That was the first few years

Story by Allana(Kitty)De-Luca on SoFurry

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the second part of allanas blog. she recalls something funny

Standing up to stretch, Allana yawns, taking the camera with her as she goes into the kitchen. "Sorry about the movement, guys, I'm hungry." She sets the camera down on the counter. The angle is wide enough so it still captures her as she moves around. "So, the first years for me were all right. Every morning, mama would leave to take care of her chores. Nana and the other slaves

helped raise me. Most of them were nice. Others though..." Putting her ears back, she stops chopping the bell pepper. "They weren't so nice. From what I was told, I was the only bastard child to be born under that Master. And because of my age, I didn't have to help out. So as you can guess, a little kit was just in the way." She laughs as she puts her food on the stove. "It was funny. One time, just before I turned 6 I think, I was playing in the stables..."

"Come back here, you little mousy mouse," Allana whispers to herself as her form begins to change into that of a feral leopard. When the change is complete, she lowers herself to the hay-covered ground and crawls around looking for the mouse. It's been bugging the horses for days. And not even the slave in charge of the mouse upkeep could catch the little thing. "Trying again, little one?" a male slave asks from the stable doors. Allana sadly didn't realize he was there, so his voice causes her to jump spooking the horses. "Rowrrrr!!!" she screams and hisses as the horses stomp around her. Running towards the door, her ears are back, tail chucked under, her little chest heaving."Bahahahahahaha, oh...oh....oh I'm sorry Allana....HAHAHAHAHA!" The slave falls back laughing.

"Terrible, ain't it? I practically get trampled by the horses because of him and all he does is laugh." Grabbing her food, she picks up the camera and heads back to the living room. Setting her plate down, she resets the camera on the tripod, sits and starts to eat. "That happened a lot. I actually had fun..." I never caught that mouse , she thinks to herself. "Anyway, it wasn't until I turned 8 that I had to start working for the Master. That really hurt my mama, because one day she knew I would take over for her as his favorite."

"OK, Allana, hon, like this." Hanna takes the mop and plops it into the bucket, sopping up the water inside. Soon after, she pulls it out, wringing out the excess water with her paw and mops up the floor, rinsing and wringing out the mop ever so often. Soon stopping, she hands the mop to Allana. "Just do what mommy did, OK?" Allana nods, and, taking the mop, she copies what her mama did. But she isn't as careful and ends up knocking over the bucket spilling the now dirty water everywhere. She looks at the water all over the floor, her little ears go back and her eyes wide, stepping back. "I'm so sorry, mama! I didn't mean it. I didn't mean it." With soft eyes and a small smile, Hanna crouches, pulling Allana into a hug. "It's OK baby. Easy." Sniffling, Allana hugs her mama. "Come on, let's get this cleaned up." After wiping the few tears from her kit's eyes, she stands, picks up the bucket and begins to mop up the water. Once the floors are clean, Hanna and Allana retire to their quarters. Stripping out of their slave attire, the two relax. "Bath time," Hanna says in a sing-song voice, knowing how much her kit hates it. "But mamaaaaaaaa," Allana complains as she is picked up and placed in the wash bin. "Hmph." Growling softly as she crosses her arms. "I hate bath time". "Oh well," Hanna says, smiling as she washes her. As soon as she is done with her bath, Allana hops out of the wash bin and proceeds to dry her fur, slowly fluffing up worse than cotton. Hanna laughs and smooths down Allana's fur, after bathing herself, then pulls her close as she lays down, soon falling asleep. At sunrise, everyone gets up. After dressing and cleaning their quarters, they head to the dining room to set the table for the master's breakfast. When set, Allana sits on the counter watching her Nana cook. "That's icky". Laughing, Nana looks at her. "It's just raw meat, hon." Poking out her tongue, Allana hops off the counter and repeats as she walks away "it's icky."

Lets go back

She stands behind the camera, trying to get the position just right. The room is all set lit by an overhead lamp with a single chair and end table in the center of the room. Howling wind can be heard from outside. When she is happy with the camera, she...

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