Code Pink - I was a Teenage Pornstar

Story by Gruffy on SoFurry

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#7 of I Was a Teenaged Pornstar



Hello - welcome to I was a Teenaged Pornstar, and the latest chapter, commissioned byavatar?user=311202&character=0&clevel=2 FriskeCrisps - for the continued adventures of an 18-year-old adult performer! Damn! He was left in a bit of a situation the last time we see him, so it'll be interesting to see what happens now! Do tell me how you liked it, and I hope you enjoy!






Leo chuckled as he glanced at the rear view mirror and spotted the happy flicking of Roger's ears on the back seat.

"Having fun there, guys?" he mused while turning his eyes back to the road.

There was a giggle from the back seat.

"Yup," Lane, the otter, replied. "Reeeally fun here..."

"Left me out, though," Marco, the fox, commented.

Eric chuckled on the front seat.

"You shoulda come and sit here on the front seat with me," the German Shepherd patted his thigh while looking over to the back seat where the otter was fondling the big bear's groin, sitting behind the driver, while the fox looked with mildly envy at what the otter's paws were able to do for now.

"That's probably against the rules, though," Marco snickered.

"Oh, what if we'd be pulled over by a hot cop..." Leo proposed with a big smile to his muzzle, "oh, officer, there wasn't enough room so someone had to ride on the dog's lap...please don't give us a fine...please don't hurt us with your big stick..."

The other porn guys n the car laughed at the lion's silly remarks. The bear's laughter was almost loud enough to make the windows rattle. One could really tell that it wasn't a particularly large car, especially not with five guys inside it.

"I'd love something on my lap, too," Roger said while grinning at the horny otter sitting next to him, "lotsa room here...could have you too, Marco!"

"You're too kind to share," the fox smiled, "as long as Lane wouldn't mind."

"When did I ever mind?" the otter chirped, while reaching a paw towards the fox's jean-covered crotch.

Eric chuckled.

"Damn, if you guys are always like this, I should move in with you," the German Shepherd mused.

"There is a free room at the house..." Marco said.

"And you can pay pat of the rent with booty!" Roger added.

"Ha ha!" Eric barked.

"He isn't joking," Leo licked his lips.

"Oh, you," Eric's tail swatted against the seat.

"Oh, me alright," Leo smiled to himself.

"How'bout you get us back home soon, my butt's getting numb from all this sitting," Roger said, "and not in a good way."

The big bear shuffled his rump on the seat and made a curious face. That made him reach down with his paw, which rubbed his fingers against Lane's hip, and the otter giggled.

"Why, Roger..." he murmured.

"Hmph..." the bear rumbled, before his paw returned, holding something black in it, "hey, found a wallet! Anyone missing?"

There was a general fashion of patting of non-sexual kind of a few moments, while the guys murmured quick affirmations on the existence of their wallets.

"Hey, it must be Crisp's!" Leo said. "He was sitting back there wasn't he?"

"Oh yeah!" Marco yelped. "Maybe he dropped it at some point."

"Oh, man..." Leo huffed, "anyone working with him soon so he can give it to him?"

"I dunno, and I bet he's gonna need his money and cards and stuff," Lane said as he looked at the wallet Roger was still holding, "I think we should go back."

"Yeah, let's help the kid," Eric said, "he's been such a trooper today, shame to spoil his night. He's probably already looking for it, too."

"Yeah," Roger said.

"I've got his number, I can give him a call," Marco said, digging out his phone, "Can we turn back?"

"Sure, I'll just put the previous destination to the GPS," Lane said as he reached for the little device plugged in on top of the dashboard.

"Bet he didn't expect to see us again that soon..." Marco giggled as he put his phone up to his ear.

Leo looked up a suitable intersection and reversed them, so that they were already heading back towards the college campus, while Marcus let out a puzzled snuffle.

"He's not answering..." he said, "I've already let it ring...yeah, now it cut off because he's not answering."

"Might be looking for his wallet already and didn't notice it," Roger said.

"Or he's in the shower," Eric snickered. "He's sure been through a lot of musky stuff today..."

"Yeah, I guess," Marco frowned as he put his phone down, "maybe I'll try again."

"We'll be there in five minutes, anyway," Leo said, eyes squinting about at the water-stained windshield, "traffic is okay at this time, and we didn't get that far yet."

"I don't mind a few extra minutes here on the back with everyone," Lane smirked.

"Yeah, we know you like being on your back," Eric chuffed.

"Ha ha!" the otter giggled. "I like riding, too!"

"Come to papa bear and I'll give you a good ride," Roger winked and patted his big, fuzzy thigh.

"Ha ha," Leo chuckled.

They continued trading banter for a few more minutes, while Leo maneuvered the car.

"Here we go...just in the middle of this road..." Leo mused once he'd turned the car on the last street corner, "got the wallet, Roger?"

"Here, Eric, take it," the bear handed the wallet over to the dog riding shotgun, "you give it to him. I don't want to step out to the rain. It's impossible to get this fur dry quickly and I don't want to ruin the car."

"Nice excuse," Eric chucked, "how about me then?"

"I'll honk the horn and you can give it to him through the window," Leo suggested.

"Looks like there's someone out on the doorway..." Marco mused, looking through the side window when Leo slowed the car to a crawl.

"Maybe Crisp has come to see if his wallet's out on the yard," Lane said, "that's where I'd look first, if I figured my wallet was missing."

"Maybe I should give him another call," Marco said.

"Looks like one of his housemates is at the door, I'll just ask him," Eric said.

Lane stopped the car and pulled the pawbrake.

"Here we are!"

Eric pressed the button to open the water-glazed passenger's window a crack.

"Hello!" he called. "Are you - "

The dog suddenly stopped, looking at a shadowy figure on the doorway, whom seemed to be throwing something off his paws, sending it flying in the air until it tumbled down and then landed to the somewhat muddy ground, near articles of clothing scattered down all over the dirty grass.

"What the fuck?" Eric growled, fur spiking on his neck.

"What?" Leo asked, as he turned to look towards the yard, past the dog's flat-eared head.

"I think - oh fucking hell!" Eric scrambled to unbuckle his seatbelt, "man down!"

"What, what?" Marco yelped, nose on the window.


"What the hell?" Roger grunted.

Eric slammed the door open and was already running out into the rain and towards the crumpled shape of the young wolf lying down on the ground.

"What's going on?" Lane yelled from the car.

"I'm going out," Leo said when he felt for his own seatbelt, "come on."

The bear, the fox and the otter were out of the car about as soon as the lion was, to witness Eric going to his knees on the ground without caring for his pants getting soaked, to check up on the wolf who lay sprawled on his back.

"HE'S UNCONSCIOUS!" the German Shepherd shouted.

"What the hell's going on?" Roger growled.


_ _

Flattened ears turned towards the door into the house. A stallion stood there with a frown on his face, maw slightly open, and with his hands holding onto a few books.

"WHAT THE HELL'S GOING ON HERE?" Leo shouted to the horse, his tail tense behind him while a heavy growl arouse from his chest and throat.

"GUYS!" the horse yelled, his ears suddenly fully flat.

"OMG CRISP!" Lane yelped when he saw the prone form of the wolf on the ground.

"WHAT THE HELL HAVE YOU DONE TO HIM?" Roger stormed forward.

"GUYS!" the horse called out again. He was gawking at the sight of the five men who had gotten out of the car and were now apparently rousing in defense of their apparent ex-roommate.

"WHAT IS IT?" someone yelled from inside the house.

"I'm calling the cops," Lane said and went for his phone.

"He's breathing but looks like he's hurt..." Eric said, "I can see a bit of blood on his head!"

"I'll get an ambulance too!" Lane said.

"HEY!" the horse snorted.

Roger lifted his paw in a fist.

"You stand right there," the big bear growled to the horse.

The horse scowled and nickered once again, now joined on the doorway by a bear and a Doberman who peered curiously into the rain and the sudden influx of furs on their front yard.

"What's up?" Jared asked.

"No idea, I think a bunch of faggots showed up," the horse shook his head.

"Crisp, can you hear me?" Eric shook the wolf's shoulder gently.


_ _

"Yeah, faggots came to collect the wolf, I guess," the horse said.

"Oh, shit," Kyle the bear made a face, "they multiply as soon as you give them a chance..."

"Well not here anymore!" the horse tossed the books from his hands onto the stairs. "Get the fuck out of here."

"Hello, I need a police car and an ambulance to address..." Lane spoke onto his phon.

"HEY!" Duke yelled. "YO PHONING THE COPS?"

"I think he is," Nate snorted. "Fuck..."

""You better clear out of here!" Jared yelled. "Or we're gonna - "

Roger stepped up close to the door and filled the walkway with his bulk. The bear looked fierce, standing in the rain and apparently not minding it one bit.

"Do what?" the bear put his paws onto his hips.

Jared barked out.

"Don't you start getting prissy, faggot," the Doberman said.

"Who's calling furs faggots here?" Leo joined the bear's side.

"These fuckers are," Roger replied, "looks like they've slammed Crisp down to the ground and thrown all his stuff out."

"Leo bared his teeth and hissed like a proper big cat.

"You aren't getting away with this!" he pointed out the bulky frat boys standing on the doorway. "This is hate crime you know!"

"Ha!" Aiden, the cougar, snorted in reply. "The only thing we hate here is some ass bandits and you better clear off before - "

"...yes, violent crime - Leo, can you remember the address?"

"Hey! - " Duke, the bear, yelped as he heard the cotter make the clipped question.

The lion gave the address of the frat house, and the otter repeated it onto the phone.

"Yes, our friend's been beaten up and he's bleeding on the ground...yes, situation is still dangerous..." the otter said.

"Hey, guys..." the horse's face darkened.

"Is that little pussy phoning the cops?" Kyle grunted. "I think he's calling the cops, man!"

"No he ain't," Jared snarled.

The Doberman stepped out of the door and strutted towards the otter in the rain. He lifted his paw.

"Yo, pussy!" the Doberman called out.

Suddenly there was a flash of yellow, on the corner of his eye, and a paw closed around his forearm.

"Someone called for a pussycat?" Leo snarled.

"Hey, what the fuck?!" the Doberman grunted.

The dog tried to take a swing at the lion, but Leo dodged much faster than the Doberman could have anticipated, his another paw in the air and grabbing the one that had tried to hit him, and with a careful twist and re-distribution of weight and with the help of the dog's forward momentum, the lion slammed the heavy dog onto his back on the ground. Jared landed out with a thud and a sick grunt left his throat with the air escaping.



"You don't touch my friends," the tiger hissed down to the dog he had decked single-pawedly.



Now the rest of the frat boys were coming out of the house, angered and ears flat over seeing their housemate going down to the ground.

"LET'S GET THEM!" Kyle yelled.

"CODE PINK, GUYS!" Leo retorted on the other side of the yard, "PROTECT CRISP!"

Roger, the seemingly lumbering bear, was the first to run an interception. He tackled the towering horse, Nate, and didn't turn back to see what had happened to him once he was getting back up from the ground.

Leo turned his attention to Duke, whom was approaching him and the fallen Doberman with his bear buddy, Kyle, both glaring at the lion with murderous looks.


The distraction of Eric yelling at them was enough for the German Shepherd and the lion to engage them at near equal terms, as far as two furs who each weight possibly 100 pounds less than their foes ever could. Leo stuck against Kyle but got a punch onto his face and went tumbling down, right with Eric knocking an elbow onto Duke's jaw before the bear managed to attack the lion.


He'd bit his tongue and was spitting blood and yelling curses in a constant stream, much like the water pouring down from the sky and wetting their clothes.

"IN YOUR DREAMS!" Eric barked while turning his attention over to Kyle, who looked aggressively upon Leo, still trying to get up from the ground after being knocked down by the bear. The German Shepherd stepped between the two and pushed his shoulders back, to show himself off as large as possible.

"And what do we have here..."

Marco was crouching on the ground next to the unconscious wolf, and Lane was standing next to him, phone still in paw, when they heard a dangerous, smooth voice. Both furs jumped at the sight of the cougar, Aiden, who had appeared quietly, and now stood next to them, looking at them with his paws clenched into fists.

"Think it's up to me to kick the shit out of you pair of schoolgirls," the cat's tail swung behind him.

"Leave us alone!" Marco yelled. "We did nothing wrong! Crisp did nothing wrong!"

"We don't like sick faggots in our house," the cougar said, "let alone our fucking yard!"


The cougar glanced over to the sight of the second bear joining the ranks of frat boys writhing on the ground with a punch thrown by a viciously snarling Eric. Nearby, Leo hovered over the sluggishly moaning form of the Doberman who seemed to be reeling still from his own beating.

"You're going down, now pussy," the cougar told the otter, "and there's nothing you're going to -"

"NO WAY!" Lane screeched.

The otter went down with a thud after a punch in the stomach and fell by the wolf still unconscious on the ground. The cougar's tail swayed behind him rapidly while he went on to deliver a kick -


Marco might've been over Crisp to protect him, but that didn't stop him from leaping forward and biting on the cougar's tail when it swung tensely to one side when the cougar prepared to kick. The sudden pain coursing through his appendage caught him off guard and made him jump into the air, his tail pulling up and tugging between the sharp vulpine teeth.

"Ow-ow-ow-ow-ow-ow!" the cat screeched and yowled, and tried to kick at the fox crouching behind him.


Roger ran across the yard, sending mud and water spraying around behind him as the big bear tackled the cougar and they went flying into a puddle in a ball of fur and curses. At least Marco had enough presence of mind to let go of the cat's tail before he was thrust aside by the bear's charging attack.


He was cold, and he was wet. He knew as much...and there was a terrible pain in his neck...head...tail...pretty much everywhere.

Crisp's head felt heavy and he couldn't really remember what had happened...why was he...wherever he was? In the shower? Was that why he was wet? But he was pretty sure he was wearing clothes...though his eyes were blurry. Maybe he got soap in his eyes and that's why he couldn't' see much when he opened his eyes? He wasn't even quite sure they were open...if not for the strange flashing of blue and red and loud noises...what was that noise?


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