Remaking the herd Gluttony

Story by hooves on SoFurry

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#5 of Remaking the herd

That naughty Boing is gelding more of Hooves Colts

Remaking the herd Gluttony

Seven deadly sins

Boing stalked the Zebracorn's mystic realm purposefully, his latest target the Colt Tovak had been proving very hard to corner. Unicorns were illusive by nature, and this particular young stud was it seemed doubly so. However he was learning more and more about him, and with that knowledge a plan was forming. This Colt like his progenitor Hooves had a decided weakness for the male anatomy, and the product of that anatomy. Slowly the wicked Goat began spreading rumors, of the road house. A place where dozens of big horny wagoner studs needed servicing, while they rested over night on their long trips. They numbers constantly changing as some left, and more came in all looking for pleasure...


The sleek almost feminine looking Unicorn circled around the roadhouse wearily, watching for dangers and sensing for magical traps. He knew a tall wicked Goat was after him, and had gotten four of his older brothers. But the plain wooden and stone structure was as mundane and unremarkable and mud. And there was no sign of any Goats, there was only a big calm looking Centaur stallion running the place. Although he was huge and rough looking, he had a gently almost passive manner. And the Unicorn sensed at once that the big Centaur was no threat.

Tovak was a throw back to his fathers side of the family, slight slender body, cloven hooves with shaggy fetlocks and wild mane. His long spiral horn seeming to glow all on it's own, while his otherwise sleek coat glistened with pure silvery white. His nose and full sensual lip's a soft pink as was his delicate male nether regions. Slowly the young excited Unicorn approached the roadhouse, the huge handsome Centaur stallion pranced up to the newcomer. His huge dinner plate sized hooves throwing up massive ragged clumps of turf. His massive draft horse body shining like silk in the dappled light, those shaggy legs prancing and dancing. "Hail and well met stranger. I am Conrad." The massive black Centaur grunted, as he spotted the pretty young Unicorn. "What might yer name be... and what do you want here?"

"Uhum greetings." The flighty young Unicorn stallion whinnied, as he faced the mighty Centaur stallion. "I... my name is Tovak and I would like to... to stay the night." The big Centaur stud looked down at the small young looking Unicorn and frowned.

"Oh is that so?" The massive Centaur grunted skeptically as he looked the slight equine over frowning. "I don't think you really understand what goes on here... we get lots of big dirty draft horses here. They are looking for a lot more than just rest from the trade roads..." The big Centaur explained, as he watched the young Unicorn flush and grow more and more sexually excited. "If a pretty little thing like you were to go in there... why he might end up getting gang raped in every hole he's got." Conrad explained graphically to the obviously horny little Uni stallion, as Tovak pranced in place lustfully.

"I... I'll take my chances." The young lustful stallion whinnied, as he licked his full sensuous lip's in anticipation.

"Hahaha... very well... Just don't come complaining to me with your sticky muzzle and bleeding tail hole." The big Centaur laughed as he ushered the young innocent young Unicorn inside... Just as the pretty young Unicorn was entering he was greeted by the sight of a short shaggy Nordic pony. His jet black coat and mane blotched with big silvery stains that could only be stud milk. The huge smile splayed across that handsome muzzle, also spoke louder than words that the young stallion was euphoric.

"Oho... I bet I know why your here." The obviously slutty Nordic pony giggled as Tovak blushed and looked lustfully down the hall. "Don't worry there's plenty left..." The shaggy pony assure even as he patted his round little belly, and laughed. "And I'm sate... one more drop and I'll explode." The happy pony explained cheerfully, as he clapped the slender Unicorn on the shoulder friendly. "The studs will love you... but they've got kind of a system set up for guys like us." The little pony grinned, and grabbed the Unicorns slender effeminate hand to dragged him down the hall. "See..." He grunted as he lead the sexy young Unicorn into a big open room, that smelled intensely of sweaty male musky and other tasty male fluids. In the center of the room was a swing that hung from the ceiling by dark chain's, the well worn leather had clearly been soaked by the sweat of the slutty males who used it. "Here let me get you strapped in, the next bunch of studs are just waiting for someone to service them." The shaggy little pony assure with a knowing smile, as Tovak shiver in undisguised anticipation at the talk of studs.

"Ummmm sure... alright." The slender effeminate Unicorn agreed, knowing that he could magically escaped the mundane bonds anytime he wanted. The little Nordic pony giggled as he had Tovak lay on his belly in the swing, each leg lifted up and strapped in place wide spread so his tail-hole was easily accessed. Arms also suspended so the big males could step between them and feed his muzzle, locking those arms around behind their leg's.

"And last just so there aren't any accidents..." The smiling Nordic pony lifted the pretty Unicorn's pearly horn, capping it with a special chain to hold that muzzle out straight so the coming stallion's could ram it easily. "Now yer all ready... I'll call the studs. Oh do you mind if I stay and watch for a little bit?"

"Ammm No I don't mind." In fact the slutty Unicorn was thinking that having an audience would make it all about ten times hotter, of course he didn't want to say that out loud. The short shaggy Nordic pony clip clopped around the door and rang a bell, instant a big door opened and a half dozen huge sweaty stallion's trotted in. Their hooves still caked with mud from the fields, the scents of grass's and male musk thick on them. Tovak's long somewhat slender male organ dropped at once, even as he saw the huge aroused cock's hard and ready to use him.

"Hahah... looks like we got use a real slut here." A big particularly dirty work horse observed, sneering down at the slender effeminate little Unicorn male; clearly the big male was the leader of this group.

"Yeah you can always tell... when they drop as soon as they see us walk in." A second huge draft horse grunted, making them all roar with laughter, as they crowded forward around their new toy. Big filthy three fingered hands rubbing and fondling all over Tovak's suspended body, strong fingers pinching his nipples. Rough callused hands grasping and stroking his hard little cock, making it drool sparkling Unicorn pre-cum onto the damp tile floor. Even as their huge hot stud cocks were rubbed over his silky soft Unicorn fur, leaving shiny smears of equine pre-cum.

"Open wide cum slut." The big dirty leader work horse snorted, as he rubbed his fat cock head over Tovak's soft nose and lip's his musk making the young Unicorn's mouth water uncontrollably. And then so suddenly he barely had time to inhale, that fat cock head was rammed between his lip's. Those big dirty hands grabbed the back of his head, and yanked forwards forcing that long cock down his throat. Luckily the young Unicorn was well practiced in swallowing cock, and just lay there suckling as much as he could as that mighty fucker used him. The taste of that huge pulsing rut muscle on his tongue, and the powerful scent of the big horse's unwashed male crotch making the sissy Unicorn's eyes glaze with pleasure. When suddenly the little Nordic pony stepped in close and shimmered, his body growing tall and lean. And then the horny Goat flashed the young pure silvery white Unicorn stallion a leering grin, stroked his own hard cock with a lustful smirk.

"Ummmm Nnnnnnnw." Tovak moaned around the huge cock in his muzzle, the flighty little sissy knowing he could just vanish. But that would mean losing the big cock in his mouth, and all the other cocks just waiting to cum for him. The wicked Goats lip's curled up into a knowing smile, the lust of Gluttony was indeed trapping his prey far more than the magic dampening horn cap.

"Yes... that's right if you run these cocks will never be yours." Boing snickered, as he moved around the swinging Colt slowly heading back towards his ass. "Of course if you stay I'm going to geld you like your brothers." The young silvery white Unicornlooked back stunned at the Goats words... the idea sending a shiver of real fear down the young sissy's back. Boing smirked as he ducked under one out stretched leg and tugged on those pale pink testicles, kneading them in his slender big powerful hand.

"Ammm... daddy wasn't a very well-hung stud was he? Wonder why Hooves put out for him? Oh wait..." The horny Goat placed one hand on the pretty young sissy Colts horn, searching his mind for a minute and then burst out laughing. So Hooves was your sire, forcing another male into mare form to bare you huh rich. Now however I claim his legacy." The horny Goat placed a hand on that fine white ass, caressing the young stallion's buttocks firmly. "Look on the bright side... gelding doesn't mean never having sex. With an ass like yours, I'm sure you'll be getting a lot of it... in the tail-hole and muzzle." Boing chuckled as he pulled a long, slender knife from his robes the black blade razor-sharp, carefully chipped from obsidian. "Now, hold still Colt the cutting only hurts for a moment. The horny Goat promised, as he pressed the sharp blade to those fat virile balls.

The young Colt as trembling in fear now, a heavy frothy sweat collecting on his sleek white hide. As he tried to move his butt cheeks away from those caressing hands, and then that sharp cold edge against his hot young sac... "Nnnn... Nnnnnuu." Tovak squealed through his long slotted equine nostrils, bucking and whinnying as he feels that blade slowly cutting into his delicate flesh. The magical blade slicing easily through that soft skin... into tough cords and springy tubes and blood vessels. Boing licked luscious his lips, as his smooth blade slices through those heavy, trembling Unicorn balls. The black blade sliding against the soft pink skin, as the white fur of the young sissy's thighs is stained crimson with the blood from his wounded crotch. Watching the young Unicorn buck and thrash as his balls are cut off, the wicked Goat snickers as he finally pulls those pink orbs free.

"A fine set to add to my collection." Boing laughed softly holding the Unicorn's orbs up for him to see, even as Tovak's eye's roll wildly in his head. "I caught you at last, and soon I'll have all your brother's testicles, too." The horny Goat panted for breath as the new gelding sags for a moment, but then even as Boing watches the wound seals off. As the lost flesh begins to regenerate the sissy Unicorns body beginning to straighten. "Sweet Hooves my piece of ass now. I just did what comes naturally... and her nice round belly came naturally after that. Now it's my turn to do what's natural again... and that's making all her earlier Colts into nice, pleasant geldings. Unless... you know I enjoy gelding ass, but a nice hot mare sex is ohoooo sooooo nice." The lustful Goat pocketed his meaty prize, and put both hands on that sleek white rump. Boing hot hand brushed the Colts cock and his smile widened as he feels it shrinking away, and that gelded groin changes into a sexy pink tear drop shaped mare sex. "Hahah like father like daughter." He laughed gloatingly as he speared that long hard Goat cock into her, enjoying it all the more as he felt her maiden head. "Ammmm I do love Virgins." The lustful Goat snickered, as he push hard breaking it in and taking Tovaks virginity with one smooth thrust sinking balls deep into her now.

"Ummmmm." The new mare moaned as that hard cock thrust into her body, the scent of both their rut filling the air, and stimulating her even more until she was bouncing and riding that long thick fuck stick in wild abandon. "EEEHEEE.. EEHEEHEEE." Boing sucked in a sharp breath and groaned in lust, as she started riding him hard. The horny Goat bucking upwards, his hard shaft squelching lewdly as he plunged it into her slick rut tunnel.

"Oh yeah... take my big fucker you hot little thing... Oh you've needed this for a while haven't you... Ummmm but it is your fault for avoiding me so long, but now you won't have a hard time getting a good lay." The watching stallions all chuckled with lewd laughter as they heard the Goats words, and the little filly bouncing atop him trembling wildly in embarrassment as she looked around at their audience. The Goats big hot hands slid up to squeeze and fondled her pert breasts, even as his rutting made her moan.

"Ummm Hmmm." The new filly moaned making the Goat laughed crudely, and moans softly reaching up to knead the filly's tender tits lustfully.

"We're going to give you a nice little foal." He bucked lewdly under that sweet filly and rubbed her soft belly, imagining his shaft speared deep inside her sweet young flesh. He let his heavy balls press firmly against that soft round mound, letting her feel how heavy and full they are." The pretty young white filly was trembling hard now, as the sexual desire raced through her fertile young body like a lightning strike. That hard cock filling her with pleasures she'd never experienced before, while the horny Goat snickered in her ear lewdly.

"Errrr Oal!" Tovak moaned knowing very well that if she didn't change back soon he would have no choice in that, already he could feel those ovaries yearning. As soon as her molester lost his load she would be pregnant with his hated offspring. Boing bounced her sweet pussy on his bony hips, his lust making him power thrusting into the sissy Unicorn almost savagely, that soft wet equine sex milking and squeezing the horny Goats hard cock. Begging for every last drop of his thick potent seed, even as the former stallion knew he'd just been bred and impregnated.

"Ahah Ohoh, yeah that's a good little filly. You're nice and slick... what a lusty young thing you are ohoh yeah." Boing snorted lewdly, the scent of his musk rising, almost stifling Tovak with its power. Making her nipples stiffen even as those pert breasts bounced... and then with a deep groan he erupted deep inside her. Both of them knowing that he'd impregnated in one shot, the lustful Goat roaring with laughter as the big stallion humping her muzzle came down her throat. And then a second be stud took his place, even as the horny Goat leaned over that sweaty Unicorn back and began rutting her again slowly this time just enjoying the feeling of her new pussy on his thick cock. "Such a good brood mare Hehehe..."


The Club 2

The Club 2 Diego and Roy, the two big draft horse's currently carrying our hapless duo were to say the least a little unimpressed with the new material, not because they lacked attraction. But more because there hadn't been nearly as many screams or...

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Doin hard Time

Doin' Hard Time... The big Pred was on his bruised and battered knees, on the hard and cold concrete floor. Sucking on his own lower lip with excitement, as he stared up at the two big burly guards looming over him. Wearing only his orange prisoner's...

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To Please...

To please... "I await your pleasure Master..." The gelding whispers meekly, his head looking at the floor as the sexy Predator towers over him. "I'm happy to hear that Pet." As the submissive mare boi blushes, glancing up quickly to catch the lazy...

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