Reindeer Games

Story by GabrielClyde on SoFurry

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So, this one I owe to dream_and_nightmare

After he posted the picture above, I just had to do a story inspired by it. Thanks so much Night for allowing me to use the picture, the original is here;

If you havent already go give it a fave.


Christmas Eve, and all should be merry for a reindeer. But for one Finnish reindeer far from home, things are not happy. Then a stallion takes a hand with unpredictable consequences.

The big reindeer stood awkwardly in a corner. He was scowling; his colleagues were used to this, passing it off as typical Finnish truculence, but the frown seemed especially potent today. He gulped down his drink, wiping his muzzle with the back of his hand trying very hard to discourage any interaction. His plan was destined to be unsuccessful though.

One fur had been watching him through the staff Christmas party, carefully and from a distance, but now as the party got into full swing and the laughter and conversation reached a peak, he trotted quietly over to the corner and ignored the shield of repulsion the reindeer had attempted to put up.

The horse was rewarded with an extra intensity in his colleague's scowl, if anything. The reindeer gulped more drink, and waited for the equine to speak while trying to dissuade him from that action with an almost nuclear strength glower.

Warren had been enjoying the beer rather too much though, and the festive spirit not to mention the festive booze had filtered through his body just nicely, removing all inhibitions and fostering a sense of joie de vivre and warmth that could not be denied even by a manic depressive Finnish engineer reindeer with a major case of the sads. Instead, he brought some Christmas cake on a plate, and his own brand of warm fuzzy bonhomie.

"Hey, Neelo. Merry Christmas, mate!"

The reindeer snorted. "It's Niilo; you cobbers always say it wrong, and there is nothing merry about Christmas, thank you."

The equine just smiled wider and poked the Christmas cake under the reindeer's snout.

"Aww cmon mate, it's Christmas. And you're a reindeer! This is your time; you should be happy!"

That drew an even deeper snort. "Yes, I am, as you so observant see, a reindeer." The engineer's accent and stilted English was only made worse by his mood. "Congratulations. For an Australian that is good; you might be one of the few with an I.Q. above your shoe size. You are wrong to say this is my time though; this reindeer is not happy today, and I am allowed to be not happy."

Niilo turned away, disdaining to take any Christmas cake. The staff BBQ was another typical Aussie feast, full of indigestible food and too much beer. While the reindeer was no stranger to starting early on his drinking, he could not take the idea of beer and overcooked sausages at eleven o'clock, especially on Christmas Eve. It was wrong; everything was wrong.

"Fuck, you are in full on Scrooge mode today, Niilo."

The reindeer turned suddenly to face his companion. He had expected the horse to leave after being spoken to like that, but the young engineer was still there, still smiling, and the smile even seemed genuine. What was it with Australians and the smiling, especially when insulting someone?

"I am allowed."

The horse nodded. "Oh, granted. Not everyone is into Christmas, even a reindeer. I guess you miss laughing it up with Santa and the elves..."

The reindeer lost some of his composure finally "Haista Vittu! You bunch of drunken yabbies..."

The stallion piped up meekly, realising he might have pushed it too far. "Um... it's yobbos..."

" have no fucking ideas. None. For weeks, I hear nothing but shit about being a reindeer at Christmas and how it must be a good time. I get here to this fucking Christmas party because I'm told it's bad to not go so I fucking go, and the drunken Human Resources manager squeezes my fucking nose and asks if I'm Rudolph then pinches my ass. The... fucking is that shit, when the Human Resources manager is the one sexually harassing you? I'd like to show her some fucking harassment..."

"Whoa there, Rudolph... sorry..." One pair of equine eyes went wide in fear as he stared into wild reindeer eyes suddenly intent on murder. He was keenly aware that there were reasonably sharp knives nearby, not to mention a 50 tonne hot press if the reindeer was creative along with an electron beam and sundry equipment capable of turning an equine into Robocop minus the natty one-liners. The reindeer managed to calm himself though, emitting only a very Finnish snort.

"You are cunt."

Warren had to admit, he was being a bit of a cunt. He resolved to do better; after all, he had wanted to help his colleague out. He had tried being a friend for the Finnish engineer since he arrived, but the reindeer seemed impenetrable. Maybe he could get him to open up finally.

"Yes, I am a cunt. I apologise. So, can we forget that shit and start again?"

"Yes." Niilo took another long sip, savouring the liquid. It made things easier at least.

"Sure I can't get you a beer?"

"I don't like it in this setting."

"Yeah, but... water is kind of boring..."

"It's vodka." The reindeer almost slapped himself, but just shrugged. So what if he knew?

Warren gave a low whistle. "That's hard core. You really finding it that hard to get through this?"


"So, tell me why then. Seriously, if there is something I can do..."

Niilo turned again to his companion. The stallion always was cheery and earnest, but a decent engineer. The reindeer had gotten used to him over the months, after initially dismissing him as a lightweight. He had come to rely on the equine in some areas, not least on deciphering Australian customs. If there was any one he could trust, he realised it was probably the horse.

"Fine, come for a walk then."

The two ungulates walked slowly off from the party. Most were too boozed by now to notice, so they would not be missed. They headed out of the loading bay, round the back of the main process bays and the chemical store towards a small area of grass with seats and a small pond containing one indestructible carp called Boris. Rumour was he had been known to consume small dogs and possums.

They took up a spot on one of the green seats and looked over the pond, watching the shimmering orange and silver form gracefully swim back and forward in search of his next mammalian snack. The reindeer finished his vodka, and reached for a hip flask to refill his plastic cup. The equine just sucked quietly on his Crown lager, waiting.

"You see, it is just so fucking foreign."

Warren nodded. "Well, that's to be expected..."

"Yes, but I didn't, not really. It's too fucking hot; the sun feels like I've been trapped in one of the kilns, and I can't find the safety shutoff, and everything is so different."

"Yeah, summer is kind of brutal for the unwary."

"And I feel it most right now, today. Everyone sees this reindeer, and it makes them feel happy. Oh, Mister Reindeer, you must love this time of year. And I do... back home."


"Here though. Today is Christmas Eve; this is the most important day for us. Christmas day is boring by comparison; today you have the real meal with everyone, you go to remember loved ones you have lost, and after dinner you have presents. Here, the weather is wrong, the food is wrong, nobody gets Christmas Eve, and the people are all anus."

"Hey, we aren't all... anuses or whatever it is. And I can't do much about the weather. I can understand the rest a bit, though you might not realise. I'm from Perth, a long way from home, and today I'm missing everyone too... did you have anyone special?"

"My partner would come to my place, and we would do special things together."

"Um, I didn't want to ask but... what happened?"

The reindeer gave a sigh that came from his hooves, and threw down the cup of vodka in one hit. The stallion winced at the sight, imagining his throat under the assault of pure alcohol. The reindeer seemed a hardy one though; he barely even flinched.

"We broke up. It was bad."

"I'm sorry, Niilo. Is that why you came here?"

The reindeer looked at his companion a little quizzically. "No. I came because I am a materials engineer, and I always wanted to work in titanium, and this hell hole of heat was one of the best in the world. I assumed you were here for the same reason; nobody comes to Melbourne for the weather, surely..."

"You haven't seen Perth. You will know heat, once you have been there."

"Then please kill me if I ever come to Perth. This is intolerable, I can't imagine worse. I sweat like a motherfucker."

Warren tried not to laugh at the last, and instead took a furtive glance at his friend. He had noticed the sweating, and it made his stomach flutter a little. The Finnish engineer had a big broad chest, stacked with muscle, and the damp polo shirt now sticking to his body like a second skin outlined that chest almost too well. He gulped his beer to try and banish thoughts of what that chest might look like underneath. He didn't want to scare the reindeer off, now he had gotten his friend to open up a bit.

"Come in winter; or go down South to Margaret River. Then you will enjoy yourself. Or stay in air conditioning and don't go out."

"Better not to go at all."

The equine gave a grunt. "Oh come on, Scrooge. If you keep this up, everyone is going to dance around you singing sourpuss and grumpy-face..."

"Is that some fucked Australian tradition?"

"No, it's from BlackAdder. You don't have that in Finland do you?"

"I forgot to ask Santa and the elves for a copy. And if you will excuse me, I think it is time I was going. I have done my duty, time to be alone."

Something made the stallion reach out and hold his friend's hand. It was Christmas after all, no matter what the morose Finn may think.

"Tell you what, mate. Today is on me. I will take it on myself to make you feel better, if it is the last thing I can do."

Niilo had to grimace at that. Some well-meaning young stallion was not really on his list of things he felt he could cope with today, but the vodka had taken him past the initial morose stage and into the adventurous stage. If he had much more, the angry and violent stage would come, but for now, he felt agreeably anaesthetised and willing to take a chance. So he sat down again and shrugged.

"Very well. I am in your hands, mate. Or is it cobber?"

"Mate will do. Somehow when you say cobber it comes out like an insult. Follow me then, and try to keep up."

By mutual agreement, they took the stallion's car. Not only was it the better of the two, the stallion was at least below the legal limit for now. Besides, he decided, this was to be his outing, so he needed to be in charge.

They headed out of the car park and into the road heading for the freeway. The reindeer managed a slight look of questioning.

"So cobber, where are we going?"

"You will see."

"I don't like surprises, horse. Where are we going?"

"You will see."

This conversation managed to last for the duration of the trip, until they pulled into the concrete maze of Docklands and into a car park. The equine was just about to lose his legendary patience by then, and somewhere around Yarra Bend, he realised the Finn was winding him up deliberately, but he resolved not to bite. It did take all his control not to push the annoying buck into the bay, though.

"Right. Get those hooves moving Niilo; we have to trot."

Nilio followed obediently, actually mildly intrigued. The crowds were terrible, and he saw plenty of large outlet shops stuffed with last minute shoppers looking frantic as they stumbled under the weight of shopping bags, but they passed those by and eventually came to a large squat building. Finally the reindeer took notice, and he felt a little hint of warmth begin to creep into his morose mood.

"Merry Christmas Niilo. Now, let's go in."

They entered the large rather cool space, and the reindeer began to feel suddenly more at home.

"I did not know this existed."

The stallion gave himself a little pat on the back, and felt a twinge of pleasure at finally breaking the wall of ice around his friend. Ironic that he had to come here to do it.

"Only one in Melbourne."

They had come to The Icehouse, domain of winter sport in the least winter venue on earth. The reindeer could almost taste it, and he could hear the unique sound of skates travelling at speed across a nice flat expanse of really firm ice. His ears perked up, and he felt his antlers almost shaking in anticipation. The stallion paid for their hire and entry, and they headed for the rink to get prepared.

Niilo managed to get his skates on easily, and then helped his clumsy friend with his own. The stallion seemed clueless, and he could sense the nervousness in the equine. His ears were back, and his tail swished sideways, and he hugged his chest and stared out onto the ice.

"What's wrong?"

"Ahhh... you go first."

"Really, I am fine, and I thought we were going together..."

"Niilo... I've never been, ok? I have no idea how to skate. Fuck, I've never seen ice, or snow."

It took the reindeer several moments to assimilate this.

"That is not possible."

"You really don't know much about Western Australia, do you Niilo..."

"Who would want to? It sounds like hell but with the thermostat turned up. Come on, you are joking surely?"

He could see the stallion wasn't though. The eyes were wide, and the hooves shuffled in their skates but did not move.

The reindeer smiled, for the first time that day. Not a condescending smile, a warm smile. For the first time in a long time, he didn't feel like the one out of place. And he held out his hand.

"Come with me. I will show you."

Several hours later, and after a session in the artificial snow room, they sat together in the Snow Café sipping coffee. The reindeer still had the smile on his muzzle, if anything a bit wider. The equine was smiling too, though it was tinged with a bit of pain. He had spent an awful lot of time flat on his ass, and it was beginning to hurt a lot. He ran a hand through his tail, wondering if it would ever be the same. It had developed a sort of kink, just below the dock, that was threatening to become permanent.

He didn't mind though. Seeing his fellow engineer speeding across the ice hooting for joy was kind of good, not to mention pretty hot to watch. He looked at home on the ice; the equine was just grateful that he would not have to do this ever again.

"You looked natural out there, Niilo."

The reindeer sipped his coffee and nodded, with a wistful look on his face.

"Yes. I could skate almost as soon as I could walk. And ski; pity you cannot here. Vilho and me would skate for hours, especially round Christmas."

"Was he a friend?"

The reindeer suddenly gave a start, seeing the stallion looking at him. He frowned and retreated to his coffee. "Yes. Something like that."

"Have you called him for Christmas?"

"No. And he has not done so for a long time. Call, email, text, anything. I was hoping today, but..."

The stallion cursed himself, realising he had pushed the reindeer back into melancholia. It didn't seem to take much; what was it about Finns and the sads? It wasn't just the reindeer; all the ones he had collaborated with seemed as happy as a fart in an elevator, and they were just about as welcomed. He threw down the remains of his coffee and prepared for stage two.

"Come on. You've had the fun; now it's time for the food."

They waded through the sea of furs, now into full on panic mode with the hours ticking down to Christmas, and retrieved the car. The traffic was pure hell, but they didn't have too far to go, into Prahran.

Warren managed a parking space amongst the chaos, though he drew the ire of a wolf in a black 4wd Porsche, who had been eyeing up the spot and saw it as his birthright. Horns and rude hand gestures drew a smattering of applause, and surprised looks from a few onlookers, but no response from the two engineers. After all, when you spend all day working with fellow scientists and engineers, it's not a real day at work unless someone has called you a cocksucking motherfucking moron three times before morning tea; and that's only because of your position on e-beam deposition versus cold spray. It rarely becomes physical, at least. The fisticuffs usually only come when you to take the last chocolate biscuit at morning tea or the grant funding someone else was counting on. Which both have a similar underlying dynamic.

"So where are we going, cobber."

The horse gave a look. "Here's the deal, I never mention reindeer and Christmas again, you stop calling me cobber."

"Right oh, me bonzer mate"

He ignored the stare, and smiled.

"Better. Now, hope you actually like vodka."

They trotted up to a small restaurant, already buzzing with a sizable crowd that made it claustrophobic. They managed to luck a couple of seats at the bar, and the reindeer looked around surprised.


"I'm sorry, there wasn't anywhere Finnish I could find, and I do know this place. It's not bad, and they do have a vodka menu."

That they did, and the reindeer buried his muzzle in the vodka menu, uncertain which of the long list to try. The equine had a better idea.

"What about the tasting plate."

The Finn blinked. "A tasting plate... of vodka?"

"Yep. Shots of eight different vodkas to try."

Niilo closed his eyes and sighed. "That is bad. Now I might have to admit this is a civilised country after all."

They shared enough vodkas to become very happy indeed, and a little beyond. The reindeer ordered borsch and pierogi, though he would have liked some of his traditional lutefisk. This was closer at least to what he was used to, and it tasted damn fine, especially after another shot of the Tatarczowka Skoczowska. Infused with tundra grasses and high alcohol (even for vodka), it made his muzzle burn just right and caused him to sweat even more profusely. His smile became permanent, and a little lopsided.

His descent into vodka fuelled contentment was interrupted by a snarl from nearby.

"You! Fucking cunt..."

The wolf in the Porsche had found them, and he was still not a happy canid.

Niilo sized him up slowly, like a recalcitrant doctoral student needing a good slap from someone who knew better. This one was young; too young to be driving a Porsche Cayenne anyway. And his accent...

"I said... you... vucking... cunt..."

The wolf had wide open eyes, slightly red, and the stallion realised a second too late he was high, pinging like a sonar on coke. He was also drooling, so much his voice sounded funny...

"Ty chyo, blya?" spat out the reindeer.

The wolf went bug eyed and swung, hitting only air as the reindeer swayed out of the way. His second swing was more effective, aimed as it was at the astonished equine, who took one to the muzzle and retired hurt while the Finn decided to get really very cross.

"Idi na khui!" It was destined to be the wolf's last words, as one powerful reindeer fist collected wolf stomach with a sound like an exercise ball deflating under the weight of a rhinoceros, and the wolf collapsed quietly gasping to the floor.

"Marshall Mannerheim says Hi, pizda"

He calmly sank his remaining vodka, while the wolf slinked away.

The restaurant collectively drew breath, and went back to enjoying their Christmas Eve drinks, while eyeing up the two engineers every few seconds. The bar staff had made a b-line for the phone though, and the equine, even dazed, knew the constabulary must not be far behind. He tugged at the reindeer's polo.


"Niilo... be hab do go now."

"What? You are not making sense."

"Be hab do go now"

"Why? This was just getting fun..."

In the end he rolled his eyes and followed the anxious equine, who had his hand up to staunch the flow of blood from a bruised snout. They trotted away, after the embarrassed stallion paid for their night with his credit card ignoring the angry stare from the lioness at the till.

They managed to stagger outside and round the corner to Warren's car, only to find the wolf had gotten there first.



"Well, it's agreed then. Fuck."

The canine had managed to get his anger out the only way he knew, slashing all four tyres on Warren's modest hatchback. It sat, sorry and now immobile, on its rims.

"Warren... you live near?"

The stallion nodded before he could think. "Yeah, not far but..."

"Well, looks like we are walking. I don't think we will find a taxi, and I don't know about you but I am totally shitfaced anyway, so maybe your place is the best idea."

"Ahhh... Niilo... um..."

"What is wrong? Holding several slave girls in your apartment?"


"Secret collection of model trains? My little ponies? What is the problem?"

"Nothing, just..."

"So lead on, Aussie. I will follow."

The two engineers trotted on unsteady hooves through the back lanes of Prahran, finding their way inexorably if a little slowly to the small apartment Warren called home. It was cosy, as most inner city ones were - at least those that a twenty-five year old materials engineer could afford, which were somewhat different to those owned by twenty-five year old merchant bankers. In fact, the merchant banker probably owned the mortgage on Warren's small world, and then some, but the stallion didn't mind. It was his... sort of.

He just didn't have visitors very often. And he certainly wasn't expecting one tonight. When he fumbled with the key, the balky deadlock refused to open at first, and he had to jiggle it before the door suddenly opened with a crash and the two tumbled into his apartment like a cork shot from a champagne bottle. Which was a problem.

Warren had been hoping he could stall the reindeer a little, but he forgot to tell him to wait as the lock had refused to move. So when it did suddenly open, and the slightly drunk reindeer had rested on his back, the two ended up immediately falling inside before Warren could recover.

As a result, when they caught their bearings and the reindeer pulled himself off the carpet, he found himself in the lounge room of the equine's small flat, right next to the sofa and coffee table, while the equine blinked and mumbled and tried to find a way to explain.

The apartment was a mess, with clothes and empty pizza boxes randomly thrown about, dishes piling in the sink, books and technical papers all over the small dining table. The reindeer took in the disorder, not minding too much in any case, as he was not much of a housekeeper himself. His gaze was drawn though eventually to the coffee table, just before the equine could reach it and whisk away the incriminating evidence he was hoping to get out of sight before his friend noticed. Instead, he was caught red-handed with his fingers around the object in question just as a pair of reindeer eyes locked on and widened.

It was a dildo.

Niilo gave it an appraising look. An equine model, nice and big (he thought with approval). Really thick medial, wide flare, pretty long. Certainly worthy of a stallion, that was for sure. He wondered if the one holding it were as well endowed.

"Ahhh... it's... not what it looks like..."

"It's looks like a dildo. Is it not a dildo?"

"Um... yeah... but..."

"So it is what it looks like. Nice one too..."

"Yeah, it is... hang on..."

Warren gave a sudden jerk, staring at his friend. The reindeer appeared unaffected, even bored, though he was giving the dildo a long searching look.


"Um... yeah..."

"Nice. You will have to let me borrow it some time."

"Ahh.. sure... ahhh... Niilo... um..."

"I did not pick it, I must say. All the talk of girls, you cover it well, little horse."

Warren blinked a few times, wondering exactly what the fuck had happened. He thought the reindeer had asked to... borrow his favourite fucktoy, and that could not be. Just...

"Yes, I keep it private. Not many know at work. Engineering is still a bit homophobic at times, so I don't want to have to deal with that shit."

"You don't need to worry about me, horse, clearly. Nobody needs to know about me, either."

Warren caught the hint, as well as the order. They both knew, and nobody else needed to. Still... now he knew, he found he couldn't stop looking at the reindeer's chest. The sweat had overwhelmed the thin fabric, and he could see nipples poking through the cotton. They looked hard, and nice and fat, and he could almost taste them...

"We had better do something for that snout of yours. Is there a clean towel amongst this disaster zone?"

"Over by the sink... hey, it's not that bad!"

"Your lab makes more sense now. I wonder the OH&S Nazis haven't shut you down."

Warren fell gratefully to the couch, relaxing into the well upholstered comfort while searching for places to hide the dildo. He eventually settled for slipping it behind his back. The reindeer busied himself in the kitchen wetting a towel and searching the fridge for frozen peas. He found some, though he had to smash them on the kitchen bench a few times to break up the solid mass of ancient neglected greenery. He trotted back to the equine, taking a good look as he did.

He had to admit, the stallion was cute. Fucking cute.

The blood wiped up easily, and he applied the frozen peas to the battle wound as he gently stroked the stallion's mane. Warren didn't seem to notice, just relaxing back and letting it happen as the ice cold soothed his painful muzzle. As one pain reduced, he could suddenly feel the other though. He gritted his teeth to try and block it out, and instead decided to quiz the Finn.

"So... what were you shouting at the wolf? Is that Finnish?"

"No, Russian."

"Huh?" Now Warren was confused. He held the peas against his own snout now, as the reindeer headed back to the kitchen. He had seen what he was after in the fridge, and came back with two beers. The stallion gratefully slurped down some Hahn light while the cold began to seep through him.

"Russian. I could tell from his accent, and the arrogance. He was Russian. We are next door, in Finland. Know your enemy... I learned the language early. They are all arrogant, vile, disgusting scumfucking bastards..."

"Fucking hell, Niilo, tell me what you really think..."

"I am telling you what I really think, what the fucking do you think this is?"

The stallion smiled, in spite of how much it hurt right now. " mistake. So...why do you hate Russians so much...?"

"World War II. And Chernobyl. And other things."

"Other things? Come on, there must be something big..."

"It has nothing to do with my Vilho leaving me for a bear from St Petersburg..."

"A ha! I knew it!"

"You know nothing!"

The reindeer gave his friend a slap on the chest, one the stallion returned. Suddenly it was on, and they wrestled even though the stallion couldn't stop laughing while he tried to tickle the buck under his armpits. Eventually the big reindeer managed to get him in a headlock and the stallion stopped trying, as the accumulated pains began to tell. One more than most.

"What is wrong?"

"Ughh... nothing." The stallion squirmed, trying to find a way to sit comfortably, but there didn't seem to be one. He whimpered softly.

"What? Did that fucker do more damage than it seems?"

"No, it wasn't the wolf."

"Well then, what?"

The stallion gave a long sigh. Time to confess. "It's my arse. All that falling on the ice! It... hurts like hell..."

Warren was suitably unimpressed when his friend suddenly rolled over laughing hysterically, and even throwing the cushions at him didn't stop the flow of laughter. He sat, mortified, with his ears twitching and his tail flicking and waited for the reindeer to recover. It took a long time.

"Sorry... that is... too funny..."

"Thanks, I'm glad I could provide the fun here. I didn't think you Finns could actually laugh; now I know. One sore pained friend is enough. Thanks a bunch."

"This has been one of the best Christmases I have had for a while..."

The reindeer was shocked to realise, moments after he said it, that it was true. The stallion was too busy feeling embarrassed and happy at the same time to notice, but he did soon enough, when a big reindeer muzzle suddenly found his own and kissed gently, careful not to hurt the sore horse's snout.

"Let me do something for your other pains."

The stallion was sceptical. "No, really, I don't need..."

"Come on, in Finland we have experience with these things. Between the skiing and the skating, you spend half your teenage years with a sore rump from falling over. Trust me."

Warren looked at his friend. He wasn't smiling, or laughing any more. Something told him he could trust him, and he nodded and looked about anxiously.

"Drop your pants first. And lie on the sofa."

Warren obeyed, lying awkwardly on his belly. His tail swished faster as he waited, and his arse cheeks clenched in pain and something else; anticipation. He looked up at his friend, watching the reindeer as he knelt by his side. Big hands reached out, to rest on the stallion's thighs, just below the critical region...though the touch was enough to make him whinny before he bit his lip. One long soft tail slapped against Niilo's hands, and he smiled. Stallion tail felt good.


Warren thought that was easier said than done, especially when a big stud reindeer was fondling his arse, even if it was medicinal fondling. The hands slid up slowly, over the spot where thigh meets butt cheek, and then through the short fur over Warren's rump until the reindeer had two perfect handfuls of dun coloured stallion arse.

"Now, tell me if it hurts too much..."

"Too... much?... ahhhhhh"

Niilo began a slow, deep massage, getting the blood flowing and breaking up the clots that would leave bruises. He was not gentle, but steady, and the writhing stallion bit his tongue and held on as the weird mix of pain and pleasure coursed through his body. He had to do something to stop himself crying out and or humping the big buck and begging him to fuck him, so he settled on more questions. After all, when someone had a firm grip of your arse, the time for secrets was over.

"So.. AHHH!... er, I'm sorry about Vilho... AHHH hey not so hard..."

"Huh. I'm not. You should never try to make it work with a high school crush. It took me too long to realise."

"Yeah, I... OWWWW... shit... had a guy in my rowing crew and we... hisssssss... did some things but he was never as into me as I was into him and... fuck!... it didn't last..."

"You were a rower?"

"Good at it too. Long arms and legs. Equines shine at rowing. I wasn't a total nerd, though I felt like it sometimes. What about you?"

The reindeer sat back, satisfied with the massage, though not satisfied in other ways. That stallion butt felt so fine, he wanted more, and every time he let his fingers stray into the crevice between them, the stallion tail gave the sexiest little flicks and he felt a quiver go through Warren's arse...the quiver made him wonder, and a germ of an idea appeared.

"I was not a nerd. Always an outdoor type, hiking, skiing, skating. I was fast in school, very fast. But I wasn't good enough to be elite, and I wanted to be good at something. Engineering was the one that gripped me first. Vilho didn't like me spending so much time on work, he wanted to party and be a teenager still, even at 25. We grew apart before it ended, even so I hated that bear for taking him."

"Damn those Russians..."

"You are learning, Aussie. And you haven't even mentioned Christmas once. I am impressed. And you deserve a reward."

Warren felt a small surge of pride again. "Well, I was trying very hard, and I'm glad... ahhh... Niilo... what are you doing?"

The stallion's eyes widened gradually, as he watched the reindeer slowly strip off. Polo shirt first, and he got a full view of that magnificent chest, and it was damn good to see. Well rounded pecs, full fat nipples, and a taut belly, with a delicious happy trail of thicker dark brown fur massing between his pecs and running down his belly before disappearing tantalisingly in the waist band of his pants. The reindeer had a cute patch of headfur of the same colour, now drenched in sweat, between his large rack of antlers, as well as a matching little tuft at his chin that looked decidedly tasty.

Warren traced that line of fur with his eyes, a little stunned. He moved awkwardly on the sofa, realising he had dropped as the reindeer massaged his ass, and now, as his friend stripped, his extended cock swelled to rock hard erection, and he had to writhe against the cushions to find a way to accommodate it under his body. The reindeer watched his gyrations with appreciation, imagining the hardening mass that must be causing the problem. He hoped it was as good as he imagined.

The stallion was just taking in the soft line of damp dark fur at Niilo's belly, glistening with sweat, when he had more to savour, as the reindeer casually dropped his pants and boxers to the floor and stepped out of them, revealing his full naked male form for admiration. And the stallion could do nothing more than admire.

The line of dark brown fur grew to a thicket at his groin, providing a nice decoration, like the angel on a Christmas tree, above the delicious mass of a heavy thick dark cock with a mouthwatering foreskin above a pair of pendulous balls covered in light soft fuzz. The reindeer flexed his well-built thighs a couple of times to tease the stallion, then calmly stepped over to the window.

There, the stallion had attempted a homely gesture for the holiday, a Christmas wreath and some tinsel strung across the window. There he had also placed a couple of sprigs of mistletoe bound with tinsel, hanging from the curtain rail. They seemed kind of tacky in the shop, but they caught his fancy, and he wanted something a bit cheerful to take his mind off being a long way from his family. The decoration took on new life though now, and definitely took his mind off things, as the reindeer attached one sprig to his right antler, before he lay back on the sofa opposite the one currently holding an achingly erect stallion and beamed the biggest cheesiest grin at his friend from a pair of gleaming pale green eyes and a wide open muzzle shining with cheer.

"So... do I get a kiss?"

"Ahhh..." Warren was lost for words at the moment, just taking in the complete erotic picture opposite. The reindeer relaxed further, resting his hands behind his head, revealing pits containing an intriguing bush of the same dark brown hair, also damp with sweat and, the stallion realised as he flared his sore nostrils, exuding a powerful scent of musk. He gulped, and stared fascinated as the buck flexed his chest, making the fat nipples bounce invitingly.

"What, not Christmas enough for you Aussie? Do I need a piece of wattle or similar?"

The stallion found himself moving from the recumbent to the upright without really thinking, and he fumbled with buttons and belt and zipper tearing off clothes in a flurry of aroused activity. Eventually, he managed to get everything off, though he had a bad moment when his shirt got stuck getting it over his head, and he eventually tore off buttons in his haste, but eventually he stood there naked and upright in every way. His stallionhood slapped against his belly, the flare already wide and throbbing, as he stared at the naked reindeer.

"Merry fucking Christmas!"

Warren crossed the gap in a flash, ignoring the pain in his fetlock when he caught it on the corner of the coffee table in his haste. He fell into the arms of the reindeer, and their muzzles locked in a wild hard kiss that only ended when the stallion felt he might pass out. It proved only a momentary pause though, as he took Niilo in his arms and they fought to hold and caress and touch as much as possible while their tongues duelled in their muzzles and their moans filled the air.

Eventually, hunger won, and it was Warren who wanted it first, nibbling down the delicious trail of hair, not before a detour to lavish those nipples with kisses and licks and bites, but eventually he reached a now erect, drooling reindeer cock and engulfed it in his muzzle.

Niilo lay his head back and let out a deep satisfied sigh. The feel of stallion lips on his shaft was so good, and the equine seemed to know how to pleasure his cock to the fullest, sliding back to concentrate on the stretched skin of his foreskin just below the head. One long flexible tongue now began to lap at his head, circling the corona before concentrating on lapping at his tip, and he gripped the stallion's mane tight and rode the incredible blowjob until his cock began to throb faster and faster and his sack clenched.

Reluctantly, he pushed the stallion off his overheated cock, meeting the dazed look of need with a smile.

"Not yet, Aussie. I want to taste you, too."

He tugged gently at Warren's mane, and the stallion stood on unsteady hooves. He enjoyed the view for a moment, taking in every inch of the stud. His colleague was taller and leaner, something he had noticed with approval even under a lab coat. The dun colouration was a beautiful feature, light brown body fur giving way to black at his legs and forearms, with black mane and tail and a dark nose he wanted to kiss ever since the wolf had hit it. Now he did, reaching up to pull the stallion's head down for a long lick, before finding his own treasure trail to savour, this time however it was the line of a stallion's hips, the cradle of muscle diving in a V to his groin.

He took the long mottled cock in his hands and stroked, slowly, as the stallion closed his eyes and nickered. Then he brought his muzzle to the flare and opened just wide enough for the tip of his tongue to lap at the flare and wide open urethra. The stallion shook all over, and whinnied, but kept his eyes closed. Finally he could not keep it up though, and as his length disappeared into a hot wet reindeer muzzle, Warren opened his eyes wide in shock and took in the sight of his horsehood wet with saliva as the reindeer gave him a hot hard blow.

Niilo cupped a pair of stallion testicles, playing with them as he gradually inched his way down the shaft before him. There was no way he could take it all, but he didn't have to. What he was doing already had the stallion on the brink. He felt hands on his antlers, the stallion gripping tight to stop himself falling, one finger playing with the mistletoe still hanging from his antler.

When the first spurt of thicker pre shot into his muzzle, coating his tongue in the scent and taste of stallion, Niilo pulled off, ignoring the gasps and pleas to continue. His friend didn't force it, letting his grip on the reindeer's antlers loosen. Instead, the stallion looked down with need wondering what was next. He didn't have to wait long.

The buck lifted himself onto his knees, now kneeling on the sofa, and turned. He rested his forearms and his chest on the sofa back, his arse now pointing at the stallion, and spread his knees a little opening up his crevice below a wildly thrashing tail.

Warren needed no further instruction. He knelt on the floor, reaching up with his muzzle to the prize slightly above him, and huffed out a torrent of warm breath to cascade over the reindeer's taint and tailhole. It winked, inviting, with each new huff, and Warren could not resist. He spread the muscled cheeks with his hands and dived in.

Lips spread to caress the soft furry taint, and his tongue zeroed in on the winking pucker. He was rewarded with a curse in Finnish as he spread the ring of muscle and sawed in and out, eating the reindeer until his hole was slick and the lips throbbed and clenched in anticipation.

"Aussie... you had better fuck me now, or I will throw you over the table and rut you like a doe..."

A surprised Warren gave a whinny and stumbled for the small bathroom, coming back with a box of condoms and a large tube of lube. The last time he had used them had been a disaster, and he was grateful the reindeer was managing to banish those thoughts forever. When he came back into the lounge, a little self conscious, he found the reindeer still where he had left him, hunched on the sofa, arms and chest on the back, with his head to one side. Niilo stared at him with deep hunger, and the hunger made him forget anything but his cock and his heat and the hot buck right there in his lounge room. His cock gave a sudden jerk, and he gripped it and applied the condom to keep it under control. Somehow that didn't work; the feel of latex made him even hornier.

He applied what he thought was enough lube, then some more, then thought why not and let half the tube coat his stallionhood. Standing behind the reindeer, he watched that cute pucker for a while, then let his fingers slide inside and drew a hiss from his friend. He rubbed, then he fingered, then he found the small nut and stroked as Niilo lay his head back and bleated while his antlers shook, then he lined up and pressed.

It didn't go in at first, but he kept up, and eventually the ring gave up the fight, and he sank into the hot depths of a reindeer for the first time. The little tail fluttered, slapping hard, measuring the slight discomfort of taking a big stallion, but otherwise the reindeer gave no complaint. And as Warren began to fuck slowly in and out, he did the opposite of complain.

"Joo... joo... joo... joo..."

It came as one continuous sentence of demand, and Warren was happy to oblige. He put his hips into it, mentally back in his days of rowing... stroke... stroke... stroke... faster and faster towards the finish line. His hips slapped off muscle as he ploughed into the reindeer, and Niilo had his tongue out drooling in pleasure as he took a hard pounding for the first time in way too long. He knew he wouldn't last long like this, he never did when a really big male took him without mercy, and the stallion was beyond the point of thought, only knowing his cock and the incredible tight confines of the arse he was trying to breed with all his strength.

Then Warren reached round and gripped the swinging mass of a reindeer cock and slid the foreskin back and forward. It didn't take many times before Niilo let out a deep cry and painted the sofa back with his ejaculation. The stallion kept right on thrusting, not close yet. The booze had had an effect, and his tongue lolled out and his eyes rolled as he kept up a hard punishing fuck almost unable to think.

The reindeer was almost annoyed at first, as his orgasm subsided and instead he felt the slight burn from a well fucked ass becoming painful. The constant thump on his prostate as a thick stallion flare slid over on the downstroke had an effect though, and his cock swelled again to full hardness and he felt the building, churning sensation in his balls that signalled something coming soon. Unfortunately, nobody told the stallion.

Warren was almost too far gone to care, feeling that desperately needed orgasm so close but every time he chased it seemed to recede. He kept pounding, just enjoying the heat and feel, but suddenly found the sensations building and he threw back his head and let out a wild whinny of release as he flooded the condom and his reindeer's rump with a mammoth load.

The stallion collapsed onto his lover's back, wrapping his arms under the wide torso to clasp against a pair of nipples that he toyed with absently while coming down from his orgasmic high. The sudden grunt of anger shocked him.


"S... sorry...?"

"I was so fucking close..."

Warren pulled back, his cock sliding from a well fucked reindeer ass now red and sore from prolonged heavy use by a stallion, the still hard length lolling against his thigh as he scratched his balls and smiled apologetically. The reindeer turned his head to fire twin beams of frustration direct from his pale green eyes right at the cocky stud. The message didn't seem to get through though.

"Sorry, Niilo... couldn't wait... I'll recharge in a bit though end get back to ooooof!"

The wind went out of his sails as a big ball of reindeer muscle came up off the sofa and gripped him by the mane. Shining green eyes bore into his own dark brown ones, and they shined with mischief.

"Time for the rest of Christmas dinner. And you fucking English types love your stuffing."

Warren found he could not resist the grip of the reindeer, and he really didn't want to anyway. Even when the Finn used one arm to throw all his notes and books off the dining table in a flurry of paper, and then laid the stallion down on his back.

He did have enough patience to wait long enough for his own meal of stallion tailhole, with Warren's hooves over his shoulder and twitching against his back while he knelt before the table and lapped at the ridged pony pucker until the stallion's balls threatened to explode.

Then he stood with the stallion's legs raised over his shoulders, spread wide and vulnerable, and his long lean torso laid out like the best Christmas feast. Niilo wanted one thing first though; and as the stallion gasped and groaned, he took it, spearing the clenched pucker and driving in to the full and swollen balls before he gripped the equine's hips and began a gentle rocking fuck.

It didn't stay gentle for long, and even after the first shattering cum bathed Warren's tunnel in heat, he kept on and pounded away. Eventually, he gripped the long now fully erect stallion cock before him and jacked it using the condom as a sheath and when the stallion finally went rigid with every muscle in spasm and shot off into the now very full rubber, the buck had his own ending and finally rested satisfied on the sweat-covered body of his lover.

After a while, he felt a slight tugging at his antlers, and realised the horse was nibbling at his mistletoe.

"What the fucking...?"

"I always like to finish Christmas dinner with some greens..."

For some reason, the reindeer found that extremely funny. It also made him stop the stupid horse by kissing him hard until he relented, but the stallion didn't seem to mind.

He was still smiling some hours later as they cuddled in bed, watching the sun come up through the bedroom window. They had managed one more slow sensual fuck on waking, now they just held each other and took it in turns to annoy their companion by stimulating sensitive parts until the recipient cried enough.

The stallion was taking his turn now, rubbing in slow circles over each nipple with his fingerhooves, and the buck was about to cry halt when the doorbell rang.

Niilo looked at the stallion. "Expecting someone?"

Warren shrugged. "Not really, it's Christmas day. Carol singers maybe?"

They both looked out the window, wondering what was going on, when the doorbell rang again.

"Mr Neville? It's the Police, Mr Neville, you need to let us in. We have received a complaint relating to an assault last night."

Soon the two engineers were partially dressed in Warren's lounge room, dealing with a sceptical group of bored police officers in full gear who very obviously wanted to be anywhere else, preferably with turkey and beer.

"So, Mr Neville... you admit being at the restaurant..." the senior officer, a bear, was doing the questioning. He was trying hard not to crack up, but the sight of the large dildo, still calmly sitting on the sofa, had him a bit distracted. For the second time in less than a day, Warren had tried and failed to get to it in time, and the stallion was now trying to block it from view with his body while appearing to not realise it existed. It only managed to draw attention to it, of course; after all, a fifteen inch stallion cock is not something you miss.

"Yes, of course!" the stallion was groggy, and distracted by his attempts to mask the dildo. He didn't see the broad shiteating grin on the reindeer, or wonder what it might bring.

"And you admit..err... hitting the complainant..."

"Ahh.. that was me. He swung first, though..." piped up the reindeer, trying to look as bored as the police and failing as his lips twitched.

The senior officer looked down his nose and frowned. "Ahh... the reindeer. And you are...?"

"Doctor Niilo Salonen..."

"Huh... 'Doctor' eh... Neelo Salunun..."

"It's Niilo, not Neelo you stupid fucking cobbers..."

As they waited in the back of the police car, Warren turned to his friend and looked more apologetic than angry.

"You see... I don't think he really liked the way you called him cobber either..."

"Shut up in the back there!"

The stallion wondered a little at his friend, who seemed to be smiling broadly now, almost happy. He turned to the stallion and winked once, but otherwise the trip to the station was made in silence. It remained that way until they were loaded into a holding cell while the senior sergeant (who had, however, not been senior enough to avoid Christmas duty and bore a massive grudge as a result) went about reviewing witness statements. He knew the wolf's story didn't stack up, but he was fucked if he was letting the snotty buck out to enjoy his Christmas lunch any time soon.

As the two sat waiting, Warren finally had to say something. The big grin on the buck was beginning to bug him.

"Why the fuck are you grinning so much?"

"Well, for one thing, yesterday I was at a fucking staff party hating every minute of Christmas Eve and feeling like a pile of shit."


"And now it's Christmas Day, and I've gone skating, had many delicious vodka, a properly European dinner, and a long hard fuck with a hot stallion."

Warren couldn't help blushing then, as he tried to hide behind his forelock, but his vanity got the better of him.

"You think... I'm hot?"

The reindeer nodded solemnly. "Hot enough that I don't think of Vilho anymore. It has been a long time since I said that."

The stallion broke into a wide pleased smile, tempered somewhat by being in a police lock-up on Christmas Day.

"Besides, I always had this thing."

"Yes, Niilo?"

"I always wanted to get arrested some time. And on Christmas day... as a reindeer? What could be better."

"You Finns... you are all fucking mental."

"Maybe. But we just think we are distinctive."

Their conversation was interrupted by the senior police officer. After some more interviews, he knew he had been fed a pile of bullshit now, and the wolf who laid the complaint was probably the instigator. While he would like to keep the two here just for shits and giggles, he wanted an easy day, and a nice pile of turkey smothered in about a litre of gravy, and that might not happen if he got embroiled in a complaint. Time to cut them loose.

He found them chatting apparently normally, and cleared his throat.

"Ahem. My apologies, gentlemen. After further enquiries, I believe that we will not be laying charges in this matter. You are free to go."

The stallion seemed to sigh and looked happy, but the reindeer was still angry about something. The bear decided to try and be jolly.

"Well, it's not all bad. You will still have Christmas Day free, and look. You're a reindeer! This is your time; Santa will get to deliver his presents after all..."

Warren looked on in horror, as his friend began to twitch with every new word from the gormless police sergeant. He knew he had to act fast; and just as the reindeer opened his muzzle to let fly a series of insults, Warren moved in for a long hard kiss that totally distracted Niilo and left the bear looking on with pursed lips. He pointed sheepishly to the sprig of mistletoe still hanging, a bit careworn and nibbled, from the reindeer's antler.

"Sorry, officer. Mistletoe... Christmas... couldn't resist."

"Yeah, Merry Christmas, err... gentlemen."

Warren let out a sigh of relief, somewhat interrupted by a punch in the guts from an annoyed Finnish reindeer. He didnt mind though; as long as the buck soothed his pains again, he would call it even.

Breaking the Recruit

The big bodied equine moved with awkward grace, as he did in everything, all muscle and bones and hair without order. On this occasion, in spite of his fatigue, he kept good form, his body rising and falling from the gravel of the parade ground in a...

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I hated parties. I never knew what to wear, what to say, what to do. I was determined not be a total outsider nerd though, so I went, and faked it as best I could. I had just enough friends, just enough cred, and just enough social smarts to get away...

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Goldenmane Chapter VIII: You Wont Even Notice the Product Placement

Agent Stud Colt slipped into the small nondescript dry cleaners off Fritz-Elsas Strasse. The bored looking badger on the counter didn't even look up from his copy of Bild as the bulky equine made his way behind the counter and into the cluttered...

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