Man to Man Talk.

Story by GabrielClyde on SoFurry

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Gratuitous porn.

One young stallion needs to learn respect. One gruff old bear is more than willing to teach him. His own way.

I love this view. A young stallion, bent over the workbench in my garage, with his head on one side looking back at me with his pink tongue lolling out of that very kissable muzzle while his fingerhooves curl round the far end of the bench holding on for dear life.

He doesn't say anything though. They are even sexier when they don't speak, young guys I mean. Just moans, cries, whimpers...words spoil it. This one has it right; his nostrils are flared and he's breathing hard but he has the sense to keep his words to himself. Common sense is an uncommon virtue for eighteen year old stallions, especially when they have monumentally fucked up.

That ass though; words would never do justice to that ass. It's hidden right now, but not for long. I can make out those two perfect mounds under the taut fabric of his footy shorts, and the outline of a jock beneath, the elastic ruining the perfect lines of that ass. I know what will make the view better...

"Ahhhhhh..." fuck his sigh is hot. I hook my fingers under the elastic of his shorts and slowly pull them down over his ass. I love the way his little tail gets caught and I have to free it from the special hole in his shorts just under the elastic. It flicks up the moment it's free, slapping me in the snout. I give him a growl of anger and he just grins cheekily back at me and swishes the cute as fuck tail against my snout again. Then I bare my teeth and give him a real sight of an angry bear. Fucking horse, too cocky by half. Always has been.

The first time, ohh must be a few months now. Breaking curfew, by hours. I told the cocky bastard, in no uncertain times, that I was making him responsible for the two of them. They weren't even close; 3 a.m. And he had the stupidity to just babble on about losing track of time.

I told him if he wanted to come back, ever, he had to take the punishment I gave him. I expected him to bolt and never return, but this one was made of sterner stuff. Bent over the back of the sofa, ready for a spanking, he even gave me a cocky grin.

The grin didn't last past the first spank, but something else happened instead. He dropped, swinging his dick like a good stallion, proud and virile. Afterwards, I couldn't resist, I gripped that proud piece of stallion flesh in my paw and jacked. He didn't pull away. He just sighed....


That was how it started; our little understanding.

I pull back my right paw now, cocked, and bring it through in a perfectly timed skelping spank against his right butt cheek. The loud crack of impact is like a pistol shot, and his butt sort of wobbles and compresses under the weight of the blow, and I hear him gasp and he bites that little pink tongue to stop himself crying out and he scrunches up his eyes so cute. I rest my paw against the sore ass cheek and feel the heat, and let him feel my claws on his coat.

"Can that shit Patrick. You are in enough trouble as it is..."

He opens his eyes again, wide and staring. Than he gulps, a bit nervous, and gives a little fast nod of his long graceful equine head. I watch his throat bob as he gulps and anticipate the taste of that neck on my tongue. He is tasty all over. He seems to be relaxing, hunkering down over the bench, shoulders pressed to the timber, chest rising and falling as he fights for calm, tail high but now still.

I reach down, aiding his shorts in their final journey down his thighs and over his calves and feathered fetlocks until they crumple on the concrete between his hooves. His ass is magnificent, there is no other word for it, and framed by the elastic of his jock it looks like an artwork fit for a gallery. He flexes, probably from nerves; the cute little horse is always a little nervous just before. He relaxes soon enough though. For now though, his butt cheeks dance the polka, flex, rise, relax, drop, and each time he flexes I get a truly incredible view, the sight of cute ass dimple on the side of his cheeks, and the wide open view of his crevice with a tight little equine tailhole and a long black velvet soft taint and pair of heavy testicles for the moment concealed in the pouch of his jockstrap. They dance too, under the cotton, the heavy moving bulges even more enticing than those muscled cheeks.

I pull back my paw and wait, grinning, while he gulps and closes his eyes in anticipation. One more skelping spank, harder this time, and he cries out but calms himself again. His cheek is twitching now, and his tail tip shakes like a leaf.

"We need to have another chat about respect, don't we young horse. And proper behaviour..."

He gulps again. I can see a slight sheen of sweat on his back now, where his football shirt has ridden up and exposed the perfect V of his lower back. His spine is like a deep trench flanked by muscle, a wonderful line that continues it's course in the deeper even more delicious trench of his ass crack, interrupted only by the squat mass of his dock with the wispy soft strands of tail above.

It's pretty fine in itself though, that long spine, the shining chestnut of his coat glistening with sweat. I watch one bead lowly trickle down his spine, rolling across the silken fur, and I just stare half mesmerised and wait for it to stop. It keeps going, rolling past his dock, then delving between his cheeks and I lose sight of it somewhere just above his tailhole.

I give a soft, slightly disappointed sigh. Lucky droplet...

"I do recall our last little conversation about respect..."

Yeah, that was a good one. One paw over his muzzle to muffle his moans and cries, my cock buried to the hilt in that warm tight deep hole. That time I had him over the hood of his car. Fucker lost his license for speeding, and I was the last to know as always. I was repairing the fucking transmission for the stupid horse as a favour, and told him to take it for a test drive afterwards. He wouldn't meet my eyes and tried to hide behind his forelock and ummed and ahhed until I got the truth out of him. It would have been bad enough if he was on his own when the cops got him but instead...well, stupid colt; but he learned. And promised to tell me first in future. Like I believed that would happen. I was right of course.

I think that was our fourth time. Or maybe our fifth...young stud does like fucking up. I wonder some times if he does it deliberately...though I know he has help in getting into these scrapes.

"Now...are you going to promise to be a good boy in future?"

The cocky shit gives me that grin then. I know that grin, I used to give it to my dad when I was a cub. The one that says, yeah, I'll be good...until the next time you catch me.


I use my paw the way nature intended, slapping the rump of a cocky young stallion so hard it brings tears to his eyes. My paw stings, and I shake it to clear the pain. Fucking young stud learned his lesson though, no more cocky shiteating grin. I give him a grunt of approval and reach out with my other paw. He sees the motion, and his eyes go wide again and he huffs little nervous breaths from those soft little nostrils.

The grease makes an obscene squelching noise as I shove a couple of fingers deep in the convenient tub of thick slimy goo. I always keep a nice big tub for working on an engine...or a tight stud hole. Both need plenty so you can treat them rough as they were meant to be. And I know Patrick needs it rough by now. I went a little easy the first time; less so the second; not at all the third. By now, I know how to treat this cocky stud. No mercy.

That doesn't mean I want him broken. Just...respectful.


Two thick fingers, right up his tailhole, no preliminary, no teasing, just rough and hard and deep. He lets out the sweetest sighing sound, surprise and pain and pleasure and everything in one sound that makes my cock twitch under my overalls. I can feel the slide of my cock head against cotton, the special feeling that comes from leaking so much my head just glides over the fabric instead of rasping. I don't need any more preliminary, so I'll be damned if the cocky little bastard gets any.

He's tight. So incredibly tight. The first time I had him, I thought his ass would cut my cock off it was so tight, and getting into him took an age.

Now I know how to get him ready; and I saw my fingers in and out, spreading them wide to stretch his poor little hole wider still and coating his shuddering tunnel with enough lube to keep a marine diesel going. He nickers, and grunts, and shakes, and his little pink tongue extends further and his eyes scrunch sweetly and he grips the far side of the bench tighter and his knuckles go white. But he doesn't try to run; instead he pushes his ass back harder, daring me, taunting me. And then his muzzle breaks into a smile when I touch his nut and he lets out a whinny.

"Yeah, time to learn that lesson colt."

I pull my paw from his ass with a slow squelching noise and watch it wink at me, inviting. My claws slide down his taint, and I feel the sift skin bunch and tense as I rasp my way down to his balls. I cup the pouch of his jock, squeezing gently, then rough, then hard and get another whinny, this one pained, and his tail shakes and he almost not quite begs before he bites his tongue.

"Such a set of bollocks there colt. Probably why you are such a fucking fool..."

It's true. I remember when I was that age, though it was a while, and how my balls ruled all. Still do, but I guess I'm just better at getting away with it. He will learn too. Maybe.

My paw slides under further and I let my claws trace the line of his urethra. The horny stud dropped, probably when I pierced his anus and his stallionhood is straining to escape the confines of his jock. I can feel it, my claws slide up the underside, still encased in fabric. Then I reach elastic, just after the mound of his medial, and my claws find naked flesh. That feels better...the heat and hardness of an erect stallion cock.

He is hard, but also surprisingly soft, the flesh spongy and yielding when I rake it with my claws. That always gets a good reaction, and I tease him all the way to his thick well spread flare and the tip already slick with pre. One clawtip finds his urethra, wet, wide open, and I press and feel his cock try to jerk free but fail and my claw sinks into his cum tube and I sound him without mercy while he shakes against the bench.

"So, do you think you will learn this time colt?"


"You had better, if you want to keep sticking this horse meat where you want it to go. And you do want to...don't you colt?"




Hmmm, maybe he can learn respect. Dumb horse though...very dumb.

I hold the head of his cock in my left paw, reaching round his hips and under the bench, jacking slowly. His flare opens wide, spread, pulsing with life, with heat, with teenage hormones and horniness and seed and testosterone. While I tease the stud, my other paw goes to work, unhitching my overalls until they drop to my knees. My grey boxers are almost black they are so wet, with my cock straining against the fly. I pop the buttons and release it.

Not as long as his, but well thick enough to make a point, and the bulging head always makes him groan just so sexily when I spread his pucker.

"Good colt. It would be a shame to have to tell you to stay away..."

I press the flat head against his hole and just bathe in his heat for a long moment. His tail swishes daintily against my chest, flicking my nipples and I bend my muzzle to take the tip in and nibble on his hairs. There is something about a stallion's tail...coarse and soft, harsh and gentle. And it tastes of stallion tailhole, and that is the best taste there is.


One thrust, to the hilt. His hole resists for a split second, then the entire fat head pops inside spreading his pucker wide and I feel him clench with the sudden pain of entry and then the shaft follows, burying the head deep in his ass. I bend over his prone form, my chest against that back, now drenched in sweat, and I pull his footy shirt up to his shoulders and then higher, while he lifts his arms high to help me pull it off and throw it over the hood of his car. I promised to keep it safe here till he gets his license back; and to fuck him again, over the hood, when the time comes, to remind him not to do it again.

Now naked, I wait for a while, buried in his quivering tunnel, waiting for it to still, my balls mashed against his velvet taint. I make use of the time, licking hungrily. Stallion sweat, rich with musk. His neck, the back of his long graceful head, his mane, his shoulders. Finally I pull his muzzle round and kiss tasting the sweet taste of his muzzle and the awkward tastes of pot. So he had been smoking it; I wondered when the cops brought them home if he had been covering when he took all the blame, but from the taste, he was guilty.

I stare into his eyes, wide, blue, glinting.

"Never again stud...understand?"

He doesn't have time to respond. I pull my hips back and thrust, wild, hard, merciless. His muzzle goes wide and I cover the yell with my own and bury my tongue as deep in his muzzle as my cock is plundering his ass. And again. And again.

His ears flatten in submission, and he closes his eyes and lets out soft little grunts on each thrust. I can feel his cock begin to swell even harder, the drip drip drip of precum from his wide open slit speeding up with each new pounding fuck. So incredibly tight still. I would have to resist the temptation to use him too much, just to keep this incredible cock gripping tightness all to myself.

"Have you learned your lesson?"

"Oh God...yes Sir...ahhhhh"

"Have you?"


"Are you sure?"

"Oh fuck...please..."

"Then let it out colt..."

His ass feels tense against my hips. I can feel his cock, twitching, close. I rub just under the flare, using my paw pads. Soft, gentle, alternating with the harsh rasp of claws on his flare. He shoots a long string of pre, and I feel his tail lift off my chest, and the beginnings of an eruption in his ass.

I kiss him just in time, just as his full throated whinny is about to break and echo off the concrete. Instead it echoes in my muzzle as his cock jerks, hard, and the end blossoms and I feel the sticky gush of stallion cum and his ass clenches hard gripping my cock like a vise.

My deep bear growl is also lost in the kiss, and my ejaculation lost in the depths of his guts; hot, tight guts. I feel wave after wave of bliss, climax filling my body and spilling out into his tailhole. I don't want it to end, pounding on and on until my cock hurts and the thick seed begins to drip from his red raw pucker and coat his taint and the sweat and musk drenched pouch of his jockstrap.

He collapses on the bench, and I collapse on him, sweat lubricating our fur so my chest slides easily over his back. I bring one paw, dripping in his copious thick seed, and press it against his muzzle.


That pink tongue looks so cute lapping the poor stud's own cum from my paw. He licks me clean, every last drop.

"Daddy! Dad! Please...can I come in?"

The stallion's eyes go wide, blue sapphires of alarm. I just give him a reassuring smile and point my muzzle at the garage door.

"Sally-Ann...I told you to wait. Your boyfriend and I needed a serious man-to-man talk. He needs to explain how you two got busted smoking pot, and prove to me that he isn't a danger to my only daughter. Again...he doesnt exactly have a great record with you, does he? Now get...if you want me to let you two stay together that is, in spite of my better judgement..."

"But Dad...please, don't be too hard on always are harder on him than any of my old boyfriends...

Well..none of your old boyfriends were as hot wrapped round my cock...and none of them put up with you for long either...

"I'll be as hard on him as I damn well need! Now go!"

The sound of pouting comes from the other side of the door, but the pawsteps move away. The stallion relaxes.

"Are you really sure she's worth it Patrick? She is too like her mother in some ways..."

"Yes Sir. I mean...she is a pain in the ass a times, but I really do like her."

I pull out of his well fucked hole, watching the trickle of bear cum down his taint. His pucker winks, wide open and staring.

"Well...I'll have to bow to your superior knowledge of painful asses git...until the next time you fuck up..."

His smile is cheeky, even as he collects his clothes and tests his sore tailhole with one tentative finger. Somehow I think he is doing it deliberately, just a little. But that's ok.

"So I dont suppose you are going to tell me which one of you bought the pot?"

He looks pensive then, and shakes his sweet head in regret. I give a sigh and match his gesture. I think about making him pay for his defiance, but I dont think it's entirely fair. I have a pretty good idea of the answer.

Besides, I don't want him broken. Just...respectful.

Sally-Ann will handle the breaking just fine.


The main gate looked just as I remembered it, though the ivy had grown that extra bit. They had trimmed it back, enough so you could see the discrete bronze plaque beside the gate. _The Roecastle College._ Not Roecastle College, mind. _The_ Roecastle...

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