Harry Potter and the gender potion

Story by hooves on SoFurry

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#4 of Harry Potter fanfic

Harry Potter and the gender potion

Harry and Ron only barely got themselves cleared up, before their next class; which just so happened to be defense against the dark arts. Professor Stevens was proving to be a charming and very competent teacher, if a bit on the boring side. Of course things had recently gotten a little more exciting as they had gotten past reading about jinks, most of which Harry and Ron already knew.

As their dropped into their seat, Professor Stevens stood up and walked around her desk. "You'll not be needing your books today." She announced with a bright smile, turning she flicked her wand making her desk and the shelves behind it vanished. "Today we are going to be learning how to block curses and jinks." She turned back to the classroom smiling once more, as she glazed out at them all. "Who can do a shield charm?"

Hermione's sprang up at once, and the pretty blonde Professor Stevens smile at her widely. "Miss Granger of course, please come up here and help me with a demonstration if you would."

"She's been favoring the girls a bit." Ron whispered, as he and Harry watched from the back of the classroom.

"What do you expect Hermione's the best..." Harry started, but was cut of as Ron interjected a bit more loudly.

"Bilimy mate yer the one who taught her... Errr us how to do a shield charm." Ron pointed out more quietly, as Harry just grinned and answered back quickly.

"I'm just glad its someone beside me getting singled out for a change."

"Of course Professor." Hermione answered at once, bouncing up on to her feet as Professor Steven stepped back. As the two of them stepped up, the pretty Professor gestured with her wand putting up a shining transparent barrier between them and the rest of the class.

"Now I'm going to cast a jinx at you, kindly be so good as to demonstration the proper use of a shield charm." Professor Steven answered, as she glared towards the back of the classroom. "Pay attention class!" She lifted her wand again, flicking it at Hermione. Whose eyes widen as she took a step back and shouted out Protego, instantly a shining shield sprang up and Professor Stevens stun spell bounced off. Forcing her to duck down, the red light hit one of the shining transparent barrier walls and was seemingly absorbed. "Very good miss Granger... ten point for Griffindor. Now let us try it non verbally if you would." Once again she flicked a spell at Hermione and once again the shield charm sprang up to block it. "Very well done indeed... take another ten points. You may sit down miss Granger."

One by one she called the class up with her and taught them the shield charm, Harry was proud to see each of his DA produce their shields at once. Even Neville produced a fine shield charm, that sent Professor Steven jinx hurling back at her. And by the end of the class the perky blonde Professor was very pleased with the class, even those who had not been in the DA. "Well done... well done all. For home work I would like no less than three feet, and no more that eight Miss Granger on the shield charm and lesser wards. Also please read the next chapter on greater wards and be ready to answer questions on them if you please."

As class broke up, Ron, Hermione and Harry were more than ready for the evening feast and quickly hurried up to Griffindor tower to drop their books off.

"She really is quite the teacher." Hermione gushed excitedly as they climbed the stairs, she'd already planned out the first half of her essay on shield charms.

"Oh sure... well she's real keen on you." Ron grunted sourly, altho he'd done well himself in defense against the dark arts class; it was obvious he was still upset about potions. "She always gives you loads of points."

"Because I earn them." Hermione replied a bit stiffly, as Ron swallowed his pride and grunted back.

"Yeah... yeah you do."

"Yer the best Hermione." Harry cut in quickly, as he wanted to avoid and more arguments between his best friends if he could. "All were saying is she seems s bit... ya know biased towards the girls."

"Oh really? I haven't noticed that." Hermione answered sounding thoughtful for a moment, obviously thinking things over.

"Yeah well your a girl... aren't ya?" Ron observed, making Harry roll his eye's as he knew this was exactly the wrong thing to said. Thing quickly went down hill from there, and he was glad when they at last had to separate to go up to their dorm rooms.

"Well she is... that's a fact. S'not like I meant anything by it." Ron groused, as they put their things away and hurried down to the feast. Hermione sat a good half dozen seat away from them, and Ron spent most of the meal grumbling that he was always being misunderstood... After the feast Harry headed down towards the dungeons, when Ron caught he is arms. To ask were he was going, quickly Harry explained that he had to go to Snapes office.

"That git broke yer potion bottle on purpose." Ron choked a strange look washing over his face, as he thought about that for a moment. "When did this happen?"

"After you left so now I've got to go make it up." Harry explained as Ron looked a bit guilty, thinking that Snape might have targeted Harry because of him.

"Errr yeah alright well you can copy off my shield charm essay when... when ya get back mate."

"Thanks." Harry smiled as he hurried away, heading down to the potion masters office.


"I'm here to do my make up potion Professor." Harry called as he opened the door to Snape's office, entering slowly to find a cauldron softly simmering. Harry strolled over to the cauldron and peered inside, unsurprised to see the bright pink of a transgender potion bubbling smoothly.

"Ahaha Potter I see your potion is ready." Severus Snape purred, as he swept out of the shadows scooping up a cup full of the potion. "Are you ready for your taste testing Potter?" He hissed with barely suppressed glee, as he cool the bubbling potion with a flick of his wand.

"Oh yes professor... I have great confidence in it working perfectly." Harry said noting how much brighter and sweeter the potion was than anything he could have managed himself.

"As do I." Snape smirked, drawing up a cup full of the bright pink potion and handing it to Harry.

"Oh Yes... of course Sir." Harry fawn sickening himself somewhat by his own eagerness, as his shucked off his robes and clothing under them quickly. The nasty smirk on Snape's sallow face twisted up into a gloating smile as he looked over Harry's naked body, noting his stubby erection already jutting firmly out.

"How like your father you are... so proud with so little to be proud of." Shape sneered darkly as he reached out engulfing that hard cock in one surprisingly hot hand, stroking it swiftly for a moment until Harry was trembling hard.

"Ready to be rid of this Potter? Ready to be the little slut we both know you really are?" The black robed professor breathed excitedly, as he pasted the cup of potion to Harry who cupped it in both hands.

"Ready to see how much like my mother I can be Sir." Harry moaned, taking the still hot potion bottle and raising it to his trembling lip's. Gulping it down in a single long swallow, surprised at the sweet almost perfume like taste and smell of it. A delightful tingling began in his stomach and spread rapidly out from there, up to his flat male chest and into his nipples. They started to ache and tingle then, as Harry watched in wonder his tiny pale nipples began to grow. Burning and tickling as they expanded, even as the flesh under them began to plump out. "Ohoooo." Harry moaned peering over his growing breasts as the sensations reached his crotch, his stubby erection instantly shrinking sliding smoothly back into his groin. Those fuzzy plums underneath dwindling just as swiftly, Harry felt them pull back up into his pelvis. And a second later he knew he wasn't a boy any longer, gulping he watched his now tiny cock draw up into a clitoris. "Oho my!" She moaned voice higher and softer, Harry's eyes refocused of her new breasts not very big. However they were perfectly form globes, with big stiff nipples that any grown woman would have been proud to have.

Snapes hand slipped instantly between her leg's, feeling cool now as it cup and squeeze her pubic mound. Nimble fingers rolled that tiny, but incredibly sensitive clitoris around tugging and squeezing it gently. Until Harry could feel moist gathering within her new sex, making her lick her lip's and look up at the smirking Professor. "Ummmm Sir... that feels soooohohooo." Harry's new body jerked and trembled, as she experienced her first orgasm as a girl. Wetting Snapes strong fingers as she moaned sweetly and leaned against his long arm.

"You may... you can me Sev." Snape whispered, as he lifted Harry's head peering deep into those green eyes for a long moment. "Ohooo Sev that feels wonderfu...Ammm." Harry's words were cut off as Snapes mouth covered her own, pressing a savage kiss on her. Even as nimble fingers worked his robes open exposing his lean hard body, until at last Snape shrugged his robes off and lifted Harry's new female body onto his desk. That lean body pushing between her slender shapely leg's, Harry could feel that long sleek fuck muscle burning against her belly. "Fuck me Sev... Fuck me hard please." She begged weakly, as the grinning potion's master reached down guiding his throbbing cock into that damp little sex. Four inches inside he hit her maiden head, and then pushed through it. Harry gritted her teeth and moaned in a mixture of pleasure and pain, as she lost her virginity to Severus Snape.

Thin lip's found her cherry size nipples suckling and nibbling on them roughly, as that long sleek cock speared in and out of her gushing sex harder and faster. Harry lay back on that cold hard desk table, moaning and squealing in pleasure as wave after wave of orgasmic bliss washed over her. "Ammm Lily.... ohooooo Lily." Snape moaned into her tits, as his hard body hunched and pounded inside of her more and more wildly. Harry ran her fingers through his long greasy black mane, even as her eyes glazed over in pleasure. It happened far sooner than she wanted, Snape threw his head back his spine arching as he hip's slammed forwards. A long loud guttural grunt escaping from him, as he cum hard balls deep inside her oozing little sex. And then he collapsed atop her panting for breath, both of their naked bodies cover in thick sex sweat. Harry wanting nothing more than for Sev to do it again, but the potions master was going flaccid within her as he panted for breath. As Snape slipped out of her, Harry turned around on the smooth desk top and thrust her perk round ass back over the edge. With toes barely touching the cold stone office floor, she spread her legs wide as that ass stuck up.

Big cool hands cupped those soft round ass cheeks, squeezing and kneading them for a minute or two; even as Harry gripped the far edge of the desk. "You want more." It wasn't a question, that was plainly obvious and as Harry looked back over one shoulder, she watched as Severus Snape rose to the challenge. Rubbing his semi erect cock between her pale round ass cheeks, rubbing it over that dripping sex and the up higher. And then leaning forwards he slipped back inside of her, drawing a long low moan of delight as that hard snake slithered deep into that hot sex.

Draping himself over her back, Snape reach around gripping those perk breasts as he began thrusting again. His pace slower this time, as he savored the pleasure of taking her petite body. Lip's finding one earlobe suckling on it gently at first, and then nibbling as their passions grew over time. "UmUmUmmm." Harry moaned, as those slow steady strokes grew faster and more powerful, as the two of them withered in ever growing pleasure. Her high pitched moans growing louder as her pleasure built towards a powerful orgasm, Snapes breath becoming long gasps as he slammed her smaller body against the hard edge of the desk.

"Oho Ohoo OHOOO." Harry moaned as that long slender organ spearing within her, at last pushed her over the edge. Orgasmic pleasure sweeping through her loins, and then through her panting body. Brain awash in orgasmic bliss, even as behind her Snape choked and grunted as his balls tightened up. Long cock surging, fully engorged within that hot sloppy sex tensing and tensing until it released its gooey load inside her. The two of them lay there a long moment, just enjoying the bliss of after glow and the feeling of their naked bodies pressed against each other.

At last Severus Snape stood up and staggered over the a shelf, taking down a small bottle he handed it to Harry. "Drink." He ordered, Harry looked down at the potion knowing what it was and not wanting to end their fun.

"But Sev... could we... just a few more."

"Drink it Potter." Snape ordered more harshly even as he turned away, is if looking at her was hard for him to do. "Now... its late."

"Yes sir." Harry grunted placing the potion bottle to her lip's and tipping it back, gulping it down single long swallow, once again surprised at the sweet almost perfume like taste and smell of it. A delightful tingling began in her stomach and spread rapidly out from there, up to her perky female breasts and into those cherry sized nipples. They started to ache and tingle then, as Harry watched in wonder her cherry sized nipples began to shrink. Burning and tickling as they deflated, even as the flesh under them began to flatten and harden into muscle. "Ohooo." Harry moaned peering over her flattened chest as the sensations reached her crotch, that tiny pink clit growing rapidly sliding smoothly out of her groin. Those puffy sex lip's closing up, sealing themselves forming into fuzzy dangling plums, Harry felt them fill back out into potent seed sacks. And a second later she knew she wasn't a girl any longer, gulping he watched his former clitoris now jutting out, a bobbing cock.

Harry was a mess, his crotch coated by his own juices and the potions masters thick cum dripping from his own male organs. Oozing down his inner thigh's and still he could help smiling as he watched Snape drop into a chairs clearly exhausted. Strolling over he knelt between those knobby knee's, leaning in to nuzzle Snape's spent organs gently. "It is late Potter you must return to Griffindor tower."


Making his way through the dark hall's, Harry hid beneath his invisibility cloak knowing he would be in trouble if caught out so late. He'd just gotten back up above the dungeon levels, when he heard a voice call out softly in the darkness. 'Occultatio Lumos' Stunningly the hallway lit up brightly and Harry was stunned to see the pretty Professor Steven standing with a light floating over her head. Taking a step backwards he was instantly plunged into darkness once again, stepping forwards he was once again within the lighted circle. Harry had of course recognized the Lumos spell, however the Professor had used a new variation of it that Harry had never heard before. Carefully he trailed after her as she moved down the dark hallway, testing the illuminated circle on every edge. It was a clever spell indeed, that could light the way for those within it while showing only darkness to those outside of it.

He knew that he should go on back to the Tower, but he couldn't help wondering where Professor Stevens was going under so sneaky a spell. And trailed along behind her silently as he was able, so back down the dungeon he went. Snaking through dark hallways past Snapes now dark office, they weren't far from the damp stone wall that was the entrance to Slytherin house. When she opened the door to a old unused room, Harry hurried forward and jammed his foot in the door keeping it open a few inches. Peaking inside invisibly as pretty blonde Professor Stevens stopped facing a familiar trio, Malfoy flanked as always by Crabbe and Goyle.

"Very well I am here." Professor Steven greeted the three of them, as she pulled herself up to her full height; which was a couple of inches taller that Goyle.

"You know very well what I... what We want." Malfoy sneered his pale creeks taking on a ruddy red blush as he spoke. "Father told me your secret, and unless you want it spread all around Hogwarts your going to give it to us." Professor Steven chewed on her lower lip for a moment, moving from one foot to the others as she thought it through.

"Oh very well..." She breathed at last, suddenly dropping her robe to stand before them in complete nudity. Harry choked and had to stuff a fist into his mouth to keep from exclaiming in shock, even as his body nudged the door making it swing open a bit more. Malfoy's eye's bulged out and his swallowed hard for a moment, looking around as if expecting a trap. But no one jump out to stop them, and after a moment he seemed to get his courage back.

"Crabbe close that door and bolt it." He ordered, even as he stripped off his own robes exposing his pale thin body. Harry was forced to take as quick step backwards, as Crabbe pushed the door closed and bolted it. Even so the corner of his cloak was almost caught in the door, luckily he manged to pull the silky material away at the last second. He could only imagine what was going on inside that dank room now, but had no doubt it was a nasty train.

On his way back to Gryffindor tower, Harry couldn't help wondering what Malfoy knew about Professor Stevens. That was so bad she was willing to let him and the goons fuck her just to keep it quite. Malfoy said his father told him, so it must have been something pretty bad. It was hard to believe that the nice Professor Stevens had ever done anything that bad, it must have something to do with Voldemort... Hermione was not going to be happy to hear this, Professor Stevens was her favorite teacher by now...

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