As the favorite

Story by Allana(Kitty)De-Luca on SoFurry

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On my 15th birthday mama became very ill. She could no longer take care of her chores and most spent most days and nights asleep in our quarters. I tended to her when I could often giving up my meal portions to her believing it would make her well. Because I was older I was working close and closer to the master. This meant I heard a lot of talk and gossip most of which I would relay to the other slaves to keep them up to date with current affairs. But one day I didn't .

"Your dismissed pet, go care for that mother of yours. AHAHAA!! Don't think she will be round' much longer. Hahahaha." The master bellowed at Allana once his meal was finished and the table clean. She bows her head and turns to leave. But before she even takes a step the Master smacker her ass hard laughing once more "one year. Just one year to go and I can really play with you". Saying nothing she leaves before her Master can do more. She enters the kitchen, the sound of clattering dishes reach her ears. "Enjoying the rise to favorite?" One of the slaves asks with a tilt of her head and flicking Allana with her tail. "What did I ever do to you?" She hisses, throwing her rag on the counter."You? Nothing that mother of your tho? I just don't like her. And because I dont like her..." The slave moves close and looks the tinny leopard dead in the eye," I don't like you and I will be his favorite. You think your so special with your purple and blue splatter spots? Or your mat gray base? Your freaky fur and disturbing gift to shapeshift do not make you special. Nor does the fact that your the sick ones kit. Right now all I care about is your rise to top pet and I want what you have."

Shaking her head n putting her ears back Allana responds "your insane I don't want this position. If I could give it to you I would ina heart beat. Now get away from me I have to go care for my mother". Wanting to keep the last word Allana pushes past the slave and leaves the kitchen not caring that she will be punished once word reaches the Master that she did not finish cleaning the kitchen.

"Hey mama how you feeling?" She asks kneeling next to her mother. While Hanna babbles, her kit uses a dry rag to wipe the sweat from her head fur. The night is spent with Allana by her side, tears silently matting the fur round' her eyes.

"She had the plague. I would beg and beg the Master for coin to buy herbs that might help. But he never gave. She didn't last the year...... Four months before my 16th birthday she passed. After she died my days and nights blended together. I was numb to everything even the slave that hated me no longer riled me up." Shaking her head, she puts her maw in her paws. Quite for a few mins, she finally looks up, a few tears wetting the fur round' her eyes." I'm sorry, I still can't talk about it with out crying"sighing she looks back up at the camara." Hmmm, it was his fault I know it. But anyway my 16th finally came round and I was officially bumped up to his favorite. Then not only did I have to take care of the house with the other slaves but I had to take care of the Masters personal problems......."She shudders"I hated that the most, all those mornings on my back or knees for him was the worst part about being his favorite. I'm thankful it only lasted ten years.

The year was 1738 I was 26....I think? The leaves were just starting to change and die. It was beautiful, truly a sight to behold. And the day was just like any other. Allana awoke at sunrise, shook out her bed covers, dumped the piss pot and swept out the dust from her living quarters. When finished she stood in the court yard and watched the falling leaves before she had to head to Masters chambers. "Almost 8:30 I should get" Standing she brushes the dirt and leaves off her bottom and heads to his chambers. Today ts more quite than normal but she doesn't take to much notice instead she kneels infront of his door in a pose otherwise know as nadu.

"There you are pet always on time" he smiles and opens his chamber door "Good now git', you know the drill."Not standing Allana crawls on all fours into his room and goes straight to the bed where she again assumes nadu until instructed otherwise. For a good 30 minuets the sound of her "chore" could be heard through out the house hold. When done Allana heads to her chambers to clean her tail is curled up between her legs and her head hanging not looking at anyone as she goes to wash up.

Relaxing in the wash bin she hears a knock on her cot door. "You ok dear?" Nana asks with a soft tone before walking in. "I will be Nana just leave me be please" she says not looking up. With a shake of her head Nana goes over and grabs the sponge and begins to clean Allana's back. "Not the point and you know it. But don't worry it will all be over soon"

When Nana said that she really meant it because that was the last time I ever served Master...

That was the first few years

Standing up to stretch, Allana yawns, taking the camera with her as she goes into the kitchen. "Sorry about the movement, guys, I'm hungry." She sets the camera down on the counter. The angle is wide enough so it still captures her as she moves around....

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Lets go back

She stands behind the camera, trying to get the position just right. The room is all set lit by an overhead lamp with a single chair and end table in the center of the room. Howling wind can be heard from outside. When she is happy with the camera, she...

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