switch. He closed his eyes a little, expecting another crazy light fixture to try and throw his train of thought off... to make his mind wander. Instead, it was a simple white light on the ceiling. The room wasn't normal at all, though, just like the rest of the house it was very bizarre, but it was very different. The theme of the room was black and white and technological. A large LCD TV was mounted above a blue-ray player and on each side was a towering set of speakers. The walls were white, but the floor was black and all apparel in the room was black, even the door in the corner on the other side from Allen was black with a silver knob. There were other things, like headphones laying quietly on the ground and empty cushion that seem to be waiting for someone to sit and meditate in. Allen thought a better way to watch TV would be sitting in a sofa, not a backless little cushion like the one in front of him. His bare feet touch the black floor and noticed it was padded black. The room felt like it was waiting for someone and it made Allen pull back and close the door. He forgot to turn off the light, but was somewhat anxious to see the next room. It was mixture of fear and curiosity. What would this crazy house yield in its next surprise? With a twist of the knob and a small push, Allen began to observe the next room. As soon as the door was open, the switch activated florescent black lights. Two pairs of them illuminating the pitch black from the ceiling. Dozens of posters were decorated on the wall. They were all spirals, brightly colored and illuminated spirals. Allen walked in this time. The floor still felt good on his scaly feet, but it was too dark to be illuminated by the fluorescents. The door closed slowly by itself, but didn't shut all the way. There was so many different kinds. A large single spiral would show an illusion of twisting in circles of brightly lit illumination and then there were quad spirals, four on one poster. Then there was one that didn't have any circles, just dots. Then when Allen stared, those dots began twisting in on themselves. The whole room seemed like an illusion as all these highlighted pictures began to take on a motion by themselves. It was like being in a room full of magical spinning pictures. It was unbelievable and so alluring. Relaxing and comforting. Allen couldn't stop looking around. They were wonderful... curving spirals. Wonderful relaxing curves. Those curves looked so good as he kept breathing in that sweet scent, it felt stronger in here. That urge to have curves like those spirals began coming back. He felt so good to curve in and slip into those spirals. He wanted to bend and loose himself more. And he did as he sat on the floor and stared. The scent was tickling him all over on the inside. Allen couldn't help but to let out a little giggle as he sat and relaxed. Staring at the spirals seemed like the only thing interesting, as if nothing held any importance. And those giggles were frequent, and every time a giggle escaped the reptile's lips he felt more relaxed and his face slacked. Allen gazed. He stared for hours. It was becoming even more addicting, especially since when he looked harder there was a small message in the center. The first had an arrow that pointed to a neighboring spiral. It continued on like that, each arrow pointing to the next spiral. It only took the first hour to get all the way around back to the first spiral he looked at, but Allen didn't notice. He was too lost, and he continued on. It seemed to him there were so many spirals in the room, like they were infinite. At the end of those hours, the whole rooming was spinning like a spiral. A sound began emitting from the speakers in the ceiling. Allen still didn't notice. The noise was so subtle, subliminal. It was meant to come on after a certain time and repeat. It would repeat long enough for whoever in the house to fall deep like Allen and take in the message. It was similar to white noise, but it was so different to Allen. The noise sounded like... obedience. Girly, curvy, giggly obedience. He was laying on the floor in the black light room, still deep in his stupor after staring at so many spirals, soaking up all the messages with closed eyes and deep breaths. He knew what he had to do. Getting up, Allen left the room and closed the door behind him. He stood in the hallway for a minute, enjoying the spirals in there too. A giggle escaped him and then moved on to the last room. When he turned the knob and slid open the final door, he took the knew sight of where he would be sleeping. The bedroom, but that was only the half of it. There were clothes. Women's clothes. So much women's apparel in one room. Allen's stupor couldn't even comprehend that there were probably more clothes than a store could contain. At that moment, the dazed reptilian was following those deep commands and going for one drawer. Inside that drawer he picked his size from the rows of panties and thin night shirts. There were only pinks in it, but Allen's current state mind couldn't resist the thrill the color sent through him. The subliminal sound was still burying ideas and commands so deep into his mind that he didn't even have a conscious thought all the time he took off his clothes and slid on the smaller, more feminine ones. The pink top somehow was made to cling to his flat chest and the rest hang loose over half of his abdomen. The panties were a soft thin cotton. He had his sack and male hood lifted up and the panties were tight enough to hold both up most comfortably and only left a small set of bulges. His hand drifted down to give a testing rub and it felt so delightful as the strain of the panties rim held back his hardening sex. He was complete. The next suggestion that was buried so deep into subconscious guided him to the first room. Closing the door behind him, he no longer was distracted by the spiraling lights. He couldn't get distracted now, he had to obey. Walking into the somewhat ordinary room, he sat down comfortably and turned on the TV. With the push of a button, the screen flashed on and there was Marie Dalewaven. She was wearing black, her legs looking so lovely in stockings. Allen was admiring her legs and seemed not surprised at all to see her. The TV showed her flick a red tongue out and licked on those lips. "Hello, Allen... If you are watching this, I'm sure you have finally succumbed to my entrapping house. You're being a good girl right now." Allen gave a delicious giggle and smiled happily as he stared at the attractive lizard woman on the big screen. There were more sounds now. The over head sound had turned off. The television was producing new sounds, new commands and suggestion for Allen to take in. "Now," she continued. "I haven't passed away. I merely have relocated. I needed to change the scenery a bit, but that's nothing for you to be concerned with. You are going to be my slave girl." That last name made Allen feel a burst of glee again. "I have plenty of instruction mp3s and videos for you to use to become a perfect slave girl. You want to be a perfect slave girl. It's going to be your new life. This is your new life, Allen. First, you need a new name. You are no longer Allen. You are Ellen. Ellen is your new name. I'm sure you like that, Ellen. You love your new name, Ellen." Ellen did, he really did. He nodded his head mindlessly. "You're going to watch the next few videos after you get done with your first conditioning. They will tell you how to keep the house in order and in shape. They will also lead to more videos which will teach what exactly you will be doing in my wake. I have left a town full of slaves. They all donate to my funds and keep me in business. They also need conditioning, though, and you will be assisting them since I won't be there. They already know about you as I've taught them before I left. All you have to do is learn the basics and practice. But I know you'll do that regardless, cause you're a good girl. And good girls obey." "Yesss..." Ellen hissed as the video flickered off. Then Ellen started up a new video. The new one was teaching him... her. She was no longer a "he", but now she was a good girl. Ellen slipped her panties down a bit as instructed. Then she took a firm hold on her large male clitty, which it would be referred to from now on, and pleasured herself in rhythm with the conditioning process. Flashes of light on the screen, combined with the white noise and hypnotic words that came from the speakers put Ellen deeper than she ever had been before. She was learning so many new things. With a jerk on her male clit, she learned that girls dressed properly in public. Another lovely rub and she learned that there was no maleness left in her, that this was all the life she had and all the life she wanted. Now she was pleasuring herself fluidly as the next messages were buried into her weak mind, and it was so weak... just like the video said. Ellen was loving the idea of walking around all day cleaning and listening to mp3s that made her a better girl. She was so ready to cum, but she wasn't given the command she was taught. There was more and more, so much to learn and it all felt so good to hear. It felt even better to try it, she just couldn't wait to start. The video also said that. Listening to mp3s as she slept sounded so delicious, cute, and hot! She was letting out grunts now, it was so hard not to fill her pink undies with white girly spooge. "You are a good girl. The final notice is that you will wear panties all the time. Unless you are naked, you will always have a pair of the girliest and feminine panties on at all times. You will cycle this as you hear the command to cum, and when you cum you will change and sleep with that pair over your snout and will think and dream of men all night. Now, sissy cum." "Oooooh!" That was the command! Ellen was bucking her hips. She never imagined it felt so good to drench her undies in white sissy cum. It felt so good that the tight panties were covered and smothered her lap in her own cum. Ellen was panting as if she had been running all day, but routine exercise wasn't until tomorrow afternoon, like the video said. She took a breather before getting up. She went to her changing room and changed and cleaned up. As she was told, she put on her nighties, slipped on the earphones at her bedside, and layed back while placing a pair of raptor-cum soaked panties on her snout. It smelled deliciously musky and with the suggestions coming through the headphones, it was impossible to think of anything else but men. And Ellen dreamed of men that night. If she were not overwhelmed with the absolute need to think and dream of men; she might have dreamed about her wonderful enslavement at the moment. * * *

So that's a good little quickie until I get something else up. Hope you all enjoy it. I had a desire to do a sissy boy story. I think the next story might not be as smutty. We'll see.

Case Study 1201

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