The Profane Defilers Pt2

Story by Logan Storm on SoFurry

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#2 of The Profane Defilers

The following images where created thanks to Bolter and Chainsaw's Painter flash as such credit for this should go to Bolter and Chainsaw, then linked via Photobucket in addition to this here is a disclaimer to protect myself and SoFurry.

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Profane Defilers,

[Slaanesh Chaos Marine Legion]

Originaly the proud indomitable Storm Hammer chapter, this legion had resisted the attempted corruption of the three more powerful deities of Chaos Like water would fire, but Slaanesh the weakest of the four brothers used subtlety and seduction to do what Brute Force, Disease and Mysticism could not.

And through the nature and strengthening of a single individual with in the chapter deemed the weakest ad bottom of the pecking order with in the chapter a foot hold was formed that grew and grew until the entre chapter was engulfed from the inside out like some undetected cancer.

The Storm Hammer's being too proud and stubborn to acknowledge or even recognise the problem until it was too late had become renegade, such was the subtlety that even the Inquisition did not become aware of the threat.

The fact that the Storm Hammers had slowly stopped sending their quota of Gene Seed to the Adeptus Mechanicus had been seen as further evidence of the Chapter needing to be put back in its place ore so as rumours of the Chapter breaking the cardinal rule of consisting of no more than one thousand marines being allowed by any one chapter at any one time.

But with this was considered as conjecture for tough the Storm Hammers where brutal and savage in many ways they were still considered loyal and pure beyond reproach, there are unconfirmed tales of Inquisitors attempting to humble and bring the Storm Hammers back in line but to the truth in such stories little evidence can be found either way these attempts be they fictional or real failed utterly.

Eventually when the truth was revealed when the Grey Knights for some reason known only to themselves attacked the Chapters Barque the 'Storm Lord' that acted as the Storm Hammers Fortress Monastery.

The Storm Lord was eventually destroyed by the Chapter Master ordering its massive reactors to be overloaded while the massive vessel was plunged in amongst the Vessels of the Grey Knights before detonating an dripping a hole in the fabric of time and space for but a few brief moment sucking the 'Storm Hammer' chapter into the immaterium and the awaiting arms of their patron Slaanesh and taking out a horrific chunk of the Grey Knight force that had come to utterly wipe them from the face of existence itself.

When next the 'Storm Hammers' where seen they had become something else entirely, their flesh had become fused with their weaponry and armour some even to their vehicles, no longer were they the 'Storm Hammers' they were now the 'Profane Defilers' the metal of their weapons and armour was forged from psycho-conductive metals forged in the smiths of Slaanesh's forges.

This allowed the Profane Defilers to commune with their armour and weapons in ways the black carapace worn by their loyalist breather could never experience as well as enhance the sensations experienced in battle where experientially increased.

It is due to this nightmarish fusion of technology, warp and flesh that has over the centuries lured Warpsmith's, Mutilators and Obliterators to the legion bolstering the sheer strength and ferocity of these traitor marines.

In regards to recruiting new blood to replace fallen warriors the strongest warriors from the Chaos cultists that follow the Legion so many love sick fans are selected, those blessed with selection are implanted with a shard of solidified warp energy and a spike forged of psycho-conductive conductive metal.

Each spike is a prized and zealously guarded artefact that is considered as a gift from Slaanesh as proof of their allegiance to Prince of Pleasure's in all its obsessive forms, with every battle their war gear grows ever more apart of them.

For some they will become more akin to mechanical skeletons with parts of their old power armour still visible as a sign of what they had once been, these veterans of a long war areas far from Human's as Daemons are from Mortals.

Their humanity and mortality striped form them as they travel form battle field to battle field with screams on pure ecstasy as their psycho-conductive metal bodies absorb and amplify the pleasures of combat.

Domed never to become daemonic yet blessed with a fully sentient eternal existence these chaos marines take great delight in their duties in the service of their one and only true master Slaanesh.

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