The Club 2

Story by hooves on SoFurry

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#2 of The club

The boys go to the next step of their training...

The Club 2

Diego and Roy, the two big draft horse's currently carrying our hapless duo were to say the least a little unimpressed with the new material, not because they lacked attraction. But more because there hadn't been nearly as many screams or whimpered beggings as the usual interviews included. Diego would frown if you called him a sadistic bastard, but it'd be insincere, he loved the rough breaking of males into their new lives, and when it lacked that certain friction, he knew just which client to take them too. The pony over his shoulder stirred a little, panting and eyes glazed clearly exhausted, but blissfully unaware of just how far his night was from over. The draft grinned, padding down the corridor deeper underground away from the low thrum of music and into a room straight from the 1950s, an older stocky Bear reclined behind a huge mahogany desk. Smoking a pipe, his dark eyes alight as he lit a match and took a deep drag of tobacco, puffing with a lusty sigh. The male was burly, strong about the shoulders, and bulging more pronouncedly in his trousers than about his plump muscle gut, "These Mr briars new fuck toys?" The mighty Grizzly rumbled critically as the equine and human were dumped unceremoniously upon the floor. "The jobs only half done."

"Ummm..." With Roan still to blissed out, it fell to Jerome to react to the strange new situation the burly neutered Human jock now found himself in. "We're sorry... but we thought we were going to orientation..." Jerome explained, as the big Bear strolled around his desk to looked the naked pair over a bit better. Bitter gray clouds of strong tobacco smell filling the air around him, as he noted the flecks of blood sprinkled down those naked inner thigh's. And the reek of cum and sweaty male musk that covered them, someone besides Mr. Briar had been having fun. Good that always make geldings more fun, when they knew they had enjoyed having they male-hoods taken.

"What a pair of sluts." The Grizzly smirked glancing over at each of the bouncers and waving a huge paw dismissively. "Make sure we aren't disturbed, I'll call should I find use for you." He rumbled with the faintest hint of contempt, starting to unbutton his shirt and shrug off his clothing, the Bears powerful pecs and herculean shoulders belied his strength despite the round boulder gut he was sporting. But the bulge in his belted slacks more than made up for that, the male didn't need to assert himself he simply was an alpha male, a big daddy Bear who knew exactly what he wanted. And he smirked beckoning to Jerome, even as he rumbled soft and huskily. "Get your ass over here boy toy and show you want what Papa Bears packing." He ordered, a damp patch starting to form near his knee as that semi hard prick drooled with arousal.

Jerome weakly did as he was ordered, the big red headed jock knew a alpha male when he saw one, and also knew that he and Roan were as low in the pecking order as a male could get. He crawled over on hands and knee's like an obedient feral looking up adoringly at the mighty Bear as he stripped down. That hefty male body reminding the Human of a coach he had in high school, who Jerome had always secretly wanted to play with. Hastily Jerome buried his flat pink Human face in the big Bears crotch, even before those trousers were fully unzipped... while Roan was just coming to his senses and stood up watching his formerly all straight friend acting like a wanton male slut.

The Grizzly rumbled approvingly, one great paw slipping down to cup the back of the Humans head, pinning that flat muzzle against his crotch and growling softly. "Open the fly with your teeth and ease my pants down, show me how much you want my cock little slut." He sneered his attention shifting to the dazed roan, a big amused grin on his gray sprinkled muzzle, as he nodded towards the leather arm chair just a little ways from the pony. Indicating that he should sit and watch for now, should enjoy the voyeuristic pleasure of watching his friend be further degraded and made a good little fuck sleeve for the bulky bruin.

Jerome's strong young male body was shaking like a leaf, as that big strong paw rested heavily on the back of his head. Twisting his head the young Human worked hard to catch that tiny bit of metal in between his teeth, it was hard to do but the passive jock managed to do it. Slithering that zipper down with his mouth as his hands worked those soft smooth trousers down. The Bears masculine male scent suddenly fills his senses, making the neutered Human forget about everything else. Roan staggered over to the big overstuffed chair and flopped down, watching as Jerome suckled at the wet spot on the Bears silk underwear.

The red Grizzly chuckled softly his fat dick twitching lightly spurting more of his potently musky pre=cum into those silken shorts, watching as the Human inhaled deeply and suckled hungrily like a good musk drunk little fuck slave. "Now ease the shorts down." He rumbled, watching as the Human trembled with the rabid desire to drag the underwear down rapidly and latch onto that cock, nevertheless the boy obeyed tugging them down sensually slow and then lifting his head pleading without words to be allowed to suckle his masters potent, hardening shaft. "You may." The massive male leaned back against his desk spreading his short hefty Ursine legs, as he looked down gloatingly. "But start with the balls." He ordered, guiding the Humans muzzle to those musky tennis ball sized testes of his, and moaning softly as the Humans small deft tongue started to slather them.

"Ohooooooo..." Jerome inhaled sharply as those silk undies slide down and those huge furry male genitals sprang out slapping him in the face. Smearing pre-cum and the big older Bears potent male musk over the Human's face, it would be a long time before anyone he met don't smell it on him. And know that the big Human jock had... had his face buried in a big horny males crotch. "Ye... Yes sir." Jerome's mouth quickly filled with fur as he licked and kissed those big potent Ursine ball's, but by this time the Human was feeling far to submissive to worry about that. The sexual power of the big top Bear and Jerome's own loss of sexual power by his castration combining to make the jock a perfect willing slut. The big Grizzly growled deeply, enjoying the Humans obedient tongue work, his fat sack jiggling with every lap of that slick tongue. The Bruin's fat dick growing rigid, the bright red length standing like a mighty pillar and leaking pre all over the Humans head and back as the slutty bitch submissively services his huge nuts. "Ammm very nice bitch, but I believe you want to suck this fat thing don't you?" He growled, that heavy shaft flexing and drooling heavily like a leaky faucet as he guided the Humans mouth up to the fat head of his shaft, forcing the jocks mouth open wide around the bulbous head of his dick.

"Ammmm YYYEEESSSS." Jerome moaned as that big reddish paw roughly gripped his hair pulling his head up, to that big drooling cock head. That sweet slimy Bear pre-cum lubing his lip's and then that slick Human tongue, as the Grizzlies massive cock head stretched Jerome's jaws wide apart. _ 'It's good practice for the horses.' _The Human thought as his jaw ached wgile that massive cock head was jammed into his mouth, and then back over his lapping tongue. Until it slammed into the back of his throat, half gagging the jock as that big deadly Bear paw cupped the back of his head.

"Get ready to swallow." That rough gravelly voice growled, as the Grizzly clenched his teeth on that pipe stem, and shoved hard as Jerome choked and gulped doing the best he could to do what this big male wanted of him. The big Bear groaned deeply, bucking firmly up into the Humans muzzle steadily forcing more of his dick down the neuters throat, making his throat bulge obscenely with the size of his fat musky slab of fuck meat. He gently rakes those sharp claws through the Humans hair murring deeply and puffing on his pipe a bit faster. He looked over at the equine grinning lewdly as he uses his human friend as a fuck toy, breeding his muzzle casually, watching as the slut gags and slowly gets used to working such a huge piece of fuck meat. "Play with my balls you little slut." The huge Grizzly grunted enjoying that hot tight throat as he rubs over his fat cock head.

Roan sat forwards in his seat watching Jerome suck on that big cock in rapt pleasure, lines of drool escaping from the corners of the little equines soft sensual mouth. He really loved watching his not so long ago straight jock buddy orally worshiping the Bears big thick cock. That limp stallion cock began to thicken, the hormones still in his blood stream, letting him get hard and excited once more. Even as on his knee's Jerome was finally getting into the swing of taking that huge cock down his throat. The gagging having stopped, as the human's blunt face was now buried in the rusty reddish fur of Bear's crotch as those strong hip's rolled. Fucking the jocks mouth easily, as his strong paw held that red head in place, low dangling ball's slapping loudly against Jerome's square chin. The Bear snarled softly driving his hips more slowly, but far far more powerfully against the humans muzzle. His big sharp claws gently rubbing through the humans red head fur, as the bitch boy grows still more intoxicated by the Ursines musk and simple domineering presence. The huge male taking another deep drag on his pipe, giving a low pleasured growl as he pulls from the Humans maw and smears his pre over the sluts muzzle. "Your going to beg me to fuck you in the ass bitch, you'll give anything, even your dick so you can be a nice tight pussy boi for all the real males! So you can have them fuck you in both holes, you want to be a toy for real males." He chuckled watching the Human's pleasure glazed eyes blink that red head nodding affirmatively with every words the big Bruin spoke. "I can see it in your eyes slut." The Bear looks over at the roan with a knowing grin, licking his lips in anticipation, the equine would be that much sweeter to fuck when he knew what was coming!

Jerome's eyes rolled in his head as all those strange musks and intoxicating scents filled his senses, already light headed from the lack of air. As that big throbbing Bear cock fucking deep down his throat, it was a sensation that the Human was coming to love. And so was less that pleased when that big throbbing fuck stick was dragged out of his throat and back across his eagerly lapping tongue. The big Bears lewd words sending wild shivers down Jerome's spine, as he realized this big Alpha male could ask about anything from him. And in his present state of sexual submission, that he'd been fucked into by the Wolf and his own Pony friend he couldn't make himself say no. "Oho gods... YES SIR. Please fuck my slutty cum filled butt hole... use it for your pleasure as a rut hole." The big jock moaned loudly as he turned around on his knee's, thrusting his big round pink ass up towards the hefty Bear. Across the room Roan's eye's widened, as he realized this big powerful male wanted to take the rest of their male hoods leaving them with nothing but holes between their legs. Roan trembled not liking that idea at all... he liked having his dick... liked being sucked and played with, but Jerome was to far gone to be thinking and moaned lustfully. "Yes... Yes anything Sir... even... Even my... my dick." Jerome moaned as the powerful reddish stud stood over him smiling down with that pipe stem clenched in his big, sharp, white teeth.

The Bear grinned evilly, moving to sitting back in his huge leather office chair and beckoning to the Human, his shaft coated in slimy pre and spit as he leaned back. "Fuck yourself on my prick bitch boy, I want you to show me just how dedicated a little fuck toy you are." He growled commandingly, his fat cock throbbing visibly as it jutted out. "Hurry up boy, ain't got all day." He rumbled, huffing another cloud of smoke and lifting a cruel pair of scissors onto the desk, the edges were razor sharp, the air around them giving a tortured sequel as he placed them upon the desk. Jerome climbed unsteadily to his naked feet and moved around the Bears desks, starring at that mighty rut muscle as it jutted up out of the fat Ursine's naked crotch.

"Which way do you want me facing Sir?" Jerome asked as he moved over to straddle that mighty cock, his tiny pink pucker quivering as that wet tip tickled his taint. A powerful shiver racing down the big jocks spine as he heard that tortured squeal, and knew soon he'd be even more of a fuck toy and less of a male.

"Towards your friend slut." The big Bear ordered puffing a cloud of sweet smelling pipe smoke in the air, as the Human turned around and sat back on that fat erection. Grunting weakly, as the Grizzlies thick cock spread his burning and abused asshole open wider and wider as it pushed deeper into him. Until at last those pale, round, fur-less ass cheeks were touching the big Bear's sheath and hefty gut, as those long Ursine arm's reached around that naked torso. One big gripping Jerome's neck, while the other lifted those wicked scissors spreading the blades with his fingers and thick thumb. Fitting those blades around the base of Jerome's pitiful semi erect Human prick, while his strong hip's fucked the naked ape up in the air. And then let him fall, sliding back down that thick Bruin cock, the Human whimpering and moaning as that cock pounded against his male pleasure gland hard. Jerome's breath growing deeper with each thrust of the Bears hefty cock within him, that white fur-less skin shinying with sweat. Even as the Bears big paw yanked him down on that rutting organ harder and harder, hip's lifting his bulbous butt right back up into the air.

"Ohoooooo yes... Ummmm thank you sir." The Human gushed excitedly as he was fucked savagely by the big fur, thick smoke making it hard to catch his breath. Jerome was already light headed for the throat raping the Bear had given him earlier, and now as he gulped down smoke the world started to spin.

"Heheh... like that fat cock do ya slut?" The big red Grizzly panted over Jerome's shoulder, that hot pipe pressing against his cheek. "I love hearing my rut boys thanking me for stuffing cock into them." The heavy Bruin laughed again as he nuzzled the back of the Human's neck, enjoying the smell of sweaty male musk. Snaking his long tongue out to lick the salty perspiration from Jerome's neck and shoulders as the Human moaned louder still. Even as between his leg's the Bears strong paw opened and closed those sharp scissors slightly as if in intense anticipation of snapping closed all the way. The big Bear watching Roan's eye's the gelding watching with a sickened look of his handsome equine muzzle, the red Grizzly flashed him a smirk. Even as he ploughed the Humans clenching ass even more rough and lustfully, letting the whining, moaning, Human slut lay back over his big furry belly. That big paw wandering down Jeromes broad chest huge claws tickling that naked flesh, finding those hard little Human nipples and twisting them. The two of them drawing nearer and nearer the peak, the big Grizzly growling and puffing like a steam engine. While Jerome whimpered and grunted more and more excitedly, as that huge Ursine cock pounded his prostate gland brutally.

"GGURRRRRR!" The big Bear groaned as his huge potent ball's drew up, blasting a hot spurt up the Jerome's debauched asshole. While that big body furry body bucked harder thrusting harder and faster, the big Bear biting down on one naked shoulder. Blood welling up around those long fangs, even as a second, third and then forth hot gooey spurt flooded the Human's slut hole. Jerome squirming and wiggling wilder and harder on the Grizzlies hard on, as his body reacted to the pleasure and pain the mighty Bruin was giving him.

Across the room Roan opened his mouth to gag out a warning to his friends, but one glance from the big Bruin silenced him. Gulping for air the pony could only watch what came next helplessly, knowing that soon it would be him turn. "Ummm Oho gods... ohooo." The red headed Human cried out, as a dribble of clear seedless juice erupted from his stiff little pink dick. His strong body trembling hard in that moment head draped back over the Bear's shoulder glassy eyes starring off into space. _ 'Ssnick!' _ "Awwww fucCCK!" Jerome cursed, as a sharp burning pain shot through his loins and then he watched the Bear lay those bloody scissors aside. And lift his sever organ up, it looked even smaller and more pitiful dangling from the Bears fingers.

"There we go... now you'll be ready to served our paying customers." The huge Bear smirking pressing a button on his desk, a side door opened and a couple of medical Badgers came rushing in. Leading the bleeding Human away to have this latest wounds stitched up, one Badger taking Jerome's dissevered organ. Letting the whining Human watch as he popped it into his mouth and slowly chewed it up, swallowing it a bit at a time. Leaning back in his big chair the smirking Bear gestured to the pony across the room, and then pointed at his own still rock hard cock. "You know what to do gelding." Roan gulped and stood up slowly, his hooves clicking and clopping on the hard floor as he circled around the Bears desk. Roan approached the massive Ursine hesitantly knowing it would be the doom of his cock, but unable to resist as the Grizzly curled one finger tauntingly. "Come over here and bend over my desk gelding, and we'll finish your journey into servitude." Roan turned slowly bending over that huge desk, feeling the Bear kick his legs wider apart. "Get that tail out of my way... or I'll cut it off." The big red Grizzly grunted into one long pointed equine ear, as his bulk pressed against Roan's butt. That long flowing tail popped up and to the side as if it had a mind of it's own, and Roan felt that big hot cock head press against his oozing tail-hole. Even as he felt the icy cold steel of those scissors against the long limp hose of his equine cock, a shiver raced down his spine and he wanted desperately to leap away. But them the weight of that huge Ursine body pinned him to the cool desk top, and he realized it was far to late to run...


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