Otter Pops

Story by Whyte Yote on SoFurry

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Brian and Savannah belong to Johnny Blanco.

Story belongs to me.


"Otter Pops" copyright 2009


BORING DISCLAIMER: If you're not supposed to be reading this, then don't. But you probably will anyway, so read on and enjoy.

FEEDBACK always welcome to:Â [email protected]



For once, the sound of his cell phone didn't bother Savannah at all...because this time, without even looking at the little annoying device, he knew exactly who was calling him. The hyena rolled over in bed, taking most of the covers with him, and picked it up in his paw. Before it could ring once more, he tapped it with a claw.

"I knew it was you."

"No, you didn't. You're lying; I can hear it in your voice."

"Bull crap, Brian. Who else would call me at eight in the morning on a Friday? My parents are out of town on business, and probably sleeping; and I can't think of anybody else who is enough of freak to wake me up."

There was a pause, and Savannah could almost hear the gears turning in the otter's head. "I'm not a freak, you know. I could just as easily not come over, and leave you stranded."

The hyena smiled, showing a row of shining teeth. "Sure, Brian, leave me alone with all these balloons..."


"And pool toys..."


"And all the squeaky fun that goes along with it." This time, Brian didn't even speak. The hyena just heard something that sounded like a chirp and a gasp at the same time. If there was one way to get the otter into a corner (and most certainly get him hard), it was to hold inflatables over his head like the tastiest carrot at the end of the most beautiful stick. There was no resisting the imagery.

"I hate you."

"And I love you," Savannah replied, grinning at his win. At the end of the day, it was fairly easy to get Brian to do what the hyena wanted him to. He was a sucker for a good time, and Savannah had the money, the house and the room to provide one. This was not even counting the fact that they had been friends for a good long while now, and that friendship definitely had benefits.

"Oh, whatever. Well, since you're not asleep anymore, what time do you want me over? Nine-ish? I can be there in less than an hour."

"Whoa, hold on there," said the hyena. "This place is a mess." In fact, the house was the opposite of messy; his parents didn't have a cleaning service for nothing. They were due to come at about eleven o'clock, and Savannah at least wanted the place to look refreshed before he had company. He would do it himself, but Mom had told him to just leave the tip on the kitchen counter and let the ladies do their thing. He was glad to be rid of the responsibility, but he still sometimes felt like a sponge. Then again, he was holding down the fort while they were gone, so it evened out.

"You know you don't have to clean it up for me."

"No, but I'm still in bed! Don't try to play all concerned with me; I know what you really want."

"That's not true and you know it."

"Come on, Brian. Think about it." He knew the otter didn't have to think about it to know the hyena was telling the truth; they'd been close enough times for Savannah to pretty much know what went on in Brian's head. He was a great person and all, a true friend, but when it came down to days like today, there was only one thing that was on his mind besides the hyena. And they both knew it.

There was a sigh on the other end of the line. "I'm not that base of a person."

"No, but you're not going to sit there and tell me your intentions are purely chivalrous, are you?"

"Of course not. I don't just like you for your toys."

Savannah giggled to himself. He was starting to enjoy this, calling out his friend on a number of levels. "I know that. But you still like 'em."

"You still didn't answer my question," replied the otter curtly. Uh-oh, the hyena thought. He was starting to get the otter all riled up.

"Let's wait until the pool warms up, okay? Give me some time to do some shopping, clean up a little, and make sure it's all nice and squeaky for my favorite otter. Sound good to you?"

"You don't have to patronize me about it." Brian's voice was flat. There was only so much he could take before he started fighting back. "How about two?"

"That would be perfect. Do you have enough to occupy your day until then?" Savannah couldn't resist one more jab, even if it was the final straw.

"I'll survive, somehow. See you then, two o'clock on the dot."

"Later, man."

"Later." And with the click in his ear, Savannah was again freed to his own thoughts. The house was silent, much too silent for him to sit around all day and not go crazy. What to do in the hills of L.A.? Three hours to kill time in and around only took the hyena a couple of minutes to come up with a suitable solution, and when it did, he broke into a wide smile.



The Paseo Colorado loomed ahead like a valley girl's wet dream. It sat in the middle of Pasadena proper, accessible from nearly everywhere within a short drive. Its yellow and white walls, three stories tall, gleamed in the Southern California sunlight, surrounded by palm trees. All in all, it was another perfect day.

Savannah steered his BMW into a space at the end of the parking lot. It was always good to get that little extra walking in if he could help it. As he locked up, a small breeze kicked up and ruffled his fur, billowing out the loose-fitting Hawaiian shirt he had thrown on over cargo shorts. Humming to himself, he closed his eyes and smelled the air. It seemed to be cleaner, over here...cleaner than L.A., cleaner than Riverside. But not as clean as Santa Monica, but that was ridiculously expensive beach front not even his rich parents could justify buying. Besides, it was quieter up in the hills, and they preferred it that way.

Savannah wasn't really looking for anything specific; in fact, he was just using the mall as a way to pass the time until he got hungry enough to go back for lunch. He'd been around his own neighborhood enough to be sick of it by now, and the bright colors and clean surfaces were a nice change. Like the majority of other days, the hyena would most likely end up getting in a good walk, with some people-watching thrown in for good measure. Unlike the rest of the metro, here in Pasadena it was actually a good thing, a relaxing thing.

It was just as busy as he'd thought it would be. Typical for Spring Break, all the other college kids had either too much time or too much money to do anything worthwhile, so to the mall they all came, to exercise their still-awkward social skills or spend money to impress friends who probably weren't their friends anyway. This entertained the hyena to no end, and he spent a good hour and a half wandering and riding the escalators with a big knowing grin on his muzzle.

Then...he saw it. And his mouth started to water, prompting a similar reaction in his shorts.

"Oh crap." Agape, Savannah plastered his face to the big plate-glass window of the Kids N More toy store on the mall's second story, ogling the display in all its shiny, squeaky glory. It was perfect, just perfect. It was big, brown and exactly the right size. Then the grin turned to an evil smirk: it was just the thing to bring Brian to his knees. He had to have it.

Whipping out his wallet, the hyena turned into the store and walked swiftly to the back, away from most of the screeching cubs up front by the displays. Two aisles down were the pool toys, and sitting right at eye level was the coveted box, whose picture did nothing to reduce the swelling between his legs. He swiped the box and carried it hurriedly to the counter.

"Did you find everything okay?" asked the thin, pubescent wolf who looked as though working at the store had already killed any inclination to have kids of his own.

"You bet I did," replied the hyena, a little too enthusiastically, as the wolf's eyes darted to and fro behind his glasses. He swiped his card through the reader, entered his PIN, and even refused a bag. Somehow, it felt better to hold the box itself.

"Well, have fun with your kids."

"Oh, no, this is for me," said Savannah, and with that, he walked out, leaving a very confused cashier with a gaggle of rugrats and inattentive parents.

He'd had enough people watching. He'd had enough of the mall and being out. Now, his mind was turning in great big circles, working its evil magic, thinking of the otter and planning a whole afternoon and evening for the both of them. In the back of his mind, though, he knew at some point it would skew off onto some odd tangent, as Brian was wont to do, but that was okay. Usually, when Brian skewed off, it just made things more interesting. Except now, it was the hyena who had the biggest surprise.


Savannah pulled into the circular brick-lined driveway and parked behind the little silver Honda Element that was occupying his usual space. Esmeralda and her crew had arrived a little early today, but that was no matter. Pulling the box out after him, he shut the door and walked around to the garage side of the sprawling house.

"Ez! Ladies? Donde están?"

"We are in here, Meester Sabannah!" came the reply from the den. Savannah put the box down and went into the darkly paneled room and almost had a heart attack. His father's framed original 1980 Les Misérables poster was on the floor, and one of the maids was feeling around the wall for something. He was just about to rush over and shoo her away when Esmerelda, a portly steer of a woman, blocked his way. "What joo doing, Meester Sabannah? Joo look like you see ghose!"

Blushing, and still not meeting Esmeralda's gaze, the hyena faked a balk. "No, no ghost, I just saw the poster on the floor and thought it fell, is all."

Esmerelda, hands on her hips, pouted, "Joo underestimate my girls. We do big cleaning today, behin peetchers and in corners. Joo forget, no?" And indeed, on second glance, Savannah saw that the woman at the wall was merely wiping cobwebs away from the crown molding, not feeling for the hidden door that was actually there. His door. His heart still raced uncomfortably, but he was able to look at Esmerelda and giggle quite foolishly.

"I guess I did forget, Ez. Um, carry on!" The woman nodded curtly, shouted something in Spanish so quick it sounded like Ricky Ricardo on speed, and dismissed the hyena outright. Savannah knew the ladies worked best alone, so he went back to the foyer and grabbed the box, depositing it onto his bed before flopping down himself.

His shorts still felt claustrophobic, as the excitement from the store earlier had not failed to stay with him. It was almost too much to bear. He glanced at the front of the box, saw the picture again, the one he'd had to physically pull himself away from, and whimpered, his hand pressing over his fly automatically. It didn't seem like he had much choice; Brian would have his fun, but the hyena could at least look.

The ladies had already been through this room, based on the faint smell of pine and oranges, and the fact that all the foot-traffic lines had disappeared from around his furniture. He went to the door, locked it, and looked at his watch. The ladies would be busy for another hour easy, and after that he could give Brian the go-ahead to come over. But until then...he unbuttoned and unzipped himself, fishing his equipment out into the open and turning the box onto its back, illustration up.

It showed a typical backyard scene: three cubs in a pool with perfect blue water, surrounded by perfect green grass. All of this faded into the background, though, as Savannah stroked his sheath and grunted, holding onto the box with the other hand. The only thing he cared about was in the middle of the photo, floating on its back, and thankfully none of the kids was hanging onto it. The whole thing was there for him to ogle over, and ogle he did, as the full length of his shaft emerged.

He was leaking already, and it was obvious that this would be a short session indeed. It was also obvious that this was a mere preliminary to the real fun, and it would in no way take anything from that. It needed to be done, and he was going to have so much fun doing it.

With his eyes squinted, Savannah stroked his pads from knot to tip, taking the image from the box and manipulating it into a three-dimensional fantasy. He wasn't in a pool, just on his bed, but it was in front of him. Its cool rubber skin touched his thighs, smoothing down the fur one way and matting it up the other way. He imagined rubbing the head of his cock along its smooth surface, slickening it with his pre, rotating it and prodding in all the right places, filling all the holes with his flesh and then his seed. But that was after he'd blown it up.

"Guh..." he grunted, shifting forward a little to gain better leverage and a faster stroke. He didn't have to work hard to see it, deflated and shriveled, but the sight of that nozzle--in a most convenient place--was enough to swell his knot to full size. He let out a bark, trying to fast-forward to the blissful end before he came to his own, but it wasn't much use. Too much stimulus to think about anything else but the feel of that clear, soft rubber between his lips...inhaling until his lungs ached...and letting it out in one big burst, as the creature came to life around his puffed cheeks.

The hyena gripped the base of his member with three fingers and willed himself to be silent as he sprayed the side of the box with five thick ropes of cum, which drooled down the cardboard and onto the bedspread. Thankfully, none of it had hit the picture; that would almost have been a tragedy. He sat back on his heels and stroked a few more times, the remnants of his climax wetting his fingers and balls. Certainly something he'd needed, alright.

After a cleanup and short deliberation, Savannah decided to hang out in his room until the ladies left, at which time he bade them a fond farewell and took in the scent of a freshly-cleaned house. It was almost a shame that scent would soon be overpowered by the musk of sex, but that should clear out by the time his parents came back. Besides, most of it would be centered around the pool and his little secret room.

He had just padded on into the kitchen to make himself a snack when his cell beeped. "Hello?"

"Am I gonna come over there sometime today, or are you just gonna wait until it's too late to do anything about it? If I didn't know you better, I'd swear you were stalling."

"Excuse me?" sputtered the hyena. "You did hear our previous conversation, didn't you? Our original plan was for this evening. You're lucky I invited you over at all."

"_Some_body's a little uptight."

"Oh for Christ's sake, Brian, do you want to come over now?" It wasn't like he had anything better to do, and it was the middle of the afternoon. The pool should be heated enough from the sun, and that heat would carry on into the evening...though they probably wouldn't stay in the pool the whole time. After that rub session, however, it was going to be quite difficult to climb out if Brian reacted the way he hoped.

"That would be great, man. I've been stuck here all day and I'm bored as hell." What Savannah really heard was I'm so horny and I've been saving up for you, you son of a bitch, so get me off! Hilariously predictable, that otter.

"Then come on over. The place is clean and ready to go. You know the way, right?"


"Then get your ass in gear."

"Fine then, jeez. See you soon." And as Brian hung up, Savannah couldn't help but think of the box still sitting on his bed, just waiting for its first dose of cream.


In Los Angeles, "right over" could mean anything from five minutes to three hours, from the other side of Chevy Chase Country Club to San Clemente at rush hour. Brian happened to live in Ontario, and it took him just under an hour to make the drive across the 210 over to the hills above Pasadena. Savannah didn't bother to ask how fast he was going, because it most likely would have resulted in a triple-digit answer. But, for L.A., that was almost typical.

The hyena gave the otter some good-natured ribbing anyway, because that's the kind of person he was. "I thought you'd given up and jacked off in the car," he giggled as he let Brian in.

"Very funny. You know how it is." Savannah nodded, and the two padded into the front room.

"You can just set your stuff here, and we'll move it later on if we need to." That usually meant that when the night was over, they would both stumble into Savannah's bed and pass out, leaving everything right where it was, untouched. Not that either of them minded. "So, how about the pool?" Brian looked at the hyena with suspicion, and Savannah just gave him an innocent look back. They both knew that look. By now it was so transparent there was really no need for it, but it was a game the two friends played anyway.

"Should I use the bathroom, or do you want to sit here and check out my ass?" Brian asked, throwing off his shirt and twirling a little, his tail following in a graceful arc. Savannah only shook his head and chuckled.

"I think you know the answer to that." What did it matter, anyway? They were good friends and occasional bed buddies. The suspected that Brian, despite his aloof attitude and sometimes put-offishness, was slowly becoming sweet on him. The otter would never admit it, of course, and that was the way it should stay because the hyena didn't see himself as a relationship kind of guy right now. Still, it was nice to trade knowing looks with the guy and see it there. Which they did, right before Brian shucked his pants down and gave him a good view of his toned rear. Savannah took in the eye candy and stripped himself.

The pool was bigger than average for a residence, but the house was bigger than average as well. Not Olympic-sized, but not motel-size either. Instead of having rounded sides, though, it was a six-sided kidney-shaped thing with a surprising 12-foot deep end. Brian gasped when his eyes had adjusted to the bright afternoon sunshine.

"You really went all out, didn't ya?" Savannah wouldn't have called it "all out," but he had brought out a number of his favorite pool toys, a few of them dating to his own childhood. Like the red horsie floater that barely fit around one of his thighs. But it still held air, and it meant a lot. When the hyena looked over, he could already see a small tent in the board shorts Brian wore. Those wouldn't stay on too long anyway. Not if he could help it. For now, though, he settled for shoving the otter face-first into the water...which didn't do much, since by the time he hit he'd twisted around and was swimming as naturally as, well, an otter. He surfaced and stuck his tongue out.

"Not the best trick to pull on you, huh?"


With a faux resigned sigh and a dramatic roll of the eyes, the hyena got a running start and cannonballed into the deep end, sending water and toys flying everywhere. Brian tried to come up behind him for some underwater tickling, but Savannah had his eyes open and easily dodged out of the way. He swam to the other end, the otter in full pursuit, and the two generally horsed around for all of ten minutes before Brian went for the swimsuit.

There are foxes, there are huskies and then there are otters. They're all horny critters, but where foxes are dainty and seductive and huskies raunchy and submissive, otters like to play around before getting down to business. To Savannah, it seemed to be the way they communicated, especially among males, and he'd gotten used to the language enough to be able to time when his friend was tired of the vanilla games and was aching for some action. So when Brian came up from below and goosed him in the balls, he knew to turn around and catch the otter's waistband in his claw, essentially tearing his suit nearly off his butt. He meeped and swam away, but there was no way he didn't want to be followed.

When the otter was near the far corner, the hyena saw his chance. He rose up, looming a good few feet above Brian, and, cupping his hands and shoving them forward, caused a mini tsunami to roil up over the otter's head, dousing him. Before he could recover, Savannah grabbed his childhood friend--Mr. Red Horsie--and shoved it down around Brian's shoulders, trapping his arms against his sides. Brian shook off the water from his head and whiskers to find himself immobile with a hungry-looking hyena calling the shots.

"That was no fair. You splashed me."

"You don't look like you're kicking and screaming to get out of there," replied Savannah, seeing the sparkle in the otter's eyes. "In fact," he said, cupping his fingers around Brian's semi-hard bits, "I'd say you're enjoying this more than you'd have me know." A murr, and the sudden relaxation of the otter's usually taut body, was answer enough. The hyena knew his friend well enough to expect that there was no going back from here. He looked up into Brian's face to see the otter smiling down at him through slightly glazed eyes. As the sheath in his grip hardened, the smile grew.

"I give up," Brian said.

"Good," Savannah replied, and started a slow stroke up and down the length of the otter's maleness. Brian spread his legs graciously, and the hyena moved in closer, pulling on Brian's balls with his other paw to steady himself in the pool's small waves. The water was warm from a long day in the sun, and it lapped around the pair, making Savannah's fur float every which way but not doing much to Brian's slicked-down pelt. Not that it mattered; soon, that pelt gave way to a nicely-sized piece of flesh, standing proud and hard up the length of the otter's belly. The hyena licked his lips. He knew what that tasted like.

Brian wasn't doing much of anything to push Savannah away, not like he would even try anyway. The game, albeit short, was over, having satisfied the otter's equally short attention span, and now that those paws were working magic on his bits, all he had to do was sit back and enjoy the erotic torture.

"Do you like that?" the hyena asked, getting a lolling tongue in response. He hilted the otter's sheath and started to stroke the shaft proper, its slicked-up surface made even more so by the water. This was something Savannah couldn't do; his member wasn't used to submarine activity and didn't produce whatever it was that made Brian's cock so wonderfully slippery, even with the chlorine. There was more than a little envy, but he would make up for that once they moved inside the house. For now, though, he was content to tease Brian with his pawpads, and slide his tongue over Mr. Horsie's red side, making a delightful squeak that vibrated through the otter's body. The water between Brian's legs became cloudy with pre.

It was a good thing the hyena had a grip on the otter's sac, because when he felt it pulling up it was too much too soon, and he quickly eased them down again. Brian churred and whimpered as his climax was abruptly canceled.

"Erffff, not fair!" he gasped.

"Not yet," Savannah chided. "Don't you want to enjoy Mr. Horsie a little longer?"

Brian squirmed, he shifted, but his genitals never moved from the hyena's magic fingers. "Yes..."

"Good." With that, Savannah stilled his stroking and wrapped his fist around the shaft, but didn't move it. He leaned in close to one rounded, flicking ear and used that wide, flat canine tongue of his to bathe it thoroughly. It rasped over the small surface, finding its way inside, where it elicited a moan that was almost too loud, even for the fence. But it was nice to hear the results of his efforts. As he licked, his chin rubbed over the toy's red plastic, squeaking and chirping as it went, the material giving and pushing back as he moved over it.

"Please..." Brian whispered, and Savannah knew exactly what he meant. "Please please please..."

"Pretty please?" Savannah practically growled into the otter's ear.

"Pretty please!"

One more lick over the side of the otter's muzzle, and then Mr. Horsie, and Savannah took in a deep breath before ducking his head underwater, lips pursed in preparation for the final act. It was a blurry picture, but not that hard to distinguish the pink otter pop amid a sea of brown fur. He slid its slender tip into his muzzle, immediately met by a splash of strong-tasting fluid on his tongue. The same taste he'd grown to enjoy and savor. Brian began bucking up as much as he could while still trapped by the toy, and Savannah knew he was in the ending throes of climax. He could hear it, too, since his ears were still above the surface while he bobbed gently over the otter's tip.

Brian had had enough; his stiff body and copious leakage were enough evidence that he'd been denying himself for just this occasion. So, letting go of the otter's balls and venturing a claw around the rim of Brian's tailhole, he stuck in just the tip, feeling little resistance but much clenching. This allowed him to move in to the second knuckle, the sweet wet heat of Brian's body threatening to sear his finger off, the hyena's own sheath straining against the fabric of his trunks. But this was about the otter, and no more than a second passed before he felt the familiar swelling, followed by a flood of fluid against the back of his throat. Brian barked softly with each spurt, Mr. Horsie squeaking in protest against the otter's straining arms. Six copious loads later, and the otter slumped down. Savannah swallowed the sweet liquid, licked his lips and decided he had better come up for air. In all, it had lasted less than a minute.

The hyena surfaced, shook himself off and waited for his friend to catch his breath. "You're...a bastard," Brian gasped, but he was smiling from ear to ear, so he hadn't exactly hated it.

"I know, but you still love me." Brian rolled his eyes. That tough-otter attitude didn't go far with Savannah anymore; he knew better. "You think it's time to get dry and have a snack?"

"Well, you shouldn't be hungry at all."

Licking his lips, the hyena replied, "Dog cannot live on otter cum alone. We shall hunt the kitchen for snack foods."

"Weirdo," the otter mumbled. "Now get me out of this thing before I get hard again!"


Savannah's idea of snack foods consisted of something a little more substantial than just chips and dip. He brought out his wok, and, ten minutes after rooting in the fridge and freezer for ingredients, presented the otter with a stir-fry fit for any restaurant. It was a quick-cooking trick he'd picked up in college, where he'd learned to make the most out of what he could forage in the shortest time possible. Brian showed his appreciation by dutifully eating his half of the food, leaving nothing behind. He sat back in the chair, still nude, patting a distended belly.

"Oh, crap, that was good! I'm going to regret this, I know it."

Raising an eyebrow, the hyena said, "If you're worried about gaining weight, the only bad thing in that dish was soy sauce, and a little salt won't kill you."

Brian shrugged and lay back. "Okay, but you made it taste unhealthy. Bonus points for that."

During the whole meal, Savannah had barely been able to hold back his excitement for the second half of their afternoon. Now that Brian was nearing a food coma, and thus susceptible to suggestion, he thought this the perfect time to bring up the subject of "The Room."

"So, you want your surprise now, or do you just want to go home empty-pawed?"

"Knowing you, I'm not sure I want to take the surprise," said the otter, and got punched in the shoulder for his trouble. "Ow!"

"Hey, once you see it you won't have any room to complain." The hyena stood and motioned for Brian to follow. "Forget the dishes; I can tackle those later." No doubt the otter could see his excitement even beneath his calm exterior, and the fact that Savannah was so geared up meant it had to be extra special good. So he followed his friend into the den and watched as he took the movie poster from its perch on the wall, felt around for a secret spot, and pressed gently inward. When he took his paws away, the door popped open with a gentle click.

When Savannah's parents had bought the house back in the heyday of Hollywood, it was the epitome of luxury living. A sprawling hillside ranch within spitting distance of the Chevy Chase Country Club, it was quiet, unassuming and held a commanding view of Pasadena through tall redwoods. They hadn't been wealthy enough to build their own house, but this had come in a close second. And if they had bothered to look at the blueprints versus the actual layout, they would have noticed an extra room between the den and the kitchen that had no door. Savannah had discovered it as a child, but--thinking the room was his secret--had never told his parents. Over the years it became clear they knew nothing of this room, so the hyena had made it into his special play area...reserved for the best of friends, and himself when he felt like playing alone. It was his private everything.

The room was dark when the door opened, but that soon changed when Savannah reached in and flipped up the switch. Color burst forth, and the hyena heard the gasp behind him. It was like walking into a rainbow. Balloons of every shape and size littered the floor and ceiling. They didn't cover every square inch, but you couldn't walk in a straight line without kicking them out of the way. Two inflatable chairs sat in a corner, facing an HDTV...for movie nights, great for cuddling. Big rubber balls took up a second corner, while a large white inflatable rubber coyote sat up in the third corner. He had blue and black markings, with mismatched eyes, and if you looked close enough you'd be able to see a convenient hole below the tail. Savannah loved that hole, and it was a miracle he hadn't popped straight through the rubber already.

But what caught Brian's attention--halfway hidden by the balloons and everything else--was what lay in the fourth corner, only halfway inflated but still recognizable: a rubber otter. Brian could see why the hyena had been so eager to show looked just like him, albeit stylized and smaller. But the colors were dead on with his own, bittersweet chocolate with a milk-chocolate underbelly. The face and details were painted on, but the paws and feet were actually dimpled where the toes would separate...a rarity on pool toys that were used mostly for floating and not...what they were most definitely about to do.

The otter padded over to the toy, shoving balloons to each side as he went. They squeaked and chittered out of the way, and by the time Brian knelt next to his rubber counterpart he was showing pink again. Savannah decided it was about time to shed his own clothes and shucked off his trunks, tossing them outside the door before closing it behind him.

"I figured I would do it halfway, and leave the rest to you, cuz I know you like that," Savannah said.

Brian cradled the toy in his arms, caressing one of its sagging cheeks. "Dude, where did you get this? It's absolutely awesome! I've been looking for, seriously, over a year."

"Would you believe the mall?"

"No, I wouldn't, but you did!" The otter was fondling himself as he looked over his new friend. "Can I?"

They hyena smiled and nodded. "He's yours. Do what you want." Brian lay the toy down and carefully flipped open the nozzle...which was conveniently located right where a sheath would be in real life. Just below the nozzle--and this is what prompted its purchase in the first place--was a cupholder, four inches deep, built right between the otter's legs...just like a tailhole. As Brian put his lips to the nozzle, he couldn't help but sink two fingers into the spot, spreading the material with an obscene squeal. He shuddered once, and blew.

A soft hiss came from where Brian's lips met the nozzle, and with the first breath, ever so slightly, the toy bulked up, filling its shape a little bit better. He whimpered a little and straddled the toy, pushing it against the corner and grinding his bits against the cupholder. Savannah had had a fun time inflating the toy just halfway, before his friend had arrived, and seeing one otter blow another made for some pretty good eye candy. That, and the fact that Brian was positioned very accessibly at the moment. He'd been stroking himself long enough, it was time for some action.

Before the otter could react, the hyena had knelt behind and pulled his fat tail up and out of the way, nestling his hardened sheath in the sweet spot he intended to violate. Brian didn't resist one bit, worked up as he was with the "otter cock" in his mouth. His lips never left it, and neither did his breath. He blew long, hard puffs into the toy, which continued to harden and round out.

"I take it you like your new toy?" Savannah asked, not really needing an answer. His paws reached around Brian's waist and found his shaft out in the open, drizzling pre all over the rubber, making it slick enough to...well, the hyena completed that thought by aiming the otter down into the perfect squeaky confines of the "tailhole"and pushing forward on the both of them, guiding as it slid to the hilt. Brian let out a shuddering moan into the toy, bucking a few times to get a feel for it. All around them, rubber on rubber provided a soundtrack only Savannah could love and appreciate. "Now don't get too worked up. You wouldn't want to dig a hole." The otter shook his head and continued to blow, and hump.

Savannah had his chance.

With each breath, the toy's tail filled further, rubbing the hyena's balls and making his fur stand out on end a little. He could sit there and rub back and forth all day long, but he had other plans. He spit onto his palm and swirled it over his cockhead, sliding down and back up until he was nice and slick, then pushed it under Brian's tail, doing the same to his hole...the real hole. Every time the otter rocked back on his calves, Savannah hunched forward, gaining just a bit more length into the lutrine's rear. And every time, Brian--who could easily bend double to accomplish this feat--bore down harder and took more of the hyena's meat into himself. Soon his knot bumped up against flesh, and he settled down to enjoy the ride.

The toy was nice and solid now, but still pliable under their weight. Brian kept blowing, hissing through clenched teeth while he plowed the squeaky toy and Savannah plowed him, all in the same motion. The air smelled of musk and rubber, mingled together in an odd but likable cocktail. The hyena hugged his friend from behind, adding his weight to the thrusting, not tying but putting enough pressure to feel like a threat. Brian's breath increased, and after one long, laborious blow he'd reached the limits of the toy's inflation. Now it was a full-fledged otter, complete with its own mini-orgy right on top. And Brian was quickly on his way to christening it.

The otter bent over for a better angle, and it didn't take long, with Savannah helping from behind. There was no talking, just panting and groaning and the slick sounds and squeaks of rubber being very well used. Brian quickened his pace and got very quiet before churring deep in his throat. His hips went wild, as did his hole, which clenched so tight it hurt, milking the cum right from the hyena's balls. Savannah held onto the spasming otter as he himself spasmed into the Brian's rear, content to let the otter's own motions carry them both through their respective climaxes.

Squeak, spurt...squeak, spurt...squeeeeeeeeeeeek, sputsputsput...

After a moment of turgid stillness, Brian finally collapsed headfirst into the wall, still firmly planted in the rubber otter toy. Savannah maintained his grip on his friend's hips so he could savor the last few moments of his orgasm while still buried in tight otter ass. When he felt himself softening, he pulled back and popped out wetly, laying forward to hug Brian tight. The toy was an absolute mess. But it was still fully inflated, looking sexy as ever.

"I...get to take...that home with me...right?" Brian breathed, still churring a bit despite himself.

"I instantly thought of you when I saw it," Savannah replied. "And, judging by how you like it so much, it would be a shame to keep it here all to myself when you could make much better use of it. I have my yote over there anyway to keep me company."

"That's awful nice of you." Brian turned over with a series of wet, squishy, squeaky sounds, and licked Savannah on the end of the nose. "Really awesome, man. I can't believe you found that."

"Me neither. I totally lucked out."

Brian watched the remainder of his arousal disappear before saying, "So, what do you want to do now?" Typical otter attention deficit, always wanting to get on to the next thing.

"What, no cuddling? No heartfelt words, no outpouring of emotion?" Savannah tried very badly to pout. He failed.

"Oh, get over it. You can't cuddle any better than I can after sex. Ask me again when I'm recharged."

"So, in five minutes or so? We can go rinse in the pool and come back for some balloon fighting."

"Yeah, if I were fourteen again. It takes a little more nowadays."

"Please don't tell me I need to take you to dinner and a movie."

Brian bopped the hyena on the nose, laughing. "You asshole, you know what I mean."

"Yes, I do," replied Savannah. "But remember, this is Day One of Spring Break. We have the whole week laid out before us, to do whatever we want. Look around you, and bask in the glory of your libido."

Brian looked, and took in all the great stuff that filled every corner of the room. Like clockwork, his mouth began to water; he licked his lips and swallowed. "After this week, I may not want to touch myself ever again." At this, the hyena snickered.

"Oh yeah, me too, of course." And then Brian snickered back, and before long they were giggling like crazy at their own outrageous statements. One whole week, huh?

With a room like this, thought Savannah, who could get tired?



**_Author's Note: the following is a work of furry fiction, and may contain adult themes. If this isn't your cup of tea, then stop reading! Otherwise, whip it out and enjoy!_**  **FEEDBACK always welcome to: ...

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It All Ends Up on the Cutting Room Floor

_Author's Note: The following story contains acts of a sexual nature, blah blah blah. If this is illegal where you live (you're going to read it anyway) or it's not your cup of tea (why are you here then?), kindly navigate away and find a...

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Love, or Something Like It

UNEDITED, UN-NITPICKED, UNPOLISHED...FICTION AT ITS MOST RAW. Love, or Something Like It (c)2008 Whyte Yote Inspired by doodles by Kyell Gold and K.M. Hirosaki Based loosely off a drawing created by Nduli FEEDBACK always welcome...

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