The Profane Defilers: Special Character

Story by Logan Storm on SoFurry

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#3 of The Profane Defilers

The following was created thanks to Bolter and Chainsaw's Painter flash as such credit for this should go to Bolter and Chainsaw, in addition here is a disclaimer to protect myself and SoFurry.

This Fan Creation is completely unofficial and in no way endorsed by Games Workshop Limited.

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The Headless Rider: ** **** 265pts **** **

The Riders origins are a topic of much debate, his appearance began after the incident on Shaka IV and the final defeat of Doomrider at the hands of Kor'sarro Khan the 3rd Company Captain of the White Scars Chapter.

Mounted upon a Daemonicly Possessed Bike adorned with wicked blades and lethal spikes and wielding a Daemon Weapon horrific power fused to his left hand, the rider ploughs through ranks of infantry with soundless glee.

Flames can be seen growing fiercer from where a head may once have been as the speed obsessed being hunting battlefield after battlefield for some unknown item, never staying long in any one place the Rider travels through the immaterium as he warps from location to location.

The only thing known for sure about the Headless Rider is his deep overwhelming hatred for the White Scares Space Marine Chapter.

Weapon Skill: 9

Ballistic Skill: 5

Strength: 7

Toughness: 5

Wounds: 4

Initiate: 9

Attacks: 5

Leadership: 9

Save: 3+ Save / 5+ Invulnerable


Power Armour

Headless Rider's Steed

The Daemon Sword

Twin-linked Meltagun

Bolt Pistol

Mark of Slaanesh (included in profile)

SPECIAL RULES: Daemon, Fearless, Eternal Warrior, Turbo Boost, Veteran of the long War.

Hatred: The Headless Rider suffers from hatred for the White Scars Space Marine Chapter.

Headless Rider's Steed: The Steed is an ancient, twisted motorbike infused with the energies of chao; although he is a Monstrous Crea­ture, the Steed allows the Headless Rider to move like a Jetbike (he retains the Move through Cover rule for being a Mon­strous Creature.

The Daemon Sword Blissgiver : Strength: +1 (included in profile) Ap: 2

Type: Melee, Daemon Weapon, Specialist Weapon.

He Comes, He Goes: Headless Rider is deployed as if he were a Lesser Daemon pack. In addition, roll a D6 at the end of every turn, modified as follows:

Headless Rider did not move this turn: +1

Headless Rider took more wounds than he caused: +1

Headless Rider used the Turbo-boost rule: -2

Headless Rider arrived this turn: -4

On a 6 he is removed from play for the rest of the battle, but does not count as being destroyed; if the modified die roll is a 1, Headless Rider may use the Strategic Redeployment Asset in the next turn.

Speed Daemon: When Headless Rider uses the Turbo-Boost special rule, he gains a 3+ Invulnerable save in place of the +5 invulnerable save given by the Daemon special Rule.

The Profane Defilers Pt2

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The Profane Defilers Pt1

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