Harry Potter and the Loki Ring

Story by hooves on SoFurry

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#5 of Harry Potter fanfic

Yet another chapter

Harry Potter and the Loki Ring

"It's a puzzle..." Hermione declared, as she studied the shifting figures and letters on the battered old piece of parchment. "Oh I wish I could ask Professor Vectors help on this, but if Sirius left this to you." She looked at the warning Sirius had left on the envelope, his large looping handwriting making it plain this was something dangerous and forbidden. "I doubt very seriously its something we'd want a teacher knowing about." She reread the short cryptic message in the envelope, even as she studied the ever shifting numbers and letters on the parchment. "A key... we need a key."

"A key blimey we've not even found a door yet Hermione." Ron protested, as Harry wondered if he should tell them about what he'd seen in the dungeons he knew Hermione wouldn't like it. And that Ron would say the wrong thing and make things even worse with Hermione.

"Its a code Ron... we have to find a Key to help us decipher it." Hermione explained softly, she really didn't like lording her intelligence over Ron. "Harry... Harry do you have anything else Sirius left you?"

"Errr sure about a thousand things in the house I suppose." Harry grumbled, as he was brought back to reality by the question and also by the talk of Sirius.

"No I mean that has to do with Hogwarts." Hermione explained, sounding much less patient with him than she had been with Ron.

"Well... there is the mirror, but that was more just to communicate and anyway its broke now." Harry answered glumly, as he thought about Sirius and never talking to his godfather again. "But other than that the Marauders map is the only thing that I have that has to do with Hogwarts, and it was Fred and George that gave that to me."

"That's it!" Hermione exclaimed excitedly, and Harry instantly knew she was onto something. Ron however looked at her in obvious confused, and at last blurted out.

"What... Fred and George you think they might know..."

"No silly the Marauders map... it was made by Sirius, Lupine and Harry's Da." Hermione explained slowly smiling in excitement, as Harry pulled out the map and handed it to her. Unfolding the batter old parchment she touched her wand to to it and uttered the words to activate it. "I solemnly swear that I am up to no good." Instantly the map sprang to life, showing the castle around the empty classroom where they were hidden.

"Have you ever wondered why there are so many empty classrooms in..." Ron began, seeing Herimone's face spasm in obvious annoyance Harry quickly stepped in and answered.

"When Hogwarts was built there was a much larger wizarding population, and the castle also served as a safe haven. So there were loads more students and teachers at that time, plus there were hundreds of witches and wizards who lived here for safety."

"Safety... from what?" But just when Harry thought he'd taken care of it Ron interjected, and Hermione couldn't take anymore.

"Good lord Ron think about it Goblin rebellions, Giant wars, not to mention mad medieval Muggles looking to kill witches." She snapped leaving the tall normally ruddy face Ron blushing heavily. She was so agitated that she accidentally dropped the puzzle onto the map, almost instant the pages began to blur and blend together.

"Look at that." Harry exclaimed, pointing to the map which was showing them a secret passage they had never seen before. It was located in the west wing of Hogwarts near Ravenclaw tower on the fifth floor. In an alcove stood a statue of Wendelin the Weird shrouded in flames and loving it, over it were the words úlfur faðir. Hermione read it over and then over again quickly, even as the two pieces of parchment separated; the puzzle sheet instantly burst into flame and was gone.

"Blimey!" Ron and Harry stepped back in shock and surprise, as the parchment flamed brightly and then vanished into smoke. Sirius obviously hadn't been mucking about, he didn't want there being any evidence left over. Which grimly hinted that whatever they were going to find was very dangerous indeed. Only Hermione seemed unsurprised by what had happened, which was obviously why she had studied the words so carefully in the time she'd had.

"I'm starting to think that whatever this thing is... it's not only dangerous but most likely illegal as well." Hermione said softly, looking over at Harry intensely even as he fumed about her jumping to conclusions.

"Sirius wasn't a bad guy... wasn't a criminal like Mundgus." Harry growled, feeling like he had to defend Sirius since he'd been wrongly convicted and punished for twelve years.

"I'm not saying he was a bad guy... but Sirius, Lupine and the others like to play around with some dodgy stuff... I mean they were illegal Animagus's after all."

"And it came in damned handy." Harry pointed out angrily, as he fought to control his temper for a minute even as Hermione admitted that indeed it had and that she knew Sirius was one of the good guys. At last Harry nodded and swallowed hard before apologizing for reacting so harshly.

"So when are we going to look for whatever it is?" Ron asked enthusiastically, clearly he wasn't worried at all about how dangerous or illegal it could be. As the spark of adventure had been lit within him by the excitement of finding the secret.

"It'll have to be at night... under the invisibility cloak. That corridor will be way to crowded with Ravenclaws during the day, and I'm sure being seen going into a secret passage wouldn't be good."

"So tonight then around midnight."


"For real?" Ron asked, as he watched Harry take his turn suckling on the fat cock that had came through the glory-hole. Harry nodded his head slowly with his eyes half closed, just enjoying having the hard throbbing fuck muscle sliding down his throat. He'd just finished telling Ron about what he'd seen, and was letting his loveable if dim-witted friend digest it. Also he was really enjoying this fat cock for some reason, not that he didn't normally enjoy sucking cock. It was just the scent and taste of this one was really familiar to him, and stirred a deeper sense of pleasure within him. "I wonder what Malfoy's got on her... it must be pretty bad if she's willing to let them gang her."

"AmmAmm Hmmmm." Harry moaned dreamily as he felt the fat cock tense harder and harder within his throat, soon he'd be getting his hot creamy reward.

"Have you told Hermione?" Ron asked and watched as Harry shook his head slightly, even as his finger fondled the saggy nuts that had came through the hole. "That's not gunna be fun... she loves Professor Stevens... being her favorite student and all. Maybe dad can find out something about her... Professor Stevens I mean, he's got contacts in the ministry even in the criminal investigative branch." Harry moaned as the first hot gush washed over his tongue, to be quickly swallowed as another quick gush filled his mouth this time. Harry lost track of what Ron was saying for a minute, as that hard cock bucked and spurted once more before started pulling back slowly. Harry's head following it until the cold stone wall stopped him, even then he kept suction on it until finally is was pulled all the way out of his mouth. Leaving his sweaty forehead pressed against the cold stone as he panted for breath, until Ron's hand on his shoulder pulled him back.

"What do ya think?"

"I think if I tell Hermione about it I should do it alone." Harry grunted as he sat back and wiped his lip's on his sleeve, even as Ron looked confused at him for a moment.

"Oho ya sure." He grunted at last, blushing because he knew Harry's reasoning about that and couldn't disagree with it. "But I meant about havin' Da look into Professor Stevens ya know."

"Well I'm sure Dumbledore looked into her before she was hired to teach, but it really couldn't hurt to ask." Harry panted even as he held the bell ring and looked up startled, time always flew while they were in the room of fulfillment. "We're late for class... come on." He leaped up tucking everything in and wiping his face off again as the hurried off for Defense against the dark arts...

"Mr Potter... Mr Weasley your late... that will be five points from Gryffindor... each." The two of them had no more than walked into class than Professor Stevens voice called to them sharply. "Please place your things on your desks and come up here please." The pretty blonde Professor instructed as she stood up and walked around to the front of her desk. Harry and Ron quick did as they were told, however as they past the first row of student seats. A shining line appear on the floor, and the two boys were sent forcefully staggering backwards. Even as a soft alarm note sounded, but was instantly drown out by the class's knowing laughter.

"What wazz tha?" Ron sputtered half way between angry and stunned as he just managed to keep from falling down.

"Exactly Weasley Potter what was that?" Professor Steven demanded as she stood just on the other side of the line, and with a wave of her wand dismissed it.

"Errr... a greater ward." Harry stammered quickly as he saw Hermione nodding happily at his correct answer.

"Very good Mr. Potter five point for Gryffindor. Now... how did you know and can you tell us anything more?"

"Ahem well because all greater wards are stationary, cast to either strengthen a structure or block a opening. Greater wards are either defensive or protective in nature, that was obviously set to stop any one from pasting that point." Harry struggled on hoping he remembered what he'd read in his text book correctly.

"Very good, take five more points. Mr Weasley do you have anything to add, the defensive level perhaps?"

"Errr well... There are four defensive levels." Ron hedged as he gulped and looked around at the waiting classroom nervously blushing at being the center of attention. "I mean level one No trespassin' obviously, ya couldn't really have let us walked into anything else."

"You are both correct and incorrect Mr Weasley, it was indeed level one greater ward. However I am in point of fact, allowed to let you experience all the way up to level three, Begging for release. It is however my hope, that I don't need to go to that extreme to instruct you or anyone else in my class about this subject. Now take your seats boys and wands out, I would like to see each one of you cast a level one greater ward by the end of class." This ward proved somewhat more difficult to do that a standard shield charm, however Harry and most of the DA who were in the class had done it. Even Neville who had quite a bit of trouble getting it, only with Harry and Hermione giving him instruction did he managed to do it before the end of class. Still a number of other students hadn't and were given orders to practice it over the weekend. "As for the rest of you read up on the four types of wards and be ready to answer questions on the variety, and well as those that are not allowed by wizarding law."


It was well after midnight when the three of them met in the Gryffindor common room, things had not gone well with telling Hermione about what he had seen Professor Stevens doing. Even without Ron being there to say the wrong things, it seemed Harry had managed to say all of them himself. Honestly he was surprised when Hermione had joined them, and he was glad to see Ron comforting her. Still she flashed Harry a dark look as they strolled up to him, and he got the idea she was only going along to keep Ron safe, and because she was curious about what the hidden object was. "Alright are we ready to go?" Harry asked as the pair joined him by the portrait hole, seeing them nod he tossed the cloak over all three of them. And opened the portrait hole the fat lady was not happy at being woke up at so late an hour and grumbled accordingly. Harry quickly used the new light spell he'd learned from the unsuspecting Professor Steven.'Occultatio Lumos'

Withthe secret light showing them the way, the trio hurried through the dark castle towards the fifth floor. The Corridor leading to Ravenclaw tower was oddly circular for the inside of a square castle. They were about half way along it, when they came to the alcove of the statue, Wendelin the Weird was still shrouded in flames and enjoying it. Just then they heard foot steps running along the corridor, and then Luna came along lit wand in one hand and a small net on a stick in her other. She slid to a stop and looked around vaguely, tilting her head curiously first to one side and then the other. "Hello." She called cheerfully looking hard down the dark corridor, Harry had to bite his lip to keep for replying. Looking over he saw Hermione with her hand over Ron's mouth, the look on his face making it plain he was amused by Luna. "I'm catching Whuly doninks." Luna explained as she made a swipe with her net, but didn't seem to have been successful. "They only come out at night... to much bustle during the day. Ahaa there they go." She skipped off don't the dark corridor leaving them alone, pressing close to the statue Hermione whispered the magic words. There was a soft ping, and then the statue swung open soundlessly revealing a dark corridor that spiraled off at an odd angle.

The three of them slipped inside, while the opening closed behind them leaving them in this strange hallway. Harry slipped the cloak off of them and they grinned at each other for a long moment. "That Luna..." Ron said shaking his head, but smiling good-naturally as they moved down the dark hallway.

"We will have to look for her on the map before we open door way again, wouldn't wanted pop out just as she's walking by." Hermione pointed out as they came to another door, this one was carved from some kind of white stone. Words were carefully cut into the stone, along with a image of a dozen... maybe a hundred different animals all springing forth at once. So that no matter from what angle one looked at it, one was always seeing more, below the image were words that didn't change. 'If I can be, what I see, how can you see me?'

"Oh great another riddle!" Ron exclaimed darkly, as the three of them stood there starring at the door in front of them.

"It is..." Hermione exclaimed happily as she read and reread the words carefully. "Hmmm let me see."

"Well... it's not really is it?" Harry interjected, making his two friends look at him startled for a instantly. "I mean if you can be what you see, and your looking at me... then I'm looking at myself." Harry finished and before another word could be spoken, a high pitch slight deranged sounding voice that could belong to no one but Wendelin the Weird cackled.

"Well reasoned!" And with that the door sprang open wide, revealing a small octagon shaped room. A pedestal rose up in the center of it, and on that pedestal stood a small statue of a man. Around his forehead like a crown was a silver ring, with intricate Nordic knot with images in between. A great stallion, a massive Wolf, and the last was a horrible Hag like old woman, seeing this Ron gulped in fear and took a step backwards.

"We need to leave, leave and forget we were ever here, forget this place is even here." He stammered looking from a confused Harry to a sympathetic if befuddled Hermione. "Don'tch know what that is?" Ron asked looking from Harry to Hermione and then back again. "Da told me about those... that's a Loki ring that is." And then when his words failed to have the effect he desire, he quickly stammered again. "A Loki ring... dangerous ancient magic, the crazy ancient muggles thought he was some kinda god. That ring lets ya shape shift, inta animals, people, or even magical creatures tha... Ministry rounded them all up ages ago... destroy'em. I can't even begin to think what their do to someone who they caught with one, Azkaban'd be the least of it!"

"Well I can see why Sirius was so careful about telling us how to find it." Hermione observed as she reached over and lifted the ring off the stone figures head, instantly the ring dulled into a plain old tarnished silver ring. "It looks like the magic conceals it's self, I could make us a few rings that look like this we could switch them out with the real one if anyone asks any questions."

"Didn't you hear what I said? It's dangerous dark magic!" Ron warned his voice climbing to a higher pitch, and his body trembling like he wanted to race up and dash it from Hermione's hand.

"Well obviously. If it can do everything you say it can, in the wrong hands it could be dangerous in the extreme. If for no other reason than it makes you an Unregistered Animagus." She pointed out, turning their arguments about Sirius being a unregistered Animagus against them. "Besides its not the magic that's evil so much as the person who uses it... and Harry's a good person just like we are."

"I'm not touchin' it." Ron swore, as he backed away from Hermione and looked at Harry for support. "And if your half as smart as you think you are, you'll put it back and forget its here!"

"It's just a thing to be used... like the Marauders map, besides Sirius thought it'd be helpful." Harry countered as softly as he could, even as Ron's face redden with outrage.

"Yeah well he spent thirteen years in Azkaban mate, that's bound to make anyone have a few loose screws." And with that Ron turned and bolted back down the corridor, leaving Hermione and Harry standing there stunned.

"He didn't mean that." Hermione assured as she offered Harry the ring, but he was looking after Ron and didn't take it. "Harry he's just frightened, he didn't really mean those words."

"Yeah well he should have kept his mouth shut... and if he sez anything bad about Sirius again I'll shut it for him." Harry pushed the ring back into her hands, and grunted uncomfortably. "Ya gotta make copies remember." Their return to Gryffindor tower was silent and surprisingly uneventful, which was good because Harry didn't want to talk to his friends at this point. The fat Lady made a bit of a fuss at being awoken again, but seeing the grim looks on their faces swiftly swung open and let them in. The trio hurrying off to their beds without saying a word, Harry jumping into bed without looking at Ron.


Harry was down to breakfast early the next morning, when a strange young guy about his own age sat down beside him. "Ello Harry." The stranger said watching Harry intensely as he looked at the newcomer a moment.

"Errr hi." Harry said slowly, there was something familiar about the boy with his kinky brown hair and... "Her...huk..mione!" Harry choked, or he would have shouted it out so loudly everyone in the hall would have heard. As it was only a couple of his friends nearby heard him, as the very male Hermione slapped him on the back a bit to hard.

"Oi don't choke mate... call me Herm." Hermione laughed as harry ogled him now with obvious wonder, the new male Hermione smirked and slid a tarnished old looking ring to him. "A fake... well one of them, I've also got one for Ron and myself. Can't switch mine out right now of course, they are self sizing so just put it on and it'll fit you perfectly."

"Blimey yer brilliant Herm." Harry smiled as he slipped the batter old silver ring on his finger, instantly it shrank to fit snugly at once.

"Hahah yeah I am. Blimey wrong finger mate... yer not married after all." Herm joked, as Harry blushed and quickly moved the ring to the first finger of his left hand. "Looks good on ya mate." It was obvious that she was having a great deal of fun playing 'boy'.

"Ammm thanx mate." Harry replied as he took a long drink of ice cold pumpkin juice and then went on. "So you've been trying it out... I take it."

"Yeah well as much as I could... had to do it in the perfects bathroom of course. I plan on researching it a bit in the library later, when I get time between class's."

"Ok... well just be careful a new student named Herm might alert someone somethings going on." Harry pointed out, as he watch Herm wolf down bacon and eggs in a way that would have done Ron proud.

"S'ok got it covered... switch back... before class in one of the empty classrooms." Herm grunted in between swallows as he finished off his breakfast, and gulped down a few glass's of juice burping loudly. "Oops heh... see ya in a bit mate." He winked at Harry and then strolled off, leaving Harry feeling decidedly aroused for some reason.

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