
Story by GabrielClyde on SoFurry

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The circumstances in which they meet arent promising to say the least. But one old bull and one sullen teenage stallion find common ground, after a fashion. And more besides.

The young equine stood sullenly looking at his hooves. Every aspect of his demeanour told of his absolute desire to be anywhere else but here; the slouched stance, the set of his ears, the low swish of a tail against the pavers. He stared at an ant crawling across the ground, traversing the long gap between one teenage hoof and the other, and he absentmindedly scratched his crotch through his new overalls and tried to adjust his package. The fucking overalls didn't fit right no matter what he did, and they were currently riding up his crack as if they were trying to disappear up his ass. He fondled his assets, trying to find a comfortable position for everything that didn't crush his ball sack. It didn't seem to exist.

The police officer, a tired looking wolf, gave his reluctant charge a sideways glance and gripped him by the back, tugging on his overalls just once. The signal was loud and clear; pull it together horse. The teen gave a deep long sigh and raised his head just enough to peer at the third member of their little conversation from behind his forelock. Brown eyes shone out from behind the length of mane, radiating sullen anger as he tried not to catch the gaze of the bull, who was regarding him with a bored expression. The cop cleared his throat.

"Mornin' Hal."

The bull turned to look at his friend. His muzzle broke into a half smile, though the corners steadfastly refused to budge. He was still pissed off, thought the sight of teenage stallion fondling his package had at least mollified him a little.

"Mornin Ken. Looks like your charge isn't too pleased to be here this morning."

The wolf tried a grin. "Yeah...not popular with our little pony. Still, when the magistrate offered this option instead of time...well, he did jump at it. Didn't you Casey?"

"Huh." The teenage equine managed a grunt, which was his most common form of verbal communication, and scratched his balls. His muzzle dropped to scan for the ant again.

He gave a sudden whinny of alarm, and almost fell backwards, when he felt a rough hand on his chin. The bull gripped him there and pulled his head up, twisting the little tuft of hair the young stallion had been cultivating at the point of his chin for good measure. Casey was looking now, eyes wide and indignant.

"Look at me kid if you are in my presence..."

"Hey! He can't..."

The wolf gave one equine ass a friendly pat with just enough force to sting.

"Yes he can mate. If you want this to be the end of it, and not get referred back to the magistrate for review, I suggest you do as he says. In all things..."

"But he can't handle me like that..."

The wolf's grin was broad now, as he eyed up the stallion.

"Like what? I didn't see anything..."

The officer gave a casual whistle and sauntered back to his patrol car. He gave the two a friendly wave goodbye, and a little chuckle as he stepped into the driver's side. This should be an interesting day, he thought. If the young cunt pissed off Hal any more...

With that agreeable thought in his mind, the officer gunned the engine and headed off into the day. He had taken some of his own time to sort out this little placement, but now he had to head in for his shift. He knew somehow the colt would probably bail if he didn't make sure he turned up, and much as he liked the idea of sending the stupid pony to juvie, he didn't really want the paperwork.

Besides, he did know the kid's family, and guessed at some of the dynamics. There were...extenuating circumstances, at least enough for the wolf to give Casey a Mulligan. Only one though...

"So. At least you came prepared. Though you are going to be sweating horse; hope you don't mind sweat."

The colt turned to look at his companion for the day. Captor,in effect; and the concept grated on the young stallion, but he knew he had no choice. He had run afoul of the authorities a few too many times, and this last one had been the sealer. He knew when the bench magistrate talked about detention, he wasn't bluffing; his counsel had made that abundantly clear. He had jumped at the offer of an early plea and an alternative method of working off his debt; now he faced it for real though, the concept of detention didn't seem quite so out of the question.

Still, this old bull wasn't going to get him riled that easy.

"I can sweat just fine old man. I'm pretty good at football, and I'm a shitload younger than you."

He noticed the old bull give him a smile that finally reached the corners of his muzzle, and realised the old bastard liked a bit of fight. Well, that was good. Casey was determined to show him fight all right.

"My...a footballer. I am privileged. Well, I will have to readjust my expectations then. Clearly there are even more physically demanding tasks I can get you to do will be just like preseason training for you, wont it mate?"

Casey felt his cheeks burning and he dropped his eyes again, cursing his stupidity. He had trotted right into that one. Fucking bastard. He didn't want to show his embarrassment though, so he just nodded and bit his tongue.

"So...I think you need to start there first. And maybe there."

The bull waved one big mitt airily, but the equine got his meaning. It did make sense, in a way. Casey gulped as he finally looked where he didn't want to, at the garage door and next to it. The garage bore the signs still, a large crudely painted sign in white enamel paint that covered the full width of the door.

"Fuck off Fags"

Next to it, the flagpole still stood, though it had burned down from half way. The rainbow flag was nowhere to be seen any more, it had been reduced to ashes.

"Time to get to your sentence kid. I've got work to do."


Casey had been scrubbing with the wire brush for a long time. The paint was budging, slowly, but it took an enormous amount of effort to move it. His t-shirt and overalls were soaking with sweat, and his forelock dripped into his eyes. He kept on swishing it off his face with a finger, but it always came back. He gave a frustrated yell, and sat down on his haunches trying to plaster the wayward length of mane down the back of his neck.

The bull had come out the front door bearing two glasses of water. Casey tried not to look too pleased, but he failed dismally. He reached for the glass like it was the finest nectar, and drained it in one gulp. He managed to look apologetic but needy at the same time, and the bull couldn't help but chuckle and started to take the glass back for a refill. He couldn't resist a comment though.

"Thirsty work."

"Yeah...this shit is hard to get off..."

"Should have chosen a different paint kid."

"Well, I wasn't thinking much when I did it..."

"So what were you thinking kid? Why the fuck did you do it, and why me?"

The colt realised he had been maneuvered into difficult territory and clammed up, eyeing the concrete and hoping the bull would let it slide. Hal did, reluctantly, letting out a long sigh before clopping back inside to get a fresh glass for the kid. Casey went back to the task, scrubbing diligently at the F of Fags. He could almost feel himself getting there. One down, a few hours to go and he could get back to normality and forget this shit ever happened.

The bull returned, and handed him a fresh glass. This one took a little longer to go down, which merely meant it didn't evaporate like a snowball in hell. Three big gulps and it was gone though, and Hal shook his head and headed in. This time he came back with a jug from the fridge.

"Don't want you getting dehydrated kid. I need you to work all day."

He watched the equine scrubbing hard, his muscles moving easily as he put his back into it. Whatever the kid may have done, he at least was putting his all into fixing it. The bull had been intensely reluctant to agree to the deal, especially when he knew who he was, only acquiescing when his friend told him some of his inside knowledge and promised to make it right if he screwed up. The wolf's instincts appeared good though; so far, anyway.

"I'll be finished here soon." The colt eyed him, with a hint of pride it seemed. He nodded, letting the kid have some pride for now.

"Good. Then I'll get you started on the back yard." He enjoyed watching the equine deflate a little, and the kid's flustered motions as he tried to swat the length of mane out of his eyes were kind of endearing. Hal headed back in for one last item; it made him chuckle a little, and feel a little sad too. Still, practical was practical.

"Here. Can't have you swatting flies like that all day."

He held out the mane tie, and Casey reached for it before hesitating for a second. It was rainbow coloured, like the flag he had torched. He screwed up his muzzle though, not wanting to give any more offense, and took the elastic. Pulling his forelock back, he tied it down with his mane, leaving his face free. The bull watched him work now, able to really see everything. He had to admit, he liked what he saw.

The stallion had big brown eyes. Now that they were no longer sullen, they had a certain openness about them, almost cheerful. His long snout bore a wide white diamond flash and the nose itself was pink. The kid's coat looked otherwise a uniform chestnut, though he had darker feathering peeking out over his hooves and on his forearms. There was a hint of white at his chest too.

Hal felt himself stirring, the familiar pathways energising again in the presence of this stallion. He opened his muzzle a fraction, sniffing the scent of sweating teenage horse. It was pungent, but not unpleasant. It reminded him of things; good things.

He scowled, berating himself for the thoughts he was having. It took him a second to realise the kid was looking at him with a concerned expression.

"Um...sir...have I done something wrong?"

Anger sparked like lightning, and it found a way to the surface and a target of opportunity.

"Wrong? No, nothing wrong, except setting fire to my property and vandalising my garage door. Oh, and being a homophobic little shit. Otherwise, everything is peachy..."

Hal hated himself a little bit. Oh, the kid deserved it, at least a little. But he knew in his heart why he had arced up just then, and it wasn't the kid's fault. Quite the opposite. He watched the expression on the horse dull again, returning to sullen anger, and he cursed himself. Time to try a different tack.

"Son...I shouldn't have gone off at you then, but in fairness, you did do it. You need to take accountability for your actions..."

"You sound just like my dad..."

Hal saw the opening, and dived in before it closed.

"Son...I know about your dad. Is that why you did this...?"

Now there was another expression on the colt, he reflected ruefully. Now he saw fear. He tried to repair the damage.

"'s ok, really..."

"No, it's not fucking ok. Nothing is fucking ok, you cunt..." the scrubbing brush flew hard, straight into the bull's chest where it hit with a sickening splat. Hal let out a grunt, as the colt stormed off towards the street. His adrenaline kicked in, and he put his head down and got his hooves moving. He caught the colt before he reached the end of the drive.

The bull reached out and grabbed, catching the colt on the shoulder. Casey tried to shrug him off, but the bull was too strong. The colt turned, staring wildly, eyes wide with something...something mixed.

He was crying, realised Hal, just as a fist connected with his muzzle.

The bull grunted, once, and staggered a bit, but didn't let go. Once the bells stopped ringing, he took up a fighting stance on instinct, and cocked his other fist. Before he could let rip, he saw the colt.

Casey was still crying, and shaking like a leaf. He also had the look. Hal knew that look; it was the look of someone who knew what a beating felt like, and knew he was due another one. The anger fled as fast as it came, and he dropped his arm, and instead whispered for the colt and only the colt to hear. His mate the cop had been right. He hated it when Ken was right, which was all the time. Ken enjoyed pointing that out.

"Mate...don't ever try that again. If you are going to king hit someone, make sure they stay down."


"Let me guess. When your dad hit you, you always went down with one punch...right?"

His eyes widened, and he swallowed and nodded nervously. The bull gave a small chuckle.

"It isn't always that simple, especially with someone who knows how to take a hit. you think we can have a talk without the fisticuffs kid?"

Casey was too relieved to do anything but nod. He followed the bull back to the garage, wondering for the first time as he watched the back of the heavy bovine. There were layers here...and other things.

The bull led him inside the house, and gestured to the worn sofa. He gratefully dropped into it's shabby but comfortable embrace.

"So, talk."

The teenager sighed. Talking was not his strong point.

"Dad is...well..."

"Your dad is a leading religious wingnut. With a record of spreading hatred of well, everyone it seems. Muslims, gays, women, anyone who thinks differently basically. Quite the piece of work."

"He's got a lot of followers..."

"So did Jim Jones."


The bull rolled his eyes and sighed. The trouble with kids these days; they thought they knew everything and they knew fucking nothing.

"Google it sometime. Jesus really are ignorant..."


"Sorry, couldn't resist. I meant to say, every crazy has followers. It takes an act of decision to follow them though. Why are you following him?"

"I dunno..." the sullen was back, and Casey curled up in a ball, leaning forward over his knees with his hands clasped round his ankles. The bull frowned, watching him move. He knew that move too.

"Why follow him when he beats the shit out of you?"

The colt shook his head. "I'm...full of the devil, he says..."

"You're full of stupid. That's pretty common at your age."

"I disappoint him. I'm always disappointing..."

"And you thought you'd get back in his good graces by vandalising my place in your own little impromptu homophobic break just like good ole daddy?"

"Yes! No...I dunno..."

"Do you really hate me as much as he does?"

The colt looked up. He was crying again.


It was one word, but Hal knew it was sincere. The kid wasn't a chip off the old block...the mystery remained, albeit with only a few remaining possible solutions.

"Well, good. At least I won't have to watch my back with you here."

Casey wasn't sure he could take much more right then, but he didn't have to. For some reason the bull seemed satisfied, grunting as he stood and headed for the kitchen. He returned bearing a small offering for the delinquent; a big golden delicious apple.

"Better feed you if I'm going to get any more work out of you."

He tossed the apple to the grateful colt; more grateful for the end to the questioning than the food, though he did love an apple. Casey munched on the fruit as he headed back to the garage door. It didn't last long, but it did the trick, giving him the energy to finish off the cleaning.


Casey eyed up the back yard with a slightly incredulous eye.

"You want...what?"

The yard may once have been something, but now it was a mess. Ferns competed with potato creeper and weeds for dominance, and at the moment the only sure thing was that the garden wasn't winning. He could just about make out the back fence, or at least patches of it, well and truly lost through the jungle-like growth.

"I want this cleared up and the garden beds covered in mulch." The bull pointed to a large pile of mulch, nicely steaming, festering in a corner. The teenager wrinkled his nose and tried to hide it in his overalls.


"No, it's organic. Perfect for the soil, better than artificial shit."

"Hey! You said shit!"

The bull gave him a gentle backhander, but it didn't stop the equine from grinning.

"Yes I did. You youngsters don't know anything, least of all how to swear. Listen up and you may learn a thing or, the tools are there, I suggest you get to it."

Hal knew he was pushing it. Part of him enjoyed it, and he fully expected the kid to jack up and refuse; this wasn't exactly part of the sentence. He enjoyed toying with him a little, just enough to work out some of his inner anger. He watched the colt keenly, waiting for the first sign of trouble.

The kid just shrugged though, and headed over to the tools. He hefted a nice large set of clippers, and a rake, then seemed to shrug again. He gave the bull a bored glance, then did something Hal wasn't expecting.

Unhooking his shoulder straps, the colt dropped the top part of his overalls and pulled his t-shirt off in one fluid motion. He deposited it casually on a railing by the deck, and returned his shoulder straps to their normal position. Hal had a view now, as the equine sauntered towards the largest fiercest patch of potato creeper; a view of one teenage stallion back, a symphony of chestnut fur and black mane. The rainbow tie Hal had leant him bobbed against his back as the horse trotted steadily towards his garden of doom. Hal watched the tie; he also watched the flow of muscles under fur, the easy grace of the stallion. Nostalgia kicked in again, hard.

Casey turned when he reached the garden, watching the bull with a slight question on his muzzle. The bull seemed unperturbed; merely nodding and he shrugged again and turned to the work. He didn't see the eyes roaming over his chest, exposed now under the overalls, and the glint as Hal caught sight of his patch of thicker white hairs between his pecs. There was work to be done; might as well get to it.

The stallion worked steadily, until his coat shone with sweat and it dripped into his eyes and soaked his overalls. The day had turned warm, and humid, and the jungle seemed to trap both and radiate them back until he was panting with exertion. The greenery yielded to his attack though, and he carefully laid the casualties on the spot Hal had specified. The bull disappeared into the house, reappearing occasionally to check on progress, and as the sun rose higher, he returned with food and drink; water and sandwiches only, but for the thirsty and starving equine, they were the best thing he had ever had.

As he wiped the crumbs from his muzzle, Casey turned to look at the bull again. The old bovine's eyes were misty, and he appeared to be watching the teen but with a faraway look in his eyes. Casey felt a heat run through him, one that went to his tail and made it swish. He found himself a little embarrassed, but also intrigued. He hung his head, trying to retreat, but then returned his gaze to the bull and stared back frankly.

"What you looking at mate?"

The bull seemed to come out of his trance. He gave a slight start, and his eyes went wide before closing again. The shutters were back.

"None of your business kid. Good job equines are pretty well suited to manual labour."

That drew a rueful grin. "Yeah, my one skill. 'Our labor is not in vain for the of Dad's finest."

"Even labouring for a gay bull?"

The grin reached Casey's eyes. "The Lord works in mysterious ways."

Hal was about to return to the kitchen when the kid looked like he wanted to ask a question.

"Spit it out kid." Casey seemed to reach some sort of internal decision.

"How long...have you known?"

"That I was gay?" the kid nodded.

"Pretty much since puberty, though I didn't really know what it was that I was. Then came Jimmy Duncan."

"Who was Jimmy Duncan?"

"My mate on the footy team. I realised I liked watching him on the field, in the showers, anywhere. He looked...magic. We had open showers in the changerooms in our day, probably different now." The colt nodded. Very different. The bull sighed for lost delights.

"I would watch the water flowing over his naked body and wonder what it would feel like to touch. When he soaped up his sheath, I almost came on the spot. I still get hard thinking about it."

"Did you two...?"

The bull gave him an indulgent smile. "No. He was straight as a die, and dating a panther by year ten. I remained a confirmed bachelor...until later..."

The equine looked like he wanted to say more, but he frowned instead, turning back to the weeds. The bull left him to it, too lost in his memories to notice. The work was getting done in any case, with any luck the kid might just get it done before the day was out. This had proved to be an unexpected blessing, if attended by more than a little grief. He would have to remember to thank the wolf, at an appropriate time.

Before he reached the kitchen though, the kid did find his voice.

"I didn't really choose here for any reason much. I just...I went past on my bike on the way to school, and I saw the flag. That's all."

Hal stopped in the doorway, seeing the earnest look on the kid's face. He spoke before he could stop, but he realised he meant it.

"I forgive you. Just...keep up the good work. You're doing good."

The beaming smile almost melted him, and he realised the kid was whistling some godawful hip hop as he smashed his way through potato creeper. The bull gave a grunt and headed in; he must be getting soft in his old age.


Hal was in the garage when the kid came to find him. The teenager had a look of barely contained pride on his face, and the bull found himself grinning in spite of himself. He wrinkled his nose too though, as the pungent scent of horse sweat assailed his nostrils.

"Jesus fuck kid...don't you believe in deodorant?"

The triumph turned to anger, and a little embarrassment.

"Hey, I used a whole can of Stallion. Extra strong!"

Hal shook his head. 'Well, not enough that's for sure."

Casey gave him a hurt look, but returned to his triumphant best soon enough. He couldn't wait to see what the bull thought.

"Come look..."

The bull followed him out and stopped amazed at the transformation. The weeds and creeper had been tamed, and an even coat of mulch covered the garden beds. He could even see the climbing roses which he hadn't spied in a long time. They didn't even seem dead.

He tried to keep it low key, nodding as if unimpressed.

"That'll do horse...that'll do."


He gave a double take. "Surely you know where that is from..." nope, the look of bewilderment was total.

"Jesus fuck. Don't know your history, don't know your movies...what do you lot of wastrels know?"

The colt cocked an eye. "Porn?"

That drew an ass slap that made him cry out in surprise. "Hey! That hurt!"

"So it should. You lot don't even know good porn. Besides, how does that go down with the good reverend?"

"Hey what daddy doesn't know won't hurt him..."

"Hmm...I'd be careful if I were you."

"Oh I, what do you think?"

The bull had to admit it was impressive. He broke into a wide grin, and clapped the teen on the shoulder. "Not bad. Better than not bad. Think you might have earned yourself a thanks there kid, in spite of the circumstances."

Casey looked around the garage, taking it in for the first time. The bull had an old Toyota pickup, sitting there with a few boxes loaded, and more boxes piled in the garage. The place was cluttered, in a state of flux. He saw the notations on the boxes; kitchen, living room, bedroom...

"You moving?"

"Yeah kid. I'm selling up and getting out. Heading for something smaller."

Casey wandered to a pile of boxes near the bench. The top one was open, and he looked inside. There were pictures, piled up in frames, loose, old photo albums. He frowned, wondering how people even existed before iPads and iPhones. This was so easy to lose...the photos were even yellowed.

He pulled out one, showing a young equine, a paint stallion on the beach wearing a huge grin and a pair of skimpy speedos. The equine was smiling into the camera, obviously happy.

"Who's this?"

Hal had been rummaging in one of his boxes and didn't notice the kid exploring. When he saw the photo he pulled it from the colt's grip before he could react.

"Leave that! Don't you ask or anything?"

He could see the hurt. The kid recoiled as if hit, and he saw him put his hands up as if preparing to ward off a blow. The colt's ears were flat, and his tail flat against the back of his legs. Hal sighed, regaining his control. He would have to watch that.

"I'm sorry son..."

"NO...its sorry...please..."

"Kid, I'm not going to hurt you..."

The youngster stilled, but his eyes were wide, and his nose twitched.

Hal looked over the picture. That had been a good holiday; one of the best. Cam had been in such a good mood; they both had. They even made love on the beach...furtive, terrified that someone might find them and call the cops, but liberating. A celebration of life in all it's majesty. And a damn hot fuck.


"Cameron. My partner."

"A horse?"

"Yeah. A horse. Just like you...well, not just like you, you know what I mean. We were together for twenty-five years."

Hal saw the kid doing mental arithmetic and shook his head. "We met at university. We were both grad students, him in engineering, me in science. We were twenty two and very much in love."

" least? Damn...I didn't think you looked a day over forty."

The bull had to laugh at that. "If you are trying to flatter are doing a damn good job kid."

Casey seemed embarrassed by that, and Hal didn't press him. He knew the signs now; the kid tried to hide behind his forelock, then realised it wasn't there and instead dropped his eyes to his hooves. He headed for the small beer fridge, realising he needed this bad. It was beer o'clock anyway; the sun was now low on the horizon.

"How old are you kid?"


The bull threw him a Coke. Casey managed to look disappointed, as the bull pulled out a six-pack of beer and cracked the first can.


"Seventeen. No beer."

"But I can fuck legally, almost drive a car, surely..."

"No. Bad horsey."

The colt managed a matching grin as he gulped down the Coke. He pleaded with his eyes, and the bull relented, pointing at the fridge. Hal took up a seat on his favourite work armchair, and the kid hitched his ass up on the tray of Hal's pickup as he inhaled his second can of Coke. The bull felt the beer doing good things for him; cleansing all the bad thoughts, for now at least.

"So...what happened with Cameron?"

Hal scowled. That moment of calm had lasted all of five seconds. "You really are a pushy one kid."

The colt made a deprecatory gesture, but Hal could tell he was fundamentally unrepentant. "Teenagers are supposed to be nosey. It's how we learn oh ancient one."

"Sass now. Geeze...I will have to tell Ken to put you in the joint after all..."

"Cmon...most people like my sass..."

"And you ass I bet..." the bull suddenly blushed, realising what he had said. The kid noticed too; and fell about on the tray of the pickup, laughing his head off.

"Laugh it up do have a pretty magnificent ass though..."

"Thanks. I think. So are you going to answer my question?"

Hal gave a sigh from deep in his belly. He decided the kid deserved an answer. And maybe, just maybe, it might make him think.

"He died. A few months ago."

"Oh Shit..." now the kid was embarrassed again, and this time he hid his face behind his hand. Hal took pity on him.

"It's ok kid. You didn't know."

"What happened?"

"A drunk driver. He was just crossing the road heading out for some milk for fuck sake. Right through him. He lasted a few weeks in hospital, but in the end..."

"Fuck I'm sorry."

"Don't be kid. It's not your fault."

"Yeah, but then I went and..."

"You weren't to know. You didn't choose me deliberately you said...just the flag..."

"Yeah but you didn't need..." Hal held up his hand to still the torrent of words. The first beer went down in a gulp, and he cracked the second. The warm glow was back. He even managed a lopsided grin.

"You know...I kinda hated that flag."

"No shit?"

"It was Cameron's idea. He was always more political about it that me. I just wanted to get along, but he had a bee in his bonnet about things. 'Agitate...always agitate the motherfuckers' he used to say. He did it too...I think he even picketed your dad's church a couple of times."

The colt was laughing again, and raised his coke in salute. "Well, here's to Cameron then. I wish I had met him."

"Nah...bastard would probably have tried to seduce you." Casey shot coke out his nose at that, coughing and spluttering while the bull watched with a deadpan face. The colt decided not to pursue the line, for which Hal was kind of grateful. He had meant it when he said it though; and the colt knew he did too. Their relationship had been rocky for the most part; and that was only one of the reasons.

Instead, Casey reached into the box to pull out the next picture; a young bull in footy gear.

"Whos this?"


"No shit?"

"No shittings."

"I thought when you talked...well, I thought you only played in school or something..."

"No, uni too. Amateurs; I was good. Damn, I was way more than good. Probably should have tried to play for the VFL..."

"So why didn't you?"

"I was out. From the time I went to uni...and out guys don't play footy."

The colt returned the picture to the box and took a long swig on his coke.

"Ever regret it?"

"Only every second weekend."

"So are you moving because of Cameron?"

"Yes. I can't really afford this big place on my own, and I don't need it anyway. Your little vandalism spree made it a bit harder, but what you did for the back yard more than makes up for it. I can put it on the market now, start getting people through. Time to move on. When a place has so many memories, a lot of them mixed, sometimes you need to go to be free."

The colt nodded. "I know the feeling..."

"We all have our demons kid. Even your dad, I'll wager. He probably has a whole battalion of them."

The colt didn't answer, lost in his own thoughts. The moment was interrupted by the phone ringing from inside the house. Hal apologised and headed in.

It took him half an hour to get his mother off the phone. That cow could talk for her country, to an Olympic standard he thought in wonder. He was about to step through the doorway into the garage finally when he stopped and looked.

The colt had not been idle, it seemed. He had helped himself to the beer fridge, and he clasped one can of VB in his hand, while his muzzle and the tuft of fur at his chin bore evidence of his clandestine activity; a liberal coating of beer froth. Hal was about to give him a talking to when he saw what the kid was holding.

The box under the photos had been opened. It bore the cryptic annotation 'amusements'. Hal liked the term. It did in fact contain his stash of vintage gay porn, some of his favourite jack off material of all time. The kid had found it, and had one of his favourite mags in his hand. He was staring wide eyed and grinning at the pictures. He also had a distinct bulge in his midriff, tenting out the fabric of his overalls.

The bull shut the door with a thud, startling the colt who turned, caught in the bull's gaze like a satyr in the headlights. perfect triptych.

"Mind explaining..."


Hal walked casually over to the colt and relieved him of the beer. It didn't matter much; the can was already empty. Then he plucked the porn mag from a pair of numb equine hands.

"This is one of my favourites. The guy on page twenty-seven...I jacked it to him so many times..."


"Casey. Are you gay?"


The colt was terrified and yet felt a massive sense of relief. Someone knew...someone who wouldn't mind.

"Casey...if there is anyone on this planet you can tell safely, its probably me."

The colt reached the same conclusion and fell back to sit on the truck tray. Hal went to the fridge and pulled out more beer, throwing one to the colt. He figured the kid could probably use one this time.

Casey threw down half the beer in a gulp. More froth decorated his muzzle, and he wiped it off with the back of his hand. Then he let out a huge burp and blushed crimson.


"Kids these, out with it."

The colt screwed up his eyes and nodded.


"How long have you known?"

"Sort of like you. I had...feelings, early on, but I didn't want to know what they were. Then there was Mike..."

"Who's Mike?"

"He's my best mate. We play footy together, share everything really. I realised I felt...different, around him. Not just horny, though he made me bone up something wicked. I felt butterflies in my stomach...and I felt like good when I was around him, and bad when I wasn't. When he said my name, it was like the sun came out just for me. I hated it, but it got stronger."

"Sounds like it kid. You got it bad."

"Then...well, a couple weeks ago, things went to shit."

"What happened?"

"I was at a party, and this girl who fancies me made a pass. We ended up in a bedroom and she stripped and suddenly we were kissing and it was all happening. And I wasn' know..."


"I couldn't get it up. Not even a little. She was so angry, and called me a faggot and all sorts of things. I thought she would spread it all round, and my dad would find out and..."

"So you decided on a bit of pre-emptive fag baiting just in case to throw them off the scent."

The miserable colt nodded, and drained the remains of the beer. He wasn't so miserable that he couldn't manage another colossal burp though, and the bull frowned and took the empty can off him and crushed it before tossing it in the recycling.

"No more beer for you. Until you learn not to belch. So what now?"

"I don't know. I don't think Mike know, no matter what I feel about him."

"Like my mate Jimmy. Don't go there kid, that way lies only pain. Plus your dad may find out."

"I know. There is nobody at school I trust, and who I want. I want it so bad though, you know? I want to do things, feel the touch of another guy, know what it's all like. I've been going on chat sites and stuff, and there are guys who want to..."

"Fucking hell kid, that's a bad idea. Surely you aren't that horny?"

"Only all the fucking time. I want it so bad. I can't concentrate, in school I'm boned all the time and thinking about bending the maths teacher over the desk and fucking him."

That got a laugh from Hal. "Seriously? Got a thing for older guys?"

"Yeah...always had a bit of a daddy thing."

"Well...with your daddy...."

"All got our demons, right?"

"Amen to that."

The bull took a second to realise. His nose began to twitch, and then his ears, and finally his tail tuft gave that tingle he knew well. The one that said someone was looking, and in that way. He almost choked on his beer when it registered, and he looked at the colt to see Casey eying him in an almost predatory way.

"The fuck..."

"You're pretty hot you know. Not as lean as you were playing footy, but I like the padding. Makes you manlier..."

"No fucking way..."

"It's either you or some stranger on Grind'r and I trust you Hal. You're a sweet bull...gentle, but strong. I can tell..."

"Go take a shower, a cold one. You stink kid...rank..."


"Fucking go!" He threw his empty beer can at the kid for emphasis. The colt dodged easily though, and poked his tongue out instead.

"Where's the shower?"

"Through there" and the bull jerked his thumb at the second doorway. They had a little shower added off the garage for washing up after working on stuff so they didn't trample the mess over their carpet. It wasn't used much now, but it still worked. Casey gave a wink, then decided to give his captor a show.

Casually, he hooked a thumb under the shoulder strap. First one, then the other, and the top part of his overalls slid down to his waist. With exaggerated slowness, and a few unnecessary hip wiggles, he pulled them over his hips and let them fall, until they crumpled at his hooves. He stepped out of them, one leg getting caught and he had to perform an ungainly dance flicking his hoof until they came free. He stood in his boxers, normally grey but now darker with sweat, a pronounced bulge at the front hinting at the treasures below.

Then he gave a cheeky smile and turned, showing off his ass. The bull had noticed...time to give him the full picture. Casey poked his ass out, taunting the bull with his taut buns against the fabric, before gripping the waistband and slowly, very slowly, lowering them to his knees.

The bull watched awestruck as more teenage equine was displayed. The sight of the kid in his boxers made his heart almost stop; the bull liked a guy in briefs or boxers almost more than naked, he could imagine but not quite see the rest, and the imagining proved even hotter, as well as the slight sense of denial. He could see the obvious line of an equine flare against the fabric, and gulped imagining what the boxers hid, a long sensual horsecock thick and pulsing with life and erotic possibilities.

Then the ass view...he was definitely an ass man, and the colt had one to die for. Two scoops of muscle, with a long soft tail like a cascade of silk in front. As the boxers slowly dropped, he saw the perfect mounds revealed, glistening with sweat, the coat perfect dark chestnut, and a darker crevice between them hinting at all sorts of possibilities.

The evil teen stood naked for a while, spreading his legs just enough to let Hal see a pair of heavy equine testicles between his thighs and a hint of tailhole when he raised his tail. He couldn't help it; he let out a long moo and his cock threatened to break through his shorts.

"Like it?"

He took another gulp of beer. " Mister Horse...are you trying to seduce me?"

"Yeah, how am I going?"

The colt stared openly at the bull's now distended crotch, and gave a triumphant grin.

"Not well enough to know the reference it seems. Get clean! Now stinky horse!"

The colt trotted over the concrete and disappeared into the shower. Hal tried to find some sort of calm, but it wouldn't come.

This was very wrong. And yet...there were so many attractions too. The thought of a young virile stud; the thought of another equine, one who reminded him of Cam so much but in ways he found to his shock didn't cause him pain. The idea of bedding the Reverend's pride and joy...that had a certain evil relish about it. Still...

"So...clean enough?"

Hal looked up, to be confronted by the sight of a naked young stallion, dripping with water, and smiling sexily. He stood and found a towel, almost on remote control, and his hands took over, calmly drying the teen as if it was the most natural thing in the world.

Until he reached the pendulous scrotum and heavy sheath. The kid had partly retracted in the shower, but now as Hal dried his balls, he dropped to full length letting his cock swing like a pendulum. Then he reached for the bull and gripped his wrist.

"I think I'm dry enough now..."

"Kid...we shouldn't..."

"Call me Casey. And I need this...please..." Hal saw the yearning in those big brown eyes. He remembered eyes like those, on another stallion, many years ago when they first made love in the back of his ancient Holden panel van. The memory stirred things inside him, and he reached for the muzzle before him, tentative but decided.

The towel dropped to the concrete. Hal felt the warm touch of lips, soft and silken, and the slight rasp of the youngster's chin tuft on his own chin. He rubbed against it, loving the roughness, and then gripped Casey by the cheek as he pressed his muzzle against the colt's.

He watched the eyes. They were surprised, even astonished. He realised this truly was a virgin, one who hadn't even kissed before. He hoped one day for forgiveness for what he was about to do, but for now he could only think of the gift he had been given. And he wanted that gift so much.

Casey felt the warmth of a muzzle on his, then the touch of the bull's tongue. Hal licked only, for now, and he got used to the feeling, the slight tingling on his lips and in his chest, and relaxed. The bull felt that relaxation, and suddenly his muzzle filled with tongue, and they were kissing hard, though Casey had no real idea what he was doing. Should I deep tongue, keep it shallow, stick to lips...the queries were drowned out by sensations and he gave himself up to following the bull's lead. That was what it was for, after all, this moment of madness with an experienced guy. The joy of learning.

He was determined to be gentle, was Hal. His determination was sorely tested as he deep kissed the young equine, tasting beer and Coke and a hint of peppermint. He tasted as good as he looked, and their kiss became heated, hungry, and he brought his hands into play, rubbing the stallion's flanks, then his back, then cupping that hard ass and finally clenching his fingers to sample their feel, the feel of young stallion, and press the horse against his body.

He could feel the prod of teenage cock against his belly. The tip throbbed, and he felt liquid heat on his polo top, evidence of a colt on the boil. He knew this probably wouldn't last long.

"Casey...promise will tell me to stop if I do something you aren't ready for ok?"

The colt nodded, biting his lip in almost pathetic determination, like he was facing an exam. He just wanted to be good; and to know what it was like to feel. That was all...and the bull seemed to know what he was doing.

The kiss softened, and Hal explored the muzzle with his tongue. Warm, wet, and with a long sinuous tongue, the colt was a good kisser if a little too enthusiastic. He broke the kiss a couple of times to tell him to ease up, and eventually the colt got the hint and went slow and their bodies writhed against each other in a slow dance to the beat of their hearts and the soft smack of lips.

Then the hand cupping Casey's left butt cheek inched its way round, along the line of a hip, feeling the muscles under fur, across his abdomen, and grasped one hard stallion cock in a gentle but firm grip.

"Oh God..."

"Shhh...let me..."

Casey threw his head back and closed his eyes, his body on fire from the touch. He felt the hand on his cock slide slowly over the flesh, up to rub his flare, then down to his sheath. He was leaking everywhere, way more than normal when he jacked himself, with the slick precum making the passage of Hal's hand easier, and bringing a soft squelching noise to the action. He smiled, listening to the familiar sound. His mother never worked out why they went through so much hand cream.

Then he felt lips travel down his neck, and biting, gentle, playful, hard. Then a muzzle locked on his left nipple and a tongue lapped at his tip, while the bull rubbed just under his flare. He gave a sudden squealing whinny and ejaculated everywhere, too stunned to hold back and too embarrassed to speak.

Hal felt the impending eruption a split second before it happened. He looked down, wanting to see it. It had been a long time since he had enjoyed the exquisite pleasure of watching another guy cum; Cam liked him to swallow his load, or blow in his guts and didn't cum from jacking easily. The colt had no such issues; his tail flagged, his balls jerked, and Hal had barely time to see the flare blossom and the colt's urethra stand out before it erupted with a fountain of thick while horse seed that went everywhere, on Hal's polo, all over Casey's cock and balls, and covered the floor and one of the kid's hooves in a sheen of equine excitement.

Once the flow stopped he held the twitching cock still. It was still hard, still up tight against the colt's abdomen, and showing no signs of flagging. The kid had the most transported look on his face the bull had ever seen, and he had his head thrown back still with a hint of pink tongue poking from the lips. Eventually he opened his eyes and slumped, sitting back on the tailgate of the Toyota with his hooves swinging just over the concrete and a stupid grin on his muzzle.

"Sorry...kind of lost it a bit early there..."

Hal kissed him, just a gentle peck while the colt got his bearings.

"No problem. Figured you might pop off pretty first time with a guy I lost it in my jeans when he kissed me."


"True, but he didn't mind. Just kept right on kissing."

The colt took that to heart, reaching for the bull's muzzle and latching on with his own. They tonguefenced for long time, enjoying this new pleasure for the colt, but the heat built soon enough.

Hal felt a hand on his groin, searching. One dextrous equine hand, and it managed to pull down the zip on the fly of his shorts and reach inside to fondle his package. He hardened, the pink tip of his cock poking above the elastic of his briefs. The colt went diving, reaching inside his underwear, and came up with a prize. One bull cock, hard, and poking from his shorts. He gave a rough stroke, not gentle, not a caress, more a grope really. The bull held on, not wanting to discourage him, and gritted his muzzle as the kid proceeded to pummel his meat with a hand. What was it with guys who seemed to forget how they treated their own cock when they reached for another guy?

The bull decided on another tack, especially as the colt seemed unwilling to do what he really wanted him to. Casey stared, open muzzled, and licked his lips but made no move to take it to the next step. Hal could sense his unease.

"I guess you haven't sucked a guy either..."

The colt shrugged and smiled. He continued to rub, a little faster, and the bull began to leak in spite of the rough treatment. He felt himself hardening, but he knew this would probably go nowhere. Time for a different approach.

"Sit still and don't move..."

The colt obeyed, eyes wide open. He planted his hooves on the ground and lay his hands either side of his body, propped up, sitting on the tailgate and waiting. Hal smiled reassuringly and nudged his knees, and the colt responded, spreading them wide and opening up his groin. The bull found a spare carpet square and laid it between the colt's hooves. No sense in getting sore knees from lack of preparation.

"Now...if you don't like it, tell me..."

He knelt between the legs of the astonished horse, and brought his hands up to cup his scrotum and jack the still hard length of horse cock. The colt let out nickers of pleasure and his tail swished between his legs, flicking Hal's chest. It felt good...


Nothing prepared Casey for the first feel of muzzle on his cock. It was so warm, so hot, so perfect. The bull took his flare and paused, bobbing up and down just below it, on the most sensitive part of the colt's shaft. His hand began to knead the swollen testicles, finding how much they could take, how much they liked, and his other was not idle, jacking the soft velvet sheath and feeling the pulse of life in Casey's length. He could feel it twitch with each new suck, and he went deeper, taking more until he had the colt up to the medial and he could feel the little ring of flesh spread his lips. His tongue lapped at the underside, then up to suckle the wide spread head and taste the taste of precum and spent seed and musk and teenage scent.

He decided to take his time, as much as the kid could. One finger slowly worked its way behind the low hanging sack, teasing its way up a virgin perineum. Higher...higher...


The colt jerked suddenly, trying to sit up and pull out of the engulfing muzzle. Hal sat back on his hooves and stroked Casey's thighs.

" tailhole action?"

"I don't know...I'm not sure..."

"Don't worry. I'll be good."

The bull went back to his task, making love to one perfect horsecock. He began to slide his lips down further, taking it deep in his throat. The kid tensed, and suddenly one hand gripped his left horn. The colt didn't force himself in deeper though, just used the grip to steady himself. The bull was still setting the pace, and he looked up to watch the wide eyed look of astonishment on the colt. He knew he was getting to him, and getting to him well. He reached down to his own neglected cock and began to jack off, slowly, taking his time to savour.

He began to tease the colt's testicles, pulling the bag down until it was almost painful, then stroking the soft skin,then tickling the underside, then squeezing gently, then rough, and back again as he bobbed on the thick meat in his muzzle. He reached nirvana, lips pressed to a set of equine sheathlips, and his tongue slipped out to worm inside and taste teenage musk in all it's glory.

"Oh God...oh god...oh god..."

He saw it all this time, the way the colt's muscles tightened, a ripple of motion down from his chest to his abdomen. The lines of muscle flexed and strained, and he bucked his hips gently, then less gently, trying to breed the muzzle in front of him. Hal felt the flare inside his muzzle spread wider and suddenly he tasted the first jet of cum. He swallowed, greedily, waiting for more.

The testicles in his hand kept contracting and flexing like they wanted to break free. His muzzle filled with cum, more than he could swallow, and some dribbled over his lips to coat the soft dark sheath. It went on and on, accompanied by cries and whinnies that sounded magical, as the colt stood up on his hooves as he tried to plunge deep down the bull's throat. Finally he fell back exhausted, panting in exertion, with sweat glistening on his coat and a sleepy half-lidded look in his eyes.

And they were gold; no longer brown, they glinted with hints of golden colour. The bull was captivated by the sight, and wrapped the colt in his arms and kissed.

"Like that?"


That brought a laugh. "Eloquent even for a teenager."

"That was...yeah, amazing. Do it again!"

"Jeezus kid! Are you oversexed or what?"

"I told you...horny as a two peckered goat."

"Yeah...guess I was too at your age. Let me catch my breath first. Pity you aren't into anal...that limits things a bit..."


Hal waited an eternal heartbeat.

"Do you do like...ass licking and stuff..."


"I've wondered what it would feel like but...well, I trust you. No fingers, please?"

"I promise. Really."

The colt looked a little uncertain, glancing around as wondering what to do.

"Get up on the tray on all fours..."

With a wicked wink, Casey complied, and knelt on the metal tray. It felt a little hard on his knees, but he was too in the zone to worry. The bull stared at the offered ass and almost had a seizure.

The colt had his tail up, and he could see the full length of his crack. As he watched the colt spread his knees a bit further, opening wider and dropping down a touch. He could see everything from the dock, swishing high and proud, down the length of a perfect dark perineum and over one fat equine tailhole, down to a pair of well drained but still needy testicles. To cap it off, the colt's cock hung down, and he traced the line of the urethra from flare to medial and every delicious pink and black mottle. As he watched, it seemed to pulse and flex, and under his stares the colt became more aroused, his cock lifting to slap his belly.

"Oh God..."

" I look ok?"

"Nah...." He relented when the kid looked genuinely hurt. "Only joking. Now, shimmy back."

He gripped Casey at his fetlocks and pulled, sliding the colt backwards until his hooves poked over the end of the tailgate. Then he stepped forward and gripped the tail in mid swish.

"Lift your ass up...higher...higher..."

The colt obeyed as best he could. Hal watched it all, mesmerised, until he bent forward and planted the first kiss on the colt's crevice, just under his dock.

Casey felt the heat of warm breath on his sensitive places. He shivered, trying to stop himself shaking. Then the touch became wet, and he felt a tongue just under his tail. He let out a long nicker then, one that turned into a whinny as tongue and lips found his tailhole. It felt wrong...and right. The tingle spread, and a rough bovine tongue licked in slow circles the full circumference of his hole.

He felt himself pushing back to take more.

"Oh God..."

Now he sounded like the bull.

"Are you okay Casey?"

"Yeah...weird but good...keep going."

The bull gave him a long loving ass eating. First he licked from dock to scrotum, introducing the colt to his perineum. Then he concentrated on the tight pucker, lapping, then using his lips as if eating an icecream. He pressed his tongue experimentally on the ring, finding it begin to yield. There was no backlash, only a gasp of 'yes' and a swish from the tail above his snout. He pressed harder, feeling the ring of muscle begin to part.


He sank his tongue deep, tasting virgin hole for the first time in a long time. It tasted sweet, rich, musky, and he lapped deep inside and forced more tongue into the hot furnace of horse hole he had found. He pressed his lips against the ring and tonguefucked in rapid thrusts, and the colt bucked his hips and rode the invader and pressed his head to the metal and covered it with his arms and let out a long singing sigh.

Hal reached under the colt, feeling for his long horsehood, straining with the sensations, slapping against Casey's belly. He gave it a long stroke, then gripped under the flare and cupped the tip and rubbed his palm in a circle over and over as the colt leaked into his hand and shook.

He felt the orgasm in his tongue. The kid's ass clenched, hard, then again, then again, and he let out a long gasp. Then he felt the tail slap his muzzle. Only then did the stallion cock erupt in his grip, covering his hand and the tray bed in thick jizz as the colt unleashed his third orgasm for the evening. When he stopped spurting, he whimpered, and tried to pull his cock from the questing hand.

"Stop! It's too sensitive now...need a rest..."

"I thought you would never need a rest..."

The bull stood back, watching the show. He was more aroused than ever in his life. He hadn't cum yet, and his bullcock strained for release. He wrapped one hand around it and jacked slowly, willing the end to come. The colt lifted his head and turned to look behind, eyes glinting, and watched the lewd show with his tongue hanging out. Then he locked eyes with the bull and pleaded.

"Hal...please...I want you to be my first."

The bull stopped, shocked.

"No aren't ready..."

"Please.Your felt so good. I'm ready, and I've wanted this for so long. Please, I want it to be you. I trust you...I like you..."

"Casey, what if you regret this..."

The colt was pleading now, desperate, and decided. He knew what he wanted, and when he wanted something, he usually got it.

"After what we have done already, what more difference does it make?"

"A lot of difference, trust me. You don't just fuck someone, especially for your first time, and not get changed by it..."

"Well I'm ready for that change. can you resist this ass?"

The bull let out a strangled gasp as the colt teased him, spreading his legs wide, and spreading his crack with his hands. The tight ring of muscle glistened with saliva, and he could smell the teenage spunk all over the garage. Just as he was wavering, the little pucker winked at him and he mooed in complete arousal.

"Wait there..."

Hal dashed into the bathroom. He scrabbled clumsily in the drawers, searching and not finding. Eventually he remembered, and headed back to the garage for the third box down. He had packed them for eloquent testimony on how much sex he was having lately. In the box he fished out one box of condoms, and a large tube of lube.

"If I ever find you not using these kid...I will spank your ass but good."


The bull unleashed one hard swat, drawing a satisfactory yelp and a loud cracking sound.


He pulled the horse back, until his ass poked over the edge of the tailgate. Then he pushed the colt's knees out, and Casey got the message. He spread wide, lowering his ass, bringing it to the right level for the bull to fill. Then he reached out to prop himself up on the wheel wells and waited for the moment.

"Casey...please tell me if it hurts ok?"


Hal warred inside himself, but the heat and need won. He told himself after it was the beer, or the colt was too sexy. The truth was he needed this more than life, in fact it was life for him. He had been living a part life for so long, parts of him had almost died. Now this blasted colt had found them and woken them up, reminding him of so much. Cameron...and others. He needed too much to stop.

He slid the condom on his aching length, smoothing it down and then upending the tube of lube to add a generous coat of clear fluid. He realised he was still dressed, but it was too late to worry too much. He made do with pulling his polo off so fast it almost tore, and flinging it across the garage. The colt looked back with approval.


"Not much to look at."

"Perfect Hal. Really..."

The bull had put on weight, he knew that, giving a pleasant roundness to his form. Bulky since his teens, he had an extra rounded bulk now, but the colt liked him like that. Like some of the guys he watched on yifftube...when he managed to sneak into his dad's study and get some time on the laptop before sneaking back to his bed to jack off madly.

No need to sneak now. He had a big daddy bull all to himself, ready and hard. The thought made him pause, and the terror came back. Hal saw the uncertainty, and stroked his legs, feeling the feathering at his fetlocks.

"You're terrified aren't you."

"A little. But also excited."

"It's one thing to do a sexy striptease...another to wait for a guy to fill you and take your cherry. Are you sure you are ready?"

"Ready as I'll ever be. Please...I really need this..."

The colt clenched his muzzle and closed his eyes. He knew it would hurt.

Except it didn't, not yet. The bull didn't enter him, instead coating his fingers with lube and stroking the pucker of his anus until the hole winked and he slid one finger inside.

"Ahhh...wait a sec..."

"Too much?"

"No just...getting used to it..."

It felt full, and sort of strange, but he gritted his teeth again and waited. The bull probed deeper, then added a second finger. His cry made Hal stop and wait a bit before continuing. It took long minutes of patient work, but eventually the bull had two fingers deep in the colt's ass, sliding back and forward easily coating him with lube and stretching him in easy stages for the next adventure to come.

Then he found the little prostate and rubbed.


"Like that?"

"Fuck yeah..."

"Are you ready?"

"Is the Pope Catholic?"

Hal tried not to ruminate on the inappropriateness of that simile in the current circumstances, but failed. It didn't deter him from pressing on though, and he spread his hooves a little to lower his stance and line his twitching tip against the now well readied colt anus in front of him.

It took longer than the fingering even. Every time Casey winced, moaned, groaned or breathed hard, he stopped. He was on alert, conscious of how he really shouldn't be doing this, and determined to make it good. That made him hypersensitive, and he stopped frequently, waiting for the colt to adjust, before adding a little more. His long tapered cock slowly disappeared into the nuclear heat of a virgin colt tailhole, and he had to clamp down really hard not to just thrust away like mad it felt so good. He took his time, paying a price for his misdeed in frustration. The edging felt awesome anyway, to a point.

Finally,after many false starts, he felt the kiss of his scrotum against the colt's velvet perineum. He waited, resting, stroking the wide hips and feeling the muscles. His hands slid under, rubbing in small circles with just fingertips on Casey's belly, then up his chest. He leaned over to reach further forward, and found a colt nipple to play with. The grunt of pleasure made him burn with pride, and he rocked his hips to slide just a little out, just a little in.


No answer was needed.

Much to his chagrin, Hal finished before the colt. The tightness, the heat, the excitement was too much. He jabbed wildly in his orgasm, no longer caring to be gentle, as he flooded the condom with cum and mooed loudly enough to shake the windows. Then he collapsed forward and over the youngster and kissed his mane.

"Are you ok Casey?"

"Yeah, awesome, but I'm fucking hard again. Jeeze I need to nut bad after that!"

As he rested he felt the colt's body moving, and heard the slick squelch of self pleasuring. The colt was jacking under him, desperate to get off. He had a better idea. He reached under the colt and gripped his hand tight enough to stop his motions. A frustrated whinny came from one straining colt muzzle.

"Fucking let go! What are you playing at!"

"Stop jacking it and lie down on the tray."

Hal stepped back, pulling from the no longer virgin tailhole. He watched his cock slide out, the lips spread wide still and a little puffy. The colt would be sore in the morning, of that he had no doubt. He smiled a little evilly at the thought. The young bastard probably doesn't know it but he is going to be sore all over. There was a little satisfaction in the thought, a triumph of age and experience over youthful stupidity. In good time.

The colt whimpered a little angrily but obeyed. He lay down, legs over the edge and hooves on the floor, cock lolling against his belly. He propped himself up with his arms, chest upright, nose flared and eyes indignant. Until he saw the bull approach with the condoms and grip his cock.

"Time to learn the rest."

Casey was all patience now. He watched, wide eyed, as the bull rolled the condom on his felt...odd, but not bad. Then the lube, and it felt a little cold, especially when some leaked over the condom and onto his shaft and balls. The bull didn't mind, rubbing the liquid into his scrotum until he felt the building burn in his balls again.

"Now...stay still."

Hal dropped his shorts, then his briefs, naked now and eager. His cock flopped wildly as he stepped up to the truck bed, climbing on the tray and straddling the colt's hips. Casey watched it all, mesmerised, almost dazed. The bullcock swung from side to side like a pendulum, and he followed it with his eyes.

"Don't move...let me set the're a bit big for me to take easy..."

Casey felt a warm burst of pride at that. It gave an extra burst of pleasure to the experience, watching an older bull take him inside and knowing he was big, strong, more than the bull could take easily. He was a stud; it made his cock twitch just thinking it.

Hal gripped the horsecock, hefting it, waiting, then added a second coat of lube. He guided it to his tailhole, grimacing as he thought how long it had been since he had something in there. No sense waiting any longer, he reasoned, and sat down hard on the heaving length of stallion cock.

There was a stifled cry, as Casey felt his cock bend and it felt painful. The bull repositioned and tried again, this time finding the right spot. He grunted, then clenched his muzzle, then his eyes, then forced his hips down harder, and suddenly the thick flare burst past his ring and he sank down onto the shaft while the head gouged deep into his bowels.

He embarrassed himself a little, letting out a cry the kid would have been ashamed of. At least the kid never had to take a cock like his own, he pondered. He waited, adjusting, then began to buck his hips slowly, bobbing on the length inside him and taking it a little deeper each time until he bottomed out with his ass flat against colt hips and his cock still eager and leaking in the condom.

The ride was beautiful, all beautiful. When the pain passed and the pleasure came, he looked down to see the colt looking back at him, eyes full of wonder. He tried not to let him see too much, for Hal knew the awful truth. He was quickly falling for the stupid horse, in spite of everything not least common sense. He hoped the colt would avoid the trap...and dreaded that too.

Instead, he rode that length for all it was worth, giving him a first time to match the taking of his ass cherry, one to remember. The colt didn't seem overawed. He was too busy enjoying, fascinated by everything from the way the bull's horns looked from this angle and the bob of his nosering as he bounced on his cock, to the trickle of sweat down his well rounded belly.

Casey reached out to touch the sweat, taking it onto his fingertips before tasting. Then he reached for the cock before him, stripping it of it's sheath and casting the full condom aside with a splat. He wanted to feel it fully, and he gripped the shaft just under the head and jacked. He was much better now, and the bull mooed out his pleasure.

"You learned."

"I can learn, despite what dad says."

Hal ignored the slight tinge of bitterness and rode on, faster, harder, until he was slapping his ass down on the colt and felt his lover begin to thrust up to meet him. He braced himself on the tray and felt the colt grip his shoulders, using the leverage to ram up harder, faster, fucking him as he fucked himself on the colt's length. Neither could last long at that game, and the bull felt it inside him, the twitch then jerk then throb as Casey ejaculated inside him, the colt's climax written on his face, in his golden eyes, and in the tense flutter of muscles. His jerking became uncoordinated, but it didn't matter, the bull was close to the edge. One last thrust and he fell over, spraying the colt's chest and belly with lines of cum until it subsided to a trickle and they fell together and made do with a long sensual kiss.

And the colt was still hard. He thrust his hips a little playfully, teasing bull anus with his length.

"The fuck...are you ever soft?"

"Only in religion class. And when kissing girls."

"You are going to wear someone out, you know that."

"Heh, I hope he likes a lot of sex. Looooots of sex."

The bull tried to hide his disappointment. He had hoped for the fantasy reply, about how the bull was Casey's type, how he was the one forever. It was clear the colt didn't see it that way; another one of his young mates, in time, would be the lucky recipient of this broken-in stallion. Still...he took some things from the experience.

A few demons exorcised, some put to bed. Cameron could be a memory now, but not the only hot young stallion to haunt his mind at night.

Maybe he wouldn't even haunt at all.

"So...what next oh master? Your pupil is eager for more."

They did it twice more before Casey left for the night. Once when the bull took him to bed and laid him back and entered him missionary, watching his face, taking the memories in to keep for later. He pounded deep, with his hand wrapped around the colt's cock, until he shot off inside just as the equine painted their bodies with his ejaculation.

Then once to last, long and slow. The colt held him after they finished, cuddling, and he felt the miraculous length harden again against his ass. He lifted his top leg and guided the colt in, just enjoying the feel of being fucked and cuddled at the same time. The colt reached around to jack his length. He knew he wouldn't cum again, he had already broken all sorts of records not contemplated since he was twenty, but it didn't matter. The touch was beautiful, as were the sighs and groans and the love bite the colt put on his neck when he finally spent inside him and rolled off finally satisfied.

"You know...I think I prefer that." Said the groggy colt.


"Like fucking...rather than being fucked."

The bull nodded sagely. "Ahh...maybe you are destined to be a top, not a bottom."

"Sounds right."

"Pity...that ass is something else."

"Oh, I'm not saying never, just...not all the time."

"So only a couple times a day."

"Hey, a guy has needs..."

The last bit of erection for the night was the replacement flagpole; Hal had almost forgotten it, but the colt reminded him. They dug out the old one, ignoring the shouts of anger from next door at the noise, and set the new one in concrete. Then they raised a new flag, and the colt saluted jauntily, the gesture a little ruined by the fact that he let out a colossal burp. Hal saw the evidence in his hand; the kid had pilfered another one of his beers. He shook his head.

"That's another thing. No more fucking drinking."

"I'll drink to that. *Buuuuuuuurp*


One month later, Hal was finishing the last packing when he got the call. His muzzle screwed up and he gripped the phone with white knuckles.

"Fucking hell..."

His conversation partner was curt, but definite.

"Right...I'm coming down."

The thumb planted firmly on the end call button neatly squelched the objections he could hear coming down the line.

He fumed the whole way, growling at traffic and even one innocent pedestrian granny lion who merely wanted to get to the library. He wasn't in the mood for calm.

The hospital car park was crowded, and he was forced to park miles away. It was one seething and hot bull that finally found his way to the counter of accident and emergency, and rang the bell.

"I'm looking for Casey Wright. I believe you had him brought in recently?"

"And who are you Sir...?"

The nurse on the desk was polite but firm, and entirely unmovable. Hal felt himself reaching for a towering rage, when a familiar paw gripped his wrist.

"Hal...better not go to war here...they have enough drugs to put you under for a long time and things that can do stuff to your ass even you won't like..."

"Save the humour Ken. What happened?"

The wolf cop led him into A&E and drew him into an unused treatment cubicle.

"His dad, as best we can make out. The horse isn't saying much, and refuses to press charges. The good reverend is in the station but we probably have to let him go. Screaming obscenities about abomination and babbling about just provocation."

"Just fucking provocation? How bad is he?"

"Broken nose, lots of bruising. They want to keep him in overnight, but nothing permanent it seems. The Reverend stopped short of actually trying to kill him; just wanted to hurt I guess. That he seems to have done."

"Let me see him..."

The nurse poked her nose around the curtain and fulminated.

"Family only!"

"Fuck his family. Fuck them all...I want to see him..."

The wolf made a cutting gesture, and the nurse stormed off to see who in the hospital admin she could scream at to make waves. By now Hal didn't care, he just was glad to see the back of her. He focussed on the wolf.

"Take me to him. Now."

Ken had the good sense to nod and lead his bull mate deeper into the maze. Around a couple of corners, past some pensioners on trolleys groaning, there was a treatment cubicle. The colt was alone for now, though he had a drip in and a monitor and plenty of signs from being inside the belly of the medical beast, including the dull look of pain meds in his eyes. He wasn't tripping balls, but he wasn't far off.

"Hal! Big beefy were right. Should have listened to you."

"I'm always right. And you are always wrong; it's natural, given our ages. Now, what the fuck happened?"

The colt looked at the wolf, but one grunt from the bull and he shrugged, though it hurt. He winced and tried to find a more comfortable position. That didn't seem to exist.


"I gathered. More information please."

"I went to a party, my mate Mike hosted an eighteenth for me. Big celebration, all my mates."

"Go on..."

"And I got drunk. And silly."

"I told you, no more beer."

"But it tastes so good! And I thought...what if I tell him? What if he has been feeling the same for me all along, and I never asked?"

The bull gave a groan and let his head fall into his hands. The wolf looked lost.

"Mind translating?"

"Later Ken. Go on..."

"He freaked. Mike. Totally went batshit on me, like wigged out. Stormed off, I couldn't find him. Next thing I find, he had gone to my place and told dad everything. Dad turned up to the party with Mike, and it went to shit."

"Ohhh fuck...did he hit you there?"

"No, he's too smart. He got me home then he unloaded. I tried to fight back; even managed to mess his mane a little."

"Well done, you will be a heavyweight boxer in no time."

"Yeah, call me knuckles. It's all I've got left, all gone to shit, everything."

The colt was floating,and trying not to cry in spite of his attempt at strength. The bull and wolf excused themselves as a nurse came in and fussed over the colt while eyeing them with barely concealed anger. The two friends headed for the waiting area to regroup, and ran into a mare. From her colouring, it appeared she could only be one colt's mother.

Ken took the lead.

"Mrs Wright?"


"I'm Constable Van Egmont and this is my friend Hal Harkness."

"I know were the policeman who arrested my son...and you were the faggot whose house he vandalised?"

Hal ground his teeth hard, and he felt an iron grip in his wrist. He bit down the angry; for now.

"Yes Ma'am. Now, are you aware of the circumstances of tonight's disturbance?"

"Disturbance? If you mean my son being a homosexual, no I do not know the circumstances. Maybe this gentleman can elucidate?"

The bull's anger ratcheted up a notch, and steam began to come from his nose, at least metaphorically. He waited though, hoping against hope that Ken might be able to draw something worthwhile from the harpy.

"No, I wasn't referring to that. I meant the assault."

The mare became flustered then, trying to end the conversation quickly.

"Well, I'm sure nothing was meant. My husband is a passionate man, constable. When the Lord takes him, he goes where it takes him."

"Even into assaulting your own son?"

There was a glint of triumph then, as the mare simpererd.

"Well, he is not our son any more. He is no longer welcome in our there will be no more misunderstandings. If you will excuse me officer..."

The bull had had enough, and he gripped the mare by the wrist. He fought for control, even as the wolf tried to stop him. He found enough control not to slap her, and enough to find some words.

"Let go of me you faggot! "

"Soon enough. Tell me just one thing though; if he's no longer your son, why are you here?"


"I think you don't really believe that shit, you are just going along with it for your husband."

"Let go of me!"

"So why did you come?"

The mare looked stricken then, fighting back tears. "I say goodbye."

The bull shook his head sadly and let go of the mare. She managed one parting shot.

"You are going to Hell, you know."

The bull nodded solemnly. "Oh definitely. And I will be waiting there, for you and your husband. And I will have some words for you then don't worry."

He watched the mare storm off, and turned to the wolf.

"Can they actually do that?"

"Well...he's eighteen, just, but eighteen. Legally..."

"Yeah, I get the picture. Spare me the details. What will happen?"

"Well, they will hold him here overnight at least. If he is good to go, and doesn't want to press charges, that's the end of it for me. We will help find him a shelter, temporary at least, until he finishes school and...

"Not satisfactory is it."

The wolf spread his hands in apology. "Hal...very little of what I see is satisfactory. You know that, better than most, and you only see a fraction..."

"Enough." The bull chewed his lips, ruminating. He needed to ruminate. He needed to ruminate more.

"Screw it."


The bull felt himself suddenly awake. He looked over at the clock; 3:34 a.m. He managed a soft groan, willing himself to sleep, but he knew it was fruitless.

"Hey..."a soft equine voice came from near the door. He knew it.

"Hey...trouble sleeping?"

"Yeah...just bad dreams."

The young stallion had them pretty frequently. He had become used to them, and the interruptions to his sleep that often accompanied them. Sometimes it was the yelling in his sleep that drove the bull to wakefulness and in to find out who was being murdered. Some times it was this...the clop of heavy clumsy hooves across the carpet of his bedroom.

The flat was practical, he told himself. It was practical for one. He hadn't counted on a second tenant. That night though, he realised he had no choice. He was involved, whether he liked it or not. The small study which had been supposed to be his bolthole proved a fairly inadequate bedroom for a growing equine teenager though, and the wall between them was pretty thin.

Hal felt the bed creak, and the familiar presence of the young stallion beside him. Casey slid under the covers gradually, almost trying not to be noticed. The bull had noticed of course, nothing was going to prevent him registering the presence of naked muscular teenage stallion against him in bed. He gritted his muzzle and tried to ignore it.

"Rough night?"

"Yeah...been having a few bad ones of late...demons you know..."

"Well, I told you. We all have our demons Casey. And I agree, they are less of a worry next to someone else."

"Yeah, that's what I thought..." the colt snuggled up close, feeling the warmth of the bull against his coat. It always felt good. With the thought came action...

"Hey! Cut it out!"


How he managed to pout in sound the bull could never tell, but it was there. The awwww had it all. Still, he knew better.

"I said, cut it out."

"But...he feels so good."

The colt had reached round his bed companion and gripped the swelling bull meat in his groin. Hal never could resist becoming hard when the young stallion joined him, his body almost perversely trying to override his brain.

The bull had been clear, when he had agreed to take the colt in. No more sex; he needed to be a guardian, and he couldn't be that if they were fucking. What he didn't say, though it was at least as important, was he knew the kid didn't really love him like that. Liked him, found him hot, but not love. And he didn't want that heartbreak, even if it came with awesome sex.

So he pretended it was about being noble, and regretting their first time, and wanting to be a good bull. At least until Casey finished school...and on that he was final. He tried to ignore the horse's many sexual escapades. Now that he had passed the Rubicon, he was a cocksure horny bastard intent on as many fucks as possible. Always with a condom...the bull was able to put the fear of God in him on that one at least. Hal felt a little twinge of regret, at the beast he had unleashed. He knew it was always there, but he wondered if he had held his nerve that evening, whether Casey would have ended up the same. He would never know of course, but objectively he knew the answer was probably yes. The colt was the way he was, and he liked to push the envelope.

He was pushing the envelope right now. His fingers slid over erect bull flesh, and Hal registered the colt's nakedness about the time he pressed tight against his body and slid his hard dropped stallion cock into the bull's ass cleft. The bastard jacked himself slowly, using the bull's furry ass cleft as a fleshlight, and nibbled Hal's neck erotically. The bull let out an exaggerated groan and cursed the many vicissitudes of life.

"Of all the fucking garage doors in all the world, why did you have to end up vandalising mine?"

He got a kiss on his horns.

"Hey! Casablanca!"

Hal gave a chuckle. "Well...progress. Maybe you aren't a lost cause after all."

"Oh I'm a lost cause you bad daddy bull. Well, if you won't help me out..."

Hal felt the figure beside him roll over, and missed the feel of horsecock against his ass. He was so tempted on nights like tonight...then he heard the sounds, and caught the scent of aroused stallion. The colt was pleasuring himself in the bed right next to him, jacking his length fast. He felt the covers lifted and removed, and looked over to see a sliver of light through the window from the streetlight outside illuminating the colt's groin like the finger of god proclaiming the glory of his creation. And glorious it was; hard, pulsing, thick, immense, leaking....


"Shhh daddy bull...go back to sleep."

Demons my ass, thought Hal. The only demon here is one demon horse beside me. Still, he ruminated, if this is my demon, there are worse ones. We all have our demons; not all of them are funny,cheeky, unrepentant sex crazed young stallions.

"More's the pity..." he mumbled, as he fell back to fitful sleep.

Food Porn

The young bull sat uncertainly on the chair. A wildebeest, with long shaggy mane and wide spaced curving horns, he made for a suitably exotic sight. He was sweating, profusely, but that was not unusual. Not when a lioness was stalking him. The lioness...

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Man to Man Talk.

I love this view. A young stallion, bent over the workbench in my garage, with his head on one side looking back at me with his pink tongue lolling out of that very kissable muzzle while his fingerhooves curl round the far end of the bench holding on...

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The main gate looked just as I remembered it, though the ivy had grown that extra bit. They had trimmed it back, enough so you could see the discrete bronze plaque beside the gate. _The Roecastle College._ Not Roecastle College, mind. _The_ Roecastle...

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