It All Ends Up on the Cutting Room Floor

Story by Whyte Yote on SoFurry

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Author's Note: The following story contains acts of a sexual nature, blah blah blah. If this is illegal where you live (you're going to read it anyway) or it's not your cup of tea (why are you here then?), kindly navigate away and find a better use of your time. Otherwise, enjoy the porn and happy pawing!


It All Ends Up on the Cutting Room Floor

©2008 Whyte Yoté

FEEDBACK always welcome to: [email protected]


The sound of Leto's chair swiveling, the creak of its back, made Cal wince. "Dude, I don't know how you do it. Seriously."

"How I do what, exactly?" Leto was going to ask another question and they were going to go into yet another existential discussion about something stupid and unimportant while their deadline crept nearer. Shooting the last scene had taken forever, and the production company had neither the time nor the money to delay their production schedule. Leto and Cal happened to be the last stop before distribution, and that kind of pressure didn't sit well with the ringtail. Cal made a show of squirming in place, hoping his friend would get the hint.

"How can you just...just sit there and concentrate while you're looking at this stuff?" asked the genet, his hackles up and disturbed from his neck out to his shoulders, adding a few extra inches of floof to his already large build. His unruly bangs fell over one eye.

"God, you're such a noob." Cal shook his head, ran a paw through the fur there, shuddering at the use of such an uneducated term. "I want to believe badly that I didn't make a mistake hiring you, but you're making it exceedingly difficult. Now can we get back to work?"

"Sure," mumbled the genet, slowly swiveling his bulk back to face his workstation, trying desperately to hide his kowtowed expression. Cal turned back to his own task as well, keeping a convincing look of disdain on his muzzle while feeling secretly guilty about it. As much as he wanted to be miffed at his friend, he couldn't shake the picture of himself as a new hire, two years ago, doing the exact same thing with his former partner. He checked his ear again for the comforting weight of his Bluetooth. Still there.

Cal rubbed his eyes with long, delicate typist's fingers, his attention focused back on the three screens in front of him. The scene was the same: a busty vixen sat astride a wolf, impaled on his impressive member, gasping and mewling and doing the various things the directing staff had told her to do...the things that "sounded" sexy for the audience. The wolf was busy throwing his head back and moaning in pleasure as well, partly because of the vixen but also due to the fact that he himself was also being plowed by a rugged, robust-looking bull, snorting as he ravaged the lupine's backside.

Cam One, on the left screen, showed a profile of the action, a standard shot for cutaways when the close-ups got too tedious and boring (at least for the moment). Cam Two was set behind the wolf's head (the scene was in a conference room, conveniently insulated well enough from the rest of the office to muffle all the noise), with a plain view of the vixen's labia stretched by her partner's considerable knot, with the bull's hip-swiveling action just behind. Cam Three was an extreme close-up of the bread and butter, a three-quarter from behind the bull, showing his long, thin cock sawing between the wolf's legs, the motion forcing the wolf up into the vixen. All in all, a decent shoot, if a bit busy.

A fourth screen, a four-inch tube TV, sat nestled in the counter right in front of Cal's nose. After toggling between cams for a few minutes, that was where he reviewed his editing to make sure it would neither bore nor induce weary eyes in his audience. It wasn't uncommon for the ringtail to re-edit two or three times, but today it would be "one and done." Even if the action sucked due to the rushed actors, it was up to him, and Leto, to make it sexy and marketable. Cal knew the pressure all too well.

"I mean, do you even concentrate on the action, or do you block it out, you know, while you're editing?" Leto was talking again, having swiveled to face his friend...away from his work.

"Leto," said the ringtail, leaning back with a barely-suppressed sigh of exasperation, "You're my friend, right?"


"And you like that I got you this sweet job right out of film school, right?"

"Oh, hell yeah." This was a bit too enthusiastic, and Cal opened one eye to see his friend hunched over, eyes trained on him, the tip of his long bushy tail twitching at attention. The ringtail had to force his eyes upwards, lest he give away too much too soon; he was certain his friend was at least partway hard. It would have been almost alarming to see nothing there, in truth. New hires always boned up on their first few shoots or edits; anyone who didn't was either asexual or dead. Then again, his friend hadn't yet gotten to the good stuff, the Real Porn, so there was no telling whether that erection would flag or threaten to tear a hole in Leto's fly.

"Okay then. I'm glad you're excited about being on the team and all, but I need you to focus and get this done before we both have our tails handed to us." Leto's screens showed a scene from earlier in the film: the vixen had her tongue wrapped around the wolf's length while the bull lay on the floor, licking up into her from below. Straight stuff. An easier scene to edit, but no less important. The genet might even start to enjoy the work if he could just settle down.

Leto looked stricken, paws on his knees, his mouth pursed tightly as if he wanted to say something but couldn't find the right words. "Sorry, sorry, I know," he apologized. Cal sighed. He'd gotten to know Leto well over their course of study at the film institute, and he knew one of the genet's self-deprecating monologues coming when he saw it. When the time came for him to make his move, he would want as little awkwardness as possible. He had to stay tough for now.

"Bud, don't do it. I'm serious, you get no pity from me."

"Stupid!" Usually, Leto smacked his head or palmed his face or something else equally over-the-top. This time he just stared at the floor, his paws limp between his knees. "Sorry. I'm not gonna go there. Not the same oldme, not now, when it counts. It was a dumb excuse in school and that kind of stuff doesn't fly in the real world." When he looked up at the ringtail, he seemed almost angry. A lot of emotions clouded his dark hazel eyes.

Cal rolled over to his friend, hunkered down and met the chubby genet's gaze. He had to put a stop to this soon. "No, it sure doesn't fly in the real world. If you already know that, then why are you going there...again...and you're openly admitting it?" Cal put his paws on the genet's shoulders, hoping he could get an honest answer out of the guy before they descended into a psychology session. He noted, with minor dread, that this is the closest their muzzles had been since they'd met. His ear buzzed with a small crackle of static. He pricked up and listened.

Don't make your move yet, it's too early. The ringtail nodded using his free ear.

Instead of speaking, though, Leto zoned out for a second, in an almost meditative pose. Cal could feel the genet's bulk swell and contract with his measured breaths. The ringtail was just about to shake his friend when Leto came back, clear-eyed and smiling faintly.

"Thanks, man. Pressure's on, you know the feeling."

"Don't I ever. I'm used to it, but for your first time...I wouldn't wish this on anybody." Using Leto to push off, Cal rolled back to his desktop and assumed his position. "You got it?"

"I got it." And with that, Leto turned his back to the ringtail, one paw on the mouse, the other on the keyboard, and each settled back down into his work.

Forward two minutes, pause, playback, cut to Cam 2, good, good, getting tiring, switch to Cam 3, okay this is standard juicy, nice shot of the wolf's dripping hole, hold it for 3 minutes, cool, okay now go back to the overall...

"Awww, hell no! Ow, oh crap, whoa! They didn't!" And the train of thought was broken, derailed. Cal couldn't even remember his cut order, something he usually stored six steps or so in advance. He'd played the scene three times in full, knew his marks, but it was all extinguished with Leto's jarring exclamations from across the tiny room. He had been deep in the zone there, for a little while. His ear buzzed again.


Slowly, the ringtail swiveled after pausing his playback. "I swear to fucking God I'll fire you, if you don't get control over yourself. What is the deal?" he asked, a slight growl coloring his speech.

"Just look, dude!" Leto rolled away from his station and spread his arms out. Voilá.

Cal looked at the genet's screens but he wasn't trying to see anything.

"What are you trying to show me?"

The genet rolled his eyes. "Here, right here!" he said, poking the central screen hard enough to make waves in the liquid crystals. Leto's scene had merged into the first part of Cal's, at the point where the characters changed positions and the bull mounted the wolf, who had already penetrated the vixen. He wanted to believe his friend wasn't so naïve, but the more Leto talked, the more the ringtail knew he was right.

"Okay, the bull is humping the wolf. Big deal. I've seen it hundreds of times. You're telling me you can't edit through that? What, you a bigot or something?" It sounded harsh, but the trick was to get a rise out of Leto, something to build upon.

"Of course I'm not a bigot, Cal!" replied the genet, squirming nervously. " just should have told me I would be seeing this stuff."

"We both got copies of the script. You didn't read it?"

"Yeah, I read it! I just didn't expect know, be editing the gay stuff."

"Oh no, oh my God," Cal palmed his muzzle, then groomed his whiskers back into place. He was actually stunned at Leto's bullshit answer, but it was good fodder at least. "Don't you tell me, after I practically handed you this job, you're freaked out by a little dick. You said you were cut out for this, remember?"

"I told you, it didn't surprise me!" Leto cried, but it was obviously a lie. He stood up, seeming to crowd the slight ringtail despite his shorter stature, but looked away. "It's just...I don't know, it's distracting."

Cal knew Leto wasn't trying to be intimidating, but he stood a better chance of looking convincing if he stayed at the genet's eye level. Leto's beady eyes glared from the shadow of fur surrounding them, sparkling with anxiety.

"I know it's distracting. It's sex! How could you expect anything else? You think you're immune from boning up, just because you're 'in the biz' now? Takes more than that to get used to this daily grind." The pun fell flat between the two males.

"Not funny. And neither is that," Leto shot back, pointing to indicate the wolf's on-screen penetration.

Anytime, bud, the earpiece's tinny voice reminded. Pounce the fucker.

Cal raised a bushy eyebrow. "You do know that most of our work is bi and gay porn, correct?"

Immediately, Leto shrank back, wringing his paws in front of his belly. "I told you I read the job description and studio information."

"Then what's the deal, Leto? You're acting like a jackass for no reason, and it's starting to annoy and embarrass me. You got a boner, there's lube on the counter over there." The ringtail pointed to a desk that used to house a third editing station, but now was a repository for all things unwanted and miscellaneous. A small bottle sat on the edge, filled with clear fluid. Next to it sat a towel, long unused since Cal had become used to the footage, kinky and tame alike. When he turned back to see the genet biting his lip and avoiding his gaze, he had his answer.

"You're a bastard," Leto almost whispered.

"I'm not the self-conscious greenie who can't rub one out in front of his coworker, even though we shared a dorm room for three years." Turned away just slightly, giving an air of dismissiveness that was only exacerbated by his coy smile.

"That is so different and you know it."

"Listen," the ringtail shot back, "if you have a problem with the kind of sex we shoot around here, and you need some time to get used to it, let me know now so I can finish up this project before the studio shits and decides we're both dispensible. I can do it alone, but I won't like it. I don't have time for awkwardness and shit, so as soon as you want to man up and sit back down, you're welcome to." And Cal sat back down, in a pseudo-huff, resuming his playback.

There was silence from the genet for a long while. Cal edited as he went, operating just shy of his zone by keeping an ear open in Leto's direction. Eventually he heard the genet sit down heavily, accompanied by a great exhalation, and more silence as he studied his paused screen. One long, tension-laden minute passed.

"It looks like it hurts."

Turn him, Cal. He's already on the fence. The ringtail waggled his ear again, knowing exactly which corner of the room not to acknowledge.

"Everybody thinks that. Maybe, for like two minutes," he flatlined.

"What?" Leto sounded incredulous.

"I said, everybody thinks it hurts, but it's mostly acting. It's uncomfortable for a couple minutes, but after that it's great."

Leto giggled a giggle devoid of humor. "You sound like you're an expert at it. That's great, dude. Job's corrupting you." Now, the genet was trying to pull the masculine buddy-buddy card. Cal thought his friend was more intelligent than that. Then again, he was unknowingly making things easier for the both of them.

Cal had to work hard to hide a smirk. "Don't knock it till you've tried it." Classic, but effective.

"You're not serious, are you? Oh, no way, you are being serious! You came here after graduation and fagged out?"

"Is that what you call it? Because I've been bi since I was, like, thirteen." Cal's eyes still hadn't left his playback screen.

More silence. Even that was getting annoying. "And you never told me?"

"You never asked. Besides, what good would it have done you?"

"Nothing, just woulda been nice to know."

"Why, so you could treat me differently? Because that sounds really bigoted to me."

"Whoa, I didn't mean it like that! It's just, you know, we were friends, and friends share that kind of stuff."

"No, they don't. It's not required information or anything. It never came up in conversation, so I had no reason to air it." There was no hope for finding his zone again, but at this point it didn't matter much. What mattered was keeping the faux pas convincing.

"'s not like I would have leaked it to the campus." The ringtail could feel this sophomoric tea party going on forever, and he could practically feel the pressure to act leaking into his cochlea, eating at his brain. By the musk the genet was giving off, the fear and aggravation and inadvertent arousal, there was no better time than now.

"Leto, could you stand up for me, please?"


"I need to get something from your desk."

"What do you need?"

"I need to look for it." Cal was maintaining a perfectly level tone, hoping the genet would remain oblivious. His patience was over, he could see the sun setting through the tiny mailbox-sized window in the corner, and he really had no interest in continuing this inanity.

"Fine," said the genet, and stood quickly, almost knocking his chair over backwards. "What is it you need so bad, that you don't trust me enough to--heeeuugh!" Leto squeaked mid-sentence, the breath cut off from his throat because Cal's paw was now mashed squarely against his groin.

The ringtail had been satisfied as soon as his fingers felt hard flesh. It had been so easy to pull a fast move on Leto, fake him out and catch his crotch wide open and unprotected. He didn't need shit from the genet's desk, of course.

"I knew it," Cal grinned up at Leto, squeezing ever so slightly. A tiny cheer went up in his ear. "Why couldn't you just admit it when I asked you? You see some porn, you're gonna bone up. Are you afraid of getting turned on by some dick? Because even if you're watching straight porn, you're getting turned on by the dick." Now the ringtail could afford to let out his inner queen, gay it up a little.

"I...I never said anything like that," stuttered the genet, adopting a stance as stiff as his meat.

"You didn't have to say anything," replied Cal. "You're not that naïve, and I'm not that dumb. We're even. You happy?"

"No, I'm not happy! You're still grabbin' my junk!"

"No offense, Leto, but it looks to me like your junk doesn't mind being grabbed." The ringtail knew his friend wouldn't be able to soften up unless he either had time to cool down, or he busted a nut in the middle of the cutting room. Cal pointed to Leto's station, and the genet followed his finger.

"Look at it real good, Leto. Are you going to stand there and tell me that the only reason you're hard is because of that fox's pussy? Be real with me, okay, 'cuz I don't have the time or the patience for you to hem and haw around specifics."

Leto was looking, alright, and his erection wasn't flagging in the slightest. His fingers fiddled around his navel; even if he tried to lie his way out to save his pride it would be as transparent as the Scotch tape they used to use to splice reels together. Cal began a slow stroking motion, enjoying teasing his friend a little more than he knew he should, but since the genet saw no reason to back away the ringtail saw no reason to quit.

"I don't know. I don't know, Cal, I can't tell." Leto was too absorbed in the moment to think clearly.

"I think it's a combination of both, but the question is," murmured the ringtail, standing straight but keeping his paw in place, "what percentage? You want to do numbers, get specific, right?"

"I don't wanna talk about this anymore." But they were way, way beyond not talking about it anymore. For all his posturing, and the bad job he did of it, Leto was still standing in the middle of the cutting room, surrounded by porn and a total of twelve on-screen cocks, literally dripping with arousal, in every sense.

"Do you know how many adult features I've been in?" asked the ringtail, surprised at his friend's lack of reaction as he started working the belt buckle above the genet's fly. His stomach folded over a bit, making the task more difficult, but Cal had worked harder for less. Not quite admitting to the fact that he could be sacrificing his best friendship, the ringtail separated buckle from strap and went for the button above Leto's fly. The genet's cock was hard as ever as he stood still, even spreading his thighs just so. The air in the tiny room thickened noticeably with mammalian musk.

"Cal, I don't think..."

"I'm not asking you to think, bud. I'm asking you to guess how many movies I've been in. Pick a number; you won't insult me." In through the button, down went the fly, and Leto's ill-fitting boxers parted at the middle, exposing four inches of creamy thick sheath with a matted, moist tip. Leto was stumpy, but girthy to make up for it.

Cal would be lying if he said he'd never fantasized about the genet during their time as roommates. While he had made it seem that keeping their living arrangement for three years was based on practical logic, Cal just didn't want to come back to someone he might not like. Or someone he wasn't attracted to. Leto's easy, mellow manner and subtle handsomeness worked for him. Now that he had the genet's full attention, he realized he was finally satisfying a long-coveted intimacy. It was hard not to spoil the juicy tension he had so masterfully crafted.

"Fuck..." sighed the genet, his belly shaking with nerves and pleasure as Cal's fingers worked their way deeper, beginning to slide the loose flesh over his hardness. "How am I supposed to know something like that, huh? You didn't even tell me you were bi."

"Neither did you," quipped the ringtail. "All that time, and you never even let on. I always thought you were the geeky hermit type."

"I'm not gay...or bi, or whatever."

Cal had to pause at that, and look his friend in the eyes. Leto couldn't be serious. But when he tried to solve the riddle of the genet's expression, he saw neither the arousal nor the clarity he'd been expecting. Leto was all embarrassment and fear, his eyes twin shining points reflecting the monitors in the otherwise dark room. Without another moment's awkward hesitaion, he hooked his thumb and forefinger together and pulled Leto's sheath under his stomach, sliding his palm pad over five inches of thick genet cock.

With his best evil grin, the ringtail murmured, "I do believe what I'm holding begs to differ." Leto, who almost failed to catch a runner of drool at the corner of his muzzle, made a meek sound of protest and almost fell into the editing counter, propping himself up with a paw.

"God dammit," the genet hissed, "I'm not, okay...nnngh..."

"You can say whatever you want, but your actions belie your words. I don't judge you, just like you don't judge me. I don't give a fuck, to tell you the truth. Does it feel good?" The genet's tortured face was obvious.

In response, Leto whimpered and nodded, unable to lie when his body was practically shouting the truth, when his tail thrashed about behind him and made a breeze that fell on Cal's grinning face.

The rest would be cake.

"Then who the hell cares?" Cal was stroking in a slow rhythm now, watching the genet's face for direction. He'd gotten as much as he could out of Leto's sheath, which was in no way unsubstantial. On the downstroke, he would lightly caress the scrotum and its compact contents, solid and fuzzily soft. While using the bottom of his palm, almost his wrist, to keep pressure on Leto's member, he ventured his fingers further down between those thick thighs, warm and a little moist but deliciously tempting. It was upon scraping a claw back a little further that he figured out why some of Leto's reactions seemed out of place.

"I know," said the ringtail, sidling up right next to one of his friend's plastered-down black ears. "Don't tell me this is your first. Please. Say you've gotten laid before. Anyone, I don't care."

Leto let out a burst of air and saliva that sounded like it had been building for a while. It was a great letting-go, a relaxation, an absolution of everything he'd ever lied about to Cal. Not once had Cal ever seen his friend up and close with anyone, and tales of late nights and hot sex had never been proven. One-night stands in theory, but now Cal knew there had been no stands at all. No girl, no guy, not even a cheap sex-store substitute. It was all in his grimace, and the tears that leaked out the corners of his eyes and migrated into the edges of his lips.

"Wow, bud," said the ringtail, massaging his friend along the perineum, perilously close to the flesh of his tailhole, "you didn't have to make up shit with me." With his free paw, he wiped Leto's face clean and leaned up into his ear again. "Now that I know, what're you acting so nervous about?"

"I...I don't...know," Leto babbled, and continued to shake violently, sniffing back the remaining tears. "I'm not a baby. I just...I hope I make it in this job."

"Is that all you're worried about?" Cal asked, marking his insinuation by running the tip of a finger over the genet's hole. What he got in return was a wide stance and easier access. Leto looked at the floor, whimpering and flushed. "First time with a guy doesn't mean you're gay. Or bi, if you want. Just don't rule it out." Cal pushed a bit harder, gaining a quarter-inch and more whimpering. Suddenly, amid all the little noises Leto was making, amid the glowing screens, amid the shadows that dominated the rest of their little world, the ringtail realized he was really, really horny. And Leto was letting him in.

The chubby genet looked absolutely stricken, going from biting his lip to snarling and bearing teeth. His nostrils flared with the mounting array of scents in the room, and even in the dark Cal could see his dilated pupils. He grinned because he knew what was coming.

" said only, like, two minutes?" Yesssss! Cal did a mental fist pump at Leto's finally submitting to a long-repressed libido. The ringtail couldn't even imagine having to go through all those years in school, watching everyone but himself getting lucky while he wasted his seed on numerous keyboards and boxes of Kleenex.

"Tops. And that's with one of those studs in the movies. I'm not exactly that big. I get paid to bottom."

"I never would have known."

"And that's the best part," said Cal, taking advantage of the distractive conversation to wriggle his way further into the genet's body. By the time Leto noticed, and began to protest, the ringtail already had half a finger into him. "Not too bad for a beginner. Now pull 'em down."

Leto wasted no time after Cal removed his paw, clearing off the third counter and setting everything on it to the side. His eyes and head darted around like a bird looking for a meal, ears now perked instead of tucked away in shame. The ringtail watched him go, stripping below the waist and stroking himself into full erection, which didn't take much. Leto made quick work of the rest once he managed to get his tail snap undone. Seeing that unusual bulky frame on the body of a genet convinced Cal further that he'd made the right choices: first, to keep Leto around as a roommate and second, to push and push and push until his friend gave in one way or another.

And now was the payoff. Cal could see the small red eyes nestled in each corner of the room, ever watchful. It was hard not to break the fourth wall.

"Now...b-before I chicken out," Leto said breathlessly, bent over the counter and straddling the floor. It was almost comical to look at such a normally reserved, logical nerd like Leto beckoning another guy to plug his tail, and to hurry up about it. "I don't want it to hurt."



"I've been in thirty-seven films at this studio. Can't guarantee no pain, but you can trust me. And Leto?"

"Huh?" it was half-hearted and totally pitiable.

"Enjoy the ride." Another whimper, as the genet white-knuckled the shelf in front of him. In his haste, he'd knocked the lube to the floor, and upon bending for it Cal got a good look underneath his friend's prostrate body. The guy was working up a nice puddle of pre on the linoleum; the ringtail had to fight back an urge to slurp Leto all the way up to the sheath. Not too much too soon. All things considered, Leto was being a great sport while riding a serious emotional roller coaster.

After taking a pawful to his cock, Cal cupped his palm and took an equally liberal amount to the genet's rear, working a bit barely into the folds of his pucker, the sudden slickness making for a much more pleasurable sensation, as evidenced by Leto's moaning. Now he knew what those muffled vocalizations on the other side of the dorm room door had sounded like. After making sure the cum towel was close enough for access, the ringtail pushed the genet's striped bush of a tail up and to the side, bringing home the fact of exactly what he was doing. He pulled Leto's cheeks apart, meeting with the sight of one neatly nestled hole, pink amid a sea of matted cream. His tip was mere inches away from changing someone's life.


"No, but do it anyway."

Cal chuckled. "Just tell me if it hurts," he said, and bore forward, meeting heat and resistance. Lots of resistance. Leto was doing all he could to keep closed, whether he was doing it on purpose or not. The ringtail was expecting just that, however, and he adjusted to make sure he was dead on before flexing his hips.

"Agh, God!" Leto growled, bumping his forehead into the shelf on which he was digging eight nice deep furrows. He was all tightness and heat and pulsing, all very good things and all in order for a virgin. Cal stayed his position and advanced little by little, feeling the genet give way.

"Tell me if it hurts, bud."

Leto shook his head, violently rubbing it back and forth along the shelf, snorting and leaving a trail of drool and who knew what else. Being topped for the first time was truly a visceral experience, but Cal had never seen anyone exhibit as much raw emotion as Leto was. It could be completely possible that the genet had honestly never before experienced anything even remotely close to this moment. All the computer porn, fantasizing and carrots up the ass couldn't compare with one hot body entering another with the purpose of breeding said body into oblivion. The feel of paws on hips, one fuzzy ballsac against another, shallow humid breath on neck and ears...there was really no substitute for the real thing.

Leaning over, Cal rested his muzzle behind Leto's neck and held him about the chest, keeping the meager centimeters he'd gained inside the genet's spasming backside. He started to lick the goldenrod fur there, a little love grooming, to ease Leto's tension, but all he got for his trouble was a sharp gasp and another--almost feminine--mewling moan. And the resistance lived on.

"Fuck, lay off the Kegel exercises," Cal grunted, splaying his ears back as the effort turned from pleasurable to more of a chore, and he switched to a light humping to ease in. Every inward thrust met the same solid-ish wall, but the mere motion worked Leto's hole in both directions. Bending his knees, the genet voiced a passionate moan-growl that varied in intensity depending upon where in his rear Cal's cock was.

"I...I can't...huh, huh, huh..." Where the ringtail groomed Leto's neck, the flesh suddenly burst into salinity as a cold sweat shuddered its way through the genet's body. Cal had gained only a single inch, barely into the first ring, but his attention was turned from himself to watching his friend's actions with interest. Not experienced, but very nice to watch and listen to. He moved his paws to Leto's shoulders, clawing at the fur and gathering up bunches of skin and releasing them, gathering and releasing. Try as he might, he could go no further...but that didn't stop him from trying anyway.

Cal's efforts were interrupted, however, when he felt an immense constriction behind his cockhead, something so strong it was almost painful, and Leto began stomping the floor. Just about to ask if he was in pain, the ringtail had to dart out of the way when the the genet threw his head straight back, almost breaking Cal's nose. Leto then let out a sound no genet should let out--some saliva-laced combination of Rottweiler and rabid squirrel--and pounded the shelf with heaving breaths. And finally, Cal realized he was still pushing forward only when the genet's hole contracted around him and loosened so much he plunged, tip to sheath, into his friend.

"Byah, fuuuuck!" Leto growled, more like a wolverine now, bucking his hips hard against Cal's groin. Cal hadn't realized how worked up he had been until that he had full flesh-on-flesh contact. It was like he went from zero to on the brink in that one feral, noisy instant.

At length, Leto settled into a salacious grunting and a slow, rhythmic full-body stroke over the ringtail's long, thin length. Cal bucked his hips in time, eyes squeezed shut, claws deep in genet fur and biting Leto's neck with abandon.

"Don't stop, please," he managed to wheeze, suddenly overwhelmed by the pure lust of it all. That seemed to be the quintessential "straight-turned-gay" moment, but coming from Leto is was as honest as they came. It wasn't like Cal to get so caught up in a moment of frenzied lovemaking, and this wouldn't exactly qualify as lovemaking, but...he was too hot to care about anything but his balls at the moment.

Those balls churned, and now it was the bottom who was in control, sliding to and fro along Cal's length, curling his tail thrice over his back as it all became too much and he pulled free, backing up just enough to stroke out a healthy amount of cream right onto Leto's balls. Gathering the flesh of one generous buttock in one paw, the other led him through a satisfying tour of climax, up and gently, gently down until the stars faded from his vision and he looked down on the mess he'd made. After a few wobbly steps backwards, he collapsed into his editing chair.

"Cut, fucking cut!" came a high-pitched, nasal voice like God himself from the heavens. Leto, still bent over and deep in afterglow, shrieked and backpedaled, slipping on his own cum and landing on his bare ass, staring at the ceiling. With his ear ringing, Cal ripped off his earpiece and tossed it on the counter behind him. When he caught the genet looking at him with confused horror written on his face, the only thing he could do was smile and shrug.

Both males heard clomping footsteps approaching from down the hall shortly before the editing room door burst open. In walked a skunk of short stature, dressed in a Hawaiian shirt and nothing from the waist down. Between his legs hung the retreating inch of his cock, still dripping white onto his sheath. He clapped appreciably, striking the pose of a successful director. Cal leaned back in his chair and said, "Hi, Brooks."

The skunk replied, "I did, very much so. I'm tellin' ya, the best shit is candid. You took it and moved with it and this is gonna be great once it gets out on YiffTube. Great promotional for the company!" The skunk then turned to Leto, who was still puddled in the corner, smelling strongly of assorted cum.

Putting a paw on Leto's shoulder, Brooks looked him straight on and said, "To be honest, kid, I didn't think you had it in ya. Good job, is all I can say. Loved watching that scene. Congrats, and welcome to the team. Cal, get that footage off the tapes and on the computer ASAP. I wanna see what you can do with it."

"Tonight? But we're both kind of...tired, Brooks."

The skunk was about to beleaguer the point but, realizing he was in the same state, seemed to understand. "Fine. You both earned a rest. I'm tired. I'm going home. Find your own way out. And lock the goddamn door this time!" And with that, Brooks turned swiftly on his heels and strode out, uttering "Fuckin' fabulous!" once more before disappearing into his office.

Thereafter followed a silence that might have been uncomfortable except for the fact that the ruse had gone off perfectly, and he was too pleased with himself to feel bad. Leto would come to accept it in time...if he had any sense of humor.

After picking himself up off the floor and examining the mess that was his fur, Leto deadpanned, unbelieving: "Dude. Did you just fuck me on camera?"

Cal blushed cheekily. "I think that much is obvious. Hey, don't you want to put some clothes on? It's not that warm in here anymore, if you hadn't noticed." The genet didn't seem to mind the nudity now.

"Okay, okay, whoa. What the hell?" Leto was shaking his head, wiping sweat onto his forearm. "Brooks just came in here--Brooks the producer--and said we did a good job. Was he seriously watching us?"

"He was watching, directing and pawing off at the same time. He really is an amazing guy, once you get to know his methods."

"Directing? Directing us?" Cal watched realization come over Leto like a wave as he showed him the Bluetooth. "A little voice in my head never hurts when I'm stuck for inspiration. He was cuing me from the upstairs video booth."

Leto still looked like he didn't quite get it, holding his temples in a vice grip. "I can't believe you were setting me up."

"I wasn't, bud. If you had freaked, I would've backed off. Well, you didn't. Besides, don't get all bitchy with me; you were in on it yourself," the ringtail shot back.

"How in the Christ could I be in on it?" Leto practically screamed.

"You didn't read your contract all the way through, did you?"

Leto's tirade was cut short when, but once the words sank in he paused to actually think about it. ", I didn't. What, you trying to tell me this was in my contract?"

"Page 18, Section something, Sub-Section something else. Don't know exactly where it is but it's in there. Says basically that if you're employed by the studio in any capacity, you have to star in some sort of porn for Brooks. Sometimes it's a feature, sometimes it's a photo shoot. This one we did today is going on YiffTube to gather traffic to our website. Most of the hidden cam stuff goes directly online."

"Omigod, omigod..." the genet moaned, muffled, into his paws. He looked like he'd just been caught masturbating by his Mormon grandmother.

"You pansy, your life's not over. Quit acting like you're embarrassed. You weren't when you were begging for my cock about ten minutes ago." Cal stood up and walked over to the genet, offering his paw to help him up. After a death stare, Leto took the offer and groaned all the way to his feet. "Besides, if you really want to make sure this really good footage never gets seen by public eyes, you can quit and then the studio loses all rights to your image."

"All I have to do it quit, huh? Well, what's the chance of that, Cal? Everybody knows damn well how much I wanted this job, and since you helped me get here I owe it to you to stay. Fat fucking chance."

"But you liked it, didn't you?"

Leto's standoffishness melted; they both knew the answer to that. All the gruff and pose in the world couldn't lie.

"Hmm?" Cal egged.

"Yeah. Okay? A lot.'re good." Again, with the twiddling fingers. Afterglow sure wasn't kind to Leto.

"You don't know Brooks like I do. You get used to the workload and expectations around here, you get into the zone. Remember when I told you about the thirty-seven features I'd been in?"


"Today was number thirty-seven."

Leto groaned and pawed around for his underwear, scooping them up from a dusty corner.

"Just so you know, for a first time that was pretty damn awesome."

The genet paused, dead still, one leg most of the way into his shorts. He turned his head, then followed with the rest of his body. He was flushed with humility, but the corners of his muzzle turned up just enough to belie his body language. "You really think so? I didn't know what I was doing."

"Then you're a natural," replied the ringtail, crossing his arms and peeling his shirt over his head. "Feel lucky. I had to learn."

"Fuck it. If I can't trust you, I'm really up a shit creek in this biz."

"Wow," giggled the ringtail, piling his clothes on his chair, "Slow down on the lingo. Don't want to make too big a fool of yourself too soon."

Leto shrugged. "I already did."

"We'll see once we get the raw footage archived. Then it's our job to edit the whole thing for the Web."

"Hey," the genet started. "What about the deadline for this stuff?" Leto indicated their frozen screens.

Turning off his station, Cal replied, "All made up as part of the plot. It's not due for another week. You can rest easy."

"You're all liars. Low-down dirty liars," said the genet with dwindling conviction. "You think I'll fit in here?"

"You just did. You fit in like everybody else who comes through the cutting room. Maybe, with you in here, I won't have to go through the agony of training jerk after jerk after jerk."

"There were others?" Leto pulled his shirt over his head and grabbed his keys.

"Don't worry, hun," singsonged the ringtail, suddenly an effete, lispy version of himself. "You were the best of all." Cal sashayed melodramatically over to his friend and made to hang off his arm, murring emphatically. Leto squirmed and shoved him off.

"Get off me, you fag," the genet mock-snarled, making Cal laugh and roll his eyes. "Why are you still naked?"

"I'm going to shower before I rip the footage to the hard disk. Sticky fur is distracting. You going to join me, or does that sound too gay?"

"There are showers in the building?"

"Just down the hall. Didn't you take the tour during orientation? Man, you really didn't read the contract. In this line of work, showers are kind of necessary. Duh." Cal opened a cabinet and took a white towel from a pile of eight, hearing Leto's exasperated sigh. Noobs.

"Fucking insane, Leto mumbled as he walked through the door, apparently having decided he could wear his cummy clothes home. It was another act, and a transparent one at that; still, Cal knew Leto well enough to understand how he must feel. A little betrayed, a lot embarrassed, but playing their liaison over in his head nonetheless.

It was Friday; on Monday, they would team up to edit and patch, viewing and reviewing enough times to get sick of every angle, every noise, even their own. Another week and Leto would be immune to porn, except when he wanted to get off on purpose. They all learned, sooner or later.

Throwing his towel over one shoulder, knowing that he was now alone in the building, the ringtail started for the door, but stopped and sidetracked to the third, now well-used, desk. He had an idea. An idea that brought a bright, toothy grin to his face.

He could put the shower off for a little while.

Grabbing the lube (and dropping the slick bottle once), Cal sat down at his station. He reached over and up to retrieve the videotape from their old-fashioned CCTV security-system-cum-private-porn-cam. Placing it in the dock marked VIDEO OUT, he watched as two figures materialized on the screen, the chubby one swiveling around to say, "Dude, I don't know how you do it. Seriously." The grainy black-and white picture and time stamp totally made the scene.

Cal pulled the bottle closer and kept watching.



Love, or Something Like It

UNEDITED, UN-NITPICKED, UNPOLISHED...FICTION AT ITS MOST RAW. Love, or Something Like It (c)2008 Whyte Yote Inspired by doodles by Kyell Gold and K.M. Hirosaki Based loosely off a drawing created by Nduli FEEDBACK always welcome...

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A RAM Upgrade: Another "Chance" Encounter

_Author's Note: the following is a work of furry fiction. It's also porn. This means, if you're underage to read this or it's otherwise illegal where you are, stay away (like it's going to work anyway). As porn, this story may contain sexual acts...

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Porn in the Style of Emily Dickenson

I took your load three times last night-- A feat of magnitude You texted me and I just laughed Cause you were in the mood But--really--who was I to think My hole was still too tight-- You said you'd take it nice and slow Unless I tried...

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