The Price of Betrayal

Story by GabrielClyde on SoFurry

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A more extreme one, that I uploaded some time ago but seemed to disappear. Dont read if you dont like the tags. Marked extreme.


The Baroness and lover of the queen has some nasty surprises in store. Perhaps she is not as good at conspiracy as she thinks; or as good a judge of character.

The mare flared her nostrils wide, flicking her ears and letting her eyes roam around the audience chamber. Her instincts had failed her, and now she was going to pay it seemed. The summons to the Royal presence had been couched in warm if formal terms, and she had been taken in by that warmth. Now she had an opportunity to curse her stupidity at leisure.

"What is the meaning of this Kharis?"

The Chamberlain bowed to the Baroness.

"My lady, the Queen has received word of a possible threat to the Realm. She requires your presence in the secure chambers, for your own protection of course."

The last was delivered without noticeable change of voice except a slight ironic hint. The mare frowned even as she nodded. Kharis was too good at his job to give sufficient offense to call out. Still, she knew, and he knew that she knew. The small contingent of palace guards were mainly for show, their gleaming armour and all too effective looking weapons wouldn't be needed. She had none of her personal guard with her, and her colts would be on their way back to her estate. She only hoped they would manage to escape before their own turn came. The youngest, Vartel, should be far enough away. She only hoped that her eldest had heeded her words and got out too. Perhaps she could buy them more time. Her spies should have realised what was happening and got them word.

So instead she returned the ironic voice with her own irony. She glanced at the guard bull, a massive black furred beast with huge horns bound in gold and a big golden torc around his neck.

"For my protection?"

The Chamberlain didn't bat an eyelid.

"Of course, my lady."

"How...thoughtful of my Queen, to ensure my safety."

"Her Majesty is always mindful of your safety my lady Baroness. As much as her own."

The bulls surrounded her, one on each side, one in front and two behind. The Chamberlain led the way, a silver wolf with a slight hunch, his measured pace making the journey seem to take an age. The guard captain Norvan brought up the rear. He watched her trot, admiring her grace under fire even as he fought the urge to run her through with his sword. Still, there was a game to be played, and one he was disappointed to be missing. His role was to get her to the board, deep in the bowels of the palace, where the laughing and partying members of the court did not go. Not unless they deserved to, of course, and then they rarely came back.

The mare kept her composure even as the little company continued down the back stairwell past the guardpost with the company of unsmiling bull soldiers. They watched her go impassively. She wasn't the first, and she would definitely not be the last. A couple did manage a rueful smile though; the ones who knew what she would find in the underlevels.

When they came into a large stone room, dark and full of the scent of fear and pain and death, her composure left her though, and her ears and eyes gave the lie to her studied indifference. There were no windows, nothing to interrupt the stark stone except torches, and a wall covering in red velvet. There was little furniture, just one seat and a table. She stood, fighting the fear. Then she heard the voice.

"Beloved cousin! How good to see you!"

The Queen stepped forward to take her in her arms, and the mare felt her skin crawl as her royal cousin hugged her to her breast, and kissed her on the lips. She could not help remembering other times, happier times, when those lips had touched hers and they had continued, bodies entwined in a rapturous exploration of their passions with a muzzle buried in each other's sex. Before her cousin had ascended the throne though, and before her cousin had become the creature that now made her recoil in horror.

"Your Majesty..."

"Please, royal cousin. Use the name we used to use. I would hear it from your lips once more."

"You Maj...Kit. My beloved Kit..."

"Better my love. When I heard that there may be a threat to your life, I was horrified. I knew I had to protect you, that much was certain. Still, I was almost too late...wasn't I."

The mare's face burned, as the voice of her fellow mare turned suddenly hard as steel.

" not aware that I was in danger...Kit."

"Hmm...perhaps not. Still, you were, and now...well, we shall see. After all, had certain things happened, you may have been in mortal danger. They haven't happened yet I am told...and so it is still possible to save you..."

The voice left little room for error. The mare quailed a little, under the lash of that voice so full of reason, and so full of consideration. She knew. The Queen knew. It was over.

And yet if she did...why this theatre?

"I suppose you are wondering why I brought you down here then my love?"

"Kit...please...I beseech you..."

"...I brought you here because I need to ensure your safety, as my loyal Chamberlain will have told you. And to do that, I need something from you..."

Implacable bull hands gripped her then, and the mare felt herself hauled bodily to a large but simple wooden chair. She was placed firmly in the seat, and held down while her bull guardians used the shackles on the arm rests and on the legs to secure her wrists and fetlocks. The fear was overpowering now, and she fought for breath as she watched her old lover.

"Please! Your Majesty! For the sake of what we had...our Kit..."

She was stopped in mid plea by the most frightening sound. The Queen was laughing, almost beside herself in mirth. It took her long seconds to regain her composure, before she dismissed the guard company with a gesture. Only guard captain Norvan was held back. The bull smiled then; he didn't want to miss the show.

The helpless Baroness noticed two of the Chamberlain's attendants by a table to one side of the room. The Chamberlain himself stood as still as a statue, watching her with the same ironic gaze. She waited for the Queen, hoping against hope.

"For the sake of our love...ahh tell me Leanna, do you still love me?"

"Your Majesty..."


"Your...Kit, yes, I still love you..." she could not bear to hear herself say the words.

"Good. Do not worry my beautiful love. If I wanted to hurt you, I would not be so clumsy as to harm you physically. You used to like that, anyway...I remember..."

The mare closed her eyes then, sucking in a shuddering breath at the memories. The delicious pains...and even more delicious cries. Hers, Kitanias...both at once...

The silence was broken by the sound of a curtain being drawn.


Her eyes flew open, terror now triumphant, to see the wall covering was no wall covering. Instead, it was a curtain, parting the room in two. She now saw the full extent of her dungeon, and the full extent of her predicament.

The other half of the room contained her eldest son and colt, Naddis. Only just of age as a stallion, he was her most beloved, and since the death of his father, she had come to rely on him. He had been at court the last two years, and she had hoped her spies had managed to warn him when the summons came, but it seemed it was not to be. The Queen had been preparing well ahead of time.

Now he was naked, his body shaking in fear. He had been tied up and stretched tight, his wrists bound together and his arms stretched towards the ceiling by a chain. His hooves were spread wide and held by manacles set in the stone floor. His eyes were wide, his ears were flat on his skull, and his tail was down and trembled between his wide splayed legs. He was total exposed, totally vulnerable, and as her skin crawled in terror, she saw the other half of the room contained other figures; two heavy bulls, wearing only a silver nosering and a white loincloth with the symbol of a grand master of the torturers guild.

"So Baroness...perhaps we shall have a talk, you and I?"

"Kit! Please!"

"What my love? There is something you need to confess to?"


Time, she had to buy time for the rest of them. And maybe the Queen did not know it all...she had to know, and she had to know what the Queen knew...even if it cost him. She was comforted by one thing only; there was no sign of her youngest, at least.

" is a shame, that you should be in such danger my love. And your young stallion here. I am keeping him safe too, after all, he is the heir to your Baronetcy, and a member of the Royal line. We cannot take too good a care of our own, now can we."

"Kit, leave him alone..."

"But my love, I am only protecting him. Like you; unless you can suggest a better target for me tonight? Someone more deserving of our Royal attention? Several someones, perhaps?"

The mare stared into her former lover's eyes, pleading with her spirit. Tears began to form, as she shook her head slowly in denial.

"Well, now we have him here, perhaps I should examine him. After all, I need to confirm he is fit to inherit, don't I? We can't have control of one of the most important houses in the Realm fall into the hands of an unworthy stallion, now can we Leanna?"

The Queen strode towards the bound stallion, ignoring his mother's pleas. A pureblood chestnut thoroughbred, she moved like a river flowing, her body powerful yet restrained under a soft silk gown. Her excitement betrayed itself in subtle ways; the flick of a black tail, the sparkle in her blue eyes, the twitch of her ears as she approached the bound stallion. He watched her approach, his own responses full of fear.

She regarded him from a step away for a moment. He was as perfect as any young stallion could be. Not too bulky, though he was half shire thanks to his father. He had a rich cremello colouring, with golden mane, tail and feathering, and a beautiful pink sheath and patch on the end of his nose. His eyes shone blue, twinkling in the torch light. He was in fact the most beautiful stallion she had seen. On looks alone he made a worthy addition to the court even if he were simpleminded.

In the last two years, she had ample evidence that he was anything but simpleminded; trusting, naïve, but not simpleminded.

"Kit..please...leave him alone. Your fight is with me..."

"Fight? What fight Leanna...I am merely protecting you both. Unless you have something to tell me?"

The pause was amused.

"I thought not...let me examine him then."

She stepped up to the stallion, who tried to shy away as she approached. She placed on fingertip under his chin, stroking softly as she stared into his eyes. Then her fingertip traced a path down his neck, to his chest, playing with the broad areolae and pert nipples atop his pectorals, delighting in the feel of them swelling at her touch and the sound of his nickers of surprise. Then she kept on, stroking down his belly, poking a fingerhoof into his navel before teasing the lips of his swelling sheath.

The young stallion could not sustain such handling without reacting. He let out a soft whinny of embarrassment, and his unruly young cock shot from his sheath, the pink length swelling rapidly as she gripped it tight and stroked, while her other hand cupped his magnificent testicles. He hung his head in shame, cheeks flushing and eyes sparkling with the beginnings of tears.

"Hmmm...impressive Leanna. I can see why you tolerated his father as a mate for so long if he was anything like the youngster here..."

"Kit, please, he is a good colt. You know that. We have done nothing wrong, him especially. Let us go, I beg of you."

"Nothing wrong? Nothing wrong? We shall see...we shall see..."

The Queen kept up an insistent fondling, all the while watching the young stallion's reactions. She felt her body burning as she saw him respond, reluctantly and completely. His flare spread and throbbed, and she felt the first drop of pre seed at his tip just as the ashamed stallion lifted his eyes to his mother's. He saw her staring, her expression a mixture, and he shuddered and screwed his eyes shut again.

Then he heard the Queen's voice boring into his soul.

"You feel beautiful young stallion. I bet many a girl has found the pleasures of this stallionhood already, am I right?"

" Majesty..."

"You would not lie to your Queen, would you Naddis?"

" your Majesty..."

"Good. It is a shame then, this cock is a gift to be shared. And many a girl would love to share it I am sure, and make it feel so good my beautiful colt..."


The mare began long strokes on his shaft, starting just under his flare, and ending down near his sheath. Her other hand worked his testicles, rolling the heavy orbs in their velvet bag and squeezing gently, drawing shuddering moans from the stallion. The Baroness watched spellbound, aroused and appalled at the deliberate teasing of her son, and his reactions. She bit her lip to stifle a cry as she saw a drop of clear fluid slowly separate from his flare, dropping to the stone floor at his hooves.

"Have your lovers done this for you colt?"

One fingertip ran a teasing circle on his flare, and he jerked in his bonds, leaning his head back and nickering as the sensations took over. His body strained in the chains, every muscle on his lithe frame standing out on display.

"Have they done this?"

The Queen bent forward, opening her nostrils to enjoy the rich flavour of aroused young stallion. Sweat, musk, fresh seed, potent and virile. Hers to give pleasure, or pain. Build or destroy. The knowledge of her power made the taste all the sweeter. She pressed her lips to one ripe nipple and suckled, as her palm closed over the head of his cock and massaged his flare in perfect time with the motion of her lips and tongue on his erect nub. He whinnied, tail swishing hard in the air.

"Ohhhhh yess....Clarissa..."

"Hmm...Clarissa did this for you colt?"

"Ahhhhhh yessss...."

Her motions stopped abruptly.

"I thought you swore you had not had any lovers colt. You lied to me didn't you? You lied to your sovereign..."

His eyes were wide now and pleading as he stuttered.


"Naddis...your one chance is to tell me all, right now. Leave nothing out. Nothing."

The mare rested her nose on his, staring into his terrified blue eyes. He pleaded, seeking some hint of forgiveness. The shutters of her soul were closed though.


"Your Majesty...I...have had many..."

"I know Naddis. I knew before I asked you. A Queen has many sources of information; but tell me anyway. Tell us both...I'm sure your mother will be interested to know."


She gripped his scrotum and squeezed, making the young stallion scream out and whimper.


" mother's maid was the first."

A gasp came from the Baroness, and she tried to jerk upright in her chair. The bonds held her tight, and all she managed was to make the Chamberlain giggle slightly.

"Go on..."

"Tarine, my tutor..."

"Ahhh the older women...I can see the attraction, plucking the ripe fruit of a budding stallion. Especially one as handsome as you. Tell me, did they chase you, or did you..."


"Ahhh....and the rest."

"My mother's secretary, Orenia..."

"Hmmmm...she is a paint mare, with a wicked laugh. I have seen her at court with your mother. An excellent choice..."

"And the lady Clarissa, daughter of the Countess Valrentain."

Another gasp, this one with a hissing 'no!', from the bound mare.

All through this list, the Queen kept her nose pressed to the colt, and he answered as if they were the only two in the room, his eyes never leaving hers. She stroked his cock slowly, lovingly, drawing a constant drip of pre seed from the tip, leaving a spider silk strand from his flare to the flagstones. His balls danced, pleading for release.

"Yes, I was told. A merger of House Valrentain and House Del Perion. Intriguing."

The Queen turned to her helpless cousin.

"Did you know any of this Leanna?

The mare was angry, that much was apparent to the stallion. Her ears told him, and her eyes, and her voice.


Flat and harsh.

"I thought not. And that is not all is it colt. Has this magnificent organ sought out the tight tailhole of a male I wonder?"

Her fingertips stroked the underside of his scrotum, while she looked into his eyes. He bowed his head and nodded, blushing fiercely.

"Thordas, the blacksmith's son from our estate..."

"Yes, a big shire colt, like you. Black coat though, who you bend over the workbench in the forge and rut like a feral stallion. And others too, I know..."


"Enough. Your mother can guess. So, Leanna, you say he has done nothing wrong?"

"I admit I am shocked Kit...and surprised but I fail to see..."

"You forget the law my love. You are members of the Twelve great houses of the Kingdom. No member of the Twelve houses may mate without the head of their house's permission. And no mating between the houses without mine. You admitted you knew none of this, so the colt has defied you, and by extension me. It is an old law, but a well-known one. And it protects the Realm, and the Royal succession."

Leanna realised the trap they had fallen into far too late.

"My Queen...please, that law is only there..."

"Are you saying you are comfortable with such defiance my love? Are you a lawbreaker by chance, or know of some?"


"Hmmm, the colt has defied my law. He has committed treason, at the least. Do you know what the punishment for treason is my love?"

"Please Kit. You cannot do this!"

"Punishment gelding and execution. A lesson may be required, and the colt can provide it. There has been far too much wanton lawbreaking of late...something you know well, my love."

"Please Kit. I beg for mercy."

The stallion hung almost lifeless in his bonds, increasingly terrified as he learned of his fate. His ears flattened and he shook like a leaf.

"Mother! Please! Tell her what she wants to know!"

"Yes my cousin...listen to the colt...I may be merciful..."

The Baroness only shook her head. The Queen smiled, a warm loving smile, and signalled to the bulls. They picked up long knotted whips, freshly oiled and dark that glistened in the torchlight.

"Then you are to blame for this, my love."

Two whips cracked, two whips slammed into taut stallion flesh, one on his back, one on his chest, the tip flicking a nipple and tearing off the end to leave a bloodied aching mass at the peak of his left pectoral. A wild stallion scream echoed off the stones, going on and on into harsh howls as the whips flew again and again and the expert aim of two grand masters of the torturers guild brought the heavy leather against the curve of his buttocks and the muscled bulk of a thigh, before a final flourish drove one whip into his deep crevice to kiss his tailhole. The howl turned high pitched and the stallion convulsed.

The Queen smiled, and brought the tip of one finger still coated in stallion seed to her nostrils, savouring his scent as she watched him buck and writhe in his chains under the lash of the whips. Long welts appeared in his perfect cremello coat, followed by harsh lines of red as blood seeped onto the fur.

"I love that sound, don't you Leanna?"

She turned to face the horrified mare, who had her eyes shut and head turned away. A nod to the guard captain brought him into action, and he pulled her head up by the mane.

"Open your eyes Leanna, or I shall have him killed right now."

The mare stared at her beautiful colt, his chest heaving in pain, body now covered in fire red lines as he looked at his mother, eyes pleading and hurt. The Queen bent forward and licked a line of blood across his chest before suckling his wounded nipple, drawing fresh cries.

"Hmmm and I love that taste too, one of the best tastes of a stallion there is. Not as good as this though..." she gripped his still hard cock, milking a fresh stream of precum onto her hand before trotting purposefully towards her captive.

"Does he not taste good my love?"

She brought the finger to the mare's nose. Almost in a trance, her old lover sniffed, nostrils flaring as she registered her son's scent, the musk of his seed. She tried to recoil, but the guard bull held her tight. The Queen pressed her fingers to the mare's muzzle, and slowly her lips opened, and the fingers slid into her maw and she licked them clean with a shudder. A wracking sob from the colt ate her heart.

"You know the taste of stallion my love. We broke enough of them together, didn't we cousin? You remember the feel of a stud's muzzle on your sex while I pegged his tailhole...and the taste of his seed..."

"Ohhhhh gods please Kit...not my son..."

"Then give me what I want..." her fingers probed deep into the mare's muzzle,seeking out her tongue to slather it in her own colt's seed.

She shook her head, eyes pleading.

The Queen sighed, stroking her lover's mane, and stood behind her, both mares now facing the bound stallion.

"Fine Leanna. No more whipping...something else perhaps."


"You know Leanna, there is a sound better than a stud's cries under the whip. You might not have heard it is a special pleasure."

The Queen cupped Leanna's left breast, stroking gently as she felt the nipple slowly harden, while her other hand reached into her cousin's lap. The mare writhed ineffectually as the finger slid under her skirt to seek out her sex. Fingertips touched swollen pink lips, and the Queen smiled and laughed.

"You are aroused Lee...I missed the feel of your sweet pussy lips, they feel like velvet. You are in heat at the scent of your own my, I underestimated you my love."

"Please Kit, don't..."

"Watch and listen Lee...he looks beautiful does he not? But he will sound even better...that one best sound of all; the sound of a young stud feeling his tailhole taken by a big male against his will..."

As she stared, the mare saw one of the bulls remove his loincloth, revealing a massive erection jutting from a thick furred sheath atop a pair of massive balls. His pink length jerked as if eager for the depths of the bound pained colt, as in fact it was. Balck rarely got to enjoy a victims tailhole, but when he did, it was his favourite torture of all. He liked to relish it for as long as possible.

"Listen Lee...listen to his cries..."

The stallion jerked against his bonds, desperate to break free. He could feel the heavy bulk of the bull behind him, the heat of his breath, the sound of his huffing snorts, the shuffle of hooves on stone. Then he felt the thick tip of a bull cock against his whipped tailhole and he broke.

" me...please..please don't let them do this...please...noooooooooo"

His final cry went on and on, part pain, part heartache, part humiliation, as the thick bull cock drove relentlessly into his tailhole, stretching, filling, punishing his body and his spirit as it wrenched his pucker wide and rasped over sensitive skin. His cry changed though, as the bull moved his hips and slammed his tip into a soft stallion nut, and the cry became a strangled gasp as his cock suddenly slapped against his belly and sent a spurt of precum to coat his fur.

The stallion's cry was matched by one from his mother as the mare watched his violation, and felt her own as the Queen slipped fingers slick with her colt's precum into her pussy and pleasured her even as she shook with fury and anguish.

"Hmmm my bull likes a nice virgin pony tailhole. And your colt seems to like it his cock jerk and spurt...a young stallion is a creature of pure sensuality, eh? Remember the ones we had my love...ohhh, some of them were beautiful, not as beautiful as your colt though."

"You creature!"

"If I am, so are you my watch and enjoy..."

She watched the rape with wide open eyes, watching every hard thrust of bull hips and the answering jerk of his body against the chains as he took the bull to the hilt. His eyes rolled back, and his head fell back, the bull nibbling his soft ears and his neck as he plowed the now wide open pony furrow with steady slow power. She felt her own arousal rise, ashamed and horrified, even as she saw his build with a steady stream of precum drooling from his pink flare.

"Now my love...savour it..."

The stallion gave a sudden screaming whinny as his muscles bunched and the mare saw his abdomen flex and his balls dance, once, twice, and suddenly his cock threw a long line of seed across the room. Five more lines of white milk joined it on the flagstones before the power of his ejaculation abated though his long stallionhood continued to drizzle out cum that dripped down his length leaving his pink shaft coated in sheen of white.

The sight and sound and scent of her son's climax proved too much for the mare, as the Queen frantically rubbed her swollen naked clit and pinched her left nipple. She felt her body wracked by an exquisite orgasm, her nostrils full of the scent of his seed, her ears full of his anguished cry of release, eyes full of the sight of his cock fountaining under the influence of a first punishing fuck. In the aftermath he hung in his chains almost lifeless, eyes trickling tears as their gaze met and he saw her pleasure at his shame, with a bull still buried to the hilt in his tailhole, tears that turned from a trickle to a torrent as he saw the Queen kiss her hard and passionately and his mother return the kiss in kind.

Then the bull began to thrust again, and he felt his tailhole aching as the shameful pleasures built again along with a deep burn in his hole.

"My bulls can keep going for a long time Leanna, and there are two of them. Just as well, I want the colt's balls emptied before I hand him over to the Gelders."

The mare was still panting in the aftermath of her orgasm, and it took her a second to realise what the Queen had said.

"Kit! Please! You cannot mean..."

"Have you seen a punishment gelding before Leanna? I have to do it to my soldiers sometimes, especially for disobedience or cowardice. I like them emptied first though, their balls free of seed, a last pleasure so they remember what they are losing. Then the gelding iron; for a punishment gelding, I let the Gelders burn and crush their stones with hot pincers first before the burn off their sack, to teach them the magnitude of their crime. Some pass out, all wish they could, but you would be surprised how many find a final load in their balls when they feel the touch of the hot iron. They call it the Gelder's load; I wonder if your son will spill it under the touch of the iron."

The mare began to shake and rock her head from side to side as she watched the bull slam his bulk against the stallion's rear, filling him over and over. The stallion hung almost in a daze, his cock jerking with each new penetration, still glistening with cum as the flare pulsed in time, his cries for help filling her ears.

"How many loads do you think the bulls can force from him before it is time? Four? Five? A teenaged stallion has a prodigious capacity, but not infinite my don't have much time to choose..."


"You will confess?"


"You will help me end this and do exactly as I say?"

"Yes! Please, spare him, do whatever you must to me but spare him..."

The mare collapsed in tears, and the stallion gave a shout as the bull forced a second shuddering climax from his body, the ejaculation less powerful than the first but still impressive, and enough this time to draw an answering climax from the bull who grunted and bellowed as he flooded the stallion's tailhole in warm seed.

The Queen consoled her old lover with a kiss, stroking her mane lovingly as she watched her bull pull out of the stallion's ravished hole with a loud pop that preceded a gush of seed from his open ass. The river of cum dripped to the floor, and she watched it pool between his wide spread hooves as she nuzzled her lover's neck.

"You will be stripped of your titles and your lands Leanna. I will hold them in trust until I find a worthy successor."


"You will rally your supporters to my side, a loyal Baroness of the Realm, led astray by others but returning to the fold to support her Queen to the death"


"And you will give me the names. All of them, or there will be no mercy and I will castrate him and kill him before your eyes and you will beg me to kill you before he dies. Do you hear?"

The mare could only nod.

"Why Leanna...why?"

"You have become a monster Kit...I wanted to save you, but it was too late. Now I only wanted to stop you any way I could..."

The Queen only nodded.

"You are not so much better than me Leanna. Do not fool yourself. Chamberlain and his scribes are waiting..."

The mare read the documents of confession and the confirmation of her loss of title through tear filled eyes. When it came to the list of conspirators, she hesitated, but one look at her colt hanging by his wrists made her screw up the necessary resolve. Her pen scraped across parchment, while the Queen watched impassively.

When it was done, and the Baroness had affixed her wax seals, the Chamberlain nodded and handed it to the Queen who read with her eyes revealing nothing. She returned the scrolls to the wolf.

"Let it be done. The preparations are underway in any case...though you know that there is one we were not anticipating..."

The wolf nodded, and beckoned to the guard captain. He had been watching with growing excitement, eager to have a chance at the cocky young stallion. He would have to content himself with some on the list instead.

As the machinery of retribution set in motion, the Queen released the bonds holding her lover to the chair. The mare sat motionless, eyes full of tears. Her fellow mare kissed her again, making her shake but not draw back.

"Go with Kharis my love, and he will take you to your own apartments. A guard will keep you safe while we do what must be done. I will look after Naddis...his life will be spared, I promise..."

"And Vartel?"

The Queen smiled and shrugged.

"I have nothing against him. I promise, I will not harm him."

The shuffling wolf led the mare out of the dungeon while the Queen watched. She smiled at last once the footsteps had gone, looking to the ceiling and letting out a great whoop of joy before she ran to the stallion hanging from the ceiling and enfolded him in her arms. He was shaking in her grip, a soft wailing coming from his muzzle, but he was still hard. Eventually he found some voice.


"What my little Coltikins?"

"You promised the bull would take it easy on me..."

"I know Coltikins, but it had to be convincing. She had to be broken, so broken she would not think of any hope for escape."

"You promised!"

"Awww, my poor colt. And your mother did so love watching you have your tailhole taken..."the Queen had a feral smile now as she pressed a hand against his muzzle, one liberally coated in the liquid pleasure of his mother's orgasm. He sniffed, hard, his tail flying and cock slapping his belly in response to the clarion signal of a mare in heat.

"She liked it..."

"Yes little Naddy, she did. And knowing that, is what finally broke her. You were magnificent my love, strong and noble, worthy of a royal consort."

She held him for now, feeling the pain and horror slowly begin to dissipate as he responded to her touch. Just as he always did, her lover...for two years she had cultivated him, taught him, stolen his heart and his mind and prepared his body. A shame...but the work had been worth it.

"Do you want to reconsider? Should I not spare her as you asked?"

"No...I don't want her...I don't want her to die. You know that..."

She gripped his aching cock, giving the long thick member a leisurely stroke while she kissed him. One hand reached for his damaged rump, tracing the lines of whip marks before finding his wide spread anus still sticky with bull seed. Fingers spread his lips teasingly as he shook and groaned.

"I know that my sweet Coltikins. It's what makes you special. Now, one more time my love...I like taking you like this, you know that."

"Oh gods, I hurt..."

"Shhhhh....your Queen commands it. If you would be my consort and nominee for your mother's title, you need to prove yourself."

He hung helpless as she stripped off her clothes, standing naked before him. His eyes widened at the sight of her, her wide spread labia, pink and swollen already in need, the clitoris already poking from under its hood. His cock responded eagerly as it always did, even as he shook. Terror and pleasure always went hand in hand when she bedded him, as it had from the very first time as a sixteen year old colt when he received an invitation to her bedchamber. That night haunted his erotic dreams, every single night.

The mare walked behind him, taking a long leather dildo in a harness from a collection in a box by the wall. Quite like him, she reflected, long and not too thick, with a wide bulbous flare and a thick medial. She would miss him. She strapped it to her body, the nubs inside the harness firmly pressed to her sex and her clit, and lined up the flat broad tip with his red raw anus.

His cry was delicious, not quite as good as when the bull took him, comparable to the sound of his whipping though. It brought her to the edge immediately, and she felt his tunnel try to fight her entry but she pushed in deep, slapping his buttock painfully when he continued to resist. He relaxed, and took her all, the medial drawing another pained whimper as it spread his ravished tailhole further on the way in.

She wrapped her arms around his chest, playing with his nipples as she slowly fucked him, bringing herself to a much needed climax almost immediately and then continuing without pause as he bucked against her. She could feel his excitement building, as it always did.

"Hmm...we shall have to see how many more I can drive out of you before we empty your balls for the Gelders my little Coltikins."

It took him a second to realise, and then he pulled hard on the chains and yelled.

"No! Why!"

"My poor colt...."

"But I gave you my own mother! I told you about her plans, all the details, I helped you catch them..."

"Yes my love, after some prodding from me. You weren't the one who first alerted me though, even though you knew."

"But I did what you wanted!" the stallion was frantic now, trying to escape her fucking but helpless in his bonds. The thick dildo continued to plunder his tailhole, and he felt the pressure in his prostate and in his balls slowly build.

"I always am reluctant to trust a traitor my love. And especially when they are given a chance and fail it..."


"A you forgot to mention in the list of conspirators. The Merchant Knight, Khedian the bull. His money and trade network would be vital to the traitors, I see it now. But you never mentioned him."

"But I didn't know!"

"Ohhhh colt. Do you not think I know you have been bedding his son, that charming young bull Staros? With the cute wide ass and the flashing green eyes and the beautiful muscled body. Quite a sexy young bull...I can see the attraction."

"I'm sorry...please, I'm sorry..."

"And you tried to save him, and his father...a noble thought Coltikins..."

"I'm so sorry..."

"...but I cannot trust you my love. You would make a good lesson too, for anyone who tries to defy me. It is one thing to execute your enemies, another entirely to geld your own lover."


"You like the bulls my cute little stallion, so I will be merciful. I will make the Gelders make it quick, and give you to the Company of the Guard as a servant. You will spend every night full of bull cock. My guard captain has wanted you for so long; he will be delighted."

"Please...please ..."

The stallion turned his head to try and look into the mare's eyes, but instead he spied one of the bulls. The big black furred male was calmly turning a set of irons in a brazier, all the while watching the stallion with a broad smile on his muzzle.

"Hmm...perhaps we should ask your lord...the new master of House Del Perion..."

The stallion suddenly turned as he heard hooves on the stones, to see his younger brother Vartel striding confidently towards him grinning. The colt was dressed impeccably, wearing his sword and with a new white gem on a chain around his neck.

"Greetings brother."

The stallion fought against his chains and stared.

"You! You were supposed to be safe on the way to the Five Islands!"

"You don't get it do you brother."

The stallion shook his head.

"Who do you think first told the Queen about our mother's treachery?"

His eyes widened and he let out a startled gasp. "No!"

"Yes brother. You were so noble, and so naïve. You have been played, Naddis. Always were dim, even though you were our mother's favourite."

The Queen drove the dildo in hard, slapping the stallion's prostate even as he stared at his brother in shock. The impact made him cry out, his cock jerking upright in preparation for release.

"As the head of House Del Perion and my future Royal Consort, I think I should leave your brother's fate in your hands Vartel."

The colt grinned as he stood in front of his brother, and reached out to cup his balls, squeezing harshly as they rolled in their bag. He pressed a thumb into one battered testicle, drawing a long shuddering nicker from his brother even as the mare pounded his nut.

"That's right brother...I am to be King. And I will need someone to take my cock, when the Queen is otherwise engaged in matters of state."

The stallion whimpered, on the brink of climax, in spite of his terror.

"I just don't know if that will be more enjoyable with you as a gelding or a stallion....but either way..." and he crushed and wouldn't stop, even as the screaming stallion begged.

"...your balls now belong to me."

He teetered on the brink of orgasm as he felt the dildo battering his prostate.

With a final thrust the Queen brought her former lover to orgasm, just as the pain almost made him fall into in blissful unconsciousness. He ejaculated like a fountain, crying and whinnying with each new spurt until he felt totally spent, panting and babbling. The mare had enjoyed her own second climax and rested against him even as his brother continued to torment his scrotum. The mare looked at her new consort with a gaze of pure admiration. He was finally what she had been looking for, a stallion as beautiful, highborn, and ruthless as herself. They would make a formidable couple. Still, she had to keep him on his hooves.

"I am not sure my love. Guard Captain Norvan will be bitterly disappointed."

"Give him my brother's bull, Staros. I will enjoy making him watch."

Naddis' scream of 'no!' was lost in his brother's muzzle as the younger shire pulled him into a kiss.

Reindeer Games

The big reindeer stood awkwardly in a corner. He was scowling; his colleagues were used to this, passing it off as typical Finnish truculence, but the frown seemed especially potent today. He gulped down his drink, wiping his muzzle with the back of...

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Breaking the Recruit

The big bodied equine moved with awkward grace, as he did in everything, all muscle and bones and hair without order. On this occasion, in spite of his fatigue, he kept good form, his body rising and falling from the gravel of the parade ground in a...

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I hated parties. I never knew what to wear, what to say, what to do. I was determined not be a total outsider nerd though, so I went, and faked it as best I could. I had just enough friends, just enough cred, and just enough social smarts to get away...

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